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Conditions et portées d'une intégrité épistémique et éthique des sciences : Eclairages à partir de la question des poissons génétiquement modifiés / Conditions and scope of an epistemic and ethical integrity of sciences : The case of GM fishCoutellec, Léo 08 December 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse est une contribution pour repenser les rapports entre sciences et éthiques, et avancer vers une démocratie épistémique. Qu'il s'agisse de démontrer l'insoutenabilité d'une science contre l'Homme ou d'identifier les conditions d'une remontée de l'Homme dans les sciences, la visée nous semble la même : il s'agit de réunir-sans-unifier ce qui, dans la science, est de l'ordre de l'épistémique, du technique et de l'éthique. Pour ce faire, il nous faut préalablement travailler en profondeur sur deux espaces - épistémologique et éthique -, et ceci sans d'abord les mélanger ou les recouvrir l'un sur l'autre. Car si les sciences nous sont effectivement données dans leurs mélanges (avec le technique, le politique, l'économique, le social ou le philosophique), rendant à la mode les thèmes de technoscience, de nouveau régime de production des savoirs ou encore de science post-normale, il ne s'agit pas pour nous d'un symptôme de la fin de l'épistémologie mais de la nécessité de son renouvellement. Celui-ci passera, et il s'agit là de notre thèse principale, par de nouveaux rapports avec l'éthique. Nous donnons à cette thèse le nom d'intégrité épistémique et éthique des sciences. Afin de définir les conditions et la portée de celle-ci, nous proposons deux hypothèses, respectivement au sein de l'espace épistémologique et éthique : celle d'un pluralisme épistémique ordonné et celle d'une éthique générique. Nous défendons ces hypothèses à la lumière d'un long travail d'instruction d'un objet des sciences et techniques contemporaines, le poisson génétiquement modifié. In fine, notre travail permet de ré-interroger les postulats classiques de l'évaluation et de proposer de nouvelles pistes de recherches. / The current crisis of the concept of science invites us to renew the links between epistemology and ethics. In this context, we make the assumption of epistemic and ethics integrity of science. To defend this thesis we advance two main assumptions : (i) that of an epistemic pluralism : in this regard, we suggest five hypotheses : pluralism as epistemic posture, pluralism as a non-epistemological description of science, pluralism as a form of common sense, pluralism as a new thought of the uncertainty and pluralism as a indisciplinaire approach. (ii) that of a generic ethics : to do this, we proceed in three levels : in the space of ethics, the mode of action and scope of ethics in science. With the support of this work in the areas epistemologies and ethical, the conditions for epistemic and ethics integrity of science are, in our opinion, the following : a pluralistic attitude, a democracy epistemic and an thinking of integrative objects. We give the characteristics of these conditions, then we put them in perspectives with the specific case of GM fish.
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La fonction de coordination en droit public / The Function of Coordination in Public LawLanceron, Virginie 15 December 2016 (has links)
L'étude vise à dépasser le constat paradoxal d'une notion omniprésente et pourtant inconsistante endroit public. La parcimonie des études consacrées à la coordination tranche avec les nombreuses occurrences du vocable dans les textes juridiques. Comment interpréter une telle circonspection doctrinale ? Une première réponse consiste à estimer que la coordination n'a aucune existence endroit ; une autre posture est de considérer que la coordination n'a aucune pertinence en droit. Le postulat selon lequel ces deux affirmations sont erronées constitue le point de départ d'une recherche qui a permis d'esquisser une définition fonctionnelle de la coordination : il s'agit d'un mode d'ordonnancement flexible de l'organisation, de l'action et du droit de l'Etat, congruent avec le cadre juridique pluriel et complexe actuel qui interroge les procédés classiques verticaux. Trois figures de la coordination en droit public ont été dégagées : une « coordination-integration » qui permet de préserver la cohésion de la structure administrative de l'Etat en dépit d'un phénomène de fragmentation ; une « coordination-articulation » qui recherche la cohérence de centres de décision politique dans un contexte de polycentrisme ; une « coordination-harmonisation » qui tend à la concordance de règles juridiques marquées par le pluralisme. / The study aims to overcome the paradox of an omnipresent, yet inconsistent notion in Public Law.The sparsity of studies on coordination contrasts with the many occurrences of the term in the legalcorpus. How to interpret this doctrinal caution? One answer is to deem that coordination is non existentin Law; another position is to consider that coordination is irrelevant in Law. Theassumption that both statements are wrong is the starting point of this research that had led to a functional definition of coordination seen as a flexible method of ordering the State organization,action and law, congruent with the current plural and complex legal framework that query vertical legal processes. Three figures of coordination in Public Law were identified: a "coordination integration" helping to preserve the cohesion of the administrative structure of the State despite a fragmentation phenomenon; a "coordination-articulation" which seeks consistency in political decision centers in a polycentric context; "coordination-harmonization" which tends to the concordance of legal rules characterized by pluralism.
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Écosystème normatif minier et communautés politiques en Colombie transitionnelleRoy Grégoire, Etienne 12 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l’impact de l’octroi de titres miniers sur les dynamiques politiques ayant cours dans des territoires affectés par le conflit armé colombien. Du point de vue théorique, elle reprend les questions classiques que la philosophie politique formule au sujet du rapport entre normes et communauté politique, c.-à-d., autour du rapport dialectique entre politique et droit. Elle les reformule cependant au regard des transformations induites par la globalisation: la multiplication et la superposition de différents régimes normatifs, qui remettent en cause la cohérence de la sphère normative et, par le fait même, le rapport assumé entre droit, démocratie et souveraineté. M’appuyant sur les réflexions de chercheurs de l’École de Bruxelles de philosophie du droit, je propose le modèle « d’écosystème normatif » pour analyser les rapports qui s'établissent entre des régimes normatifs a priori incommensurables, allant du droit aux stratégies contre-insurrectionnelles, de la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) à la morale; et des relations contractuelles à la violence politique.
Sur la base d’études de cas menées dans deux régions de la province d’Antioquia, cette thèse démontre que l’octroi de titres miniers favorise des configurations particulières de l’écosystème normatif. En d'autres mots, l’octroi de titres miniers induit une certaine stabilisation des relations entre droit public, RSE, contractualité et gouvernementalité, que j'appelle « écosystème normatif minier ». Ma thèse conclut que l’écosystème normatif minier colombien est peu propice à l'articulation de communautés politiques et empêche la conduite délibérée et rationnelle des affaires publiques ainsi que l'organisation démocratique du territoire. L’écosystème normatif minier favorise au contraire des rapports sociaux utilitaires, la corruption, le clientélisme et la violence politique.
Cette recherche démontre en outre que les « solutions » normatives mises de l’avant pour traiter les conflits suscités par l’activité minières remettent parfois en cause certaines catégories fondamentales de la pensée politique et juridique moderne. En Colombie, une politique d’institutionnalisation de la RSE, menée conjointement par l’État et les titulaires miniers, induit ainsi des changements profonds dans les rapports entre communautés, entreprises et gouvernements.
Ma thèse clarifie ainsi certains des défis que la société colombienne doit surmonter, étant donné les nombreux titres miniers octroyés sur une grande proportion de son territoire, pour mener à bien le processus de paix initié en 2016.
This thesis examines the impact of granting mining titles on political dynamics in the territories affected by the Colombian armed conflict. From a theoretical point of view, it takes up the classic political philosophy interrogations about the relationship between norms and political community, i.e., the dialectical relationship between politics and law. Those questions are updated by taking into account the transformations induced by globalization: indeed, the multiplication and superimposition of different normative regimes undermines the coherence of the normative sphere and, by the same token, the assumed relationship between law, democracy and sovereignty. Based on the reflections of researchers at the Brussels School of Philosophy of Law, I propose the notion of “normative ecosystem” to analyze the relationships that are established between presumably incommensurable normative regimes, from law to the counter-insurgency strategies, from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to morality; and from contractual relations to political violence.
Based on case studies conducted in two regions of the province of Antioquia, this thesis demonstrates that the granting of mining titles favors particular configurations of the normative ecosystem. In other words, the granting of mining titles induces a certain stabilization of the relations between law, CSR, contractuality and governmentality, which I call the “mining normative ecosystem”. My thesis concludes that the Colombian mining normative ecosystem is not conducive to the articulation of political communities and prevents the deliberate and rational conduct of public affairs as well as the democratic organization of the territory. On the contrary, the mining normative ecosystem favors utilitarian social relations, corruption, clientelism and political violence.
This research also shows that the normative “solutions” put forward to deal with conflicts in the mining sector call into question certain fundamental categories of modern political and legal thought. In Colombia, a policy of institutionalization of CSR conducted jointly by the State and mining title holders induces profound changes in the relationships between communities, companies and governments.
My thesis thus clarifies some of the challenges that Colombian society must overcome, given the numerous mining titles granted over a large part of its territory, to successfully carry out the peace process initiated in 2016.
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L’arbitrage musulman dans les pays non musulmans / Islamic arbitration in the westJaldi, Abdessalam 17 December 2018 (has links)
Au Canada, en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis, on voit de nombreux groupes religieux prendre des initiatives susceptibles d'influencer les règles qui régissent la société civile. Pour certains, cette instrumentalisation de la religion à des fins politiques ébranle l'exercice des libertés et des droits fondamentaux. Dernièrement, les médias ont beaucoup parlé de la création des tribunaux d'arbitrage musulman appliquant le droit musulman pour régler des litiges d'ordre familial et financier au Canada, l'Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis. En fait, l'idée voulant que les parties privées s'entendent de leur plein gré pour soumettre leurs différends religieux islamique à un arbitre religieux musulman appliquant le droit musulman n'est pas nouvelle. à titre d'exemple, plusieurs communautés juives ont mis en place des tribunaux d'arbitrage rabbinique, chargés de régler les différends d'ordre civil entre particuliers juifs en vertu du droit rabbinique. C’est exactement ce précédent qui a incité des communautés musulmanes à emboîter le pas.Pour mieux comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de ces questions, nous avons choisi d'explorer l'arbitrage du point de vue interne, c’est à dire du point de vue des sources islamiques, pour ensuite l'examiner du point de vue externe, c’est à dire du point de vue de l'ordre juridique étatique dans lequel il est appelé à s'insérer (liberté de religion et le multiculturalisme). Le fonctionnement des tribunaux d'arbitrage musulmans mérite un examen attentif. Il conviendra donc de s’interroger sur le processus d'arbitrage, la reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales islamiques et sur le rôle de l'ordre public en la matière, avec l'idée d'envisager d'un point de vue normatif, un dialogue constructif et inclusif. / In Canada, England and United States, many religious groups have been organizing to implement policies that would influence the manner in which civil society is run. It has been argued that this use of religion for political gain threatens to undermine hard won entitlements to equality and basic human rights. Much media has recently focused on the issue of the formation of arbitration islamic tribunals that would use Islamic Law to settle familiy and financial matters in Canada, England and United States. In fact, the idea of privates parties voluntarily agreeing to have their islamic religious disputes resolved by an muslim arbitrator using the islamic law is not new. For example, other religious groups including several Jewish communities have created Jewish arbitration tribunals in order to resolve civil matters between individuals using Talmudic law, and setting a precedent for Muslim communities to do the same.After having explored arbitration from an internal perspective, in other words from islamic sources, we will examine this from an external perspective, in other words the national legal system into which it must be inserted (Religious Freedom and Multiculturalism). The functioning of islamic arbitration tribunals merits close examination. This therefore raises questions as to the arbitration process, the recognition and enforcement of islamic arbitral awards, and on the role of public policy in this respect, with the idea to envisage from a normative perspective, a constructive and inclusive dialogue
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Assessing communities of unreceptive receptors : an investigation into environmental impact assessment's formation of environmental subjectsSnow, Andrew January 2018 (has links)
EIA's contribution to increased environmental awareness is a posited means by which EIA's contribution to a substantive level of environmental protection can be measured. However, little research has been done to evaluate and properly contextualise this increased environmental awareness in members of the public who participate in EIA and its associated processes of public participation. Utilising a Foucauldian understanding of power and governmentality, this research has shown how this process of becoming environmentally aware takes place within a broader application of governmental power and it is within this context which the success (or otherwise) of steering towards a greater environmental awareness must be evaluated. The biopolitical intentions EIA has for managing environmental life in general draws strict boundaries of expertise and authority in governing the environment, and as products of this formation of governmental power the public become subjects of expert direction. In opposition to this, the public produced a rural environment and local community as defined and governed by forms of experiential knowledge, which although pertaining to a truth-oriented mentality of rule, exerted a similar biopolitical control over the environment and immutable form of authority and expertise within it. It is contended that for EIA to penetrate bounded environments and disrupt their totalising environmentalities, the tool must extend the meaning of uncertainty to explicitly recognise the conflict that exists between actors and their respective environments. In this way, EIA can contribute to a form of self-reflexive and -critical environmental citizenship deemed necessary for a thorough investigation into the political dimensions of the environment and its associated substantive measures of enhancement and protection. Employing a realist governmentality approach to the case-study of the 2016 public inquiry in shale energy proposals in Lancashire, this research generated discourse analyses of key policy documents and public contributions to the inquiry in addition to a 'lived experience' of the inquiry as a participatory space through participant observation. The key findings were that at the policy level, the participating member of the public is produced as both a trustee and an expert, heightening the potential for conflict. Further to this, the experiences of the public inquiry added to this potential by seeking to impose on the participant an individualised, silent identity which was directly contradicted by the public during 'non-technical' sessions who sought to participate actively and collectively. Within their contributions the public produced further internal conflicts, with aspects of this discourse relying on existing institutionalised forms of knowledge and expertise to respond to environmental problems, while in others asserting that localised and personal experiences were necessary. EIA as a technique of government can have a leading role in defining the environment in both a physical, surrounding sense and as a mentality. To do so and challenge essentialised and concrete ideas regarding the environment avoiding the acts of exclusion that underpin them becoming normalised the thesis builds on the analysis to make a proposition for a more effective agonistic EIA process.
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Les aspects collectifs et institutionnels de la liberté de religion dans la jurisprudence européenne de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme / Collective and institutional aspects of freedom of religion in the case law of the European Court of Human RightsSchouppe, Jean-Pierre 23 September 2013 (has links)
La liberté de religion prend de plus en plus d’importance dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Bien que le centre de gravité historique de ce droit fondamental réside dans sa dimension individuelle, les juges sont fréquemment confrontés à des aspects « institutionnels » ou communautaires de la liberté de religion : des droits revenant aux groupements religieux comme tels. En quête des prémisses de cette liberté, le chapitre 1er retrace les apports spécifiques du christianisme, du judaïsme et de l’islam en la matière. Les principaux instruments de droit international, universels et européens, ainsi que la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne, sont abordés au chapitre 2 du point de vue de la liberté de religion collective et institutionnelle comme la toile de fond nécessaire à l’activité de la Cour de Strasbourg. Le chapitre 3 examine l’article 9 de la CEDH ainsi que d’autres articles protégeant des droits connexes à la liberté de religion avant de se pencher sur la notion de groupement religieux, dont la distinction d’avec les sectes (dangereuses) s’avère souvent problématique. Les deux derniers chapitres sont consacrés à une étude systématique de la jurisprudence de Strasbourg depuis l’admission, en 1979, de la première requête d’une « église requérante ». Le versant procédural, puis les droits substantiels sont successivement abordés. Leurs contenus seront analysés selon un double axe : d’abord, la liberté d’ « existence » du groupement, puis les plus nombreuses facettes de sa liberté d’ « action » ou de son « autonomie ». / Freedom of religion is becoming increasingly important in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Although the historical centre of gravity of this fundamental right lies in its individual dimension, judges are frequently confronted with “institutional” or communal aspects of freedom of religion: the rights of religious groups as such. Within the scope of the search for the premises of this freedom, chapter 1 explains the specific contributions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam in this respect. The principal instruments of international law, both universal and European, as well as the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are discussed in chapter 2 in terms of collective and institutional religious freedom as the background necessary to the Strasbourg Court’s activities. Chapter 3 examines article 9 of the ECHR as well as other articles protecting any rights related to freedom of religion and subsequently addresses the notion of religious groups, whose distinction from (dangerous) sects is often problematic. The two final chapters are dedicated to a systematic examination of the case law of the Strasbourg Court since the admission in 1979 of the first application by an “applicant church”. The procedural aspect and the substantive rights are discussed successively. Their contents will be analysed on the basis of a double axis: firstly a group’s freedom to “exist”, secondly the more numerous aspects of its freedom to “act” or its “autonomy”.
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A proteção de direitos humanos através de instrumentos jurisdicionais de tutela coletiva: a defesa de direitos coletivos e difusos por meio da ação civil pública / The protection of human rights through judicial instrumentsCoutinho, Marcelo Guimarães 29 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2015-02-05T09:49:44Z
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Dissertação - Marcelo Guimaraes Coutinho - 2014.pdf: 1262060 bytes, checksum: b413c35361c11676ba1d5e2e49836f18 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-02-05T11:05:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation analyzes the judicial protection of collective and diffuse rights in Brazil. The
contemporary social pluralism is seen as a set of perspectives from that derive the collective
interests, marked by the multiplicity of subjects with identity demands, and as an expression,
many times, of human rights categories. The repeated disregard of collective interests,
massified in the context of the welfare state, led to the creation of legal instruments for
collective protection. The research highlights the public civil action. The breadth of claims
that may be conveyed by the public civil action makes possible the protection of goods and
interests of more immediate utility for social groups and the community as a whole, compared
to the traditional object of popular action. The public civil action is not seen as just a quirky
Brazilian legal-procedural instrument, but as a space of representation of social interests in the
current stage of democracy. In order to better understand the historical and cultural
arrangements of structure formation of the Brazilian judicial protection of collective and
diffuse rights, is traced a brief global overview of the development of instruments for the
defense of these rights. The management of the public civil action supposed a transformative
potential, suitable for reflections of philosophical and hermeneutic perspectives on the new
constitutionalism‘s milestones, since there is little research on the effectiveness and the
efficiency of the management of this instrument in Brazil, especially with respect to the
conjugated achievement of fundamental rights treated as a inseparable complex in current
constitutional order. The instruments of collective protection, that were born in the context of
mass society, hardly been consolidated in Brazil and already have its foundations - the Social
State of Law and the positivistic hermeneutics - in check. In this monograph, are exposed and
analyzed specific cases of public civil actions in Goiás. Statistical data related of these
collective actions in Goiânia are considered in evaluating the overall effectiveness and
efficiency of the public civil action in defense of collective interests and in assessing the role
played by civil society associations and Ministério Público. This is a study that brought
together the theoretical and empirical perspectives, and with it, tried to make a realistic
diagnosis about the efficiency and effectiveness of the public civil action as an instrument of
collective protection of representative social interests of human rights, in an effort to
interdisciplinary approach of the subject. / A presente dissertação faz uma análise da proteção jurisdicional de direitos coletivos e difusos
no Brasil. O pluralismo social contemporâneo é encarado como um conjunto de perspectivas
das quais derivam os interesses coletivos, marcados pela multiplicidade de sujeitos com
identidade de demandas, e como expressão, muitas vezes, de categorias de direitos humanos.
A reiterada desconsideração de interesses coletivos, massificados no contexto do Estado
Social, ensejou a criação de instrumentos judiciais para a tutela coletiva. A pesquisa destaca a
ação civil pública. A amplitude de pretensões que podem ser veiculadas por meio da ação
civil pública torna possível a defesa de bens e interesses de utilidade mais imediata para
grupos sociais e a coletividade como um todo, em comparação ao tradicional objeto da ação
popular. A ação civil pública não é vista apenas como um peculiar instrumento jurídicoprocessual brasileiro, mas como um espaço de representação de interesses sociais no atual
estágio da democracia. A fim de melhor compreender os arranjos histórico-culturais da
formação da estrutura brasileira de proteção jurisdicional de direitos coletivos e difusos, é
traçado um breve panorama mundial do desenvolvimento de instrumentos para a defesa
desses direitos. O manejo da ação civil pública supõe um potencial transformador de relações
sociais, propício para reflexões de cunho hermenêutico-filosófico nos marcos do novo
constitucionalismo, visto que pouco se pesquisa sobre a efetividade e a eficiência da
utilização desse instrumento no Brasil, principalmente no que tange à consecução conjugada
dos direitos fundamentais tratados como um complexo indissociável na ordem constitucional
vigente. Os instrumentos de proteção de interesses coletivos, nascidos no contexto da
sociedade de massas, mal se consolidaram no Brasil e já encontram seus fundamentos — o
Estado Social de Direito e a hermenêutica positivista — em xeque. Neste trabalho, são
expostos e analisados casos concretos de ações civis públicas ajuizadas em Goiás. Dados
estatísticos referentes à propositura dessas ações coletivas na Comarca de Goiânia são
considerados na aferição global da efetividade e eficiência da ação civil pública na defesa de
interesses coletivos, bem como na avaliação do papel desempenhado pelas associações da
sociedade civil e do Ministério Público. Trata-se de um estudo que reuniu as perspectivas
teórica e empírica e, com isso, procurou fazer um diagnóstico realista acerca da eficiência e
efetividade da ação civil pública como instrumento de tutela coletiva de interesses sociais
representativos de direitos humanos, num esforço de abordagem interdisciplinar do tema.
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A luta pela reforma agraria no Brasil: uma análise à luz do pluralismo jurídico comunitário participativo / The struggle for agrarian reform in Brazil: na analysis in the light of participative community legal pluralismVaz, Clarissa Machado de Azevedo 29 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-01-10T14:50:58Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Clarissa Machado de Azevedo Vaz - 2016.pdf: 1426895 bytes, checksum: b005ff4aac0f158c7f6f6cb787cfa306 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-01-11T09:50:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Clarissa Machado de Azevedo Vaz - 2016.pdf: 1426895 bytes, checksum: b005ff4aac0f158c7f6f6cb787cfa306 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-11T09:50:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Clarissa Machado de Azevedo Vaz - 2016.pdf: 1426895 bytes, checksum: b005ff4aac0f158c7f6f6cb787cfa306 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation has as object of analysis the search for agrarian reform practiced by the Movement of the Workers and Landless Rural Workers, and how this search ranks within the paradigm of Legal Pluralism and, in the space of participatory community developed by Antônio Carlos Wolkmer. It sought to demonstrate the foundations of Law, and the advances after its polarization between monism and pluralism, to the current analysis of the relation between monism and pluralism in Brazilian Law. Then, in the second chapter, the analysis was based on the changes in the world economic model that occurred contemporaneously with the elaboration and promulgation of the Land Statute, legislation used as a time frame for discussing the Agrarian Reform in Brazil, and what is the influence of the world economic moment in relation to the distribution of land in Brazil. The third chapter seeks the historical formation of the MST, its form of action and composition and, from this, how its actions can be associated to Legal pluralism, and in particular, to Participative Community Legal Pluralism. / A presente dissertação tem como objeto de análise a busca por reforma agrária praticada pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais Sem Terra. E de como essa busca se classifica dentro do paradigma do Pluralismo Jurídico e, em espacial do comunitário participativo desenvolvido por WOLKMER. Buscou-se demonstrar os fundamentos do Direito, e os avanços após a sua polarização entre monismo e pluralismo, até a análise atual da relação entre monismo e pluralismo no Direito brasileiro. Depois, já no segundo capitulo, a análise partiu das mudanças do modelo econômico mundial que ocorreram de forma contemporânea a elaboração e promulgação do Estatuto da Terra, legislação utilizada como marco temporal para se discutir a Reforma Agraria no Brasil, e qual a influência do momento econômico mundial na relação com a distribuição de terras no Brasil. O terceiro capitulo busca a formação histórica do MST, sua forma de atuação e composição e, a partir disso, como as suas ações podem ser associadas ao pluralismo Jurídico, em especial, o Pluralismo Jurídico Comunitário Participativo.
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Les agrochimiques dans le Quindio (Colombie) : analyse axiologique d'un cas de technoscience / Agrochemicals in Quindio (Colombia) : axiological analysis of a technoscientific caseMolina Zapata, Jorge Eliécer 30 October 2017 (has links)
L’implantation de la Révolution verte a transformé les caféières, associant polyculture et élevage, en monocultures en fonction d’agrochimiques de synthèse. Pesticides, engrais et variétés hybrides à haut rendement et résistantes aux phytomaladies sont des dispositifs technoscientifiques au service du forçage des agroécosystèmes. Nous montrons comment le binôme monoculture/agrochimiques de synthèse a plongé les caféiculteurs dans une crise de valeurs, déterminée par un verrouillage technologique qui a emporté dans une spirale de dégradation la santé publique, la biodiversité des agroécosystèmes et la stabilité politique et économique des populations. Nous soulignons aussi comment les pratiques de pilotage des écosystèmes caféiers, proposées par l’agroécologie, favorisent un agencement pluraliste des valeurs et un déblocage du système technique. Cette thèse mène ainsi une analyse axiologique du sujet pluriel de la caféiculture technicisée dans le département colombien du Quindío. / The Green Revolution has transformed the coffee culture, combining mixed farming and breeding, into single-crop farming depending on synthesized agrochemicals. Pesticides, fertilizers, and high yield hybrids varieties resistant to phyto-diseases are technoscientific devices aiming at forcing the agroecosystems. We show how the duo single-crop farming/synthesized agrochemicals has drowned the coffee producers into a value crisis determined by a technological lock down which took in a spiral of deterioration of public health, agroecosystem biodiversity, political and the economic stability of populations. We highlight as well how the steering practices of the coffee ecosystems, offered by agroecology, have favored a pluralist organization of values and unlocked the technical system. Thus, this PhD leads to an axiological analysis of the multi-agent technologized coffee culture in the Colombian department of Quindío.
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Vers une approche incrémentale et contingente de la communication des connaissances : le cas du Knowledge Management / Towards and incremental and contingent approach of communication of knowledge : the case of knowledge managementSlouma, Maher 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance et le savoir, la maîtrise de ressources informationnelles est devenue un des principaux facteurs de succès et de compétitivité de toute organisation innovante. C’est ce qui explique l’important investissement en la matière de la part de tous les acteurs économiques. Dans ce contexte, le Knowledge Management apparaît comme une réponse permettant d’organiser et de maîtriser les connaissances et les compétences acquises en interne pour agir en externe. Le management des connaissances a pour but d’avoir un système d’information durable et une dynamique informationnelle au sein des organisations. Notre sujet nous a conduit à une longue observation des préoccupations des acteurs de la communauté Knowledge Management. Nous avons étudié leurs principales interrogations dans les différents canaux de communication ; nous avons par la suite regroupé leurs attentes dans deux grandes questions qui constituent en effet nos questions de recherche. Cette recherche vise à atteindre deux objectifs principaux : Le 1er objectif est de comprendre comment mettre en place une démarche Knowledge Management dans une organisation et de savoir si cette démarche est la même pour n’importe quel type d’organisation. Sinon quels sont les facteurs de contingence à prendre en considération ? Le 2ème objectif : une fois cette démarche mise en place, est – elle évolutive, changeante et incrémentale ou bien reste-t-elle statique ? Ces deux objectifs constituent les deux principales parties que nous traitons dans cette thèse. Pour répondre à cette problématique, nous avons choisi d’utiliser un pluralisme méthodologique s’appuyant d’une part sur des méthodes d’intelligence informationnelle, d’autre part sur une étude quantitative à l’aide d’un questionnaire et enfin sur une étude qualitative via des entretiens semi-directifs. / In an economy founded on the knowledge and the data, the mastery of informational resources became one of the main factors of success and competitiveness of all innovating organization. It is what explains the important investment on the subject on behalf of all economic actors. In this context, the Knowledge Management appears like an answer permitting to organize and to master the knowledge and expertise’s acquired in intern to act in external. The knowledge management has for goal to have a lasting information system and an informational dynamics within the organizations. Our topic drove us to a long observation of the preoccupations of the actors of the community Knowledge Management. We studied their main questionings in the different channels of communication; we regrouped their waiting thereafter in two big questions that constitute our questions of research indeed. This research aims to reach two main objectives : The 1st objective is to understand how to put a gait Knowledge Management in place in an organization and to know if this gait is the same for any type of organization. Otherwise what the factors of contingency are to take in consideration? The 2nd objective: once this gait setting up, is. her evolutive, changing and incremental or she remain static? These two objectives constitute the two main parts that we treat in this thesis. To answer this problematic, we chose to use a methodological pluralism leaning on the one hand on methods of informational intelligence, on the other hand on a quantitative survey with the help of a questionnaire and finally on a qualitative survey via interviews.
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