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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacto da assistência fisioterapêutica em unidade de terapia intensiva no tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação e custos do paciente cirúrgico / Impact of physiotherapy assistance in intensive care unit in length of mechanical ventilation, length of intensive care unit stay and costs of surgical patients

Silva, Janete Maria da 30 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos baseados em parâmetros fisiológicos tem mostrado que a fisioterapia tem papel imperativo na assistência de pacientes pré e pós-operatórios. Os efeitos da assistência fisioterapêutica na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) sobre o tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI), tempo de internação e mortalidade do paciente crítico não foram elucidados. Tampouco, estudos sobre o impacto do turno diário da assistência fisioterapêutica nestes desfechos tem sido realizados. A despeito disto, e, possivelmente, baseadas na experiência clínica, as UTIs brasileiras adotarão turnos de 18 horas de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI para atender a uma regulamentação governamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito da assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI em turno diário de 24 horas (Fisio-24) ao turno diário de 12 horas (Fisio-12), sobre o tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos de pacientes pós-operatórios. Este estudo observacional, prospectivo, de coorte incluiu 114 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-12 e 152 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-24 em condição pós-operatória, idade 18 anos, submetidos a VMI por 24 horas e admitidos na UTI para rotina pós-operatória. Foram coletados dados demográficos e cirúrgicos. Os desfechos primários deste estudo foram tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos. O desfecho secundário foi o dia-livre de ventilação (VFD). Os custos foram avaliados através do Omega French Score que compreende três categorias (Omega 1, 2 e 3). Um modelo de regressão linear múltipla (MRL) foi construído para verificar a associação entre o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI e o tempo de VMI. A despeito dos pacientes Fisio-24 serem mais velhos (p=0,002), possuírem maior número de comorbidades (p=0,001), maior frequência de risco cirúrgico moderado a alto (p=0,003), maior frequência de complicações intra operatórias (p=0,012) e insuficiência renal aguda dialítica (p<0,001), comparados aos pacientes Fisio-12, apresentaram melhores desfechos clínicos, tais quais, menor mediana de tempo de VMI (4 dias versus 6 dias; p=0,002), maior mediana de VFD (24 dias versus 21 dias; p=0,004) e menor mediana de tempo de internação na UTI (10 dias versus 15 dias; p=0,015). Não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre os dois grupos (p=0,704), embora pacientes Fisio-24 tenham recebido mais sessões de fisioterapia respiratória durante a internação na UTI (25 versus 20 sessões; p=0,014). Pacientes Fisio-24 apresentaram menor pontuação do Omega 2 (p=0,007). O MRL manteve como variáveis explicativas o número de sessões de fisioterapia respiratória, APACHE II, realização de Neurocirurgia e o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI. Mantidas constantes as outras variáveis explicativas, a presença de Fisio-24 na UTI reduziu o tempo de VMI em 2,80 unidades. Concluí-se que pacientes pós-operatórios admitidos em UTIs com Fisio-24 apresentaram menores tempo de VMI e tempo de internação na UTI, maior VFD, contudo, não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre Fisio-12 e Fisio-24. A redução da pontuação de Omega 2 nos pacientes Fisio-24 não foi suficiente para promover diferenças no custo indireto entre os grupos / According to studies based on physiologic parameters, physiotherapy plays an imperative role on pre and postoperative patients. The effects of physiotherapy assistance (PTA) in the intensive care unit (ICU) on length of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), length of ICU stay, frequency of ventilator-associated pneumonia and mortality remain unclear. Moreover, studies about impact of PTA shifts have not been conducted. Despite this fact, and possibly based on clinical experiences, Brazilian ICUs are going to adopt 18 hours of PTA shifts in order to attend a governmental regulation. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-hour PTA (Physio-24) to 12-hour PTA (Physio-12) daily shifts in the ICU on length of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs of postoperative patients. This observational, prospective and cohort study included 114 patients from ICUs with Physio-12 and 152 patients from ICU with Physio-24. Patients presented postoperative conditions, were aged 18 years, who underwent IMV 24 hours and were admitted on ICU for postoperative routine. We collected demographical and surgical data. Our primaries end-points were duration of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs. The secondary end-point was ventilator-free days (VFD). Indirect costs were assessed by Omega French Score which comprises three categories (Omega 1, 2 and 3). In addition, a multiple linear regression model (MLR) was constructed to verify the association between daily shifts of PTA in ICU and length of IMV. Despite of the fact that Physio-24 patients were older (p=0.002), with more severe conditions such as higher number of co morbidities (p<0.001), higher presence of moderate to severe surgical risk (p=0.003), higher frequency of intraoperative complications (p=0.012) and dialytic acute renal failure in ICU (p<0.001), compared to Physio-12 patients, they presented better clinical outcomes such as fewer median days spent in IMV (4 versus 6 days; p=0.002), higher median of VFD (24 versus 21 days; p=0.004) and shorter median of ICU stay (10 versus 15 days; p=0.015). No differences were found concerning respiratory complications related to IMV between groups (p=0.704), although Physio-24 patients had received more sessions of chest physiotherapy during ICU stay (25 versus 20 sessions; p=0.014). Physio-24 patients presented lower scores of Omega 2 (p=0.007). The number of chest physiotherapy sessions, APACHE II, Neurosurgery, and daily shifts of PTA in ICU remained as independent variables to length of IMV in the MLR model. According to this model, Physio-24 may reduce 2.80 units from length of IMV if the other independent variables are constant. We concluded that postoperative patients admitted in ICUs with daily shifts of 24-hour PTA showed shorter length of IMV and length of ICU stay and increased VFD; however, no reduction in frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV was found between groups. Despite the fact that Physio-24 patients had lower score of Omega 2, it was not enough to provoke a difference on indirect costs between Physio-12 and Physio-24 patients

Concentrações de mediadores inflamatórios em crianças com idade inferior a três meses e infecção do trato respiratório inferior pelo vírus sincicial respiratório / Concentrations of inflammatory mediators in children less than three months of age with respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection

Vieira, Renata Amato 20 August 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A elevada frequência e morbimortalidade das infecções do trato respiratório inferior (ITRI) pelo vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR) na infância, além da ausência de estudos no Brasil que correlacionam evolutivamente a resposta inflamatória no epitélio respiratório e no sangue periférico à gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR, estimularam a realização desta pesquisa. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar se as concentrações dos mediadores inflamatórios (MI) (RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10) e suas razões na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue de crianças com idade inferior a 3 meses e ITRI pelo VSR correlacionam-se à gravidade da doença; determinar a frequência dos grupos A e B do VSR nas crianças internadas na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCINE) do Instituto da Criança do HCFMUSP; avaliar se há diferença na gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR entre as crianças internadas na UCINE e infectadas pelos grupos A e B do vírus; comparar as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue à admissão hospitalar ou por ocasião do diagnóstico de ITRI pelo VSR adquirida durante a internação, no terceiro e sétimo dias de evolução ou à alta (se antes do sétimo dia); comparar as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue dos pacientes à admissão, de acordo com grupos A e B do VSR; e descrever a evolução das concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue durante a doença pelo VSR. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas no estudo prospectivo, de coorte, observacional, de julho de 2004 a dezembro de 2005, 30 crianças com idade inferior a três meses portadoras de ITRI pelo VSR internadas na UCINE. Foram medidas as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no soro de todas as crianças à admissão no estudo, no terceiro e sétimo dias de evolução ou à alta hospitalar (se antes do sétimo dia) através da técnica ELISA sanduíche. Utilizamos para avaliar a gravidade da doença respiratória os seguintes marcadores clínicos: sistema de escore clínico modificado de De Boeck et al. (1997), tempos de oxigenoterapia e de ventilação mecânica e duração da internação. RESULTADOS: Houve correlação positiva significante entre a gravidade da doença pelo sistema de escore clínico modificado à admissão hospitalar e as concentrações na secreção nasofaríngea de sICAM-1 (r=0,401, p=0,028) e IL-10 (r=0,412, p=0,024) e de IL-6 no soro (r=0,469, p=0,009). Houve também correlação positiva significante entre as concentrações de IL-6 no soro e o tempo de oxigenoterapia (r=0,445, p=0,023) e a duração da internação (r=0,572, p=0,001). Das razões dos MI estudadas, a IL-10/IL-6 (primeiras amostras de soro), a IL-6/TNF- e a IL -6/IL-10 (segundas amostras de soro) foram associadas de forma mais consistente (p<0,001) à gravidade da ITRI pelo VSR. Não ocorreram óbitos entre as crianças envolvidas neste estudo. Os dois grupos de VSR causaram ITRI nas crianças internadas na UCINE, sendo que o grupo A foi o mais frequente (57%). No entanto, foram as crianças infectadas pelo grupo B do VSR as que evoluíram com maior morbidade (p<0,001). As medianas das concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1 e IL-10 foram maiores nas três amostras de soro (p<0,001); enquanto as medianas das concentrações de IL-6 predominaram nas três amostras de secreção nasofaríngea (p<0,001). A mediana das concentrações de TNF- foi maior apenas nas primeiras amostras de secreção nasofaríngea (p<0,001). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos do VSR apenas em relação à mediana das concentrações de IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea à admissão hospitalar, que foi mais elevada nas crianças com infecção pelo grupo B (p=0,039). As concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e de TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 no soro variaram, de forma significante, durante a evolução da ITRI pelo VSR. Os demais níveis de MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no soro mantiveram-se estáveis durante o período de estudo. CONCLUSÕES: Níveis de RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 foram detectados em todas as amostras de secreção nasofaríngea e de soro das crianças com ITRI pelo VSR internadas na UCINE, confirmando o papel destes MI na patogênese da doença. Nossos resultados sugerem que as concentrações de sICAM-1 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e IL-6 no soro à admissão, bem como as razões IL-10/IL-6 (primeiras amostras de soro), IL-6/TNF- e IL -6/IL-10 (segundas amostras de soro), poderiam ser usadas como marcadores de gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR. Os níveis de IL-6 determinados no soro admissão também poderiam ser usados para predizer tempo de oxigenoterapia e duração da internação mais prolongados. Os grupos A e B do VSR cocircularam durante o período do estudo, com o grupo A sendo dominante nestes pacientes. Entretanto, foram as crianças infectadas com o grupo B do vírus que evoluíram com maior morbidade. As concentrações de IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea à admissão hospitalar foram significantemente maiores nos pacientes com ITRI pelo grupo B do VSR. O tempo de evolução da doença pelo VSR foi significante para os níveis de RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e de TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 no soro destas crianças. / INTRODUCTION: The high frequency and morbimortality of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in children, besides the lack of studies in Brazil that evolutionally correlate the inflammatory response in respiratory epithelium and in peripheral blood with RSV respiratory disease severity, have stimulated this research. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the concentrations of inflammatory mediators (IM) (RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10) and their ratios in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood of children less than 3 months of age and RSV LRTI correlate with disease severity; to determine the frequency of RSV groups A and B in children admitted to Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCINE) do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo; to assess whether there is difference in RSV respiratory disease severity, according to RSV groups A and B; to compare the concentrations of IM in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood at the time of hospital admission or by occasion of a diagnosis of RSV LRTI acquired during the stay, on third and seventh days of evolution or at the hospital discharge (should it had happened before the seventh day); to compare the concentrations of IM in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood of patients at the hospital admission, according to RSV groups A and B; to describe the evolution of RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-, IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood. METHODS: Thirty children less than 3 months of age with RSV LRTI admitted to UCINE were included in the prospective cohort observational study, from July 2004 to December 2005. The concentrations of IM were measured through the sandwich ELISA technique in nasopharyngeal secretion and in serum of all children at the hospital admission, and on the third and seventh days of evolution or at the hospital discharge (if before the seventh day). We used the following markers to assess the severity of respiratory illness: the modified clinical scoring system by De Boeck et al. (1997), the days of oxygen supplementation and of mechanical ventilation and duration of hospitalization. RESULTS: There was a significant positive correlation between severity of disease by modified clinical scoring system at the time of hospital admission and nasopharyngeal secretion sICAM-1 (r=0.401, p=0.028) and IL-10 concentrations (r=0.412, p=0.024) and serum IL-6 concentrations (r=0.469, p=0.009). There was also a significant positive correlation between serum IL-6 concentrations and the days of oxygen supplementation (r=0.572, p=0.001), as well as the days of hospital stay (r=0.572, p=0.001). Of IM ratios studied, IL-10/ IL-6 (first samples of serum), IL-6/TNF- and IL-6/IL-10 (second samples of serum) were associated to severity of RSV LRTI with greatest consistency (p<0.001). No fatal cases occurred among the children enrolled in this study. The two groups of RSV caused LRTI in 30 children less than 3 months of age hospitalized in UCINE, being group A the most frequent (57%). However, the children infected by RSV group B were the ones that evolved with a greater need of mechanical ventilation (p<0.001). Medians RANTES, sICAM-1 and IL-10 concentrations were greater in all the three serum samples (p<0.001); whereas medians IL-6 concentrations were predominant in the three nasopharyngeal secretion samples (p<0.001). Median TNF- concentration was greater only in the first nasopharyngeal secretion samples (p<0.001). There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups of RSV only relative to the median IL-10 concentrations on first nasopharyngeal secretion samples, which was more elevated in children infected by RSV group B (p=0.039). The nasopharyngeal secretion RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 and IL-10 and serum TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations varied significantly during the evolution of RSV LRTI. The other nasopharyngeal secretion and serum IM levels remained stable during the period of study. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 were detected in all nasopharyngeal secretion and serum samples of children with RSV LRTI admitted to UCINE, therefore confirming the role of these IM in pathogenesis of illness. Our results suggest that nasopharyngeal secretion sICAM-1 and IL-10 and serum IL-6 concentrations determined at hospital admission, as well as the ratios IL-10/IL-6 (first samples of serum), IL-6/TNF- and IL-6/IL-10 (second samples of serum), could be used as markers of RSV respiratory disease severity. The levels of IL-6 found in serum at the time of hospital admission could also be used to predict prolonged oxygen supplementation and hospital stay. RSV groups A and B co-circulated during the period of the study, with group A being dominant in these patients. However, the children infected by RSV group B were the ones that evolved with a greater morbidity. Nasopharyngeal secretion IL-10 concentrations at admission were significantly greater in patients with RSV group B LRTI. The duration of RSV disease evolution was significant to nasopharyngeal secretion RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6, IL-10 levels and to serum TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations of these children.

Concentrações de mediadores inflamatórios em crianças com idade inferior a três meses e infecção do trato respiratório inferior pelo vírus sincicial respiratório / Concentrations of inflammatory mediators in children less than three months of age with respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection

Renata Amato Vieira 20 August 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A elevada frequência e morbimortalidade das infecções do trato respiratório inferior (ITRI) pelo vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR) na infância, além da ausência de estudos no Brasil que correlacionam evolutivamente a resposta inflamatória no epitélio respiratório e no sangue periférico à gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR, estimularam a realização desta pesquisa. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar se as concentrações dos mediadores inflamatórios (MI) (RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10) e suas razões na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue de crianças com idade inferior a 3 meses e ITRI pelo VSR correlacionam-se à gravidade da doença; determinar a frequência dos grupos A e B do VSR nas crianças internadas na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCINE) do Instituto da Criança do HCFMUSP; avaliar se há diferença na gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR entre as crianças internadas na UCINE e infectadas pelos grupos A e B do vírus; comparar as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue à admissão hospitalar ou por ocasião do diagnóstico de ITRI pelo VSR adquirida durante a internação, no terceiro e sétimo dias de evolução ou à alta (se antes do sétimo dia); comparar as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue dos pacientes à admissão, de acordo com grupos A e B do VSR; e descrever a evolução das concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e no sangue durante a doença pelo VSR. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas no estudo prospectivo, de coorte, observacional, de julho de 2004 a dezembro de 2005, 30 crianças com idade inferior a três meses portadoras de ITRI pelo VSR internadas na UCINE. Foram medidas as concentrações dos MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no soro de todas as crianças à admissão no estudo, no terceiro e sétimo dias de evolução ou à alta hospitalar (se antes do sétimo dia) através da técnica ELISA sanduíche. Utilizamos para avaliar a gravidade da doença respiratória os seguintes marcadores clínicos: sistema de escore clínico modificado de De Boeck et al. (1997), tempos de oxigenoterapia e de ventilação mecânica e duração da internação. RESULTADOS: Houve correlação positiva significante entre a gravidade da doença pelo sistema de escore clínico modificado à admissão hospitalar e as concentrações na secreção nasofaríngea de sICAM-1 (r=0,401, p=0,028) e IL-10 (r=0,412, p=0,024) e de IL-6 no soro (r=0,469, p=0,009). Houve também correlação positiva significante entre as concentrações de IL-6 no soro e o tempo de oxigenoterapia (r=0,445, p=0,023) e a duração da internação (r=0,572, p=0,001). Das razões dos MI estudadas, a IL-10/IL-6 (primeiras amostras de soro), a IL-6/TNF- e a IL -6/IL-10 (segundas amostras de soro) foram associadas de forma mais consistente (p<0,001) à gravidade da ITRI pelo VSR. Não ocorreram óbitos entre as crianças envolvidas neste estudo. Os dois grupos de VSR causaram ITRI nas crianças internadas na UCINE, sendo que o grupo A foi o mais frequente (57%). No entanto, foram as crianças infectadas pelo grupo B do VSR as que evoluíram com maior morbidade (p<0,001). As medianas das concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1 e IL-10 foram maiores nas três amostras de soro (p<0,001); enquanto as medianas das concentrações de IL-6 predominaram nas três amostras de secreção nasofaríngea (p<0,001). A mediana das concentrações de TNF- foi maior apenas nas primeiras amostras de secreção nasofaríngea (p<0,001). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos do VSR apenas em relação à mediana das concentrações de IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea à admissão hospitalar, que foi mais elevada nas crianças com infecção pelo grupo B (p=0,039). As concentrações de RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e de TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 no soro variaram, de forma significante, durante a evolução da ITRI pelo VSR. Os demais níveis de MI na secreção nasofaríngea e no soro mantiveram-se estáveis durante o período de estudo. CONCLUSÕES: Níveis de RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 foram detectados em todas as amostras de secreção nasofaríngea e de soro das crianças com ITRI pelo VSR internadas na UCINE, confirmando o papel destes MI na patogênese da doença. Nossos resultados sugerem que as concentrações de sICAM-1 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e IL-6 no soro à admissão, bem como as razões IL-10/IL-6 (primeiras amostras de soro), IL-6/TNF- e IL -6/IL-10 (segundas amostras de soro), poderiam ser usadas como marcadores de gravidade da doença respiratória pelo VSR. Os níveis de IL-6 determinados no soro admissão também poderiam ser usados para predizer tempo de oxigenoterapia e duração da internação mais prolongados. Os grupos A e B do VSR cocircularam durante o período do estudo, com o grupo A sendo dominante nestes pacientes. Entretanto, foram as crianças infectadas com o grupo B do vírus que evoluíram com maior morbidade. As concentrações de IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea à admissão hospitalar foram significantemente maiores nos pacientes com ITRI pelo grupo B do VSR. O tempo de evolução da doença pelo VSR foi significante para os níveis de RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 e IL-10 na secreção nasofaríngea e de TNF-,IL -6 e IL-10 no soro destas crianças. / INTRODUCTION: The high frequency and morbimortality of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in children, besides the lack of studies in Brazil that evolutionally correlate the inflammatory response in respiratory epithelium and in peripheral blood with RSV respiratory disease severity, have stimulated this research. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the concentrations of inflammatory mediators (IM) (RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10) and their ratios in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood of children less than 3 months of age and RSV LRTI correlate with disease severity; to determine the frequency of RSV groups A and B in children admitted to Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCINE) do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo; to assess whether there is difference in RSV respiratory disease severity, according to RSV groups A and B; to compare the concentrations of IM in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood at the time of hospital admission or by occasion of a diagnosis of RSV LRTI acquired during the stay, on third and seventh days of evolution or at the hospital discharge (should it had happened before the seventh day); to compare the concentrations of IM in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood of patients at the hospital admission, according to RSV groups A and B; to describe the evolution of RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF-, IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations in nasopharyngeal secretion and in blood. METHODS: Thirty children less than 3 months of age with RSV LRTI admitted to UCINE were included in the prospective cohort observational study, from July 2004 to December 2005. The concentrations of IM were measured through the sandwich ELISA technique in nasopharyngeal secretion and in serum of all children at the hospital admission, and on the third and seventh days of evolution or at the hospital discharge (if before the seventh day). We used the following markers to assess the severity of respiratory illness: the modified clinical scoring system by De Boeck et al. (1997), the days of oxygen supplementation and of mechanical ventilation and duration of hospitalization. RESULTS: There was a significant positive correlation between severity of disease by modified clinical scoring system at the time of hospital admission and nasopharyngeal secretion sICAM-1 (r=0.401, p=0.028) and IL-10 concentrations (r=0.412, p=0.024) and serum IL-6 concentrations (r=0.469, p=0.009). There was also a significant positive correlation between serum IL-6 concentrations and the days of oxygen supplementation (r=0.572, p=0.001), as well as the days of hospital stay (r=0.572, p=0.001). Of IM ratios studied, IL-10/ IL-6 (first samples of serum), IL-6/TNF- and IL-6/IL-10 (second samples of serum) were associated to severity of RSV LRTI with greatest consistency (p<0.001). No fatal cases occurred among the children enrolled in this study. The two groups of RSV caused LRTI in 30 children less than 3 months of age hospitalized in UCINE, being group A the most frequent (57%). However, the children infected by RSV group B were the ones that evolved with a greater need of mechanical ventilation (p<0.001). Medians RANTES, sICAM-1 and IL-10 concentrations were greater in all the three serum samples (p<0.001); whereas medians IL-6 concentrations were predominant in the three nasopharyngeal secretion samples (p<0.001). Median TNF- concentration was greater only in the first nasopharyngeal secretion samples (p<0.001). There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups of RSV only relative to the median IL-10 concentrations on first nasopharyngeal secretion samples, which was more elevated in children infected by RSV group B (p=0.039). The nasopharyngeal secretion RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6 and IL-10 and serum TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations varied significantly during the evolution of RSV LRTI. The other nasopharyngeal secretion and serum IM levels remained stable during the period of study. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of RANTES, sICAM-1, TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 were detected in all nasopharyngeal secretion and serum samples of children with RSV LRTI admitted to UCINE, therefore confirming the role of these IM in pathogenesis of illness. Our results suggest that nasopharyngeal secretion sICAM-1 and IL-10 and serum IL-6 concentrations determined at hospital admission, as well as the ratios IL-10/IL-6 (first samples of serum), IL-6/TNF- and IL-6/IL-10 (second samples of serum), could be used as markers of RSV respiratory disease severity. The levels of IL-6 found in serum at the time of hospital admission could also be used to predict prolonged oxygen supplementation and hospital stay. RSV groups A and B co-circulated during the period of the study, with group A being dominant in these patients. However, the children infected by RSV group B were the ones that evolved with a greater morbidity. Nasopharyngeal secretion IL-10 concentrations at admission were significantly greater in patients with RSV group B LRTI. The duration of RSV disease evolution was significant to nasopharyngeal secretion RANTES, sICAM-1, IL-6, IL-10 levels and to serum TNF- , IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations of these children.

Análise dos fatores de risco para complicações pulmonares em pacientes laringectomizados : estudo retrospectivo do período de 1985 a 1996 / Risk factors analysis to pulmonary complications in postoperative laryngeal cancer patients: restrospective study from 1985 to 1996

Giulianno Molina de Melo 22 November 2002 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar os fatores de risco para complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias em pacientes laringectomizados por carcinoma espinocelular de laringe, assim como os fatores de risco para apresentação de metástases pulmonares e os fatores de risco para apresentação de segundo tumores primários em pulmão destes pacientes no período de 1985 a 1996. O estudo consistiu em uma análise retrospectiva de 291 pacientes admitidos no Hospital do Câncer A. C. Camargo, no período de 1985 a 1996, portadores de carcinoma espinocelular de laringe, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com intenção curativa seguido ou não de radioterapia. Foram analisados as variáveis demográficas, as comorbidades, a localização do sítio primário, o estadiamento clínico, o tratamento do tumor primário e do pescoço, o tratamento radioterápico, a diferenciação celular, as margens cirúrgicas, as recidivas locais, as recidivas regionais, a presença de complicações maiores, de complicações menores, as metástases pulmonares e a presença de múltiplos tumores primários pulmonares. O teste de associação do qui-quadrado foi utilizado para análise univariada descritiva das diversas variáveis comparando-se os grupos com complicação pulmonar e sem complicação pulmonar. A análise multivariada através da regressão logística foi utilizada na determinação dos fatores de risco para apresentação de metástases pulmonares e múltiplos tumores primário pulmonares. A incidência de complicações pulmonares foi de 31,3%, foram identificados como fatores de risco para complicações pulmonares somente a epiglote (p=0,004; RR 2,1), tendo a variável gênero associação marginal (p=0,081; RR 2,8). As metástases pulmonares tiveram incidência de 7,2%, na análise univariada foram identificados como fatores de risco o estadiamento N (p=0,032), diferenciação histológica (p=0,004), margens cirúrgicas (p=0,017) e recidivas locoregionais (0,002). Os múltiplos tumores primários pulmonares apresentaram incidência de 3,1% e na análise univariada foram identificados como fatores de risco o estadiamento N (p=0,048) e sítio aritenóide (p=0,001). Na análise multivariada foram significativos somente a diferenciação histológica: moderamente diferenciado (p=0,007; RR 2,9) e pouco diferenciado (p=0,032; RR 4,0); e as margens cirúrgicas: exíguas (p=0,003; RR 6,4) para apresentação de metástases pulmonares e múltiplos tumores pulmonares. Este estudo demonstra a importância do estadiamento clínico como fator de risco para complicações pulmonares, metástases à distância e múltiplos tumores primário em pulmão. Os fatores de risco determinantes para aparecimento de metástases pulmonares e múltiplos tumores primários pulmonares foram a diferenciação histológica e as margens cirúrgicas / Objective: To identify the risk factors to postoperative pulmonary complications in laryngeal cancer patients submitted to surgical treatment, the risk factors to development of lung metastasis and second lung primary tumor. Patients and Methods: Retrospective study of a cohort of 291 patients admitted at Hospital do Câncer A.C.Camargo from January, 1985 to December 1996. All patients were submitted to some kind of laryngectomy with curative intent as part of treatment of a proven laryngeal cancer, followed or not by radiotherapy. The following variables were analized: demographic, comorbidities, primary site, clinical stage, primary and neck surgical treatment, histopathologic differentiation grade, surgical margins, recurrences, postoperative pulmonary complications, lung metastasis and second lung primary tumor. The univariate and multivariate analysis were utilized to built the model to predict the risks factors and the factors of prognostic significance. Results: The overall pulmonary complications incidence were 31,3%, epiglottis were identified as significant single risk factor to pulmonary complications (p=0.004; RR 2,1). Lung metastasis had 7,2% incidence to this, the risk factors were N stage (p=0.032 ), histopathologic differentiation grade (p=0.004), surgical margins (p=0.017) and locoregional recurrence (p=0.002). The second lung primary tumor incidence were 3,1%, univariate analysis showed N stage (p=0,048) and arithenoid site (p=0,001) as significant risk factors. The multivariate analysis showed the histopathologic differentiation: moderate grade (p=0.007 RR 2,9) and poor grade (p=0.032 RR 4,0) and surgical margins: close (p=0.003 RR 6,4) as prognostic factors to deveopment of lung metastasis and second lung primary tumor. Conclusions: This study showed the clinical stage importance as risk factor to development of postoperative pulmonary complication, lung metastasis and second lung primary tumor in laryngectomy cancer patients. The prognostic factors associated with lung metastasis and second lung primary tumor were the histopathologic differentiation and the surgical margins

Impacto da assistência fisioterapêutica em unidade de terapia intensiva no tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação e custos do paciente cirúrgico / Impact of physiotherapy assistance in intensive care unit in length of mechanical ventilation, length of intensive care unit stay and costs of surgical patients

Janete Maria da Silva 30 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos baseados em parâmetros fisiológicos tem mostrado que a fisioterapia tem papel imperativo na assistência de pacientes pré e pós-operatórios. Os efeitos da assistência fisioterapêutica na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) sobre o tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI), tempo de internação e mortalidade do paciente crítico não foram elucidados. Tampouco, estudos sobre o impacto do turno diário da assistência fisioterapêutica nestes desfechos tem sido realizados. A despeito disto, e, possivelmente, baseadas na experiência clínica, as UTIs brasileiras adotarão turnos de 18 horas de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI para atender a uma regulamentação governamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito da assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI em turno diário de 24 horas (Fisio-24) ao turno diário de 12 horas (Fisio-12), sobre o tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos de pacientes pós-operatórios. Este estudo observacional, prospectivo, de coorte incluiu 114 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-12 e 152 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-24 em condição pós-operatória, idade 18 anos, submetidos a VMI por 24 horas e admitidos na UTI para rotina pós-operatória. Foram coletados dados demográficos e cirúrgicos. Os desfechos primários deste estudo foram tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos. O desfecho secundário foi o dia-livre de ventilação (VFD). Os custos foram avaliados através do Omega French Score que compreende três categorias (Omega 1, 2 e 3). Um modelo de regressão linear múltipla (MRL) foi construído para verificar a associação entre o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI e o tempo de VMI. A despeito dos pacientes Fisio-24 serem mais velhos (p=0,002), possuírem maior número de comorbidades (p=0,001), maior frequência de risco cirúrgico moderado a alto (p=0,003), maior frequência de complicações intra operatórias (p=0,012) e insuficiência renal aguda dialítica (p<0,001), comparados aos pacientes Fisio-12, apresentaram melhores desfechos clínicos, tais quais, menor mediana de tempo de VMI (4 dias versus 6 dias; p=0,002), maior mediana de VFD (24 dias versus 21 dias; p=0,004) e menor mediana de tempo de internação na UTI (10 dias versus 15 dias; p=0,015). Não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre os dois grupos (p=0,704), embora pacientes Fisio-24 tenham recebido mais sessões de fisioterapia respiratória durante a internação na UTI (25 versus 20 sessões; p=0,014). Pacientes Fisio-24 apresentaram menor pontuação do Omega 2 (p=0,007). O MRL manteve como variáveis explicativas o número de sessões de fisioterapia respiratória, APACHE II, realização de Neurocirurgia e o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI. Mantidas constantes as outras variáveis explicativas, a presença de Fisio-24 na UTI reduziu o tempo de VMI em 2,80 unidades. Concluí-se que pacientes pós-operatórios admitidos em UTIs com Fisio-24 apresentaram menores tempo de VMI e tempo de internação na UTI, maior VFD, contudo, não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre Fisio-12 e Fisio-24. A redução da pontuação de Omega 2 nos pacientes Fisio-24 não foi suficiente para promover diferenças no custo indireto entre os grupos / According to studies based on physiologic parameters, physiotherapy plays an imperative role on pre and postoperative patients. The effects of physiotherapy assistance (PTA) in the intensive care unit (ICU) on length of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), length of ICU stay, frequency of ventilator-associated pneumonia and mortality remain unclear. Moreover, studies about impact of PTA shifts have not been conducted. Despite this fact, and possibly based on clinical experiences, Brazilian ICUs are going to adopt 18 hours of PTA shifts in order to attend a governmental regulation. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-hour PTA (Physio-24) to 12-hour PTA (Physio-12) daily shifts in the ICU on length of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs of postoperative patients. This observational, prospective and cohort study included 114 patients from ICUs with Physio-12 and 152 patients from ICU with Physio-24. Patients presented postoperative conditions, were aged 18 years, who underwent IMV 24 hours and were admitted on ICU for postoperative routine. We collected demographical and surgical data. Our primaries end-points were duration of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs. The secondary end-point was ventilator-free days (VFD). Indirect costs were assessed by Omega French Score which comprises three categories (Omega 1, 2 and 3). In addition, a multiple linear regression model (MLR) was constructed to verify the association between daily shifts of PTA in ICU and length of IMV. Despite of the fact that Physio-24 patients were older (p=0.002), with more severe conditions such as higher number of co morbidities (p<0.001), higher presence of moderate to severe surgical risk (p=0.003), higher frequency of intraoperative complications (p=0.012) and dialytic acute renal failure in ICU (p<0.001), compared to Physio-12 patients, they presented better clinical outcomes such as fewer median days spent in IMV (4 versus 6 days; p=0.002), higher median of VFD (24 versus 21 days; p=0.004) and shorter median of ICU stay (10 versus 15 days; p=0.015). No differences were found concerning respiratory complications related to IMV between groups (p=0.704), although Physio-24 patients had received more sessions of chest physiotherapy during ICU stay (25 versus 20 sessions; p=0.014). Physio-24 patients presented lower scores of Omega 2 (p=0.007). The number of chest physiotherapy sessions, APACHE II, Neurosurgery, and daily shifts of PTA in ICU remained as independent variables to length of IMV in the MLR model. According to this model, Physio-24 may reduce 2.80 units from length of IMV if the other independent variables are constant. We concluded that postoperative patients admitted in ICUs with daily shifts of 24-hour PTA showed shorter length of IMV and length of ICU stay and increased VFD; however, no reduction in frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV was found between groups. Despite the fact that Physio-24 patients had lower score of Omega 2, it was not enough to provoke a difference on indirect costs between Physio-12 and Physio-24 patients

Functional genomics of severe sepsis and septic shock

Radhakrishnan, Jayachandran January 2013 (has links)
Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to an infection. Severe sepsis with multi organ failure is one of the commonest causes of admission to intensive care units, and is associated with poor early and late outcomes. The pathophysiology of sepsis is complex, and poorly understood. This is reflected in the limited and contentious treatment options for sepsis. Genetic factors have been shown to be associated with the risk of and subsequent outcomes from infection. However, clear associations with bacterial sepsis are rare, and even when associations are present their functional effects are often unknown. Gene expression signatures in sepsis are investigated in this project using serial samples obtained from patients admitted to intensive care units with community-acquired pneumonia or faecal peritonitis. The evolving gene expression signatures that define the response to sepsis were identified with large changes seen in genes coding for ribosomal proteins RPS4Y1 and RPS26P54. The differences in the sepsis response between the two diagnostic classes were examined. The gene expression predictors of mortality in sepsis were determined and include genes from the class II MHC HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 and the T cell differentiation protein MAL. The effects of important covariates on gene expression were investigated and their impact on survival related expression determined. The findings were confirmed in a validation cohort. A novel clustering of samples representing distinct inflammatory patterns in a clinically homogeneous population of sepsis patients was identified and related to differences in clinical behaviour. The biological relevance of the differentially expressed genes was ascertained by identifying enriched gene sets. The gene expression changes in sepsis were examined in the context of related clinically relevant immune phenomena: the sterile systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery and the phenomenon of endotoxin tolerance in PBMCs derived from healthy volunteers. The results highlight the complexities of clinical sepsis and identify hypotheses for future investigations.

Détection phénotypique et moléculaire des colonisations bronchiques périopératoires en chirurgie thoracique oncologique / Phenotypic and molecular detection of periopeartive airways colonizations in patients submitted for thoracic oncologic surgery

D'Journo, Xavier Benoît 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les complications respiratoires restent la première cause des complications postopératoiresen chirurgie thoracique oncologique. Le développement des ces complications sont le plussouvent de nature infectieuse. Leur fréquence reste élevée (30 %) et représente la premièrecause de mortalité hospitalière. Des données récentes suggèrent que ces complicationsrespiratoires soient liées à une colonisation périopératoire des voies aériennes. Plusieurstravaux fondés sur l’analyse phénotypique de mise en culture traditionnelle démontrentl’existence d’une colonisation bronchique proximale chez près de 40 % des malades.Néanmoins, les liens entre colonisation et complications respiratoires restent controversés.Une des principales limites demeure les méthodes de cultures employées qui ne permettentl’identification que d’une faible partie (< 1%) des espèces microbiologiques potentiellementexistantes dans la biosphère. Nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que des techniques debiologie moléculaire d’amplification universelle des ADN présents dans les échantillonssuivies du clonage des produits de PCR et du séquençage de ces clones, appliquées à deséchantillons obtenus des bronches distales et de biopsies pulmonaires, permettraientl’identification de pathogènes bactériens, viraux ou émergents. Nos résultats suggèrent quel’identification précise et exhaustive de ces colonisations ne peut être réalisée que par uneapproche moléculaire moderne, innovante et systématique. Cette approche permetd’envisager, d’une part, un lien plus précis entre colonisation et complications respiratoires etd’autre part, l’identification de pathogènes difficilement cultivables ou émergents. / Postoperative respiratory complications remain the most frequent and seriouscomplications, as well as being the primary cause of hospital death after thoracic oncologicsurgery. Their incidence is relatively high and concern near 30 % of patients submitted forsurgery. These complications are notoriously infectious and airways colonizations (AWC)have been suggested to be an essential first step in the pathogenesis of this respiratorymorbidity. Previous studies have documented that AWC are presents in near 40 % of cases.However, correlation between AWC and respiratory complications remains controversial.One of the limits is the traditional phenotypic methods of cultures that precludes for definitiveconclusions when considering that majority of microbiological species required modern andinnovating techniques of culture to be identified. Recent data have demonstrated that 99% oforganisms seen microscopically are not cultivated by routine techniques and requiredmolecular techniques to be identified. We have postulated that instead of culture test,molecular detection (DNA genes amplification and sequencing of the bacterial 16S ribosomalRNA) applied to distal bronchial samples or to lung biopsies, should allow identifyingbacteria, virus or emerging pathogens. Our results suggest that molecular cultureindependenttechniques applied in the context of AWC will provide in the future a greatopportunity to precise correlation between colonization and respiratory complications and tothe other hand, to discover new and/or emerging pathogens that are currently unknown.

Infectious and bleeding complications in patients with hematological malignancies : Studies on diagnosis and prevention

Svensson, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to improve knowledge about the prevention of infectious and bleeding complications in patients with hematological malignancies, primarily in those with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and myelodysplatic syndrome (MDS). Hypogammaglobulinemia, impaired production of immunoglobulins (Ig), is an established risk factor for infection, but the impact of IgG pure subclass deficiency (IgG subclass deficiency with adequate production of IgG, IgA, and IgM) has been debated. In a retrospective single institution study, we concluded that pure IgG subclass deficiency in CLL patients is rare and is not associated with an increased risk of infection. Hence, routine analysis of IgG subclasses in patients with CLL is not warranted. There is no consensus on recommending vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae to CLL patients mainly because comparative studies are lacking. In our randomized trial, the efficacy of a conjugated pneumococcal vaccine on immune response was superior or equal to a polysaccharide vaccine for all pneumococcal serotypes common for the two vaccines. A conjugate pneumococcal vaccine should therefore be included in vaccination programs for patients with CLL. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a well-established invasive method to identify the cause of pulmonary infiltrates in immunocompromised patients. In a retrospective trial, we have studied the diagnostic yield of BAL in patients with hematological malignancies. We concluded that BAL is highly useful in either verifying or excluding some of the important respiratory tract infections affecting these patients, particularly invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP). However, standardized procedures for BAL sampling should be continually revised to avoid unnecessary microbiological tests. Thrombocytopenia, an adverse prognostic factor in patients with MDS, can be aggravated by azacitidine, first-line treatment for high-risk MDS. Eltrombopag, a thrombopoietin-receptor agonist (TPO-R), alleviates thrombocytopenia in patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). In a phase I clinical trial, we concluded that the combination of eltrombopag and azacitidine in high-risk MDS patients with thrombocytopenia is feasible and well tolerated in doses up to 200 mg eltrombopag daily.

Isolement et caractérisation de nouvelles espèces de Torque Teno Mini Virus (TTMV) : implication potentielle dans la pathogenèse de la pneumonie / Isolation and characterization of new species of Torque Teno Mini Virus (TTMV) : potential implication in the pathogenesis of pneumonia

Galmès, Johanna 03 April 2013 (has links)
La pneumonie est la première cause de mortalité chez l’enfant dans le monde. Elle peut être provoquée par un certain nombre d’agents pathogènes connus mais 15 à 35% des pneumonies de l’enfant restent encore non renseignées d’un point de vue étiologique. L’utilisation d’un test moléculaire de découverte de nouveaux pathogènes nous a permis de découvrir de nouvelles espèces de Torque Teno Mini Virus (TTMV, Anelloviridae), nommées TTMV-LY, dans trois épanchements pleuraux provenant d’enfants hospitalisés avec une pleuro-pneumopathie, dont l’étiologie demeurait inconnue. Les TTMV sont des virus ubiquitaires dont l’implication dans une pathologie reste à déterminer. Les voies respiratoires ayant précédemment été décrites pour être un site d'infection des anellovirus, nous avons entrepris de caractériser ces nouveaux virus, ainsi que d’étudier leur potentiel rôle dans la pathogénèse.Les génomes complets de TTMV-LY ont été isolés, caractérisés puis répliqués in vitro. La réponse des cellules épithéliales alvéolaires, ainsi que des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (CPA), impliquées dans l’inflammation, a été étudiée après infection par les virions néo-synthétisés.Ces travaux ont démontré que : i) les TTMV-LY peuvent coloniser les poumons en profondeur, ii) les cellules pulmonaires sont permissives aux TTMV-LY et permettent une réplication virale efficace, iii) l’infection virale module les réponses cellulaires et immunitaires des cellules pulmonaires en induisant des dérégulations de l’expression génique et la production de médiateurs inflammatoires, iv) les TTMV-LY seraient capables d’interagir avec les CPA et de réguler ainsi différentiellement le processus inflammatoire.L’ensemble de ces résultats ont permis de mettre en évidence une implication potentielle des TTMV-LY dans la pathogénèse des pneumopathies, et souligné la complexité des mécanismes biologiques mis en jeu lors de l’infection par les virus de cette famille. / Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children worldwide. It can be caused by a number of known pathogens, but 15-35% of childhood pneumonia are still not associated with an etiologic agent. A pathogen discovery assay allowed us to identify new species of Torque Teno Mini Virus (TTMV, Anelloviridae), named TTMV-LY, in three undiagnosed pleural effusions from children hospitalized with parapneumonic empyema. TTMV are ubiquitous orphan viruses, and their involvement in pathogenesis remains unknown. The respiratory tract was previously described to be a site of anellovirus detection. We investigated the role of these new species in the pathogenesis of severe pneumonia.Full-length TTMV-LY genomes were isolated and in vitro replicated. The response of alveolar epithelial cells, and antigen presenting cells (APC), both involved in the inflammation process, was studied after infection with neo-synthesized virions.This study showed for the first time that: i) TTMV-LY can deeply colonize lungs, ii) alveolar epithelial cells are permissive to the TTMV-LY and allow an efficient replication, iii) viral infection modulates cellular and innate immune responses of alveolar epithelial cells, by inducing gene expression deregulations and inflammatory mediators production, iv) TTMV-LY are able to interact with APC and thereby regulate differentially their inflammatory process.All these results allowed to highlight a potential involvement of TTMV-LY in the pathogenesis of severe pneumonia and brought out the complexity of the biological mechanisms taking place during infection by viruses of this family.

Impact of the myeloid Krüppel-like factor 4 during pneumococcal pneumonia

Bhattacharyya, Aritra 19 July 2018 (has links)
Bakterielle Pneumonien sind weltweit eine der häufigsten Todesursachen und S. pneumoniae ist das häufigste klinische Isolat. Neutrophile Granulozyten gehören zur Klasse der myeloiden Zellen und sind eine wichtige Komponente der angeborenen Immunität gegen bakterielle Infektionen. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) spielt dabei nicht nur eine Rolle in der Differenzierung der Zellen des Immunsystems, sondern auch während der Infektion bei der Vermittlung inflammatorischer Signale in unterschiedlichen Zelltypen. Diese Studie zeigt zum ersten Mal in vivo, dass myeloides KLF4 Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf hat und die mit einer bakteriellen Pneumonie einhergehende Entzündungsreaktion reguliert. Die hier aufgeführten Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor KLF4 während einer Pneumokokken Pneumonie in humanen und murinen neutrophilen Granulozyten induziert wird. Diese Induktion ist Zeit- und Dosisabhängig. Außerdem wird die Expression von myeloidem KLF4 durch die Autolyse von S. pneumoniae reguliert, aber nicht über Toll-like Rezeptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4 oder TLR9 vermittelt. Studien in einem Maus-Pneumonie Modell zeigen, dass myeloides KLF4 einen proinflammatorischen Phänotyp bewirkt. Mäuse mit einem KLF4 knockout (KLF4-/-) in myeloiden Zellen haben im Vergleich zu Wildtyp (KLF4+/+) Mäusen eine höhere Bakterienlast in Lunge, Blut und Milz. Obwohl die Produktion proinflammatorischer Zytokine (wie TNF-α, IL-1β und KC) in BALF und Plasma von KLF4-/- Mäusen geringer war, gab es keine Unterschiede bei der Zellrekrutierung in der BALF von KLF4-/- und KLF4+/+ Mäusen. Allerdings war die Zellrekrutierung im Blut der KLF4-/- Mäuse geringer als bei den KLF4+/+ Mäusen. Außerdem wurde eine erhöhte vaskuläre Permeabilität verbunden mit perivaskulären Ödemen und Pleuritis bei KLF4-/- Mäusen während der S. pneumoniae-induzierten Infektion beobachtet. Diese Mäuse erreichten auch eher die humanen Endpunkte als die vergleichbaren KLF4+/+ Mäuse. / Bacterial pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequently isolated pathogen from clinical pneumonia samples. Neutrophils belong to the class of myeloid cells and forms an important component of this innate immune system against bacterial infections. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) has been reported to not only play a role in differentiation of cells of the immune system but also in mediating inflammatory signals in different kinds of host cells during infection. This study shows myeloid KLF4 has an impact on pneumococcal pneumonia outcome and regulates the inflammation associated with bacterial pneumonia in vivo in mice. The results presented in the work show that the transcription factor KLF4 is induced in human and mice neutrophils during pneumococcal pneumonia. The induction of KLF4 is time and dose dependent. Additionally, the expression of myeloid KLF4 is regulated by the autolysis of S. pneumoniae but is not mediated via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, TLR4 or TLR9. Studies using a mouse pneumonia model showed that myeloid KLF4 exhibits a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Mice with KLF4 knockout (KO) or KLF4-/- in myeloid cells had higher bacterial load in their lungs, blood and spleen in comparison to wildtype (WT) or KLF4+/+ mice. Although there was less pro-inflammatory cytokine (such as TNF-α, IL-1β and KC) production in the broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and plasma of KLF4-/- mice yet there no differences in cell recruitment in the BALF of the KLF4-/- and KLF4+/+ mice. There was however less cell recruitment in the blood of KLF4-/- mice in comparison to KLF4+/+ mice. Additionally, an increased vascular permeability associated with perivascular edema and pleuritis was seen during Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced infection in KLF4-/- mice, which also reached earlier the human endpoints than the KLF4+/+ mice.

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