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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevenção do excesso de peso infantil na atenção básica: construção e validação de um álbum seriado / Prevention of child overweight in primary care: construction and validation of flip chart

Mirna Ferré Fontão Más 15 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O excesso de peso destaca-se como importante problema de saúde na atualidade e sua prevenção desde a primeira infância é essencial para a promoção da saúde da população. O uso de material didático e instrucional, como o álbum seriado, contribui para a prática do processo educativo em saúde na rotina dos serviços. Objetivo: Construir e validar um Álbum Seriado sobre prevenção do excesso de peso infantil na atenção básica. Método: Estudo descritivo que foca o desenvolvimento e a validação de um instrumento para intervenção educativa. Integra investigação mais ampla desenvolvida no município de Itupeva, Estado de São Paulo, aprovada por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e autorizada pela Diretoria de Saúde do município. Foi desenvolvida em três etapas: 1) Oficinas de escuta com mães e profissionais de saúde da atenção básica; 2) Construção do álbum seriado; 3) Validação do álbum seriado. Com base no referencial teórico da educação crítica, três oficinas com duração de 90 minutos cada, foram realizadas no período de abril a junho de 2015: duas com 10 mães e uma com 14 profissionais da atenção básica. As oficinas foram gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os temas extraídos das oficinas, documentos técnicos do Ministério da Saúde e figuras disponíveis no banco de imagens da web foram utilizados na construção do Álbum Seriado. O Álbum Seriado foi validado por oito juízes, profissionais vinculados à Diretoria de Saúde e Educação do município, que avaliaram conteúdo e aparência mediante preenchimento de uma ficha de validação, durante discussão em grupo. Analisou-se a porcentagem de concordância dos juízes. Resultados: A construção do Álbum Seriado teve como base os temas extraídos das oficinas realizadas com mães e profissionais de saúde, porém para uma sequência lógica de apresentação, o material foi organizado de acordo com os temas reconhecimento do excesso de peso/obesidade, consequências para a saúde da criança e estratégias para prevenção e promoção da saúde infantil. O Álbum Seriado foi constituído por 27 folhetos com frente (figura) e verso (ficha-roteiro). Houve 99% de concordância dos juízes quanto ao tema proposto, 96% com relação à clareza/compreensão dos folhetos, 94% quanto à importância de cada uma das figuras para o álbum seriado e 47% quanto à necessidade de ajustes ou exclusão de folhetos. Melhorias na resolução e substituição de algumas figuras foram as principais sugestões para o ajuste do material apresentado para validação. Conclusões: A construção e validação do álbum seriado, com base na educação crítica, envolve os participantes, facilita o uso dessa tecnologia pelos profissionais de saúde no processo educativo na atenção básica e favorece a compreensão e incorporação de passos importantes para a prevenção do excesso de peso infantil, contribuindo para a promoção da saúde da criança. / Introduction: Weight excess stands out as a major health problem today and its prevention since early childhood is essential for the population health. The use of instructional teaching materials such as flip chart in the educational process in health contributes to the effectiveness of this practice in the service routine. Objective: To develop and validate a flip chart on prevention of childhood weight excess in primary care. Methods: Descriptive study that focuses on the development and validation of an instrument for educational intervention. Honest and wide investigation was developed in the city of Itupeva, State of São Paulo, approved by the Research Ethics Committee and authorized by the city\'s Health Board. It was developed in three steps: 1) Listening workshops with mothers and health professionals in primary care; 2) Development of a flip chart; 3) Flip chart validation. Based on the theoretical framework of critical education, where three workshops which lasted 90 minutes each were held from April to June 2015: two with 10 mothers, and one with 14 primary care professionals. The workshops were recorded, transcribed and subjected to content analysis. To develop the flip chart, themes were drawn from workshops, technical documents were used from the Ministry of Health and pictures were taken from the internet. The flip chart was validated by eight judges, who were part of the city professional Board of Health and Education. They evaluated the flip charts content and appearance by filling out a form validation for group discussion. The percentage of the judges agreement was analyzed. Results: The analysis of the listening workshops gave origin to the topics, weight excess acknowledgement\", consequences for the childs health\" and \"strategies for prevention and childrens health promotion. The flip chart consists of 27 sheets: odds pages with figure and even pages with plug-Script. There was 99% of the judges agreement on the proposed theme, 96% regarding clarity and understanding, 94% regarding the importance of each picture, and 47% as for needs of adjustments or exclusion. Resolution improvements and picture replacements were the main suggestions for the material validation. Conclusions: The flip chart construction and validation based on critical education involves the participants, facilitates the use of this technology by health professionals in the educational process in primary care, and promotes understanding and incorporation of important steps to prevent child\'s weight overflow, contributing to the child\'s health promotion.

Saúde e apoio social no trabalho: estudo de caso de professores da educação básica pública / Health and social support at work: a case study of teachers from elementary public school

Rodrigo Manoel Giovanetti 13 September 2006 (has links)
Objetivos: o apoio social no trabalho (AST) de professores está associado à prevenção de agravos à saúde e à melhoria do ambiente psicossocial de trabalho, sendo a compreensão de sua estrutura, relevante. Procurou-se descrever a estrutura de AST de professores considerando o sentido suportivo atribuído aos seus conteúdos nas relações sociais de trabalho. Métodos: realizou-se um estudo com contribuição da pesquisa qualitativa em uma escola pública de educação básica da cidade de São Paulo. Foram aplicadas a observação participante e entrevista individual em profundidade como técnicas instrumentais. Fez-se análise de conteúdo e os resultados foram discutidos com base em aproximações teóricas com a representação social, os fatores psicossociais e a organização do trabalho docente (FPS/OT). Resultados e discussões: foram descritos e especificados os tipos (emocional, instrumental, informativo e de apreciação) e fontes (professores, diretoria, pais/responsáveis e alunos) de AST, que se relacionou com práticas cotidianas para a amenização das exigências de OT e da precarização de recursos educacionais. Sugeriu-se o desenvolvimento de grupos de discussão no trabalho. / Objectives: social support at teachers’ work (SSW) is associated with illness prevention and improvement of psychosocial working conditions. Hence, identyfing teachers’ SSW specific structure is important. The objective of this study was to describe teachers’ SSW specific structure in terms of its content. Methods: contributions from qualitative case study were used to assess teachers social relations within Sao Paulo’s public elementary school. It was applied participant observations and individual unstructured interviews as instrumental techniques. Data were formulated with content analysis and discussed form a theoretical approach with Social Representation Theory, Psychosocial Factors at Work and Work Organization (PSF/WO). Results and discussion: teachers’ SSW structure was based on sources (principal, coworkers, student’s fathers and student themselves) and types (emotional, instrumental, informational and appraisal). SSW was associated with workers’ formulation of daily educational practices and WO, improving precarious working conditions. It was suggested the development of discussion groups at work.

Prevalência de defeitos do tubo neural no estado de São Paulo antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico / Prevalence of neural tube defects in the state of Sao Paulo before and after fortification of flour with folic acid

Camila Florido Baldino 19 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Defeitos do tubo neural (DTN) são as malformações mais freqüentes do sistema nervoso. Decorrem de falha no fechamento do tubo neural embrionário entre 21-28 dias após a concepção e representam importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil passível de prevenção. Os defeitos mais freqüentes são anencefalia e espinha bífida. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, a fortificação compulsória das farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e ácido fólico passou a ser obrigatória no Brasil desde junho de 2004. Assim, delineou-se este estudo com vistas a proporcionar uma base de referência sobre a evolução do problema no Estado de São Paulo e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visam a prevenção e a minimização desse problema de saúde em nível populacional. Objetivo: Comparar a prevalência de DTN no Estado de São Paulo, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico. Método: Estudo transversal analítico que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc) nos períodos antes (2001-2003) e após (2006-2008) a fortificação obrigatória das farinhas com ácido fólico. A variável dependente foi a presença de DTN, identificado pelos códigos Q00 (anencefalia), Q01 (encefalocele) e Q05 (espinha bífida, que inclui meningocele e mielomeningocele) da 10ª Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10). Avaliou-se a prevalência de DTN segundo período (antes/após-fortificação), características maternas e do recém nascido. Odds Ratio (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%) foram utilizados para análise dos dados, conduzida no software R. Utilizou-se o teste de qui-quadrado com nível de confiança de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência total de DTN diminuiu significativamente no período estudado, passando de 0,57 por mil nascidos vivos antes da fortificação para 0,37 por mil nascidos vivos após a fortificação (OR:0,65; IC95%:0,59-0,72). Tanto a espinha bífida (OR:0,52; IC95%:0,45-0,59) quanto a anencefalia (OR:0,79; IC95%:0,67-0,92) foram menos prevalentes no período após a fortificação. Encefalocele foi a menos freqüente e não mostrou diferença na prevalência entre os períodos. Análise estratificada segundo características maternas e infantis mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa de DTN com idade materna no período antes da fortificação e com escolaridade materna, número de consultas de pré-natal e duração da gestação em ambos os períodos. As variáveis do recém-nascido que se associaram estatisticamente com DTN foram sexo no período antes da fortificação e peso ao nascer em ambos os períodos. A análise estratificada da prevalência de DTN mostrou redução significativa após a fortificação para mulheres de todas as faixas etárias (exceto para <15 anos), para aquelas com mais de três anos de estudo, com ou sem companheiro, com sete consultas de pré-natal ou mais e menos de 42 semanas de gestação. Em relação às características do recém-nascido, a análise apontou redução significativa para ambos os sexos, para nascidos com menos de 4000g e todas as raça/cor (exceto preta e outros). Conclusões: O estudo mostrou redução significativa na prevalência total de DTN no Estado de São Paulo após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico e também nas prevalências de anencefalia e espinha bífida. Embora tenha que se considerar que outros fatores possam ter contribuído para esse declínio, os resultados reiteram a importância da fortificação das farinhas como medida de prevenção primária na redução da ocorrência de DTN. / Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most frequent malformations of the nervous system. Result of failure in the embryonic neural tube between 21-28 days after conception and are an important cause of preventable child mortality. The most frequent defects are anencephaly and spina bifida. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTD, the compulsory fortification of wheat and corn flour with iron and folic acid became mandatory in Brazil since June 2004. Thus, this study was outlined in order to provide a baseline on the evolution of the problem in the State of Sao Paulo and contribute to the improvement of public policies aimed at prevention and minimization of this health problem at the population level. Objective: To compare the prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo, before and after fortification of flour with folic acid. Methods: Analytical transversal study used data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc) in the periods before (2001-2003) and after (2006-2008) the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid. The dependent variable was the presence of NTDs, identified by the codes Q00 (anencephaly), Q01 (encephalocele) and Q05 (spina bifida, meningocele and myelomeningocele including) the 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Evaluated the prevalence of NTDs second period (before / after-fortification), and maternal characteristics of the newborn. Odds Ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (95%) were used for data analysis, conducted in the software R. Was used the chi-square test with a confidence level of 5%. Results: The total prevalence of NTDs decreased significantly during the study period, from 0,57 per thousand live births before fortification to 0,37 for a thousand live births after fortification (OR:0,65; IC95%: 0,59-0,72). Both spina bifida (OR:0,52; IC95%: 0,45-0,59) and anencephaly (OR:0,79; IC95%: 0,67-0,92) were less prevalent in the period after fortification. Encephalocele was less frequent and showed no difference in prevalence between periods. Analysis stratified by maternal characteristics and infant showed a statistically significant association of NTDs with maternal age in the period before fortification and maternal education, number of prenatal visits and duration of pregnancy in both periods. The variables of the newborn that is statistically associated with NTDs were sex in the period before fortification and birth weight in both periods. The stratified analysis of the prevalence of NTDs showed a significant decrease after fortification for women of all ages (except for <15 years) for those with more than three years of study, with or without a partner, with seven prenatal consultations or more and less than 42 weeks of gestation. In relation to the characteristics of the newborn, the analysis showed a significant reduction for both sexes, born to less than 4000g and all race/color (except black and others). Conclusions: The study showed a significant reduction in the overall prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo after fortification of flour with folic acid and also in the prevalence of anencephaly and spina bifida. Although it is found that other factors may have contributed to this decline, the results reiterate the importance of fortification of flour as a measure of primary prevention in reducing the incidence of NTDs.

Conhecimentos e práticas de profissionais de saúde na prevenção do suicídio na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu

Pinto, Meire Perpétua Vieira 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Wagner Junior (wagner.junior@unioeste.br) on 2018-07-12T19:25:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Meire_Perpetua_Vieira_Pinto_2018.pdf: 1814408 bytes, checksum: 40567f2ff1a03d4fd57dd32e83e44648 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-12T19:25:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Meire_Perpetua_Vieira_Pinto_2018.pdf: 1814408 bytes, checksum: 40567f2ff1a03d4fd57dd32e83e44648 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Introduction. Suicide is considered by researchers a multidetermined, complex phenomenon, existing since antiquity. Suicidologists emphasize the importance of developing studies making feasible the implementation of programs that bring closer health professionals and people who present behaviors at risk of suicide. Objective: To understand how physicians, psychologists, nurses, nursing technicians and community agents of Basic Care in a triple border region identify and develop care actions for people with suicidal behavior. Methodology: Study based on Alfred Schütz'sSocial Phenomenology developed in the city of Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil in Basic Health Care Units. The participants' reports were collected from June 2017 to December 2017 through a semi-structured interview, with the following guiding questions: Tell me what you know about suicide and about suicide prevention. Do you know the National Guidelines for the Prevention of Suicide? Do you assist or have assisted people with suicidal behavior? Comment, from your experience, what do you understand about Care and about Care Actions? Do you develop caregiving actions for people with suicidal behavior? If so, which ones? If not, why? In your opinion, what actions could be taken with this population? What are your expectations regarding the Networks of Care with this population? Results: There are three categories unfolded in nine subcategories related to "because motive", the past/present experiences of the professionals and another category that unfolds in five subcategories related to "in-order-to motive", that is, their expectations towards the future. Final Thoughts: The collective construction fostered by the actions of permanent education can contribute to the expansion of the understanding of suicide, not only as an individual issue, but as a social problem that requires collective and community coping solutions, extensive to other social actors. The study evidenced the reflections on the difficult daily life experienced by health professionals, when faced with their own anguish related to impotence facing such a complex and challenging phenomenon for the whole society. / Introducción: El suicidio es considerado por los investigadores un fenomeno multideterminado, complejo, existente desde la antiguedad. Suicidólogos destacan la importancia de desenvolver estudios que viabilicen la implantación de programas que aproximen profesionales de la salud y personas que presentan comportamientos con riesgo de suicidio. Objetivo: Comprender como médicos, psicólogos, enfermería, técnicos de enfermería y agentes comunitários de atención básica , en región de triple frontera, identifican y desarrollan acciones de cuidado a las personas con comportamiento suicida. Metodología: Estudio fundamentado en la Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz desenvolvido en la ciudad de Foz de Iguazu-PR, Brasil en unidades de salud de atención básica. Los informes de los participantes fueron obtenidos en el período de junio de 2017 a diciembre de 2017 por medio de entrevista semiestructurada, con las siguientes cuestiones orientadoras: Dígame lo que usted sabe sobre el suicidio y sobre la prevención del suicidio. ¿Usted conoce las Directrices Nacionales para la Prevención del Suicidio? ¿Usted atendió o atiende a personas con comportamiento suicida? ¿ Puedes comentar a partir de su vivencia lo que usted comprende sobre el Cuidado y sobre acciones de Cuidado? ¿Usted desarrolla acciones de cuidado a las personas con comportamiento suicida? Si es así, ¿cuáles? Si no, ¿por qué?, en su opinión, ¿Qué acciones podrían realizarse junto a esa población? ¿Cuáles son tus expectativas en lo que se refiere a las redes de cuidado junto a esa población? Resultados: Se destacan tres categorías desplegadas en nueve subcategorías relacionadas con los "motivos por los que”, el vivido por los profesionales y una categoría que se desdobla en cinco subcategorías relacionadas con los "motivos para", es decir, sus expectativas. Consideraciones finales: La construcción colectiva promovido por las acciones de educación permanente puede contribuir para la ampliación del entendimiento del suicidio, no solo como una cuestión individual, sino como un problema social que requiere soluciones de enfrentamiento colectivas y comunitarias, contemplando otros actores sociales. El estudio evidenció la reflexión sobre el difícil cotidiano vivido por los profesionales de la salud al encontrarse con sus propias angustias relacionadas a la impotencia frente a un fenómeno tan complejo y desafiante para toda la sociedad. / Introdução. O suicídio é considerado por pesquisadores um fenômeno multideterminado, complexo, existente desde a antiguidade. Suicidólogos destacam a importância de se desenvolver estudos que viabilizem a implantação de programas que aproximem profissionais da saúde e pessoas que apresentem comportamentos com risco de suicídio. Objetivo: Compreender como médicos, psicólogos, enfermeiros, técnicos de enfermagem e agentes comunitários da Atenção Básica, em região de tríplice fronteira, identificam e desenvolvem ações de cuidado a pessoas com comportamento suicida. Metodologia: Estudo fundamentado na Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz desenvolvido na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brasil em Unidades de Saúde da Atenção Básica. Os relatos dos participantes foram obtidos no período de junho de 2017 a dezembro de 2017 por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com as seguintes questões norteadoras: Fale-me o que você sabe sobre o suicídio e sobre a prevenção do suicídio. Você conhece as Diretrizes Nacionais para a Prevenção do Suicídio? Você atendeu ou atende pessoas com comportamento suicida? Comente, a partir da sua vivência o que você compreende sobre o Cuidado e sobre Ações de Cuidado? Você desenvolve ações de cuidado a pessoas com comportamento suicida? Se sim, quais? Se não, por que? Em sua opinião, que ações poderiam ser realizadas junto a essa população? Quais são as suas expectativas no que diz respeito às Redes de Cuidado junto a essa população? Resultados: destacam-se três categorias desdobradas em nove subcategorias relacionadas aos “motivos por que”, o vivenciado pelos profissionais e uma categoria que se desdobra em cinco subcategorias relacionadas aos “motivos para”, ou seja, as suas expectativas. Considerações finais: A construção coletiva fomentada pelas ações de educação permanente pode contribuir para a ampliação do entendimento do suicídio, não apenas como uma questão individual, mas enquanto um problema social que requer soluções de enfrentamento coletivas e comunitárias, contemplando outros atores sociais. O estudo evidenciou a reflexão sobre o difícil cotidiano vivenciado pelos profissionais de saúde ao se depararem com suas próprias angústias relacionadas à impotência frente a um fenômeno tão complexo e desafiador para toda a sociedade.

Prevence v sociální práci a ve školním prostředí / Prevention in Social Work and in School Environment

Machačová, Julie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on prevention in social work and in school environment. It presents possibility of interdisciplinary cooperation by creation of school social worker position. Emphasis is put particularly on bullying as one of the form of risky behavior. Theoretical part of the work defines topics such as social prevention, prevention in school environment, school social worker and school bullying. Practical part of the thesis elaborates on selected interviews with school employees, family members and social workers using grounded theory approach. Focus of the analysis is put on inter-role cooperation in primary prevention of school bullying. Key words: social prevention, prevention in social work, school social worker, school primary prevention, bullying, inter-role cooperation

Komparace realizace primární prevence na druhém stupni základních škol v Mostě a Praze / Comparison of primary prevention at the second level of elementary schools in Most and Prague

Müllerová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis Comparison of primary prevention at the second level of elementary schools in Most and Prague discusses the implementation of primary prevention at the second level of elemetary school in these two selected locations. The diploma thesis is thematically divided into six chapters. The first part defines the basic terminology related to the topic of primary prevention. This section also contains information about particular topics of risky behavior and counsulting services of elementary schools. The second part follows a survey among school prevention methodologists in Most and Prague. The objective of the following practical part is to identify and compare what form and under what conditions is implemented primary prevention of risky behavior among pupils of the second level of elementary schools. For the survey was used quantitative method, in the form of a questionnaire divided between school prevention methodologists in both cities. In the final part there are interpreted the data obtained in the survey, which confirmed that in both areas there are different approaches to the implementation of primary prevention at the second levels of elementary schools. KEYWORDS: Primary prevention, risky behavior, the second level of elementary school, school advisory department, minimal...

Psychické potíže / duševní onemocnění jako téma všeobecné primární prevence v prostředí školy / Mental Health Problems / Mental Ilnesses as a Topic of General Primary Prevention in the School Environment

Vrbová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the area of mental health problems / mental illnesses as a possible topic of general primary prevention in the school environment. It points out, that the mental health and illness is not being systematically solved. In the area of primary prevention is not given the kind of attention it deserves. In the theoretical part, basic notions are defined first, such as mental health and illness, risk behavior, stigma and prevention. The focus is on the period of adolescence and the perspective of possible links between risky behaviors and mental health problems/illnesses. The theoretical part of the work is also centered on the coping strategies of adolescents and the area of general primary prevention of risk behavior in the current concept of the Ministry of Education. That includes ensuring and controlling the quality and effectiveness of primary prevention programs. In brief, follow-up care - supported education and early intervention is discussed. The aim of the work is to map the relation of the needs of young people with mental illnesses and primary prevention. In addition, the findings will be a base for recommendations how to incorporate the topic of mental health and illness into the existing system of primary prevention. The methodology is based on a qualitative research...

Možnosti identifikace ohrožení dítěte v mateřské škole / Possibilities of identification of child's endangering in kindergarten

Bělohradská, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of early identification of a child's endangering in kindergarten, defining and explaining the concepts of primary prevention, endangered child, social exclusion. Furthermore, the work deals with the threat to the child due to social exclusion and in the end suggests how to address this issue. The main research goal of the work is to verify the functionality of the created detection tool for kindergarten teachers. The created detection tool provides kindergarten teachers with assistance in evaluating the child and his situation so that any problems can be detected in time. Areas that the detection tool deals with and how it has been evolved are described here. It also suggests possible procedures for solving problems based on the cooperation of the kindergarten teacher with a special pedagogue. With regard to the issue of social exclusion and early identification of child threats, the diploma thesis describes examples of good practice in preventing child threats from abroad and discussions about the possibilities of their implementation in our system. The research part of the diploma thesis is based on qualitative and quantitative methods, especially interviews and questionnaire surveys, and aims to verify the functionality of the created detection...

The Importance of a Social Movement to Reduce Childhood Sexual Abuse & Recommendations for Implementation of a Movement

Vereschagin, Brittany 29 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Comparaison de la pression artérielle, des mécanismes régulateurs de la pression artérielle et des fonctions cognitives chez les femmes physiquement actives en pré- et post-ménopause

Debray, Amélie 12 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études se sont intéressées aux effets délétères de la ménopause dans l’augmentation du risque de maladies cardiovasculaires et de troubles cognitifs. La chute des concentrations en hormones sexuelles liée à la ménopause impacte la pression artérielle, premier acteur responsable dans l’augmentation de la prévalence des maladies cardiovasculaires et des troubles cognitifs. Dans la population masculine, l’activité physique et ses effets notamment hypotenseurs apparaissent comme une stratégie non pharmacologique hautement efficace dans le maintien de la santé cardiovasculaire et cognitive. En revanche, les effets bénéfiques d’un mode de vie physiquement actif sur la pression artérielle, la santé vasculaire et la santé cognitive ne sont pas encore globalement admis chez les femmes post-ménopausées. Par conséquent, l'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'impact de la ménopause sur la pression artérielle, les facteurs qui la régulent et les fonctions cognitives chez des femmes physiquement actives. A partir de la littérature existante, nous avons formulé l’hypothèse générale que la pression artérielle et les fonctions cognitives seraient préservées chez femmes post-ménopausées (stade + 1 de la classification STRAW+10) physiquement actives (≥150 min/sem d’activité physique à intensité modérée ou ≥ 75 min/sem d’activité physique à intensité vigoureuse) par rapport à des femmes pré-ménopausées (stade -3 de la classification STRAW+10) physiquement actives. Nous avons également formulé l’hypothèse que les marqueurs de santé vasculaires seraient préservés chez ces femmes post-ménopausées physiquement actives par rapport au groupe de femmes pré-ménopausées physiquement actives. Une revue de littérature et deux études transversales ont été réalisées pour vérifier ces hypothèses. Notre revue de littérature a mis en évidence : L’effet de la privation d'hormones sexuelles sur les mécanismes physiologiques impliqués dans l'augmentation de la pression artérielle à la ménopause. L'effet bénéfique de l’activité physique dans la prévention et le traitement de l'hypertension chez les femmes ménopausées. Les limites actuelles de la littérature scientifique quant aux effets bénéfiques de l’activité physique sur les mécanismes physiologiques régulant la pression artérielle. Nos études expérimentales ont permis de conclure que : Les femmes post-ménopausées physiquement actives ont des valeurs moyennes de pressions artérielles (systolique et diastolique) et des marqueurs vasculaires (rigidité artérielle, fonction endothéliale, sensibilité du baroréflexe) préservés par rapport aux femmes pré-ménopausées physiquement actives. Ces mêmes femmes post-ménopausées physiquement actives performent aussi bien que leurs homologues pré-ménopausées aux tests cognitifs évaluant la vitesse de traitement et les fonctions exécutives notamment pour les composantes inhibition et alternance. En revanche, elles performent moins bien que le groupe pré-ménopausées pour les tests évaluant la mémoire de travail. Cette thèse montre donc que d’être physiquement actif a des effets positifs sur la pression artérielle et les fonctions vasculaires des femmes en début de ménopause. Cependant cela ne permet pas de limiter totalement la baisse de la performance cognitive, notamment dans les domaines cognitifs évaluant les fonctions exécutives (mémoire de travail). Nous concluons que d’être physiquement actif permet de compenser certaines conséquences vasculaires, mais pas certaines conséquences cognitives associées à la transition ménopausique. / Numerous studies have focused on the deleterious effects of menopause that result in a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases and cognitive disorders. The fall in sex hormone concentrations associated with menopause increases blood pressure, which is the main factor involved in the increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and cognitive disorders. In males, the hypotensive effects of physical activity are a highly effective non-pharmacological strategy for maintaining cardiovascular and cognitive health. In contrast, the beneficial effects of a physically active lifestyle on blood pressure, vascular health, and cognitive health are not yet generally accepted in post-menopausal females. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to study the effect of menopause on blood pressure, its regulating factors and cognitive function in physically active females. Based on the existing literature, we formulated the general hypothesis that blood pressure and cognitive functions would be preserved in physically active (≥150 min/week of moderate intensity physical activity or ≥75 min/week of vigorous intensity physical activity) post-menopausal females (stage +1 of the STRAW+10 classification) compared with physically active pre-menopausal females (stage -3 of the STRAW+10 classification). We also hypothesized that markers of vascular health would be preserved in the physically active post-menopausal group compared with the physically active pre-menopausal group. A literature review and 2 cross-sectional studies were performed to test these hypotheses. Our literature review highlighted: o The effect of sex hormone deprivation on the physiological mechanisms involved in increased blood pressure during menopause. The beneficial effect of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of hypertension in post-menopausal females. o The current knowledge gaps of the scientific literature regarding the beneficial effects of physical activity on the physiological mechanisms regulating blood pressure. Our experimental studies concluded that: o Physically active post-menopausal females have preserved mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressures and physiological mechanisms involved in blood pressure regulation (arterial stiffness, endothelial function, baroreflex sensitivity) compared with physically active pre-menopausal females. o Physically active post-menopausal females perform as well as their pre- menopausal counterparts in cognitive tests evaluating processing speed and executive functions, particularly for the inhibition and alternation components. However, they performed worse than the pre-menopausal group on tests assessing working memory. Taken together this thesis shows that being physically active has positive effects on blood pressure and vascular function in early post-menopausal females. However, a physically active lifestyle does not completely limit the decline in cognitive performance, especially in cognitive domain assessing executive functions (working memory). We conclude that being physically active compensates for some vascular consequences, but not all cognitive consequences associated with the menopausal transition.

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