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Precipitation behavior of the super austenitic stainless steel SANICRO® 35 and the effect on impact toughness and pitting corrosion resistanceLi, Shunyi January 2022 (has links)
This research extended the knowledge of the solid phase transformation and the resulting influence on impact toughness and pitting corrosion resistance in super austenitic stainless steel (SASS) SANICRO® 35. A time-temperature-transformation diagram (TTT diagram) was assembled by performing isothermal heat treatments in the temperature range of 650-1050 °C for different periods of time, ranging from 5 min to 500 min. Microstructural analysis via LOM-DIC, SEM-EDS shows that the nose temperature of dominating σ phase is located in between 900-950 °C. Minor nitrides including π phase and Cr2N with the nose temperature of 900 °C and 850 °C, respectively, were detected after prolonged heat treatment times. Area fraction of precipitates was calculated by analyzing micrographic images in the software ImageJ. Charpy impact tests indicate that the impact toughness degrades with increasing area fraction of precipitates but at a higher rate at the early stage of precipitation. Despite a much-lessened area fraction, fine precipitates decorating the grain boundaries in a continuous pattern impose significant negative effect on impact toughness. Pitting corrosion resistance was indicated by critical pitting temperature (CPT) as per ASTM G150mod (3M MgCl2). Pitting corrosion resistance deteriorated with increasing amount of σ phase due to the Cr- and Mo-depleted surrounding area, but it is more dependent on the distribution pattern of precipitates, as well as the secondary phase type. The lowest CPTs were measured after heat treatment for 500 min at 800 °C and 850 °C where nitrides including Cr2N and π phase were formed and the small precipitates were distributed on grain boundaries continuously. Auxiliary simulation of TTT diagram via TC PRISMA shows drastic variation from experimental results in regard of time scale. The enhancement pre-factor for the interfacial mobility and interfacial energy can be modified to approach the experimental results. / Detta arbete utfördes för att undersöka fasomvandlingar och dess inflytande på slagsegheten och gropfrätningsmotståndet för det superaustenitiska rostfria stålet (SASS) SANICRO® 35. Ett tid-temperatur-transformationsdiagram (TTT-diagram) har tagits fram genom att utföra isotermiska värmebehandlingar mellan 650-1050 °C med olika hålltider från 5-500 minuter. Mikrostrukturanalys genom LOM-DIC, SEM-EDS undersökning visar att nosen för den dominerande σ-fasen ligger mellan 900-950 °C. Mindre nitrider, som π-fas och Cr2N, med nosarna vid 900 °C respektive 850 °C observerades vid längre hålltider. Areafraktionen av utskiljningar beräknades genom analys av mikrobilder med programmet ImageJ. Slagprovning visade att slagsegheten minskar med ökande fraktion utskiljningar men med en tydligare försämring i början av fastransformationen. Trots att de utgör en betydligt mindre areafraktion så kan mindre utskiljningar som följer korngränserna också påverka materialet signifikant negativt. Gropfrätningsmotståndet testades genom att mäta Critical Pitting Temperature (CPT) enligt ASTM G150mod (3M MgCl2). CPT minskade med ökande andel σ-fas p.g.a. den Cr- och Mo-utarmade zon som omger de utskilda partiklarna. Det finns även en stark koppling mellan lägre CPT och distributionen av utskiljningarna samt andra typer av faser. Lägst CPT uppmättes efter 500 minuter vid 800 °C och 850 °C då små nitrider inklusive Cr2N och π-fas bildats längs med stora delar av korngränserna. Simulering av TTT-diagram i TC PRISMA visade en drastisk skillnad i tiden till utskiljning/mängden utskiljningar jämfört med de experimentella resultaten. Diffusionförstärkningsfaktorn (eng. “mobility enhancement pre-factor”) och ytenergin kan minskas för att bättre överensstämma med de experimentella resultaten.
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Mass spectrometric analysis of signal dependent protein modificationsKahlert, Günther 18 August 2015 (has links)
C/EBPα und C/EBPβ sind Transkriptionsfaktoren, die die Zellproliferation und Zelldifferenzierung in vielen Geweben regulieren. C/EBPα und C/EBPβ spielen auch eine onkogene Rolle in akuter myeloischer Leukämie und anaplastisch-großzelligen Lymphomen (ALCL). In dieser Studie wird C/EBPα auf neue posttranslationale Modifikationen, wie z. B. Arginin-Methylierungen und Citrullinierungen, sowie Lysin-Methylierungen und Acetylierungen, mit massenspektrometrischen Mitteln untersucht. Es werden eine modifizierbare C/EBPα-Arginin-Citrullinierungsposition und die C/EBPα-Lysinsumoylierung eingehend auf ihren Einfluss auf C/EBPα-Proteininteraktionsnetzwerk überprüft. Außerdem wurde im Verlauf dieser Studie ein Hochdurchsatz-Screening-Verfahren entwickelt, das wir Protein Interaktions-Screening auf einer Peptid Matrix (PrISMa) nennen. Dieses Verfahren dient der Aufklärung des modifikationsabhängigen Proteininteraktionsnetzwerkes von C/EBPβ. PrISMa basiert auf einer Peptidmembran, auf der C/EBPβ-Peptide synthetisiert sind. Viele dieser Peptide enthalten methylierte Arginine und Lysine, acetylierte Lysine, citrullinierte Arginine und phosphorylierte Serine, Tyrosine und Threonine. Mittels PrISMa konnten Interaktionen von C/EBPβ mit Histonacetyltransferasen, dem Mediatorkomplex, Proteinen des nukleären Transports und RNA bindenden und spleißenden Proteinen verifiziert und kartiert werden. Des Weiteren konnte mit Hilfe von PrISMa eine große Anzahl von publizierten C/EBPβ Interaktionspartner spezifischen C/EBPβ-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. C/EBPβ wird in ALCL in hohem Maße exprimiert und ist für die Zellproliferation dieser Krebsart wichtig. In dieser Studie wird das Proteininteraktionsnetzwerk C/EBPβ in einer ALCL Zelllinie aufgeklärt, um tiefere Einsichten über die Funktion von C/EBPβ als Onkogen zu erlangen. / C/EBPα and C/EBPβ regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in multiple cell types. Moreover, C/EBPα and C/EBPβ are known to play oncogenic roles in acute myeloid leukemia and anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCLs). In this study C/EBPα is screened for novel posttranslational modifications (PTMs), such as arginine methylation and citrullination, as well as lysine methylation and acetylation by using mass spectrometry. A in this survey identified C/EBPα site of arginine citrullination and the C/EBPα lysine sumoylation are scrutinized for their impact on C/EBPα protein interaction network. A new high-throughput method named Protein Interaction Screen on peptide Matrices (PrISMa) is introduced in this study. This method was developed to determine the C/EBPβ protein interaction network in a PTM dependent manner. The PrISMa survey is based on a peptide membrane spotted with C/EBPβ peptides. Many of these C/EBPβ peptide sequences contain amino acid sequences comprising arginine and lysine methylation, lysine acetylation, arginine citrullination and serine, tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation. By means of PrISMa the C/EBPβ interplay with histone acetyltransferases, the mediator complex, proteins of the nucleoplasmic transport and RNA processing proteins is verified and specified by mapping these interactions to C/EBPβ amino acid sequences. Furthermore, PrISMa provides a map of C/EBPβ protein interaction patterns for a great number of the up to date published C/EBPβ protein interaction partners. C/EBPβ is highly expressed in ALCL cell lines and is essential for the cell proliferation of this type of cancer. In this study the C/EBPβ protein-protein interaction pattern in an ALCL cell line is unraveled providing valuable insight into the protein interaction network of C/EBPβ as an oncogene.
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Área e Volume de Prisma e Pirâmide / Area and Volume of Prism and PyramidReis, Mônica de Paula Tolentino 15 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper presents strategies for teaching polyhedra in high school, focusing on the calculation of arca and volume, with applications of new technologies as free software and easily accessible in the day to day activities. Here we describe also workshops with activities related to polyhedra, with students and teachers of the school, where it was found that most teachers did not use softwares and activities contained in the textbook adopted. / Este trabalho apresenta estratégias para o ensino de poliedros no ensino médio, enfocando o cálculo de área e volume, com aplicações das novas tecnologias como softwares gratuitos e de fácil acesso em atividades do dia a dia. Aqui também descrevemos oficinas com atividades relacionadas aos poliedros, com alunos e professores do ensino médio, onde constatou-se que a maioria dos professores não faziam uso de softwares e atividades contidas no livro didático adotado.
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”I början kände jag mig som en främling” : En kvalitativ studie om vuxna nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden och samhällsintegrering via fritidssektorn / "In the beginning I felt like a stranger” : A qualitative study of adult newcomers' establishment on the labor market and social integration through the leisure sectorSilfver, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att genom en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning skapa förståelse för nyanlända vuxnas etableringssvårigheter på arbetsmarknaden och i det svenska samhället, samt granska hur fritidssektorn kan komma att agera som stöd i denna integrationsprocess. Med utgångspunkt i Prismas förberedelseprojekt Prisma Arbetsmarknad - en arbetsintegrerande fritidssektor, har fyra deltagare intervjuats där dem delat med sig av sina erfarenheter, upplevelser och åsikter om sina första år i Sverige som nyanländ, utifrån följande frågeställning: Vilka uppfattningar har nyanlända vuxna om Projektet Prismas metoder för att stötta deras integration till arbetslivet och hur upplever de att samhället överlag bidragit till deras integrationsprocess? Studien baseras på tidigare forskning som behandlar nyanländas etableringsproblematik, samt tre sociologiska teorier. De teorier som används är Pierre Bourdieus kapital- och fältteori, Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer och emotionell energi, samt Jürgen Habermas teori om system och livsvärld. Resultatet visar på att informanterna upplevde sin första tid i Sverige som väldigt påfrestande, där deras vardag präglas av en låg sysselsättningsgrad eller ingen sysselsättning. Brist på sociala interaktioner visade sig ha negativa effekter på individens mentala hälsa. Genom deltagande i projekt Prisma Arbetsmarknad sysselsätts nyanlända och deras livsvärld stärks genom interaktionsritualer som ökar deras emotionella energi och även handlingsutrymme och förmåga. Detta bidrar till att deras sociala kapital utökas genom fler kontakter men också förmågan att ta kontakt.
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Nueva metodología para la obtención de distancias de visibilidad disponibles en carreteras existentes basada en datos LiDAR terrestreCampoy Ungria, Jose Manuel 21 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] The existence of a visibility that is appropriate to the actual operating conditions is a sine qua non to achieve a safe geometric design. The sight distances required in driving tasks, such as decision-making, stopping, overtaking or crossing, represent an essential parameter in the geometric design of new roads; and they play a key role in all international design guidelines. Nevertheless, once the road has been built and operating, many other surrounding circumstances do determine the actual sight distance available over time.
Moreover, since geometric design guidelines encompass visibility measurements based on the observer and the obstacle located on the roadway, systematic and periodic measurements prove difficult and tedious as well as risky and traffic-disruptive. In engineering practice, it is common to use elevation digital models and geometric design specific programs to establish the visibility conditions on roads; however, the development of new remote sensing technologies expand the possibilities to better estimate the visibility actually available.
LiDAR technology has been enjoying a boost internationally in recent years. It is an important source of information that consists of millions of georeferenced points belonging to all kinds of objects, which represent not only the geometry of the road itself, but also its more immediate surroundings. It is precisely this ability to include all sorts of potential obstacles to vision in the analysis that raised our interest.
This PhD thesis presents a newly developed and tested methodology for the systematic assessment of visibility available on roads that deploys visuals directly drawn against the LiDAR point cloud. To this purpose the concepts of Visual Prism (VP) and Rectangular Prismatic Unit (RPU) have been defined as key elements in this new way of thinking about vision. They represent an alternative to the traditional straight line drawn between the observer and the object.
During the research, the impact on the results of the point cloud density has been analyzed; and this methodology has been compared to the visibility results yielded by known techniques based upon digital terrain models, digital surface models and project profiles in two existing road sections. In general, conventional methods overestimate sight distance compared to the new methodology based on LiDAR data, and in many cases the overestimation is significant..
The development, that displays both visuals and three dimensional point cloud results, also enables to spot the reason for the obstruction of vision. This improvement is practice-ready and could be used while assessing the road and improving the conditions of sight distance and road safety. / [ES] La existencia de una visibilidad adecuada a las condiciones reales de operación, es condición indispensable para alcanzar un diseño geométrico seguro. Las distancias de visibilidad requeridas para tareas inherentes a la conducción, tales como la decisión, la parada, el adelantamiento o el cruce, constituyen un parámetro esencial en el diseño geométrico de nuevas carreteras, formando parte importante de todas las guías de diseño a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, una vez construida la carretera y durante el tiempo en que esta se encuentra en servicio, muchas otras circunstancias de su entorno condicionan la visibilidad realmente disponible a lo largo del tiempo.
Por otro lado, dado que las guías de diseño geométrico contemplan las mediciones de visibilidad disponible con el observador y el obstáculo situados sobre la calzada, su medición sistemática y periódica es una complicada y tediosa labor no exenta de riesgos y de perturbaciones al tráfico. En la práctica ingenieril, es habitual el empleo de modelos digitales de elevaciones y de programas específicos de diseño geométrico para establecer las condiciones de visibilidad en carreteras; no obstante, el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de teledetección amplían las posibilidades a una mejor estimación de la visibilidad realmente disponible.
La tecnología LiDAR está gozando de un importante impulso a nivel internacional en los últimos años y constituye una importante fuente de información consistente en millones de puntos georreferenciados pertenecientes a todo tipo de objetos que representan no solo la geometría de la propia carretera, sino también su entorno más inmediato. Precisamente por su capacidad de incluir en el análisis todo tipo de obstáculos potenciales a la visión, en la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado y analizado una nueva metodología de evaluación sistemática de visibilidades disponibles en carreteras a partir de visuales trazadas directamente contra la nube de puntos LiDAR. Para ello se han definido por primera vez los conceptos de Prisma Visual (PV) y de Unidad Prismática Rectangular (UPR) como elementos básicos constitutivos de esta nueva forma de concebir la visión, alternativos a la tradicional línea recta visual trazada entre el observador y el objetivo.
Durante la investigación se ha analizado el efecto de la densidad de la nube de puntos en los resultados y se ha sometido esta metodología a comparación con los resultados de visibilidad obtenidos por técnicas conocidas a partir de modelos digitales del terreno, modelos digitales de superficies y perfiles de proyecto en dos tramos de carretera existentes. En general, se obtiene una sobreestimación generalizada y en muchos casos significativa de las visibilidades realmente disponibles si se emplean metodologías convencionales en comparación con las obtenidas a partir de la nueva metodología basada en datos LiDAR.
El desarrollo, preparado para la visualización conjunta de resultados de visuales y nube de puntos en tres dimensiones, permite asimismo interpretar el motivo de la obstrucción a la visión, lo que constituye un avance puesto al servicio de los ingenieros en la evaluación de la carretera y en la mejora de sus condiciones de visibilidad y de seguridad vial. / [CA] L'existència d'una visibilitat adequada a les condicions reials d'operació, es condició indispensable per a aconseguir un disseny geomètric segur. Les distàncies de visibilitat requerides per a tasques inherents a la conducció, tals com la decisió, la parada, l'avançament, o l'encreuament, constitueixen un paràmetre essencial en el disseny geomètric de noves carreteres, formant part important de totes les guies de disseny a nivell internacional. No obstant, una volta construïda la carretera i durant el temps en què es troba en servici, moltes altres circumstancies del seu entorn condicionen la visibilitat realment disponible.
D'altra banda, donat que les guies de disseny geomètric contemplen les mesures de visibilitat disponible en l'observador i el obstacle situats sobre la calçada, la seua medició es una complicada i tediosa llavor no exempta de riscs i de molèsties al trànsit. En la practica, es habitual l'ús de models digitals d'elevacions i de programes específics de disseny geomètric per a establir les condicions de visibilitat en carreteres; no obstant, el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies de tele-detecció amplien les possibilitats a una millor estima de la visibilitat realment disponible.
La tecnologia LIDAR està gojant d'un important impuls a nivell internacional en els ultims anys i constitueix una important font d'informació consistent en milions de punts geo-referenciats de tot tipus d'objectes que representen no nomes la geometria de la pròpia carretera, sinó també el seu entorn mes immediat. Precisament per la seua capacitat d'incloure en l'analisis tot tipus d'obstacles potencials a la visió, en el present tesis doctoral s'ha analitzat una nova metodologia d'avaluació sistemàtica de visibilitats disponibles en carreteres a partir de visuals traçades directament contra el núvol de punts LIDAR. Per tal motiu s'han definit per primera vegada els conceptes de Prisma Visual (PV) i d'Unitat Prismàtica Rectangular (UPR) com a elements bàsics constitutius d'aquesta nova forma de concebre la visió, alternatius a la tradicional línia recta visual traçada entre l'observador i el objectiu.
Durant la investigació s'ha analitzat l'efecte de la densitat del núvol de punts en els resultats i s'ha sotmès aquesta metodologia a comparació amb els resultats de visibilitat obtinguts per tècniques conegudes a partir de models digitals del terreny, models digitals de superfícies i perfils de projecte en dos trams de carretera existents. En general, s'obté una sobreestimació generalitzada i en molts casos significativa de les visibilitats realment disponibles si s'empren metodologies convencionals en comparació amb les obtingudes a partir de la nova metodologia basada en dades LiDAR.
El desenvolupament, preparat per a la visualització conjunta de resultats de visuals i núvol de punts en tres dimensions, permet així mateix interpretar el motiu de l'obstrucció a la visió, el que constitueix un avanç posat al servei dels enginyers en l'avaluació de la carretera i en la millora de les seves condicions de visibilitat i de seguretat viària. / Campoy Ungria, JM. (2015). Nueva metodología para la obtención de distancias de visibilidad disponibles en carreteras existentes basada en datos LiDAR terrestre [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59062
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Prisma de Identidade de Marca: perspectiva para evolução do modeloPereira, Paula Fernanda Prado 06 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-05-15T16:27:19Z
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Paula Fernanda Prado Pereira.pdf: 6244201 bytes, checksum: 7df9346bce1b9b3c2b12c68c5bc80f9c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Brand Identity Prism is an analysis tool that was created by Jean-Noël Kapferer in 1991,
and since then, consists of a very important tool for organizations. Since its creation, it has
never been remodeled; and, faced with a scenario in which social media has increased its
importance in developing digital marketing strategies, there was this theoretical gap.
Therefore, this thesis "Brand Identity Prism: perspective for a model evolution", aims to:
contribute academically to advances in digital marketing theories, expanding the knowledge
to the formation of more solid strategies and provide practical suggestions to managers of
digital marketing departments in the fashion industry, but also to other market segments. To
achieve the proposed objectives, the literature review regarding this tool was carried out, as
well as accessories concepts: Lovemarks and virtual brand communities. The research
methodology used was the qualitative kind, with single case study research strategy, which
was through the study of a French origin fashion brand, "Repetto Paris". The results showed
that it is possible to suggest an advance in the current model of the Prism, given the reality in
which the organizations are, of intense competition and of an increasing need of
communication and relationship with the consumers via social media platforms / O Prisma de Identidade de Marca é uma ferramenta de análise que foi criada por Jean-Noël
Kapferer em 1991, e, desde então, consiste em um instrumento de grande importância para as
organizações. A contar de sua elaboração, não passou por mudanças; e, diante de um cenário
no qual a gestão da marca nas plataformas de redes sociais tem aumentado sua importância na
elaboração de estratégias de marketing digital, observou-se esta lacuna teórica. Por isso, a
presente tese “Prisma de Identidade de Marca: perspectiva para evolução do modelo”, tem por
objetivos: contribuir academicamente para avanços nas teorias de marketing digital,
ampliando o conhecimento para a formação de estratégias mais sólidas, bem como fornecer
sugestões práticas aos gestores de departamentos de marketing digital no setor de moda, mas
também aos demais segmentos de mercado. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, foi realizada a
revisão da literatura no que se refere a esta ferramenta, assim como os conceitos
complementares: Lovemarks e Comunidades Virtuais de Marca. A metodologia de pesquisa
utilizada foi do tipo qualitativa, com estratégia de investigação de estudo de caso único, que
se deu por meio do estudo da marca de moda de origem francesa, “Repetto Paris”. Os
resultados encontrados demonstraram que é possível sugerir um avanço no modelo atual do
Prisma, considerando-se a realidade na qual as organizações se encontram, de intensa
concorrência e de necessidade cada vez maior de comunicação e relacionamento com os
consumidores via plataformas de redes sociais
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Los métodos de enseñanza en ELE : el método comunicativo revisadoAgudelo, Sandra Paola 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude se focalise sur la révision de l’approche communicative des manuels d’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et, plus particulièrement, sur celle des manuels utilisés dans les institutions scolaires du Québec.
D’un point de vue historique, les premières inquiétudes liées à l’enseignement et à l’acquisition de langues secondes sont apparues dans l’Antiquité. Pendant des siècles, l’enseignement fondé sur la répétition de structures a prédominé, mais une fois le Moyen Âge passé, d’autres avancées pédagogiques sont nées. Par exemple, au XVIIe siècle, des études sur la question, inspirées de penseurs comme Montaigne et Locke, ont révélé que l’apprentissage formel de la langue n’était pas utile et que les apprenants avaient besoin d’une motivation pour apprendre.
Le XXe siècle a été caractérisé par le déploiement de propositions méthodologiques à utiliser dans l’enseignement de langues secondes, et c’est ainsi que des méthodes telles que Directe, Audio-linguistique, Apprentissage communautaire de la langue et Approche naturelle ont surgi. Au milieu du XXe siècle s’est développée en Europe une proposition basée sur les besoins communicatifs des étudiants et ce qui, au début, était connu comme l’approche notionnelle fonctionnelle a évolué et est devenu l’enseignement communicatif. Une telle approche concerne essentiellement l’usage de la langue et accorde moins d’importance aux connaissances linguistiques. Elle a pour objectif principal que l’étudiant-parlant développe des habiletés interprétatives et expressives de la langue objet.
En nous appuyant sur un cadre théorique de l’enseignement des langues et en analysant les manuels Nuevo ELE, Prisma et Español en marcha (niveaux A1-B2), nous prétendons vérifier la présence de l’approche communicative dans ces manuels afin de pouvoir démontrer que dans les activités dites communicatives, il y a différentes applications possibles des méthodes traditionnelles de l’enseignement de langues secondes et que, par conséquent, l’approche communicative réunit plusieurs propositions qui proviennent d’autres méthodes.
Mot-clés : Espagnol langue étrangère (ELE), approche communicative, analyse de manuels, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha. / This study emphasize the review of the communicative approach in the teaching Spanish as a foreign language manuals (ELE in Spanish), by referring to the ones used actually in the province of Quebec.
From a historic perspective, the first preoccupation about the teaching and the acquisition of second languages appeared in the Antiquity. During many centuries teaching through mechanical structures ruled, but past the Middle Ages, other pedagogical plans saw the light. In the Spanish Golden Age, influenced by some thinkers such as Montaigne and Locke, these plans attempted to show that the formal study of the language wasn’t useful and that the apprentice needed a motivation.
The 20th century has been characterized by the display of methodological propositions in the teaching of second languages, and this is how the direct method, the audio-lingual, the community language learning and the natural approach, among others, were born. In the middle of the 20th century, in Europe, a proposition was developed based on the communicative needs of the students, and what, in the beginning, was known as the notional functional focus, evolved and became the communicative teaching. This approach deals more with the use of language than with the linguistic knowledge, and its main objective is that the student-speaker develops the interpretative and expressive skills of the target language.
Based on the relevant theoretical framework and the analysis of the manuals Nuevo ELE, Prisma y Español en marcha (levels A1-B2), we intend to verify the presence of the communicative approach in this manuals and demonstrate that in the activities known as “communicative”, we find different applications of traditional methods in the teaching of second languages, hence the communicative approach takes various propositions from other methods.
Keywords: Spanish Second Language, Communicative Approach, Manuals Analysis, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha.
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Códigos identificadores em algumas classes de grafos / Identifying codes in some classes of graphsFélix, Juliana Paula 19 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-03-16T10:48:35Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-03-16T10:49:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Juliana Paula Félix - 2018.pdf: 1739140 bytes, checksum: 14e7528cefac5d3322e49131936f3c86 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Juliana Paula Félix - 2018.pdf: 1739140 bytes, checksum: 14e7528cefac5d3322e49131936f3c86 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, we investigate the problem of finding identifying codes of minimum size in a variety
of graph classes, such as trees corona products, Cartesian products and complementary prisms. For
caterpillar trees, we show the minimum size of an identifying code on complete caterpillars,
brooms and double brooms. We also prove a sharp upper bound for the general case. For coronas
$K_n \circ \overline{K}_m$, we prove what is the minimum size of an identifying code. We
demonstrate a sharp upper bound for an identifying code of the Cartesian product of a star and a
path $K_{1,n} \square P_m$ and, when $n=3$, we conjecture that the limit proposed is minimum.
We also find the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in the complementary prism of
complete bipartite graphs and complete split graphs, among with other results: we demonstrate that
the complementary prism graph $G\overline{G}$ is identifiable if, and only if, $G$ has at least
two vertices; we find what is the smallest size possible of an identifying code of complementary
prisms; we prove a sharp upper bound for an identifying code of the complementary prism
$G\overline{G}$ of a connected graph $G$, showing that the set $C = V(G)$ is an identifying
code with the size proposed and, finally, we determine the size of a minimum identifying code of
the complementary prism of a complete bipartite graph, showing that it is an example of a graph
that attains our upper bound. / Neste trabalho, investigamos o problema de se encontrar códigos identificadores de cardinalidade
mínima em diversas classes de grafos, tais como árvores, produtos coronas, produtos Cartesianos e
prismas complementares. Para árvores caterpillar, determinamos a cardinalidade mínima de um
código identificador em caterpillars completo, grafos broom e broom duplo, e provamos um limite
superior justo para caterpillars gerais. Para coronas, determinamos a cardinalidade mínima de um
código identificador em $K_n \circ \overline{K}_m$. Para produtos Cartesianos, investigamos
códigos identificadores em grafos $K_{1,n} \square P_m$, definimos um limite superior justo para
o caso em que $n=3$ e um limite superior mais abrangente para o caso em que $n \geq 3$. Quando
$n=3$, conjecturamos que o limite proposto é mínimo. Para prismas complementares de grafos,
encontramos o tamanho de um código identificador mínimo em grafos bipartidos completos e
grafos split completos. Para prismas complementares, obtivemos ainda outros resultados:
demonstramos que um grafo prisma complementar $G\overline{G}$ é identificável se, e somente
se, a ordem de $G$ é pelo menos dois; definimos o menor tamanho possível de um código
identificador em um grafo $G\overline{G}$; determinamos um limite superior justo para o código
identificador de um grafo conexo, mostrando também que seu conjunto de vértices é um conjunto
identificador com o tamanho proposto e, finalmente, mostramos que o grafo bipartido completo é
um exemplo de grafo que atinge a igualdade do limite superior apresentado.
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Färgen och den fysiologiska estetiken : Goethe, Novalis och Caspar David FriedrichEnström, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Los métodos de enseñanza en ELE : el método comunicativo revisadoAgudelo, Sandra Paola 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude se focalise sur la révision de l’approche communicative des manuels d’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et, plus particulièrement, sur celle des manuels utilisés dans les institutions scolaires du Québec.
D’un point de vue historique, les premières inquiétudes liées à l’enseignement et à l’acquisition de langues secondes sont apparues dans l’Antiquité. Pendant des siècles, l’enseignement fondé sur la répétition de structures a prédominé, mais une fois le Moyen Âge passé, d’autres avancées pédagogiques sont nées. Par exemple, au XVIIe siècle, des études sur la question, inspirées de penseurs comme Montaigne et Locke, ont révélé que l’apprentissage formel de la langue n’était pas utile et que les apprenants avaient besoin d’une motivation pour apprendre.
Le XXe siècle a été caractérisé par le déploiement de propositions méthodologiques à utiliser dans l’enseignement de langues secondes, et c’est ainsi que des méthodes telles que Directe, Audio-linguistique, Apprentissage communautaire de la langue et Approche naturelle ont surgi. Au milieu du XXe siècle s’est développée en Europe une proposition basée sur les besoins communicatifs des étudiants et ce qui, au début, était connu comme l’approche notionnelle fonctionnelle a évolué et est devenu l’enseignement communicatif. Une telle approche concerne essentiellement l’usage de la langue et accorde moins d’importance aux connaissances linguistiques. Elle a pour objectif principal que l’étudiant-parlant développe des habiletés interprétatives et expressives de la langue objet.
En nous appuyant sur un cadre théorique de l’enseignement des langues et en analysant les manuels Nuevo ELE, Prisma et Español en marcha (niveaux A1-B2), nous prétendons vérifier la présence de l’approche communicative dans ces manuels afin de pouvoir démontrer que dans les activités dites communicatives, il y a différentes applications possibles des méthodes traditionnelles de l’enseignement de langues secondes et que, par conséquent, l’approche communicative réunit plusieurs propositions qui proviennent d’autres méthodes.
Mot-clés : Espagnol langue étrangère (ELE), approche communicative, analyse de manuels, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha. / This study emphasize the review of the communicative approach in the teaching Spanish as a foreign language manuals (ELE in Spanish), by referring to the ones used actually in the province of Quebec.
From a historic perspective, the first preoccupation about the teaching and the acquisition of second languages appeared in the Antiquity. During many centuries teaching through mechanical structures ruled, but past the Middle Ages, other pedagogical plans saw the light. In the Spanish Golden Age, influenced by some thinkers such as Montaigne and Locke, these plans attempted to show that the formal study of the language wasn’t useful and that the apprentice needed a motivation.
The 20th century has been characterized by the display of methodological propositions in the teaching of second languages, and this is how the direct method, the audio-lingual, the community language learning and the natural approach, among others, were born. In the middle of the 20th century, in Europe, a proposition was developed based on the communicative needs of the students, and what, in the beginning, was known as the notional functional focus, evolved and became the communicative teaching. This approach deals more with the use of language than with the linguistic knowledge, and its main objective is that the student-speaker develops the interpretative and expressive skills of the target language.
Based on the relevant theoretical framework and the analysis of the manuals Nuevo ELE, Prisma y Español en marcha (levels A1-B2), we intend to verify the presence of the communicative approach in this manuals and demonstrate that in the activities known as “communicative”, we find different applications of traditional methods in the teaching of second languages, hence the communicative approach takes various propositions from other methods.
Keywords: Spanish Second Language, Communicative Approach, Manuals Analysis, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha.
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