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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utomhusvistelsens nöjen, rättigheter och skyldigheter : Kunskap hos elever i årskurs 5 om allemansrätten / Outdoor stay and it´s enjoyments, rights and responsibility : 11-12 year olds knowledge of the Swedish right of public access

Svahn, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna enkätstudie är att undersöka vilka kunskaper om allemansrätten elever i mellanstadiet besitter. Studien undersöker även vilka faktorer som kan påverka kunskapen om allemansrätten och hur inställningen till naturen påverkar kunskapen. I studien har 206 elever på 7 skolor deltagit. Skolorna är från olika områden i en region i södra Sverige och har grupperats i fyra grupper: storstadsskolor, förortsskola, kommundelsskolor och landsbygdsskolor. Resultatet visar på att elever anser att det är roligt att vara ute i naturen. De anser att natur är skogar, sjöar, ängar och hagar. Elevernas bild av vad natur är överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. De utövade oftast någon av följande aktiviteter bada, cykla jogga/springa eller gå promenader. Eleverna visade goda kunskaper om allemansrätten, de delar som de hade mindre kunskap om är fiskeregler i Sveriges 5 största sjöar och nyttjande av annans brygga. Det visade sig även att landsbygdsskolorna hade en aning bättre kunskap om allemansrätten än eleverna på resterande skolor. / The aim with this survey study is to investigate what knowledge 11-12-year olds have regarding the Swedish right of public access. The study also investigates what can affect the student’s knowledge of the right to public access and if their interest in nature affect their knowledge. 206 students participated in this study from 7 different schools, all of them are from the southern parts of Sweden. The schools are from different areas of the region represented by big city schools, a suburban school, schools close to a big city and countryside schools. The results show that the pupils enjoy spending time in nature. Nature according to the pupils are forests, lakes and fields. The pupils like to bicycle, hiking and jogging. The pupils had good knowledge of the Swedish right to public access, the parts that the students had least knowledge was about the fishing rights in Sweden’s five largest lakes and if you can use somebody else’s bridge.  The results also show that pupils from the countryside schools have some more knowledge of the Swedish right of public access than pupils from the other schools.

Benutzer am OPAC – werden sie bedient oder sind sie es?: OPAC-Analysen am roten Faden der Normdaten

Schöllhorn, Katharina 26 January 2011 (has links)
Onlinekataloge erlauben den Nutzern den Zugang zum Bestand einer Bibliothek; Normdaten bilden darin die Grundlage für zwei wesentliche Sucheinstiege: Die Recherche nach Personen und die inhaltliche Suche mit Schlagwörtern. Benutzeranalysen zeigen erwartungsgemäß, dass dies nach den Titelstichwörtern die am häufigsten gestellten Suchanfragen sind. Es wird aber auch deutlich, dass in beiden Fällen die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Nulltreffer-Ergebnisses, d.h. das Scheitern der Suche, sehr hoch ist. Normdaten sollen eine effektive Recherche ermöglichen – aber wie effektiv gestaltet sich diese Recherche für den Benutzer tatsächlich? Als bibliothekarische Dienstleistung richtet sich der Onlinekatalog an den Nutzer, er sollte sich demnach an dessen Bedürfnissen und Kenntnissen orientieren. Viele Suchanfragen bei Recherchen mit Normdaten führen ins Leere, weil dem Benutzer die formalen Eingabevoraussetzungen ebenso fremd sind wie die der Erschließung zugrunde liegenden bibliothekarischen Regeln. Es zeigt sich auch, dass die Umsetzung neuer Recherchemöglichkeiten mit Normdaten alleine nicht genügt, auch die Darstellung im OPAC muss beim Vorwissen der Nutzer ansetzen. Diese erwerben ihre Recherchekompetenz vor allem bei Suchmaschinen wie Google, so dass Fachterminologie oder Unübersichtlichkeit im Onlinekatalog nur zusätzlich verwirren. Anhand verschiedener Anwendungsbeispiele soll der Vortrag zeigen, welche Probleme sich dem Benutzer bei der Recherche mit Normdaten stellen, aber auch, wie das Potential der Normdaten in Onlinekatalogen noch besser genutzt werden kann.

Avgiftsbelagda skidspår - när nyttjande av allemansrättsligt område får ett pris

Näslund, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Även om allemansrätten är grundlagsskyddad genom regeringsformen är dess innehåll inte definierat i lag, upprätthållandet baseras istället primärt på sedvana. En av frågorna det inte finns något tydligt svar på är om, och i sådana fall till vilken grad ett skidspår kan utsläcka allemansrätten när spårhållare begränsar tillgången till allemansrättslig mark genom en spåravgift. Nya samhällstrender och de senaste årens allt kortare vintrar, med högre temperaturer och mindre snö, har tvingat vissa spårhållare att ta betalt för att täcka ökade kostnader för konstsnö, skötsel och underhåll. Då det handlar om mark som täcker större områden involverar avgiften mark som i grunden är menad att vara allemansrättsligt tillgänglig. Studiens syfte är att undersöka: den juridiska definitionen av ”anläggning” och under vilka omständigheter en anläggning uppstår som kan begränsa tillgängligheten till mark som är till för allmänheten, och om en spårhållare, genom att erbjuda spårunderhåll, på rättsliga grunder kan kräva betalt för marken som från början varit menad för allmänheten. Samt hur en avgift påverkar möjligheten att nå Sveriges friluftspolitiska mål, att allemansrätten ska värnas och att naturen ska vara tillgänglig för alla. Den (sparsamma) lagstiftningen, sedvanerätt och rättsliga avgöranden studerades med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer varvades med genomgång av material såsom lagtext, propositioner, förarbeten, myndighetsrapporter och organisationshandlingar. Studiens resultat visade att tolkningen av begreppet anläggning och huruvida en tvingande avgift är legitim varierar och att eventuella förändringar i allemansrätten bör sättas i ett större sammanhang. Förvaltningsdomstolarna tar flera faktorer i beaktning när en avvägning ska göras mellan allemansrätten och möjligheten att ta ut en avgift. Såsom anläggningens fysiska avgränsning, grad av underhåll och nedlagda kostnader. Allemansrätten har breda gråzoner och är i ett rättsligt avseende så pass tunt beskriven att det är svårt att utifrån lagstiftningen definiera vad en anläggning är. Fler studier behövs på området och situationen för ett berättigat avgiftsuttag verkar osäker till dess att det finns en mer precis rättslig definition av vad en anläggning är. / Although granted by the Swedish constitution, the right of public access is not well-defined by the law and its enforcement has therefore been based primarily on customary law. One of the questions that remains to be answered is if, and if so to what extent, the competing right of charging a fee for a facility, can be used by ski-track suppliers to limit the right of public access on public areas. The effects of climate change and new behaviors have forced some ski-track suppliers to charge an “access and use” fee in order to cover their costs of providing artificial snow and the resulting maintenance. Due to the large area covered the access and use fee involves land belonging to the public. This study aims to explore: the legal concept of a “facility” and under what circumstances the owner of a facility can limit public access to a land property, if a ski-track supplier, by providing track maintenance, can claim to be a facility owner with sufficient legal grounds for limiting public access to it, and how fees for nature-based activities affect political goals. The methods used are interpretation of the (sparse) legislation, customary law and legal precedence through case law. Semi-structured interviews and interpretation of legal texts, government bills, preambles, authorities’ reports and organizations’ reports.  The results show that: there are different ways of understanding the concept of a “facility” and thus if a compulsory fee is legal, and  that when decisions are made to change the right of public access, their effects must be considered in a wider context. The examination shows that the Administrative Courts are looking at several variables when weighing the right of public access against the right to charge a fee for a facility, such as its physical boundary, its costs and maintenance. The right of public access contains grey areas and is too vaguely described in the law in order to give a precise definition of what a facility is. Follow-up studies are required, and the situation seems to be uncertain until there is a legal definition of the concept of “facility”.

Kan allemansrättens omfattning tydliggöras genom domsluten i tidigare rättsfall?

Colakovic, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Allemansrätten finns idag inskriven i Grundlagen och nämns även i Miljöbalken utan att definieras. Lagtexten ger inte någon förklaring till vad allemansrätten konkret betyder och vad den omfattar utöver att alla måste visa hänsyn och varsamhet. Lagen kan bara ge någon form av avgränsning om andra lagar tolkas motsatsvis men att så ska ske är i sådana fall ett antagande. Det vore dessutom märkligt om en grundlag alltid är relativ till alla andra lagar som förment ska vara underställda denna. Allemansrättsliga konflikter är ovanliga, förmodligen för att den baseras på sedvänja och samförstånd men med ett ökat kommersiellt nyttjande av naturen i form av t.ex. bärplockning och turistindustri på andras mark samt förändring av folks attityd så är det inte långsökt att tänka sig att dessa konflikter kan bli alltmer vanliga i framtiden. Det är därför viktigt att veta vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter som allemansrätten egentligen ger, utöver diffusa riktlinjer som personer i allmänhet antas respektera.  Då det inte går att finna dessa i lagen så vänder sig det här arbetet till nästa steg i rättsordningen; domstolarna som ska utgå ifrån lagen för att lösa juridiska konflikter. Sju rättsfall har analyserats med syfte att utröna de resonemang som rättstolkaren för och hur de bedömer allemansrättens omfattning i respektive fall. Detta för att kunna jämföra konflikternas utfall och se om domstolarnas hantering av tidigare fall kan tydliggöra någonting avseende allemansrättens utsträckning och begränsningar.  Resultatet visar att det finns stora skillnader mellan hur olika domstolar bedömer saken, både inom samma rättsfall men också mellan dessa. Det förekommer rena motsägelser och det kan inte sägas att domstolarna är konsekventa i sin tillämpning av allemansrätten. Några principer förekommer i flera av domsluten såsom en icke-specificerad toleransgräns för skada och olägenhet, att ett kommersiellt nyttjande av allemansrätten är tillåten samt att det finns en möjlighet för fastighetsägare att delvis hindra allmänheten från områden som egentligen är allemansrättsligt tillgängliga givet vissa förutsättningar. Det är dock tveksamt hur mycket de här, av flera domstolar tillämpade reglerna är värda då det inte finns någon skyldighet för en framtida rättstolkare att ta hänsyn till dessa. Domstolarna har generellt en för långtgående tolkning avseende vilka rättigheter som allmänheten har vilket resulterar i att markägaren måste göra stora eftergifter. Arbetet finner att det är nödvändigt att allemansrätten avgränsningar lagstadgas efter en nogrann utredning som tar framtidens förhållanden i beaktande. / The Right of Public Access is today a part of the Swedish constitutional law and is also mentioned in the Environmental Code without being defined. The law does not give any clear explanation as to what the Right of Public Access really means and what it encompasses apart from the general obligation to show consideration and caution. The law can only provide some form of demarcation if other laws are interpreted to the contrary, but that this should be done is in any case an assumption. It would also be strange if a Constitutional law is always relative to all other laws that are supposed to be subordinate to it.  Conflicts regarding the Right of Public Access are unusual, probably because it is based on custom and consensus, but with an increased commercial use of nature in the form of for example berry picking and the arranging of tourist activities on other peoples land as well as a change in general attitudes, it is not far-fetched to imagine that these conflict can become increasingly common in the future. It is important to know what rights and obligations the Right of Public Access actually provides, in addition to vague guidelines that people are assumed to follow. Since it is not possible to find this in the law, this thesis turns to the next step in the legal system; the courts, which would usually proceed from the law to resolve legal conflicts. Seven legal cases have been analysed with the aim of finding out the reasoning used by the courts and how they assess the extent of the Right of Public Access in each case. The purpose is to be able to compare the outcomes of the conflicts to see if the courts´ handling of previous cases can clarify anything regarding the extent and limitations of the Right of Public Access. The results show that there are large differences between how different courts assess the matter, both within the same legal case but also between them. There are sheer contradictions and it cannot be said that the courts are consistent in their application of the Right of Public Access. Some principles appear in several of the verdicts, such as an unspecified tolerance limit for damage and inconvenience, that a commercial use of the Right of Public Access is permitted and that there is an oppurtunity for property owners to partially prevent the public from areas that are technically accessible by the Right of Public Access given certain conditions. However, it is doubtful how much these rules, applied by several courts, are worth as there is no obligation for a future legal interpreter to take them into account. The courts generally have a too far-reaching interpretation regarding what rights the public has, which results in the landowner having to make major concessions. The work finds that it is necessary that the demarcations of the Right of Public Access be legislated after a careful investigation that takes the changing conditions of the future into account.

Door, Passage, Courtyard: Shifting Perspective in Gamla Stan

Tonchev, Anton January 2020 (has links)
A historical study of the urban texture of Gamla Stan shows how public space has been appropriated for private needs. Streets were built over, closed off or turned into private courtyards, some of which have started to disappear, being completely internalized. This process of space appropriation was one-directional until the early 1900s, when the fear of losing structures across town made authorities create a precedent and revert the process by removing specific houses from the urban texture. This approach is based on a set of rules which I changed when making my project: the re-examination of all the hidden, internal, private spaces and their re-introduction to public life.    My set of criteria is rooted in a research of the elements that constitute the borderline in Gamla Stan's public vs private realm: doors, passages and courtyards. Based on that I  limited my  intervention techniques to the removal of three elements: fences, structures, and doors. The last one has two sub-categories "the removed wall" (turned into a new door) and "the removed lock" (opening an existing door). By establishing the parameters of my work, I tested this speculation in a specific case scenario - a cluster of four blocks on the west side of Gamla Stan. Using the rule I that a door must be the beginning of a corridor path that leads to an open court, and having the historical knowledge of the  location of past public spaces, I surgically removed later additions of lesser architectural or historical quality. The result of this is a new interconnected, accessible network. Until now one was restricted to walking along the streets and alleys, and around buildings in Gamla Stan. With this intervention people can walk through the buildings and into the reclaimed spaces, thus shifting one’s perception of the urban texture. The new alternative, total system of navigation turns solid into permeable/perforated. Alley City has become Corridor City.

Economics of Science: Labor Markets, Journal Markets, and Policy

Staudt, Joseph M. 29 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of Thai Internet and Telecommunications Policy Formation during the Period 1992-2000

Suriyasarn, Busakorn 02 August 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Opportunity Between the Turbines: A Willingness-to-Pay Experiment Regarding Co-Location Activities with the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm

Fluharty, Shannon Mae 13 September 2021 (has links)
With shipping routes, fisheries, conservation areas, recreation, and other maritime industries competing for space off Virginia's coastline, integrated solutions for marine areas may offer a way to limit conflict and maximize productivity. Countries across the world are researching the different ways in which the space between turbines can be utilized to provide economic and environmental benefits. The act of coupling other maritime activities with offshore wind farms is often referred to as co-location. As Virginia constructs the first offshore wind farm in United States Federal waters, there are new opportunities for co-location that could benefit the Virginia economy. Using data from a choice experiment and random utility modeling, this research quantifies Virginia public preferences for various co-location options within the lease area of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) farm. Our estimated WTP values show Virginia's public preference for the addition of co-location to the CVOW lease area to be upwards of $20 per 1,000 acres of activity. Our estimates can be compared to implementation and management costs of each activity to determine potential for incorporation of certain co-location techniques. The experimental design of this study can be applied to other offshore wind installments around the world. / Master of Science / With shipping routes, fisheries, conservation areas, recreation, and other maritime industries competing for space off Virginia's coastline, integrated solutions for marine areas may offer a way to limit conflict and maximize productivity. Countries across the world are researching the different ways in which the space between turbines can be utilized to provide economic and environmental benefits. The act of coupling other maritime activities with offshore wind farms is often referred to as co-location. As Virginia constructs the first offshore wind farm in United States federal waters, there are new opportunities for co-location that could benefit the Virginia economy. Using a Stated Preference Choice Experiment and economic valuation methods, this research quantifies Virginia's public preferences for various co-location options within the lease area of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) farm, such as: a seaweed aquaculture farm, a seaweed forest, and a research area. Our estimated WTP values show Virginia's public preference for the addition of co-location to the CVOW lease area to be upwards of $20 per 1,000 acres of activity. Our estimates can be compared to implementation and management costs of each activity to determine potential for incorporation of certain co-location techniques. The experimental design of this study can be applied to other offshore wind installments around the world.

Modernisation and innovation management : developing a digital society : an investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology

Ubiebor, Merhedia Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.

Mort subite de l'adulte : stratégie de déploiement des défibrillateurs automatisés externes

Dahan, Benjamin 21 November 2016 (has links)
L’arrêt cardiaque extra-hospitalier (ACEH) est un problème de santé publique majeur. La réanimation cardio-pulmonaire (RCP) précoce ainsi que la défibrillation par les témoins sont associées à une augmentation du taux de survie. Cependant, malgré d’importants efforts ces dernières années, les taux de survie restent faibles dans la plupart des pays. Ce travail avait pour objectif d’identifier des facteurs ayant un impact sur la défibrillation publique, la RCP précoce et les connaissances du public sur la défibrillation. Nous avons testé différentes stratégies de déploiement des défibrillateurs automatisés externes (DAE). Nous avons également analysé l’effet du niveau socio-économique des quartiers sur la RCP par les témoins. Enfin, nous avons cherché à évaluer les connaissances du public concernant la localisation et les conditions d’utilisation du DAE le plus proche dans des lieux publics très fréquentés. Tous les ACEH survenus à Paris entre 2000 et 2010 ont été enregistrés dans un registre et géocodés. Nous avons comparé une stratégie basée sur les recommandations de placement d’un DAE dans les lieux où plus d’un ACEH survenait tous les cinq ans à deux nouvelles stratégies : une stratégie de maillage régulier du territoire avec des DAE placés à distances régulières et une stratégie de placement dans différents types de lieux publics. Le nombre de DAE nécessaires ainsi que la distance médiane entre les ACEH et le DAE le plus proche étaient calculés pour chaque stratégie. Nous avons également recherché l’association entre le niveau socio-économique des quartiers sur le fait de bénéficier d’une RCP. Enfin, nous avons réalisé une enquête dans des lieux publics très fréquentés (gare, centres commerciaux, jardin public) auprès de toutes les personnes situées dans un rayon de 100 mètres autour d’un DAE pour analyser leur connaissance de la localisation du DAE et leur capacité à l’utiliser. Parmi 4176 ACEH, 1372 (33%) sont survenus dans des lieux publics. La stratégie basée sur les recommandations aurait conduit au placement de 170 DAE avec une distance aux ACEH de 416 (180-614) mètres et une augmentation continue du nombre de DAE. Avec la stratégie de maillage régulier du territoire, le nombre de DAE et la distance aux ACEH auraient changé selon la taille du maillage avec un nombre optimal de DAE évalué entre 200 et 400. Avec la stratégie de placement dans différents types de lieux publics, la distance médiane entre les ACEH et les DAE aurait été de 324 mètres pour les bureaux de poste (195), 239 mètres pour les stations de métro (302), 137 mètres pour les stations Velib’ (957) et 142 mètres pour les pharmacies (1466). Parmi les 4009 ACEH géocodables enregistrés, 777 (19,4%) ont bénéficié d’une RCP par un témoin. Ceux qui en ont bénéficié étaient plus fréquemment dans un lieu public, en présence d’un témoin et dans un quartier de statut socio-économique (SSE) non défavorisé. Dans une analyse multiniveaux la RCP par les témoins était significativement moins fréquente dans les quartiers de SSE défavorisé que dans les quartiers d’autres SSE (OR 0,85 ; 95% IC 0,72-0,99). Notre enquête a été menée auprès de 301 participants. Environ la moitié des participants (49%) avaient bénéficié d’une formation aux premiers secours, dont 70% après 2007 et 37% qui avaient suivi une initiation d’une heure. Le logo universel des DAE était reconnu par 37% des participants et 64% pouvaient reconnaître un DAE en photo. La localisation du DAE le plus proche était connue par 16% des participants avec un impact positif des formations après 2007 et de la reconnaissance du logo ou des photos (p<0,0001). Une majorité de participants (66%) savaient qu’ils avaient le droit d’utiliser un DAE et 59% savaient dans quelles circonstances l’utiliser. Seulement 25% des participants déclaraient savoir comment utiliser un DAE. Notre travail présente une approche originale pour optimiser les stratégies de déploiement des DAE. (...) / Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a major public health concern. Early bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation are associated with higher survival rates for OHCA victims. Unfortunately, despite major efforts over the past decade, survival rates remain low in many communities. This work sought to highlight factors affecting public defibrillation, early CPR and public knowledge on defibrillation. We assessed different strategies for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) deployment. We also aimed to focus effect of neighborhood socio-economic status on bystander CPR. Finally, we sought to analyze public awareness of the AED nearest location and knowledge of AED use. All OHCAs attended by EMS in Paris between 2000 and 2010 were prospectively recorded and geocoded. We compared a guidelines-based strategy of placing an AED in locations where more than one OHCA had occurred within the past five years to two novel strategies: a grid-based strategy with a regular distance between AEDs and a landmark-based strategy. The expected number of AEDs necessary and their median (IQR) distance to the nearest OHCA were assessed for each strategy. We also evaluated the relationship between neighbourhood SES characteristics and the fact of receiving bystander CPR. Then, we performed a survey in three kinds of places (train station, city mall and public park) of all individuals within 100 meters from an AED to analyze their knowledge of the closest AED location and their confidence to use it. Of 4,176 OHCAs, 1,372 (33%) occurred in public settings. The guidelines-based strategy would result in the placement of 170 AEDs, with a distance to OHCA of 416 (180-614) meters and a continuous increase in the number of AEDS. In grid-based strategy, the number of AEDs and their distance to the closest OHCA would change with the grid size, with a number of AEDs between 200 and 400 seeming optimal. In landmark-based strategy, median distances between OHCAs and AEDs would be 324 meters if placed at post offices (n=195), 239 at subway stations (n=302), 137 at bike-sharing stations (n=957), and 142 at pharmacies (n=1466). Of the 4,009 OHCA with mappable addresses recorded, 777 (19.4%) received bystander CPR. Those receiving it were more likely to be in public locations, have had a witness to their OHCA, and to have collapsed in a non-low SES neighbourhood. In a multilevel analyses, bystander CPR provision was significantly less frequent in low than in higher SES neighbourhoods (OR 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72-0.99). A total of 301 people responded to the survey. About half respondents (49%) had a Basic Life Support training experience with 70 % of them trained after 2007 and 37% who attempted a one hour training initiation. The universal AED sign was recognized by 37% of all respondents and 64% could recognize an AED on a picture. The closest AED location was known by 16% of the respondents with a positive impact of training after 2007 and knowledge of AED sign and picture (p<0.0001). A majority of respondents (66%), considered they had the right to use an AED and 59% knew in which circumstances it is necessary to use it. Only 25% of the respondents declared to know how to use an AED. Our work presents an original evidence-based approach to strategies of AED deployment to optimize their number and location. This rational approach can estimate the optimal number of AEDs for any city. In Paris, OHCA victims were less likely to receive bystander CPR in low SES neighbourhoods. These first European data are consistent with observations in North America and Asia. Our survey conducted in places known to be at risk of OHCA highlights the need for a better AED visibility in public places and the need to improve public knowledge and confidence in the use of AED. (...)

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