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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Fox and the Goose: The Pamphlet Wars and Volpone's Animal Metaphors

Anderson, Julie Anne 01 November 2017 (has links)
Ben Jonson wrote Volpone when England's pamphlet wars and the rule of Queen Elizabeth I contributed to an environment in which the woman question was forefront in many minds. These social concerns echo in Volpone, resulting in a play that not only deals with vices and greed, but that also, to a limited degree, contributes to the querelle de femmes. The play's numerous animal metaphors create distinctions between characters; among other things, animalistic surnames represent the vices and complexities of humanity, and, more specifically, reverberate with judgments that seem to underscore the injustices of misogynistic pamphleteers. Moreover, Jonson's characters Bonario and Celia represent the ideal images of manhood and womanhood and are armed with various virtues that allow them to overcome trials. Ultimately, when read in the context of the Early Modern pamphlet wars, Volpone's animal metaphors form a conservative defense of women that condemns misogyny and advocates a partnership between virtuous men and women for the sake of moral social order.


Babb, Jeffrey Ross 13 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Allies to Enemies: Popular Xenophobia During the Seventeenth Century Anglo-Dutch Wars

van der Velde, Adrian T. 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Buttressing a Monarchy: Literary Representations of William III and the Glorious Revolution

Dolan, Jr., Richard L. 12 May 2005 (has links)
This study examines ways in which supporters of William III and his opponents used literature to buttress their respective views of government in the wake of the Glorious Revolution. Understanding the polemical character of this art provides more insight both into the literature of the 1690s and into the modes of political debate in the period. As the English people moved from a primarily hereditary view of monarchy at the beginning of the seventeenth century to a more elective view of government in the eighteenth century, the Glorious Revolution proved to be a watershed event. Those favoring James II relied on patriarchal ideas to characterize the new regime as illegitimate, and supporters of the coregent asserted the priority of English and Biblical law to assert that the former king forfeited his right to rule. Chapter one examines three thinkers – Robert Filmer, John Milton, and John Locke – whose thought provides a context for opinions expressed in the years surrounding William of Orange’s ascension to the English throne. In chapter two, John Dryden’s response to James II’s abdication is explored. As the deposed Poet Laureate and a prominent voice supporting of the Stuart line, Dryden sheds light on ways in which Jacobites resisted the authority of the new regime through his response to the Glorious Revolution. Chapter three addresses the work of Thomas Shadwell, who succeeded Dryden as Laureate, and Matthew Prior, whose poetry Frances Mayhew Rippy characterizes as “unofficial laureate verse.” These poets rely on ideas similar to those expressed by Milton and Locke as they seek to validate the events of 1688-1689. The final chapter explores the appropriation of varied conceptions of government in pamphlets and manuscripts written in favor of James II and William III. Focusing on the polemical character of these works from the late 1680s and the 1690s enhances our understanding of the period’s literature and the prominent interaction of politics and writing.

The Evolution of the Government's Participation in and Management of the Public Shpere in Late-Seventeenth and Early-Eighteenth Century England

VanHorn, Aaron David January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a teoria da revolução socialista de William Morris. Nascido em 1834, Morris produziu muitos trabalhos até o ano de 1896, quando morreu com 62 anos. O recorte temporal sob o qual se assenta minha pesquisa está compreendido entre os anos de 1883 e 1890, quando o autor filiou-se a uma organização revolucionária e decidiu dedicar os seus textos à transformação da sociedade inglesa oitocentista. As fontes que nos permitem visualizar a sua teoria apresentam-se em dois discursos diferentes: o panfletário e o ficcional. Em relação ao primeiro, Morris valeu-se de jornais vinculados às organizações revolucionárias para intervir nos debates públicos ingleses e, em meio a essa intervenção, construiu a sua teoria da revolução. Em 1890 a sua teoria estava completa, mas apareceu sob outra roupagem: atravessando o romance utópico Notícias de lugar nenhum. Diante do que foi exposto, é imperativo para esta dissertação compreender os discursos mobilizados pelo cidadão inglês para demonstrar qual foi o papel que eles exerceram nas suas intervenções políticas. Para alcançar esse objetivo, alguns conceitos se fazem importantes, como, por exemplo, o conceito de propaganda porque permitem que as fontes analisadas sejam compreendidas como um meio de atuar na realidade política da Inglaterra vitoriana. / [en] This dissertation aims to investigate the theory of socialist revolution of William Morris. Born in 1834, he produced many works until 1896, when he died at the age of 62. The time frame on which my research is based is between the years 1883 and 1890, when the author joined a revolutionary organization and decided to dedicate his texts to the transformation of the nineteenth century s English society. The sources that allow us to visualize his theory are presented in two different discourses: the pamphleteer and the fictional. Regarding the first, Morris used newspapers linked to revolutionary organizations to act in English public debates and, in the midst of this intervention, built his theory of revolution. In 1890 his theory was complete, but appeared under another guise: traversing the utopian novel News from Nowhere. Based on what was exposed, it is imperative for this dissertation to understand the discourses mobilized by the English citizen to demonstrate what role they played in their political interventions. To achieve this goal, some concepts are important, such as the concept of propaganda because they allow the sources analyzed to be understood as a means of acting in the political reality of Victorian England.

Les pamphlétaires et la politique. : Contribution à une étude socio-historique des processus de politisation (1868-1898) / Pamphleteers and politics. : Contribution to the socio-historical politicization process. 1868-1898

Passard, Cédric 24 October 2013 (has links)
Le dernier tiers du XIXème siècle ne constitue pas un moment pamphlétaire parmi d’autres. Non seulement il survient dans une période de démocratisation inédite qui confère au fait pamphlétaire un statut nouveau en lui permettant d’investir l’espace public officiel, mais il est aussi marqué par l’invention de la figure du pamphlétaire et l’émergence de personnalités reconnues comme telles et accédant parfois à une visibilité de premier plan. En dépit de leurs différences de cultures politiques, ces personnalités contribuent à organiser tout un jeu et tout un monde du pamphlet au croisement de la littérature, du journalisme et de la politique. A travers leur violent répertoire discursif, elles contestent l’ordre politique en cours d’édification et le procès de civilisation des mœurs politiques.Partant de l’hypothèse que ces pamphlétaires ont pu être des médiateurs importants du politique, notre recherche a pour objet d’interroger leur contribution aux processus de politisation. Elle entend examiner, dans une perspective socio-historique, dans quelle mesure ils ont pu représenter, dans cette période d’enracinement de la République et de stabilisation de la démocratie, un cheminement de la politique hors des sentiers battus, en favorisant une forme symbolique de participation non conventionnelle au jeu politique et en incarnant une forme transitoire de la rationalisation des passions politiques, entre l’émeute révolutionnaire et la patience démocratique. / The last third of the 19th century was not just any pamphleteering time amongst others. It occurred in a formerly unheard-of period of democratization, which conferred the pamphleteering reality a new status, thus enabling it to carve its way into the official public space. Besides, it was also marked by the invention of the pamphleteer's figure and the emergence of personalities acknowledged as such, some of whom boasting first rate visibility. For all their differing political cultures, these figures helped organize a whole set and world of the pamphlet, at the intersection of literature, journalism and politics. Through their violent discursive repertoire, these pamphleteers question the political order that was then being elaborated, as well as the then on-going process of civilization of political mores.Our research thus aims to examine pamphleteers' contribution to the process of politicization, on the assumption that these could be said to have acted as important mediators of politics. Our work is intended to grasp, within a socio-historical perspective, to what extent – during that period when the Republic was getting increasingly entrenched and democracy more stable – pamphleteers might be said to have represented an evolution of politics off the beaten path, thus favoring a symbolic form of unconventional participation in politics and ultimately embodying a transitional form of rationalization as regards political passions, hovering between revolutionary riots and democratic patience.

Quand _Refus global_ devient "Refus global" : l'histoire d'une réception partielle

Dubois, Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
Refus global, le recueil, n’est pas « Refus global », le texte rédigé par Paul-Émile Borduas et cosigné par 15 membres du groupe automatiste. Partant de cette distinction entre le recueil automatiste et son texte éponyme et du constat selon lequel la partie éclipse le tout dans le discours critique, cette thèse a pour objectif d’expliquer l’occultation du recueil dans l’histoire sociale et artistique québécoise. À partir de l’étude de la réception de 1948 à 2008, j’interroge la constitution du récit commun entourant l’œuvre, duquel le recueil est exclu. Il s’agit donc de mettre au jour les obstacles qui se sont présentés dans le parcours de réception du recueil, nuisant à la formation d’un discours unifié et cohérent à son sujet et l’empêchant de s’inscrire dans l’histoire. Dégagés de l’étude du corpus composé de 639 objets sémiotiques secondaires (OSS, selon le concept proposé par Brigitte Louichon), les obstacles à la réception du recueil relèvent à la fois de facteurs pragmatiques, telles la composition hétérogène de l’œuvre ou sa disponibilité; de facteurs institutionnels ou historiographiques, comme la disciplinarisation du champ culturel ou l’impact du récit de la Révolution tranquille sur l’histoire littéraire; et de facteurs humains, reposant sur le rôle des auteurs et de certains critiques dans l’accueil réservé à l’œuvre. Les différentes étapes de la réception sont ainsi considérées : de l’horizon d’attente (Jauss) à la réception productive (Link), en passant par la publication, les premières critiques, les rééditions, les lectures savantes, l’historicisation et l’entrée de l’œuvre dans la mémoire à titre de symbole ou d’hypotexte. Or, plutôt qu’à ce parcours de réception exemplaire, c’est son envers qui est interrogé ici, c’est-à-dire les difficultés et les déviations de la réception du recueil Refus global. Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première, théorique et méthodologique, situe mon propos dans les domaines de l’histoire culturelle et des études de réception, et présente diverses considérations concernant la constitution du corpus et le traitement des données. La deuxième aborde l’horizon d’attente et la première réception, moment crucial pour la survie de l’œuvre, comme l’ont montré Hans Robert Jauss et Daniel Chartier. On y observe notamment l’effet de verrou (Cambron) qu’a le renvoi de Borduas sur la constitution du récit de réception, de même que les critères éthiques et esthétiques en fonction desquels s’est opérée la hiérarchisation des composantes du recueil. La troisième partie couvre la réception subséquente (1950-2008). À l’étude des obstacles empêchant l’intégration du recueil dans l’histoire s’ajoute alors l’étude des réceptions parallèles, parcellaires et autonomes dont a bénéficié Refus global pour survivre – ponctuellement et partiellement – en dehors du récit commun formé autour de « Refus global ». Avec les différentes catégories d’OSS (directs, indirects, hypertextuels, métacritiques et parcellaires), ces trois types de réception font partie des outils heuristiques développés dans le but d’expliquer la réception partielle dont a fait l’objet le recueil. Selon l’approche quantitative et environnementaliste de l’histoire culturelle, Refus global est envisagé comme un microcosme de la culture, dans lequel certaines œuvres sont retenues et d’autres négligées. L’analyse d’un corpus critique large et varié permet ainsi de saisir non seulement les phénomènes conduisant à la consécration du texte éponyme ou à l’oubli relatif du recueil, mais aussi les tendances critiques, les parutions marginales, les critiques isolées, etc. qui, enfouies dans les angles morts de la réception, offrent au recueil et à ses composantes des voies de contournement du discours dominant. En somme, l’étude de la réception du recueil Refus global a permis à la fois de déplacer la focalisation critique depuis « Refus global » vers Refus global, de développer des outils pour envisager la réception d’œuvres marginalisées et de mettre en évidence des critères privilégiés dans la constitution de l’histoire et de la mémoire culturelles québécoises depuis 1948. / Total Refusal, the pamphlet, is not "Total Refusal", the text written by Paul-Émile Borduas and co-signed by 15 members of the group of artists called the Automatists. Based on this distinction between the pamphlet and its eponymous text, and from the observation that the part eclipses the whole in the critical discourse about this work, this thesis aims to explain the occultation of the pamphlet in Quebec’s social and artistic history. From the study of the reception from 1948 to 2008, I question the construction of the common narrative surrounding the work, from which the pamphlet is excluded. In this regard, I uncover which obstacles impeded the pamphlet’s path of reception, preventing the constitution of a unified and coherent discourse, and limiting its place in history. These obstacles, identified from a corpus that includes 639 secondary semiotic objects (« objets sémiotiques secondaires » (OSS), as proposed by Brigitte Louichon), derive from (1) pragmatic factors such as the heterogeneous composition of the work or its availability; (2) institutional or historiographical factors, such as the disciplinarisation of the cultural field and the influence of the Quiet Revolution’s narrative on the literary history; and (3) human factors, based on the role of writers and critics in the reception of the work. The different stages of the reception are thus considered: from the horizon of expectation (Jauss) to the productive reception (Link), through the publication, the first reviews, the reeditions, the academic lectures, the historicization and the entry of the work in the collective memory as a symbol or an hypotext. However, rather than this classic path of reception, I am concerned with its opposite side, that is, the difficulties and deviations of the reception of Total Refusal pamphlet. This thesis is divided in three parts. The first part, theoretical and methodological, positions my argumentation in the fields of cultural history and reception studies, and presents various considerations about the formation of the corpus and the processing of the data. The second part is concerned with the horizon of expectations and the first reception. Such is a critical time for the survival of the work, as showed by Hans Robert Jauss and Daniel Chartier. Notably presented are the lock effect (Cambron) of the dismissal of Borduas on the constitution of the reception narrative, as well as the ethical and aesthetic criteria throught which took place the hierarchization of the value of the components of the pamphlet. The third part covers the subsequent reception (1950-2008) in which I continue the study of the obstacles that still prevents the integration of the pamphlet in history. Furthermore, this section examines the parallel, fragmented and autonomous receptions which enable the survival of Total Refusal, occasionally and partially, outside the common narrative formed around "Total Refusal". These three types of reception, together with the different categories of OSS (direct, indirect, hypertextual, metacritical and fragmented), are part of heuristic tools developed to explain the partial reception of the pamphlet Total Refusal. In accordance with the quantitative and environmentalistic approach of the cultural history, Total Refusal is perceived as a microcosm of the culture in which some works are selected and others disregarded. The analysis of a wide and varied critical corpus enables the understanding of, not only the events leading to the consecration of the eponymous text or the relative neglect of the pamphlet, but also the critical trends, marginal publications, isolated critics, etc. which, embedded in the blind spots of the reception, provide the pamphlet and its components with a way to bypass the dominant discourse. Overall, the study of the reception of the pamphlet Total Refusal has helped change the critical focus from "Total Refusal" to Total Refusal. In addition, it lead to new ways of considering the reception of marginalized works and highlighted selected criteria in the constitution of the history and cultural memory in Quebec since 1948.

La Lanterne d’Arthur Buies : analyse du discours pamphlétaire et de sa réception dans le milieu journalistique

Boucher Lauzon, Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
La Lanterne d’Arthur Buies, publiée à Montréal de 1868 à 1869 et inspirée de La Lanterne de Rochefort, se distingue des journaux de cette période durant laquelle le clergé, qui en contrôle un grand nombre, impose l’idée que tout bon catholique obéisse au pouvoir en place. En publiant La Lanterne, Buies s’oppose au milieu journalistique, non seulement par ses nombreuses critiques à son endroit, mais aussi par le choix du genre du pamphlet, qui confronte les normes de l’époque en empruntant une forme plus proche du discours oral et centrée essentiellement sur la dénonciation. Sans être officiellement victime de censure, le pamphlétaire subit les pressions du clergé et de la presse conservatrice, qui nuisent à ses projets de faire de son journal un grand organe de la jeunesse. Faire l’histoire de la publication de La Lanterne et son analyse littéraire, en comparaison avec la réédition de 1884, permet d’identifier les manifestations de l’ambition de Buies, qui s’oppose aux signes plus discrets indiquant les difficultés liées à la rédaction du journal. Le pamphlétaire se met en scène dans son propre journal, en interaction avec ses adversaires et ses lecteurs. De plus, l’étude de la réception de La Lanterne révèle que les rares journaux qui s’intéressent à Buies dénigrent son pamphlet, celui-ci lutte alors contre l’absence d’un véritable interlocuteur. Notre analyse du texte apporte une meilleure compréhension des objectifs de Buies et des outils dont il entendait se servir pour transformer la presse et, par là, la jeunesse canadienne. En nous intéressant à la réception, nous désirons également éclairer le fonctionnent du milieu journalistique canadien-français et comprendre le rôle que Buies a pu y tenir. / La Lanterne, written in Montreal by Arthur Buies from 1868 to 1869 and inspired by Rochefort’s La Lanterne, diverges from newspapers published at that time, when the clergy - who controlled most of them - imposes upon Catholics obedience to the authorities. By publishing La Lanterne, Buies opposes French-Canadian newspapers not only through his criticisms towards them, but also through his choice to write it as a pamphlet, a literary genre that confronts the standards from that period by being written in a style close to spoken language and essentially based on denunciation. Although not officially censored, the polemist is under pressure from the clergy and the conservative press, which affects his project of turning his newspaper into an organ for the youth. Reconstructing the history of La Lanterne and analysing the text, in comparison with the 1884 reedition, allow us to identify the expression of Buies’ ambition, in opposition to the more discreet signs of the difficulties he had to face while writing his journal. The polemist portrays himself in interaction with his opponents and his readers. Thus, the study of the response La Lanterne received from other newspapers shows there was little reaction and that those who wrote about it discredit the publication. Buies was in fact struggling with the absence of a true interlocutor. Our analysis of the literary dimension of La Lanterne brings a better comprehension of Buies’ goals and the tools he intended to use to transform the press - and, by that, the Canadian youth. By looking at the response Buies received, we also want to highlight how the French-Canadian journalistic community worked and understand the part Buies played in it.

O pensamento radical de Thomas Paine (1793-1797): artífice e obra da Revolução Francesa / The radical thought of Thomas Paine (1793-1797): author and outcome of the French Revolution

Carvalho, Daniel Gomes de 08 December 2017 (has links)
Esta tese examina três escritos de Thomas Paine (1737-1809) elaborados durante a Revolução Francesa, os quais representam as reflexões mais radicais de seu pensamento religioso, político e social. Em primeiro lugar, será analisado o panfleto The Age of Reason, expressão máxima de seu radicalismo religioso, que teve sua primeira parte escrita em 1793 e a segunda em 1794. Contrapondo-se, por um lado, às religiões reveladas e, por outro lado, à descristianização do período jacobino, nesse texto o deísmo é apresentado como a face religiosa da democracia vindoura. Em segundo lugar, será analisado o texto Dissertation on the First Principles of Government, redigido e publicado em 1795, a mais acabada exposição da teoria democrática. A um só tempo contrário ao liberalismo termidoriano e crítico do que fora o jacobinismo, nesse texto Paine opõe-se categoricamente àqueles que pensavam a propriedade privada como um direito natural que poderia ser equivalente ou mesmo superior aos direitos naturais de liberdade e a igualdade. Por fim, será analisado o texto Agrarian Justice, expressão máxima de seu radicalismo social, produzido no inverno de 1795-1796 (publicado em 1797). Em reação tanto ao liberalismo irredutível dos termidorianos, quanto às propostas igualitaristas de Graco Babeuf, o texto apresenta-se como uma proposta de erradicação da pobreza sem romper com os princípios do que seria política liberal. Pretende-se captar o sentido do pensamento de Paine no contexto da Revolução Francesa e discutir a validadade da afirmação de Eric Hobsbawm na Era das Revoluções, segundo a qual Paine, radical nos Estados Unidos, seria um moderado girondino na França. Na contramão da maioria das interpretações correntes, a pesquisa objetiva repensar a figura de Paine, mostrando sua relevância como intérprete da Revolução Francesa e como nome fundamental para a história do pensamento político, religioso e social. / This thesis examines three writings of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) elaborated during the French Revolution, which represents the most radical reflections of his religious, political and social thought. In the first place, the pamphlet The Age of Reason will be analyzed, that contains the maximum expression of his religious radicalism, which have had its first part written in 1793 and the second in 1794. Contradicting, on the one hand, to the revealed religions, and, on the other hand, to the dechristianization of the Jacobin period, in this text, deism is presented as the religious face of the coming democracy. Secondly, the text Dissertation on the First Principles of Government will be analyzed, the most complete exposition of his democratic theory, drafted and published in 1795. Contrary to Thermidorian and critical of what Jacobinism was, in this text Paine categorically opposes those who thought private property as a natural right that could be equivalent or even superior to the natural rights of freedom and equality. Finally, the text Agrarian Justice will be analyzed, the maximum expression of its social radicalism, produced in the winter of 1795-1796 (published in 1797). In reaction to both the irreducible liberalism of the Thermidorians and the egalitarian proposals of Graco Babeuf, the text presents itself as a proposal to eradicate poverty without breaking with the principles of what would be liberal politics. This analysis seeks to capture the meaning of Paine\'s thinking in the context of the French Revolution and to discuss the validity of Eric Hobsbawm\'s statement in the Age of Revolutions that Paine, radical in the United States, would be a \"moderate Girondist\" in France. Contrary to current interpretations, this research aims to rethink the figure of Paine, showing his relevance as an interpreter of the French Revolution and as a fundamental name for the history of political, religious and social thought.

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