Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parody,"" "subject:"parodys,""
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Répétition et variation de la tradition dans les romans de Hue de RotelandeVinot, Julien January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Forms of the Postmodern Historical Novel : Christoph Ransmayr, Daniel Kehlmann, Wolfgang HildesheimerBlustein, David 12 1900 (has links)
L’émergence du postmodernisme aux Etats-unis, mouvement esthétique rejetant les dogmes modernistes, date des années 1960. En s’imposant, durant les dernières décennies du 20ème siècle, comme le paradigme esthétique de l’architecture, des arts et de la littérature, le postmodernisme a également créé les conditions propres à une renaissance du roman historique. Cependant, la fiction historique postmoderne constitue maintenant une nouvelle forme du genre basée sur la parodie, l’ironie et le scepticisme envers les discours dominants. Cette nouvelle forme ne se limite plus à la présentation des récits dans un cadre historique réaliste. Elle remet plutôt en question la validité et par conséquent la nature même du discours historique, problématisant et mettant ainsi à l’avant le processus d’interprétation et de reconstruction du passé. Dans cette optique, la fiction historique contemporaine reflète les débats actuels sur les formes de l’historiographie, débats lancés par Hayden White.
Dans les années 1980, la fiction historique a de nouveau fleuri dans l'espace culturel allemand tout comme ailleurs. Le présent mémoire analyse des formes postmodernes de la fiction historique en se basant sur trois romans historiques de langue allemande parus entre 1981 et 2005: Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis de Christoph Ransmayr, Die Vermessung der Welt de Daniel Kehlmann et Marbot : Eine Biographie de Wolfgang Hildesheimer. L’analyse s'appuie sur divers modèles de la fiction postmoderne, en particulier sur le schéma de catégorisation du roman historique élaboré par Ansgar Nünning. Le mémoire montre dans quelle mesure ces romans appliquent des moyens stylistiques typiques pour le postmodernisme et portent un regard critique ou comique sur l’histoire et la culture allemande et autrichienne. / Postmodernism, an aesthetic movement that rejects modernist dogmas, emerged in the U.S.A. in the 1960s and became, over the last decades of the twentieth century, the paradigmatic aesthetic in architecture, literature and the arts. Postmodernism also created the conditions for a renaissance of the historical novel. However, the postmodern historical novel now constitutes a new form of the genre which confronts the dominant discourses with parody, irony and skepticism. This new form does not limit itself to narratives situated in a realist historical setting. Rather, it questions the validity and, consequently, the very nature of historical discourse, problematizing and often foregrounding the process of interpretation and reconstruction of the past. In this manner, contemporary historical fiction reflects current debates about the forms of historiography, debates triggered by the work of Hayden White.
The 1980s saw a renewed flowering of historical fiction in the German cultural space and elsewhere. This paper examines postmodern forms of historical fiction through an analysis of three postmodern historical novels in the German language published between 1981 and 2005: Christoph Ransmayr’s Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Daniel Kehlmann’s Die Vermessung der Welt and Wolfgang Hildesheimer’s Marbot: Eine Biographie. The analysis is based upon various models of postmodern fiction, in particular Ansgar Nünning’s five level categorization schema of the historical novel. This paper illustrates the extent to which these novels deploy postmodern stylistic devices and comment critically and comically upon German and Austrian history and culture. / Die Postmoderne, eine ästhetische Bewegung, die modernistische Dogmen ablehnte, entstand in den USA in den 1960er Jahren und wurde in den letzten Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts die paradigmatische Ästhetik in der Architektur, der Literatur und den Künsten. Die Postmoderne schuf ebenfalls die Voraussetzungen für eine Renaissance des historischen Romans. Jedoch stellt der postmoderne historische Roman eine ganz neue Form der Gattung dar, die herrschenden Diskursen parodistisch, ironisch und skeptisch begegnet. Es handelt sich nicht mehr um eine Erzählung mit einem realistischen historischen Rahmen. Diese neue Form historischer Fiktion stellt das Wesen des historischen Diskurses in Frage und rückt häufig den Vorgang der Sinngebung und die historische Rekonstruktion der Vergangenheit in den Vordergrund. Somit spiegelt diese postmoderne Literaturgattung gegenwärtige Debatten über die Formen der Geschichtsschreibung, wie sie von Hayden White angestoßen wurden.
In den 1980er Jahren setzte eine neue Blütezeit des historischen Romans auch im deutschen Kulturraum ein. Das Ziel meiner Arbeit ist, postmoderne Formen des historischen Romans zu untersuchen, und zwar durch eine Analyse dreier deutschsprachiger historischer Romane die zwischen 1981 und 2005 erschienen sind: Christoph Ransmayrs Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Daniel Kehlmanns Die Vermessung der Welt und Wolfgang Hildesheimers Marbot: Eine Biographie. Die Romane werden anhand verschiedener narratologischer Modelle analysiert, insbesondere des von Ansgar Nünning entwickelten fünfstufigen Modells des historischen Romans. Meine Arbeit veranschaulicht, in welcher Weise diese Romane postmoderne Stilmittel einsetzen und Geschichte und Kultur Deutschlands und Österreich auf kritische und komische Weise beleuchten.
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Duchovní hudba Johanna Sebastiana Bacha / Church Music of Johann Sebastian BachStaňková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: Málková, Eva. Church Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Prague: Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, 2012. Thesis. The aim of this thesis is to introduce church music of Johann Sebastian Bach and its theological announcement. By looking up and appraising musical-theological elements at Bach's work this thesis brings near to the reader the theological, philosophical and mystic thinking of Bach. By pre-understanding and complexity of perception of Bach's church music is possible to see deep sense and aim of artist's work. In the first (theoretical) part I am engaged in systems of thinking that could Bach's church work influence. Then I am specifying the pieces that are supposed to be church music. In the second (practical) part I am looking for musical- theological elements that could Bach be influenced with. By researching of Bach's artistic style I am trying to find correlation of musical and theological contents and I am trying to point out that the message of Bach's church work is relevant.
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O romantismo revisitado : Machado de Assis, primeiros romances / Le romantisme revisité : Machado de Assis, premiers romans / Romanticism revisited : Machado de Assis, early novelsMoraes Rodrigues, Ariston 16 May 2018 (has links)
Cet ouvrage est basé sur l’analyse les quatre premiers romans de l’écrivain brésilien Machado de Assis (1839-1908) – Ressurreição (1872), A mão e a luva (1874), Helena (1876) et Iaiá Garcia (1978) – avec l’intention de comprendre la relation de ces livres avec le mouvement romantique brésilien. Bien qu’ils aient été écrits à une époque où le romantisme au Brésil touchait à sa fin, ces livres ont été considérés par les critiques du début du XXe siècle comme étant des romans romantiques étant donné la récurrence d’éléments narratifs qui ont structuré ce mouvement lequel a vu le jour au Brésil en 1836. Pourtant, bien que la présence de tels éléments dans l’œuvre de la jeunesse de Machado de Assis puisse être constatée, ils n’obéissent pas la démarche technique de ce mouvement littéraire. Il est donc nécessaire de discuter dans quelle mesure et sous quelle forme ces éléments sont présents dans les premiers romans de l’écrivain. Pour cela, la discussion sur le processus de création du mouvement romantique brésilien, directement lié à l’affirmation d’une identité nationale propre à l’Empire brésilien (1822-1889), représente un thème clé pour comprendre l’importance de la couleur locale, et plus particulièrement du paysage brésilien, dans le noyau esthétique du mouvement romantique dans ce pays. À partir des grandes lignes de ces éléments structurants du romantisme brésilien, l’analyse des premiers romans de Machado de Assis met au jour une révision critique de la tradition romantique par l’auteur, dans son projet de développer une littérature originale, créative, indépendante et universelle. / This work analyzes the first four novels of the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis (1839-1908) – Ressurreição (1872), A mão e a luva (1874), Helena (1876), and Iaiá Garcia (1978) – aiming to understand the link between these books and the Brazilian romantic movement. Although the novels were written at a time when Romanticism in Brazil was coming to an end, they were classified by critics of the early 20th century as romantic works because they contained recurrent narrative elements based on that movement which began in Brazil in 1836. Nevertheless, although such elements can be observed in the early work of Machado de Assis, they do not meet the technical procedure of the overall romanticist literary movement. It is thus necessary to discuss the extent to which these elements are deployed in the writer's initial novels. In order to do that, this work analyzes the process of creation of the Brazilian romantic movement, which is directly associated with the Empire of Brazil (1822-1889). This is important to understand the role of the local color, and more specifically of the Brazilian landscape, in the aesthetic basis of the Brazilian romanticism. From the outline of this basic structure of Brazilian romanticism, the analysis of the early novels of Machado de Assis shows that the author critically reviewed the romantic tradition to develop an original, creative, independent and universal literature. / Este trabalho analisa os quatro primeiros romances do escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis (1839-1908) – Ressurreição (1872), A mão e a luva (1874), Helena (1876) e Iaiá Garcia (1978) – com a intenção de compreender a relação destes livros com o movimento romântico brasileiro. Apesar de terem sido escritos na época em que o romantismo no Brasil chegava ao seu fim, esses livros foram classificados pela crítica do início do século XX como obras românticas dada a recorrência de elementos narrativos aparentados a este movimento que, no Brasil, teve início em 1836. No entanto, ainda que se possa observar a presença de tais elementos nas obras de juventude de Machado de Assis, eles não obedecem ao proceder técnico desse movimento literário. Então, cumpre-se discutir em que medida e de que maneira esses elementos estão presentes nos romances iniciais do escritor. Para tanto, a discussão sobre o processo de criação do movimento romântico brasileiro, diretamente associado à afirmação da identidade nacional e do Império brasileiro (1822-1889), consiste numa questão relevante a fim de se compreender a importância da cor local, e mais especificamente da paisagem brasileira, no cerne estético do romantismo nacional. A partir do delineamento desse elemento estrutural do romantismo no Brasil, a análise dos primeiros romances de Machado de Assis permite constatar de fato o seu intuito de revisitar de forma crítica a tradição romântica no intento de desenvolver uma literatura original, criativa, independente e universal.
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Simbologia do caos em O diabo mesquinho de Fiódor Sologub / Symbol of chaos in the petty demon by Fiódor SologubMountian, Daniela 26 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a analisar O Diabo Mesquinho (1892-1902), romance-chave de Fiódor Sologub (1863-1927), um dos expoentes do simbolismo russo. Além da importância incontestável da obra para a literatura russa e mundial, foi estímulo para a pesquisa a possibilidade de delinear o primeiro estudo acadêmico sobre o autor no Brasil. A análise seguiu duas direções, que continuamente se encontraram: a evidente tessitura paródica, e a presença de arquétipos míticos universais perpassados por elementos do folclore russo. Quanto ao uso da paródia, tendo como base teórica autores como Iuri Tyniánov e Mikhail Bakhtin, foram feitas aproximações de O Diabo Mesquinho com textos de Aleksándr Púchkin, Nikolai Gógol e Fiódor Dostoiévski, cujas marcas deflagradas são essenciais para o entendimento da estrutura da obra, assim como o narrador que, subvertendo a estética realista, organiza esses discursos. Com relação à incorporação de arquétipos literários, a qual ressalta a dimensão paródica e a contextura neomitológica, tal como conceituada por Zara Mints, foi desenvolvida uma análise do desdobramento do anti-herói Ardalión Peredonov, um trickster diabólico, no herói cultural mítico. Esse aprofundamento, embasado sobretudo em Eliazar Meletínski, desvelou a articulação que a narrativa faz entre as dualidades míticas mais estáveis (caos versus cosmos, próprio versus alheio), as construções de herói e de anti-herói, e os traços folclóricos e do demonismo popular. A convivência desses componentes conduz o enredo ao caos mítico junto da loucura progressiva de Peredonov. A breve contextualização do simbolismo russo, movimento que, apoiado na própria cultura e história, inaugurou novos rumos na arte e na filosofia russas, foi também fundamental para trabalhar com O Diabo Mesquinho, pois o romance consagra seus grandes mestres, sublinha seu contexto gerador e rompe paradigmas. / The research aims at analysing The Petty Demon (1892-1902), a key novel by Fiódor Sologub (1863-1927) who is one of the best known writers of the Russian symbolism. The importance of this novel is well established for Russian and world literature, and this research thesis was the first academic study on the author in Brazil. The analysis followed two main directions, which appear in intersection: first, the evident parodist structure of the text and second, the presence of universal mythic archetypes juxtaposed by elements of the Russian folklore, which inhabit the narration. Regarding the use of parody, drawing on Iuri Tyniánov and Mikhail Bakhtin, the analysis establish dialogues between The Petty Demon and texts by Aleksándr Púchkin, Nikolai Gógol and Fiódor Dostoiévski. These parodist dialogues are seen here as essential for the understanding of the structure of the text, as well as the narrator who organises these discourses subverting the realistic aesthetics. In relation to the incorporation of literary archetypes in the novel, highlighting the parodist dimension and the neomythologic structure, as conceptualised by Zara Mints, an analysis was developed on the history of the anti-hero Ardalión Peredonov, a diabolic trickster, as a cultural mythic hero. This in-depth analysis drawing on Eliazar Meletínski, unravelled the articulation between well established mythic dualities (chaos versus cosmos); the construction of the hero and anti-hero; and the folkloric characteristics and popular demonism. The relation between these components guides the story to the mythic chaos alongside the gradual madness of Peredonov. The brief contextualisation put forward in this research thesis of the Russian symbolism - a movement that based on its own culture and history launched new paths for Russian arts and philosophy - was fundamental to the analysis of The Petty Demon, as the novel established great masters in literature, highlighted its symbolist context and broke paradigms.
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La Bibliothèque imaginaire de Jules Laforgue. Étude de la réécriture dans les "Moralités légendaires" / Jules Laforgue’s Imaginary Library. A Study of The Rewriting in The "Moralités légendaires"Guy, Madeleine 16 November 2015 (has links)
Jules Laforgue (1860-1887) envisage les nouvelles des "Moralités légendaires" comme de « vieux canevas brodés d’âmes à la mode ». Il inscrit ainsi son œuvre au cœur même de la Bibliothèque. Toutefois, contrairement à ce que sa formule pourrait laisser penser, il ne se contente pas d’y écrire des variantes parodiques de "Hamlet", de l’"Histoire de sainte Élisabeth de Hongrie", de "Lohengrin", d’« Hérodias » et des "Métamorphoses" : non seulement il puise la matière de ses récits dans plusieurs dizaines de textes – et pas uniquement dans ces hypotextes –, mais ceux-ci, pour la plupart, ne font pas l’objet d’une mise à distance critique à visée comique. L’impression première qui se dégage du volume, celle d’un ouvrage léger dans lequel les héros sont ridiculisés, les références mêlées et les traditions soumises à un relativisme généralisé, n’est qu’une façade destinée à duper un certain type de lecteur et à dissimuler le sens profond du texte. Ce dernier ne se révèle qu’à l’issue d’une lecture intertextuelle érudite qui, en acquérant une connaissance précise des livres lus par Jules Laforgue, met au jour un principe de réécriture reposant sur la reconnaissance préalable d’analogies entre les différentes œuvres. L’auteur pratique une lecture imaginative – au sens où l’imagination est, pour Charles Baudelaire, l’art de saisir les rapports – et retient des textes-sources les éléments qui résonnent en lui. Leur mise en présence dans les "Moralités" s’avère alors cohérente et le volume apparaît comme une véritable broderie intertextuelle ; chaque fil – chaque œuvre – conserve sa singularité mais tous participent à l’élaboration d’un motif unique : l’expression, par le truchement de la fiction et de la voix des autres, du questionnement existentiel de Jules Laforgue. / Jules Laforgue (1860-1887) said that the novellas of "Moralités légendaires" were « old canvasses embroidered with fashionable souls », thus placing his work at the heart of the Library. But, contrary to what we may think when reading his definition, he does not merely write parodies of "Hamlet", of the "Histoire de sainte Élisabeth de Hongrie", "Lohengrin", « Hérodias » and the "Metamorphoses" : the tales’ material comes not exclusively from these hypotexts, but from dozens of other texts, which are seldom rewritten from a critical and comical point of view. The reader’s first impression of a light work where heroes are ridiculed, references blended and traditions relativized is that of a mere charade intended to dupe a certain kind of reader and to prevent him from understanding the text thoroughly. However, the true meaning of such works only reveals itself through an intertextual reading, which requires precise knowledge of the books that Jules Laforgue read. Only then does one realise that he is rewriting texts amongst which he has seen various links. His own reading is an imaginative one – insofar as, according to Charles Baudelaire, imagination is the art of detecting connections that are not obvious – and he borrows from the intertexts the elements that call forth echoes in his mind. He then assembles them in the "Moralités" in a coherent way. Thus, the book can be seen as a true intertextual embroidery ; each thread – each work – retains its idiosyncrasy but they all contribute to a single design : the expression, through the art of fiction and the voices of others, of Jules Laforgue’s existential questioning.
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As canções da Ópera do malandro a partir dos estudos da paródia, do grotesco e da alegoria / The Ópera do malandro songs from the study of parody, grotesque and allegorySilva, Paulo Cesar Torres da 07 October 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar dez canções do espetáculo musical Ópera do malandro, de Chico Buarque, a partir da investigação das formas da paródia, do grotesco e da alegoria. A análise será feita através do estudo dos fonogramas do álbum duplo homônimo, lançado no ano de 1979, com as canções das montagens carioca (1978) e paulista (1979) da peça; e a partir do livro, lançado em setembro de 1978, com a dramaturgia e partituras da montagem carioca. A partir do recurso da paródia, o primeiro capítulo analisa as canções Tango do covil, O casamento dos pequenos burgueses, Teresinha e Ai se eles me pegam agora, com vistas na vasta rede de intertextualidades da peça. O segundo capítulo, a partir da investigação do grotesco, analisa as canções Geni e o Zepelim e Se eu fosse o teu patrão, apoiado em passagens da dramaturgia e de trechos de outras canções. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo analisa a passagem da caricatura grotesca para a forma alegórica, através do estudo das canções O malandro, O malandro n.2, Homenagem ao malandro e a Ópera do \"epílogo ditoso\". O estudo das formas das dez canções selecionadas neste trabalho, somado ao estudo de trechos da dramaturgia, procura desenhar as linhas de força da Ópera do malandro, sua potencialidade crítica e possíveis fragilidades. A partir de um gran finale farsesco, a narrativa da ópera mostra alegoricamente a trajetória político-econômica brasileira no século XX. / This study aims to analyze ten songs from the musical spectacle Ópera do malandro, Chico Buarque, from the investigation of the parody, the grotesque and allegorical forms. The analysis will be done through the study of the homonym double album phonograms, launched in 1979, with the songs from Rio (1978) and São Paulo (1979) stagings of the play; and from the book, released in September 1978, with the dramaturgy and music from the Rio performance. From parody forms, the first chapter analyzes the songs Tango do covil, O casamento dos pequenos burgueses, Teresinha and Ai, se eles me pegam agora, studing the vast intertextuality network of the play. The second chapter, from a research of the form grotesque, analyzes the songs Geni e o Zepelim and Se eu fosse o teu patrão, supported by passages of dramaturgy and excerpts of other songs. Finally, the third chapter analyzes the passage of grotesque caricature to the allegorical form, through the study of the songs O malandro, O malandro n. 2, Homenagem ao malandro and Ópera do epílogo ditoso. The study of the forms of the ten selected songsin this work, added to the study of the dramaturgy, aims to draw the lines of force of the Ópera do malandro, his critical potential and possibles fragilities. From a farce gran finale, the opera narrative shows allegorically the brazilian political and economic history in the twentieth century.
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As trevas em Trevisan: por uma releitura do mito vampírico / The darkness in Trevisan: a re-reading of the vampire mythBordoni, Rita de Cássia 25 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-25 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The main objective of this research is, by means of a comparative method, to do a critical analysis of O vampiro de Curitiba (The vampire from Curitiba) from Dalton Trevisan. This analysis will try to answer a core question: How can Dalton Trevisan rebuild one of the most ancient myths of the human culture the vampire one? To answer this problematic question, we have thought about three hypotheses: 1) The vampire myth is demystified in a parodical way, revealing his two faces: hero and victim; 2) The demystification is done through a sense of emptiness which can be observed in: the narrative, the hero and the narrator as well as in the discourse categories and all of this on the border between fiction and non-fiction; 3) The vampire myth demystification generates a social criticism effect in a time that life in the urban centers is in degeneration. The parody concept that we chose to guide the novel‟s analysis was taken from Bakhtin (1998) and Hutcheon (1985). These authors leaded us to a conclusion that Trevisan takes off the mythical vampire‟s aura. As he does this in the text, he transforms the myth in an unsacred one through resources like: love cannibalism and death, using the sex desire as his via cruces. In his trajectory in Curitiba, he allegorically configures the city as an urban Hades, in an attitude to criticize the values of a society in decomposition, the literary patterns in tension against the urban litter , which is characterized as a non-literary discourse / O objetivo dessa pesquisa é, por meio de um método comparativo, realizar a análise crítica do corpus - O vampiro de Curitiba, de Dalton Trevisan, que buscará responder a uma questão nuclear: como Dalton Trevisan reconstrói literariamente um dos mitos ancestrais da cultura humana o mito do vampiro?
Para responder a essa problemática, lançamos três hipóteses: 1) O mito do vampiro é desmistificado parodicamente, revelando a sua face bifronte: a de herói e a de vítima; 2) A desmistificação se faz por meio do esvaziamento tanto de categorias da narrativa, como as do herói e do narrador, quanto do discurso, na fronteira entre o literário e o não-literário; 3) A desmistificação do mito do vampiro gera um efeito de crítica social em termos da degeneração da vida nos centros urbanos. A análise do livro à luz do conceito de paródia de Bakhtin (1998) e Hutcheon (1985), levou-nos à conclusão de que o autor retira a aura do vampiro mítico, dessacralizando-o por meio do canibalismo amoroso e da morte, fazendo do desejo sexual a sua via crucis. Na sua trajetória por Curitiba, acaba por configurá-la alegoricamente como um Hades urbano, numa atitude de crítica seja aos valores de uma sociedade em decomposição, seja aos padrões literários confrontados com o lixo urbano de discursos frontalmente não-literários
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Guerra e relação conjugal: a construção da alegoria em três contos de Dalton TrevisanMessias, Carlos Alberto Rodrigues 31 October 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-31 / Discusses the concepts of allegory, satire, parody, orality and mimesis in Literature, focusing on three short-stories of the compilation Guerra Conjugal ( Conjugal Warfare , 1969), by Dalton Trevisan. The corpus is: O Senhor Meu Marido, Trinta e Sete Noites de Paixão and Este Leito que É o Meu que É o Teu. The object is the representation of the conjugal conflict, ignited by sex, as a microform of the state of isolation and alienation of contemporary western society. The family home is set as a battle arena of the man-woman relationship and allegory takes form by literary resources that aim for a verisimilar display of the characters s drama. That s where it resides its mimetic power. The analysis of allegory and satire, by the deductive and comparative method, is based on the theoretical body of João Adolfo Hansen, as the assessing concerning the mimetic aspect of the stories are grounded on Erich Auerbach and Luiz Costa Lima. Appreciations of the orality in phrasal construction borrow notions of Paul Zumthor. The interpretations of the characters as living forms of allegory are based on works of Fernando Segolin, Gerard Genétte and Vladmir Propp. With the objective of comprehension of the stories s logical structure, the concept of motive in Tzvetan Todorov is also quoted / Discute os conceitos de alegoria, sátira, paródia, oralidade e mimese em Literatura, enfocando três contos da coletânea Guerra Conjugal (1969), de Dalton Trevisan. O corpus é constituído por: O Senhor Meu Marido, Trinta e Sete Noites de Paixão e Este Leito que É o Meu que É o Teu. O objeto é a representação do conflito conjugal, desencadeado pelo sexo, como micro-forma do estado de isolamento e alienação da sociedade ocidental contemporânea. O lar familiar é colocado como uma arena de embate da relação homem-mulher e a alegoria toma forma por meio de recursos literários que visam uma encenação verossímil do drama das personagens. Daí advém o poder mimético da obra. A análise de alegoria e sátira, pelo método dedutivo e comparativo, está embasada no corpo teórico de João Adolfo Hansen, enquanto as aferições referentes ao teor mimético dos contos são amparadas em Erich Auerbach e Luiz Costa Lima. Apreciações quanto à oralidade dos enunciados tomam emprestadas noções de Paul Zumthor. As interpretações das personagens como manifestações vivas da alegoria estão amparadas em trabalhos de Fernando Segolin, Gerard Genétte e Vladmir Propp. Com o intuito de entendimento da lógica estrutural dos contos, também é citado o conceito de motivo em Tzvetan Todorov
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Metalinguagem e paródia em contos de Feliz Ano Novo, de Rubem FonsecaMelo, Reinaldo Oliveira de 28 September 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-28 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This work aims at discussing conections between some short stories from the work Feliz Ano Novo, by Rubem Fonseca, published in 1975, and the literary tradition. The short stories that were selected are: O Campeonato, Nau Catrineta, Corações Solitários, Agruras de um Jovem Escritor and Intestino Grosso, which reveal themselves as key points to the discussion of the relevant aspects of Fonseca s work. To guide our reflexion, we ve selected the following problem-question: util what point do the short stories from Feliz Ano Novo, by Rubem Fonseca, meet the traditions at one moment, and a distance at the next? The hypothesis that oriented our discussion was the following: when the development of the short stories from Feliz Ano Novo creates a confrontation with the literary tradition, it stabilishes two ways of dialogue: one through metalanguage and the other through parody. To develop this proposal, we were based on theoretical-critical propositions from scholars, such as: Anthony Giddens, John B. Thompson, Marshall McLuhan, Linda Hutcheon, Michael Bakhtin, Vera L. Follain de Figueiredo. Among other conclusions, we ve learnt that the short stories from Rubem Fonseca that were analyzed reconstruct reality itself and consist on metalinguistic parodic expressions, as well as they turn back to the language reality / Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir relações entre alguns contos da obra Feliz Ano Novo, de Rubem Fonseca, publicada em 1975, e a tradição literária. Os contos selecionados foram: O Campeonato, Nau Catrineta, Corações Solitários, Agruras de um Jovem Escritor e Intestino Grosso, que se apresentam como pontos-chaves para a discussão de aspectos relevantes da obra fonsequiana. Para guiar nossa reflexão, selecionamos a seguinte questão-problema: até que ponto contos de Feliz Ano Novo, de Rubem Fonseca, revelam ora um encontro com a tradição, ora um distanciamento? A hipótese que orientou a nossa discussão foi a seguinte: a composição dos contos de Feliz Ano Novo, ao criar um confronto com a tradição literária, estabelece duas vias de diálogo: um por meio da metalinguagem e outra por meio da paródia. Para desenvolver esta proposta, fundamentamo-nos em proposições teórico-críticas de estudiosos como por exemplo: Anthony Giddens, John B. Thompson, Marshall McLuhan, Linda Hutcheon, Mikhail Bakhtin, Vera L. Follain de Figueiredo. Entre outras conclusões, apreendemos que os contos analisados de Rubem Fonseca, além de voltarem-se para a realidade da linguagem, reconstroem também a própria realidade, constituindo-se em manifestos paródicos metalingüísticos
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