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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partnering : Möjligheter och risker / Partnering : Opportunities and risks

Delimedjac, Emina, Sinik, Nelly January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie är gjord i samarbete med NOCA Teknik AB som är ett projekt- och byggledningsföretag med bas i Göteborg. Partnering, även kallat utökad samverkan, är ett relativt nytt arbetssätt i Sverige. Partnering utgår ifrån att alla parter i byggprojektet samarbetar och använder sig av öppna böcker gällandeekonomi projektering, planering, beslut och dokumentation. Partnering går ut på att alla i projektet, entreprenör, konstruktör, arkitekt projektledare mm, samarbetar och använder sig av varandras erfarenhet och kunskap. På så sätt nås de gemensamma målen där alla arbetar mot samma vision. Rapporten behandlar möjligheter och risker med partnering, dessa skildras utifrån beställare och entreprenörers erfarenheter. Till hjälp i studien har en enkätundersökning utförts där 23 svar mottagits. Möjligheterna med partnering är många. En av de största möjligheterna är att som entreprenör få vara med och påverka projektet redan i planering och projekteringsskede. Detta är ett bra sätt att undvika oförutsedda kostnader senare i projektet. En risk med partnering är att kostnaderna ökar på grund av ökad bemanning och projektering. Det är en faktor som måste vägas mot möjligheten att projektet ska kunna bli klart fortare än beräknat. Ytterligare en risk som flera respondenter i enkätundersökningen har påpekat är ombyggherren inte är engagerad genom hela projektet. Detta leder ofta till att partneringprojektet misslyckas och att flera parter blir missnöjda och i framtiden negativt inställda till partnering. / This study was conducted in collaboration with NOCA Teknik AB, a project and construction management company based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Partnering, also known as extended collaboration, is a relatively new way of working in Sweden. Partnering assumes that all parties in the construction project collaborates and use open books concerning financial planning, planning, decisions and documentation. Partnering is that everyone in the project, contractor, designer, architect project manager etc., collaborates and uses each other's experience and knowledge. In this way, the common objectives are reached where everyone works towards the same vision. The report deals with the opportunities and risks of partnering, these are portrayed from the experience of the client and contractors. For help in the study, a survey was conducted where 23 responses were received. The possibilities of partnering are many. One of the biggest opportunities is that as an entrepreneur you have to influence the project already in the planning and design stage. This is a good way to avoid unforeseen costs later in the project. A risk with partnering is that costs increase due to increased staffing and design. It is a factor that must be balanced against the possibility that the project will be clearly faster than expected. Another risk that several respondents in the survey has pointed out is whether the developer is not engaged throughout the project. This often leads to a failure of the partnering project and the dissatisfaction of several parties and, in the future, a negative attitude towards partnering.

Partneringprojekt i byggbranschen : En studie av lönsamheten för entreprenörer och beställare / Partnering Projects in the Construction Industry : A Study of the Profitability for Entrepreneurs and Clients

Hultén, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Examensarbetet inriktar sig på att analysera samverkansformen partnering inom den svenska byggbranschen. Rapporten utgör en kvalitativ studie där intervjuer har förts med verksamma personer från entreprenörs- och beställarsidan. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar lönsamheten i ett partneringprojekt utifrån en entreprenörs och beställares perspektiv samt att ta reda på om det råder skillnader mellan aktörernas definition av partnering. Syftet med studien är även att ge förslag till förbättringar som kan främja partnering. Vidare undersöker studien vad det finns för framgångsfaktorer och risker i att arbeta med partnering.  Utmaningarna inom byggbranschen är att driva framgångsrika och lönsamma projekt. De svårigheter som finns är att varje projekt är unikt och att slutprodukten inte alltid är definierad. Det innebär att det är svårt att hitta generella standarder som är överförbara mellan projekten. Partnering är ett arbetssätt som öppnar upp för samarbete mellan entreprenör och beställare.  Resultatet visar att entreprenörerna främst vill arbeta i partnering med en ekonomisk modell där ersättningsformen är löpande räkning. De ansåg att partneringprojekt i sig inte är lönsammare än andra fastprisprojekt. Ökad lönsamhet för entreprenörer kommer av att de arbetar långsiktigt och får en återkommande kund. För att beställaren skulle nå en ökad lönsamhet ansåg mer än hälften av beställarna att det viktigaste var att införa en ekonomisk modell med vinstincitament. Dessutom ansågs tidsbesparingar i projektet generera snabbare hyresintäkter och en ökad lönsamhet för beställaren.  Viktigaste faktorn för ett framgångsrikt partneringsamarbete visade sig vara engagemang och delaktighet hos parterna i projektet. En annan betydande faktor ansågs vara ekonomin i projekten. Den främsta risken i partnering är kostnadsstyrningen och prognosarbetet.  Avslutningsvis ges förslag på processer och verktyg som främjar partnering. En avgörande del är att arbeta med förtroende och tillit inom teamet. Resultatet av studien visar att det är direkt kopplat till om projektet bli en framgång eller en potentiell risk. / This bachelor thesis analyses the partnering form of cooperation within the Swedish building industry. The report is a qualitative study where interviews have been conducted with individuals from both the entrepreneur’s and the client’s side. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors have an impact on the profitability of a partnering project both from an entrepreneur’s and a client’s perspective and to find out if there are differences between the participants definition of partnering. The purpose of the study is also to give suggestions of improvements that could further partnering. Furthermore, this study examines what success factors and what the risks are to work with partnering.  The challenges within the building industry are to run successful and profitable projects. The difficulties that exist are that each project is unique and that the end product is not always defined. This means that it’s difficult to find general practises that are transferrable between different projects. Partnering is a way of working that facilitates collaboration between entrepreneurs and clients.  The results show that the entrepreneurs prefer working with an economic model where the form of payment was running account. Their belief is that partnering projects aren’t more profitable than other fixed price projects. Increased profitability for the entrepreneur stems from working in a long-term manner thus gaining a return customer. More than half of the clients suggested that for the client to have increased profitability the most important point is to instate an economic model with profit incentive. Savings in the project time would generate rental income quicker which would increase the profitability for the client.  The most important factor for a successful partnering collaboration was shown to be dedication and participation from the parties in the project. Another significant factor was suggested to be the economics of the projects. The foremost risk of partnering is cost control and forecasting.  Lastly some suggestions will be given of processes and tools that could further partnering. A crucial part is to work with confidence and trust in the team. The result of the study shows that it’s directly linked to whether the project becomes a success or a potential risk.

Framgångsfaktorer för en lyckad partnering – Entreprenörens perspektiv / Success factors to a successful partnering – Entrepreneur's perspective

Eklund, Patrik, Strandevall, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Partnering omvandlar ett projekt med flera involverade företag till ett temporärt gemensamt företag, “projektet AB”. – Johan Johansen    Någon behöver en byggnad uppförd, ett byggföretag åtar sig uppdraget och när det är färdigt får de betalt. Så har det varit i flera hundra år. Allt eftersom byggbranschen utvecklades och växte uppstod problem som löstes med innovativa lösningar. En kvarstående utmaning i byggbranschen är samspelet mellan olika aktörer och partnering anses vara den hittills bästa lösningen för detta.  Men vad är partnering? Och vad definierar ett lyckat partneringprojekt? Vilka parametrar och faktorer anses vara av störst tyngd för att få en så problemfri byggprocess som möjligt? Stämmer entreprenörens perspektiv överens med beställarens? Detta svarar denna rapport på samt dess omkringliggande aspekter och faktorer. Perspektivet som används är utifrån entreprenören Skanska Sverige AB.  Metoden som används för genomförandet av denna rapport är inledningsvis en beskrivning av begrepp och tidigare definitioner för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk att förhålla sig till. Efter detta utförs intervjuer av tolv nyckelpersoner, varav tio inom Skanska och två från beställarsidan. Med hjälp av svaren från intervjuerna sammanställs ett resultat i kapitel 4. Slutligen skrivs en diskussion och slutsats som härleds av både resultatkapitlet och det teoretiska ramverket. Här konkretiseras informationen och knyter an till syftet för rapporten och besvarar de frågeställningar som ställs i kapitel 1.4.  Resultatdelen beskriver dels det som respondenterna anser vara det viktigaste vid ett projekt utfört i partneringform, dels de områden som behöver utvecklas. Genom svaren som erhållits går det urskilja en genomgående åsikt om att partnering bör tillämpas i de komplicerade projekten, likaså är det till fördel att parterna ingår i samverkansformen i tidigt projektskede. Många svar tyder också på att det är viktigt att uppehålla goda relationer såväl i arbetet som efter projektets slut. Något som nämns som en utmaning i partnering är kunskapen av att arbeta på det sättet.  I slutsatsen besvaras frågeställningarna som formulerats i kapitel 1.4 och återspeglar syftet med rapporten. En sammanfattning av de viktigaste parametrarna för att nå en lyckad partnering beskrivs i nedanstående punktlista:  • God kommunikation mellan aktörerna i projektet. • Tillit och förtroende. • Engagemang och mognadsgrad från de inblandade. • Gemensamma mål inom organisationen. • Rättvis och öppen ekonomi. / Partnering transforms a multi-involved company into a temporary joint venture, "project AB ". - Johan Johansen   Someone needs a building set up, a construction company commits the mission and when it's done they get paid. That’s how it’s been for hundreds of years. As the construction industry developed and grew, problems were solved with innovative solutions. A continuing challenge in the construction industry is the interaction between different actors and partnering is the best solution to date for this.  But what is partnering? And what defines a successful partneringproject? Which parameters and factors are considered to be of the greatest importance in order to get as smooth a construction process as possible? Is the contractor's perspective consistent with the client's? This is what this report intends to answer as well as its surrounding aspects and factors. The perspective used is based on the contractor Skanska Sverige AB.  The method used for the implementation of this report is initially a description of concepts and earlier definitions for creating a theoretical framework to relate to. Following this, interviews are conducted by twelve key people, including ten within Skanska and two from the client page. Using the answers from the interviews, a result is compiled and is described in chapter 4. Finally, a discussion and conclusion is drawn from both the resultchapter and the theoretical framework. Here the information is concretized and relates to the purpose of the report and ensures that the questions set in Chapter 1.4 are answered.  The part of the results chapter describes what the respondents consider to be the most important in a project conducted in partnering form, and the areas that need to be developed. Through the answers received, there is a clear understanding that partnering should be applied in the complex projects, and it is also beneficial for the parties to be part of the collaborative form at an early stage. Many answers also indicate that it is important to maintain good relationships both in work and after the end of the project. Something mentioned as a challenge in partnering is the knowledge of working that way.  In conclusion, the questions formulated in chapter 1.4 are answered and reflect the purpose of the report. A summary of the most important parameters for achieving a successful partnering is described in the following bulletin list: • Good communication between the players in the project. • Trust and confidence. • Engagement and maturity from those involved. • Common goals within the organization. • Fair and open economy.

Partnering ur beställarens perspektiv : intervjuundersökning hos NCC:s beställare av partneringentreprenader / Partnering from the client’s perspective : an interview survey among NCC’s partnering clients

Carlander, Robert, Pyykkö, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Partnering är ett relativt nytt begrepp i byggbranschen med stora likheter i det som kallassamverkansentreprenad, men även i ersättningsformen löpande räkning med tak. Tanken är attkringgå onödiga konflikter och få ett konstruktivt samarbete mellan parterna i byggprocessen.Detta görs genom att man skapar en ny organisation byggd på förtroende och gemensammamålsättningar för att uppnå goda resultat i projektet. Detta ska resultera i attkompetensutnyttjandet optimeras och att man i och med den öppna ekonomin får en braöverblick på kostnader och resurser. Förhoppningsvis ska detta samarbete ge beställaren enbättre produkt till ett lägre pris.Det finns mycket erfarenhet, både från utlandet, men även inom Sverige om hur ettpartneringsamarbete ska bli framgångsrikt. NCC är en av de stora aktörer som helhjärtatsatsar på att driva och utveckla partnering. Byggprojekt innebär stora investeringar, och medstigande materialpriser är det av stor vikt att pressa de övriga kostnaderna och samtidigtleverera produkter av god kvalitet. Därför anses det mycket intressant att ta in beställarensåsikter och tankar för att se vilka punkter som är tillfredställande och vad som kan förbättras.Uppföljning av projekten är av stor vikt och NCC gör med jämna mellanrumkundundersökningar för att försäkra sig om att beställarna är nöjda. Denna rapport är enuppföljning av en sådan enkätundersökning och ska försöka ge en mer nyanserad bild genomintervjuer med fyra beställare. Med stöd av enkätundersökningen frågas de intervjuade omderas åsikter angående faktorer som workshopar, samarbete, öppenhet, kompetensutbyte,konflikter och resultat. De intervjuade, vilka alla har lång erfarenhet i byggproduktionen,tillåts ge sina åsikter och funderingar angående partnering. Dessa ska försöka speglas irapporten och jämföras med varandra.Samtliga beställare är överens om att partnering, tillsammans med de klassiska upphandlingsochentreprenadformerna, har ett berättigande i Sverige. Kompetensutbytet, den öppenhet ochkreativa anda de fått erfara från partneringsamarbetena värdesätts högt. Samtidigt ärprojektformen beroende av de individer som arbetar i den, och att dessa verkligen gör sittbästa att uppfylla de gemensamma målen. Detta tillsammans med att det bland de mindreaktörerna, och vissa beställare, saknas den kompetens och arbetsrutin som krävs förpartnering, gör knappast projekten problemfria. Sådant som risker och bra resultat ärfortfarande något alla måste anstränga sig för att uppfylla. Partnering är dock, för mångabyggnadsprojekt ett utmärkt verktyg för att uppnå detta. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Application of the project management body of knowledge and practice for urban renewal project implementation in Hong Kong special administrative region, China

Mui, Dennis Heung-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is faced with the rapid rate of urban deterioration. With the unique and densely populated nature of the city, the road to urban revitalisation can be envisaged to be a long and painful one. The government is determined to expedite the urban renewal work by establishing of the Urban Renewal Authority in May 2001 to replace Land Development Corporation that was established in 1988 to tackle the issue. The new set up is to operate with more public accountability and transparency as demanded by the community at large. It is also commissioned with the task of completing 225 projects in the next 25 years involving an estimated cost of over A$75 billion. The government has also decided to make Hong Kong Special Administrative Region a truly sustainable city by incorporating both urban sustainability and quality in urban renewal. Thus, a re-thinking of the project management application to enhance urban renewal project implementation is necessary and is beneficial in terms of finance, public confidence and maintenance of the sustainable competitive advantage of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This research is therefore justified. The research question formulated is:How can the project management body of knowledge and practice be applied to enable effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects in Hong Kong SAR?.Investigation of the extant literature in chapter 2 identified gaps in the body of knowledge and practice of applying professional project management principles and practices to urban renewal projects. A project management application model was formulated with five research issues that need to be resolved before the research question could be answered. These five research issues covered:• project organisational structure• team structure• attributes of team members• stakeholder management• communication and information technology enablersThe five research issues considered were:• Research Issue 1: What are the effects of projectised type organisational structure with integrated and multidisciplinary teams, corporate communication team, social services teams and informal project management community for each targeted district on urban renewal projects implementation?• Research Issue 2: What are the effects of a headquarters organisational structure with formal project management community, project auditing team, project support group and functional specialist advisory group on supporting the projectised organisational structure for each targeted district?• Research Issue 3: What are the effects of a flattened hierarchical structure with team members possessing sustainability knowledge and project managerial leaders being generalising specialists on the project team performance?• Research Issue 4: What are the effects of involving stakeholders at the outset of and throughout the projects with partnering relationship and formation of district advisory committee/community on urban renewal project implementation? • Research Issue 5: What are the effects of adopting information technology enablers by establishing computerised project management information system interlinked to Web site accessible to the public on communication to stakeholders?The case study research methodology was adopted to answer each of the research issues. In depth studies of Urban Renewal Authority with functional departments as embedded subunits were designed. Less in-depth case studies were also conducted for overseas cases in developed countries like Australia, United State of America, United Kingdom, Singapore, Denmark, Austria, Ireland and Spain for cross-case analysis. A total of 13 personal interviews with different levels of staff were conducted for seven embedded sub-units in the Urban Renewal Authority case. Information was obtained from ten overseas cases from their Web site and also via e-mail correspondence with the appropriate staff in the organisations.The data obtained were then analysed to show the patterns of the results for each of the five research issues developed in the literature review and also for the new findings that were not planned from the literature review. The findings were then compared with the extant literature to identify the contributions that this research makes to understanding how the project management body of knowledge and practice can be applied to enable effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The application model for effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects modified to take into account the resolution of the research issues and the new findings is subsequently concluded.This research has contributed to both the knowledge of project management and urban renewal. The project management body of knowledge may need to put more emphasis on aspects of sustainability, multi-disciplinary and integrated approach, team hierarchical structure, team member attributes, stakeholder involvement and information technology enablers. Government support in both policy and implementation levels are of paramount importance in urban renewal work and needs more attention and focus. This research also provides some suggestions on the practice and policy especially on change management for introducing the application model in the existing organisation and the need of new legislation to supplement the existing one, on which the operation of Urban Renewal Authority is based.Finally, suggestions for further research are presented. These include quantitative research to test the application model built, generalisation of the research to other places with different operating environments for both governmental and non-governmental organisations, strategy for urban renewal, attributes of top management for managing urban renewal organisation, and cultural risk in managing urban renewal projects.

Samverkan mellan totalentreprenör och projektör i stora byggprojekt

Lindkvist, Anders January 2010 (has links)
As a result of the so called “Million Program” between the years 1965 – 1975 the design-build contract had its breakthrough in Sweden. Since then, the contract form has become increasingly common and now holds a strong position on the Swedish market. In design-build contracts it’s usual that the design and production time is overlapping. The contract form gives an opportunity to build in less time because the production can begin before the building is fully designed. These premises demands good collaboration between the contractor and the designers because they are working closer and are more dependent of each other, compared to other contract forms. The collaboration becomes even more important in large construction projects as more partners and larger organizations are involved. The purpose of this essay is to highlight both contractors and designers opinions, attitudes and perceptions of how they want to work in large construction projects performed on design-build contracts. Based on this the essay should present how the partners should work in relation to each other, to achieve improved collaboration in future projects. In addition to the literature review made to provide a background and put the study in a context, three case studies have been carried out. The studied projects are Swedbank Arena in Solna, Hotel Courtyard by Marriott in Kungsholmen and Hotel Clarion at Stockholm Arlanda airport. The case studies consist mainly of interviews with leaders in both the designer and contractor organizations in the various projects. The following are some of the conclusions summarized from the analysis made in this essay: How should the contractor and designer work to achieve better collaboration in future construction projects? Test new forms of collaboration, such as partnering with designers as a participant together with the developer and contractor Create common economic incentives Use joint project offices (collocation) to a greater extent Earmark money for learning and experience feedback Keywords: design-build contract, partnering, relationship, communication, learning, experience feedback.

Partering : difinition, theory and the procurement phase

Nyström, Johan January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Management of construction logistics in Stockholm : Identifying ways of improvement for construction logistics within the inner city of Stockholm

Samuelsson, Stefan, Ahmetasevic, Mia January 2014 (has links)
The construction industry is similar to other manufacturing industries. Aproduction is made up of several small moments and the final product ariseswhen all these steps are completed. Each one of these operations is equallyimportant and increased efficiency is required at all stages. An oftenforgotten step when discussing efficiency in the construction industry is the logisticprocess.The main problems which emerge, when increasing the efficiency of logisticswithin a city centre, are the location itself, the required close collaborationbetween different actors and the industry’s unwillingness to change itscurrent habits. These problems are relevant as they not only address theconcrete problem of a congested inner city but also handle an abstractproblem which is the attitudes and relationships within the constructionindustry. If these problems were tackled, a more structured industry could arise withadditional economical benefits for the entire industry.The aim is to acquire a more efficient and effective logistic process byreducing the number of transports as well as increasing the time efficiency,standard and service of the required transports. The constituent for thisreport is Skanska AB and Uppsala University.The study consists of an in depth study of literature, as well as an analysis ofprevious executed projects and interviews with different actors within theconstruction industry. The results describe the answers given by each actorand a comparison is made with the literature study.The main conclusions of the study are that without collaboration and therightful incentives a development of the logistics process within the industry is notlikely to happen. In addition to the conclusion some suggestions for changes towardsimprovement are recognized.

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Karlsson, Anton January 2014 (has links)
Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness. In Sweden state-owned Swedish Transport Administration commonly use partnering in highway road projects, where Skanska has been involved as the contractor. Skanska wishes to use partnering in wider measure, especially with the municipalities in the Mälardalen region. In order to research the municipalities’ usage of partnering interviews were held with a selected group. These interviews resulted in a conclusion that the usage of partnering was very limited and the focus shifted to research the potential use of partnering in the future. Overall the attitude towards partnering was positive, but due to lack of time and knowledge about the collaboration method they hadn’t used it yet. In order for them to use it in the future they most likely will have to find a project where the advantages of partnering makes it more advantageous than the traditional forms of contract.

Application of the project management body of knowledge and practice for urban renewal project implementation in Hong Kong special administrative region, China

Mui, Dennis Heung-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is faced with the rapid rate of urban deterioration. With the unique and densely populated nature of the city, the road to urban revitalisation can be envisaged to be a long and painful one. The government is determined to expedite the urban renewal work by establishing of the Urban Renewal Authority in May 2001 to replace Land Development Corporation that was established in 1988 to tackle the issue. The new set up is to operate with more public accountability and transparency as demanded by the community at large. It is also commissioned with the task of completing 225 projects in the next 25 years involving an estimated cost of over A$75 billion. The government has also decided to make Hong Kong Special Administrative Region a truly sustainable city by incorporating both urban sustainability and quality in urban renewal. Thus, a re-thinking of the project management application to enhance urban renewal project implementation is necessary and is beneficial in terms of finance, public confidence and maintenance of the sustainable competitive advantage of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This research is therefore justified. The research question formulated is:How can the project management body of knowledge and practice be applied to enable effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects in Hong Kong SAR?.Investigation of the extant literature in chapter 2 identified gaps in the body of knowledge and practice of applying professional project management principles and practices to urban renewal projects. A project management application model was formulated with five research issues that need to be resolved before the research question could be answered. These five research issues covered:• project organisational structure• team structure• attributes of team members• stakeholder management• communication and information technology enablersThe five research issues considered were:• Research Issue 1: What are the effects of projectised type organisational structure with integrated and multidisciplinary teams, corporate communication team, social services teams and informal project management community for each targeted district on urban renewal projects implementation?• Research Issue 2: What are the effects of a headquarters organisational structure with formal project management community, project auditing team, project support group and functional specialist advisory group on supporting the projectised organisational structure for each targeted district?• Research Issue 3: What are the effects of a flattened hierarchical structure with team members possessing sustainability knowledge and project managerial leaders being generalising specialists on the project team performance?• Research Issue 4: What are the effects of involving stakeholders at the outset of and throughout the projects with partnering relationship and formation of district advisory committee/community on urban renewal project implementation? • Research Issue 5: What are the effects of adopting information technology enablers by establishing computerised project management information system interlinked to Web site accessible to the public on communication to stakeholders?The case study research methodology was adopted to answer each of the research issues. In depth studies of Urban Renewal Authority with functional departments as embedded subunits were designed. Less in-depth case studies were also conducted for overseas cases in developed countries like Australia, United State of America, United Kingdom, Singapore, Denmark, Austria, Ireland and Spain for cross-case analysis. A total of 13 personal interviews with different levels of staff were conducted for seven embedded sub-units in the Urban Renewal Authority case. Information was obtained from ten overseas cases from their Web site and also via e-mail correspondence with the appropriate staff in the organisations.The data obtained were then analysed to show the patterns of the results for each of the five research issues developed in the literature review and also for the new findings that were not planned from the literature review. The findings were then compared with the extant literature to identify the contributions that this research makes to understanding how the project management body of knowledge and practice can be applied to enable effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The application model for effective and efficient implementation of urban renewal projects modified to take into account the resolution of the research issues and the new findings is subsequently concluded.This research has contributed to both the knowledge of project management and urban renewal. The project management body of knowledge may need to put more emphasis on aspects of sustainability, multi-disciplinary and integrated approach, team hierarchical structure, team member attributes, stakeholder involvement and information technology enablers. Government support in both policy and implementation levels are of paramount importance in urban renewal work and needs more attention and focus. This research also provides some suggestions on the practice and policy especially on change management for introducing the application model in the existing organisation and the need of new legislation to supplement the existing one, on which the operation of Urban Renewal Authority is based.Finally, suggestions for further research are presented. These include quantitative research to test the application model built, generalisation of the research to other places with different operating environments for both governmental and non-governmental organisations, strategy for urban renewal, attributes of top management for managing urban renewal organisation, and cultural risk in managing urban renewal projects.

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