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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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La colaboración público-privada como instrumento de intervención pública para el impulso de la innovación: un análisis del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

Catalá Pérez, Daniel 11 February 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis afronta el análisis de la colaboración público-privada (CPP) en sus diferentes dimensiones, a través de la definición de un marco analítico que trata de contemplar toda la complejidad del fenómeno y, desde un enfoque cualitativo, se plantea como herramienta para caracterizarlo en un sector concreto de políticas públicas. Uno de los objetivos generales es identificar y entender los condicionantes de su mayor o menor aplicación y éxito en dicho sector. El modelo se perfila también como instrumento para analizar las diferentes fórmulas concretas de CPP implementadas. La CPP tal y como se plantea en esta investigación, se entiende, en un sentido amplio, como una fórmula de respuesta de los poderes públicos a las crecientes y cambiantes necesidades que, en forma de grandes retos sociales, ha de afrontar una sociedad cada vez más compleja. Estos grandes retos sociales requieren de soluciones integradas, que deben surgir, a partir de un enfoque de gobernanza, de la coordinación de los gobiernos nacionales con los gobiernos y administraciones públicas de ámbito sub y supra nacional, por una parte, pero también de su colaboración con la comunidad académica y los diversos integrantes del sector privado por otra. En este contexto, instituciones como la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) o la Comisión Europea, otorgan a las políticas de innovación un rol fundamental, más allá de impulsar el desarrollo, crecimiento y productividad generales de una economía. Se espera que estén cada vez más orientadas a transformar o modelar los sistemas socio técnicos en la dirección que marcan los retos sociales. Dado que los modelos interactivos de innovación han evolucionado hacia la, cada vez mayor, participación en los procesos de innovación de actores como la propia sociedad civil, la CPP se perfila como el modelo de gobernanza adecuado para las políticas de innovación. Conscientes de ello, los gobiernos tratan de impulsar la colaboración en sus sistemas de innovación, a través de diferentes instrumentos, pero con éxito desigual. El bajo nivel de articulación es uno de los problemas que afectan al sistema español de innovación desde hace décadas, a pesar de la existencia de diferentes medidas orientadas a solucionarlo. Por tanto, entender bien el papel que desempeña la CPP en el sistema es la primera pregunta que esta tesis quiere responder. En este sentido, en España, la CPP se muestra en sus diferentes dimensiones y con diferentes realidades en varias políticas sociales españolas. Entender este escenario, permite plantear un marco contextual en el que situar el análisis de la CPP en innovación en España a través del marco analítico definido. A partir de aquí, teniendo en cuenta aquel escenario, se identifican los factores obstaculizadores y facilitadores que se encuentra la CPP en innovación en España, dando respuesta así a la segunda pregunta de investigación de esta tesis. Teniendo en cuenta los factores identificados, se realiza un análisis comparativo entre la implementación de un instrumento concreto en España y Finlandia, como caso de éxito, para dar respuesta a la tercera pregunta de investigación. Se trata de entender cómo plantear la CPP en innovación en España para favorecer con ella la articulación del sistema y su desempeño innovador. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como en cada una de las dimensiones de la CPP, territorial, sectorial y organizacional, existen factores que inciden en los bajos niveles de articulación del sistema español de innovación. En gran medida, los retos que se le plantean al propio sistema para favorecer la colaboración entre sus agentes pasan por una clara redefinición del rol que algunos de ellos deben desempeñar en el escenario actual. En este sentido, la presente investigación espera ser de utilidad, entre otros, para los decisores públicos a la hora de diseñar instrumentos de CPP ex / [CA] Aquesta tesi afronta l'anàlisi de la col·laboració públic-privada (CPP) en les seues diferents dimensions, a través de la definició d'un marc analític que tracta de contemplar tota la complexitat del fenomen i, des d'un enfocament qualitatiu, es planteja com a eina per caracteritzar-lo en un sector concret de polítiques públiques. Un dels objectius generals és identificar i entendre els condicionants de la seua major o menor aplicació i èxit en aquest sector. El model es perfila també com a instrument per analitzar les diferents fórmules concretes de CPP implementades. La CPP tal com es planteja en aquesta recerca, s'entén, en un sentit ampli, com una fórmula de resposta dels poders públics a les creixents i canviants necessitats que, en forma de grans reptes socials, ha d'afrontar una societat cada vegada més complexa. Aquests grans reptes socials requereixen de solucions integrades, que han de sorgir, a partir d'un enfocament de governança, de la coordinació dels governs nacionals amb els governs i administracions públiques d'àmbit sub i supranacional, d'una banda, però també de la seua col·laboració amb la comunitat acadèmica i els diversos integrants de el sector privat per una altra. En aquest context, institucions com l'Organització per a la Cooperació i el Desenvolupament Econòmics (OCDE) o la Comissió Europea, atorguen a les polítiques d'innovació un paper fonamental, més enllà d'impulsar el desenvolupament, creixement i productivitat generals d'una economia. S'espera que estiguen cada vegada més orientades a transformar o modelar els sistemes soci tècnics en la direcció que marquen els reptes socials. Atès que els models interactius d'innovació han evolucionat cap a la, cada vegada major, participació en els processos d'innovació d'actors com la mateixa societat civil, la CPP es perfila com el model de governança adequat per a les polítiques d'innovació. Conscients d'això, els governs intenten impulsar la col·laboració en els seus sistemes d'innovació, a través de diferents instruments, però amb èxit desigual. El baix nivell d'articulació és un dels problemes que afecten el sistema espanyol d'innovació des de fa dècades, tot i l'existència de diferents mesures orientades a solucionar-ho. Per tant, entendre bé el paper que exerceix la CPP en el sistema és la primera pregunta que aquesta tesi vol respondre. En aquest sentit, a Espanya, la CPP es mostra en les seues diferents dimensions i amb diferents realitats en diverses polítiques socials espanyoles. Entendre aquest escenari, permet plantejar un marc contextual en el qual situar l'anàlisi de la CPP en innovació a Espanya a través de el marc analític definit. A partir d'ací, tenint en compte aquell escenari, s'identifiquen els factors obstaculitzadors i facilitadors que es troba la CPP en innovació a Espanya, donant resposta així a la segona pregunta d'investigació d'aquesta tesi. Tenint en compte els factors identificats, es realitza una anàlisi comparativa entre la implementació d'un instrument concret a Espanya i Finlàndia, com a cas d'èxit, per donar resposta a la tercera pregunta de recerca. Es tracta d'entendre com plantejar la CPP en innovació a Espanya per afavorir amb ella l'articulació de sistema i el seu acompliment innovador. Els resultats obtinguts mostren com en cadascuna de les dimensions de la CPP, territorial, sectorial i organitzacional, hi ha factors que incideixen en els baixos nivells d'articulació del sistema espanyol d'innovació. En gran mesura, els reptes que se li plantegen al propi sistema per afavorir la col·laboració entre els seus agents passen per una clara redefinició del paper que alguns d'ells han d'exercir en l'escenari actual. En aquest sentit, la present investigació espera ser d'utilitat, entre altres, per als decisors públics a l'hora de dissenyar amb èxit instruments de CPP a partir dels factors claus identificats. / [EN] The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of public-private partnerships (PPP) in their different dimensions, through the definition of an analytical framework that tries to cover the entire complexity of the phenomenon. Thus, from a qualitative approach, it is proposed as a tool to characterize PPPs in a specific sector of public policies. One of the general objectives is to identify and understand the conditions of its greater or lesser application and success in said sector. The model is also outlined as an instrument to analyse the different specific PPP formulas implemented. PPPs, as stated in this investigation, are understood, in a broad sense, as a formula for the response of public authorities to the growing and changing needs that an increasingly complex society must face. These needs are identified with great social challenges that require integrated solutions. These solutions must arise, from a governance approach, from the coordination of national governments with governments and public administrations of the sub and supra national level, on the one hand, but also from their collaboration with the academic community and all members from the private sector for another. In this context, institutions such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) or the European Commission, give innovation policies a fundamental role, beyond promoting the overall development, growth and productivity of an economy. They are expected to be increasingly oriented to transform or model socio-technical systems in the direction that define social challenges. Given that interactive innovation models have evolved towards, increasingly, participation in the innovation processes of actors such as civil society itself, PPPs are emerging as the appropriate governance model for innovation policies. Aware of this, governments try to promote collaboration in their innovation systems, through different instruments, but with unequal success. The low level of collaboration is one of the problems affecting the Spanish innovation system for decades, despite the existence of different measures aimed at solving it. Therefore, to understand well the role that PPPs play in the system is the first question that this thesis wants to answer. In this sense, in Spain, PPPs are shown in their different dimensions and with different realities in several Spanish social policies. Understanding this scenario allows us to propose a contextual framework in which to place the analysis of PPPs in innovation in Spain through the defined analytical framework. From here, considering that scenario, the obstacles and facilitators that PPPs find in innovation in Spain are identified, thus answering the second research question of this thesis. Considering the factors identified, a comparative analysis is carried out between the implementation of a specific instrument in Spain and Finland, as a case of success, to answer the third research question. It is about understanding how PPP can be appropriate in innovation in Spain to favour with it the articulation of the system and its innovative performance. The results obtained show that in each of the dimensions of the PPPs, territorial, sectorial and organizational, there are factors that affect the low levels of collaboration of the Spanish innovation system. To a large extent, the challenges posed to the system itself to favour collaboration among its agents go through a clear redefinition of the role that some of them must play in the current scenario. In this sense, this research hopes to be useful, among others, for public decision makers when designing successful CPP instruments based on the key success factors. / En cuanto a instituciones, esta tesis se ha financiado a través de una ayuda pre-doctoral de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU 15/03926) convocada en 2015 por el entonces Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. El segundo premio concedido en la convocatoria de los Premios Nacionales de Fin de Carrera de Educación Universitaria para titulados en 2013‐2014 y fallado en 2018 por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, también ha supuesto una ayuda financiera importante para el desarrollo de la investigación. Pero, además, algunas de las publicaciones incluidas en esta tesis se han beneficiado, en parte, de diferentes proyectos de investigación en los que he tenido la ocasión de participar: • Proyecto CRISAUT (Capacidad y Estrategias de Reforma frente a la Crisis Fiscal en los Sectores Públicos y las Políticas de Bienestar Autonómicos: Condicionantes y Trayectorias de Cambio, CSO2012-33075, 2012-2016), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental (Capítulo 3.1). • Proyecto CRIGOBBE (Los efectos de la crisis en la gobernanza del sistema de protección social en España: la perspectiva multinivel y del welfare-mix, 2016-2017), Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública INAP, convocatoria permanente para la contratación de proyectos de investigación (Capítulo 2, 3.1 y 3.2). • Proyecto GoWPER (Reestructuración de la gobernanza del Estado del bienestar: determinantes políticos e implicaciones en la (des) mercantilización de riesgos, CSO2017-85598-R, 2017-2019), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental (Capítulo 7). El apoyo recibido por parte del Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea me ha permitido financiar parte de las estancias o visitas de investigación realizadas durante el tiempo de elaboración de esta tesis doctoral: sendas estancias de 3 meses de duración cada una de ellas en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Ansbach (Alemania) y en la Universidad de Helsinki (Finlandia), y dos visitas de una semana, también a Ansbach y a la Universidad Técnica de Kosice (Eslovaquia). / Catalá Pérez, D. (2020). La colaboración público-privada como instrumento de intervención pública para el impulso de la innovación: un análisis del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139096 / Compendio

Les familles immigrantes ayant un enfant avec TSA : un double défi pour l’implication parentale

Derbas, Myrna 12 1900 (has links)
L’implication parentale est une composante indispensable à la collaboration école-famille (ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport [MELS], 2009 ; Larivée, 2011). De plus, plusieurs enjeux demandent une adaptation chez les familles immigrantes et les familles ayant un enfant avec TSA. Lorsqu’une famille fait face à ces deux situations (immigrante et ayant un enfant avec TSA), celle-ci fait face à un double défi. Cette recherche porte sur l’implication parentale, sur celle des parents issus de l’immigration et ayant un enfant avec TSA. L’objectif principal est de mieux comprendre les pratiques parentales que les parents utilisent pour s’impliquer dans la scolarité de leur enfant. Trois objectifs spécifiques permettent d’y répondre. Le premier sert à décrire les pratiques d’implication parentales des parents issus de l’immigration et ayant un enfant avec TSA (Objectif 1). Le deuxième sert à décrire les stratégies d’adaptation que les parents utilisent au travers des pratiques d’implication parentales (Objectif 2). Le troisième sert à décrire les facilitateurs et les obstacles à leurs différentes pratiques d’implication parentale, selon ces parents (Objectif 3). En suivant une méthode qualitative interprétative, un entretien semi-dirigé a été effectué avec quatre participantes. Les données ont été analysées avec une analyse thématique et un codage ouvert. Les résultats ont montré que les pratiques parentales amenant l’implication à la maison sont souvent utilisées par la majorité des participantes, alors que celles impliquant les parents à l’école sont les moins utilisées. De plus, nous voyons que la relation avec l’école, le soutien social et l’état mental des parents peuvent grandement influencer l’implication parentale des parents. / Parental involvement is essential for family-school partnerships (ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport [MELS], 2009 ; Larivée, 2011). Additionally, several issues require adaptation among immigrant families and among families with an autistic child. When a family faces these two situations (being immigrant and having an autistic child), their challenges double. This research focuses on parental involvement, particularly that of parents with an immigrant background and an autistic child. The main objective is to better understand the parenting practices that these parents do to be involved in their child’s education. Three specific objectives are used to answer the main goal. The first one is used to describe the parental involvement practices of parents with an immigrant background and an autistic child (Objective 1). The second one allows us to describe the adaptation strategies that parents use through parental involvement practices (Objective 2). The third one is used to describe the facilitators and obstacles to their different parental involvement practices, according to these parents (Objective 3). Following an interpretive qualitative method, a semi-structured interview was carried out with four participants. Data was analyzed with thematic analysis and open coding. The results showed that parental practices applied at home are used by most of the participants, while those involving parents at school are the least used. In addition, we see that the relationship with school, social support and the mental state of parents can greatly influence parents' parental involvement.

Cross-sector partnerships: city regeneration and social justice

Cornelius, Nelarine, Wallace, James January 2010 (has links)
No / In this article, the ability of partnerships to generate goods that enhance the quality-of-life of socially and economically deprived urban communities is explored. Drawing on Rawl¿s study on social justice [Rawls, J.: 1971, A Theory of Justice (Harvard University Press, Cambridge)] and Sen¿s capabilities approach [Sen, A.: 1992, Inequality Re-Examined (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA); 1999, Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, Oxford); 2009, The Idea of Justice (Ellen Lane, London)], we undertake an ethical evaluation of the effectiveness of different approaches to partnership activity in city neighbourhood regeneration. We focus, in particular, on their impact on the social regeneration of disadvantaged communities. Governance of cross-sector partnerships, built upon negotiated values and strong community voice, may result in a greater sense of procedural justice, as well as improvements to orderliness in local neighbourhoods. However, distributive justice, the accumulation of, and access to, goods that enable greater participation in society, remains largely elusive within neighbourhood partnership activity. We conclude that social provision that deals fairly with the causes of disadvantage by enhancing the capabilities of local communities and increasing social capital is likely to be a more effective and sustainable approach for partnerships, despite being a longer-term and more costly endeavour.

Fundamentos para incorporar la cláusula de progreso de seguridad vial en los contratos de concesión de la red vial nacional

Rivera Olivera, Stefany Jaquelyn January 2024 (has links)
Fundamentos para incorporar la cláusula de progreso de seguridad vial en las concesiones viales encargados de la infraestructura nacional”, es el contenido que se ha desarrollado en este presente tema, habiéndose realizado un tipo de investigación cualitativa, junto a un método analítico, con un análisis documental, tomándose como objeto de estudio el proponer la implementación de la cláusula de progreso de Seguridad Vial en las carreteras concesionadas de la Red Vial Nacional, explicando la relevancia de implementar esta condición en los contratos de concesión, debido a que establece la obligación continuada por parte del concesionario de incorporar normas que permitan la ejecución, desarrollo y cumplimiento de una obra pública. En ese mismo orden de ideas, se realizó un estudio de distintos autores con aportes importantes, que hablen sobre los contratos de concesión y cláusula de progreso, complementado con al análisis de las Asociaciones Público Privadas (en adelante APP) y seguridad vial. De tal manera, se pudo concluir que es muy común ver accidentes de tránsito y que éstos, en lugar de disminuir, siguen aumentando, debido a hechos imprevisibles, como casos fortuitos o fuerza mayor, que no se pudieron prever o predecir, sin embargo, no son las únicas causas, pues, también está el factor humano, como la imprudencia de los peatones o los conductores, y el factor mecánico, que serían aquellas fallas que puedan tener los vehículos automotores, por tanto, implementar una cláusula de progreso para la seguridad vial, resultaría una medida que busca reducir accidentes de tránsito mediante el equilibrio económico en los contratos de concesión ante normativas que puedan surgir después de celebrado dicho acto. / Fundamentals for incorporating the road safety progress clause in the concession contracts of the national road network, is the content that has been developed in this topic, having carried out a type of qualitative research, together with an analytical method, with an analysis documentary, taking as an object of study the proposal to implement the Road Safety progress clause on the concessioned highways of the National Road Network, explaining the relevance of implementing this condition in the concession contracts, since it establishes the continued obligation for part of the concessionaire to incorporate regulations that allow the execution, development and fulfillment of a public work. In the same order of ideas, a study was carried out by different authors with important contributions, who talk about concession contracts and progress clauses, complemented by the analysis of Public Private Associations (hereinafter APP) and road safety. In this way, it was possible to conclude that it is very common to see traffic accidents and that these, instead of decreasing, continue to increase, due to unforeseeable events, such as acts of God or force majeure, which could not be foreseen or predicted, however, These are not the only causes, since there is also the human factor, such as the recklessness of pedestrians or drivers, and the mechanical factor, which would be those failures that motor vehicles may have, therefore, implement a progress clause for the road safety, would be a measure that seeks to reduce traffic accidents through economic balance in concession contracts before regulations that may arise after said act is celebrated.

A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3s

Jatto, Lucky Bryce Junior 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.

A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3s

Jatto, Lucky Bryce Jr 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.

Collaborer : un jeu d’enfant? : regards des parents de familles vulnérables sur les relations famille-école

Menand, Véronique 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans

Mamaila, Tshifhiwa 31 January 2006 (has links)
South Africa has been affected both economically and socially by HIV/AIDS. The South African government has put policies in place to support people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and to ensure that they are not discriminated against. Many children have lost either one or both parents to this pandemic. The purpose of this research study was to explore community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans. The research question for the study was: “What are the key components of community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans?” The objectives for this study were as follows: -- To conceptualise community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans. -- To determine the directions and limitations with regard to community-based care within the current policy framework for caring for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. -- To identify the components of Heartbeat’s model for community participation for community-based care of HIV/AIDS orphans. -- To determine the key components for effective community-based care in the care of HIV/AIDS orphans, to serve as guidelines for a sustainable community-based care model for these children. This was an exploratory study. The researcher made use of a case study, which is a type of a qualitative research strategy. Twenty HIV/AIDS orphans, six caregivers and one volunteer were interviewed and a semi-structured interview schedule was used to gather data. Some of the key findings for this study were the significance of community participation, care and support in the placement of HIV/AIDS orphans which guided the key components for sustainable community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans. The study identified specific challenges in getting communities to participate in the care and support of HIV/AIDS orphans. The study made the following recommendations based on the research findings: -- The revision of policies and guidelines addressing children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. -- The drafting and implementation of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for community-based care for HIV/AIDS orphans. -- The Government’s involvement in pledging more resources for HIV/AIDS orphans. / Dissertation (MSD (Social Development and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Industry–university engagement in multicultural engineering programs: an exploratory study

Gatson, Jacqueline M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Michael Holen / Facing the rapidly increasing globalization of world economies and a steadily diversifying domestic consumer base, U.S. corporations have embraced the benefits of hiring more employees with diverse perspectives and experiences. Particularly in industries dependent upon knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, recognition has grown that the American work force is seriously constrained by the clear underrepresentation of minority participants. In engineering, the most prevalent attempt to address these issues is through the establishment of multicultural engineering programs (MEPs), often designed as partnerships between universities and major corporate entities. These programs strive to identify, recruit, retain, educate and ultimately employ significant numbers of students of color to strengthen industry innovation and competitiveness. This investigation was initiated to expand the limited research literature on MEPs and the nature of their partnerships with industry. Using qualitative methodology, an exploratory viewpoint, and the lens of the Commitment-Trust Key Mediating Variable Model (KMV) of Relationship Marketing, the relationships of five mature and highly regarded university MEPs and one of their self identified primary industry partners were examined. Leaders of the National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates, the national representative body for MEPs, identified exemplary MEPs in the organization’s five regions; using a selection paradigm, five institutions were chosen for study selected from four of the regions. Each institution then identified a primary industry partner. Participants responded to in-depth interviews (MEPs) and questionnaires (industry) with respect to the nature, benefits, and challenges to both entities in the partnerships. Documents were reviewed for each program and industry. Responses were coded, crosschecked, and analyzed for patterns and themes. In particular, the study explored the issue of how commitment and trust are established in these partnership relationships. Twenty-four patterns and three themes emerged. Clearly, university-industry multicultural engineering partnerships are viewed as engendering important employment opportunities for underrepresented program graduates, promoting a well-developed pipeline of minority employee talent for industry, and increasing funding both for university multicultural programming and minority student support. The study also reports on the broad range of activities these partnerships practice. It suggests avenues for further study to enhance university-industry engagement.

Transport economic regulatory intervention in the transport infrastructure : a public-private partnership exploratory study

Maluleka, Khulumane John 31 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to determine whether the introduction of a transport economic regulatory authority would serve as a valid intervention mechanism in the Public-Private Partnership of the transport infrastructure in South Africa. In order to achieve this objective, the study focused on the analysis of the concept of Public-Private Partnership, and how it has unfolded in a number of industrialised countries. Much attention was devoted in examining how the Public-Private Partnership arrangements followed by the studied countries influenced the current transport infrastructure management process in South Africa. To deal with the above, a host of macro-environmental variables were analysed in respect of their potential impact on the South African Department of Transport. The establishment of various agencies by the Department of Transport was seen as a consequence of the influence of the prevailing environmental forces. The outcome of the analysis revealed that a sustainable transport infrastructural development is a product of genuine partnership between the public and private sectors. Competition for the market and the significance of such competition in the transport infrastructure were outlined. The main goal of competition within the context of this study is to diffuse the economic power of the toll road industry and the protection of the individual's fundamental rights. The study also unearthed a need to deepen the talent and skills of both public and private sector officials as this would enable them to protect the citizens' right to make well-considered choices in the toll road industry. The study identified a need to establish a transport economic regulatory authority that would control the market dynamics of power relationships in the transport industry. Such a body should be creative and need to have regulatory oversight over transport infrastructure. / Transport Logistics & Tourism / D. Comm.

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