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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är ändå den här verkligheten vi lever i och även i den verkligheten tror jag inte att en lynchmobb är rätta svaret" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om att skriva ut misstänkta gärningspersoners namn på sociala medier / "It's still this reality we live in and even in that reality I don't think a witch hunt is the right answer" : A qualitative interview study about publishing suspected perpetrators names on social media

Bergvall Rydén, Asta, Ferm Näsman, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera hur män och kvinnor i 25-30 årsåldern reagerar på olika brottsanklagelser som sker på sociala medier. Undersökningen skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem individer. Resultatet visade att respondenterna utan egen erfarenhet av att skriva ut misstänkta gärningspersoners namn var negativa till detta, samtidigt som respondenten som har skrivit ut brottsanklagelser ansåg att det var godtagbart. Resultaten visade även att brottstypen hade en viss påverkan gällande åsikterna, när det gällde brott som uppfattades som mindre var det oacceptabelt att publicera namnet, medan det noterades en större acceptans för grövre brott som exempelvis sexualbrott. Slutligen visade respondenternas svaratt trovärdigheten varierade beroende på vem det är som publicerat inlägget och hur den har uttryckt sig. Alla resultat tolkades i förhållande till stämplingsteorin och radikalfeministisk teori för att få en djupare förståelse för eventuella likheter och skillnader i respondenternas svar. / The purpose of this study was to examine how men and women aged 25-30 respond to various criminal accusations in social media. To investigate this, semi-structured interviews was conducted with five individuals. The results shows that the participants without own experience of posting accusations online were negative to post names of suspected perpetrators, while the participant with own experience considered it acceptable. Furthermore, it showed that the type of offense had some influence on the opinions. When it came to crimes considered as minor, it was unacceptable to publish the name, while greater acceptance was noted for more serious crimes such as sexual crimes. Finally, the participants based the credibility of a post on who published it and how they expressed themselves. All results were interpreted in relation to labeling theory and radical feminist theory to get a greater understanding of any similarities and differences in the participants answers.

The Uncanny Mind: Perpetrator Trauma in Poe’s “The Black Cat”

Sonnefeld, Bethanie Allyson 01 March 2019 (has links)
Among the psychological interpretations of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat,” trauma theory has yet to make an appearance. However, the confessional nature of the story shifts—via a trauma reading—from an attempt by the narrator to ease his guilt to his attempt to understand what happened to him. The narrator’s murder of his wife traumatized him, causing erasures in the timeline and several forms of dissociation. These erasures and dissociations cause an uncanny effect within the story, which occurs as the past, present, and future are conflated and as the narrator’s mind is both known and hidden. The narrator’s tale is an attempt at working through his trauma to come to an understanding and acceptance of the events. However, the unclear timeline—both how much time has passed since his wife’s death and the passage of time in the story—suggests that the narrator does not have enough critical distance from the events, so telling his tale becomes a form of reliving that does not relieve the confusion he experiences. Ultimately, the narrator’s confession does not provide the understanding he hopes for, which places the burden of creating an understanding of the story on the individual reader.

Odpovědnost fyzických osob za přestupky / Liability of natural persons for administrative infractions

Mattauchová, Marie January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the submitted diploma thesis is the liability of natural persons for administrative delicts as one of the traditional subjects of administrative criminal law. Given that liability of natural persons for administrative delicts is based on the same concept as the previous legislation, even after the adoption of Act No. 250/2016 Coll., On Liability for Administrative Delicts and Proceedings, the author of this work chose only some previously unknown institutes and the problems associated with them. Specifically, the author focused on the analysis of the current legal regulation of complicity, indirect perpetration and participation, and especially on the differences compared to their regulation in substantive criminal law. However, in order to give the treatise on the relevant institutes the form of a more complex whole, the author decided to place this legal analysis in the context of a more general issue - the position of a natural person as the perpetrator of an administrative delict. The structure of the thesis is based in three basic chapters. The first chapter deals with the very basis of this legal responsibility, i.e., the concept of an administrative delict and a brief description of its conceptual features. The second chapter focuses on the very subject of this work, namely on...

Victim-Perpetrator Relationship in Childhood Abuse: Impact on Outcome in Individuals Who Engage in Sexual Misconduct Across Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples

Hall, Kelcey L., Stinson, Jill D. 01 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Trauma of a Perpetrator: Reimagining Perpetrators in Edwidge Danticat's The Dew Breaker

Quist, Marinda 05 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This article studies the possibility of perpetrator trauma in Edwidge Danticat's The Dew Breaker. The article gives a brief historical background of the political violence in Haiti that occurred under the Duvalier dictatorship and focuses specifically on the role of Tonton Macoutes, the violent enforcers of much of Duvalier's oppression. Drawing on trauma theory, the article argues that perpetrators have been very little studied within trauma studies because of the possible moral implications of giving research time to individuals who have often chosen their own path of violence. Along with theorists such as Kali Tal and Dominick LaCapra, this article investigates the difficult position of perpetrators who are also victims or those who have been traumatized in the act of violence. The paper finally argues that perpetrators may benefit from the opportunity to work through their trauma in the same way that victims work through trauma as a means of healing. In making this argument, this article shows the need for trauma theorists to study perpetrators in addition to current studies on victims and also shows an in depth study of the main character and primary perpetrator in The Dew Breaker.

Barn som offer och förövare : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av massmediernas framställning av barn involverade i gängkriminalitet samt Socialtjänstens roll i ämnet / Children as victims and perpetrators : A qualitative content analysis of mass media’s portrayal of children involved in gang crime and the role of Social Services in the matter

Hallman, Clara, Risberg, Nellie January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how children involved in gang crime are portrayed in the media and how the Social Services are expected to work with these children, according to the media. Focus lies on the wave of gang violence in Sweden that increased during the fall of 2023. Cohen’s theory of moral panic was applied to shed light on how the media portrays the problem. The theory additionally allowed us to study what reactions, that characterizes moral panic, was present in the media during the time studied. The empirical material is based on 23 news articles from four different newspapers during the increase of violence. The data was examined using qualitative content analysis. Four themes appeared in the process of coding the material. The result shows that children are portrayed as both victims and perpetrators, occasionally at the same time. As a result, a role conflict could be identified. Recurring criticism and dissatisfaction with the actions of Sweden’s Social Services prevailed in the articles. In summary, moral panic is prevalent in the media. As studies show, this tends to affect how actors and various situations are depicted. Lastly, the conditions of the work done by the Social Services seems to, based on the articles, benefit from alterations.

Hans Biebow dopo il 1941: la Wehrmacht, la Soluzione Finale e la fine del ghetto di Łódź

Pobbe, Anna Veronica 05 May 2020 (has links)
La storiografia sul ghetto di Litzmannstadt si è particolarmente ampliata negli ultimi anni, grazie ad opere come quelle di Löw (Juden im Getto Litzmannstadt), Klein (Die Gettoverwaltung Litzmannstadt) e Horowitz (Ghettostadt), solo per citarne alcune. Questo ha permesso una maggiore comprensione delle vicende relative a quello che fu il ghetto più longevo tra quelli creati dai nazisti durante il secondo conflitto mondiale: istituito già nel dicembre del 1939 (per ordine del Regierungspräsidant Friedrich Übelhör), venne infatti liquidato definitivamente solo nell’estate del 1944. Nonostante l’immagine del ghetto di Litzmannstadt sia ad oggi costituita da una molteplicità di facce, molti sono i lati ancora oscuri, tra i quali spicca sicuramente quello relativo alla figura del suo Amtsleiter: Hans Biebow. Costui nacque a Brema nel 1902, da una famiglia piccolo borghese ridotta in miseria a causa della Grande Depressione; si iscrisse tardivamente al NSDAP (nel 1937) e tale adesione fu motivata probabilmente da soli interessi opportunistici. A partire dal 1941, quando cioè il ghetto di Litzmannstadt divenne un “arcipelago di Ressorts” dedito alla produzione tessile, la figura di Biebow smise di essere quella di un semplice arrampicatore sociale e assunse complessità all’interno di un contesto, quello relativo allo sfruttamento della manodopera ebraica, in piena espansione. Con l’arrivo dei primi trasporti provenienti dal Vecchio Reich (autunno 1941), l’Amtsleiter vide prima ampliarsi le sue competenze, da locali a regionali e, successivamente, con l’inizio dell’Endlösung, venne posto da Arthur Greiser (Gauleiter del Warthegau) all’apice della piramide relativa al sistema di distruzione fisica istituito nella regione. Proprio per quanto riguarda il Wartheland (facente parte dei territori occupati direttamente annessi al Terzo Reich) si può vedere come, analizzando gli eventi tra 1941 e 1944, l’amministrazione nazista avesse una gestione corale, all’interno della quale la figura di Biebow ebbe certamente un ruolo primario. La cooperazione fra enti, in questo caso, mutò in competizione solo verso la metà del 1943, quando l’interessamento delle SS verso la produzione del ghetto di Litzmannstadt divenne più esplicito. La storia del ghetto di Litzmannstadt, vista dalla prospettiva del suo amministratore, è una storia di miti, come quelli alimentati dalla propaganda del Reichsstatthalter; ma soprattutto è una storia di potere, che viene ottenuto sul campo, attraverso la partecipazione nelle Aktionen e non sempre è espresso a livello gerarchico.

"Det är fruktansvärt det som hänt. Jag bor alldeles här borta" : En kvalitativ studie om mordet på Lisa Holm i Aftonbladet och Skaraborgs Allehanda

Karlsson, Amanda, Rockler, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine how two newspapers covered the murder of Lisa Holm. The questions examined were: How are Lisa Holm, the perpetrator and the local community represented and what are the differences and similarities between the local news paper, Skaraborgs Allehanda, and the tabloid, Aftonbladet?  We made a discourse analysis of 13 news articles from six different time periodes. The result shows that the victim is represented as an innocent, young girl who is described as good, happy and perfect. The local news paper represents her as a part of the local community and the tabloid is highlighting attributes that people can identify with. The perpetrator is represented as an evil and callous foreign in both newspapers, but Aftonbladet also represents him as a usual person. Skaraborgs Allehanda focus on his guilt of the murder. The local community is represented as a certain group with common emotions who is also the light in the darkness. They share the grief and help each other to process it. The tabloid focus on highlighting the geografic closeness between the people in the articles and the murder. In Aftonbladet, the local community is also described as a dangerous place. Our study shows that the distance between the newspaper and the crime scene affect the representations of the people involved.

Den mediala våldtäkten : Kvällspressens rapportering om sexbrott under sommaren 2016

Rosenberg, Filippa, Strandberg, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida kvällspressens rapportering om sexbrott reproducerar stereotypa könsroller. Det är också att granska hur genusmedveten kvällstidningsjournalistiken är. Då medier besitter en maktposition och har inverkan på människor är det relevant att kritiskt undersöka hur könsrollerna gestaltas och genom det främja både demokrati och den feministiska forskningen. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk består av Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori samt gestaltningsteori som den förklaras av Jesper Strömbäck och Robert Entman. Vidare förklaras nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval som ett komplement till förståelse om vad som blir nyheter. Undersökningen har begränsats till två kvällstidningar, Aftonbladet och Expressen, då de är de två största rikstäckande kvällstidningarna i Sverige. I uppsatsen representerar dessa två tidningar kvällspressen överlag. Den tidsperiod som har undersökts är 1 juni 2016 till 31 augusti 2016. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema har utformats och variabler har arbetats fram för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Variablerna är baserade på tidigare forskning inom fältet för brottsjournalistik. Artiklarna som har undersökts faller inom bestämda urvalskriterier. Resultaten visar att artiklar om sexbrott får lite utrymme jämfört med den totala rapporteringen, trots att ämnen som berör brott och sex ofta prioriteras på kvällstidningsredaktioner. Vidare visar resultaten att offret i de flesta fall är en kvinna och att männen vanligtvis är förövare, och att offret – kvinnan, är den som får störst utrymme och främst får komma till tals. Detta bidrar till att kvinnor får uttala sig mer i sexbrottsrapporteringen, vilket genererar i att sexbrott ses som ett kvinnoproblem. Etnicitet var främst förekommande i beskrivningen av förövaren och gör att hen porträtteras som en stereotyp förövare, i linje med tidigare forskning. Slutsatsen är dock att kvällspressen i vissa aspekter bedriver en någorlunda genusmedveten journalistik, vilket sett till tidigare forskning är en förbättring. Samtidigt måste varje enskild journalist ta ansvar för att inte reproducera en stereotyp bild av sexbrott.

Kan det vara vem som helst? : En kvalitativ studie om socionomstudenters uppfattningar om våldtäkt, offer och förövare. / Can it be anyone? : A qualitative study of social work students perceptions of rape, victims and perpetrators.

Björklund, Sara, Eriksson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Våldtäkt är ett utbrett globalt problem som påverkar på individ- och samhällsnivå. Utifrån detta har syftet med denna studie varit att belysa och få en djupare förståelse för hur socionomstudenter uppfattar våldtäkt, offer- och förövarskap samt hur detta är kopplat till kön. Studien innehar en kvalitativ ansats och materialet samlades in genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet gjordes genom ett snöbolls- samt ett målinriktat urval och materialet analyserades utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet påvisade att det fanns en otydlig definition av våldtäkt bland respondenterna och en viss problematik i att beskriva vart gränsen mellan sex och våldtäkt går då den påverkas av olika omständigheter. Våldtäkt uppfattades och beskrevs som en makthandling som utförs av män mot kvinnor, att det bottnar i ett jämställdhetsproblem. Respondenterna menade på att offret och förövaren kan vara vem som helst men av deras resonemang framgick att deras uppfattningar om offer- och förövarskapet kan kopplas till kön. Resultatet visade även på tre omständigheter som respondenterna uppfattar kan komma att villkora offer- och förövarskapet.

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