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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Switching of surface composition and morphology of binary polymer brushes

Usov, Denys 26 May 2004 (has links)
Switching of surface composition and morphology of binary polymer brushes in response to changes in solvent selectivity, heating above glass transition temperatures, and contact with a rubbery stamp was studied. The binary brushes: polystyrene/poly(2-vinyl pyridine) (PS/P2VP), poly(styrene-co-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorostyrene)/poly(methyl (meth)acrylate) (PSF/P(M)MA), and PS/PMMA were synthesized via two-step surface-initiated radical polymerization. Wetting experiments show that switching of brushes? surface composition upon exposure to solvents of various thermodynamic quality occurs faster than in 6 s. It takes longer time (5-10 min), if rate of solvent diffusion into the brush film is low. Discontinuous switching of surface composition of binary brushes is found upon exposure to binary solvents with gradually changed selectivity. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) shows quantitatively that the top brush layer (1) is dominated by respective favourite polymers after exposure to solvents of opposite selectivity and (2) comprises both brush constituents in almost symmetric ratio after exposure to non-selective solvents. Morphologies of binary brushes obtained after exposure to the solvents were studied with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Local top layer composition was sensed with X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy (XPEEM). The morphologies are relevant to the particular solvents, reproducible, and independent on previous solvents. Phase segregation beneath the brush top layers was visualized with plasma etching. Qualitative agreement of the experimentally observed morphologies and predicted with self-consistent field theory is found. Enrichment of a binary brush top layer with the polymer providing lower surface energy takes place after annealing. Perpendicular segregation of binary brush constituents was sensed with XPEEM on perpendicular walls of imprinted elevations after wet microcontact printing.

Consequences of local and global chromatin mechanics to adaption and genome stability in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Gonzalez Lopez, Lidice 04 1900 (has links)
Le génome de la levure de boulanger Saccharomyces cerevisiae a évolué à partir d'un ancêtre chez lequel une profonde décompaction du génome s'est produite à la suite de la perte de la méthylation de la lysine 9 de l'histone H3, il y a environ 300 millions d'années. Il a été proposé que cette décompaction du génome a entraîné une capacité accrue des levures à évoluer par des mécanismes impliquant des taux de recombinaison méiotique et de mutation exceptionnellement élevés. La capacité à évoluer accrue qui en résulte pourrait avoir permis des adaptations uniques, qui en ont fait un eucaryote modèle idéal et un outil biotechnologique. Dans cette thèse, je présenterai deux exemples de la façon dont les adaptations locales et globales du génome se reflètent dans les changements des propriétés mécaniques de la chromatine qui, à leur tour, indiquent un phénomène de séparation de phase causée par les modifications post-traductionnelles des histones et des changements dans les taux d'échange des histones. Dans un premier manuscrit, je présente des preuves d'un mécanisme par lequel la relocalisation du locus INO1, gène actif répondant à la déplétion en inositol, du nucléoplasme vers l'enveloppe nucléaire, augmente la vitesse d'adaptation et la robustesse métabolique aux ressources fluctuantes, en augmentant le transport des ARNm vers le cytosol et leur traduction. La répartition d'INO1 vers l'enveloppe nucléaire est déterminée par une augmentation locale des taux d'échange d'histones, ce qui entraîne sa séparation de phase du nucléoplasme en une phase de faible densité plus proche de la périphérie nucléaire. J'ai quantifié les propriétés mécaniques de la chromatine du locus du gène dans les états réprimé et actif en analysant le déplacement de 128 sites LacO fusionnés au gène liant LacI-GFP en calculant diffèrent paramètres tel que la constante de ressort effective et le rayons de confinement du locus. De plus, j'ai mesuré l'amplitude et le taux d'expansion en fonction du temps du réseau LacO et j'ai observé une diminution significative du locus à l'état actif, ce qui est cohérent avec le comportement de ressort entropique de la chromatine décompactée. J'ai montré que les séquences d'éléments en cis dans le promoteur du locus, essentielles à la séparation de phase, sont des sites de liaison pour les complexes de remodelage de la chromatine effectuant l'acétylation des histones. Ces modifications de la chromatine entraînent une augmentation des taux d'échanges des sous-unités des complexes d'histones, et une séparation de phase locale de la chromatine. Enfin, je présente l’analyse de simulations in silico qui montrent que la séparation de phase locale de la chromatine peut être prédite à partir d'un modèle de formation/disruption des interactions multivalentes protéine-protéine et protéine-ADN qui entraîne une diminution de la dynamique de l'ADN. Ces résultats suggèrent un mécanisme général permettant de contrôler la formation rapide des domaines de la chromatine, bien que les processus spécifiques contribuant à la diminution de la dynamique de l'ADN restent à étudier. Dans un second manuscrit, je décris comment nous avons induit la « retro-évolution » de la levure en réintroduisant la méthylation de la lysine 9 de l'histone H3 par l'expression de deux gènes de la levure Schizosaccaromyces pombe Spswi6 et Spclr4. Le mutant résultant présente une augmentation de la compaction de la chromatine, ce qui entraîne une réduction remarquable des taux de mutation et de recombinaison. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perte de la méthylation de la lysine 9 de l'histone H3 pourrait avoir augmenté la capacité à l'évoluer. La stabilité inhabituelle du génome conférée par ces mutations pourrait être utile pour l'ingénierie métabolique de S. cerevisiae, dans laquelle il est difficile de maintenir des gènes exogènes intégrés pour les applications de nombreux processus biotechnologiques courants tels que la production de vin, de bière, de pain et de biocarburants. Ces résultats soulignent l'influence des propriétés physiques d'un génome sur son architecture et sa fonction globales. / The genome of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae evolved from an ancestor in which a profound genome decompaction occurred as the result of the loss of histone H3 lysine 9 methylation, approximately 300 million years ago. This decompaction may have resulted in an increased capacity of yeasts to evolve by mechanisms that include unusually high meiotic recombination and mutation rates. Resultant increased evolvability may have enabled unique adaptations, which have made it an ideal model eukaryote and biotechnological tool. In this thesis I will present two examples of how local and global genome adaptations are reflected in changes in the mechanical properties of chromatin. In a first manuscript, I present evidence for a mechanism by which partitioning of the active inositol depletion-responsive gene locus INO1 from nucleoplasm to the nuclear envelope increases the speed of adaptation and metabolic robustness to fluctuating resources, by increasing mRNA transport to the cytosol and their translation. Partitioning of INO1 to the nuclear envelope is driven by a local increase in histone exchange rates, resulting in its phase separation from the nucleoplasm into a low-density phase closer to the nuclear periphery. I quantified the mechanical properties of the gene locus chromatin in repressed and active states by monitoring mean-squared displacement of an array of 128 LacO sites fused to the gene binding LacI-GFP and calculating effective spring constants and radii of confinement of the array. Furthermore, I measured amplitude and rate of time-dependent expansion of the LacO array, and observed a significant decrease for the active-state locus which is consistent with entropic spring behavior of decompacted chromatin. I showed that cis element sequences in the promoter and upstream of the locus that are essential to phase separation are binding sites for chromatin remodeling complexes that perform histone acetylation among other modifications that result in increased histone complex exchange rates, and consequent local chromatin phase separation. Finally, I present analytical simulations that show that local phase separation of chromatin can be predicted from a model of formation/disruption of multivalent protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions that results in decreased DNA dynamics. These results suggest a general mechanism to control rapid formation of chromatin domains, although the specific processes contributing to the decreased DNA dynamics remain to be investigated. In a second manuscript, I describe how we retro-evolutionarily engineered yeast by reintroducing histone H3 lysine 9 methylation through the expression of two genes from the yeast Schizosaccaromyces pombe Spswi6 and Spclr4. This mutant shows an increase in compaction, resulting in remarkable reduced mutation and recombination rates. These results suggest that loss of histone H3 lysine 9 methylation may have increased evolvability. The unusual genome stability imparted by these mutations could be of value to metabolically engineering S. cerevisiae, in which it is difficult to maintain integrated exogenous genes for applications for many common biotechnological processes such as wine, beer, bread, and biofuels production. These results highlight the influence of the physical properties of a genome on its overall architecture and function.

Co-deposited films of rod-like conjugated molecules / from phase separation to mixing

Vogel, Jörn-Oliver 20 August 2009 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Phasenseparation und Mischung zwischen konjugierten Stäb-chenmolekülen in dünnen Filmen untersucht. Hauptaugenmerk liegt darauf zu ergrün-den welche molekularen Eigenschaften zu Mischung und/ oder Phasenseparation füh-ren. Mit den 5 Molekülen Pentacen (PEN), Quaterthiophen (4T), Sexithiophen (6T), p-Sexiphenylen (6P), alpha,omega-Dihexylsexithiophen (DH6T) werden Materialpaare zusammen gestellt, die sich in den Parametern „optische und elektrische Eigenschaf-ten“, „Länge des konjugierten Kerns“ und Alkylkettensubstitution unterscheiden. Alle Schichten werden mittels organischer Molekularstrahlabscheidung auf die Substrate Siliziumoxid und Mylar, einer PET Folie, simultan von zwei Quellen aufgedampft. Das Mischungsverhältnis wird mittels der individuellen Aufdampfraten eingestellt und eine Gesamtrate von 0.5 nm/min eingehalten. Es wird Phasenseparation für Materialpaare mit ungleicher konjugierter Kernlänge, z.B. [4T/6T], beobachtet. Erstaunlicherweise führt die Co-Verdampfung von Molekülpaaren mit ähnlicher konjugierter Kernlänge [4T/PEN] und [6T/6P] zu wohlgeordneten Fil-men, in denen die Moleküle in gemischten Lagen parallel zur Substratoberfläche auf-wachsen und die Längsachse der Moleküle fast senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche orien-tiert ist. Molekülpaare mit ähnlicher konjugierter Kernlänge und Alkylsubstitution [6T/DH6T] und [6P/DH6T] zeigten ebenfalls geordneten Schichten, wobei als Besonderheit eine lineare Abhängigkeit des Lagenabstandes vom DH6T-Gehalt zu beobachten ist. Dies wird mit einer Phasenseparation in eine aromatische und eine alkyl Domäne erklärt. Mit abnehmendem DH6T-Gehalt im Film ist die Alkyldomäne weniger dicht gepackt, was auf Grund der Flexibilität der Alkylketten zu einer Abnahme des gesamten Lagenab-standes führt. Die besonders geringe Oberflächenrauhigkeit und die miteinander verbundenen Inseln der [DH6T/6T] Filme prädestinieren sie zur Verwendung in Feldeffekttransistoren. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, die Ladungsträgerdichte im Kanal durch Änderung des Verhältnisses zwischen DH6T und 6T so zu verändern, dass der Transistor im Verar-mungs- oder Anreicherungsregime betrieben werden kann. Dabei bleibt die Ladungsträ-germobilität auf gleich bleibend hohem Niveau. Dies entspricht dem Dotieren eines anorganischen Halbleiters. / This thesis is centered on studies of phase separation and mixing in co-deposited thin films of rod-like conjugated molecules. The main focus is to determine which molecular properties lead to phase separation and/or mixing of two materials. To address this question I used five materials, of importance in the context of “organic electronics”: pentacene (PEN), quaterthiophene (4T), sexithiophene (6T), p-sexiphenylene (6P), alpha,omega-dihexylsexithiophene (DH6T). With these it was possible to form material pairs which differ in the parameters: energy levels, length of the conjugated core, and alkyl-end-chain-substitution. All films were deposited by organic molecular beam deposition onto the chemically inert substrates silicon oxide and Mylar, a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) foil. The material pairs were deposited simultaneously from two thermal sublima-tion sources. The mixing ratio was controlled by the individual deposition rates, which were measured online by a microbalance. The total deposition rate was 0.5 nm/min, and the film thicknesses ranged from 4 nm to 40 nm. Phase separation is observed for material pairs with dissimilar conjugated core sizes, i.e. [4T/6T]. Noteworthy, the co-deposition of material pairs with similarly sized conju-gated cores [4T/PEN] and [6T/6P] lead to well ordered layered structures. The mole-cules show mixing within layers on a molecular scale and the long molecular axis is ori-ented almost perpendicular to the substrate surface. Material pairs with similarly sized conjugated core and alkyl-end-chain-substitution [6T/DH6T] and [6P/DH6T] show also growth in mixed layered structures. An especially appealing fact is that the interlayer distance increases proportional to the DH6T content in the film. This can be explained with a phase separation into an aromatic and an alkyl domain vertically to the substrate surface. A decrease of the DH6T content in the film leads to a less dense packing in the alkyl domain. This leads, due to the flexibility of the alkyl chains, to a decrease of the overall interlayer distance. The low surface corrugation and the interconnected islands render the material pair [6T/DH6T] well suitable for the use as active layer in organic field effect transistors. It is shown that it is possible to tune the charge carrier density in the channel by changing the ratio between 6T and DH6T. This effect enables switching the transistor from en-hancement to depletion mode, while maintaining a high charge carrier mobility. This is comparable to p-type doping of inorganic semiconductors.

Nanopatterning and functionalization of phospholipid-based Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer films

Tang, Nathalie Y.-W. 08 1900 (has links)
Durant les dernières décennies, la technique Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) s’est beaucoup développée dans l’approche « bottom-up » pour la création de couches ultra minces nanostructurées. Des patrons constitués de stries parallèles d’environ 100 à 200 nm de largeur ont été générés avec la technique de déposition LB de monocouches mixtes de 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) et de 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) sur des substrats de silicium et de mica. Afin d’amplifier la fonctionnalité de ces patrons, la 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadécanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDPPC) et la 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodédecanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDLPC) ont été employées pour la préparation de monocouches chimiquement hétérogènes. Ces analogues de phospholipide possèdent un groupement fonctionnel méthyldisulfide qui est attaché à la fin de l’une des chaînes alkyles. Une étude exhaustive sur la structure de la phase des monocouches Langmuir, Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) et LB de la DSDPPC et de la DSDLPC et leurs différents mélanges avec la DPPC ou la DLPC est présentée dans cette thèse. Tout d’abord, un contrôle limité de la périodicité et de la taille des motifs des stries parallèles de DPPC/DLPC a été obtenu en variant la composition lipidique, la pression de surface et la vitesse de déposition. Dans un mélange binaire de fraction molaire plus grande de lipide condensé que de lipide étendu, une vitesse de déposition plus lente et une plus basse pression de surface ont généré des stries plus continues et larges. L’addition d’un tensioactif, le cholestérol, au mélange binaire équimolaire de la DPPC/DLPC a permis la formation de stries parallèles à de plus hautes pressions de surface. La caractérisation des propriétés physiques des analogues de phospholipides a été nécessaire. La température de transition de phase de la DSDPPC de 44.5 ± 1.5 °C comparativement à 41.5 ± 0.3 °C pour la DPPC. L’isotherme de la DSDPPC est semblable à celui de la DPPC. La monocouche subit une transition de phase liquide-étendue-à-condensée (LE-C) à une pression de surface légèrement supérieure à celle de la DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1) Tout comme la DLPC, la DSDLPC demeure dans la phase LE jusqu’à la rupture de la monocouche. Ces analogues de phospholipide existent dans un état plus étendu tout au long de la compression de la monocouche et montrent des pressions de surface de rupture plus basses que les phospholipides non-modifiés. La morphologie des domaines de monocouches Langmuir de la DPPC et de la DSDPPC à l’interface eau/air a été comparée par la microscopie à angle de Brewster (BAM). La DPPC forme une monocouche homogène à une pression de surface (π) > 10 mN/m, alors que des domaines en forme de fleurs sont formés dans la monocouche de DSDPPC jusqu’à une π ~ 30 mN m-1. La caractérisation de monocouches sur substrat solide a permis de démontrer que le patron de stries parallèles préalablement obtenu avec la DPPC/DLPC était reproduit en utilisant des mélanges de la DSDPPC/DLPC ou de la DPPC/DSDLPC donnant ainsi lieu à des patrons chimiquement hétérogènes. En général, pour obtenir le même état de phase que la DPPC, la monocouche de DSDPPC doit être comprimée à de plus hautes pressions de surface. Le groupement disulfide de ces analogues de phospholipide a été exploité, afin de (i) former des monocouches auto-assemblées sur l’or et de (ii) démontrer la métallisation sélective des terminaisons fonctionnalisées des stries. La spectrométrie de photoélectrons induits par rayons X (XPS) a confirmé que la monocouche modifiée réagit avec la vapeur d’or pour former des thiolates d’or. L’adsorption de l’Au, de l’Ag et du Cu thermiquement évaporé démontre une adsorption préférentielle de la vapeur de métal sur la phase fonctionnalisée de disulfide seulement à des recouvrements sub-monocouche. / In the past two decades, the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique has emerged as a bottom-up route to create nanostructured ultrathin films. Patterns consisting of parallel stripes, ∼100 to 200 nm in width, were generated via the LB deposition of mixed monolayers of 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC), and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) onto silicon and mica substrates. To expand the functionality of these patterns, 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadecanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSDPPC) and 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodecanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSDLPC) were used to prepare chemically heterogeneous films. These phospholipid analogues have a methyldisulfide group attached to one of the alkyl chain ends. An extensive study of the phase structure of Langmuir, Langmuir-Shaefer and LB films of DSDPPC and DSDLPC and their mixtures with DPPC or DLPC is presented in this thesis. Limited control over the regularity and feature size of the DPPC/DLPC stripe pattern was achieved by varying the lipid composition, deposition pressure, and substrate withdrawal speed. A higher percentage of condensed versus fluid lipid, slower deposition speed, and lower surface pressure create more continuous and wider stripes. The addition of a lineactant, cholesterol, to the DPPC/DLPC 1:1 (mol/mol) mixture allowed the formation of parallel stripes at higher surface pressure. The gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature of DSDPPC was determined to be 44.5 ± 1.5 °C versus 41.5 ± 0.3 °C for DPPC by DSC and turbidity measurements. The pressure-area isotherm of DSDPPC is similar to that of DPPC. The monolayer undergoes a liquid expanded-to-condensed (LE-C) phase transition at a surface pressure slightly higher than that of DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1). Like DLPC, DSDLPC remains in the LE phase until the film collapse. The disulfide-modified lipids exist in a more expanded state throughout the monolayer compression and exhibit lower collapse pressures than the unmodified phospholipids. The domain morphologies of DPPC and DSDPPC at the air/water interface were compared using Brewster Angle Microscopy. DPPC forms a homogeneous monolayer at a surface pressure (π) > 10 mN m-1, while flower-like domains exist in the DSDPPC monolayers until π ∼ 30 mN m-1. Solid-supported DSDPPC films were prepared and characterized using various surface analysis techniques. The parallel stripe pattern previously obtained with mixtures of DPPC/DLPC was reproduced using DSDPPC/DLPC or DPPC/DSDLPC mixtures resulting in chemically-differentiated patterns. The average stripe width varied from 150 to 500 nm, depending on the lipid composition and deposition pressure. The disulfide group of the analogues was exploited to (i) form self-assembled monolayers of phospholipids on gold and (ii) demonstrate the selective metallization of the disulfide-terminated areas of the stripe patterns. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed that the monolayer-bound disulfides react with Au vapor to form a gold-thiolate species. Thermally evaporated Au, Ag and Cu exhibit preferential absorption onto the modified lipids only at submonolayer coverages.

Mechanische Spannungen und Mikrostruktur dünner TiNi- und Ti50Ni50-xCux-Formgedächtnisschichten / Mechanical stresses and microstructure of TiNi and Ti50Ni50-xCux shape memory thin films

Harms, Henning 06 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Nanopatterning and functionalization of phospholipid-based Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer films

Tang, Nathalie Y.-W. 08 1900 (has links)
Durant les dernières décennies, la technique Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) s’est beaucoup développée dans l’approche « bottom-up » pour la création de couches ultra minces nanostructurées. Des patrons constitués de stries parallèles d’environ 100 à 200 nm de largeur ont été générés avec la technique de déposition LB de monocouches mixtes de 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) et de 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) sur des substrats de silicium et de mica. Afin d’amplifier la fonctionnalité de ces patrons, la 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadécanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDPPC) et la 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodédecanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDLPC) ont été employées pour la préparation de monocouches chimiquement hétérogènes. Ces analogues de phospholipide possèdent un groupement fonctionnel méthyldisulfide qui est attaché à la fin de l’une des chaînes alkyles. Une étude exhaustive sur la structure de la phase des monocouches Langmuir, Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) et LB de la DSDPPC et de la DSDLPC et leurs différents mélanges avec la DPPC ou la DLPC est présentée dans cette thèse. Tout d’abord, un contrôle limité de la périodicité et de la taille des motifs des stries parallèles de DPPC/DLPC a été obtenu en variant la composition lipidique, la pression de surface et la vitesse de déposition. Dans un mélange binaire de fraction molaire plus grande de lipide condensé que de lipide étendu, une vitesse de déposition plus lente et une plus basse pression de surface ont généré des stries plus continues et larges. L’addition d’un tensioactif, le cholestérol, au mélange binaire équimolaire de la DPPC/DLPC a permis la formation de stries parallèles à de plus hautes pressions de surface. La caractérisation des propriétés physiques des analogues de phospholipides a été nécessaire. La température de transition de phase de la DSDPPC de 44.5 ± 1.5 °C comparativement à 41.5 ± 0.3 °C pour la DPPC. L’isotherme de la DSDPPC est semblable à celui de la DPPC. La monocouche subit une transition de phase liquide-étendue-à-condensée (LE-C) à une pression de surface légèrement supérieure à celle de la DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1) Tout comme la DLPC, la DSDLPC demeure dans la phase LE jusqu’à la rupture de la monocouche. Ces analogues de phospholipide existent dans un état plus étendu tout au long de la compression de la monocouche et montrent des pressions de surface de rupture plus basses que les phospholipides non-modifiés. La morphologie des domaines de monocouches Langmuir de la DPPC et de la DSDPPC à l’interface eau/air a été comparée par la microscopie à angle de Brewster (BAM). La DPPC forme une monocouche homogène à une pression de surface (π) > 10 mN/m, alors que des domaines en forme de fleurs sont formés dans la monocouche de DSDPPC jusqu’à une π ~ 30 mN m-1. La caractérisation de monocouches sur substrat solide a permis de démontrer que le patron de stries parallèles préalablement obtenu avec la DPPC/DLPC était reproduit en utilisant des mélanges de la DSDPPC/DLPC ou de la DPPC/DSDLPC donnant ainsi lieu à des patrons chimiquement hétérogènes. En général, pour obtenir le même état de phase que la DPPC, la monocouche de DSDPPC doit être comprimée à de plus hautes pressions de surface. Le groupement disulfide de ces analogues de phospholipide a été exploité, afin de (i) former des monocouches auto-assemblées sur l’or et de (ii) démontrer la métallisation sélective des terminaisons fonctionnalisées des stries. La spectrométrie de photoélectrons induits par rayons X (XPS) a confirmé que la monocouche modifiée réagit avec la vapeur d’or pour former des thiolates d’or. L’adsorption de l’Au, de l’Ag et du Cu thermiquement évaporé démontre une adsorption préférentielle de la vapeur de métal sur la phase fonctionnalisée de disulfide seulement à des recouvrements sub-monocouche. / In the past two decades, the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique has emerged as a bottom-up route to create nanostructured ultrathin films. Patterns consisting of parallel stripes, ∼100 to 200 nm in width, were generated via the LB deposition of mixed monolayers of 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC), and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) onto silicon and mica substrates. To expand the functionality of these patterns, 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadecanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSDPPC) and 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodecanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSDLPC) were used to prepare chemically heterogeneous films. These phospholipid analogues have a methyldisulfide group attached to one of the alkyl chain ends. An extensive study of the phase structure of Langmuir, Langmuir-Shaefer and LB films of DSDPPC and DSDLPC and their mixtures with DPPC or DLPC is presented in this thesis. Limited control over the regularity and feature size of the DPPC/DLPC stripe pattern was achieved by varying the lipid composition, deposition pressure, and substrate withdrawal speed. A higher percentage of condensed versus fluid lipid, slower deposition speed, and lower surface pressure create more continuous and wider stripes. The addition of a lineactant, cholesterol, to the DPPC/DLPC 1:1 (mol/mol) mixture allowed the formation of parallel stripes at higher surface pressure. The gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature of DSDPPC was determined to be 44.5 ± 1.5 °C versus 41.5 ± 0.3 °C for DPPC by DSC and turbidity measurements. The pressure-area isotherm of DSDPPC is similar to that of DPPC. The monolayer undergoes a liquid expanded-to-condensed (LE-C) phase transition at a surface pressure slightly higher than that of DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1). Like DLPC, DSDLPC remains in the LE phase until the film collapse. The disulfide-modified lipids exist in a more expanded state throughout the monolayer compression and exhibit lower collapse pressures than the unmodified phospholipids. The domain morphologies of DPPC and DSDPPC at the air/water interface were compared using Brewster Angle Microscopy. DPPC forms a homogeneous monolayer at a surface pressure (π) > 10 mN m-1, while flower-like domains exist in the DSDPPC monolayers until π ∼ 30 mN m-1. Solid-supported DSDPPC films were prepared and characterized using various surface analysis techniques. The parallel stripe pattern previously obtained with mixtures of DPPC/DLPC was reproduced using DSDPPC/DLPC or DPPC/DSDLPC mixtures resulting in chemically-differentiated patterns. The average stripe width varied from 150 to 500 nm, depending on the lipid composition and deposition pressure. The disulfide group of the analogues was exploited to (i) form self-assembled monolayers of phospholipids on gold and (ii) demonstrate the selective metallization of the disulfide-terminated areas of the stripe patterns. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed that the monolayer-bound disulfides react with Au vapor to form a gold-thiolate species. Thermally evaporated Au, Ag and Cu exhibit preferential absorption onto the modified lipids only at submonolayer coverages.

Scenarios of Structure Stabilization and the Emergence of Transport Properties in AlMnCu - alloys

Gillani, Syed Sajid Ali 04 February 2016 (has links)
Thin films of a ternary alloys between aluminum, manganese and copper (AlMnCu), prepared at low temperature, are reported in the present work. It is a study along two binary edges (Al100−xMnx and Al100−xCux (from literature)), the first almost along the entire range of concentrations, and two different cuts through the ternary system. The first cut begins at amorphous Al50Mn50 and adds Cu step by step (from literature). The second cut begins at amorphous Al60Cu40 and varies Al and Mn such that the Cu-content stays constant. There is a wide amorphous range, purely amorphous or with additional quasi-crystalline local features, and there are ranges where mixtures between amorphous and nano- or partially crystalline phases with a high content of lattice defects exist. The work exclusively deals with the development of the static structure and its thermal stability, as well as the development of its electronic transport properties. The ternary AlMnCu is a model for a deeper understanding of different scenarios of structure stabilization and their interaction, with consequences on the emergence of physical properties. The analysis focuses on self-organizing spherical-periodic, global resonance effects between two global subsystems of the alloy under consideration, the Fermi gas as one and the forming static structure of ions as the other. The global resonances are self organizing by i.e. an exchange of characteristic momenta and energy between the subsystems and trigger, besides a particular structure, particle-density anomalies and/or hybridization effects. The work shows strong evidence of a combined action of the particle-density anomalies with the effective valence of the atoms involved, in order to maintain the resonance condition under all circumstances. Whereas at high Al-content, additionally, local features of quasi-crystallinity arise, closer to pure Mn phase separations arise, causing mixtures of amorphous with nano-crystalline phases or crystals with a high content of lattice distortions. Reports on density anomalies, hybridization effects, and angular correlations, have been published quite often. In the present work, besides similar effects in a ternary system, first indications for phase separations and lattice defects as additional scenarios of stabilizing condensed matter are reported. The resonance, seen as spherical-periodic-order at short- and medium-range distances in real space, causes in reciprocal space a resonance maximum (analogous to a Bragg peak in crystals). Its location on the axis of the scattering vector is defined by the electron system and a pseudo-gap in the electronic density of states arise at the Fermi energy. The origin of the structural order and its thermal stability, the pseudo-gap at the Fermi energy, as well as the transport properties with its anomalies, all are attributed to the resonance. The spherically-periodic atomic order in an amorphous phase is analogous to the planar order in a crystal. The interatomic distances between the nearest neighboring shells at short- and medium range distances coincide with half the Fermi wavelength, also called Friedel-wavelength. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird über bei niedriger Temperatur hergestellte dünne Schichten aus einem ternären Legierungssystem zwischen Aluminium, Mangan und Kupfer (AlMnCu) berichtet, über zwei binäre Randlegierungen (Al100−xMnx und Al100−xCux (aus der Literatur)) und über zwei verschiedene Schnitte durch den ternären Bereich. Ein Schnitt durch den ternären Bereich beginnt bei amorphem Al50Mn50 und fügt schrittweise Cu zur Legierung (aus der Literatur). Der zweite Schnitt beginnt bei amorphem Al60Cu40 und fügt schrittweise Al und Mn so zu, dass der Cu-Gehalt konstant bleibt. Es gibt amorphe Bereiche, teilweise mit weiteren lokal quasi-kristallinen zusätzlichen Merkmalen, sowie Bereiche, in denen Mischungen aus amorphen mit nano oder teilkristallinen Phasen auftreten. Die Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung der statischen Struktur und deren thermische Stabilität, sowie die Entwicklung elektronischer Transporteigenschaften. Das ternäre AlMnCu ist ein Modellsystem für ein tieferes Verständnis der verschiedenen Szenarien struktureller Stabilisierung und deren Interaktion, mit Auswirkungen auf ein tieferes Verständnis der mit der Struktur sich entwicklenden physikalischen Eigenschaften. Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf sich selbstorganisierende sphärisch-periodische, globale Resonanzeffekte zwischen zwei globalen Untersystemen des gewählten Materialsystems, der Fermi-Kugel als einem und der sich bildenden statischen Struktur der Ionen als dem anderen. Die globalen Resonanzen bilden sich u.a. durch einen Austausch von charakteristischen Impulsen und Energie zwischen den Untersystemen, die neben einer bestimmten Struktur zunächst auch Teilchendichteanomalien und/oder Hybridisierungseffekte erzeugen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt dabei starke Anzeichen für eine kombinierte Wirkung dieser Effekte um die Resonanzbedingung unter allen Umständen beizubehalten. Bei hohen Al-Anteilen treten zusätzlich lokale Merkmale von quasi-Kristallinität, mit 5-facher Winkelkorrelation auf, um auch diesen Bereich strukturell zu stabilisieren. Bei hohen Mn-Anteilen sind es lokale Phasentrennung in amorphe und nano-kristalline Phasen oder hohe Anteile von Gitterdeffekten, die zusätzlich auftreten. Über Dichteanomalien, Hybridisierungseffekte und Winkelkorrelationen wurde in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrfach berichtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind es, neben der modellhaften Behandlung dieser im ternären System, die Hinweise zu Phasentrennung und Gitterdeffekten als zusätzliche Szenarien zur Stabilisierung kondensierter Materie, über die erstmalig berichtet wird. Die auf dem Austausch von Impuls beruhende Resonanz, als sphärisch-periodische-Ordnung im nahen und mittleren Abstandsbereich des Ortsraumes zu sehen, verursacht im reziproken Raum ein Resonanzmaximum (analog zu einem Bragg-peak in kristallinen Systemen), dessen Lage auf der Achse der Streuvektoren vom Elektronensystem definiert wird, und eine Pseudolücke in der elektronischen Zustandsdichte der Elektronen an der Fermi-Energie. Letztendlich werden die Entstehung der strukturellen Ordnung selbst, ihre thermische Stabilität, als auch die Transporteigenschaften mit ihren Anomalien auf diese Pseudolücke und demzufolge auf die Resonanz zurückgeführt. Die sphärisch-periodische Ordnung der Atome in einer amorphen Phase ist analog zur planaren Ordnung in einem Kristall. Die Atomabstände zwischen den Nächstnachbarschalen im mittleren, aber auch nahen Abstandsbereich, stimmen über große Distanzen mit der halben Fermi-Wellenlänge überein, die man auch als Friedel-Wellenlänge bezeichnet.

Self organized formation of Ge nanocrystals in multilayers

Zschintzsch-Dias, Manuel 05 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work is to create a process which allows the tailored growth of Ge nanocrystals for use in photovoltic applications. The multilayer systems used here provide a reliable method to control the Ge nanocrystal size after phase separation. In this thesis, the deposition of GeOx/SiO2 and Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers via reactive dc magnetron sputtering and the self-ordered Ge nanocrystal formation within the GeOx and Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers during subsequent annealing is investigated. Mostly the focus of this work is on the determination of the proper deposition conditions for tuning the composition of the systems investigated. For the GeOx/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the GeOx composition between elemental Ge (x = 0) and GeO2 (x = 2), whereas for the Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the stoichiometry of the Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers in the vicinity of stochiometric silica (x = 2). The deposition conditions are controlled by the variation of the deposition rate, the deposition temperature and the oxygen partial pressure. A convenient process window has been found which allows the sequential deposition of GeOx/SiO2 or Ge:SiOx ~2/SiO2 without changing the oxygen partial pressure during deposition. For stoichiometry determination Rutherford back-scattering spectrometry has been applied extensively. The phase separation in the spatially confined GeOx and Ge:SiOx ~2 sublayers was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ge K-edge. The Ge sub-oxides content of the as-deposited multilayers diminishes with increasing annealing temperature, showing complete phase separation at approximately 450° C for both systems (using inert N2 at ambient pressure). With the use of chemical reducing H2 in the annealing atmosphere, the temperature regime where the GeOx phase separation occurs is lowered by approximately 100 °C. At temperatures above 400° C the sublayer composition, and thus the density of the Ge nanocrystals, can be altered by making use of the reduction of GeO2 by H2. The Ge nanocrystal formation after subsequent annealing was investigated with X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. By these methods the existence of 2 - 5 nm Ge nanocrystals at annealing temperatures of 550 (GeOx) - 700° C (Ge:SiOx ~2) has been confirmed which is within the multilayer stability range. The technique used allows the production of extended multilayer stacks (50 periods ~ 300 nm) with very smooth interfaces (roughness ~ 0.5 nm). Thus it was possible to produce Ge nanocrystal layers with ultra-thin SiO2 separation layers (thickness ~ 1 nm) which offers interesting possibilities for charge transport via direct tunneling.

Self organized formation of Ge nanocrystals in multilayers

Zschintzsch-Dias, Manuel 27 April 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a process which allows the tailored growth of Ge nanocrystals for use in photovoltic applications. The multilayer systems used here provide a reliable method to control the Ge nanocrystal size after phase separation. In this thesis, the deposition of GeOx/SiO2 and Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers via reactive dc magnetron sputtering and the self-ordered Ge nanocrystal formation within the GeOx and Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers during subsequent annealing is investigated. Mostly the focus of this work is on the determination of the proper deposition conditions for tuning the composition of the systems investigated. For the GeOx/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the GeOx composition between elemental Ge (x = 0) and GeO2 (x = 2), whereas for the Ge:SiOx~ 2/SiO2 multilayers this involves changing the stoichiometry of the Ge:SiOx~ 2 sublayers in the vicinity of stochiometric silica (x = 2). The deposition conditions are controlled by the variation of the deposition rate, the deposition temperature and the oxygen partial pressure. A convenient process window has been found which allows the sequential deposition of GeOx/SiO2 or Ge:SiOx ~2/SiO2 without changing the oxygen partial pressure during deposition. For stoichiometry determination Rutherford back-scattering spectrometry has been applied extensively. The phase separation in the spatially confined GeOx and Ge:SiOx ~2 sublayers was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ge K-edge. The Ge sub-oxides content of the as-deposited multilayers diminishes with increasing annealing temperature, showing complete phase separation at approximately 450° C for both systems (using inert N2 at ambient pressure). With the use of chemical reducing H2 in the annealing atmosphere, the temperature regime where the GeOx phase separation occurs is lowered by approximately 100 °C. At temperatures above 400° C the sublayer composition, and thus the density of the Ge nanocrystals, can be altered by making use of the reduction of GeO2 by H2. The Ge nanocrystal formation after subsequent annealing was investigated with X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. By these methods the existence of 2 - 5 nm Ge nanocrystals at annealing temperatures of 550 (GeOx) - 700° C (Ge:SiOx ~2) has been confirmed which is within the multilayer stability range. The technique used allows the production of extended multilayer stacks (50 periods ~ 300 nm) with very smooth interfaces (roughness ~ 0.5 nm). Thus it was possible to produce Ge nanocrystal layers with ultra-thin SiO2 separation layers (thickness ~ 1 nm) which offers interesting possibilities for charge transport via direct tunneling.:Contents 1 Introduction and motivation 1 2 Basic aspects 6 2.1 Microstructure of sub-stoichiometric oxides (SiOx, GeOx) 6 2.2 Phase transformations 9 2.3 Quantum confinement effect in nanocrystals 12 2.4 Applications of nanostructures in 3rd generation photovoltaics 17 3 Experimental setup 21 3.1 The magnetron deposition chamber 21 3.2 (Reactive) dc sputtering 22 3.3 Annealing processing 26 3.4 X-ray facilities 26 4 Analytical methods 30 4.1 Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) 30 4.2 Raman scattering 33 4.3 (Grazing incidence) X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) 35 4.4 X-ray reflectivity (XRR) 39 4.5 X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) 41 4.6 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 42 5 Properties of reactive dc magnetron sputtered Si-Ge-O (multi)layers 44 5.1 Deposition rate and film stoichiometry investigations 44 5.2 Stoichiometry dependent properties of GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 47 5.3 Lateral intercluster distance of the Ge nanocrystals in multilayers 51 6 Confined Ge nanocrystal growth in GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 54 6.1 Phase separation in GeOx single layers and GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 54 6.2 Crystallization in GeOx single layers and GeOx/SiO2 multilayers 58 6.3 Multilayer stability and smallest possible Ge nanocrystal size 60 6.4 Stacked Ge NC films with ultra thin SiO2 separation layers 66 7 Confined Ge nanocrystal growth in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 71 7.1 Phase separation in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 72 7.2 Crystallisation in Ge:SiOx/SiO2 multilayers 76 8 Summary and conclusions 79 List of Figures 83 List of Tables 85 Bibliography 86

Entwicklung von Monolithen auf Basis polyfunktioneller Glycidylether für die Anwendung in der Affinitätschromatographie

Pecher, Heike Susanne 28 March 2014 (has links)
Monolithische Phasen werden seit ca. 20 Jahren entwickelt und sind in den letzten Jahren eine attraktive Alternative zu etablierten mit Partikeln gefüllten Säulen geworden. Sie werden in anorganische Phasen und organische Polymermonolithe unterteilt. Monolithe bestehen aus einem einzigen, durchgehenden Stück. Charakteristisch ist das sie durchziehende Porennetzwerk, durch das der Eluent mit geringerem hydraulischen Widerstand fließen kann und das somit schnellere Flussraten ermöglicht. Polymermonolithe werden vorwiegend für die Separation großer Biomoleküle aufgrund eines durch Konvektion beschleunigten Massentransfers eingesetzt. Zudem sind sie über einen breiten pH-Wert-Bereich stabil und können direkt (in situ) im gewünschten Format polymerisiert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit gelang die Herstellung neuartiger epoxidbasierter Phasen nach einem von Weller et al. entwickelten Konzept, die im Affinitätsexperiment angewendet wurden. Die Herstellung erfolgte durch Autopolymerisation polyfunktioneller Glycidylether. Für die Funktionalisierung wurden nicht polymerisierte Epoxide genutzt. Als Monomere dienten TEPIC, GE 100 sowie GE 500. Die Arbeiten konzentrierten sich vor allem auf die bei Raumtemperatur durchführbaren Synthesen mit dem höher funktionellen GE 500. Die Polymerisationsbedingungen wurden hinsichtlich Porogenmischung und -anteil optimiert. Eine mit 75 Vol.-% Porogen (Dioxan/ MTBE (2:3)) hergestellte und mit rProtein A funktionalisierte Kapillarsäule (66 %, 12 µm, 7m2/g) ergab im Affinitätsexperiment eine Kapazität von 0,44 mg/mL aus Kaninchenserum isolierbarem IgG. Durch Beimischung von 60 % BDE konnte der Epoxidgehalt vervierfacht und die Porengröße auf 400 nm bei 59 % Porosität reduziert werden. Die spezifische Oberfläche wurde verdreifacht und die Kapazität präparierter Disks auf 0,90 mg/mL etwa verdoppelt. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Disks können zur Isolierung von IgG aus einer komplexen Probe, wie beispielsweise Blutserum, eingesetzt werden. / Monolithic supports have been developed since 20 years and have become an attractive alternative to well-established columns packed with particles over the past years. They are classified into inorganic media and organic polymer monoliths. Monoliths consist of a single, continuous piece with an integrated characteristic porous network through which the eluent can flow with lower hydraulic resistance and which consequently offers higher flow rates. Due to an accelerated mass transfer caused by convection polymer monoliths are mainly used for separation of large biomolecules. In addition, they are stable over a wide pH range and can be polymerized directly (in situ) in the desired format. In the present work the successful preparation of new epoxide-based supports according to a concept introduced by Weller et al. as well as their application in affinity chromatography are reported. Their preparation was carried out by self-polymerization of polyfunctional glycidyl ethers and for functionalization non-polymerized epoxide groups were used. As monomers TEPIC, GE 100 and GE 500 were utilized. The work has focused especially on the polymerization of the higher functional GE 500, which can be perfomed at room temperature and was optimized in terms of both composition and amount of porogen. The extraction of IgG from rabbit serum with a capillary column (66 %, 12 µm, 7m2/g) prepared by 75 vol.-% porogen (dioxane/ MTBE (2:3)) and functionalized with rprotein A resulted in a capacity of 0,44 mg/mL. By addition of 60 % BDE the epoxide content was quadrupled and the pore size reduced to 400 nm while maintaining consistently high porosity of 59 %. The specific surface area was tripled and the capacity of prepared disks approximately doubled to 0,90 mg/mL. The disks developed in this work can be applied for the isolation of IgG from complex samples such as serum.

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