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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dor no pós-operatório da ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) com fosfato de codeína 30 mg/ paracetamol 500 mg: ensaio clínico aleatório / Codeine plus acetaminophen for pain afier photorefractive keratectomy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled add-on trial

Pereira, Vinícius Borges Porfírio 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A ceratectornia fotorrefrativa (PRK) é uma das técnicas de cirurgia refrativa mais empregadas no mundo. A despeito de sua efetividade e segurança no tratamento de miopia, hipermetropia e astigmatismo, a dor permanece ainda como um dos grandes desafios no período pós-operatório da PRK. Embora a associação dos fármacos codeína (opióide oral) e paracetamol (analgésico) seja amplamente empregada no período pós-cirúrgico de várias especialidades médicas. a eficácia e segurança dessa associação não foi avaliada no manejo da dor no pós-PRK. Objetivo: O objetivo da presente tese foi testar a combinação codeína + paracetamol no manejo da dor pós-PRK. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado por placebo, randomizado, paralelo e duplo-cego. O subdelineamento é do tipo \"add-on \", isto é. o grupo da intervenção recebeu a terapia padrão + a intervenção. enquanto o grupo controle recebeu a terapia padrão + placebo. A amostra foi composta por 41 participantes (82 olhos) - por meio do delineamento \"olhos pareados\" (paired-eye design), ou seja, o olho foi a unidade de análise. As cirurgias foram realizadas com duas semanas de intervalo. Um olho recebeu codeína (30 mg) + paracetamol (500 mg) 4x1dia por quatro dias (período A), enquanto o outro olho recebeu placebo 4x/dia por quatro dias (período B). Tanto a alocação (intervenção ou placebo) quanto a ordem (A-B ou B-A) foram aleatorizadas. A dor foi avaliada por meio de três escalas: questionário de dor McGill (MPQ). Inventário Resumido da Dor (I3PI) e escala visual análoga (EVA) nos períodos I, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a cirurgia. O período de seguimento total foi de quatro meses. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 30 anos (rnin-máx: 22-52), dos quais 67% foram mulheres. Dos 82 olhos inicialmente arrolados no estudo, 80 completaram os quatro meses de seguimento (40 na intervenção e 40 no placebo). Os escores medianos de dor mensurados pela EVA foram significativamente mais baixos no grupo da intervenção comparado com o grupo placebo - durante todo o período do pós- cirúrgico imediato (1-48 horas). Os eventos adversos foram brandos e de fácil manejo clínico; os mais comuns foram sonolência, náusea e constipação. Após um seguimento de quatro meses, não foi observado nenhum retardo na resposta de cicatrização da córnea ou haze. Conclusões: A combinação de codeína (30mg) e paracetamol (500mg) via oral (4x/dia) é segura e significativamente superior ao placebo para o controle da dor após a PRK / Introduction: Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is one of most widely performed types of refractive surgery in the world. In spite of its effectiveness and safety for the treatment of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism, pain remains one of the biggest clinical challenges during the early postoperative period after PRK. Although the combination of codeine (an oral opioid) plus acetaminophcn (an analgesic) has been widely used during the postoperative period in many medical specialties, both its efficacy and safety have not been formally investigated for pain control after PRK. Objective: To carry out a randomized, controlled c1inical trial, specifically dcsigned to test whether the combination of codeine + acetaminophen is efficacious and safe for pain control after PRK. Methods: Double-blind (patients and outcome assessors), randomized, parallel, placebo-controlled trial. An add-on design was adopted. tl.at is, the intervention group received the standard of care therapy + codeine/acetaminophen, whereas the control group received the standard o[ care therapy + placebo. The sample encompassed 41 participants (82 eyes) through the \"paired-eye design\". In other words, the eye was the unity of analysis. Surgeries were performed two weeks ap311. One eye received codeine (30mg) + acetaminophen (500mg) 4x/day for four days (period A), whereas the fellow (control) eye received placebo 4x/day for four days (period B). Both treatrnents (intervention or placebo) and treatment order (A-B or B-A) were randomly chosen. Pain was asscsscd at 1, 24, 48 and 72h postopcrativcly by three scales: visual analogue scale (VAS), McGill Pain Questionnaire (MQP) and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI). The total follow-up period was 4 months. Results: The mean age of patients was 30 years (rnin-max: 22-52) and 67% (27/40) were female. Ofthe initial 82 eyes, 80 completed the trial (40 in the intervention 31m, 40 in the placebo arm). Median pain scores as measured by the VAS were significantly lower during treatment with codeine/acetaminophen compared to the placebo throughout the early postoperative period (1-48h). Virtually identical results were obtained by the MQP and BPI scales, suggesting that the intervention can have a positive impact not only on the pain intensity, but also on the multidimensional aspects of pain, such as interference on activities of daily living as well as emotional status. Adverse events (AEs) were usually mild and easily managed. The most common AEs were drowsiness, nausea and constipation. After a follow- up period of four months, no case of delayed epithelial healing or haze was observed in both treatment arms. Conclusions: When added to the standard of care therapy, the oral combination of codeine (30mg) and acetaminophen (500mg) given 4x/day was safe and significantly superior to placebo for pain control after PRK

Composants d'optique guidée induits par faisceaux autofocalisés dans LiNbO3 / guided optical components induced by self focused beams in LiNbO3

Al-Fares, Luai 30 June 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous présentons la réalisation de composants originaux d’optique guidéeutilisant une technique de fabrication basée sur l'autofocalisation d’un faisceau lumineux.Cette technique permet la photo-induction de guides d’onde optiques au coeur de cristauxde LiNbO3 par effet photoréfractif.En premier lieu, des guides adiabatiques ont été générés dans des cristaux de LiNbO3 enappliquant un gradient de température selon l’axe de propagation lors de l’étaped’induction. Ces résultats expérimentaux ont été appuyés par un modèle numérique 3-Dprenant en compte la dynamique de l'effet photoréfractif.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que la présence d’un micro-canal présentsur le trajet d’un faisceau ne perturbe pas son autofocalisation. Cette configuration a permisde fabriquer un capteur optofluidique qui permet de mesurer l'indice de réfraction d’unliquide présent dans le canal sur une plage de mesure de 1.2 à 1.8 avec une précision de4x10-3. Enfin, cette étude a été étendue à des faisceaux sous forts angles d’incidence avec lecanal ce qui a été exploité pour induire un séparateur de polarisation en optique guidée. Ceséparateur, fabriqué en une seule étape d’induction, est constitué d’un guide d’entrée seséparant en deux guides de sortie supportant des composantes croisées de polarisation. / In this work, we present the fabrication of innovative guided optics components using asimple and efficient method based on self-trapping of light beams. This technique leads tothe formation of optical waveguides inside LiNbO3 crystals by photorefractive effect.The generation of adiabatic waveguides is first achieved by applying a temperature gradientalong the propagation axis. These experimental results have been confirmed by a 3-Dnumerical model taking into account the photorefractive dynamic.Subsequently, we have shown that the presence of a micro-channel forming a gap on thebeam trajectory does not affect the self-trapping effect. This configuration has been used tofabricate an optofluidic sensor able to measure the refractive index of liquids present in thechannel with a measuring range between 1.2 and 1.8 and a resolution of 4x10-3. Finally, thisstudy has been extended to self-trapped beams at large angle of incidence with the channelwhich has been exploited to fabricate a guided polarization separator. This polarizationseparator is formed of one input waveguide that separates into two output waveguidessupporting crossed polarizations components.

Análise da integridade da membrana basal epitelial durante a geração, persistência, e o desaparecimento da opacidade corneana tardia após injúria corneana / Analysis of the integrity of epithelial basement membrane during the generation, persistance, and disappearance of late corneal opacity after corneal injury

Gustavo Küpper Marino 31 July 2018 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Determinar a correlação entre a completa regeneração da membrana basal epitelial (MBE) e o desaparecimento de miofibroblastos do estroma anterior e consequente restauração da transparência corneana após diferentes mecanismos de trauma em coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 32 coelhos que tiveram um de seus olhos incluídos em um dos três grupos de estudo: (1) -9 dioptrias (D) ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK), (2) Incisões corneanas verticais de espessura parcial (350 um), ou (3) Ceratite bacteriana, enquanto os olhos contralaterais compuseram o grupo controle. Os animais foram examinados, sacrificados, e tiveram suas córneas analisadas em diferentes momentos afim de investigar com detalhes o processo de cicatrização corneano usando técnicas de imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e microscopia de transmissão eletrônica (MTE). RESULTADOS: No grupo \"-9D PRK\", as córneas apresentavam opacidade corneana densa e nenhuma evidência de regeneração da MBE 1 mês após a cirurgia. Dois meses após a cirurgia, no entanto, pequenas áreas de córnea transparente começaram a surgir em meio à opacidade difusa, correspondendo a pequenas ilhas de MBE completamente regenerada. Após 4 meses da cirurgia a MBE estava completamente regenerada e a transparência corneana havia sido reestabelecida na região ablada pelo laser. No grupo \"incisões corneanas\", o par de densas opacidades corneanas lineares observadas após 1 mês do procedimento tornou-se progressivamente mais tênue ao longo dos próximos 2 meses. A ultraestrutura da MBE estava completamente regenerada e não houve formação de miofibroblastos no local das incisões 1 mês após o procedimento, inclusive ao redor dos plugs epiteliais que se estendiam até o estroma. No grupo \"ceratite bacteriana\", as córneas que haviam sido infectadas apresentaram opacidade densa, vascularização, miofibroblastos em toda a sua espessura, e nenhuma evidência de regeneração da MBE 1 mês após a infecção. Observou-se ao longo dos próximos 3 meses substancial redução da opacidade, evidências ultraestruturais de regeneração da MBE, e desaparecimento de miofibroblastos das porções mais anteriores do estroma, persistindo apenas nas regiões do estroma mais posterior nas quais o endotélio e a membrana de Descemet encontravam-se lesadas. CONCLUSÃO: No modelo animal apresentado, a resolução espontânea da opacidade corneana tardia mediada por miofibroblastos após a ablação com excimer laser ou ceratites infeciosas graves é desencadeada pela completa regeneração da estrutura e função da MBE. As incisões corneanas de espessura parcial em coelhos, no entanto, cicatrizam sem geração de miofibroblastos devido à completa regeneração da MBE após 1 mês do procedimento. Determinou-se, portanto, a correlação entre a reparação da membrana basal epitelial e a consequente redução da opacidade e restauração da transparência corneana / PURPOSE: To determine the correlation between epithelial basement membrane (EBM) regeneration and the disappearance of myofibroblasts from anterior stroma and consequent restoration of corneal transparency after different types of injury in rabbits. METHODS: Thirty-two rabbits had one of their eyes included in one of the 3 study groups: (1) -9 diopters (D) photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), (2) Two vertical partial-thickness (350 um) corneal incisions, or (3) Bacterial keratitis, whereas the opposite eyes served as unwounded control group. The animals were examined, sacrificed, and had their corneas analysed in different time points in order to investigate the corneal wound healing process using immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: In the \"-9D PRK\" group, corneas at 1 month after surgery had dense corneal opacity and no evidence of regenerated EBM. However, by 2 months after surgery small areas of stromal clearing began to appear within the confluent opacity, and these corresponded to small islands of normally regenerated EBM. By 4 months after surgery, the EBM was fully regenerated and the corneal transparency was completely restored in the ablated zone. In the \"corneal incisions\" group, the two dense, linear corneal opacities observed at 1 month after the procedure progressively faded during the next 2 months. The EBM ultrastructure was fully regenerated and there were no myofibroblasts at the site of the incisions by 1 month after the procedure, including around the epithelial plugs that extended into the stroma. In the \"bacterial keratitis\" group, all the corneas that have been infected presented dense stromal scarring, vascularization, myofibroblasts in the full stromal thickness and no evidence of EBM regeneration by 1 month after the infection. There was a definite decrease in opacity during the next 3 months, besides ultrastructural evidence of EBM regeneration and disappearance of myofibroblasts in the most anterior part of the stroma, which persisted only in the most posterior stroma where the endothelium and Descemet\'s membrane were damaged. CONCLUSION: In the rabbit model, spontaneous resolution of myofibroblast-mediated corneal opacity (fibrosis) after high correction PRK or infectious keratitis is triggered by regeneration of normal EBM structure and function. Conversely, incisional wounds heal in rabbit corneas without the development of myofibroblasts because the EBM regenerates normally by 1 month after the injury. Therefore, it has been determined the correlation between the EBM regeneration and the restoration of corneal transparency after different types of corneal injury

Análise dos resultados de ceratectomia fotorrefrativa com mitomicina C e LASIK para correção miópica / Analysis of photorefractive keratectomy with mitomycin C and LASIK results for myopic correction

Wallau, Anelise Dutra [UNIFESP] 24 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:49:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-24. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 Publico-026a.pdf: 72550 bytes, checksum: afe0787528f227bc8c799cf1cd67fcc7 (MD5). Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 2 Publico-026a.pdf: 72550 bytes, checksum: afe0787528f227bc8c799cf1cd67fcc7 (MD5) Publico-026b.pdf: 2073659 bytes, checksum: b85cc4a971ac414e9e8aa01daa4ad8ed (MD5). Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 3 Publico-026a.pdf: 72550 bytes, checksum: afe0787528f227bc8c799cf1cd67fcc7 (MD5) Publico-026b.pdf: 2073659 bytes, checksum: b85cc4a971ac414e9e8aa01daa4ad8ed (MD5) Publico-026c.pdf: 2083167 bytes, checksum: 806646b87026c136bf8b329233fe315b (MD5). Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:25:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 4 Publico-026a.pdf: 72550 bytes, checksum: afe0787528f227bc8c799cf1cd67fcc7 (MD5) Publico-026b.pdf: 2073659 bytes, checksum: b85cc4a971ac414e9e8aa01daa4ad8ed (MD5) Publico-026c.pdf: 2083167 bytes, checksum: 806646b87026c136bf8b329233fe315b (MD5) Publico-026d.pdf: 895113 bytes, checksum: 37de279e78fead2b9aa3c17fd44ab0f0 (MD5) / Objetivos: Comparar os resultados de acuidade visual, refração estática, aberrometria e sensibilidade ao contraste em olhos com miopia moderada submetidos à ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) com mitomicina C (MMC) ou à ceratomileuse assistida por excimer laser in situ (LASIK) em cirurgias guiadas por frente de onda durante acompanhamento de um ano. Avaliar o aspecto biomicroscópico nos dois grupos durante seguimento. Avaliar subjetivamente percepção de dor, queixas visuais e satisfação com resultado cirúrgico nos dois grupos durante acompanhamento. Analisar índices de microscopia especular nos dois grupos antes e seis meses após cirurgia. Comparar propriedades biomecânicas da córnea nos dois grupos um ano após o procedimento cirúrgico. Métodos: Quarenta e quatro pacientes (88 olhos) com miopia moderada e cálculo de consumo corneano maior que 50 μm na plataforma LADARWave 4000 (Alcon) em ambos os olhos foram selecionados para receber aleatoriamente LASIK em um olho e PRK com aplicação de MMC 0,002% durante um minuto no olho contralateral em cirurgias guiadas por frente de onda. Topografia corneana (EyeSys 2000, EyeSys e Orbscan II, Orbtek/Bausch & Lomb), acuidade visual sem correção (AVSC, tabela Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopaty Study), refração estática, acuidade visual com correção (AVCC), aberrometria (LADARWave 4000), paquimetria ultrassônica corneana central (Sonogage) e exame oftalmológico completo foram realizados no pré-operatório e no seguimento de um, três, seis e doze meses pós-operatório. Sensibilidade ao contraste fotópica e mesópica (Optec 6500, F.A.C.T.; Stereo Optical) com correção foram realizadas nos dois olhos antes da cirurgia e três, seis e doze meses após. Questionário subjetivo de dor foi aplicado no pós-operatório recente, e questionário de sintomas visuais e satisfação com o procedimento em cada olho foi aplicado nas visitas de acompanhamento com um, três, seis e doze meses de pós-operatório. Biomicroscopia de segmento anterior foi realizada no período pós-operatório recente e nas visitas de acompanhamento sempre como último exame do dia (examinador mascarado para procedimento cirúrgico). Microscopia especular (Topcon SP 2000p) foi realizada antes e seis meses após cirurgia. Avaliação biomecânica da córnea (ORA, Reichert) foi realizada um ano após o procedimento cirúrgico. Os testes ANOVA para medidas repetidas e t de student foram utilizados para análise estatística. Resultados: A média de idade dos pacientes do estudo foi de 31,7 anos (variou entre 21 e 54 anos). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos antes da cirurgia quanto a AVSC, AVCC, aberrometria, sensibilidade ao contraste ou microscopia especular. O equivalente esférico (EE) médio programado nos olhos que receberam LASIK foi de - 3,99±1,20 dioptrias (D) e de - 3,85±1,12 D nos olhos que receberam PRK com MMC (p>0,05). A profundidade de ablação média foi de 73,09±14,55 μm e 70,70±14,07 μm, no grupo LASIK e no grupo PRK com MMC, respectivamente (p>0,05). Quarenta e dois pacientes (95,5%) completaram um ano de acompanhamento. Os olhos que receberam PRK com MMC apresentaram média de AVSC significativamente superior aos olhos que receberam LASIK com três, seis e doze meses de pós-operatório. A média de AVCC também foi estatisticamente superior no grupo PRK com MMC na visita de um ano de pós-operatório (p<0,05). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto ao EE ao longo do acompanhamento. Todos os olhos que receberam PRK com MMC completaram a reepitelização corneana em até cinco dias após o procedimento, e nenhum olho apresentou haze maior que grau 1 (escala de Fantes). Os olhos que receberam LASIK apresentaram valores de aberrações de baixa e alta ordem estatisticamente superiores aos olhos que receberam PRK com MMC durante todo o acompanhamento (p<0.05). Os olhos que receberam PRK com MMC obtiveram desempenho superior no teste de sensibilidade ao contraste em condições fotópicas e mesópicas quando comparados ao grupo LASIK durante seguimento (p<0,05). Até o quinto dia de pós-operatório, o grupo PRK com MMC apresentou índices de dor superiores ao grupo LASIK. O grupo PRK com MMC foi melhor avaliado no questionário subjetivo de queixas visuais e satisfação cirúrgica. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto à microscopia especular (p>0,05). Na avaliação biomecânica da córnea, o grupo LASIK apresentou valores de fator de resistência corneana (CRF) e histerese (CH) significativamente superiores ao grupo PRK com MMC (p<0,05). Conclusões: Os olhos que receberam PRK com MMC apresentaram melhores valores de AVSC e AVCC, melhor correção de aberrações de baixa ordem e menores valores de aberrações de alta ordem em relação aos olhos que receberam LASIK. O grupo PRK com MMC também apresentou valores superiores de sensibilidade ao contraste e foi melhor avaliado em questionário subjetivo de satisfação cirúrgica. Não houve presença de haze clinicamente significativo no grupo PRK com MMC. O grupo PRK com MMC apresentou maiores índices de dor no período pósoperatório recente. Não houve diferença entre os índices de microscopia especular nos dois grupos. O grupo LASIK apresentou índices superiores de CRF e CH. / Purpose: To compare visual acuity results, cycloplegic refraction, aberrometry and contrast sensitivity in eyes that underwent photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with mitomycin C (MMC) or laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for wavefront-guided myopic corrections during one year follow-up. To evaluate slit-lamp microscopy in both groups during follow-up. To evaluate subjective pain, visual complains and satisfaction with visual results in the two groups during follow-up. To analyse specular microscopy values before and six months after surgeries in both groups. To compare biomechanical properties of the cornea in the two groups one year after surgeries. Methods: Forty-four patients (88 eyes) with moderate myopia and an estimated ablation depth greater than 50 μm using the LADARWave 4000 (Alcon Laboratories) platform in both eyes were randomized to receive LASIK in one eye and PRK with application of MMC 0.002% for one minute in the fellow eye in wavefront-guided surgeries. Corneal topography (EyeSys 2000, EyeSys and Orbscan II, Orbtek/Bausch & Lomb), uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopaty Study table), cycloplegic refraction, best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), aberrometry (LADARWave 4000), central ultrasound corneal pachymetry (Sonogage Inc) and a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination were performed before surgeries and at one, three, six and twelve months postoperative visits. Photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity (Optec 6500, F.A.C.T.; Stereo Optical Co) with BSCVA was performed in both eyes before surgeries and at three, six and 12 months follow-up. A subjective pain questionnaire was applied at early postoperative visits and another visual complain and satisfaction questionnaire with surgery in each eye was applied one, three, six and twelve months after surgical procedures. Slit-lamp anterior segment microscopy was performed at early postoperative visits and at follow-up visits always as the last examination (blind examiner for surgical procedure). Specular microscopy (Topcon SP 2000p, Topcon) was performed before and six months after surgeries. Biomechanical properties of the cornea (ORA, Reichert) were evaluated one year after surgeries. The tests ANOVA for repeated measures and the student’s t test were used for statistical analyses. Results: The mean age was 31.7 years (range, 21-54 years). There was no statistically significant between-group difference in UCVA, BSCVA, aberrometry, contrast sensitivity or specular microscopy before surgeries. The mean attempted spherical equivalent (SE) was - 3.99±1.20 diopters (D) in LASIK eyes and - 3.85±1.12 D in PRK with MMC eyes (p>0.05). The mean ablation depth was 73.09±14.55 μm and 70.70±14.07 μm in LASIK and PRK with MMC eyes, respectively (p>0.05). Forty-two patients (95.5%) completed one year follow-up. The PRK with MMC eyes presented statistically significant better mean UCVA values than LASIK eyes at three, six and 12 months visits. The mean BSCVA was also statistically significant better in PRK with MMC eyes than in LASIK eyes one year after surgeries (p<0.05). There was no between-groups statistical difference in SE during one year follow-up. All PRK with MMC eyes reepithelialized within five days after surgical procedure and no eye presented more than grade 1 haze (Fantes scale). The LASIK eyes presented statistically significant higher lower and higher order aberrations values than PRK with MMC eyes during follow-up (p<0.05). The PRK with MMC group showed better results in photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity than LASIK eyes during one year follow-up (p<0.05). Until the fifth postoperative day, PRK with MMC eyes presented higher pain scores than LASIK eyes. PRK with MMC eyes were better rated in terms of subjective visual symptoms and visual satisfaction. There were no statistical differences between the groups in specular microscopy (p>0.05). LASIK eyes showed statistically significant higher corneal resistance factor (CRF) and corneal hysteresis (CH) values than PRK with MMC eyes (p<0.05). Conclusions: The PRK with MMC eyes presented better UCVA, BSCVA, better correction of lower order aberrations and lower higher order aberration values than LASIK eyes. It also showed better contrast sensitivity results and was better rated in terms of visual satisfaction. There was no clinically significant haze in PRK with MMC eyes. The PRK with MMC eyes presented higher pain scores at early postoperative visits. There was no between groups differences in specular microscopy. LASIK eyes presented higher CRF and CH values one year after surgeries. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Dor no pós-operatório da ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) com fosfato de codeína 30 mg/ paracetamol 500 mg: ensaio clínico aleatório / Codeine plus acetaminophen for pain afier photorefractive keratectomy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled add-on trial

Vinícius Borges Porfírio Pereira 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A ceratectornia fotorrefrativa (PRK) é uma das técnicas de cirurgia refrativa mais empregadas no mundo. A despeito de sua efetividade e segurança no tratamento de miopia, hipermetropia e astigmatismo, a dor permanece ainda como um dos grandes desafios no período pós-operatório da PRK. Embora a associação dos fármacos codeína (opióide oral) e paracetamol (analgésico) seja amplamente empregada no período pós-cirúrgico de várias especialidades médicas. a eficácia e segurança dessa associação não foi avaliada no manejo da dor no pós-PRK. Objetivo: O objetivo da presente tese foi testar a combinação codeína + paracetamol no manejo da dor pós-PRK. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado por placebo, randomizado, paralelo e duplo-cego. O subdelineamento é do tipo \"add-on \", isto é. o grupo da intervenção recebeu a terapia padrão + a intervenção. enquanto o grupo controle recebeu a terapia padrão + placebo. A amostra foi composta por 41 participantes (82 olhos) - por meio do delineamento \"olhos pareados\" (paired-eye design), ou seja, o olho foi a unidade de análise. As cirurgias foram realizadas com duas semanas de intervalo. Um olho recebeu codeína (30 mg) + paracetamol (500 mg) 4x1dia por quatro dias (período A), enquanto o outro olho recebeu placebo 4x/dia por quatro dias (período B). Tanto a alocação (intervenção ou placebo) quanto a ordem (A-B ou B-A) foram aleatorizadas. A dor foi avaliada por meio de três escalas: questionário de dor McGill (MPQ). Inventário Resumido da Dor (I3PI) e escala visual análoga (EVA) nos períodos I, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a cirurgia. O período de seguimento total foi de quatro meses. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 30 anos (rnin-máx: 22-52), dos quais 67% foram mulheres. Dos 82 olhos inicialmente arrolados no estudo, 80 completaram os quatro meses de seguimento (40 na intervenção e 40 no placebo). Os escores medianos de dor mensurados pela EVA foram significativamente mais baixos no grupo da intervenção comparado com o grupo placebo - durante todo o período do pós- cirúrgico imediato (1-48 horas). Os eventos adversos foram brandos e de fácil manejo clínico; os mais comuns foram sonolência, náusea e constipação. Após um seguimento de quatro meses, não foi observado nenhum retardo na resposta de cicatrização da córnea ou haze. Conclusões: A combinação de codeína (30mg) e paracetamol (500mg) via oral (4x/dia) é segura e significativamente superior ao placebo para o controle da dor após a PRK / Introduction: Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is one of most widely performed types of refractive surgery in the world. In spite of its effectiveness and safety for the treatment of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism, pain remains one of the biggest clinical challenges during the early postoperative period after PRK. Although the combination of codeine (an oral opioid) plus acetaminophcn (an analgesic) has been widely used during the postoperative period in many medical specialties, both its efficacy and safety have not been formally investigated for pain control after PRK. Objective: To carry out a randomized, controlled c1inical trial, specifically dcsigned to test whether the combination of codeine + acetaminophen is efficacious and safe for pain control after PRK. Methods: Double-blind (patients and outcome assessors), randomized, parallel, placebo-controlled trial. An add-on design was adopted. tl.at is, the intervention group received the standard of care therapy + codeine/acetaminophen, whereas the control group received the standard o[ care therapy + placebo. The sample encompassed 41 participants (82 eyes) through the \"paired-eye design\". In other words, the eye was the unity of analysis. Surgeries were performed two weeks ap311. One eye received codeine (30mg) + acetaminophen (500mg) 4x/day for four days (period A), whereas the fellow (control) eye received placebo 4x/day for four days (period B). Both treatrnents (intervention or placebo) and treatment order (A-B or B-A) were randomly chosen. Pain was asscsscd at 1, 24, 48 and 72h postopcrativcly by three scales: visual analogue scale (VAS), McGill Pain Questionnaire (MQP) and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI). The total follow-up period was 4 months. Results: The mean age of patients was 30 years (rnin-max: 22-52) and 67% (27/40) were female. Ofthe initial 82 eyes, 80 completed the trial (40 in the intervention 31m, 40 in the placebo arm). Median pain scores as measured by the VAS were significantly lower during treatment with codeine/acetaminophen compared to the placebo throughout the early postoperative period (1-48h). Virtually identical results were obtained by the MQP and BPI scales, suggesting that the intervention can have a positive impact not only on the pain intensity, but also on the multidimensional aspects of pain, such as interference on activities of daily living as well as emotional status. Adverse events (AEs) were usually mild and easily managed. The most common AEs were drowsiness, nausea and constipation. After a follow- up period of four months, no case of delayed epithelial healing or haze was observed in both treatment arms. Conclusions: When added to the standard of care therapy, the oral combination of codeine (30mg) and acetaminophen (500mg) given 4x/day was safe and significantly superior to placebo for pain control after PRK

Formação de sólitons em condensados de Bose-Einstein e em meios ópticos / Formation of solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates and in photorefractive media

Eduardo Georges Khamis 13 October 2010 (has links)
Diferentes tipos de sólitons têm sido observados em meios ópticos não-lineares, e seus comportamentos individuais descritos pela equação não-linear de Schrödinger e pela equação não-linear de Schrödinger generalizada, em diferentes dimensões e geometrias. Entretando, há situações onde muitos sólitons são gerados formando uma densa rede de sólitons. Nestes casos, é impossível desprezar as interações entre os sólitons e temos que considerar a evolução da estrutura como um todo. A teoria das ondas de choque dispersivas em meios fotorrefrativos e a teoria da difração não-linear de intensos feixes de luz propagando-se em meios fotorrefrativos com um fio refletor incorporado a esse meio foi desenvolvida, e verificamos que está em excelente acordo com nossas simulações numéricas. No caso da formação de sólitons em condensados, fizemos cálculos numéricos realísticos dentro da aproximação de campo médio usando a equação de Gross-Pitaevskii, incluindo também um potencial de confinamento, um potencial móvel e um potencial dipolar. A maioria dos resultados puderam ser comparados com experimentos recentes. / Different kinds of solitons have already been observed in various nonlinear optical media, and their behavior has been explained in the frameworks of such mathematical models as the nonlinear Schrödinger and generalized nonlinear Shrödinger equations for different dimensions and geometries. However, there are situations when many solitons are generated so that they can comprise a dense soliton train. In such situations, it is impossible to neglect interactions between solitons and one has to consider the evolution of the structure as a whole rather than to trace the evolution of each soliton separately. The theory of optical shock waves in photorefractive media and the theory of nonlinear diffraction of light beams propagating in photorefractive media with embedded reflecting wire was developed and agrees very well with our numerical simulations. In the condensate soliton formation case, we did numerical calculations in the mean field approach using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, adding a trap potential and a moving potential and a potential of the dipole-dipole interaction. The main results were also checked by recent experiments.

Acousto-optic imaging : challenges of in vivo imaging / Imagerie acousto-optique des tissus biologiques épais : les défis de l'imagerie in vivo

Laudereau, Jean-Baptiste 21 October 2016 (has links)
Les tissus biologiques sont des milieux fortement diffusant pour la lumière. En conséquence, les techniques d'imagerie actuelles ne permettent pas d'obtenir un contraste optique en profondeur à moins d'user d'approches invasives. L'imagerie acousto-optique (AO) est une approche couplant lumière et ultrasons (US) qui utilise les US afin de localiser l'information optique en profondeur avec une résolution millimétrique. Couplée à un échographe commercial, cette technique pourrait apporter une information complémentaire permettant d'augmenter la spécificité des US. Grâce à une détection basée sur l'holographie photoréfractive, une plateforme multi-modale AO/US a pu être développée. Dans ce manuscrit, les premiers tests de faisabilité ex vivo sont détaillés en tant que premier jalon de l'imagerie clinique. Des métastases de mélanomes dans le foie ont par exemple été détectées alors que le contraste acoustique n'était pas significatif. En revanche, ces premiers résultats ont souligné deux obstacles majeurs à la mise en place d'applications cliniques.Le premier concerne la cadence d'imagerie de l'imagerie AO très limitée à cause des séquences US prenant jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de secondes. Le second concerne le speckle qui se décorrèle en milieu vivant sur des temps inférieurs à 1 ms, trop rapide pour les cristaux photorefractif actuellement en palce. Dans ce manuscrit, je propose une nouvelle séquence US permettant d'augmenter la cadence d'imagerie d'un ordre de grandeur au moins ainsi qu'une détection alternative basée sur le creusement de trous spectraux dans des cristaux dopés avec des terres rares qui permet de s'affranchir de la décorrélation du speckle. / Biological tissues are very strong light-scattering media. As a consequence, current medical imaging devices do not allow deep optical imaging unless invasive techniques are used. Acousto-optic (AO) imaging is a light-ultrasound coupling technique that takes advantage of the ballistic propagation of ultrasound in biological tissues to access optical contrast with a millimeter resolution. Coupled to commercial ultrasound (US) scanners, it could add useful information to increase US specificity. Thanks to photorefractive crystals, a bimodal AO/US imaging setup based on wave-front adaptive holography was developed and recently showed promising ex vivo results. In this thesis, the very first ones of them are described such as melanoma metastases in liver samples that were detected through AO imaging despite acoustical contrast was not significant. These results highlighted two major difficulties regarding in vivo imaging that have to be addressed before any clinical applications can be thought of.The first one concerns current AO sequences that take several tens of seconds to form an image, far too slow for clinical imaging. The second issue concerns in vivo speckle decorrelation that occurs over less than 1 ms, too fast for photorefractive crystals. In this thesis, I present a new US sequence that allows increasing the framerate of at least one order of magnitude and an alternative light detection scheme based on spectral holeburning in rare-earth doped crystals that allows overcoming speckle decorrelation as first steps toward in vivo imaging.

Carrier Dynamics and Application of the Phase Coherent Photorefractive Effect in ZnSe Quantum Wells

Dongol, Amit 23 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Gendy, Chris 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The goal of this research project is to synthesize, characterize, and examine the properties of a material that undergoes a decrease in refractive index upon exposure to light. It is anticipated that such photoresponses could elicit previously unknown nonlinear phenomena including self-trapped black beams. An appropriate material for these investigations would be a polymer cross-linked by photocleavable groups causing a Δ<em>n</em> < 0. Organo-ditellurides, molecules that contain a Te-Te bond, would be appropriate for the crosslinks as their σ*<sub>Te-Te</sub> ← n<sub>Te</sub> transition usually absorbs light between 400 and 500 nm, and can lead to photodissociation of the chalcogen-chalcogen bond.</p> <p>Initial attempts to directly functionalize a polymer (polystyrene) resulted in intractable solids. A more promising approach relies on the preparation of cross-linking agents followed by co-polymerization. Despite literature claims, to date, there is no structurally authenticated photoresponsive molecule that simultaneously contains vinyl (CH=CH) and telluride (-Te-) functional groups. The work in this thesis has yielded what would be the first example, in addition to a crystal structure obtained by X-ray diffraction, the compound has been characterized by multinuclear NMR (<sup>1</sup>H, <sup>13</sup>C, <sup>125</sup>Te) and vibrational spectroscopy with the support of DFT calculations.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Resonant generation and refraction of dispersive shock waves in one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger flows

Leszczyszyn, Antin M. January 2011 (has links)
In the Thesis, two important theoretical problems arising in the theory of one-dimensional defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) flows are investigated analytically and numerically: (i) the resonant generation of dispersive shock waves (DSWs) in one-dimensional NLS flow past a broad repulsive penetrable barrier; and (ii) the interaction of counter-propagating DSW and a simple rarefaction wave (RW), which is referred to as the DSW refraction problem. The first problem is motivated by the recent experimental observations of dark soliton radiation in a cigar-shaped BEC by sweeping through it a localised repulsive potential; the second problem represents a dispersive-hydrodynamic counterpart of the classical gas-dynamics problem of the shock wave refraction on a RW, and, apart from its theoretical significance could also find applications in superfluid dynamics. Both problems also naturally arise in nonlinear optics, where the NLS equation is a standard mathematical model and the `superfluid dynamics of light' can be used for an all-optical modelling of BEC flows. The main results of the Thesis are as follows: (i) In the problem of the transcritical flow of a BEC through a wide repulsive penetrable barrier an asymptotic analytical description of the arising wave pattern is developed using the combination of the localised ``hydraulic'' solution of the 1D Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation with repulsion (the defocusing NLS equation with an added external potential) and the appropriate exact solutions of the Whitham-NLS modulation equations describing the resolution of the upstream and downstream discontinuities through DSWs. We show that the downstream DSW effectively represents the train of dark solitons, which can be associated with the excitations observed experimentally by Engels and Atherton (2008). (ii) The refraction of a DSW due to its head-on collision with the centred RW is considered in the frameworks of two one-dimensional defocusing NLS models: the standard cubic NLS equation and the NLS equation with saturable nonlinearity, the latter being a standard model for the light propagation through photorefractive optical crystals. For the cubic nonlinearity case we present a full asymptotic description of the DSW refraction by constructing appropriate exact solutions of the Whitham modulation equations in Riemann invariants. For the NLS equation with saturable nonlinearity, whose modulation system does not possess Riemann invariants, we take advantage of the recently developed method for the DSW description in non-integrable dispersive systems to obtain key parameters of the DSW refraction. In both problems, we undertake a detailed analysis of the flow structure for different parametric regimes and calculate physical quantities characterising the output flows in terms of relevant input parameters. Our modulation theory analytical results are supported by direct numerical simulations of the corresponding full dispersive initial value problems (IVP).

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