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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den fysiska inomhusmiljön på fritidshemmen

Sundin, Madelene, Olausson, Madelen January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på om den fysiska miljön på fritidshemmen är anpassad så att den inspirerar eleverna till olika lekar, skapande och om det finns utrymme för lugn och ro. Får fritidshemmen den plats de behöver i skolans lokaler eller hamnar fritidshemmen i skymundan? Vi vill även få en bild av vad pedagogerna tycker det finns för för- och nackdelar med att dela lokaler med skolan. Våra teoretiska utgångspunkter i denna studie har varit det sociokulturella, interaktionistiska perspektiven och den utvecklingsekologiska teorin. För att komma fram till ett resultat har vi använt oss av en enkät som sex pedagoger har svarat på och sedan har vi gjort observationer på tre fritidshem. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att pedagogerna försöker erbjuda eleverna en bra fysisk miljö där de känner sig välkomna och blir inspirerade till lek. Detta trots att pedagogerna upplever att fritidshemmens fysiska miljö får stå tillbaka och att skolans lärandemiljö tar en större plats i skolans lokaler.

Individual, social, and environmental factors associated with physical activity and walking

Cameron, Christine January 2014 (has links)
Background: Participation in physical activity (PA) is influenced by a multitude of factors. Traditionally, research has focused on several theoretical frameworks focusing on the individual ; however, they do not necessarily take into consideration other influencing factors such as the social environment or the physical or built environment. As such, a comprehensive socio-ecological model considering a multiplicity of factors is useful in explaining behaviour. Aims: To 1) assess the prevalence of the individual level correlates and their association with PA and walking; 2) assess the prevalence of environmental determinants and neighbourhood characteristics and the association between these and PA and walking behaviours; 3) explore within a comprehensive and socio-ecological approach, the contribution of the individual, social, and environmental factors in predicting PA and walking. Methods: The studies used in this thesis are national, random-digit dialling telephone-based surveys of a representative population sample within Canada. All research questions and procedures underwent ethics review at York University. The studies incorporated a two-stage probability selection process to select a survey respondent, and included a number of standard self-report measures across the data collection cycles. PA and all-domain walking were measured using the telephone-administered, short International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the neighbourhood environment was measured using an abbreviated version of the Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS), and individual factors such as knowledge about amount of PA required for guidelines, beliefs about the benefits of PA, self-efficacy, intention, and initial behaviour changes. Walking for transport was measured through the Physical Activity Monitor and walking for recreation were measured through an adapted version of the Minnesota Leisure-Time PA questionnaire (for the 2007 collection only). Complex sampling methods were required to take into account stratification by province or territory within Canada. Complex samples cross-tabulation procedures were used to calculate the prevalence estimates of Canadians meeting the PA and walking guidelines and 95% confidence intervals. The relationship between factors predicting sufficient activity and sufficient walking were examined using complex samples logistic regression procedures that were reflect the sample design. This thesis explored associations and the relative strength of the factors as the independent measures predicting sufficient PA and sufficient walking as the dependent measures, using age, sex, and education as covariates for each of these models. Chapter Six expands this model by including walking for recreation and transportation, and examining sub-population groups. Results: Individual factors (e.g., self-efficacy, intention, and some trial behaviours) and social factors were associated with sufficient PA and certain types of walking. Relatively few environmental factors were associated with sufficient walking (all domain and domain-specific) or sufficient PA. The relationship between high density neighbourhoods and higher rates of walking (generally and specific), and the availability of supportive walking facilities with various modes of walking were evident. Proximity of many shops and the presence of sidewalks were associated with the highest quartile of walking for transport. A greater number of the individual factors predicted walking and PA compared to the environmental/neighbourhood factors, within the context of a full socio-ecological model. Findings differed when stratified by age and sex of respondents. Conclusions: The results suggest that individual factors may be more relevant for predicting activity and walking than environmental factors, or at least should be considered in their inter-relationship with environmental factors when developing environment-based interventions. Although the inter-relationship between individual factors, social factors and the built environment are important, understanding individual factors are critical for determining strategies and interventions to promote PA among certain populations with traditionally lower levels of activity. Findings suggest that within countries like Canada, with a relative abundance of supportive environments, more specific and detailed measures of the perceived and objective physical environment may be required in order to achieve sufficient variation.

Le rôle de l'acculturation dans la perception de l'environnement physique de service : Application au cas des restaurants du vieux Damas en Syrie / The role of acculturation and the perception of physical characteristics of a service : An application to the restaurants of old city of Damascus in Syria

Abbas, Noama 04 November 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse interroge la relation entre le lieu et l'individu. Plus particulièrement, elle porte sur l'étude des réactions émotionnelles, cognitives et comportementales du client dans un espace de réhabilitation selon son niveau d'acculturation. Il s'agit des clients issus de deux cultures différentes (syrienne et française) et de leur perception d'un espace de service fortement marqué culturellement (une ancienne maison à cour réhabilitée en restaurant). L'objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer le rôle qu'exerce l'acculturation dans le processus d'influence des éléments de l'environnement physique de service sur les réponses du client. Le modèle conceptuel élaboré met en exergue les liens de causalité entre l'environnement physique perçu, les états émotionnels, la qualité de service perçue et les intentions comportementales. Il mobilise également le concept d'acculturation pour vérifier son rôle dans le processus de perception de l'espace de service. A cette fin, deux études (qualitative et quantitative) ont été menées auprès de clients des restaurants de la vieille ville de Damas en Syrie. Les résultats ont permis de retirer trois enseignements. (1) Les principaux facteurs de l'environnement physique de service perçus par le client sont l'ambiance, le design et les facteurs sociaux ; (2) Le niveau d'acculturation du client modère les effets des éléments de l'espace de service sur l'évaluation de la qualité de l'offre et sur l'intention de fidélité ; (3) La perception de l'environnement physique de service peut être influencée par certaines variables individuelles de nature sociodémographique / This research aims to investigate the relationship that exists between individuals and their surroundings. Specifically, we study cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses of clients to elaborate on the causal relations that exist between perceived physical environment, individuals' emotional states, perceived service quality and behavioral intentions. In addition, we also integrate the concept of acculturation to understand how an individual's richness of exposure to local culture influences his/her perception vis-à-vis the service facility with substantial cultural relevance. To explore these concepts, we study this phenomenon across two different cultures (Syrian and French) for restaurants that are set up at locations holding significant cultural value (i.e. old courtyards rehabilitated as restaurants). Two different studies (qualitative and quantitative) were conducted with the clients of restaurants in the old city of Damascus, Syria. Results lead to three principles findings: (1) Principles factors that influence client's perception of physical characteristics of a service setting are ambiance, design and social factors; (2) The acculturation level of a client moderates the relationships between physical characteristics of an environment and client evaluations of the service and his/her loyalty intentions; and (3) perception of the physical characteristics of a service environment is influenced by certain socio- demographic variables of an individual.

Sambandet mellan den fysiska miljön och de äldres beteende på äldreboende med fokus på livskvalitet – en litteraturöversikt / The relationship between the physical environment and behavior of elderly residents living at long term care facilities with a focus on quality of life - a literature review

Smedbakken, Sabina, Stålberg, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: För äldre personer som inte längre klarar sig själva i hemmet är oftast alternativet en flytt till ett äldreboende. Att flytta innebär för de allra flesta en väldigt stor omställning och förändring i livet där den äldre personen behöver göra sig hemmastadd på en helt ny plats sent i livet. Både den fysiska och psykosociala miljön på äldreboendet kan spela stor roll för beteende och livskvalitet hos den äldre. Denna litteraturöversikt söker finna de faktorer i just den fysiska miljön som kan göra äldreboendet till en plats som gynnar livskvalitet. Syfte: Att sammanställa forskningsbaserad kunskap om sambandet mellan den fysiska miljön och äldre personers beteende på äldreboende med ett fokus på hur det påverkar livskvaliteten. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med resultat hämtat från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Resultatet visar att faktorer i den fysiska miljön har stor betydelse för beteende och livskvalitet hos de äldre personerna. Några av de faktorer som framkom var: betydelsen av en hemlik fysisk miljö, en planlösning som gynnar mobilitet, orientering och säkerhet samt tillgång till utomhusmiljöer. Slutsats: Uppbyggnaden av äldreboenden bör utföras så att de gynnar bland annat mobilisering, orientering och livskvalitet för den äldre personen. Att ta del av äldre personers önskemål och behov innebär att använda sig av ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt med patientens delaktighet och självbestämmande i fokus. Detta kan i sin tur leda till ökad livskvalitet. / Background: For older people who no longer live at home, the option is usually to move into a retirement home. Moving away from home at such age often means a great readjustment in life. Both the physical and psychosocial environment at the retirement home can be of great matter to behaviour and quality of life. This literature review aims to find the factors that influence behavioural aspects and quality of life of the elderly person. Aim: To compile research-based knowledge about the relationship between the physical environment and the elderly's behavior in retirement homes, focusing on how it affects quality of life. Method: Literature review with results obtained from the databases PubMed and Cinahl Results: The result shows that factors in the physical environment are of great importance to the behavior and quality of life of the elderly. Some of the factors that emerged were: the importance of a homelike physical environment, a plan solution that promotes mobility, orientation and security as well as access to outdoor environments. Conclusion: Construction of retirement homes should be conducted to promote mobilization, orientation and quality of life for the elderly. To address the wishes and needs of the elderly means using a person-centered approach with the patient's involvement and self-determination in focus. This can lead to increased quality of life.

Identificação e caracterização de zonas de captura e concentração de águas subterrâneas a partir de produtos de sensoriamento remoto /

Coelho, Juliano Oliveira Martins. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Os aqüíferos subterrâneos são reservas estratégicas de recursos hídricos, devendo haver um planejamento adequado para o seu uso e conservação. As zonas de recarga e de concentração de água subterrânea são de suma importância na dinâmica dos sistemas aqüíferos, sendo responsáveis, respectivamente, pelo reabastecimento e pelo armazenamento do recurso. Técnicas de fotointerpretação a partir de produtos de sensoriamento remoto podem ser muito úteis aos estudos hidrológicos, fornecendo informações relevantes a respeito do meio físico, principalmente em escala de reconhecimento. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e caracterizar as zonas de captura e concentração de águas subterrâneas em rochas cristalinas, a partir de técnicas de fotointerpretação em produtos de sensoriamento remoto. Para tal, foram estabelecidas unidades geoambientais, a partir da compartimentação do meio físico e posterior classificação de suas propriedades geotécnicas, e foi realizado também um mapeamento morfoestrutural de feições rúpteis e dúcteis. A combinação do Mapa de Unidades Geoambientais e do Mapa Morfoestrutural resultou no Mapa de Zonas de Captura e Concentração de Águas Subterrâneas, onde a convergência de evidências favoráveis à infiltração, percolação e concentração de águas indica as potenciais zonas de recarga, circulação e concentração de águas subterrâneas, colaborando com a prospecção e com o planejamento do uso deste recurso. As principais zonas de recarga e de concentração de recursos hídricos identificadas pelo mapeamento foram o Alto Estrutural de Natividade da Serra, potencialmente uma excelente zona de recarga, e o Baixo Estrutural de Lagoinha/São Luis do Paraitinga, com grande potencial à concentração de recursos hídricos. Estudos de maior detalhe nas áreas potenciais identificadas pelo mapeamento podem confirmar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The fractured aquifers are strategic reserves of water resources, and there should be proper planning for its use and conservation. Areas of concentration and recharge of groundwater is of paramount importance in the dynamics of aquifer systems, responsible respectively for storage and replenishment of the resource. Photointerpretation techniques from remote sensing products can be very useful for hydrological studies, providing relevant information about the physical environment, especially in wide recognition. Thus, this research aims to identify and characterize areas of capture and concentration of groundwater in crystalline rocks, from photointerpretation techniques in remote sensing products. For such geoenvironmental units were established from the partitioning of the physical environment and subsequent classification of their geotechnical properties, and was also performed a morphostructural mapping of brittle and ductile features. The combination of the Geoenvironmental Units Map and the Morphostructural Map resulted in the Groundwater Capture and Concentration Map, where the convergence of evidence favorable to infiltration, percolation and water concentration indicates potential areas of recharge, movement and concentration of groundwater, collaborating with the prospecting and planning of the use of this resource. The main areas of recharge and concentration of water resources were identified by mapping the High Structural of Natividade Sierra, potentially an excellent recharge area, and the Lower Structural of Lagoinha/São Luis do Paraitinga, with great potential to the concentration of water resources. Studies in greater detail of the potential areas identified by the mapping can confirm whether or not the presence of water resource, directing the actions of environmental planning and exploitation of water / Orientador: Juércio Tavares de Mattos / Coorientador: Jairo Roberto Jiménez-Rueda / Banca: Sérgio dos Anjos Ferreira Pinto / Banca: Tomoyuki Ohara / Mestre

Caracterização geoelétrica de subsuperfície através do método da eletrorresistividade do cemitério de Monte Alto (SP) /

Donato, Fabio Tosi di January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Walter Malagutti Junior / Resumo: Os cemitérios atualmente são considerados como potenciais fontes de contaminação, principalmente para as águas subterrâneas. Isso é devido ao líquido produzido durante a decomposição dos cadáveres, denominado necrochorume. Este trabalho investigou uma possível contaminação por necrochorume no subssolo do cemitério da Saudade situado no município de Monte Alto – São Paulo, Brasil. Assim foi aplicado o método da eletrorresistividade, técnica de imageamento elétrico, utilizando três tipos clássicos de arranjos: wernner, schlumberger e dipolo-dipolo. Com o intuito de também comparar os resultados gerados por cada tipo de arranjo. A técnica da sondagem elétrica vertical (SEV) foi utilizada para se indicar a profundidade do nível freático e o fluxo subterrâneo, que foram de 10 m e sentido SW respectivamente. Além da aplicação desses métodos geofísicos, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental nos registros de sepultamentos do cemitério. Obtendo-se um mapa que indica as quadras com maiores números de sepultamentos do cemitério. As seções (2D) resultantes das linhas de imageamento elétrico dos três tipos de arranjo, são muito semelhantes, com algumas poucas diferenças significativas para o arranjo dipolo-dipolo, principalmente em níveis mais profundos. As seções confirmam a presença de áreas de baixa resistividade que contrastam com o restante do meio, indicando possíveis alterações do meio físico causadas pelo necro-chorume. Para visualização em 3D e em mapa, foram confeccionados mapas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Actually, cemeteries are considered as potential sources of contamination, especially for underground water. This is due to the liquid produced during the decomposition of the corpses, called necrochorume. This work investigated a possible contamination by necro-manure in the subsoil of the Saudade cemetery located in the city of Monte Alto - São Paulo, Brazil. Thus, the method of electro resistivity was applied (eletric resistivity tomography), using three classical types of arrays: wernner, schlumberger and dipole-dipole. In order to also compare the results generated by each type of array. The technique of vertical electric sounding (SEV) was used to indicate the depth of the groundwater and the underground flow, which were 10 m and SW direction respectively. In addition to the application of these geophysical methods, a documentary research was carried out in the book records of the cemetery. Obtaining a map that indicates the blocks with greater numbers of burials of the cemetery. The sections (2D) resulting from the electric resistivity tomography, of the three types of arrays, are very similar, with a few significant differences for the dipole-dipole array, especially at deep levels. The sections confirm the presence of areas of low resistivity that contrast with the rest of environment, indicating possible changes in the physical environment caused by the necro-manure. For 3D and map visualization, maps of various levels of depth were made for the results of each arra... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Rum för rörelse : Om kroppens bildning och utbildning i skolans gymnastiksalar / Room(s) for moving : On physical literacy and education in school gymnasiums

Liljekvist, Åsa January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions about the built environment in relation to the education of the body. The purpose of the thesis is to illustrate and discuss prerequisites for physical literacy and education in school gymnasiums. The aim of the study was to examine how discourses about body and body movement are related to questions about knowledge and education within physical education in school (PE). Using discourse analysis I explore how discursive practices such as rooms and talk produce, reproduce and change discourses about body, movement and knowledge. The discursive practices that I have focused on are the designing of rooms for physical education as well as PE teachers’ ways of expressing themselves regarding these kinds of rooms. The empirical material that has been analyzed consists of rooms used for physical education, interviews with PE teachers and text material from a journal for PE teachers. The results of the analysis suggest that some discourses can be described as strong and/or dominant and some as weaker. One example is the dominant discourse about body movement as competition and performance. Another example is the strong, although not dominant discourse about body movement as practice within which the body is (re)produced as a learning body. A third one is the weak discourse about movement as experiencing one’s body. One of the conclusions of the study is that a more open design of rooms for physical education would enhance the possibilities for the practice discourse and the experience discourse to grow stronger, which would be desirable considering the emphasis on learning and positive experiences of body movement in the syllabus for PE. Another conclusion is that if the practice discourse would be more clearly materialized in the gymnasiums, it could mean that other discursive practices too such as teachers’ and pupils’ speech acts and body acts within PE could change more easily.

Sitting time in Germany : An analysis of socio-demographic and environmental correlates

Wallmann-Sperlich, B., Bucksch, J., Hansen, S., Schantz, Peter, Froboese, I. January 2013 (has links)
Background: Sedentary behaviour in general and sitting time in particular is an emerging global health concern. The aim of this study was to provide data on the prevalence of sitting time in German adults and to examine socio-demographic and environmental correlates of sitting time. Methods. A representative sample of German adults (n = 2000; 967 men, 1033 women; 49.3 ±17.6 years of age) filled in the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire, including one question on overall sitting time and answered questions about the neighbourhood environment, as well as concerning demographics. Daily sitting time was stratified by gender, age group, BMI, educational and income level, as well as physical activity (PA). To identify socio-demographic and environmental correlates of sitting time, we used a series of linear regressions. Results: The overall median was 5 hours (299 minutes) of sitting time/day and men sat longer than women (5 vs. 4 hours/day; p &lt; 0.05). In both genders age and PA were negatively and the educational level positively associated with sitting time. The level of income was not a correlate of sitting time in multivariate analyses. Sitting time was significantly positively associated with higher neighbourhood safety for women. The variance of the multivariate model ranged from 16.5% for men to 8.9% for women. Conclusions: The overall sitting time was unequally distributed in the German adult population. Our findings suggest implementing specific interventions to reduce sitting time for subgroups such as men, younger aged adults and adults with a higher education and lower PA. Future studies should enhance our understanding of the specific correlates of different types and domains of sitting in order to guide the development of effective public health strategies. / <p>:doi 10.1186/1471-2458-13-196</p>

Rum, barn och pedagoger : Om möjligheter och begränsningar i förskolans fysiska miljö

Eriksson Bergström, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis the relationship between the physical environment of preschool, children and preschool teachers is studied. Children participate in preschool from an early age and thus are expected to find themselves within an institutional framework (Eilard &amp; Tallberg Broman, 2011) early in life. Today preschool as an institution can be seen as a place where childhood to a great extent is spent and created (Halldén, 2007e). The physical environment of preschool can consequently be regarded as a structure within which childhood is institutionalized (Kampmann, 2004). In general the thesis deals with how children are shaped by and shape the physical environment that they spend so much time in during early childhood. The purpose is clarified in the following questions: How does the physical environment of preschool structure and organise the activities of chil-dren? What activities are created in relation to the possibilities and limitations of the physical environment? In what way can the relationship between the invitations of the physical environment, the child’s scope for action, and preschool teachers be seen? To understand the empirical material in the thesis the concept of affordance (J.J.Gibson, 1986) and the activity theory (Leontiev, 1986; Engeström, 1987) has been used. The empirical evidence in the thesis is based on both video observations and interviews. The study was designed as a multiple case study (Stake, 1995), and three preschool classes each formed a case. The study was inspired by ethnography. The significance of seeing the environment as a set of affordances (J.J.Gibson, 1986) is that it, to a greater degree, can lead to children being allowed to discover the invitations to action there are and as a result freedom to act and negotiations can be created in both inside and outside environments. Through this way of thinking a free zone is created in an institutionalised childhood where children through their agency handle and redesign that which was intended to regulate and give structure. As a counterbalance to the institutionalisation of childhood this study contribute to an understanding of children’s individual and collective activities as a free zone in an otherwise controlled and regulated milieu. The contribution of this thesis consists of the study of the physical environment and the importance of the material in forming the child.

Skolans fysiska miljö och hur den påverkar elevernas skoldag : En studie från två skolor

Boring, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
This study aims to examine what students in two schools think of the physical environment in their school, and how this affect their studies. My main question I wanted to answer was: How does the students think that the physical environment affect their day in school? I also wanted to find out what the students think is important in the physical environment in their school.  The study is based on interviews with students i two different schools. One secondary school, in which three eight-grade students were interviewed, and one high school in which two students were interviewed.  The result of the interviews is that the students think that their work in school is affected by the physical environment. The most important things is to feel safe in school and to have the possibilities to do studies without limitations in the environment, for example room to do their own studies, and a flexibility and variation in the environment. The interviews also tell that the students think that their possibility to have influence on the environment is important, and that the school listens to their suggestions. The difference between the two schools is significant, and this also shows in how the students describe the environment in their schools.  The study also discuss what learning is, and how the environment can be adapted to encourage students to learn, both in class and outside between classes. The environment is also important when it comes to the ability to adapt the pedagogy to the current curriculum, because of the changes in pedagogy that has occured in the decades that has passed since many schools, like the high school in this study, were built.

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