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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sagas educativas e brinca??es no Sert?o de Extremoz

Batista, Elayne Karina Peres 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-03T21:28:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ElayneKarinaPeresBatista_DISSERT.pdf: 3943975 bytes, checksum: e380215fa0dcffa7c1de73b90e3eb543 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-07T22:30:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ElayneKarinaPeresBatista_DISSERT.pdf: 3943975 bytes, checksum: e380215fa0dcffa7c1de73b90e3eb543 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T22:30:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElayneKarinaPeresBatista_DISSERT.pdf: 3943975 bytes, checksum: e380215fa0dcffa7c1de73b90e3eb543 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / A disserta??o objetiva discutir as pr?ticas educativas da Funda??o Extremoz de Cultura Aldeia do Guajir? - FUNDEC do Munic?pio de Extremoz/RN e compreender o potencial educativo existente nas brincadeiras e pr?ticas l?dicas que crian?as, jovens e adultos da comunidade extremozense vivenciam na e com a institui??o. Trata-se dos resultados de uma pesquisa etnogr?fica de observa??o participante, que vivenciando e enxergando cotidianamente as pr?ticas educativas verificou uma Funda??o, que se encontra imersa no tencionamento entre a valoriza??o e a desvaloriza??o cultural. A pesquisa demonstrou que embora a proposta da FUNDEC seja a promo??o e valoriza??o da cultura do munic?pio, suas pr?ticas educativas est?o tecendo narrativas e subjetividades conflituosas, pois o que se apresenta como brincadeira e alegria para alguns membros, para outros ? amargura e lamenta??o. / This dissertation discusses the educational practices of Extremoz Culture Foundation Village of Guajiru - FUNDEC - the city of Extremoz / RN, trying to understand the existing educational potential in play and recreational practices that children, youth and adults Extremoz experience through the Foundation. These are the results of an ethnographic research participant observation, seeing and experiencing daily educational practices FUNDEC verified the existence of a non-academic institution that educates, and is immersed in the tensioning between the valuation and the cultural devaluation. Research has shown that although the proposal FUNDEC is the promotion and development of the city's culture, its educational practices are weaving narratives and conflicting and contrary subjectivities because what is presented as a joke and joy for some members of the Foundation, for others it is sorrow and lamentation.

Forma??o continuada de professores na perspectiva da educa??o inclusiva na Baixada Fluminense / Continuing Training of teachers in the context of inclusive education in the Baixada Fluminense

ARAUJO, Daniele Francisco de 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-08-23T18:25:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Daniele Francisco de Araujo.pdf: 3805177 bytes, checksum: f71811e3c92b57f9fd8e9e190710b14c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T18:25:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Daniele Francisco de Araujo.pdf: 3805177 bytes, checksum: f71811e3c92b57f9fd8e9e190710b14c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / CAPES / This thesis aims to analyze the formation of Basic Education teachers for school inclusion in the Baixada Fluminense from a Continuing Training Program. Therefore, we used the methodology of collaborative action research to understand that this would be the best option for a joint work. The research field was the extension course ?Processes of teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities?, held by the Observatory Research Group of Special Education and School Inclusion: curricular practices and teaching and learning processes, of the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the Special Education Municipal Coordination of seven municipalities in the Baixada Fluminense, namely: Belford Roxo, Duque de Caxias, Mesquita, Nil?polis, Nova Igua?u, Queimados and S?o Jo?o de Meriti. The Continuing Training Program was one action of these two projects: a) The education of students with intellectual disabilities: public politics, cognitive processes and evaluation of learning and b) Schooling and development of students with intellectual and multiple disabilities in the Baixada Fluminense. First results showed the precariousness in the training system, mainly with the regard of continuing training in inclusive education offered for professional education of these seven municipalities. The data pointed out that training, in most cases, are for teachers who work with the target audience of inclusive education students, due to a demand, characterizing, mostly for some training on specific themes. Regarding the Program, the data showed that the cultural-historical perspective ? theoretical referencial of this work ? contributed to the desmystification of prejudice toward students with intellectual diabilities, owing to work with the knowledge of their concepts, such as the psychological processes upper and mediation. Finally, we considered as extremely important theoretical and practical Continuing Training, that consider the reality of everyday school life, which is the starting point for the study, the analysis and the reflexion of pedagogical practices. / A presente disserta??o tem por objetivo analisar a forma??o de professores da Educa??o B?sica para a inclus?o escolar na Baixada Fluminense a partir de um Programa de Forma??o Continuada. Para tanto, utilizamos a metodologia da pesquisa-a??o colaborativa por compreendermos que esta seria a melhor op??o para um trabalho conjunto. O campo de pesquisa foi o curso de extens?o ?Processos de ensino e aprendizagem de alunos com defici?ncia intelectual?, realizado pelo grupo de pesquisa Observat?rio de Educa??o Especial e Inclus?o Escolar: pr?ticas curriculares e processos de ensino e aprendizagem, da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, em parceria com as Coordenadorias Municipais de Educa??o Especial de sete munic?pios da Baixada Fluminense, a saber: Belford Roxo, Duque de Caxias, Mesquita, Nil?polis, Nova Igua?u, Queimados e S?o Jo?o de Meriti. O Programa de Forma??o Continuada foi uma das a??es de dois projetos: a) A escolariza??o de alunos com defici?ncia intelectual: pol?ticas p?blicas, processos cognitivos e avalia??o da aprendizagem e b) Escolariza??o e desenvolvimento de alunos com defici?ncia intelectual e m?ltipla na Baixada Fluminense. Os primeiros resultados apresentaram a precariedade no sistema formativo, sobretudo no que se refere ? forma??o continuada em educa??o especial ofertada para os profissionais da educa??o desses sete munic?pios. Os dados mostraram que as forma??es, em sua maioria, s?o para docentes que atuam com alunos p?blico-alvo da educa??o especial, em virtude de uma demanda; caracterizando-se, em sua maioria, por forma??es pontuais com temas espec?ficos. Com rela??o ao Programa, os dados mostraram que a perspectiva hist?rico-cultural ? referencial te?rico deste trabalho ? muito contribuiu para a desmistifica??o de preconceitos com os alunos com defici?ncia intelectual, tendo em vista o trabalho com o conhecimento de seus conceitos, como os processos psicol?gicos superiores e a media??o pedag?gica. Por fim, consideramos de suma import?ncia forma??es continuadas te?rico-pr?ticas que levem em considera??o a realidade do cotidiano escolar, sendo este o ponto de partida para o estudo, a an?lise e a reflex?o das pr?ticas pedag?gicas.

Representa??es Sociais do ser idoso e suas implica??es na assist?ncia e nas pr?ticas educativas voltadas ? popula??o idosa residente em Natal/RN

Paula, Rouseane da Silva 29 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RouseaneSP_TESE.pdf: 1865965 bytes, checksum: b81cf6b508d4b647358654b100d3a7c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / No Brasil, os idosos correspondem a 21 milh?es da popula??o, 11,3% total da popula??o. A pesquisa cujo objetivo foi investigar as representa??es sociais do ser idoso e sua influ?ncia sobre as pr?ticas educativas para a velhice, aconteceu nos grupos de conviv?ncia e envolveu 103 idosos, os sujeitos da pesquisa tinham acima de 60 anos. Para tanto apoiamo-nos, dentre outros suportes, na teoria das representa??es sociais de Serge Moscovici e na teoria do N?cleo Central desenvolvida por Jean-Claude Abric (2000), bem como, nos estudos sobre envelhecimento humano (NERI, 2001; ELIAS, 2001; MATTA, 2003, PEIXOTO, 2005, BOSI, 2002). Do ponto de vista metodol?gico, utilizamos o m?todo de determina??o do n?cleo central e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com idosos n?o participantes dos grupos de contraste para fins de contraste. Realizamos tamb?m a an?lise da frequ?ncia de evoca??o e ordem m?dia de evoca??o, conforme prop?e Abric (2000) e a an?lise categorial de conte?do para entrevistas e justificativas das evoca??es. A an?lise das evoca??es foi realizada pelo software EVOC 2000, este apresentou o quadro com os poss?veis elementos do N?cleo Central da representa??o social para o grupo investigado: feliz, sa?de, liberdade, e vida. Ao analisarmos a estrutura do conte?do representacional, identificamos que as cogni??es feliz e liberdade est?o associadas ? natureza descritiva da representa??o social, enquanto as cogni??es vida e sa?de referem-se a natureza prescritiva para os idosos. Constatamos que acontece a reprodu??o do discurso circulante e estereotipado da velhice como melhor idade e, ao mesmo tempo, como sin?nimo de doen?as; o que reproduz pr?ticas estigmatizadas, com base em atividades recreativas e, por vezes, a infantiliza??o dessa popula??o. Assim, a representa??o social compreendida como um guia para a a??o, nesta vis?o estigmatizada da pessoa idosa, resulta em pr?ticas educativas esvaziadas do prop?sito de envelhecimento com dignidade, a despeito da legisla??o vigente que garante esse direito para o idoso brasileiro

Grupo Escolar Joaquim Nabuco ? hist?ria e pr?ticas educativas (Taipu/Rio Grande do Norte, 1919-1940)

Morais, Jana?na Silva de 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-14T21:58:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JanainaSilvaDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 6015952 bytes, checksum: 5e519888854dd3b1c80b38f9a3671a56 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-15T23:28:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JanainaSilvaDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 6015952 bytes, checksum: 5e519888854dd3b1c80b38f9a3671a56 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-15T23:28:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanainaSilvaDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 6015952 bytes, checksum: 5e519888854dd3b1c80b38f9a3671a56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / As primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX presenciaram a tentativa de reorganiza??o do ensino prim?rio brasileiro, tendo a escola como uma das principais propagadoras dos valores republicanos. Nesse contexto, os Grupos Escolares configuraram-se como projeto de educa??o popular para a propaga??o do acesso ? leitura e ? escrita, exig?ncia pretendida pela Rep?blica no Brasil. No Rio Grande do Norte, o processo de cria??o e amplia??o dessa modalidade de escola prim?ria se iniciou com a Reforma da Instru??o P?blica, atrav?s da Lei n? 284, de 30 de novembro de 1909. Dentre os Grupos Escolares do Rio Grande do Norte, analisamos a hist?ria e as pr?ticas educativas o Grupo Escolar Joaquim Nabuco, localizado em Taipu, entre 1919 e 1940, per?odo que compreende a sua cria??o e as duas primeiras d?cadas de funcionamento e consolida??o da institui??o. Particularizamos, nesse estudo, as pr?ticas educativas das professoras Josefa Botelho e Helena Botelho, primeiras professoras a atuarem nessa institui??o. Fundamentamos metodologicamente nosso estudo na Hist?ria Cultural por possibilitar, tamb?m, a reflex?o sobre os acontecimentos hist?ricos e a compreens?o de como uma determinada realidade social ? constru?da. Pesquisamos nos acervos do Instituto Hist?rico e Geogr?fico do Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN); do Arquivo P?blico do Estado (APE/RN); da Escola Caetano de Campos (S?o Paulo) e da Escola Estadual Joaquim Nabuco, atual nomenclatura do Grupo Escolar pesquisado. Nesses acervos, dialogamos com as Leis, os Decretos do Governo, Relat?rios e Mensagens Governamentais, jornais, revistas, Di?rios de Classe, cartilhas e livros did?ticos. Analisamos as fontes no di?logo com autores como Chartier, R. (1990), que permite a interface com a pr?tica e a representa??o dos atores envolvidos, e Morais, M. (2002; 2006), com as diferentes maneiras de se estabelecer a discuss?o com as fontes e pensar acerca da apropria??o da leitura e da escrita a partir dos objetos contextualizados. A constru??o do Grupo Escolar Joaquim Nabuco foi importante para Taipu, pois, sendo a primeira institui??o de ensino da cidade, permitiu ?s crian?as o acesso ? instru??o p?blica. As professoras Helena Botelho e Josefa Botelho, formadas pela primeira turma da Escola Normal de Natal, em 1910, contribu?ram de forma significativa para o funcionamento e consolida??o do Grupo. Suas pr?ticas educativas refletiam as ideias correntes acerca da alfabetiza??o e do ensino da leitura e da escrita no per?odo analisado. Indicavam os modos de fazer e a conduta espec?fica na escola prim?ria do Rio Grande do Norte. / The first decades of the twentieth century witnessed the attempt to reorganize the Brazilian primary school, with the school as one of the main propagators of republican values. In this context, the School Groups were shaped like popular education project for the spread of access to reading and writing, intended requirement by the Republic in Brazil. In Rio Grande do Norte, the process of creation and expansion of this mode of primary school began with the reform of Public Education, law No. 284, 30 November 1909. Among the School Groups of Rio Grande do Norte, we analyze the history and the educational practices the School Group Joaquim Nabuco, located in Taipu, between 1919 and 1940, a period that comprises its inception and the first two decades of operation and consolidation of the institution. We specify in this study the educational practices of teachers Josefa Botelho and Helena Botelho, first teachers to act in this institution. Methodologically we base our study on the cultural history by allowing also the reflection on historical events and understanding how a particular social reality is constructed. We research in the collections of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN); State Public Archive (APE/RN); the Caetano de Campos School (S?o Paulo) and the State School Joaquim Nabuco, current nomenclature of the School Group searched. In these collections, we dialogue with the Laws, Decrees of the Government, Reports and Government posts, newspapers, magazines, class diaries, booklets and textbooks. We have analyzed the sources in dialogue with authors such as Chartier (1990), which allows the interface with practice and representation of stakeholders, and Morais (2002; 2006), with different ways to settle the argument with the sources and think about the appropriation of reading and writing from the contextual objects. The construction of the School Group Joaquim Nabuco was important to Taipu then, being the first city of the educational institution, allowed children access to public education. The teachers Helena Botelho and Josefa Botelho, formed by the first group of the Normal School of Natal in 1910, contributed significantly to the operation and consolidation of the Group. Their educational practices reflect current ideas about literacy and reading and writing education in this period. They indicated the ways of doing and the specific action in primary school in Rio Grande do Norte.

SAERJ: implica??es na avalia??o do processo ensino-aprendizagem em duas escolas estaduais de Belford Roxo ? RJ. / SAERJ: implications for the evaluation of the teaching-learning process in two public schools in Belford Roxo - RJ.

ALVERNAZ, Aline 16 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-22T16:54:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Aline de Alvernaz.pdf: 3258845 bytes, checksum: 8738241ca38b7ab5f62b9fe9933a3457 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-22T16:54:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Aline de Alvernaz.pdf: 3258845 bytes, checksum: 8738241ca38b7ab5f62b9fe9933a3457 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-16 / Over the years, the assessment is the subject of much debate in the field of school education. This is because evaluate an action that requires from the teacher a political-pedagogical commitment, making it a complex, subjective and specific task. Complex because it requires a constant deep study on the subject. Subjective by the fact that each teacher uses the evaluation in a manner and adapts it to his/her reality. And specific because it considers the specific characteristics of each school, each class, each student. On the national scene, it has adopted the External Assessment as public policy on the grounds of ensuring the quality of education offered in the school systems. The external assessment seems to reflect the results of some political and pedagogical practices that have been adopted by school systems, with implications in the school routine. The objective of this research, with a qualitative aspect, was to check the implications of the external assessment in the teaching-learning evaluation practices and the pedagogical work organization in the school, as well as identify how the school actors interpret educational policies related to external assessment. We analyze the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of the teachers, the administrators and the students regarding the evaluation of teaching-learning and the pedagogical work organization, examining the concepts and procedures related to the evaluation process. To achieve the objectives, we adopted as cut two schools in the Public School System of Rio de Janeiro, in the county of Belford Roxo, submitted to the External Assessment of SAERJ, being one among those with better rates and getting bonus; and the other one among those with lower rates and getting no bonus. In the two school units, representatives of the management team were selected; five teachers who work in high school, covering each of the four areas of knowledge, in addition to physical education teacher; and six students who took SAERJ, who volunteered themselves. Students data were collected through a trainee of the Focus Group and other subjects through semi-structured interviews and they were transcribed, categorized and analyzed. The results pointed to inflexible practices of assessment and an overvaluation of objective tests that reproduce the patterns of external assessment. There is a predominance of the quantitative aspects over the qualitative and characterization of the model essentially Classificatory of the evaluation in the teaching-learning process. / Ao longo dos anos, a avalia??o ? tema de grandes discuss?es no ?mbito da educa??o escolar. Isto porque avaliar ? uma a??o que requer do professor um compromisso pol?tico-pedag?gico, tornando esta tarefa complexa, subjetiva e espec?fica. Complexa porque demanda um constante estudo e aprofundamento sobre o tema. Subjetiva pelo fato de que cada professor utiliza a avalia??o de uma maneira e a adapta a sua realidade. E espec?fica porque considera as especificidades de cada escola, cada turma, cada aluno. No cen?rio nacional, tem-se adotado as Avalia??es Externas como pol?tica p?blica com a justificativa de garantir a qualidade da educa??o oferecida nas redes. A avalia??o externa parece refletir resultados de algumas pol?ticas e pr?ticas pedag?gicas que t?m sido adotadas pelas redes de ensino, acarretando implica??es no cotidiano escolar. O objetivo desta pesquisa, de car?ter qualitativo, foi verificar as implica??es da avalia??o externa nas pr?ticas de avalia??o do ensino-aprendizagem e na organiza??o do trabalho pedag?gico na escola, bem como identificar como os atores escolares interpretam as pol?ticas educacionais associadas ? avalia??o externa. Analisamos as percep??es, atitudes e comportamentos dos professores, gestores e alunos em rela??o ? avalia??o do ensino-aprendizagem e ? organiza??o do trabalho pedag?gico, examinando as concep??es e procedimentos relativos ao processo avaliativo. Para a concretiza??o dos objetivos, adotaram-se como recorte duas escolas da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro, no munic?pio de Belford Roxo, submetidas ? Avalia??o Externa do SAERJ, sendo uma entre aquelas com melhores ?ndices e recebendo bonifica??o; e outra entre aquelas com menores ?ndices e sem ganho de bonifica??o. Nas duas unidades escolares, selecionaram-se representantes da equipe diretiva; cinco professores que atuam no Ensino M?dio, contemplando cada uma das quatro ?reas de conhecimento, al?m do professor de Educa??o F?sica; e seis alunos que realizaram o SAERJ, que se voluntariaram. Os dados dos alunos foram coletados atrav?s da t?cnica de Grupo Focal e dos demais sujeitos mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas e foram transcritos, categorizados e analisados. Os resultados apontaram para um engessamento das pr?ticas avaliativas e uma supervaloriza??o dos testes objetivos que reproduzem os moldes das avalia??es externas. H? a predomin?ncia dos aspectos quantitativos sobre os qualitativos e a caracteriza??o do modelo essencialmente Classificat?rio da avalia??o do processo ensino-aprendizagem.

Outra educa??o ? poss?vel? A lei 10.639/03 na forma??o docente dos Institutos de Educa??o da Baixada Fluminense / Other education possible? Law 10.639 / 03 on teacher training of the Institutes of Education of the Baixada Fluminense

SANTOS, J?lio C?sar Ara?jo dos 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-02-22T19:19:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Julio Cesar Araujo dos Santos.pdf: 6913194 bytes, checksum: 9b333a5cbf9f2fbd3637734c9fbb0d7a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-22T19:19:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Julio Cesar Araujo dos Santos.pdf: 6913194 bytes, checksum: 9b333a5cbf9f2fbd3637734c9fbb0d7a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / The sanction of Law 10,639 / 03 changed the LDBEN with the inclusion of Article 26 -A and the obligation by governments to implement the DCN Erer strengthened the questioning on the training of teachers in relation to the hegemonic discourse on ethnic-racial relations in the country and practices that contributed to the consolidation of our model of exclusion. Thus, the research was compiled from the numerous difficulties of / colleagues in the early years, when required / them deal with Brazilian racial reality and the implications of these issues to propose another possible education in my work as a professional in more than twenty years in basic education. These reflections have become responsible for structuring the survey of fulcrum in shaping that process of future professionals of the early years in education institutes in the Baixada Fluminense region, with cut in the cities of Duque de Caxias and Nova Igua?u territory where the processing social and racial tensions of exclusion that has shaped our historical links with the past. From this perspective, the survey is present the actions and procedures that hinder the participation and implementation of the respective laws in the training of future professionals of education in the early grades Institutes of Education. The difficulties filed by the responsible agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro to carry out the research institutions also help to observe the possible correlation between the questioning regarding the myth of racial democracy and the state of neglect of changes in LDBEN and DCN Erer and real possibility of changes in teaching practices. These difficulties raised in the investigations, reinforced the methodological organization of working documents that gave rise to these institutes, the literature review, interviews with teachers trained in these institutions and students in an attempt to reflect and understand, therefore, on the speeches and on possible pertinence regarding the practices and effects of the constant process of cultural negotiation, which end up causing the impressions of those who suffered from the emptying of their cultural references and consequently of their ethnic and cultural identity. / A san??o da Lei 10.639/03 alterou a LDBEN com inclus?o do artigo 26.-A e a obriga??o pelos governos em implementar as DCN ERER refor?ou a problematiza??o sobre a forma??o dos docentes em rela??o ao discurso hegem?nico sobre as rela??es ?tnico-raciais no pa?s e as pr?ticas que contribu?ram para a consolida??o o nosso modelo de exclus?o. Dessa forma, a pesquisa foi elaborada a partir das in?meras dificuldades das/os colegas dos anos iniciais, quando obrigadas/os a lidar com a realidade racial brasileira e as implica??es desses problemas em propor uma outra educa??o poss?vel em minha atua??o enquanto profissional em mais de vinte anos na educa??o b?sica. Essas reflex?es tornaram-se respons?veis por estruturar a pesquisa com fulcro na forma??o que se processa dos futuros profissionais dos anos iniciais nos Institutos de Educa??o na regi?o da Baixada Fluminense, com recorte nas cidades de Duque de Caxias e Nova Igua?u, territ?rio onde se processam as tens?es sociais e raciais da exclus?o que moldou as nossas liga??es hist?ricas com o passado. Dessa perspectiva, a pesquisa apresenta as a??es e os procedimentos que dificultam a participa??o e a implementa??o das respectivas Leis na forma??o dos futuros profissionais da educa??o das s?ries iniciais nos Institutos de Educa??o. As dificuldades interpostas pelo ?rg?o respons?vel do Estado do Rio de Janeiro para realiza??o da pesquisa nas institui??es tamb?m ajudam observar a poss?vel correla??o entre o questionamento em rela??o ao mito da democracia racial e a neglig?ncia do estado sobre as altera??es na LDBEN e as DCN ERER e a real possibilidade de mudan?as nas pr?ticas docentes. Essas dificuldades levantadas nas investiga??es, refor?aram na configura??o metodol?gica do trabalho os documentos que deram origem aos referidos Institutos, an?lise bibliogr?fica, entrevistas com os docentes formados nessas institui??es e discente na tentativa de refletir e compreender, por conseguinte, sobre os discursos e a sobre poss?veis pertin?ncias em rela??o as pr?ticas e aos efeitos dos processos constantes de negocia??o cultural, que acabam acarretando as impress?es de quem sofreu com o esvaziamento de seus referenciais culturais e, consequentemente, da sua identidade ?tnico-cultural.

Pr?ticas educativas parentais em dependentes qu?micos / Parenting practices in chemical dependents

Granetto, Walter Eduardo 15 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walter Educardo Granetto.pdf: 525530 bytes, checksum: 2fdd1c1f0f3d7f8f2031c3e31b532062 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-15 / Parenting practices are defined as mannering classrooms emitted by the parents which have the purpose to suppress undesirable behavior and stimulate the occurrence of proper behaviors on children (use of explanations, punishment or rewards). Thus, this work has as a goal describing parenting practices reported by the young people interned in a rehabilitation institute for chemical dependents and arguing, based in other researches, the possible contingency relations between parental practices and the participants behavior. Nine adolescents of both sexes, all of them single, between 17 and 21 years old, coming from biparental families, participated in this research. An identification file, containing information about the age and sex of the participants, their and the parental couple s scholarship and occupancy, the family income, the beginning of consuming psychoactive substances, the consummation of the last month before the internship and if there were former internships; a device (Familiar Interaction Quality Scales EQIF) and a semistructured interview were used for data acquisition. The results have showned that most part of the analysed sample was inserted in a family environment considered risky to the development of anti-social behavior, for they were parents that didn t use positive practices as the fatherhood involvment, efficient supervision and monitoring, dialogue with the children, but frequently negative practices, mainly verbal punishment and negative communication, thus characterizing an coercive family environment. The actual research has showned the importance of family, specially in parenting practices and in development of behavior problems on children, as drugs addiction. / As pr?ticas educativas parentais s?o definidas como classes comportamentais emitidas pelos pais que t?m o objetivo de suprimir comportamentos indesej?veis e incentivar a ocorr?ncia de comportamentos adequados nos filhos (uso de explica??es, de puni??es ou de recompensas). Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as pr?ticas parentais relatadas por jovens internados numa institui??o de recupera??o de dependentes qu?micos e discutir com base em outras pesquisas, as poss?veis rela??es de conting?ncia entre as pr?ticas parentais e o comportamento dos participantes. Participaram desta pesquisa nove adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, solteiros, com idades entre 17 a 21 anos, oriundos de fam?lias biparentais. Para obten??o dos dados foi utilizado ficha de identifica??o contendo dados sobre a idade e sexo dos participantes, a escolaridade e ocupa??o dos sujeitos e do casal parental, a renda familiar, o inicio de consumo de subst?ncias psicoativas, o consumo no ?ltimo m?s que antecedeu a interna??o e se houveram interna??es anteriores; um instrumento (Escalas de Qualidade de Intera??o Familiar EQIF) e uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos participantes da amostra estudada estava inserida em um ambiente familiar de risco para o desenvolvimento de condutas anti-sociais, pois eram pais que n?o utilizavam pr?ticas positivas como o envolvimento paterno, supervis?o e monitoria eficazes e di?logo com os filhos, mas utilizavam freq?entemente pr?ticas negativas, principalmente a puni??o verbal e a comunica??o negativa, caracterizando assim um ambiente familiar coercitivo. A presente pesquisa demonstrou a import?ncia da fam?lia, em especial das pr?ticas educativas, no desenvolvimento de problemas de comportamento nos filhos como o uso e depend?ncia de drogas.

Pol?ticas p?blicas de educa??o inclusiva: A experi?ncia de inclus?o, de estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial, no munic?pio de Paracambi-RJ / Public politics of inclusive education: One experience of inclusion, of the students target audience of Special Education in municipality of Paracamb-RJ

SANTANA, ?lida Soares de 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-06T18:04:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - ?lida Soares de Santana.pdf: 1327060 bytes, checksum: acd09b51e0734e16742a5234842ce1f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-06T18:04:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - ?lida Soares de Santana.pdf: 1327060 bytes, checksum: acd09b51e0734e16742a5234842ce1f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / CAPES / This dissertation broaches about the operationalization of the inclusive conception of Special Education, through Specialized Educational Attendance (SEA). For the study was used as base the Critical Theory where we investigated the followings questions: What are the impacts the presents Public Politics in effective formation of SEA, as well as yours pedagogical and educational aspects, and formation of the teachers? How do teachers understand the, Specialized Educational Attendance as a support for the inclusion of the students target audience of Special Education in the public school? What are the target that SEA has contributed to schooling of students, who Special Education has as a focus, in the classroom? What are the possibilities of the Specialized Educational Attendance in the support inclusion school? What experiences that there is or it / are lived between the teacher from the classroom and the teacher of the SEA? What is the understanding of these teachers about the inclusion of that students of Special Education? As research objectives defined: characterize public politics of education regarding school inclusion and its relation to the training of teachers, considering the current political and pedagogical guidance of Specialized Educational Attendance for the students, assisted by Special Education, in municipality of Paracambi; Describeing the contributions of expert support for the process of inclusion of the students assisted by Special Education in regular classes at school study locus; Assessing the concept of the SEA teachers, who have participated in the research, about the inclusion of special education students in space of the regular school; Evalueting the conceptions of teachers in the common class, participants in the research, about the Specialized Educational Attendance; and evaluate the relationship between the common teaching and SEA thinking it lie whiting the triad: access, retention and learning of the student target audience of Special Education. This research is based on, theoretical and methodological in Critical Theory, especially thinkers Theodor Adorno and Hellmut Becker. However, it were used in this study other scholars, such as Costa, Damascus, Pucci, Booth & Ainscow are considered. The source was conducted at Dawn School, one school of Basic Education on Municipality of Paracambi. The subjects of study were two teachers who works in the Specialized Educational Attendance and one teacher from each area of knowledge: codes and languages; Humanities and Social Sciences; Exact and natural sciences, necessarily active in classes in which students assisted by Special Education had to be included. The results of this research show that the path traced by the Municipal Paracambi Education for the operationalization of the inclusive perspective of Special Education is being realized, even considering its contradictions. Thus, we can say that the SEA developed in this school, although not free of tensions and contradictions, has contributed to the affirmation of democratic perspective of education under the Special Education of this city. / Essa disserta??o de mestrado elegeu como objeto de estudo a operacionaliza??o da perspectiva inclusiva de Educa??o Especial, por interm?dio do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). ? luz da Teoria Cr?tica, investigamos as seguintes quest?es: Quais os impactos das atuais Pol?ticas p?blicas no que se refere ? institucionaliza??o do AEE, bem como aos seus aspectos pedag?gicos e educacionais, e para a forma??o dos professores? Qual o entendimento do Atendimento Educacional Especializado por parte dos professores, no suporte ? inclus?o dos estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial na escola p?blica? No que o AEE tem apoiado ? escolariza??o de estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial nas salas de aula? Quais as possibilidades do Atendimento Educacional Especializado no suporte ? inclus?o escolar? Quais experi?ncias existem/s?o vividas entre o professor da sala de aula e o professor do AEE? Qual o entendimento desses professores acerca da inclus?o dos estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial? Como objetivos de pesquisa definimos: Caracterizar as Pol?ticas p?blicas de educa??o quanto ? inclus?o escolar e sua rela??o com a forma??o dos professores, considerando a atual diretriz pol?tico-pedag?gica do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) destinado ao estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial, no munic?pio de Paracambi; Caracterizar as contribui??es do apoio especializado para o processo de inclus?o dos estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial nas turmas regulares da escola locus do estudo; Avaliar as concep??es dos professores do AEE, part?cipes da pesquisa, sobre a inclus?o dos estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial no espa?o da escola regular; Avaliar as concep??es dos professores da classe comum, part?cipes da pesquisa, a respeito do Atendimento Educacional Especializado; e Avaliar a articula??o entre o ensino comum e o AEE pensando-a na tr?ade: acesso, perman?ncia e aprendizado dos alunos p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial. Esta pesquisa est? fundamentada, te?rico-metodologicamente na Teoria Cr?tica, com destaque para os pensadores Theodor Adorno e Hellmut Becker. Contudo, Vale destacar que outros estudiosos, como Costa, Damasceno, Pucci, Booth & Ainscow s?o considerados na discuss?o e an?lise do objeto de estudo. A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Amanhecer, uma escola do Ensino B?sico da Rede P?blica do Munic?pio de Paracambi, tendo como sujeitos de estudo duas professoras que atuam no Atendimento Educacional Especializado e um professor de cada ?rea do conhecimento, a saber: C?digos e Linguagens; Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais; Ci?ncias Exatas e da natureza; necessariamente atuantes em turmas em que estudantes p?blico-alvo da Educa??o Especial estivessem inclu?dos. Os resultados desta investiga??o revelam que o caminho tra?ado pela Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o de Paracambi para a operacionaliza??o da perspectiva inclusiva de Educa??o Especial est? sendo percorrido, mesmo considerando suas contradi??es. Assim, ? poss?vel afirmar que o AEE desenvolvido na referida escola, embora n?o livre de tens?es e contradi??es, tem contribu?do para afirma??o da perspectiva democr?tica de educa??o no ?mbito da Educa??o Especial da referida cidade.

Jo?o da Cruz e Souza e outras narrativas sobre o racismo brasileiro / Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa and other narratives about Brazilian racism

SANTOS, Adilson Alves 03 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-13T20:27:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adilson Alves Santos.pdf: 1503371 bytes, checksum: 0ba93f9eeaceba6eed12f40547219097 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T20:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adilson Alves Santos.pdf: 1503371 bytes, checksum: 0ba93f9eeaceba6eed12f40547219097 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / This research Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa and other narratives about Brazilian racism is linked to the teacher's research project Jose Valter Pereira ?Race Relations in Schools and professor of Teacher Training. Starting from the life and work of Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa, we try to discuss how some issues raised by him in the late nineteenth century, still can help us reflect on the ethnic-racial relations in Brazilian society. This research aimed to compare my story, the narrative of my students, considered here as a collective subject, and the story of the poet Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa. The interweaving of narratives mentioned, despite the spatio-temporal difference that separates them, sought the possible dialogues that can help us to think how racism still holds and updates daily at school? How prejudice, racism and discrimination are materialized in the production of inequalities within the school environment? How prejudice, racism and discrimination are materialized in the production of inequalities within the school environment? Thus, this study dialogue with authors such as Muniz Sodre (2000; 2010), Kabengele Munanga (2006), Nilma Lino Gomes (2003; 2012), Frantz Fanon (2008) and other scholars in the field of ethnic-racial relations, articulating them with studies of Modernity/Coloniality Group (2007; 2008), Hanna Arendt (2007) also helped us develop some issues with the concepts of "public space" and "appearance". To connect the narratives we rely on the research of Joseph Valter Pereira (2000, 2006 and 2010), Jorge Larrosa (1994; 2014), Walter Benjamin (1985), Leonor Arfuch (2010) and also Luciano Bedin da Costa (2010). About the life and work of the poet, we consulted bibliographical studies, documents such as newspapers, magazines literary critic of the late nineteenth century etc, that somehow relate to the researched problem. As narratives of the students we consider the set of texts and conversations that took place within the school environment from activities or situations involving ethnic-racial relations. Furthermore, we assume here the political challenge of exercising an essay written in order to problematize the hegemonic aesthetic as the only way in knowledge production. / A presente pesquisa, Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa e outras narrativas sobre o racismo brasileiro, est? vinculada ao Projeto de Pesquisa Rela??es Raciais nas Escolas e Forma??o de Professores do professor Jos? Valter Pereira. Partindo da vida e obra de Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa, tentamos problematizar como algumas quest?es suscitadas por ele, no final s?culo XIX, ainda podem nos ajudar a refletir sobre as rela??es ?tnico-raciais na sociedade brasileira. Esta investiga??o tencionou entramar a minha hist?ria, as narrativas dos meus alunos, considerados aqui como sujeito coletivo, e a hist?ria do poeta Jo?o da Cruz e Sousa. No enredamento das narrativas mencionadas, apesar da diferen?a espa?o-temporal que as separa, buscamos os poss?veis di?logos que possam nos ajudar a pensar como o racismo ainda se mant?m e se atualiza no cotidiano da escola? De que forma o preconceito, o racismo e a discrimina??o se materializam na produ??o de desigualdades dentro do ambiente escolar? Desta forma, este estudo dialogou com autores como Muniz Sodr?(2000;2010), Kabengele Munanga(2006), Nilma Lino Gomes(2003;2012), Frantz Fanon(2008), entre outros estudiosos do campo das rela??es ?tnico-raciais, articulando-os com os estudos do Grupo Modernidade/Colonialidade(2007;2008).Hanna Arendt(2007) tamb?m nos ajudou a desenvolver algumas quest?es com os conceitos de apar?ncia e espa?o p?blico. Para entramar as narrativas em quest?o nos apoiamos em Jos? Valter Pereira (2000;2006 e 2010), Jorge Larrosa(1994; 2014), Walter Benjamin(1985), Leonor Arfuch (2010) e tamb?m Luciano Bedin da Costa(2010) . Sobre a vida e a obra do poeta, consultamos estudos bibliogr?ficos, documentos como jornais, revistas de cr?tica liter?ria do final do s?culo XIX etc., que, de alguma forma, relacionam-se com o problema pesquisado. Como narrativa dos alunos, consideramos o conjunto de textos e conversas que aconteceram dentro do espa?otempo escolar a partir de atividades ou situa??es que envolveram rela??es ?tnico-raciais. Al?m disso, assumimos aqui o desafio pol?tico de exercitar uma escrita ensa?stica a fim de problematizar a est?tica hegem?nica como caminho ?nico na produ??o do conhecimento.

Forma??o de professores e a lei 10.639/03: um di?logo poss?vel? / Teacher training and the Law 10.639/03: a possible dialogue?

MADALENY, Kelly Xavier 07 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-14T18:09:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Kelly Xavier Madaleny.pdf: 6302933 bytes, checksum: a169cd46a22e9b3fcd12ae047d411bee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-14T18:09:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Kelly Xavier Madaleny.pdf: 6302933 bytes, checksum: a169cd46a22e9b3fcd12ae047d411bee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-07 / This research topic grew out of my entry into public school as a teacher of the first segment, having just completed the course in pedagogy at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. From there I began to realize the gap between academia and teaching practice, which comes into being from the moment in which the teacher carries out its functions in everyday school life (Tardif, 2014). Over time there is a gap theory as it is the daily practice that directs their work in the classroom. When I took my position at Serop?dica Prefecture, was studying education for ?tnico-raciais Relations in PENESB, which made me realize that despite the existence of Law 10.639 / 03 amending LDBEN - Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education 9394/96 on Article 26, some teachers still do not have knowledge of it and others who know her say not knowing how implement it. According to my experiences lived in everyday school life, I realized how much this is traditionalist and prioritizing a particular culture, so there is a silencing that supports prejudice and discimina??o interfering in the socialization of children in school (Chevalier, 2012). The invisibility of the Other and its culture is present in everyday school life. In view of this, we intend to find grants that lead to reflection on teacher training and the knowledge that they "mobilized" to work in the classroom. And in the specific case of this study, to investigate the formation of education professionals who have graduated in UFRRJ - Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The theme chosen to develop this work aims to contribute elements to the debate of the issues surrounding teacher training and the application of Law 10.639 / 03, taking as a starting point also my academic background. / Este tema de pesquisa surgiu a partir da minha entrada na escola p?blica, como professora do primeiro segmento, logo ap?s ter conclu?do o curso de pedagogia na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. A partir da? comecei a perceber a dist?ncia existente entre a academia e pr?tica docente, que passa a existir a partir do momento em que o docente desenvolve suas fun??es no cotidiano escolar ( TARDIF, 2014). Com o passar do tempo h? um distanciamento da teoria, pois ? a pr?tica di?ria que direciona seu trabalho em sala de aula. Quando assumi meu cargo na prefeitura de Serop?dica, estava cursando Educa??o para as Rela??es ?tnico-raciais no PENESB, o que me possibilitou perceber que apesar da exist?ncia da Lei 10.639/03, que altera a LDBEN ? Lei de Diretrizes e Bases para a Educa??o Nacional 9.394/96 em seu artigo 26 A, alguns professores ainda n?o tem o conhecimento da mesma e outros que a conhece, diz n?o saber como implement?-la. De acordo com minhas experi?ncias vivenciadas no cotidiano escolar, percebi o quanto esta ? tradicionalista e que prioriza uma determinada cultura, por isso, h? um silenciamento que sustenta o preconceito e a discimina??o interferindo na socializa??o das crian?as na escola (CAVALLEIRO, 2012). A invisibilidade do Outro e de sua cultura est? presente no cotidiano escolar. Diante disto, pretendemos encontrar subs?dios que levem ? reflex?o sobre a forma??o dos professores e os saberes que estes ?mobilizam?para atuar em sala de aula. E no caso espec?fico deste trabalho, investigar a forma??o dos profissionais de educa??o que se formaram na UFRRJ ? Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. O tema escolhido para desenvolver este trabalho, tem por objetivo contribuir com elementos para o debate das quest?es que envolvem a forma??o de professores e a aplica??o da Lei 10.639/03, tendo como ponto de partida tamb?m a minha forma??o acad?mica.

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