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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Praxis pietatis as dieptedimensie van kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge

Pienaar, Jan Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n spiritualiteit te omskryf wat as die intensie en motivering vir kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge kan dien. Die handelingswetenskaplike benadering in die Praktiese Teologie word kortliks beskryf. Daar word aangetoon dat handelinge nie net eksistensiele gedrag is nie; handelinge het 'n onderliggende spiritualiteit as intensie en motivering. Verskillende perspektiewe op spiritualiteit word ondersoek. Die terme praxis pietatis word gekies om spiritualiteit te beskryf. Die skepping-herskepping tema word gebruik om 'n teologiese basis van praxis pietatis te omskryf. Die praxis is kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge wat as intensionele konkretisering van die imperatief moontlik gemaak is deur die indikatief van God se openbaring van Homself aan die mens. Deur die pietatis word die werklikheid van God se verlossing as eksistensiele kennis, deur die geloofsinoefening van die gelowige as nuwe mens - met die hoop op die opstanding - integrerend in die daaglikse lewe toegepas. / This study intends to describe a spirituality that can function as intention and motivation for communicative faith acts. The operational scientific approach to Practical Theology is discussed briefly. It is shown that acts are not only existential behaviour but has an underlying spirituality as intention and motivation. Different perspectives on spirituality are explored and the term praxis pietatis is chosen describe spirituality. The creation-recreation theme is used to define a theological basis for praxis pietatis. The praxis is intentional communicative acts that stem from the imperative. It is made possible by the indicative of the self-revelation of God to mankind. The redemption of God as existential knowledge is made possible by the exercising of faith by the new man. Through the pietatis this knowledge is integrated into the daily life - with the eye upon the resurrection. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Preek as kunsvorm / The sermon as an art form

Preller, Willem Petrus Lubbe 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die inhoud en vorm van 'n preek is 'n eenheid. Beide aspekte vorm deel van die teologiese teorie van die prediking. In hierdie studie word daar teoreties besin oor 'n bepaalde vorm van prediking. Dit behels 'n ondersoek na die literere vorm waarin die boodskap gestruktureer en verwoord word. Die Skrif bevat 'n verskeidenheid literere vorme wat deur Bybelskrywers aangewend is om die intensie van die teks effektief te kommunikeer. Elk van hierdie vorme besit 'n eiendomlike kommunikatiewe aard. Die ontwikkeling van die moderne literatuurwetenskap sedert die tagtigerjare van die twintigste eeu het stukrag verleen aan die insig dat die Bybel ook as 'n versameling godsdienstige literatuur bestudeer kan word. Dit het meegebring dat die intensie van die teks van die Bybel op 'n teologies verantwoordbare wyse, met inagneming van die historiese verbande, beter begryp kan word deur die gebruikmaking van insigte uit ander literatuur. As sodanig word erkende literere kunsvorme wat naas die logies-analitiese ook die emotiewe betrek, aanvaar. Die resultaat van hierdie ondersoek dui aan dat die preek as kunsvorm geevalueer en in die moderne preekteorie geregverdig kan word. Die proses van transformasie wat die moderne hermeneutiese benadering kenmerk; die veranderde beleweniswereld en verstaanshorison van die huidige hoorders asook die eiesoortige aard van Bybelse literatuur is vanuit 'n kommunikatiewe aanname in 'n kunsvorm binne die moderne homiletiese teorie haalbaar. Die teorie orienteer binne die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie as meta-teorie wat ingestel is op dialogiese kommunikasie wat betekenisgewing deur waarnemerbetrokkenheid bevorder en 'n bepaalde denkwyse by die hoorders tot gevolg het. Die tradisionele vorm van prediking, gekenmerk deur absolute dominasie van die rede en intellektualisme uit die modernistiese tydvak, het teen die einde van die tweede millennium in ernstige diskrediet gekom. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses met gepaardgaande paradigma verskuiwinge dwing die homiletiek om teoreties te herbesin. In hierdie studie word die preek as kunsvorm afgebaken tot die verhalende preekvorm, konseptueel ontwikkel en teoreties omskryf asook geplaas binne die moderne homiletiese teorie as komponent wat daarby pas. Die resultaat is verkry deur 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskaplike wesenstrekke wat voorkom by erkende kunsvorme in die moderne kunsteorie; die verhalende kunsvorm in die moderne literere teorie met spesifieke verwysing na die Afrikaanse roman asook die verhalende preekvorm in die moderne homiletiese teorie. Deur hierdie vorm van prediking in die moderne preekteorie op te neem, kan 'n sinvolle bydrae gemaak word om die Christelike boodskap deur oortuiging sander enige vorm van dwang te kommunikeer. / In a sermon form and content are one. Both aspects form part of the theological theory of preaching. This theoretical survey investigates one of the various literary forms through which the biblical writers attempted to communicate the intention of the biblical text in the most effective way. Each of these forms possesses a distinctive communicative character. The development of modern literary theory since the eighties of the twentieth century was a propulsive force leading to the conviction that the Bible was also a collection of religious literature. This conviction implied that the intention of the biblical text could be more clearly understood in a theological justified manner within the historical context by using insights gained from other literature. Acknowledged literary art forms adhering to the emotive as well as the logic-analytical are embraced as such. In this study the sermon as an art form is limited to narrative preaching, developed as a concept; theoretically described and placed within the modern homiletical theory as a suitable component. Results are obtained by means of a comparative study of mutual features that are distinctive to acknowledged art forms in the modern theory of art; narrative art forms in modern literature theory specifically in the modern Afrikaans novel, as well as the narrative form of preaching in the modern homiletical theory. The modern homiletical theory is orientated within the communicative acts theory as meta-theory focusing on dialogical communication which promotes meaning through the involvement of the observer. The conclusions reached indicate that the sermon as an art form can be evaluated and justified within the modem homiletical theory. Taken up in this theory, it can prove significant in communicating the Christian message to the listeners in a convincing rather than compulsive manner. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

Dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers liefde

Pretorius, Hendrik Erasmus Sterrenberg 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Wetenskap filosofiese en prakties teologiese posisionering word deur 'n postmoderne benadering bepaal. Met die doel van die studie naamlik, dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers, liefde, in die oog, volg 'n blik op kwalitatiewe navorsing. Sosiale konstruksie diskoers word as epistemologiese vertrekpunt bespreek. Metodologies het die keuse op 'n narratiewe benadering geval. Voortvloeiend hieruit volg die gebruik van metafore, eksternalisering en dekonstruksie van die gesprekke. Die doel van die studie vereis ook bestudering van verskeie sienings oor liefde. Die literatuurstudie word bespreek onder die volgende metafore, naamlik algemene sienings, 'n historiese oorsig en teologiese sienings. Die relevansie van die gekose inligting word weerspieel in die gesprekke. Met behulp van veelvuldige reflekterende gesprekke word saam met gesinne gekonstrueer aan 'n nuwe verstaan van liefde. / Both the Scientific Philosophical and the practical theological positioning are determined by a postmodemistic approach. Keeping in mind the aim of this study, namely the deconstruction of the theological discourse, iove, a view on qualitative research is given. A review of social construction discourse as epistemological starting point is given. Methodologically a narrative approach was used. Emanating from this follows the use of metaphors, externalization and deconstruction of the interviews. The aim of this study also demands the study of various views on love. The study is arranged under the following metaphors, namely general views, a historic review and theological views. The relevance of the chosen information is reflected in the interviews, and new understanding of love is constructed in collaboration with the families. / M.Th.(Practical theology)

Narrative pastoral therapy : being an Indian pastoral therapist to white counsellees

Singh, Laurance 11 1900 (has links)
For over four decades, segregation, as the master narrative in South Africa, favoured the development of whites as mental health workers and empowered them to research and write about the lives of people of colour, thus becoming the experts on their lives. In this project I do something in reverse by being an Indian pastoral therapist to white counsellees. The project describes a postmodern narrative approach and social construction epistemology and the application of these towards culturally sensitive and respectful ways of doing pastoral therapy. Important feedback from white counsellees on race, culture and spirituality enabled me to reflect on culturally sensitive ways of doing pastoral therapy in a multicultural post Apartheid South Africa. A narrative perspective also provided me with a voice to tell my own story in a way that was healing to me. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

An examination of the use made of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator by Anglican clergy in pastoral work

Smith, Roderick Henry 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the use made of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator in the pastoral work of Anglican Clergy. The practical theological focus of the study is reflection on praxis. Various theories of pastoral work are discussed. The history and development of the MBTI is given as well as the Jungian background to it. A qualitative research, grounded theory approach, is utilised. Interviews of 14 Anglican clergy generate the data for the research. The research questions are: "Why do Anglican clergy use the MBTI?"; "How do Anglican clergy use the MBTI?" The research findings show that Anglican clergy use the MBTI for the purpose of personal growth, clergy self-care, and understanding relationships. Anglican clergy attend workshops which encourage the application of MBTI insights in pastoral work. / Practical Theology / M Th. (Practical theology)

Funksionering van 'n missionêre geloofsgemeenskap / Operation of a life-transforming congregation

Jansen van Vuuren, Dawid Schalk 05 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk maak nie meer 'n impak op die samelewing van ons tyd nie. Beide statistiek en die landsomstandighede bewys onteenseglik hierdie stelling. Die situasie in Suid-Afrika is so benard dat die kerk nie onbetrokke kan bly nie. Die kerk is egter self kragteloos en kwynend. Die rede waarom die kerk nie 'n impak maak op mense nie, is <lat die kerk sy roeping verloor het. 'n Kerk wat sy roeping verloor het, het ook sy identiteit verloor. Die roeping van die kerk word bespreek aan die hand van die Matteus-evangelie. Gehoorsaarnheid t.o.v. haar roeping vra dat die kerk 'n manier vind om gesekulariseerde mense te evangeliseer en assimileer. 'n Historiese blik op die kerk wys uit dat ons tans op die drumpel van die grootste transformasie staan wat die kerk die afgelope 1600 jaar beleef het. Ons geslag is geroep om die kerk van die volgende paradigma gestalte te laat kry. Aan die hand van die sosioloog, Parsons, word uitgewys dat die huidige struktuur van die kerk waardevorming teewerk. 'n Meer effektiewe inrigting word deur die teorie uitgewys. Die identiteit van die kerk en verhoudinge in die kerk meet baie ernstiger opgeneem word. Die tyd van die kerk as instituut is verby. Die kerk sal maksimum impak op mense buite die kerk he wanneer die kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia en diakonia gebalanseerd funksioneer. Drie prosesse moet op die missionere front van die geloofsgemeenskap in sinvolle samehang funksioneer ten einde gesekulariseerde mense te bereik. Dit is diens aan die gemeenskap, 'n dialoog-geleentheid, en 'n duidelik omlynde proses waardeur gewillige buitestaanders deel word van die huisgesin van die geloof en Koninkrykswaardes gevestig word. Die sentrale stelling van hierdie studie is dat 'n geloofsgemeenskap wat gesond en gebalanseerd funksioneer 'n positiewe transformerende invloed op mense uitoefen, wat ook na hulle waardes deurwerk. / The Church no longer has any significant impact on society. An analysis of the Church morally and statistically confirms this. The situation in South Africa is so critical, that the Church cannot afford to remain detached and uninvolved. An explanation for this lack of impact, is that the Church has lost its identity. Its loss of a sense of call and purpose is argued from the Gospel of Matthew. In order to rediscover its call, the Church must find a way to evangelise and assimilate secular people. A historical analysis reveals that the Church is on the brink of the greatest transformation in 1600 years. Our generation is called upon to shape the new Church paradigm. The present structure of the institutional Church nullifies the attempt to instil its moral values. Parson's sociological theory confirms this and proposes a more effective paradigm, where the identity of the Church and the importance of relationships are underscored. It is only when the Church balances kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia and diakonia that she effectively impacts on secular men and women. Three processes need to be held in tension in this evangelical endeavour of the faith community. These include ministry to the commtinity; an interactional dialogue; and a process of assimilation and value formation, culminating in a sense of belonging to the household of faith. The central thesis holds that a balanced and healthy community of faith, effects a positive transforming influence and leads to a change of values. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Respiritualisierung als Chance und Herausforderung für die Kirchen in Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert / Respiritualization as a chance and challenge for the churches in Germany in the 21st century

Micic, Michael 06 1900 (has links)
German text / Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts markiert der zeitliche Wendepunkt gleichzeitig einen kirchlichen Krisenpunkt. Die sinkende Zahl der Gottesdienstbesucher sowie der stetige Rückgang der Kirchenmitgliedschaften verdeutlichen die fehlende Bindekraft der Kirchen in Deutschland. Dieses zurückgehende Interesse an institutioneller Religiosität steht in scharfem Kontrast zu dem zu beobachtenden Interessenanstieg an spirituellen Themen und Angeboten. In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wird dieses scheinbare Paradoxon untersucht und darüber hinaus erörtert, in welcher Form die Kirchen der Nachfrage nach Sinn und Spiritualität mittels der Rückgewinnung ihrer eigenen spirituellen, mystischen Dimension begegnen können. Dabei geht es unter Berücksichtigung des voranschreitenden komplexen Prozesses weltweit enger werdender Verflech-tungen und umfassender Strukturumbrüche konkret darum, die Chancen und Herausforderungen einer Respiritualisierung der Kirchen zu beleuchten. Darüber hinaus werden Handlungsempfehlungen für eine geistliche Erneuerung der kirchlichen Praxis in Betracht gezogen. / The beginning of the 21st century marked not only a turning point in time but also a crisis point for churches. The decrease in church attendance and the steady decline in church membership demonstrate the lack of the churches’ bonding power in Germany. This declining interest in institutional religion stands in sharp contrast to a noticeable increasing interest in spiritual issues and offers. The research presented here examines this seeming paradox and also discusses how churches can meet the demand for meaning and spirituality by reclaiming their own spiritual, mystical dimension. In considering the increasingly complex processes of global interdependence and major structural changes, this dissertation aims to examine the opportunities and challenges of a re-spiritualization of the churches. In addition, recommendations for a spiritual renewal of church practices are considered. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Evaluating contemporary Protestant missions to children at risk in South India : investigating foundations and principles for future Christian mission

Phillips, Dhinakaran Robert Jaba Prasad January 2018 (has links)
The 2011 Indian Census indicates that children under the age of 18 constitute more than 400 million, and most of them are Children at Risk (CAR). This study suggests that the care and protection of children at risk is not a twentieth- or twenty-first-century secular enterprise but has precedents in Protestant missions in India from the late eighteenth century. In the first section, the study focuses on evaluating contemporary Protestant mission contexts in India and a brief historical survey of Protestant missions to CAR in India through case studies. The evaluation concentrates on the implications of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) for the predominant Protestant models of mission in contemporary India - which may be summarised as child evangelism, child compassion and child advocacy. The thesis argues that child care and protection is increasingly becoming secularised and professionalised. Moreover, with the emergence of new laws and with increasing, vigilance from international and national agencies, and from Hindu fundamentalists, Christian mission to CAR is itself at risk. Under these circumstances, the study also investigates whether there is a transition from ideas of 'saving' CAR to ideas of protecting the human rights of CAR. In the second section, this hypothesis is further substantiated by case studies of select Protestant churches and Christian NGOs engaging with CAR in the cities of Bangalore and Chennai. Using empirical data, it then claims that the predominant Protestant approaches of evangelism, compassion, and advocacy are still underdeveloped and inadequate primarily because the majority of caregivers working with children still perceive CAR as objects of their mission - an assumption that may be contrary to UNCRC (Articles 14 and 30). Further, it argues that the churches and agencies most active among CAR are from a 'conservative' background, who are often exclusively 'spiritual' and otherworldly in their concerns. The final and most constructive section, based on the evaluations of the empirical data, seeks to recommend a preliminary theology of mission in and through the idea of 'childness' based on Matthew 18: 2-5, an idea developed by Adrian Thatcher in the context of a theology of child participation. Based on these foundations, it suggests that UNCRC can be integrated as a set of principles for contemporary Christian missions with CAR in South India through a missiological process called 'dialogue,' emerging from a pluralistic Indian context. It further proposes that adults and children are to be perceived not as either independent (liberational) or dependent (paternalistic) agencies, but as interdependent agencies working together in God's mission. This thesis finally proposes basic principles for Christian mission to/for/with CAR - a multi-dimensional approach integrating CAR as subjects of God's mission and not just as objects.

Eigenverantwortlichkeit in der Individualpsychologie Alfred Adlers untersucht für die Verantwortungsseelsorge des TS-Institutes, Neuendettelsau in Deutschland

Hubner, Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Summary in German and English / This paper examines responsibility in the counselling field as practised in therapeutic counselling at the TS Institute in Neuendettelsau with the help of the applied individual psychology of Alfred Adler. Against the background of the historical development of poimenics and the correlational approach of Paul Tillich, it will prove that counselling can benefit from psychology. The main elements of the paper then deal with the question of whether the personal responsibility of the individual is suitable as the basis of individual psychology in Christian counselling. The definition of and thinking behind responsibility have changed: Behind the apparently ethical and noble pretence of bearing self-responsibility, ‘personal responsibility’, which requires interaction between oneself and the other, pales. Due to advancing individualism, people seem to feel overloaded and seek relief in determinative or ‘causalmechanistic’ thinking. In contrast, Adler largely distanced himself from determinism in his ‘applied psychology’. The basis of his thinking is evidenced in a conclusion on his philosophical research into Husserl and Vaihinger, as well as those he draws from the teaching of psychoanalysis and evolution. The theological debates surrounding the change in self-responsibility focus on the definitions of the ethics of conviction and responsibility introduced into the discussion by Max Weber. Whilst Adler did not intend to consciously integrate Christian thinking into his therapy, this study shows that, against the background of Genesis 2 and the theologians Bonhoeffer, Pannenberg and Brunner, it demonstrates a clear analogy with biblical- Christian thinking. Personal responsibility can therefore be regarded as suitable for the poimenics in applied individual psychology. This is demonstrated by examples of responsibility counselling in today’s penal system. / Diese Arbeit untersucht die Verantwortung in der Seelsorge, wie sie in der Therapeutischen Seelsorge des TS-Institutes Neuendettelsau mithilfe der angewandten Individualpsychologie Alfred Adlers praktiziert wird. Auf dem Hintergrund der geschichtlichen Entwicklung der Poimenik wird mithilfe des korrelationalen Ansatzes Paul Tillichs belegt, dass Seelsorge von der Psychologie profitieren kann. Die Hauptteile der Arbeit befassen sich dann mit der Frage, ob die Eigenverantwortung des Individuums als Basis der Individualpsychologie für die christliche Seelsorge geeignet ist. Begriff und Verständnis von Verantwortung haben sich gewandelt: Unter dem scheinbar ethisch edlen Vorwand „Selbstverantwortung“ zu tragen, verblasst die Eigenverantwortung, die wesenhaft einem Du die Antwort schuldet. Infolge fortschreitendem Individualismus scheint der Mensch sich überfordert zu fühlen und sich mithilfe determinierenden oder kausalmechanistischen Denkens zu entlasten. Im Kontrast dazu ist Adler in seiner Gebrauchspsychologie weitgehend vom Determinismus abgerückt. Die Grundlagen seines Denkens werden nachgewiesen in einer Konklusion seiner philosophischen Forschungen über Husserl und Vaihinger, seinen Schlüssen aus den Lehren der Psychoanalyse und der Evolution. Die Theologischen Auseinandersetzungen um die Veränderung eigenverantwortlichen Handelns fokussieren die von Max Weber in die Diskussion eingebrachten Begriffe der Gesinnungs- und Verantwortungsethik. Obwohl Adler nicht bewusst christliches Denken in seine Therapie integrieren wollte, wird auf diesem Hintergrund mit Genesis 2 und den Theologen Bonhoeffer, Pannenberg und Brunner ganzheitliche Verantwortung deutlich und eine Nähe zu biblisch-christlichem Denken aufgezeigt. Damit kann die Eigenverantwortung in der angewandten Individualpsychologie für die Poimenik als geeignet gelten. Dies wird an Beispielen der Verantwortungsseelsorge im aktuellen Vollzug dargestellt. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Contribution de l’éthique théologique du caractère à l’accompagnement pastoral des jeunes adultes

N Butrus, Badeea 12 1900 (has links)
Ce projet doctoral cherche à élaborer une approche éthique d’accompagnement des jeunes adultes (20-35 ans) en milieu pastoral. Prenant son point de départ dans la méthode praxéologique, il déploie une observation de la pratique d’un certain type d’accompagnement pastoral, puis réfléchit sur des traits de la jeunesse actuelle, surtout québécoise. Bien que cherchant à affirmer leur autonomie, les jeunes qui consultent ponctuellement un prêtre cherchent souvent des réponses à leurs dilemmes moraux. La thèse s’inspire des théoéthiciens nord-américains, Stanley Hauerwas et Craig Dykstra pour dépasser la préoccupation du « quoi faire ». En effet, ces auteurs principaux de la thèse se centrent sur la personne, la réalisation de son soi et le type d’homme ou de femme qu’elle veut être. L’accent est donc mis sur l’être, la totalité de la personne, et non seulement sur le faire. Une surenchère de l’importance du « faire » et de l’« action » renvoie à la fois à notre société post-technologique, centrée sur la productivité de la personne et à une morale catholique prescriptive. Néanmoins, l’éthique du caractère propose un chemin de conversion de la question de savoir « quoi faire » dans celle de savoir « comment vivre ». Sur le plan théologique, elle recentre et réinterprète des aspects essentiels du christianisme, soit les récits, la tradition comme histoire, communauté et imagination. Cette approche revitalise le paysage éthique et le style d’accompagnement pastoral auprès des jeunes adultes. En tant que prêtre catholique souvent consulté par des gens de cette catégorie d’âge (20-35 ans), notre projet de thèse se veut inspirateur d’une nouvelle pratique d’accompagnement éthico-pastoral. / This doctoral project aims to develop an ethical approach of accompaniment of young adults (20-35 years) in pastoral milieu. Adopting its starting point in the "praxeologic" method, it observes first a certain type of practice in pastoral accompaniment, and then reflects upon some features of young of present times, especially young Quebecers. Although looking for affirmation of their freedom, the young who punctually seek advice from a priest, are often in search of answers to their moral dilemma. It draws on American theologians and moralists, Stanley Hauerwas and Craig Dykstra in order to surpass the concern about "what to do". In effect, these principal authors of the thesis focus on the person, the realization of his self and the type of man or woman he/she wants to be. The emphasis is then put on the issue of being and not just on doing. An escalation of the importance of "doing" and "action" refers to both our post-technological society, focusing on the productivity of the individual, and a Catholic prescriptive moral. However, the ethics of character offers a path of conversion of knowing "what to do" to knowing "how to live". On theological level, it refocuses and reinterprets essential aspects of Christianity, namely stories, tradition as history, community and imagination. This is a new approach that revitalizes the ethic landscape and pastoral accompaniment style of young adults. As a Catholic priest often consulted by people in this age group (20-35 years), my thesis project seeks inspiration for a new practice of ethical and pastoral accompaniment.

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