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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utenos rajono ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijų raiška švietimo kaitos kontekste / Expression of the competences of to-school and pre-school pedagogues of Utena region in the context of education change

Žilėnienė, Jadvyga 07 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of survey is determined by the fact, that in Lithuania it is discussing a lot about the education change, the competences of pedagogues, but it was not analyzed how the pedagogues of to-school and pre-school educational institutions understand the professional competences, how they evaluate them, what is self-reflection of their professional competences. In the theoretical point of view this work will encourage to go deeper to the expression of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school education pedagogues and the needs and possibilities of their perfection. The purpose of work – is through the opening of the comprehension of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school pedagogues of educational institutions to highlight their structure and alternation in the context of educational change. 135 to-school and pre-school education pedagogues took part in the survey. The results of the survey represented, that the analysis of the opinions of to-school and pre-school education pedagogues about the importance of professional competences showed, that their role in the educational practice is not of equal value. As the most important competences were noted these of methodical, organising and planning. The results of different empirical investigation showed, that there is a relation between the point of view of the pedagogues about the importance of competence and their self-reflection. In the context of educational change is emerging... [to full text]

Komandinio darbo valdymas ikimokyklinėse įstaigose / Teamwork control at pre-school institutions

Stulgaitienė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti esamą komandinio darbo valdymo būklę Vilniaus ikimokyklinėse įstaigose ir parengti rekomendacijas komandiniam darbui tobulinti. Magistro darbe išanalizuota ir susisteminta Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių mokslinė, vadybinė literatūra, apžvelgti komandų vadybinių gebėjimų, vadovo funkcijų kaitos sąlygomis teoriniai aspektai, atskleista šiandieninė situacija ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, įvertinta komandinio darbo valdymo būklė, pateiktas ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų požiūris į komandinį darbą, atlikta su komanda dirbančio vadovo reikalingiausių savybių išsami analizė. Iš dalies patvirtinta tyrimo metu iškelta hipotezė, kad ikimokyklinėse įstaigose formuojasi nauja vadybinio profesionalumo ir vadybinės kultūros samprata. Šiandieninėse ikimokyklinėse įstaigose siekiama kurti komandas, 93 proc. vadovų ir 84 proc. pedagogų gerai įvertina komandinio darbo efektyvumą. Darbui komandoje juos labiausiai motyvuoja įgyvendinti įstaigos tikslus. Antrosios hipotezės teiginys, kad ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovai pakankamai gerai susipažinę su komandinio darbo valdymu ir taiko jį praktinėje veikloje, nepasitvirtino. Pažvelgus į dabartinę situaciją ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, atsiskleidžia komandinio darbo valdymo trūkumai: daugiau nei pusėje ikimokyklinių įstaigų nėra sukurtos aiškios vizijos, nepriimami bendri sprendimai, įstaigos siekiai nėra paremti bendradarbiavimu, neįvertinamas darbuotojų dalyvavimas įstaigos valdyme, dvipusės komunikacijos svarba. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Teamwork control at pre-school institutions The purpose of the present thesis is to determine current conditions of teamwork control at pre-school institutions in Vilnius and to work out recommendations for the elaboration of teamwork procedures. The thesis offers a systematised analysis of scientific literature on management by Lithuanian and foreign authors. It studies the theoretical aspects of teams’ managerial qualities under the changing conditions of leader’s functions revealing the present-day situation at pre-school institutions. Moreover, it gives an assessment of the condition of teamwork control showing the views held by the heads and the teachers at pre-school institutions on teamwork. It also provides an exhaustive analysis of the qualities indispensable to a team leader. Hypothesis that a new notion of managerial professionalism and managerial culture is developing at pre-school institutions was corroborated to a degree. 93 per cent of leaders and 84 per cent of teachers rated the effectivity of teamwork as “good”. The chief motive for working in team turned out to be the chance to implement the goals set by a relevant institution. The findings failed to corroborate the second hypothesis saying that pre-school leaders are sufficiently acquainted with teamwork control and that they use it in practice. A survey of the current situation at pre-school institutions indicates the following shortcomings, namely more than a half of pre-school institutions have not... [to full text]

Socialinė pedagoginė pagalba ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų elgesį / Social pedagogical assistance in educating pre-school age children

Rašimienė, Virginija 07 August 2012 (has links)
Elgesio problemos vaikystėje kelia sunkumų ir pačiam vaikui, ir šeimai, ir darželio auklėtojoms, ir vaiko bendraamžiams. Atsižvelgiant į įvairius amžiaus tarpsnius, ikimokykliniame amžiuje vaikai yra agresyviausi. Didžioji dalis vaikus auginusių šeimų ar darželio auklėtojų gali pateikti daug pavyzdžių, kai tam tikros vaikų elgesio problemos buvo laikinos – atsirado ir, vaikui augant, praėjo. Vaiko pažintinė, socialinė ir emocinė raida ikimokykliniame amžiuje yra labai sparti, todėl dažnai tolimesnis vaiko vystymasis gali ir sustiprinti, ir sušvelninti nepageidaujamą vaiko elgesį. Tačiau mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad vaikystėje atsiradę elgesio sunkumai labai dažnai numato sunkumus ar netgi sutrikimus paauglystėje ar jau vaikui suaugus. Todėl ypač svarbu atpažinti, įvertinti ir kuo skubiau įveikti vaiko bei visos šeimos gyvenimą trikdančias elgesio problemas. Ikimokyklinis vaikų amžius - 3-5 gyvenimo metai – yra ypatingas. Šiuo gyvenimo tarpsniu jie pradeda pasitikėti kitais žmonėmis, esančiais už šeimos ribų; įgauna nepriklausomybės ir savikontrolės, mokosi perimti iniciatyvą ir įsitvirtinti socialiai priimtinais būdais. Baigiamojo magistro tikslui pasiekti, iškelti tokie uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų harmoningo elgesio raišką; 2. Atskleisti socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos poreikį, ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų harmoningą elgesį; 3. Nustatyti taisyklių reikšmę vaiko harmoningam elgesiui šeimoje ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Behavior problems in childhood cause trouble to children, their family members, nurseries and peers. Considering different ages, children of pre-school age tend to be the most aggressive. Timely and relevant assistance of a specialist helps to avoid unwanted consequences of behavior, sets up foundation for successful development of personality. Harmonious behavior – is considered to be sustainable behavior when a child feels calm emotionally and treats others according to behavior norms accepted in the society. The majority of families who raised children or nurseries may recall a number of instances when particular children’s behavior problems were temporary: problems occurred and children outgrew them. Cognitive, social and emotional development in pre-school age is rapid; therefore, further development of children may influence unwanted children’s behavior not in only in a positive but in a negative way as well. However, research suggests that behavior problems that occurred in childhood usually result in troubles and even disorders in teen-age stage or when children become adults. Accordingly, it is very important to recognize, consider and immediately tackle the behavior problems affecting children’s and their family lives. Pre-school age, i.e. 3-5 years, is special. At this age they start building up trust in other people outside the family, gain independence and self-control, learn take on the initiative and establish a position in socially acceptable ways. ... [to full text]

Žaidimo taikymas ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinius įgūdžius / Game application of pre-school age children’s social skills

Legačinskienė, Loreta 12 June 2013 (has links)
Žaidimas – svarbi ikimokyklinuko veikla, kurioje išryškėja asmeninės vaiko savybės, susijusios su socialinių įgūdžių įgijimu, meistriškumu, vaizduote, proto lankstumu, kurios suteikia pasirinkimo laisvę. Žaisdamas ir fantazuodamas vaikas išmėgina įvairius elgesio būdus, kokie realiame jo gyvenime neįmanomi, formuojasi elgesio normas ir dorovines vertybes, mokosi priimti sprendimus vienas ir taikytis prie bendraamžių ir suaugusiųjų nuomonių. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti žaidimo taikymo galimybes ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymui. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikta mokslinės literatūros analizė nagrinėjama tema. Aptarta kompetencijos samprata, socialinės kompetencijos ir socialinių įgūdžių svarba vaiko asmenybei. Išanalizuoti vaikų žaidimai, jų ypatumai. Atskleista žaidimų įtaka vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymui(si). Praktinėje darbo dalyje pristatyti ir išanalizuoti atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrime anketinės apklausos metodu apklausta 114 respondentų: 57 ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogai ir 57 ugdytinių tėvai. Tyrime gauti rezultatai leido padaryti tokias išvadas: Tiek pedagogai, tiek tėvai teigiamai suvokia žaidimą, kaip socialinių vaiko įgūdžių ugdymo instrumentą, nes tik sąveikaudamas su kitais, jis mokosi gyventi, veikti šalia kitų, kartu su kitais; Socialinius vaikų įgūdžius reikia pradėti ugdyti vaikystėje šeimoje ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje. Socialinių įgūdžių ugdymui geriausiai tinka vaidmeniniai / siužetiniai žaidimai, padedantys tyrinėti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Game is an important preschooler activity, which highlights the personal characteristics of the child in relation to the acquisition of social skills, craftsmanship, imagination, mental flexibility, which allows freedom of choice. When playing and fantasizing, child to tries the different behaviors, which in real life it is not possible, the emergence of behavioral norms and moral values, learning to decide alone and to conform to the opinions of peers and adults. The goal of this work is to explore the possibilities of the game for education of social skills of the preschoolers. In the theoretical part the scientific literature is being analyzed according to the main topic; discussed the concept of competence, social competence and social skills, the importance of the child's personality; analysis of children's games, their peculiarities; revealed the influence of the games for children's social skills. In the practical part of the work are presented and analyzed the survey results. The survey questionnaire method surveyed 114 respondents: 57 preschool teachers and 57 pupils' parents. The results got after the survey leads to these conclusions: Both teachers and parents presume a positive perception of the game as the child's social skills instrument, because only interacting with others, he learns to live, to operate side by side, along with others; The social skills of children need to start to develop in childhood in the family and pre-school. Social skills... [to full text]

Požiūrių į ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybę įvairovė / The variety of attitudes towards the quality of pre-school teachers‘ activity

Kosjanenkienė, Loreta 08 June 2012 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės ikimokyklinės įstaigos siekia teikti kokybiško ugdymo paslaugas ir tenkinti vaikų, tėvų poreikius. Tačiau ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogo veiklos kokybės suvokimas gali būti skirtingas, nes kiekvienas ugdymo dalyvis-pedagogas, ugdytinis ir jo tėvai- tai vertina savaip (Valiuškevičiūtė ir kt., 2008). Tyrimo problema: Ikimokyklinės įstaigos ugdytinių tėvų ir pedagogų nuomonės dėl ugdymo paslaugų kokybė ne visada sutampa dėl informavimo stokos ar skirtingų požiūrių. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų teikiamos paslaugos ne visada atitinka ugdytinių tėvų lūkesčius. Todėl kyla probleminiai klausimai- kokia ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybės samprata ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos bendruomenės požiūriu? Kaip tenkina ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybė ugdytinių ir jų tėvų poreikius? Tyrimo tikslas – pateikti požiūrių į ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybę įvairovę. Darbe analizuojama, kaip, remiantis ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklą reglamentuojančiais dokumentais, apibrėžiama ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybės samprata, kokie kriterijai apibūdina ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybę. Empirinio tyrimo metu atskleista ugdytinių tėvų, ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir ikimokyklinio amžiaus (5-6m.)vaikų požiūrių į ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų veiklos kokybę įvairovė, įvertinta šių požiūrių dermė, išskirti sutampantys požiūriai. Darbe naudojami metodai: - Mokslinės literatūros bei švietimo dokumentų analizė; - Pusiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modern pre-school institutions seek to provide high-quality educational services and meet the needs of both parents and children. However the perception of quality of pre-school teachers‘ activity may be different because each participant in educational process - educator, learner and his/her parents value it differently (Valiuškevičiūtė and others, 2008). Research problem: The opinions of the learners‘ parents and educators of pre-school educational institutions on the quality of educational services sometimes differ for the lack of information or different attitudes. The services provided by pre-school educational institutions do not always satisfy the expectations of learners‘ parents. Therefore problematic issues arise – what is the conception of the activity quality of teachers at pre-school educational institutions according to the community of pre-school educational institutions? How do the needs of learners and their parents are satisfied by the quality of teachers‘ activity of pre-school educational institutions? Research aim – to submit the variety of attitudes towards the quality of pre-school teachers‘ activity. The thesis analyses, the way how the concept of the quality of pre-school teachers‘ activity is determined on the basis of documents regulating the pre-school teachers‘ activity and the criteria that describe the quality of pre-school teachers‘ activity. Empirical research revealed the variety of attitudes of learners‘ parents, pre-school teachers and... [to full text]

Naturvetenskap i förskolans vardag : Pedagogers och barns syn på möjligheterna att upptäcka naturvetenskap / Science studies in pre-school activities : Teacher’s and children's views on the possibilities of discovering science

Karlsson, Helena, Alfredsson, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
According to the literature there are different ways to describe science. The work with science in pre-school is often to allow the children to experiment and explore various phenomena and hypotheses. The environment and the material is an important part in the discovery of science. The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher’s views and children's ideas about science in pre-school every-day. And we will also study the environment, the material and the teacher’s opportunities to contribute to discoveries and continued interest in science. The study was carried out in six pre-school, through interviews with children and teachers, as well as gathering of facts. The results showed that the most common discoveries in science in pre-schools were about animals, plants and water. Teachers believe that the key factors to examine science are the environment, the material available on pre-school and other environments such as forest and park. / Enligt litteraturen finns det olika sätt att beskriva naturvetenskap. Arbetet med naturvetenskap på förskolan handlar ofta om att låta barnen experimentera och undersöka olika fenomen och hypoteser. Miljön och materialet är en viktig del i upptäckandet av naturvetenskap. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka pedagogernas syn och barnens tankar kring naturvetenskap i förskolans vardag. Dessutom syftar arbetet på att granska miljön, materialet och pedagogernas möjligheter att bidra till upptäckter och fortsatt intresse inom naturvetenskap. Undersökningen har gjorts på sex olika förskolor, genom intervjuer med barn och pedagoger, samt faktainsamling. Resultatet visade att de vanligaste upptäckterna inom naturvetenskap på förskolorna handlade om djur, växter och vatten. Pedagogerna anser att viktiga faktorer för att undersöka naturvetenskap är miljön och materialet som finns på förskolan, samt andra miljöer som skog och park.

Die kennis en houding van kleuterskoolpersoneel rakende die seksuele misbruik van kleuters en die aanmelding daarvan / Annamarie van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Annamarie January 2012 (has links)
Pre-school children often spend the most part of the day at a pre-primary school or a day care centre. Pre-school children sometimes make the first statement of sexual abuse to a pre-school teacher. Due to this phenomenon it is important that pre-school personnel are knowledgeable about basic information in connection with sexual abuse of the pre-school child and the reporting of the abuse. A positive attitude toward the protection of children against sexual abuse and the willingness to get involved in the reporting of sexual abuse or the suspicion there of, will guarantee that the best interest of the pre-school child is served. Die purpose of the research was to ascertain the knowledge and attitude of pre-school personnel toward sexual abuse of pre-school children and the reporting there of, to determine whether pre-school personnel act in the best interest of pre-school children. The research followed a quantitative approach. 13 Pre-primary schools took part in the research and 70 pre-school personnel completed the questionnaires. The questionnaires were completed in the participants own time. The findings clearly showed that pre-school personnel who were involved in the research did not have sufficient knowledge, nor a desirable attitude toward sexual abuse of the pre-school child and the reporting thereof. A need for training in this field can be concluded from the findings. / Thesis (MSW (Forensic))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Die kennis en houding van kleuterskoolpersoneel rakende die seksuele misbruik van kleuters en die aanmelding daarvan / Annamarie van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Annamarie January 2012 (has links)
Pre-school children often spend the most part of the day at a pre-primary school or a day care centre. Pre-school children sometimes make the first statement of sexual abuse to a pre-school teacher. Due to this phenomenon it is important that pre-school personnel are knowledgeable about basic information in connection with sexual abuse of the pre-school child and the reporting of the abuse. A positive attitude toward the protection of children against sexual abuse and the willingness to get involved in the reporting of sexual abuse or the suspicion there of, will guarantee that the best interest of the pre-school child is served. Die purpose of the research was to ascertain the knowledge and attitude of pre-school personnel toward sexual abuse of pre-school children and the reporting there of, to determine whether pre-school personnel act in the best interest of pre-school children. The research followed a quantitative approach. 13 Pre-primary schools took part in the research and 70 pre-school personnel completed the questionnaires. The questionnaires were completed in the participants own time. The findings clearly showed that pre-school personnel who were involved in the research did not have sufficient knowledge, nor a desirable attitude toward sexual abuse of the pre-school child and the reporting thereof. A need for training in this field can be concluded from the findings. / Thesis (MSW (Forensic))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Mobbning i förskolan : En studie om förskolepedagogers definitioner av begreppet mobbning / Bullying in pre-school : A study about pre-school teachers definitions of bullying

Gustafsson, Albert January 2014 (has links)
Bullying is something that is often times talked about in relation to school, in spite of that it's still something that is a very common problem. It is also rarely ever clearly defined, and is subject to a heap of different definitions. In order to prevent something, we must first understand it, and therefore define it. With that the purpose of this study is to examine swedish preschool-teachers definitions of bullying. How do they define bullying? Do their definitions differ from one another? The investigation was qualitative and used qualitative interview methods to interview four pre-school teachers about their deifnitions of bullying. These interviews were analyzed through conceptual history and hermeneutics. The conclusion of the study was that the interviewed pre-school teachers definitions were quite weak and rather poorly defined. Their definitions also differed quite a bit from each other, concluding that there's no clear definition of what bullying is in pre-school.

Förskolans inverkan på en sund livsstil : Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet och kost

Pihl, Susanna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the pre-school staff relate to physical activity and food and how children are inspired to a healthy lifestyle. The questions focus on how pre-school staff think and work with these issues. The material for the study consisted of qualitative interviews, which I have made with staff at six pre-schools in the Stockholm area. For analysis of the results, I have used discourse analysis and concepts of meaning-making, balance of power and normality. The results have shown that the majority of pre-school staff has a great interest and commitment of physical activity and healthy food both for themselves and the work in pre-school. They think of the importance for the future. Pre-school staff points out the importance of a varied diet including much vegetables. They use the pedagogic meal to inspire and give children a positive relationship to eating and to acquire new tastes. The pre-school staff sees physical activity as both everyday motion and more sporting activities. They emphasize the importance of children practice their gross motor ability. On the most pre-schools are excursions, like walking in the woods or walking to playgrounds, occurring regularly. Both in terms of food and physical activity the pre-school staff tries to create meaning and motivation for children to create healthy habits. In my analysis, it appears that pre-school staff follows the society's established norms. They references and relies on steering documents for pre-schools in their narration.

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