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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų prieinamumas mieste ir kaime / Master’s paper on pre-school education services’ accessibility in city and countryside

Kamendulytė, Rima 20 January 2009 (has links)
Vaikų teisių apsaugos magistro darbo tema aktuali, nes šiandien ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugos Lietuvoje yra nevienodai prieinamos miesto ir kaimo gyventojams. Ikimokyklinės ugdymo institucijos rengia naujas ugdymo programas, kurių turinys turi užtikrinti ugdymo proceso kokybę. Iškyla probleminis darbo klausimas, kaip ugdymo turinys ugdymo procese atliepia šiuolaikinio vaiko poreikius, kaip užtikrinama ugdymo kokybė? Tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų prieinamumo kokybinė raiška. Iškeltas darbo tikslas – atskleisti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų prieinamumo kokybę mieste ir kaime, tiriant 5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų kompetencijas. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą, iškelti uždaviniai: išanalizuoti ikimokyklinio ugdymo politikos kryptis ir teorinius aspektus Lietuvoje; išanalizuoti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų prieinamumą bei kokybę mieste ir kaime; palyginti 5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų, ugdomų ikimokyklinėse įstaigose gebėjimų lygmenį, šeimoje ir institucijoje pagal kompetencijas; apibendrinti ikimokyklinio ugdymo prieinamumo kokybę, vertinant 5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų įgūdžius ir gebėjimus. Šiems uždaviniams įgyvendinti 2008 metų rudenį atliktas tyrimas, kuris grindžiamas humanistine filosofine ugdymo kryptimi, kuri pabrėžia vaiko saviraiškos galimybių svarbą ugdymo procese. Empirinio tyrimo įgyvendinimui pasirinkta kokybinė tyrimų metodologija, naudojant tėvų ir pedagogų anketinę apklausą. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad kokybiškos ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugos labiau prieinamos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays pre-school education services are not equally accessible in city and countryside in Lithuania, therefore, the topic related with protection of children rights covered in this Master paper is relevant. Pre-school organizations prepare new curricula, whose content should ensure educational process’ quality. Here the question should be posed – in what way are modern children’s needs reflected in the educational process; in what way is the quality of education guaranteed? The subject of analysis is quality’s expression of pre-school education services’ accessibility. The paper’s main aim is to reveal the quality of pre-school education services’ accessibility in city and countryside investigating competencies of 5-6 year old children. To achieve this aim the following objectives are: to investigate the guidelines and theoretical aspects of pre-school education policy; investigate accessibility and its quality of pre-school education services in city and countryside; compare the abilities’ level in organization and family of 5-6 year old children who are educated in pre-school organizations; review the quality of pre-school education services’ accessibility comparing the abilities and skills of 5-6 year old children. To achieve the above mentioned objectives the investigation was carried out in autumn of 2008. The investigation was substantiated by humanistic philosophy education’s guideline emphasising relevance of child’s self-expression in educational process. To carry... [to full text]

Um estudo longitudinal de trajetórias de desempenho escolar / A longitudinal study of school performances trajectories

Pizato, Elaine Cristina Gardinal 28 October 2010 (has links)
O ensino fundamental é a fase da construção de novas amizades e desenvolvimento de habilidades acadêmicas específicas. Desde que a criança ingressa no primeiro ano, está exposta a um universo novo, onde lhe são colocadas regras e responsabilidades além daquelas vivenciadas na educação infantil. Todos esses desafios requerem um repertório prévio para o enfrentamento, que a passagem pela educação infantil pode ajudar a construir. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi investigar o impacto da freqüência à educação infantil (EI) sobre alguns indicadores de adaptação da criança no ensino fundamental, bem como verificar possíveis efeitos compensadores da freqüência ao ensino fundamental nas diferenças eventualmente observadas no início do terceiro ano. Como preditores de resultados acadêmicos, foram incluídas na pesquisa, além da variável frequência na EI, as seguintes variáveis: (a) da criança - potencial cognitivo, habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento, autoconceito e nível de estresse escolar; (b) do contexto - envolvimento de um membro adulto da família na vida escolar da criança. A amostra foi composta por 294 participantes de ambos os sexos, estudantes das cinco escolas públicas de ensino fundamental de um município do Estado de SP com aproximadamente 23.000 habitantes. Os participantes foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo 0 - alunos sem acesso prévio à EI; Grupo 1 alunos com um ano de EI; Grupo 2 alunos com dois anos na EI. As crianças foram avaliadas em três etapas: 3º, 4º e 5º ano do ensino fundamental. Os professores também participaram como informantes nestas três etapas. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Raven; TDE (Teste de Desempenho Escolar); Avaliação Pedagógica coletiva; Self Description Questionnaire (SDQ 1); Self Perception Profile for Children (SPPC); Inventário de Estressores Escolares, SSRS Formulário do professor e Escala de Envolvimento de um Membro Adulto da Família. Foram realizadas análises das qualidades psicométricas das escalas utilizadas, ANCOVA, MANOVA (medidas repetidas) e Análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados da ANCOVA sugerem que a freqüência à EI contribui para melhores resultados acadêmicos, habilidades sociais mais desenvolvidas, menos comportamentos problemáticos e um autoconceito mais elevado, controlada a variável nível socioeconômico. A MANOVA com medidas repetidas indica progresso significativo, ao longo dos anos, no potencial cognitivo, nas habilidades sociais e no desempenho avaliado pelo professor e por meio de teste (TDE), bem como melhora nos problemas de comportamento intemalizantes; diminuem algumas medidas de auto-conceito e o desempenho avaliado coletivamente. Os melhores resultados dos alunos com acesso à EI persistem no decorrer dos anos no ensino fundamental. O efeito da EI se manteve na regressão, junto com outros preditores, principalmente habilidades sociais de responsabilidade/cooperação e envolvimento da família; dimensões do autoconceito, potencial cognitivo, nível de estresse escolar e outras habilidades sociais contribuíram para a predição de alguns indicadores, em menor grau. A EI teve, pois, sobre o desempenho escolar posterior uma influência direta, além da influência indireta exercida mediante o fortalecimento de preditores como as habilidades sociais e o potencial cognitivo. O progresso observado ao longo do ensino fundamental não compensa a desvantagem inicial dos alunos sem acesso à EI. / Basic education constitutes a stage of construction of new friendships, and of development of specific academic skills. Since the time a child integrates its first school year/level, it is exposed to a new universe, where it faces rules and responsibilities, beyond those experienced in pre-school education. These challenges require a prior repertoire in order to surpass them, which pre-school education may help to construct. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of pre-school education on some of the childrens indicators of adjustment to basic education, as well as to verify possible compensating effects, when attending basic education, for early pre-school influences that may possibly be observed in the beginning of the third year. As predictors of academic results, included in the research, besides the variable attendance to pre-school, were the following variables: (a) child variables - cognitive potential, social skills, behaviour problems, self-concept and level of school stress; (b) context variables involvement of an adult family member in the childs school life. The sample was composed of 294 participants of both sexes, pupils in five public basic education schools of a council in the State of São Paulo, which has approximately 23.000 inhabitants. The participants were divided into three groups: Group 0 pupils without previous access to pre-school education; Group 1 pupils with one year of pre-school attendance; group 2- pupils with two years of pre-school. The children were evaluated in three stages: 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of basic education. The following instruments have been applied: Raven, School Performance Test, collective Pedagogic Evaluation, Self Description Questionnaire (SDQ 1); Self Perception Profile for Children (SPPC); School Stressors Inventory, SSRS- Teachers Formulary and Adult Family Members Involvement questionnaire. Psychometric quality analyses were tested in the scales used, and ANCOVA, MANOVA (repeated measures), and multiple linear regression were also applied. The ANCOVA results suggest that attending to pre-school contributes to better academic results, more developed social skills, less behaviour problems and higher self-concept, when the socioeconomic level is controlled. The repeated measures MANOVA shows significant progress over the years, in cognitive potential, in social skills and school performance as evaluated by the teacher and through a test (TDE), as well as improvement in internalizing behaviour problems; some measures of self-concept and collectively evaluated school performance show decrements as children go on to more advanced school levels.The advantage of pupils who attended pre-school persisted throughout the years in basic school. The effect of pre-school education was maintained in regression, along with other predictors, mainly social abilities of responsibility/cooperation, and family involvement; self-concept dimensions, cognitive potential, school level stress, and other social skills contributed to predicting some indicators, in a lesser degree. The pre-school had, therefore, a direct influence on subsequent school performance, besides the indirect influence presented through the strengthening of predictors such as social skills and cognitive potential. The progress observed through basic school does not compensate the initial disadvantage of pupils without access to pre-school education.

Transformações e conflitos no processo de elaboração, de difusão e de utilização de instruções oficiais de educação infantil: um estudo genealógico

Barricelli, Ermelinda 20 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ermelinda Barricelli.pdf: 2406283 bytes, checksum: d88b59ce0444a6bf7ecc3ea473048757 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis is aimed at investigating how the interviews of a prescriber, a trainer and a teacher represent in the processes of creating, spreading and using the official document called Orientações Curriculares Expectativas de Aprendizagens e Orientações Didáticas OCs (2007), developed by the City of São Paulo with focus at Pre-school Education. Studying the Pre-school Education history has shown us how fragile this segment is, particularly in Brazil, due to the fact that a) the child is perceived as physically as well as intellectually fragile; and b) thus the transposition of such beliefs to the educational contexts culminates in a split service: taking care and educating. Such contradictions have taken us to consider the hypothesis that historical conflicts would appear somehow in the processes of creating, spreading and using the official document. In order to check this hypothesis the following interviews were analyzed: a) one conducted with the coordinator of the group responsible for elaborating the official document, the prescriber; b) another with a trainer from Diretoria de Orientações Técnicas da Secretaria de Educação de São Paulo; c) and the other interview was performed with a teacher from the public school system run by the City of São Paulo. The interviews were carried out in December, 2008, June 2010 and August 2010, respectively. In this way, we were able to monitor the process since its conception up to the implementation at the Pre-school facilities. It was taken into consideration as our theoretical framework the studies conducted by researchers from CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), ERGAPE (Ergonomie de l Activité des Professionnels de l Éducation), LAF (Langage, Action, Formation) and ALTER CNPq (Analysis of Language, Educational Work and their Connections) based at LAEL, PUC-SP. The data was analyzed according to the procedures proposed by the Socio-discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1997/2003) in relation to the analysis of some elements of the feuilleté textuel: 1) the general infrastructure of the text (general text plan, thematic content, sequences and types of discourses); 2) mechanisms of textualization (nominal connection) and 3) the enunciative mechanisms (voices). It was also was employed as a category for analysis the action figures from the same theoretical framework (BULEA, 2007, 2010). Therefore, this thesis shows that, on one hand, the processes of creating, spreading and using of a new prescription are made by conflicts related to the dimensions of the job (CLOT, 2008) and, on the other, such conflicts can be linguistically and discursively identified. The relevance of this research lies on to the fact that it was possible to identify linguistic features, which point to conflicts. These linguistic features have enabled us to check how these conflicts have an effect on the above-mentioned processes which is the aim of this research. Consequently, it was possible to acknowledge the outcome when implementing an Educational Public Policy, as well as to conduct a research that also contributes for the Pre-school segment, as there are few studies aimed at the teachers work in this area / O objetivo desta tese é investigar de que forma os textos-entrevistas de uma Prescritora, de uma Formadora e de uma Professora representam os processos de elaboração, de difusão e de utilização de um documento oficial do Município de São Paulo voltado para Educação Infantil - Orientações Curriculares Expectativas de Aprendizagens e Orientações Didáticas OCs (2007). O levantamento de parte da história da Educação Infantil nos mostrou a fragilidade desse segmento, especialmente no Brasil, já que nele se considera a) uma visão de criança marcada pela crença da sua fragilidade física e intelectual; e b) a consequente transposição dessas crenças para os contextos educacionais que culminam em um atendimento dicotomizado entre o cuidar e o educar. Essas contradições, por sua vez, nos levaram à hipótese de que esses conflitos históricos se manifestariam, de alguma forma, nos processos de elaboração, de difusão e de utilização do documento municipal. Para a verificação dessa hipótese propomo-nos a analisar três entrevistas: a) com a coordenadora do grupo de elaboradores do documento oficial do Município de São Paulo, a Prescritora; b) com uma Formadora da Diretoria de Orientações Técnicas da Secretaria de Educação de São Paulo; c) com uma Professora da Rede Municipal de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram realizadas, respectivamente, em dezembro de 2008, em junho de 2010 e em agosto de 2010. Desse modo, pudemos verificar o andamento do processo, desde a sua idealização até a sua chegada à escola de Educação Infantil. Tomamos como base teórica central os estudos realizados por pesquisadores da Clínica da Atividade do CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), do grupo ERGAPE (Ergonomie de l Activité des Professionnels de l Éducation), do grupo LAF (Langage, Action, Formation) e do grupo ALTER CNPq (Análise de Linguagem, Trabalho Educacional e suas Relações) sediado no LAEL da PUC-SP. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os procedimentos propostos pelo Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1997/2003) no tocante à análise de alguns elementos do folhado textual: 1) a infraestrutura geral do texto (plano global, conteúdos temáticos, sequências e tipos de discurso); 2) os mecanismos de textualização (conexão nominal) e 3) os mecanismos enunciativos (vozes). Utilizamos, ainda, como categoria de análise as figuras de ação, desse mesmo aporte teórico (BULEA, 2007, 2010). Assim, esta tese demonstra que os processos de elaboração, de difusão e de utilização de uma nova prescrição se constituem por conflitos relacionados com as dimensões do trabalho (CLOT, 2008) e que esses conflitos, por sua vez, podem ser identificados linguístico e discursivamente. A relevância desta pesquisa deve-se, principalmente, ao fato de termos levantado as marcas linguísticas que nos indicam conflitos verificando de que forma esses conflitos incidem sobre os processos mencionados anteriormente, foco desta pesquisa. Assim, pudemos conhecer os desdobramentos da implantação de uma Política Pública Educacional e, finalmente, a pesquisa contribui também para o segmento de Educação Infantil, já que ainda são escassas as pesquisas voltadas para o trabalho docente nessa área

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos "Ežerėlis" valdymo įsivertinimas / Pre-school education school "Ezerelis" of management self-assessment

Daubarienė, Rita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe remiamasi sisteminio požiūrio teorija, kuri padeda parodyti, nagrinėti, atskleisti ir įsivertinti ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos vertinimo sritis ir jų visumą. Susiduriama su moksline problema, išreikšta vienu iš darbe nagrinėjamų klausim�� - kaip atlikti valdymo kokybės, veiklos pasiekimų sisteminį įsivertinimą, siekiant ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos „Ežerėlis“ valdymo tobulinimo? Darbe keliamas tikslas - atlikti ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos „Ežerėlis“ valdymo įsivertinimo analizę. Taikyti metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, dokumentų turinio analizė, anketinė apklausa. Parengtas vadovo vadybinės veiklos ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos veiklos rezultatyvumo vertinimo modelis yra adaptyvus mokyklos vadovų vadybinės veiklos vertinimo kriterijams ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos vidaus audito metodikai, adekvatus mokyklos veiklos pobūdžiui ir atitinka esamas vidines ir išorines aplinkybes. Modelio 4 sritys, 20 kriterijų, 64 rodikliai ir 198 iliustracijos sudaro ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos „Ežerėlis“ valdymo įsivertinimo sistemą. Atliktas įsivertinimo tyrimas pagal vertinimo modelį padėjo pagrįsti vadovo ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos „Ežerėlis“ veiklos faktus pagal keturis vertinimo lygius, nustatyti vadovo ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklos „Ežerėlis“ valdymo atitiktį vadovo kvalifikacijos kategorijai. / The work is based upon systematic attitude theory which assists in showing, analysing and disclosing as well as evaluating the pre-school education school's areas of evaluation and their totality. Scientific problem is encountered, it is expressed in one of the matters analysed in the work - how to perform systematic self-assessment of management quality and achievements in seeking to improve management of pre-school education school "Ezerelis". Aim of the work is to perform analysis of management self-assessment of pre-school education school "Ezerelis". Methods applied: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of document contents, questioning survey. The performance result assessment pattern, prepared for managerial activity and pre-school education school is adaptive as school management's activities evaluation criteria and pre-school education school internal audit methods, adequate to school activities character and is in line with existing internal and external circumstances. 4 areas, 20 criteria, 64 indices and 198 illustrations of the model make management self-assessment system of prie-school education school "Ezerelis". The self-assessment research according to assessment model assisted in basing the facts of activities of pre-school education school "Ezerelis" and its manager in accordance to four evaluation levels and finding adequacy of pre-school education school "Ezerelis" and its manager with his/her qualification category.

Tėvų dalyvavimo ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos veikloje ypatumai ir galimybės / The peculiarities and possibilities of parents‘ participation in activities of pre-school educational institution

Tumėnienė, Lina 26 September 2008 (has links)
Tyrimas buvo organizuojamas, siekiant ištirti tėvų dalyvavimo ypatumus Šiaulių miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų veikloje ir numatyti jų dalyvavimo galimybes. Literatūros šaltinių analizė parodė, kad aktyvus tėvų dalyvavimas ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų veikloje skatina tarpusavio pasitikėjimą ir pagarbą, leidžia išvengti nepagrįstų lūkesčių vaiko atžvilgiu ir siekti bendradarbiavimo ir partnerystės. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė tėvų požiūrį į teikiamų paslaugų kokybę, komunikavimo ir informacijos sklaidą, įstaigos veiklos valdymą ir organizavimą, tėvų švietimą ir dalyvavimą įsitraukiant į ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos veiklą. Apibendrinus abiejų respondentų grupių vertinimus, paaiškėjo, jog dar nepakankamai išnaudota dalyvauti skatinančių metodų sistema, nes tėvai neaktyviai dalyvauja kuriant ir įgyvendinant įstaigos strateginį planą ir metinę programą. Dar nėra veiksminga informavimo sistema ir neišvystyta informacinių technologijų plėtotė. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais, pateikiamos tėvų dalyvavimo Šiaulių miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų veikloje galimybės, siekiant lygiavertiškos partnerystės. / The research was organized on the way to investigate the characteristics of parents’ participating in the activities of Šiauliai pre-school educational institutions and planning ahead the possibilities of their participation there. The analysis of literary showed that active participation of parents’ in the activities of pre-school institutions motivate self-confidence and respect, it lets avoid unfounded expectations in respect of child and tries for cooperation and partnership. The results of the research disclosed the parents’ attitude to the quality of the provided services, the dissemination of communication and information, the management and organization of the institution, parents’ education and their involvement in the activities of pre-school education. Summarising the assessment of the both respondent groups, it emerged that the system of stimulating methods is not used too often, because parents are not active founding and realizing strategic plan and annual curriculum of the institution. The system of the information is not effective and the evolution of information technologies is not developed as well. According the researches which were done, there are proposed potentials of parents’ participating in the activities of Šiauliai pre-school educational institutions by the way of equal partnership.

Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms, auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų vertinimas ir tobulinimo galimybės Šiaulių mieste / Education Assistance for Families Having Children Under 7 Evaluation and Improvement Possibilities In Siauliai City

Stonkutė, Ilona 06 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairūs moklinės literatūros šaltiniai apie Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų. Darbe išanalizuotos ikimokyklinės įstaigos galimybes organizuojant tėvų švietimą, remiantis tėvų nuomone. Taip pat surinkta informacija apie tėvų švietimo formas Šiaulių ikimokyklinėse įstaigose. Apžvelgta ,,Šiaulių krašto“ laikraščių tematika, tėvų auginančių vaikus iki 7 metų švietimo klausimais (2008-2009). Pasitvirtino darbo hipotezė, kad tėvai skiria permažai dėmesio švietimui ir bendradarbiavimui su grupėje dirbančiu pedagogu. Taip pat išaiškėjo, kad pedagogai naudoja įprastas švietimo formas ikimokyklinėse ir priešmokyklinėse ugdymo grupėse. / The Master paper analyses and systematises different scientific literature on educational assistance for families having children under 7years old. The paper explores arranging of the pre-school possibilities according to the parents opinion. Information on parents education forms in the pre-school institution is being collected. Moreover, topics on educational issues on parents having children under 7 years old relieved by Šiauliai Kraštas newsletter (2008-2009). Hypothesis is being approved that parents pay too little attention to education and co-operation with pre-school teachers. It explores also that pedagogues use ordinary educational forms in the pre-school groups aged from 1 to 6 and from 6 to 7.

Kompleksinis meninės kompetencijos ugdymas priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėje / Combined art competence education to pre-school education group

Gasiūnienė, Kristina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėje informacinėje visuomenėje žmogui keliami visai kitokie reikalavimai. Kiekvienas žmogus, siekiantis prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančios visuomenės, turi įgyti jam reikalingų kompetencijų, būtinų vertybinių nuostatų. Priešmokyklinis ugdymas suvokiamas kaip ikimokyklinio ugdymo tąsa, tačiau turinti kokybiškai naujų tikslų ir uždavinių, kitokią vaiko ugdymo sampratą. Ugdomosios veiklos turi būti nukreiptos į visų esminių kompetencijų: socialinės, pažinimo, sveikatos saugojimo, komunikavimo, meninės ugdymą. Darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti meninės kompetencijos kompleksinio ugdymo ypatumus priešmokykliniame amžiuje. Darbo tyrimo objektas – kompleksinis meninės kompetencijos ugdymas priešmokykliniame amžiuje. Darbo tikslui pasiekti analizuojami pedagoginiai ir psichologiniai literatūros šaltiniai, stengiantis išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio ugdymo sampratą ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pedagoginę ir psichologinę charakteristiką, siekiama išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio ugdymo kompetencijų sampratą ir šio amžiaus vaikų kompetencijas, kaip ugdoma meninė kompetencija priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams ir kokie yra šios kompetencijos ugdymo ypatumai, bei anketa ir interviu metodu išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir priešmokyklinėje grupėje dirbančių pedagogų požiūrį į kompleksinį meninės kompetencijos ugdymą. Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo 67 respondentai. Anketa buvo pateikta 32 priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogams, interviu metodu apklausti 35 priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikai (... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In modern informatical society, there are much requirements raised for a person. Every person, who tries to adopt to the changing society, must acquire competence, necessary valuable rules. Pre-school education is perceived as pre-school education continuation, with qualities new aims, different child education conception. Educational activities must be directed to all basic competences: social, cognition, health care, communication, art education. Research object - combined art competence education to pre-school age group. Work aim – to find out peculiarity of combined art competence to pre-school age group. To reach goal, there will be analyzing educational and psychologic literature sources, explaining pre-school education conception and pre-school age children pedagogic and psychologic characteristics, revealing pre-school education competence conception and particular age children competences; presenting pre-school age children art competence education conception, and by the method of inquestions and interviews there will be elucidated educators , working in pre-school age children and pre-school group, opinion to combined art competence education. In research there was 67 participants. Questionnaire was given to 32 pre-school education educators, by interview method there was questioned 35 pre-school age children (5 – 7 years old). There were used these science research methods: sciences literature and documents analysis, interview method, questionnaire inquest... [to full text]

Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms, auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų situacija ir galimybės Šiaulių mieste / Educational Assistance for Families Having Children under 7 Years Old, Situation and Possibilities in Šiauliai City

Virmauskienė, Ilona 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairūs moklinės literatūros šaltiniai apie Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų. Darbe išanalizuotos ikimokyklinės įstaigos galimybes organizuojant tėvų švietimą, remiantis tėvų nuomone. Taip pat surinkta informacija apie tėvų švietimo formas Šiaulių ikimokyklinėse įstaigose. Apžvelgta ,,Šiaulių krašto“ laikraščių tematika, tėvų auginančių vaikus iki 7 metų švietimo klausimais (2006-2008). Pasitvirtino darbo hipotezė, kad tėvai skiria permažai dėmesio švietimui ir bendradarbiavimui su grupėje dirbančiu pedagogu. Taip pat išaiškėjo, kad pedagogai naudoja įprastas švietimo formas ikimokyklinėse ir priešmokyklinėse ugdymo grupėse. / The Master paper analyses and systematises different scientific literature on educational assistance for families having children under 7years old. The paper explores arranging of the pre-school possibilities according to the parents opinion. Information on parents education forms in the pre-school institution is being collected. Moreover, topics on educational issues on parents having children under 7 years old relieved by Šiauliai Kraštas newsletter (2006-2008). Hypothesis is being approved that parents pay too little attention to education and co-operation with pre-school teachers. It explores also that pedagogues use ordinary educational forms in the pre-school groups aged from 1 to 6 and from 6 to 7.

Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kokybės tendencijos Vilniaus miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklose / The quality of human recourse management in the pre-primary educational institutions

Paulauskienė, Lolita 14 May 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe kokybės užtikrinimo iššūkis analizuojamas gvildenant žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kokybės tendencijas ikimokyklinio, priešmokyklinio bei pradinio ugdymo programas teikiančiuose Vilniaus miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklose. Darbe apibrėžtos ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklų žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kokybės tendencijos ir vadovų vaidmuo šiame procese, atskleistas ikimokyklinio ugdymo mokyklų žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo reikšmingumas, planuojant žmogiškuosius išteklius bei sąsajas su kokybe, išryškintas vadovų požiūris į žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tendencijas švietimo organizacijos kaitai. Tai galima laikyti magistrinio darbo teoriniu reikšmingumu. Praktinį darbo reikšmingumą nusako tyrimo instrumento sudarymas - žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kokybės tobulinimui įvertinti, atlikto tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu suformuluotos išvados bei pateiktos rekomendacijos žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kokybei gerinti darželių-mokyklų vadovams. / This work analyzes the quality assurance tendencies of human resource management in pre-primary, pre-school and primary education programmes provided by the pre-primary educational institutions of the city of Vilnius. The work defines the tendencies towards the quality of human resource management in pre-primary educational institutions and the role of school managers in this process, the significance of human resource management in pre-primary educational institutions has been revealed as well, the attitude of school managers to the tendencies towards human resource management for the change of the educational institution have been revealed in the planning of human resource and quality links. The significance of the practical work is described by the development of the research instrument – to evaluate the improvement of human resource management, conclusions that have been drawn after analyzing the results of the research and recommendations that have been given to school managers for the improvement of human resource management.

L'Enseignement du langage dans les écoles maternelles au Sultanat d'Oman / Teaching the language In the pre-school education in Sultanate of Oman

Al Aisri, Amur Mohamed Amur 23 June 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de notre thèse, est de réaliser un état des lieux des pratiques et des conditions d'enseignement pour cerner les effets de l'enseignement sur l'acquisition de la langue et d'évaluer l'efficacité du système des écoles maternelles à Oman. La première partie de thèse a pour but de présenter une réflexion théorique concernant l'enseignement dans les écoles maternelles dans le monde et en particulier au sultanat d'Oman. La seconde partie est empirique et comprend deux études : la première est une enquête qui fait une analyse générale du système éducatif des écoles maternelles omanaises, en utilisant des questionnaires à destination des enseignantes (n=429), inspecteurs(n=34) et personnel administratif (n=100) dans 100 écoles maternelles en 10 régions du pays , la deuxième se compose d'observations des pratiques d'enseignement du langage dans les écoles maternelles omanaises. Des grilles d'observation ont été réalisées pour analyser les activités d'enseignement du langage (n= 50 classes dans 50 écoles en 6 régions). Les élèves (n=475) ont été évalués en langage par des pré et post-tests. Les résultats de l'enquête montrent que l'école maternelle omanaise accueille les enfants scolarisés dès l'âge de 3 ans et présentent des caractéristiques de construction et d'aménagement ainsi que d'un ratio élève/enseignant plutôt satisfaisant mais des points négatifs sont à relever. Les maternelles sont privées et payantes, ce qui ne facilite pas l'accès à l'éducation. Au sein des écoles, les associations de parents sont soit inexistantes, soit inactives, en lien peut-être avec un niveau culturel et éducatif bas des parents malgré leur niveau socio-économique élevé. Par ailleurs, il ressort deux langues (arabe et anglais) sont enseignées, suivant un guide du ministère de l'éducation, mais il n'y a pas de programme commun à toutes les écoles maternelles. La plupart des enseignantes ont un faible niveau de diplôme et manquent de formation. La grille d'observation fait apparaître dix types d'activités qui sont définies du point de vue de leur contenu par rapport à l'apprentissage du langage. La pratique des activités de langage passe la plupart du temps par l'enseignement magistral et se déroule dans un mode collectif. En outre, selon les résultats de pré et post-test, la variation de score constatée entre le pré et le post-test est plus forte pour les compétences de compréhension du langage mais existent également pour les compétences de conscience phonologique et de compétences lecture-écriture. Dans l'analyse multiniveau, la relation n'est pas la même entre le pré et le post-test dans toutes les écoles. Le prétest explique assez peu les variations inter-individuelles comme les variations inter-classes et qu'il y des différences entre les écoles et aussi entre les élèves. On n'observe pas d'influence des variables "genre et durée de scolarisation" et "caractéristiques des enseignantes" (qualification et expérience). Par contre, il y a un effet "région". le facteur influence du type d'interaction enseignant –élève, le mode de gestion de la classe (TM, TCM) est plus forte que celle de la méthode utilisée (implicite, explicite et magistrale), elle-même plus forte que le mode de déroulement (individuel et collectif). Notons que dans la méthode et le mode de gestion de classe, les valeurs afférentes aux activités de code sont meilleures que celles afférentes à celle de sens ce qui signifie que la méthode code est plus efficace que la méthode sens. Les variables qui sont ressorties comme efficaces pour l'apprentissage du langage : sens-implicite, code-TCM, sens-TCM et sens-collectif et le système préscolaire omanais gagnerait à leur prise en compte. En outre la formation continue récente a un effet significatif (l'efficacité des enseignantes est plus forte pour celles qui en ont bénéficié). / The objective of this thesis is to provide an inventory of practices and teaching conditions to identify the effects of education on language acquisition and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Omani system for kindergartners. the first part of the thesis presents a theoretical reflection on teaching in nursery schools in the world and particularly in Oman. The second part includes two empirical studies : the first is a survey made a general analysis of the education system for Omani kindergartens, using questionnaires to teachers (n = 429 ) , supervisors (n = 34) and administrative staff(n = 100 ) in 100 kindergartens in 10 regions of the country; the second consists of observations of language teaching practices in Omani kindergartens. Observation grids were carried out to analyze the language-teaching activities (n = 50 classes in 50 schools in 6 regions). Students (n = 475 ) were evaluated in language by pre-and post - tests. The results show that the Omani preschool welcomes 3 years old children have features construction and development as well as a pupil / teacher ratio rather good but negative points are noteworthy. Kindergartens are private and charges, do not facilitate access to education. In schools , parent associations are either absent or inactive , linked perhaps with a low cultural and educational level of parents, despite their high socio -economic level. Moreover, two languages (Arabic and English) are teached, following a guide from the Ministry of Education, but there is no common program to all kindergarten schools. Most teachers have a low degree and lack of training. The results of the observation grid highlight ten types of activities that are defined from the point of view of their content in relation to language learning. The practice of language activities spends most of the time by lecturing and takes place in a collective fashion contrary. In addition, the results to pre-and post- test, show firstly the scores change more strongly in LAC (language comprehension skills) but also existing in LAS (phonological awareness skills) and LALE (reading-writing Skills) between the pre-and post –test. In the multilevel analysis, the relationship is not the same between the pre and post- test in all schools. Pretest explains very little of both inter-individual variations that variations between classes and there are many differences between schools and between students. It appears that there is no influence of the variables "gender and years of schooling" and "characteristics of teachers" (qualification and experience). As against, there is a «region " effect. It also appears that the influence of management type mode of conduct (TM, TCM) is stronger than the method (implicit, explicit and masterful), which is stronger than the manner of conduct (individual and collective). Note that in the method and mode of conduct, values relating to the activities of code are better than those relating to the meaning. Variables that have emerged as effective in language learning are implicit sense, code -TCM, TCM sense and collective sense and Omani preschool system would benefit from their inclusion. In addition the recent training has a significant effect (efficacy teachers is higher for those who have benefited).

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