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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komunikační schopnost u dětí žijících v zařízeních ústavní výchovy / Communication ability of children living in institutional upbringing facilities

Bláhová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the communication ability of children living in institutional upbringing facilities. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The first part of the thesis, which was created on the basis of perusing technical and specialized literature, provides a theoretical insight into the problematic of communication, speech and language. It also discusses the development of speech, communication abilities of pre-school children and their development. Last chapter of this thesis deals with substitutional child care, its definition. Practical part is devoted to qualitative research, whose main objective is to analyze the communication ability of children living in institutional upbringing facilities. The research was conducted in children's home and in Klokanek, a facility for children requiring immediate help. The research sample consisted of eight children, four of them living in children's home, four of them living in Klokanek. The research shows that in the investigated children appear difficulties in communication skills. As a conclusion a recommendation for practice was created. Governess in the childrens's home and Klokanek should have more opportunities to develop communication abilities of children. KEYWORDS communicational ability, institutional upbringing...

Hra v roli ve spontánních činnostech dětí předškolního věku / Role play of spotaneons activity of childern in the preschool age

Luňáková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis adresses the play in role during spontaneous activities children of preschool age in the theoretical and practical dimension. In my mind I have play and activities, where children are not organized or managed and have possibility to freely decided what to do. The introduction of theoretical part of thesis focuses on the importace and meaning of play in human life with insight into the history of games and lists some of its theories. The work is based on theory pf Jean Piaget, who conect the child's play with its intellectual evolution. The second chapter deals with the specific personality of the child of preschool age from the perspective of developmental psychology and development of society focusing on current needs of child to play. The next part of the thesis is related to basic characteristics of current- day nursery schools with respect pre - revolutionary period. The fourth chapter focuses on the meaning of spontaneous activities in nursery school. It identifies the role of adult in these activities, the influence of individual and social differenties of children on play and how influence heterogeneity and homogeneity of this group. The theoretical part concludes with a chapter about the game in the role and its significance for pre-school child. The practical part of the thesis...

Die Terapeutiese begeleiding van die kind na die dood van 'n ouer

Grobler, Hermien 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die dood van 'n ouer he! 'n effek op die totale lewe van die kind en dompel die kind in emosionele nood wat terapeutiese begeleiding noodsaak. Na afloop van die afsterwe van 'n ouer, vind daar fisieke, emosionele, sosiale en kognitiewe veranderinge in die kind se lewe plaas waarop hy nie voorbereid is nie, en wat hy ook nie verstaan nie. Hierdie veranderinge veroorsaak dat die kind se leefwereld in so mate verander dat sy funksionering benadeel word. Daar is met hierdie studie gepoog om vas te stel watter effek die dood van 'n ouer op die kind he! en tot watter mate terapeutiese begeleiding die kind se emosionele nood kan verlig. Daar is in die studie gevind dat rou inderdaad 'n gekompliseerde proses is wat lei tot die ontstaan van talle onbeantwoorde vrae, gevoelens van magteloosheid en emosionele pyn. Kinders wat in rousmart verkeer word dikwels deur die samelewing misgekyk en kry as gevolg hiervan nie voldoende hulp nie. Di! lei tot die ontstaan van persoonlikheidsontwikkelingsprobleme, relasionele probleme en intra-psigiese probleme soos 'n swak selfbeeld, ego-verdedigingsmeganismes, persoonlike kwesbaarheid, ongunstige betekenisgewing en ongunstige belewenisse. Hierdie probleme veroorsaak dat die kind in sy selfaktualisering gerem word en as gevolg hiervan nie sy gegewe moontlikhede verwerklik nie. Die studie het verder bewys dat die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het, wel deur middel van terapeutiese begeleiding deur 'n sielkundige gehelp kan word om die verlies van 'n ouer in so 'n mate te hanteer dat die faktore wat die kind se selfaktualisering rem, opgehef kan word. Die studie voorsien die sielkundige van riglyne ten opsigte van die proses van terapeutiese begeleiding aan die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het. Riglyne word gebied ten opsigte van die hantering van die kind se onmiddellike situasie, die evaluasie van die kind-inrousmart, die vasstelling van doelstellings en doelwitte vir terapeutiese begeleiding, die selektering van terapeutiese tegnieke, die terapeutiese hulpverlening aan die kind, die hulpverlening aan die oorblywende ouer en die hulpverlening aan die onderwyser wat gemoeid is met die kind-in-rousmart. Riglyne word ook gebied ten opsigte van die terminering van terapie. / The death if a parent has an influence on the total life of a child and causes emotional trauma that necessitates therapeutic guidance. After the death of a parent, physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes occur in the child's life for which he is not prepared and that he also does not understand. These factors cause such a change in the child's life-world that his functioning is hampered. In this study it was endeavoured to determine what effect the death of a parent has on a child's life and to what extent therapeutic guidance can alleviate the child's emotional trauma. In this study it was found that mourning is indeed a complicated process that gives rise to countless unanswered questions, feelings of helplessness and emotional pain. Children suffering grief in mourning are often ignored by society and as result of this, they do not receive adequate assistance. This leads to problems concerned with the development of the personality, relational problems and intrapsychological problems such as a poor self-concept, ego defence mechanisms, personal vulnerability, negative ways of acquiring meaning and unfavourable ways of experiencing life. These problems give rise to the hampering of the child's selfactualisation and because of this he cannot realise his potential. The study has furthermore proved that the child who has lost a parent through death, can be helped by a psychologist. This can be done by means of therapeutic guidance so that the child can handle the loss of a parent to such an extent that the factors that hamper his self-actualisation can be removed. The study provides guidelines for therapeutic guidance to the child who has Jost a parent through death. Guidelines are given on handling the child's immediate situation, the evaluation of the child in mourning, the determination of aims and objectives for therapeutic guidance, the selection of therapeutic techniques, therapeutic assistance to the child, assistance to the remaining parent and assistance to the educator who is involved with the child in mourning. Guidelines are also given for the termination of therapy. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Clinical Psychologist)

Lapsen koulunaloittaminen ekologisena siirtymänä:vanhemmat informantteina lapsen siirtymisessä esiopetuksen kasvuympäristöistä perusopetuksen kasvuympäristöön

Karikoski, H. (Hannele) 18 March 2008 (has links)
Abstract In this study I examine how the parents describe the child's starting school as an ecological transition from pre-school to school growth environments. This concept is based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. In terms of time-frames starting school is understood as a transition process which begins in the pre-school year, continues during the first school year and includes changes in the child's growth environment as well as in the child's role. The data derives from interviews with 21 parents of children from diverse educational contexts and the journals and interviews of parents from an additional three families. In this study, a child's growth environment changed during the transition process from a child-centred, play- and learning environment to a goal-oriented learning and teaching environment directed by the teacher; from a social growth environment to a more individual working environment; and from a preparatory working culture (directed towards school-attendance) to an educative working culture aimed at citizenship. The child's role changed in the process from that of a pre-schooler to a school beginner, to a school child. This study brings in the school beginner's role. The transition process was most flexible for pre-schoolers from the combined class, secure and multi-phased for pre-schoolers from the pre-school and school co-operation unit. For the Montessori child the transition was natural and quick, for pre-schoolers from the day-care unit, it was longest and most problematic. In conclusion, my research suggests that, although our school system aims to be equal for all, this is not the reality during the pre-school and school starting phases. However, by the end of the first school year all the children in this study had adjusted to the school context. They had fulfilled the criteria and expectations set for the role of the school child: such as becoming an academic learner; a performer of tasks, an object of evaluation; a responsible, concerned and well-behaved pupil, and a school companion. In summary, the school working-culture had a powerful homogenizing effect, adjusting the child to the school and to the role of school child. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa lähestyn lapsen koulunaloittamista ekologisena siirtymänä esiopetuksen kasvuympäristöstä perusopetuksen kasvuympäristöön ja tarkastelen millaiseksi vanhemmat kuvaavat tämän siirtymän. Koulunaloittaminen ekologisena siirtymänä perustuu Bronfenbrennerin ekologiseen teoriaan. Ajallisesti koulunaloittaminen ymmärretään siirtymäprosessina, joka alkaa esiopetusvuotena ja jatkuu ensimmäisen kouluvuoden aikana. Siirtymäprosessi sisältää lapsen kasvuympäristön ja lapsen roolin muutoksen. Erityisesti tarkastelen millaiseksi 21 oululaista vanhempaa kuvaavat kasvuympäristön kulttuurisen muutoksen esikoulun toimintakulttuurista koulun toimintakulttuuriksi ja lapsen roolin muutoksen esikoululaisesta koululaiseksi. Tutkimus on lähestymistavaltaan ekologinen, ja tarkastelun kohteena ovat arkielämän kontekstissa tapahtuvat yksilön ja kasvuympäristön vastavuoroiset vuorovaikutus- ja muutosprosessit. Koulunaloittaminen siirtymäprosessina on lapsen ja kasvuympäristön keskinäinen muutos- ja sopeutumisprosessi. Kasvuympäristön kulttuurisen muutoksen tarkastelu muodostaa tutkimukseni taustan ja lähtökohdan. Roolimuutosta tutkin kunnallisen päiväkodin, esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhteistoimintayksikön, montessoripainotteisen päiväkodin ja esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhdysluokan esiopetuskontekstissa sekä koulukontekstissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 13 perheen vanhempien haastatteluista ja kolmen perheen vanhempien kirjoittamista päiväkirjadokumenteista ja heidän haastatteluistaan. Vanhempien mukaan lapsen kasvuympäristö muuttui esikoulusta kouluun siirryttäessä lapsikeskeisestä, leikki- ja oppimisympäristöstä opettajajohtoiseksi, tavoitteelliseksi oppimis- ja opetusympäristöksi, sosiaalisesta kasvuympäristöstä enemmän yksin työskentely -ympäristöksi ja kouluun valmentavasta toimintakulttuurista kansalaiskasvatuksen toimintakulttuuriksi. Tämän muutoksen rinnalla vastaavasti lapsen rooli muuttui prosessinluonteisesti esikoululaisesta koulunaloittajaksi ja koululaiseksi. Koulunaloittajan roolin löytyminen oli yksi tutkimukseni päätulos. Roolimuutos kaikkinensa oli vähäisin esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhdysluokan esikoululaisilla, jotka olivat harjoitelleet koululaisen roolia koulukontekstissa jo esiopetusvuoden aikana. Suurin ja jyrkin roolimuutos oli kunnallisesta päiväkodista sekä montessoripainotteisesta päiväkodista siirtyneillä esikoululaisilla, joille koulukonteksti ja koululaisen rooli olivat etukäteen vieraita. Yksilöllinen ja vaihteleva roolimuutos oli esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhteistoimintayksiköstä siirtyneillä esikoululaisilla, jotka olivat etukäteen tutustuneet koulun sosiaaliseen ja akateemiseen ympäristöön. Kouluun siirtyminen lapsen ja kasvuympäristön keskinäisenä muutos- ja sopeutumisprosessina oli joustavin, helpoin ja yksilöllisin esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhdysluokan esikoululaisilla, turvallinen ja monivaiheinen esi- ja alkuopetuksen yhteistoimintayksikön esikoululaisilla, luonteva ja nopea montessorilapsella ja pitkäkestoisin ja ongelmallisin päiväkodin esikoululaisilla. Tulosten johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että vaikka koulutusjärjestelmämme pyrkii olemaan kaikille yhdenvertainen, se ei ole sitä esiopetus- ja koulunaloitusvaiheessa. Kuitenkin ensimmäisen kouluvuoden päättyessä kaikki tutkimuksen lapset olivat sopeutuneet koulukontekstiin ja täyttivät koululaisen roolille asetetut kriteerit ja odotukset akateemisena oppijana, tehtävien suorittajana, arvioitavana, vastuullisena, huolehtivana ja hyvin käyttäytyvänä koulunkävijänä ja koulukaverina. Koulun toimintakulttuurilla oli vahva sopeuttava ja yhdenmukaistava merkitys lapsen kouluun sopeutumisessa ja koululaiseksi kasvussa.

Klima v mateřské škole v sociální a pracovní rovině / Social and Work Climate in the Kindergarten

Počarovská, Dita January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis summarises information about today's kindergarten, about its important curriculum policy documents and about the main participants of its educational process - the teacher and the pre-school children. It deals with the school climate and with its influencing factors, focusing on the work climate in kindergartens, namely on human relations, communication and its risks. This thesis maps and evaluates kindergarten teachers' perception of the social and work climate and what they find prominent, how the school/class climate quality influences kindergarten teachers' work performance, what sort of factors encourage the optimal climate and what sort of factors curb it. It aims to verify the functioning of teachers' pedagogical cooperation in classroom curriculum development and the functioning of collective activities in kindergarten. KEYWORDS Kindergarten, kindergarten teacher, pre-school child, social and work climate in kindergarten, relations, communication and risks in kindergarten.

Hudba jako výrazný prostředek kultivace řeči předškolních dětí / Music as a Significant Means for Speech Cultivation in Pre-School Children

Kmentová, Milena January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation of an interdisciplinary character involves music education, music psychology, linguistics and special education. In the theoretical part of the thesis the author explains the term timbre from the musicological and linguistic perspective; characterizes timbre hearing as a musical hearing ability; introduces and compares timbre and phonemic hearing tests; describes the development of musicality and speech of pre-school children from an ontogenetic perspective, and emphasizes hearing atten- tion as a prerequisite for their advancement. The author also characterizes disruption of these abilities and describes reeducation therapies that involve elements of music education and mu- sic therapy. A field study described in the practical part of the thesis has a form of fundamental research and experiment. Research participants were 180 pre-school children. A field study is addressing the relationship between speech and musical manifestations of pre-school children with atypi- cal speech development. The aim of the experiment was to search for the most effective com- bination of music and language education with positive influence on both musicality and speech. Chapters of the thesis introduce a unique diagnostic material, experimental methodol- ogy and research outcomes. A field study...

Diagnostika a rozvoj dílčích funkcí u dětí se sluchovým postižením v předškolním věku / Diagnostics and development of partial funcions of pre-school children with hearing disabilities

Ondráčková, Zdenka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the diagnostics and development level of partial functions of preschool children, due to the necessity of the skills for acquiring basic school skills, ie. reading, writing and counting. Children with hearing disabilities are a specific group in this area due to the possible difficulties in obtaining information from the majority auditory society, and thus acquiring the necessary knowledge. One of the goals of the thesis presented here is to find out what diagnostic materials are suitable and evaluating for children with hearing disabilities in preschool age. Whether tests are primarily focused for this group of children or tests designed for hearing children can be used effectively. The second goal of this thesis is to determine if and to what extent there will be an improvement in test results in case of controlled activities took place with children in comparison with the period when similar activities were not carried out with them. A six-month research was conducted with selected children with hearing disabilities, during which they were repeatedly tested using two different diagnostic materials. In the second part of the research, intentional activities took place with selected children, which was contributing to the development of their partial functions. From the...

Faktore wat die dissiplinering van kleuters tydens die egskeidingsproses beїnvloed (Afrikaans)

Van Schalkwyk, Ilana 05 November 2007 (has links)
This research study focused on the factors that influence the disciplining of pre-school children during the divorce process. Divorce is an escalating phenomenon and more pre-school children are being exposed to divorce. A pre-school child’s development limits his abstract thinking processes which keep him to fully comprehending concepts like divorce. The verbal capacity of pre-school children is still limited and therefore they are not always able to communicate what they experience and observe. They are also not always able to express their emotions. The pre-school child communicates through behaviour and play. Divorce is not only the legal termination of the marriage for adults, but in fact entails more responsibilities, challenges, losses and adaptations. More pressure is placed on the parents and they tend to be emotional overwhelmed, physical exhausted and emotionally drained. This causes that the parents to not see their way open to care for and especially discipline their pre-school child. Discipline in general is left aside and is not followed through consistently. The purpose of this study is of ‘n explorative nature. It aims to explore the factors that have an impact on the disciplining of the pre-school child, prior to, during and after the divorce process. A quantitative research approach has been followed with this study and a questionnaire has been used for gathering information. A non-probability sampling method was used and the respondents were selected through a purposive sample. The respondents were selected from the Pretoria East region. The organisations that assisted the researcher in selecting the respondents were the Counselling centre of the Dutch Reformed Church of Moreletapark and the Child Trauma Clinic. For this study 19 respondents were selected. The questionnaires was given out by hand and collected by hand. The children of the respondents who participated in the study were all pre-school children when going through the divorce. It has been concluded from this study that the factors impacting the discipline of pre-school children during the divorce process, is of an emotional nature. A factor that played an important role in the disciplining of pre-school children is the guilt feelings that the respondents experienced for exposing their children to a divorce. Physical tiredness, emotional exhaustion, conflict between parents during and after the divorce and the number of times that one of the parents leaved the house, are factors that according to the respondents, influenced the disciplining of their pre-school children. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSD / unrestricted

Transformative self-discoveries for a preschool child : from a passive to an agentic lifeposition

Van Heukelum, Gudrun 30 June 2003 (has links)
This explorative case study was undertaken to uncover how transformative self-discoveries were facilitated through Gestalt playtherapy, enabling agency of a single pre-school participant. Data were captured around the participant's baseline agentic status; emerging agency, facilitated trough the intervention and post-intervention agentic status. A content analysis aided thematic coding. Theme 1 identified inherent agency trends and the agency blocks "what is that". Theme 2 dealt with patterns of active resistance "I don't want to feel / I don't want to know". Theme 3 captured enhanced agentic behaviour "I can and I understand". Through the intervention the participant's entrapped agency was unleashed, leading to an awareness of her `being', enabling her `doing' and thereby allowing her to `become'. Enabled agency increased the participant's active involvement in her life and her engagement in developmental tasks was increased. Implications of the findings support further investigation and application of this intervention. / Educational Studies / M. Diac (Play Therapy)

Transformative self-discoveries for a preschool child : from a passive to an agentic lifeposition

Van Heukelum, Gudrun 30 June 2003 (has links)
This explorative case study was undertaken to uncover how transformative self-discoveries were facilitated through Gestalt playtherapy, enabling agency of a single pre-school participant. Data were captured around the participant's baseline agentic status; emerging agency, facilitated trough the intervention and post-intervention agentic status. A content analysis aided thematic coding. Theme 1 identified inherent agency trends and the agency blocks "what is that". Theme 2 dealt with patterns of active resistance "I don't want to feel / I don't want to know". Theme 3 captured enhanced agentic behaviour "I can and I understand". Through the intervention the participant's entrapped agency was unleashed, leading to an awareness of her `being', enabling her `doing' and thereby allowing her to `become'. Enabled agency increased the participant's active involvement in her life and her engagement in developmental tasks was increased. Implications of the findings support further investigation and application of this intervention. / Educational Studies / M. Diac (Play Therapy)

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