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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lojalitets inverkan på anställdas vilja att stanna : En enkätstudie som undersöker hur påverkansfaktorerna lön och andra motivationsfaktorer, samhörighet, lojalitet, kompetensförsörjning och arbetets utformning, inverkar på anställdas vilja att stanna i sin anställning, inom privat och offentlig sektor.

Stolt, Elin, Färdig, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
Den globala tekniska utvecklingen och framväxten av kunskapssamhället har bidragit till att kunskap och mänskliga färdigheter fått en central betydelse för organisationers framgång. Idag anses anställda därmed som en viktig och central del för att höja den organisatoriska prestationen och för att behålla konkurrensfördelar på arbetsmarknaden. Det är därav av största vikt för organisationer att bibehålla kompetenta anställda. För att bibehålla anställda behöver organisationer få svar på vad som påverkar anställdas vilja att stanna när möjligheter finns för dem att få arbete i andra organisationer. Forskning har påträffat skillnader mellan offentlig och privat sektor såsom ekonomiska resurser, prioriteringar samt faktorer som bidrar till anställdas motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka valda påverkansfaktorers inverkan på anställdas vilja att stanna kvar i sin anställning, inom privat och offentlig sektor. Uppsatsen utgår från ett medarbetarperspektiv. För att undersöka detta upprättades en enkät byggt på mätverktygen QPS Nordic, COPSOQ II och Turnover Intention Scale för att undersöka uppsatsens 5 påverkansfaktorer i relation till begreppet frivillig uppsägning. Svar från 41 respondenter från både den privata och den offentliga sektorn har analyserats för att finna svar på uppsatsens syfte. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån ett framtaget analysverktyg i syfte att demonstrera hur uppsatsens begrepp används.  Avsaknad av motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse har visats påverka anställdas beslut till frivillig uppsägning. Uppsatsens påverkansfaktorer: lön och andra motivationsfaktorer, samhörighet, lojalitet, kompetensförsörjning samt arbetets utformning visar tendens att leda till motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse för anställda i båda sektorerna. Däremot tenderar inte alla faktorer att bidra till frivillig uppsägning. Uppsatsens resultat visar tendenser att påverkansfaktorn lojalitet har en stor enskild inverkan på anställdas beslut till frivillig uppsägning. Vidare skiljer sig påverkansfaktorerna åt inom sektorerna. Påverkansfaktorerna i privat sektor utöver lojalitet är samhörighet och kompetensförsörjning och påverkansfaktorer i offentlig sektor utöver lojalitet är arbetets utformning och samhörighet som bidrar till förklarandet av frivillig uppsägning. Påverkansfaktorer rörande gemenskap påvisar stor betydelse i båda sektorerna. I uppsatsen påvisas vikten av att lära känna sin egen organisation vilket styrks av olikheterna som framkommer i resultatet.

Investigating Factors Affecting Talent Retention in Private Organizations : Insights from HR Practitioners in Baku, Azerbaijan

Hajiyev, Vusal January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the factors affecting talent retention in private organizations located in Baku, Azerbaijan. Since people are valuable assets to achieve sustainable development, organizations implement various strategies to retain them. The influence of globalization has made retaining talent a more challenging process. Considering that people's desire to work in an organization depends on motivating factors, this paper applied Self-Determination Theory to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between motivation and retention. Self-Determination Theory has helped explain work motivation and its impact on people's choices and decisions. A qualitative study was chosen for this thesis because it is based on data collected through interviews. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with HR practitioners to learn their perspectives. The study reveals the importance of some factors: fair and transparent compensation which is given as recognition of competence; clear communication and feedback; training that ensure internalization; a workplace provides autonomy to make one's own decisions; and an organisational culture which promotes work-life balance. Management in organizations should approach employees' problems more individually and pay attention to their intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivators, such as rewards offered by the organization, may contribute to retention only if they strengthen rather than undermine basic psychological needs.

Kommunikation i förändring i en digital era : En kvalitativ fallstudie om privata och offentliga organisationers hantering av ålder i kommunikationen av sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke. / Communication in change in a digital era : A qualitative case study on private and public organizations management of age in the communication of their employer brand.

Ståhl, Erika, Nolskog, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
I takt med digitaliseringen och att nya generationer intar arbetsmarknaden står organisationer, privata såväl som offentliga, inför nya utmaningar. De yngre generationerna har till skillnad från sina föregångare andra krav och värderingar som formar deras syn på vad en attraktiv arbetsplats är. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att undersöka hur offentliga och privata organisationer hanterar ålder, och olika åldersgruppers medievanor, i kommunikationen av deras arbetsgivarvarumärke för att framstå som attraktiva. Målet med studien är att bidra med fördjupad kunskap kring ämnet genom att undersöka detta inom ett specifikt fall i en verklig kontext av Värmland. Studien undersöker följande frågeställningar: “Hur liknar, respektive skiljer sig, privata och offentliga organisationers kommunikativa hantering av sina arbetsgivarvarumärken utifrån dess uppfattningar om digitalt infödda och digitala invandrare?”, “Vilka resonemang ligger bakom hur organisationer framställer sig som attraktiva för digitalt infödda och digitala invandrare i kommunikationen av sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke?” och “Hur resonerar organisationer kring kommunikationen av sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke i olika mediekanaler utifrån de digitalt inföddas och de digitala invandrarnas medievanor?” Det teoretiska ramverket består av arbetsgivarens imagehantering, följt av, mun till mun-marknadsföring, organisatorisk attraktionskraft, signaleringsteorin samt media generationer. I denna fallstudie har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod tillämpats där åtta semistrukturerade forskningsintervjuer har genomförts. I studien genomfördes det fyra intervjuer med representanter från kommunikationsavdelningarna inom offentliga organisationer (kommuner) och fyra intervjuer med representanter från kommunikationsavdelningarna inom inom privata organisationer (industrier). Resultatet av studien påvisade att det förekommer skillnader men även några likheter. Studien kunde identifiera att de privata och offentliga sektorerna hade liknande uppfattningar om strategival, tankesätt och förståelse kring diverse åldersaspekter men att de har kommit olika långt i att hantera detta i kommunikationen av deras arbetsgivarvarumärke. Resultatet visade även att representanterna från de båda sektorerna är medvetna om att de måste anpassa sin kommunikation, och val av mediekanaler, för att framstå som attraktiva inför personer som fötts in i den digitala världen (de digitalt infödda) och personer som fötts innan det digitala genombrottet (de digitala invandrarna). Samtidigt framkom det att de lyfter olika sorters attribut och värden för att öka deras attraktionskraft, vilket indirekt kan ses som ett tecken på att de i dagsläget fokuserar på att nå olika åldersgrupper. Även faktumet att de båda sektorerna inte använder sig av samma mediekanaler kan ses som tecken på detta. De privata organisationerna har en stor blandning av kanaler, digitala såväl som verkliga, medan de offentliga inte har kommit lika långt i användandet av sociala medier. / With the urging of digitalization and new generations in the labor market, organizations, private as well as public, are facing new challenges. Unlike their predecessors, the younger generations have different demands and values ​​that shape their view of what an attractive workplace is. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how public and private organizations manage age, and the media habits of different age groups, in the communication of their employer brand in order to appear attractive. The goal of the study is to contribute with in-depth knowledge of the subject by examining this within a specific case in a real context of Värmland. The study investigates the following questions: "How are private and public organizations' communicative handling of their employer brands similar, or different, based on their perceptions of digital natives and digital immigrants?", "What reasoning lies behind how organizations present themselves as attractive to digital natives and digital immigrants?" immigrants in the communication of their employer brand?” and "How do organizations reason about the communication of their employer brand in different media channels based on the media habits of digital natives and digital immigrants?" The theoretical framework consists of employer image management, followed by word of mouth marketing, organizational attractiveness, signaling theory and media generations. In this case study, a qualitative research method has been applied where eight semi-structured research interviews have been conducted. In the study, four interviews were conducted with representatives from the communication departments within public organizations (municipalities) and four interviews with representatives from the communication departments within private organizations (industries). The results of the study showed that there are differences but also some similarities. The study was able to identify that the private and public sectors had similar perceptions of strategy choices, mindsets and understanding regarding various age aspects, but that they have come a long way in managing this in the communication of their employer brand. The result also showed that the representatives from both sectors are aware that they have to adapt their communication, and choice of media channels, in order to appear attractive to people who were born into the digital world (the digital natives) and people who were born before the digital breakthrough (the digital immigrants). At the same time, it emerged that they highlight different kinds of attributes and values ​​to increase their attractiveness, which can indirectly be seen as a sign that they are currently focusing on reaching different age groups. Even the fact that the two sectors do not use the same media channels can be seen as a sign of this. The private organizations have a great mix of channels, digital as well as real, while the public ones have not come as far in the use of social media.

The Relationship Between Leadership Traits and Effectiveness Among the Private, Public, and Nonprofit Sectors

Petroff, Ruth Ann 20 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Public-Private Partnerships in Education & Education Reform: A New Theoretical & Applied Approach

MacQuarrie-Tomey, Ashley January 2024 (has links)
Over the last four decades, there has been a significant increase in public-private education partnerships (PPPs). However, rather than reflecting the traditional PPP model where the private sector contributes resources to fulfill public policy agendas, businesses and philanthropies are partnering with urban schools to pursue their goals for reforming public education policy. With billions of dollars being spent by organizations like Microsoft, Meta, the Broad Foundation, and Bloomberg philanthropies on major initiatives to reform public education through teacher training and core curricular Changes, there has been surprisingly little research on the public-private partnership model itself and its impact on education policy. This dissertation intends to address this research gap by considering how public-private partnerships have been traditionally defined and explained in public policy and political science; what has Changed in the structure and purpose of public-private partnerships in education; how do we define and understand an educational public-private partnership in the current context; how do we determine what makes public-private partnerships successful; and based on this new definition, how do we understand their impact on educational public policy priorities? The dissertation aims to accomplish the following: 1) Discuss the existing public policy and political science literature on public-private partnerships. 2) Use anecdotal evidence, research literature, and news reporting to propose a framework for what public-private partnerships in education entail now and what their outcomes appear to be. 3) Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) of success from that literature and test their relevance to the success of current educational PPPs – towards formalizing a new theoretical definition and future guide for applied research. 4) Use both quantitative and qualitative research methods on a sample of partnerships which have already been documented either through original research or third party analytical and narrative reports to analyze and define those key performance indicators which are relevant to current educational PPPs. 5) Through analysis of the intended and actual outcomes of those PPP cases used in previous analysis, demonstrate how current educational PPPs are now both formulating and implementing policy. The importance of this finding is related to debates about the purpose of public education, the definition of public goods, and democratic accountability. 6) Identify the gap between the existing theoretical definition of PPPs and the derived newly proposed framework and the implications for theory, practice and policy. 7) Through a synthesis of the above items, construct an original method and tool for how to form and assess these partnerships for successful outcomes, as well as effective policy.  Applied Qualitative Research The third paper utilizes data from the quantitative research of paper 2 and builds and expands on the findings by using a qualitative methodology to analyze cases which have a more robust narrative. The cases I consider are Bloomberg philanthropies Global Scholars and Mark Zuckerberg’s Newark public schools. I document the functional, political, and financial differences between the cases, as well as how the PPPs were implemented. This applied research considers the indicators which proved relevant in the prior quantitative research through a qualitative analysis of materials, reports, and interviews. Applied Quantitative Research This second paper is applied quantitative research and serves as the bridge between the literature and theory to current applications and directs the focus of the subsequent applied qualitative research in this dissertation. I take the elements identified as standard KPIs from literature and prior research studies and using the documentation from the united way portfolio I test the relevance of those existing KPIs to the current theoretical framework. The Detroit cases are ideal for this portion of the research as those cases were created as PPPs and concluded (at least as far as an initial MOU agreement) within a specific timeframe. I collected all the documentation on those partnerships and their elements using a measurement system I developed. I use a quantitative method of binary logic regression to consider, given the documented outcomes of those cases, whether there is simple significance of an indicator as it relates to a quantitative definition of success. My metric is whether more than 50% of the objectives outlined in the MOUs were successfully completed. The quantitative methodology is important, because it allows us to determine which indicators remain relevant and warrant further study. At the end of this paper the advantages and limitations of quantitative analysis will be discussed, as well as thoughts about how qualitative analysis may help further the research going forward. This serves as a bridge to the next section/chapter. The purpose of this paper is to move beyond simply identifying components of the PPPs, as was done in the second paper, to more fully articulate and define them. I also identify the variance in PPP outcomes which may come from leadership structure, organizational occupation (for profit, nonprofit, public) and other operational and political variables. This section draws heavily on my research which uses a qualitative comparative frame to analyze the BP and Zuckerberg cases. The importance of these findings, as well as the advantages and limitations of this methodology are also be discussed. Toward a Theoretical Framework for PPPs & a New Tool for Evaluation Research The third paper of the dissertation synthesizes the analysis from the previous two papers in order to integrate both sets of findings and limitations in order to better define and understand current educational PPPs. This will lead to a new proposed theory of PPPs in education, to be followed by an analytic discussion, which will rely on research I have already done. The new proposed theory will be compared to the existing theory. The empirical evidence will make clear that new forms of PPPs have been implemented that are not accounted for in the existing theory. The implications of these findings will be important for both public and private actors who will need to think about and formulate PPPs in different ways than they have been doing. Once this is explicated, I consider the implications of substituting PPPs for the traditional policymaking process, and what can reasonably be anticipated as outcomes for public goods and democratic accountability. PPPs must be understood as an alternative pathway to policymaking which most often will not include traditional policy makers, and by virtue of financial and operational conditions, will fast track educational reforms. This increase in speed and coherence of reform is likely to be accompanied by a decline in democratic accountability, which particularly as it concerns public K-12 education, may fundamentally change the nature of that specific public good, and may even extend to a larger reconceptualization in the country of the concept of public goods. The last section of the third paper moves from the theoretical to the applied. This section discusses how the research gathered and synthesized in the previous two papers contributes to an applied framework for formulating and assessing educational PPPs for rates of success. This is especially important as we can expect that there will not be a decline in educational PPPs, but rather an ever-growing prevalence of them in American public education systems. I then make the case specifically for the use of comparative-qualitative analysis as an appropriate analytic frame for an evaluation tool. The section then goes on to detail the development of this tool, which relies on the methods and findings of the previous applied research sections in the dissertation. I provide a methodology for documenting the qualitative elements to be observed through an interview protocol, as well as the methodology by which that qualitative data can be converted to a quantitative value using previously discussed key variables and then cross-assessed with other related variables, weighted, and inputted into a prescribed algorithm (using analytics frames from educational performance evaluations, quantitative regression, and machine learning prediction principles). This will produce a predictive outcome of success and a meta frame to compare and contrast different educational PPPs going forward. This aspect of the research is important, as it provides practitioners, educators, policymakers, and public and private leadership a better understanding of what in fact they are doing when attempting to formulate and implement a public private partnership; what elements they should seek to build into their partnership in order to create increased conditions for successful outcomes; and finally how as researchers, we might, in the future, have a tool to observe, track, and evaluate these partnerships to further our theoretical and applied understanding of educational policy.

'The Magnificent 7[am]?' Work-life articulation beyond the 9[am] to 5[pm] 'norm'

Smith, Andrew J. 2016 November 1915 (has links)
Yes / This article focuses on the work-life ‘balance’ challenges of those who work in organisations that operate beyond standard hours. The concept of work-life articulation is utilised to examine the experiences and practicalities of attempting to reconcile the, often competing, demands of employment and family life. Qualitative research was conducted in two private sector businesses and one third sector organisation in the UK during the onset of the 2008 financial crisis. The findings reveal increasing competitive pressures, efficiency drives and work intensification. ‘Business needs’ are prioritised over care responsibilities, and in the private sector organisations there is declining flexible working with a reassertion of the management prerogative. This article contributes to current debates over work-life ‘balance’ and highlights variable, changeable and unpredictable working time arrangements that permeate non-standard hours, which creates additional complexities and challenges for family time schedules and routines. / ESRC

Sustainability Strategies in the Luxury World : A Comparative Analysis of Approaches Across LVMH and Chanel Inc. according to Agenda 2030’s France Goals.

Guidoux, Clarisse, Drivet, Juliette January 2024 (has links)
Problem: The fashion and luxury industry represents a significant portion of the French economy, contributing 3% to the GDP. This economic importance prompts a close examination of its sustainability practices, with various organizations regularly assessing their ESG strategies. Indeed, the luxury sector is often associated with intensive resource use, unsustainable manufacturing practices, and unfair working conditions in French supply chains. In this context, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 offers a crucial roadmap to guide private sector companies towards a more sustainable future by 2030. However, the lack of literature connecting the 17 SDGs to the specific challenges of the luxury industry fully justifies the relevance of this study.  Objective: This thesis aims to develop a performance evaluation model, based on Sachs' methodology (2021), focusing on the six most relevant pillars (SDGs 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 17) for the LUTEXAPP sect..  Method: This case study focuses on two French luxury giants, LVMH and Chanel Inc. Adopting a mixed approach, it uses questionnaires to survey key professionals from these companies on their perception of the SDGs. The primary data thus obtained is supplemented by secondary data from reports published by the companies themselves. Data analysis aims to identify trends and emerging priorities among participants' responses, while drawing on academic research to select the most relevant SDGs for the luxury and fashion industry.  Result: This study has confirmed the relevance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 17 as fundamental criteria for evaluating performance within the luxury sector, integrating economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Supported by indicators established in specialized literature, this assessment faithfully reflects the aspirations of the United Nations' Agenda 2030. Chanel Inc. stands out with a favorable perception from its employees across all studied pillars, although its performance, as objectively measured by indicators, is more nuanced. Conversely, the LVMH group demonstrates overall remarkable performance according to the indicators for the examined pillars but sometimes elicits critical opinions from its employees. These differences can be attributed to factors such as company size, organizational structure in place, and financial investments made.

Hur matchas belöningar och belöningspreferenser? : En jämförelse mellan privat och offentlig sektor / How are rewards and reward preferences matched? : A comparison between the private and public sector

Wargh, Izabelle, Halvardsson, Linn January 2024 (has links)
På den ständigt föränderliga arbetsmarknaden, där konkurrensen mellan privat och offentlig sektor är påtaglig, är det avgörande för organisationer att vara lyhörda för anställdas behov för att få dem att stanna kvar på arbetsplatsen. Belöningar fungerar som en strategisk komponent för att behålla anställda men det förutsätter att anställda värderar belöningen som organisationen tillhandahåller. Belöningar kan delas in i monetära och icke-monetära. Tidigare forskning visar att monetära och icke-monetära belöningar är viktiga för anställda, däremot saknas kunskap om organisationer faktiskt lever upp till anställdas belöningspreferenser. Syftet med studien är således att utveckla kunskap om hur användningen av monetära och icke-monetära belöningar matchar anställdas belöningspreferenser och om denna matchning skiljer sig mellan privat och offentlig sektor. Studien använder en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi och data samlades in genom en webbenkät besvarad av 148 anställda från olika branscher inom privat och offentlig sektor. Enkäten innehöll bland annat frågor om vilka belöningar anställda kan få och vilka de vill ha. Data analyserades med hjälp av ANOVA för att identifiera skillnader mellan sektorerna och graden av matchning mellan belöningar och preferenser. Resultaten visar att monetära belöningar är mer förekommande inom den privata sektorn, medan icke-monetära belöningar förekommer i lika stor utsträckning i både den privata och offentliga sektorn. Löneökning är den mest framträdande monetära belöningen, medan beröm samt delaktighet och inflytande är de mest förekommande icke-monetära belöningarna. Vidare visar resultaten ingen tydlig skillnad i belöningspreferenser mellan anställda i de olika sektorerna. Slutligen visar resultaten en variation i hur väl organisationer matchar belöningar med anställdas preferenser. Den privata sektorn visar sig vara bättre på att matcha icke-monetära belöningar med anställdas preferenser, medan den offentliga sektorn matchar bättre när det gäller monetära belöningar. Sammanfattningsvis finns det en betydande skillnad mellan vad anställda efterfrågar och vad de erhåller, vilket indikerar att det finns utrymme för förbättring av tillhandahållande av belöningar i båda sektorerna. / In the constantly changing labour market, where competition between the private and public sectors is tangible, it is crucial for organizations to be responsive to employees' needs in order to keep them in the workplace. Rewards act as a strategic component to retain employees but this assumes that employees value the rewards provided by the organization. Rewards can be divided into monetary and non-monetary. Previous research shows that monetary and non-monetary rewards are important to employees, however, there is a lack of knowledge about whether organizations actually meet employees' reward preferences. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about how the use of monetary and non-monetary rewards matches employees' reward preferences and whether this matching differs between the private and public sectors. The study uses a quantitative research strategy and data was collected through an online survey answered by 148 employees from different industries in the private and public sectors. The survey included questions on what rewards employees can get and what they want. Data were analyzed using ANOVA to identify differences between sectors and the degree of matching between rewards and preferences. The results show that monetary rewards are more common in the private sector, while non-monetary rewards are equally common in both the private and public sectors. Salary increases are the most common monetary reward, while praise and participation and influence are the most common non-monetary rewards. Furthermore, the results show no clear difference in reward preferences between employees in the different sectors. Finally, the results show a variation in how well organizations match rewards with employee preferences. The private sector is found to be better at matching non-monetary rewards with employees' preferences, while the public sector matches better when it comes to monetary rewards. In summary, there is a significant difference between what employees ask for and what they receive, indicating that there is room for improvement in the provision of rewards in both sectors.

Public value and work: Effects on happiness, work engagement and flow

Bardeli, Jessica 27 August 2024 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation, which consists of three empirical papers, one book chapter and an introductory framework paper, aims to enhance the understanding of the common good concept within an organisational context, focusing specifically on the employee level. Making use of Meynhardt’s public value approach (2009, 2015), the main objective is to identify the relationship between public value orientation and positive psychology, and to examine the relationship’s effects on individual, organisational and societal outcomes. Incorporating multiple studies, the dissertation theoretically discusses and empirically analyses to examine how employees and society perceive the organisational public value orientation and how these perceptions affects different facets of their behaviour. By leveraging psychologically established models, the relationship between organisational public value and relevant psychological constructs is explored and substantiated. In addition, this dissertation utilises the empirical results to elaborate the practical relevance for managers and organisations.

Collaborative governance and the implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act: a case study of HIV health services planning councils in two South Florida counties

Unknown Date (has links)
The complex problems of the twenty-first century cannot be effectively addressed with twentieth century top-down bureaucratic governance alone because of limited stakeholder participation in collective decision making and/or implementation. The somewhat limited stakeholder participation in the policy process, especially, that of target populations, can impact generating viable solutions to complex problems. Collaborative governance has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional management in addressing contemporary complex problems. Collaborative governance is thus a type of governance that promotes joint participation of state and non-state stakeholders in decision making and/or implementation by using agreed upon processes of engagement to collectively address problems. Such governance is especially beneficial for addressing the challenges posed by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This dissertation uses the collaborative governance concept to explicate the efforts of HIV Health Services Planning Councils in Broward County and Palm Beach County of South Florida with the purpose of accentuating how collaborative governance works in providing various categories of services to meet the needs of people with AIDS (PWAs), as part of the implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act. The study focuses on critical variables of collaborative governance such as facilitative leadership and institutional design, the collaborative process variables such as trust building, commitment to the process and shared understanding, and outputs such as allocation priorities of the Councils. This study employed mixed methods in collecting data from various relevant sources. / The combined findings from surveys, interviews, observations and document reviews were essential to knowledge and understanding of collaborative governance of the respective Councils. The results revealed more similarities than differences between the Councils in their efforts towards addressing the HIV/AIDS problem. The Councils are similar in all variables of collaborative governance with few exceptions relative to facilitative leadership and institutional design. The differences were relative to membership, number of committees, amount allocated for various service categories and number of clients served. Furthermore, the Councils were slightly different in reaching consensus on subjects of deliberation. On the average, Palm Beach County's Council make decisions by consensus relatively easily when compared with the Broward County's Council. Nonetheless, both Councils are consensus-oriented and strive to make decision by consensus as evidenced by unanimous votes or simple majority votes on various subjects of deliberation. In addition, representation and participation of target populations in collaborative governance have contributed to the empowerment of those target populations. The study contributes to the literature by developing a conceptual model for HIV/AIDS collaborative governance for producing outputs to help meet needs of target populations. Also, the study contributes to collaborative governance theorizing by drawing a nexus between variables of collaborative governance and by complementing the existing non-linear perspective of collaborative process for collective problem solving. Collaborative governance involving state and non-state stakeholders thereby enhances efforts of public managers by harnessing resources to effectively manage and/or address complex problems for the benefit of society. / by James K. Agbodzakey. / Vita. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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