Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate law"" "subject:"5private law""
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Arvsrätt : En analys av hemvistprincipen i EU:s arvsförordning och effekten av dess tillämpande i svensk rättAzrak, Jane January 2015 (has links)
In order to harmonize the international private law and simplify situations of cross-border inheritance, EU has imposed a new inheritance regulation, Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession. This regulation governs, among other things, jurisdiction and applicable law in situations of inheritance. The important connecting factor in determining jurisdiction and applicable law is habitual residence. That is why it is important to determine where the deceased person has their habitual residence since the member states’ national regulations look different and thereby have different definitions and interpretations of the term habitual residence. The clarification of the term in the inheritance regulation is therefore important. The question is how the term should be interpreted and which criteria are necessary to acquire habitual residence. The habitual residence term is interpreted as autonomous in the inheritance regulation. This means that the term is interpreted uniformly within all EU member states regardless of the states’ national interpretation of the term. Many circumstances should be taken into consideration when making a determination of habitual residence, such as regularity and duration of the deceased’s presence in the state concerned, the conditions and reasons for that presence, family relationships and social life. These circumstances show where the deceased has their centre of interests and, consequently, also their habitual residence. Furthermore, an analysis is made of which effects the application of the domicile principle will have, instead of the principle of nationality regarding jurisdiction and applicable law, in the Swedish law system. Since the Swedish courts already apply Swedish international private law where the domicile term is used as well as EU-regulations where the domicile principle is applied, it can be assumed that the courts in Sweden will not face particular difficulties in applying the residence principle. / För att harmonisera den internationella privaträtten och förenkla situationer gällande gränsöverskridande arvsrättsliga frågor har EU infört en ny arvsförordning, Förordning (EU) nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 ”om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkännande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg”. Denna förordning reglerar bland annat behörig domstol och tillämplig lag vid arvsrättsliga situationer. För att kunna avgöra vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som kan bli tillämplig är anknytningskriteriet ”hemvist” avgörande enligt arvsförordningen. Därför är det viktigt att kunna fastställa var den avlidne personen har sin hemvist då medlemstaternas nationella regleringar ser olika ut och därmed har olika definitioner och tolkningar av hemvistbegreppet. Att begreppet förtydligas och klargörs i arvsförordningen är därför viktigt. Frågan är hur begreppet ska tolkas och vilka kriterier som krävs för att förvärva hemvist. Hemvistbegreppet tolkas som autonomt i arvsförordningen. Detta innebär att begreppet tolkas enhetligt inom alla EU:s medlemsstater oberoende av hur staternas nationella tolkning av begreppet lyder. För att kunna göra en hemvistbedömning ska flera omständigheter beaktas såsom regelbundenhet och varaktighet vid vistelsen, vistelsens situation och syfte samt familjeförhållanden och sociala relationer. Dessa faktorer visar var den avlidne har sitt intressecentrum och således även sin hemvist. Vidare utreds vilka effekter hemvistprincipens tillämpande, istället för nationalitetsprincipen vid behörig domstol och lagval, får i svensk rätt. Eftersom svenska domstolar redan tillämpar svensk internationell privaträtt där hemvistbegreppet används samt EU-förordningar där hemvistprincipen tillämpas, kan det antas att domstolarna i Sverige inte kommer möta särskilda svårigheter vid hemvistprincipens tillämpande.
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Förmånsrätt : Har alla borgenärer lika rätt?Larsson, Josefine January 2005 (has links)
<p>By the time the law of preferential right was legislated the purpose of the law was to give all creditors equal rights. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to analyze the law in force and unravel whether the purpose of the law has been fulfilled or not. If a deviation has been made I will decide whether it can be justified.</p><p>Since 1st of January 2004 the preferential right regarding taxes has been abolished. Since then the claims of the Government do not have any preferential right. Wages still have a preferential right. Since the law of the Governmental wage guarantee was legislated the Government now pays the workers claims and then take over the preferential right regarding wages.</p><p>When a company has gone bankrupt there is a possibility to apply recovery in order to bring back property to the bankrupt’s estate Regarding the Government’s claims regarding taxes, recovery is prohibited.</p><p>There is a regulation in the criminal code called favouritism of creditors which is related to the rules of recovery. The criteria in order to break this regulation are the same as regarding the rules of recovery. This leads to that if a debtor pays the Government the debtor does not break the regulation in the criminal code.</p><p>In addition to this the Government has an opportunity to receive payment by using the regulation called the legal representative’s responsibility. This regulation means that the legal representative of a company is obliged to pay the company’s taxes if the company is not able to.</p><p>By this I draw the conclusion that the purpose of the law of preferential right has not been fulfilled. By looking at the regulations I come to the conclusion that the Government has an advantage that no other creditor will be able to achieve. The workers are the only creditors, despite the Government, who are guaranteed payment through the Governmental wage guarantee. This is a deviation which, according to me is justified because of the fact that workers have a greater need for protection than other creditors. There is also a need to have a division in the law of preferential right because every claim has arisen in a different way. The advantage of the Government is, according to me, not justified because this leads to the fact that the Government is the only creditor except workers who is considered being in need of protection.</p> / <p>Vid instiftandet av FRL var syftet med lagen att alla borgenärer skulle ha lika rätt. Syftet med min uppsats är att utreda gällande rätt för att avgöra om FRL: s syfte blivit uppfyllt. Om avsteg från lagens syfte skett skall jag dessutom avgöra om dessa varit motiverade.</p><p>Den 1 januari 2004 avskaffades förmånsrätten för skatter och avgifter. Därefter övergick statens skattefordringar till att bli oprioriterade fordringar. Fortfarande föreligger förmånsrätt för lönefordringar. Efter instiftandet av den statliga lönegarantin betalar staten arbetstagarnas lönefordringar och inträder därefter i arbetstagarnas ställe avseende förmånsrätten.</p><p>I en konkurs finns möjlighet att tillämpa återvinning för att föra tillbaka tillgångar till konkursboet. För statens fordringar avseende skatter och avgifter finns det ingen möjlighet till återvinning utan för dessa fordringar föreligger ett återvinningsförbud.</p><p>I nära relation till återvinningsreglerna finns en bestämmelse i BrB, mannamån mot borgenärer. Kriterierna för att dömas för mannamån mot borgenärer är desamma som för att kunna återvinna en betalning till konkursboet. Detta innebär att en betalning till staten inte kan leda till mannamånsbrott.</p><p>Därutöver har staten en möjlighet att erhålla betalning genom ett ställföreträdaransvar vilket återfinns i SBL. Detta betalningsansvar drabbar ett företags företrädare vid uteblivna skattebetalningar.</p><p>Min slutsats är att syftet med FRL inte blivit uppfyllt. En sammanvägning av de olika lagreglerna leder till en slutsats att staten har en fördel som ingen annan borgenär kommer att uppnå. Arbetstagarna är den enda borgenär utöver staten som är garanterad betalning genom lönegarantin. Detta är enligt min uppfattning ett avsteg som är motiverat av den anledning att arbetstagare har ett högre skyddsvärde än vad till exempel leverantörer eller staten har. Uppdelningen i FRL mellan olika förmånsrätter är nödvändig eftersom fordringar tillkommit på olika sätt. Däremot anser jag att de avsteg som görs från FRL: s syfte vad gäller statens fördelar inte är motiverade eftersom det leder till att staten är den enda borgenär utöver arbetstagarna som har ett skyddsvärde.</p>
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La définition de l'ordre public en droit civil de la fin du XVIIIeme au début du XXeme siècle : histoire du concept / Public order in private law from 18th to 20thBloquet, Josée 07 December 2010 (has links)
La conception de l'ordre public développée par les rédacteurs du Code civil a permis son essor au XIXème siècle. Au confluent du droit et de la morale, ainsi que du droit public et du droit privé, l'ordre public n'était envisagé par la doctrine du début du siècle qu'au travers de son caractère concret. Dès lors qu'elle parvint à se détacher de la tradition, elle rechercha à délimiter plus précisément la notion. / The conception of public order developed by the authors of the civil code allowed its expansion in XIXth century. Among law and moral, between public law and private law, public order was considered by the doctrine of the early century only trough its concreteness. Since it managed to detach the tradition, it sought to define more precisely the notion.
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Autonomie vůle v soukromém právu / Autonomy of will in private lawGlancová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The principle of autonomy of will is considered to be the crucial principle controlling all private relationships of human life. People in the sense of individuals of private law have opportunity to form their private relationships according to their free will thanks to the autonomy of will, even while within certain predetermined limits. The principle of autonomy of will is closely related to the principle of non-mandatory rule in private law and to the principle of equality, the principle of pacta sunt servanda and to the principle according to a person acts lawfully unless there is a legal rule prohibiting or curtailing that behaviour. The purpose of my thesis is to classify the term autonomy of will in its historical context and its definition in the context of other principles and institutions of private law. The importance of this principle is further illustrated by the specific expressions autonomy of will in our legal system. My thesis is composed of a general part and a special part. The general part is divided into three chapters. Chapter One deals with the historical appearance of autonomy of will from ancient times to modern history, ie from primary manifestations of autonomy of will in the contractual relationships of people to its international establishment. In the chapter Two of the...
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Internet a mezinárodní právo soukromé / The internet and private internaional lawKořínková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the regulation related to the Internet and private international law. The Internet is a quickly developing system of interconnected computer networks. Recent expansion of the internet caused that it becomes almost an essential part of our lives which serves either to communicate or to contract. A growing number of internet-users raised a question of a need for more specialized legislation related to the Internet and e-commerce. The thesis is focused on the regulation applicable to the internet and e-commerce and questions raising when rules intended for real-life obligations are being applied on the Internet. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic. Chapter One is introductory. It explains the connection between private international law and the Internet and presents relevant legislation of the Czech Republic and the European Union. Chapter Two and Chapter Three explain where the contracting party can expect to be sued and which jurisdiction's law will be applied. Chapter Four concentrates on e- commerce and contracts in cyberspace. According to the differences in formation of contracts there are click-wrap agreements, click-through agreements, browse-wrap agreements, shrink-wrap agreements and contracts...
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Právní moc a vykonatelnost rozhodnutí / Legal effect and enforcement of judgmentPetriláková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the main properties of the legal judgment in a private law - legal effect and enforcement. The focus is on the accurate analysis of the traditional institutions of the private process. It is not examined only from the point of view of the valid legal regulation but also according to the reasoning of the legal theory and from the conclusions of the legal practice. Theoretical interpretation is often supported by practical examples that are used to improve the intelligibility of the thesis and understandability of individual problems. The diploma thesis is mainly focused on the issue of the legal effect of judgment. In relation with that there is explained the essence and purpose of this institution. Legal effect is conceived as the set of the specific properties (impacts), that the judgment acquires when the legal presumptions are fulfilled. There are defined the concepts of the formal and material legal effect including their mutual relation. Attention is also given to the individual impacts of the legal effect as the finality, the immutability and the obligation of the judgment. There is described not only its legal nature but also the specific utterances and consequences of its application. Following interpretation of bounds of the legal effect tries...
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Autonomie vůle v soukromém právu / Autonomy of will in private lawSchubertová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
68 Abstract The principle of autonomy of will is a fundamental principle of private law. It is impossible to imagine the functioning of private law without it. The principle is primarily based on the principles of equality and freedom, the key principles on which the foundations of a democratic legal system and free society are built. The aim of my thesis is to define the autonomy of will, compare the principle of autonomy of will with other fundamental doctrines and principles from which it arises and/or principles which are closely related to. I believe that most of the legal relationships based on private law are founded on the principle of autonomy of will, therefore, I decided to describe some of these institutes in more detail in my dissertation as well. The thesis is divided into a general part and a specific part. In the general part I deal predominantly with the inclusion of the principle of autonomy of will into the principles of private law. This part also contains some theoretical concepts and is closely linked to constitutional law, the Bill of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the principles on which the Civil Code is built. I further deal with the interpretation of certain terms, then the principle of autonomy of will itself and how it is perceived by several authors. In addition to that, I...
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Metody investování soukromého kapitálu v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Methods of Investment in International Private LawŠtaňko, Andrej January 2013 (has links)
Methods of Investment in International Private Law Dissertation thesis is structured into 9 Sections. First section deals with reasons why entrepreneurs use international holdings: regulative, questions of taxation and legal system reasons. Second section describes legal sources applicable for the analyzed issues. Third section summarizes some of the risks relating to use of international holding companies, namely risk of breaching the criminal law or circumventing other legal rules. Apart from legal risks, there are economic risks to be mitigated. The risks mentioned are systematic risk (e.g., bankruptcy of the state) and personal risk relating to the foreign managers (incompetency, fraud). Fifth section deals with typical transactions in the group of companies relating to financing by banks and bods issuance. Briefly analyzed are also acquisition structures and whitewash procedure. Sixth and seventh section describe tax burdens in the Czech republic, Cyprus, Seychelles, Mauritius and number of other countries. Analysis of the jurisdictions in nine countries as to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions is provided in the section eight. The dissertation thesis is concluded with description of the civil law applicable after the so called recodification planned in the Czech...
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Mezinárodně-právní aspekty deliktní odpovědnosti na internetu / International law aspects of tort liability on the internetVondřich, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The technological development of recent years has brought not only new forms of electronic communication and social phenomena, but also a number of legal questions. As the internet creates a parallel cyberspace, a number of traditional legal rules have been called into question, including the rules for determination of court jurisdiction and governing law. This area is discussed in this dissertation thesis. The goal of this thesis is to identify problematic moments of interpretation and application of existing rules of private international law in the context of cross- border delicts on the internet and to find suitable solutions if they exist. Regarding methodology, this thesis uses the analytical approach, in particular in relation to case law and legal regulations. It is complemented by the comparative method, regarding evolution in time and regarding various legal cultures. The first chapter deals with the phenomena of digital information, the internet and the related philosophical or social areas, such as virtuality or cyberspace. The second chapter deals with legal regulation of the internet, censorship and the special position of certain providers of information services. In the third chapter there are defined the concepts of delict and delictual liability, with emphasis of this institute in...
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A teoria da causa subjetiva como expressão jusracionalista no código comercial brasileiro de 1850 / The French theory of cause as a enlightenment expression on the Brazilian commercial code of 1850Onofri, Renato Sedano 09 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo versou sobre os caminhos da formação do Direito Comercial brasileiro a partir das reformas pombalinas no século XVIII até a promulgação do Código Comercial brasileiro de 1850, procurando expor em quais pontos em se diferenciou do Direito Civil. Para tanto, no primeiro capítulo, expôs-se de que forma se deu a penetração das ideias Iluministas em Portugal, especialmente por meio da obra de LUÍS ANTÓNIO VERNEY. Em seguida, procurou-se demonstrar como essas ideias informaram as reformas levadas a efeito pelo Marquês de Pombal no século XVIII. No segundo capítulo, objetivou-se evidenciar as alterações na sociedade e na estrutra do império luso-brasileiro a partir da abertura dos portos em 1808 e de que forma estas alterações tiveram impacto na História do Direito Comercial nacional. O terceiro capítulo destinou-se a provar o influxo de ideias jusracionalistas no Direito Comercial brasileiro por meio da adoção da teoria subjetiva da causa, consagrada legislativamente no Código Civil francês de 1804. O trabalho, portanto, destinou-se a por em relevo um aspecto da História do Direito privado brasileiro que não se coaduna com a tradição jurídica luso-brasileira / This study refers to the formation of Brazilian Commercial Law from the pombalinas reforms until the promulgation of the Brazilian Code of Commerce in 1850. Throughout the work we tried to demonstrate how the Commercial Law followed a different tradition comparing with the Civil Law in Brazil. Thus, the first chapter demonstrates the Enlightenment influx in Portugal, specially through the work of LUÍS ANTÓNIO VERNEY. Then, the influence of VERNEYS ideas and the reforms that took place by the hands of the Marquês de Pombal in Portugal was showed. The second chapter demonstrates the social and political modifications that happened in the Portuguese Empire after the opening of the Brazilian ports to the trade of the world. At this point, there was also a study on the impact of the these developments in the History of the Brazilian Commercial Law. The third and last chapter attempts to prove the influx of Enlightenment demonstrating that the Code of Commerce of 1850 adopts the subjective theory of cause which is the same as in the French Code Civil of 1804. Therefore, this work demonstrated how the Brazilian Commercial Law followed different juridical tradition in comparison with the Brazilian Civil Law.
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