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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'acte médical imposé

Berthet, Anne-Charlotte 10 December 2012 (has links)
Alors que le droit de la santé a toujours prôné et protégé une relation médicale librement consentie entre patients et médecins, de nombreuses exceptions au consentement libre et éclairé viennent obscurcir le schéma classique de la relation médicale. Etudier l'acte médical imposé en tant que concept juridique autonome devient alors nécessaire pour clarifier et ordonner juridiquement les droits et devoirs applicables à chaque « acteur » de cet acte médical imposé. La conceptualisation a aussi pour objectif de dégager un régime juridique autonome permettant de garantir les droits et libertés des individus concernés tout en garantissant les intérêts de la société. Pour parvenir à cet objectif, cette thèse s'attache à unifier et clarifier la nature de l'acte médical imposé, afin de parvenir à un régime unifié, lisible et autonome, devant servir au législateur, en s'intéressant à toutes les branches du Droit privé et public. C'est ainsi que par une étude transversale de tous les actes médicaux imposés, faisant aujourd'hui l'objet d'un « éclatement » dans tous les domaines du Droit, cette thèse propose de modifier de nombreuses législations et codifications afin de prendre en considération, ces « exceptions » trop nombreuses pour être encore aujourd'hui considérées comme telles / Although health legislation has always advocated and protected the freely-entered-into doctor/patient relationship, many exceptions to free and informed consent have come to cloud this classical medical relationship. Compulsory medical treatment must be studied as a stand-alone legal concept if one is to identify the legal rights and responsibilities of each of the 'players' in this treatment. The objective of this conceptualisation is to draw out a stand-alone legal framework which would guarantee the rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned whilst guaranteeing the interests of Society. To reach this objective, this thesis endeavours to unify and clarify the nature of compulsory medical treatment with a view to attaining a unified, easily-read and stand-alone system to be used by legislators whether for private or public law purposes. It is therefore only as a result of a cross-disciplinary study of all compulsory medical treatments (which are 'exploding' in all spheres of the law) that this thesis is able to propose modifications to many laws and codifications in order to take into account the 'exceptions' which today are so numerous that they cannot be considered as such

Soukromoprávní důsledky dohod omezujících hospodářskou soutěž v právu Evropské unie / Private Enforcement of European Union Antitrust Law

Mačát, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the competition law of the European Union, namely with the private consequences of cartel agreements (as defined in Article 101, paragraph 1, TFEU) and with their enforcement. It understands its subject widely and therefore it is not concerned only with private consequences and their enforcement but it also analyses the nature of prohibition and voidness of such agreements on the basis of a causal relationship between these legal concepts and respective consequences. Furthermore, it describes the private enforcement of EU competition law (which is legal instrument to enforce claims that emerge from private law consequences) not only from the perspective of its topic but also in terms of its relationship to the public enforcement. It also deals with the interaction between these enforcement systems. Chapter 2 of the thesis provides a basic introduction to the topic of cartel agreements governed by the EU law. It describes prohibition of these agreements under Article 101 paragraph 1 TFEU and deals with their voidness under paragraph 2 ibid. It concentrates on the later because of the considerable uncertainties about its nature in terms of interpretation of its legislation, absoluteness and possibility to severe void provisions from the rest. Chapter 3 covers the consequences of...

"E-business" a mezinárodní právo soukromé / "E-business" and International Private Law

Davidovová, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova Právnická fakulta "E-BUSINESS" A MEZINÁRODNÍ PRÁVO SOUKROMÉ ("E-business" and International Private Law) Abstract 2014 Daniela Davidovová ABSTRACT This work concerns selected aspects of e-business and international private law. Its goal is to determine, whether the current rules of international private law are applicable to the legal relationships resulting from e-business. The work consists of six chapters: Internet and E-business, E-business and International Private Law in the Czech Republic, Application of International Private Law rules to selected contract types, Contractual terms of selected e-business entrepreneurs, Specific rules applicable to non-contractual legal relationships and De lege ferenda. The first and second chapters provide the essentials of the problematic, including the terminology and explanation on how the internet and e-business works. Chapters three and five enable to observe theoretical problems of International Private Law rules applicable for e-business legal relationships. The main questions observed in this work are following: what is the competent court and what is the applicable law in the legal relationships arising while doing e-business? Answers are provided from the perspective of the Czech e-business entrepreneur who is selling products/providing...

Teoretická koncepce odpovědnosti v soukromém právu / A theoretical conception of liability in private law

Janeček, Václav January 2017 (has links)
(English) What is liability?1 This "big" question has proven to be too tough for many private law theorists during the past 60 years. A dominant Czech approach to liability is the so-called theory of sanction: liability is a secondary duty imposed due to breach of a primary duty. At the same time, however, liability is conceptualized as an active institute, i.e. as liability to fulfil an obligation. This implies a specific "Czech" problem of liability: a paradoxical situation where a man can be liable because he was sanctioned, and also be sanctioned because he was liable. Liability in this sense seems to be an inherently flawed and meaningless concept, since both theories aspire to describe liability to the same extent (co-extensively). The most recent trend in Czech legal theory is thus a sceptical approach that completely eliminates the concept of liability from legal discourse. This is contrary to an ongoing and presumably meaningful debate on liability in foreign non-Czech literature that supports the most recent analytical and normative approaches to European legal regulation and its developments. Unlike in Czech language, this literature treats liability (Haftung) and responsibility (Verantwortung) as two discrete concepts. But why is this so? Wher does the "Czech" problem of liability come...

As dissertações de direito civil apresentadas na Academia de Direito de São Paulo no período 1834-1878 / The dissertations of Private Law presented in the Academy of Law in São Paulo in the period from 1874 to 1878.

Ferreira, João Gabriel Arato 25 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho desenvolve uma investigação e análise das influências presentes nas dissertações apresentadas pelos estudantes da Faculdade de Direito de São Paulo como requisito parcial de avaliação. No período conhecido como Crise do Império, intensificaram-se as contradições entre o discurso liberal e a prática, tendo em vista a forma de organização do Império. As Faculdades de Direito foram concebidas como centros de formação dos quadros da burocracia do Império em um contexto de formação do Estado logo após a Declaração de Independência. As dissertações do período analisado trazem questões que estão ligadas com o momento histórico, tal como o processo de abolição da escravatura ou as relações entre Igreja e Estado de modo a permitir lançar uma nova luz a partir do modo como estava estruturada a formação e reprodução de conhecimento e do discurso jurídico no ambiente das Faculdades de Direito. / This study develops a research and analysis of the influences present in the dissertations presented by the students of the Faculty of Law of São Paulo as a partial requirement assessment. During the period known as Empire Crisis ,the contradictions between the liberal discourse and practice were intensified, considering the form of organization of the Empire . The Law Schools were designed as training centers of the Empire Red bureaucracy in a context of state formation shortly after the Declaration of Independence. Dissertations of the analyzed period bring issues that are connected to the historical moment as the slavery abolition process or the relationship between Church and State and they cast new light on the way it was structured the training and reproduction of knowledge and legal discourse in the Faculties of Law.

Planejamento fiscal e elusão tributária na constituição e gestão de sociedades: os limites da requalificação dos atos e negócios jurídicos pela administração / Tax planning and legal form abuse of private law on the constitution and management of companies

Nishioka, Alexandre Naoki 12 May 2010 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado aborda o tema do planejamento tributário, aplicado à constituição e gestão de sociedades. Analisa-se o papel exercido pelo parágrafo único do artigo 116 do CTN, que supre uma lacuna da legislação brasileira, introduzindo a doutrina do abuso de formas de direito privado, de origem germânica, e adequando a legislação brasileira ao Estado Democrático de Direito, em que os princípios da legalidade e da livre iniciativa convivem, pacificamente, com os princípios da capacidade contributiva e da igualdade. Verifica-se, ainda, que a Lei Complementar n. 104/2001 estabelece um regime que nada tem a ver com o previsto no artigo 149, VII, do CTN. Examina-se, em seguida, a questão específica do abuso de formas de direito privado, em conexão com a teoria da causa do negócio jurídico e a relação desta com os artigos 421 e 187 do Código Civil. No que se refere especificamente à constituição e gestão de sociedades, procura-se identificar qual é a causa ou a função social do contrato de sociedade, com o objetivo de evidenciar de que forma as escolhas do contribuinte no exercício de sua atividade empresarial vinculam o Fisco. / The present thesis deals with the theme of tax planning, applied to the constitution and management of companies. The role of the single paragraph of article 116 from the National Tax Code is also analyzed, due to the fact that it remedies the omission of Brazilian legislation by introducing the so-called legal form abuse of private law doctrine, whose original creation harks back to Germany; in addition, this theory also conforms the Brazilian legislation to the Legal Democratic State, in which the principles of lawfulness and free enterprise cohabit, pacifically, with the principles of ability to pay and equality. Moreover, it can also be noticed that Supplementary Law n. 104/2001 establishes a regime that has nothing to do with article 149, VII of the National Tax Code. After that, the specific question of legal form abuse of private law doctrine is handled, in connection with the juristic acts cause theory and its relation to articles 421 and 187 from the Civil Code. When it comes down to the constitution and management of companies, the scope is to verify what the cause or social duty of the companys by-laws is, with the main objective of clarifying how the taxpayers choices during the practice of his activity peg the Tax Administration.

Conflits de lois dans les contrats de commerce électronique / Conflicts of laws in the e-commerce

Zaky, Ahad 09 April 2013 (has links)
L'apparition des nouvelles technologies de l'information et le développement du commerce électronique revêt une dimension potentiellement internationale. Le commerce électronique bouleverse la traditionnelle approche de la transaction commerciale. par nature, l'internet met fréquemment en scène des parties situées aux quatre coins du monde. Il s'agit d'un environnement essentiellement international. Traditionnellement, lorsque les contractants relèvent d'ordres juridiques différents, leurs rapports sont régis par le droit international privé. Celui-ci permet de déterminer d'une part quelle autorité pourra éventuellement être appelée à trancher les litiges et d'autre part, quelles règles de droit international privé régissant les contrats classiques peuvent être transposées aux contrats cyberspatiaux. en d'autres termes, il s'agit d'en vérifier l'utilité et l'efficacité dans un monde dématérialisé et qui ignore les notions des frontières et de territorialité. / The conclusion of contracts of electronic commerce by internet raises several legal issues regarding the determination of the applicable law, the competent jurisdiction and the consumer protection. Therefore, we can question the applicability of the traditional rules of international private law to this new way of conclusion of contract or otherwise postulate the adoption of new legal rules. Starting by this premise, the present work focuses on the influence of electronic commerce on the conclusion ofcontracts between professional and then between the professional and the consumer. In particular, this work explores respectively the location of the contract and the possibility to apply substantive rules (lex elecrtonica) in substitution of the conflict of law rules. Electronics arbitration, the applicability of this method of disputes settlement and the relevant legal issues have been addressed in this work.

Existe-t-il un véritable contrôle de proportionnalité en droit privé ? : étude comparative franco-allemande / Does a true proportionality test exist in private law ? : Franco-german comparative study

Barral, Philippe 18 November 2013 (has links)
Aborder la problématique du contrôle de proportionnalité en droit privé implique d'en définir la notion et d'en délimiter le champ en droit public allemand et français avant de s'interroger sur son existence en droit privé. Cette délimitation implique d’appréhender les traits fondamentaux du droit allemand dans leur spécificité et d'identifier le contrôle de proportionnalité comme une création de la Cour Constitutionnelle allemande s'appliquant à la surveillance des normes édictées par les pouvoirs constitutionnels dans le domaine des libertés publiques.La structure de ce contrôle repose sur trois critères : l'adéquation, la nécessité et la proportionnalité au sens strict. National à l'origine, ce contrôle a ensuite été transposé par le jeu de l'europénéisation du droit aux formes de contrôle mises en œuvre par la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne et la Cour EDH. Mais son influence se borne au droits public, car le respect de l’autonomie individuelle ancré dans le droit privé allemand, conduit à constater qu'en dépit de l’influence des droits fondamentaux, la réalité d’un contrôle de proportionnalité dans le contrat allemand demeure une hypothèse. Le juge constitutionnel français pratique le contrôle de proportionnalité, sans que l’on puisse être certain qu‘il l’utilise sous l’angle strict du contrôle de triple exigence. En revanche, le Conseil d’Etat n’a jamais eu besoin d'y recourir pour procéder à son contrôle des libertés publiques en déterminant entre deux droits fondamentaux opposés, lequel devait au cas d’espèce prévaloir. Certains auteurs français ont cru pouvoir affirmer qu'en France le principe de proportionnalité avait pénétré la matière contractuelle et que le traditionnel contrôle d'équilibre pratiqué par le juge civil s'apparentait désormais au contrôle de proportionnalité. Mais à l'examen, il apparaît que le juge judiciaire n'exerce pas un véritable contrôle de proportionnalité. En réalité, ce principe parasite les grandes notions de droit privé. / In order to address the issue of the proportionality test in private law, it is necessary to define its concept and limitations in French and German public law before being able to consider its existence in private law. Such a definition requires a detailed considereation of the fundamental outlines of German law, and the proportionality test needs to be identified as a creation of the German Constitutional Court relating to the monitoring of standards promulgated by constitutional powers regarding civil liberties.The structure of the test is based on three requirements: suitability, necessity and proportionality stricto sensu. The test, which was originally national, was then replicated in monitoring implemented by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights as part of the Europeanization of law. Its influence is, however, limited to public rights, since the respect for individual autonomy ingrained in German private law shows that, despite the influence of fundamental rights, the reality of the proportionality test in the German contract remains a hypothesis. The French constitutional court applies the proportionality test, although it is uncertain whether or not it is applied from the strict perspective of the threefold requirement. On the other hand, the State Council has never needed to use it for public freedom monitoring when deciding which of two contradictory fundamental rights should prevail. Some Frenchs authors believe it is possible to state that, in France, the proportionality test has penetrated contractual matters and that the traditional balance test applied by the civil court now resembles the proportionality test. Upon examination, however, it seems that the judicial court does not apply the true proportionality test. In reality, this principle parasitizes the fundamental notions of private law.

As propriedades como forma concretizadora de um (re) pensar da propriedade

Hanna, Munira 27 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:16:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 27 / Nenhuma / É a partir de uma visão histórica e doutrinária que evolui para a atualidade que o trabalho mostra a mudança do conceito de propriedade do singular para o plural, e as principais modificações que ocorreram com a repersonalização do direito privado e a exteriorização da função social da propriedade. No estudo dos filósofos Thomas Hobbes, John Locke e Immanuel Kant e na análise crítica de diversos doutrinadores, buscamos as noções sobre aquisição da propriedade e o despertar do interesse coletivo e social. Paralelamente, procedemos à abordagem sobre os problemas urbanos de moradia no Brasil, com enfoque personalista da propriedade em busca da conscientização e solução para os problemas de moradia, a fim de assegurar a todas as pessoas o direito de ter um lugar adequado e digno para viver.A problemática continua em aberto, com a necessidade de buscar soluções para a questão da moradia e de assegurar a todas as pessoas o direito de serem proprietárias / Rethinking the concept of property, from an evolution on the concept of collectiveness rather than individuality, has lead us to a change of mentality in which the individual, with his autonomy and dignity, arises and demands that the state meets his fundamental needs. It is our intention to show the changes such concept has undergone, and the main modifications that have taken place in relation to the repersonalization of private law and the exteriorization of the social function of property rights from a historical and doctrinal viewpoint to an updated one. We have searched the core ideas in the studies conducted by philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Immanuel Kant, with emphasis on property acquisition,collective and social interests as well as a critical analysis on the viewpoints of several theorists. We have also studied urban housing problems from a personalist viewpoint on property aiming at drawing people’s attention and searching for solutions in order to make sure everyone has an a

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

Hjalmarsson, Maria, Mårtensson, Linn January 2009 (has links)
<p>The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources’. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register. Within the consumer credit legislation from 1992 there are some exceptions in the 5a, 6 and 9 §§ concerning credit rating, information and agreements in writing. These exceptions are the reasons that make sms-loans possible. The current legislation on this subject is identified and the exceptions are further explained in the essay. Within this type of credit the consumer protection differs from other types of loans with higher credit amounts. This is also due to the exceptions within the law. The current consumer credit legislation is based on a council directive from 1987, where it is optional for the member states to include these exceptions or not in their legislation. The legislator in Sweden adopted these exceptions, as they did not predict any risk of over indebtedness. In the law-making process documented in the government bill 1991/92:83, this risk was considered as non-existent, although this risk of over indebtedness was observed by the Swedish Consumer Agency and the Swedish Enforcement Authority. The statistics of the official non-payment notices confirms this observation. These authorities and the non-governmental organisation, The Swedish Consumers’ Association, have since 2006 and onwards been pushing for a change of the legislation according to the abrogation of the exceptions. Within several official publications the complexity of sms-loans are described, such as the lack of consumer protection and the risk of over indebtedness. The Swedish Consumer Agency is the supervising authority regarding this legislation field, and the companies providing sms-loans. When the Agency discharges one’s official duties, the Marketing Act is the legislation in use. The Swedish Market Court has convicted creditors, but none of the verdicts were related to the exceptions. The lack of consumer protection is also noticed in the EU, and a new council directive was adopted in 2008. This has now been implemented into a memorandum and the appurtenant draft bill. The intention with this bill is to enforce the consumer protection and to reduce the risk of over indebtedness, when consumers obtain credit. This bill is intended to become effective at 1 of January 2011.     </p>

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