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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reopening a criminal case / Baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimas

Randakevičienė, Irma 05 November 2008 (has links)
The dissertation analyses a new theme which has not yet been analysed in Lithuanian research and makes an attempt to reveal the theoretical foundations of the institute of reopening a criminal case. The object of the dissertation is the nature of the institute of the reopening of criminal proceedings, the historical development of this institute, the purposes, features, the existing grounds for the reopening of a case, types, specialness of the types, procedure for the reopening of a criminal case, and the place of the reopening of a criminal case among other forms of control over court judgments. The research has been carried out along two directions.. The first has analysed the theoretical grounds of the institute of reopening a criminal case. The second has evaluated both the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure which regulate the reopening of a criminal case and the resultant court practice, the analysis of which has determined some of the theoretical conclusions. The research has conformed the hypothesis that the appropriate conception of the reopening of a criminal case as an extraordinary form of control over court judgment and the facultative stage of criminal process enables to safeguard both the lawful expectations of the parties to the process and a fair trial. A comprehensive analysis of the institute of reopening of a criminal case has also determined a more general proposition that a balanced system of the forms of control over a court judgment is dependant... [to full text] / Daktaro disertacijoje tyrinėjamas iki šiol Lietuvoje netyrinėtas baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo institutas, bandoma išgryninti ir atskleisti šio instituto sampratą. Disertacinio tyrimo objektas – baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo instituto teisinė prigimtis, istorinė raida, tikslai, požymiai, pagrindai, dėl kurių atnaujinama byla, rūšys, rūšių ypatumai, atnaujinimo procedūra bei baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo vieta kitų teismų sprendimų kontrolės formų sistemoje. Mokslinis tyrimas atliktas dviem kryptimis. Pirma, analizuoti baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo instituto teoriniai pagrindai. Antra, vertintos baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimą reguliuojančios Baudžiamojo proceso kodekso nuostatos ir jų pagrindu besiklostanti teismų praktika, kurios analizė vėlgi leido atskleisti ir suformuoti kai kurias teorines išvadas. Tyrimo metu pasitvirtino hipotezė, kad tinkamas baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo kaip išimtinės (ekstraordinarinės) teismų sprendimų kontrolės formos ir išimtinės (neprivalomos) baudžiamojo proceso stadijos suvokimas leidžia užtikrinti teisėtus proceso šalių lūkesčius bei sąžiningą baudžiamąjį procesą. Kompleksinė baudžiamosios bylos atnaujinimo instituto analizė nulėmė ir bendresnį teiginį, kad teismų sprendimų kontrolės formų sistemos harmoningas funkcionavimas priklauso nuo to, kaip yra, konstruojant teisės normas, derinamos tarpusavyje visos esamos baudžiamajame procese teismų sprendimų kontrolės formos: nei viena iš jų neturi dubliuoti ar perimti kitos formos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Směnka a její uplatnění v praxi / The bill of exchange and its application in practice

MARÝŠKOVÁ, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
This Thesis has focused on the topic of "The bill of exchange and its application in practice". This work is devided into chapters and sub-chapters. After the introduction there is a literature search in which it was necessary to deal with the historical development of the bills of exchange and their regulations. In the second part of the literature search there are briefly introduced basic kinds of bills of exchange charged in Czech law. The another part of the literature review is devoted to a brief characteristics of the participants of bills of exchange relations. The conclusion of the literature review focuses on disposition of bills, characteristic of court proceedings and the issue of application of the objections in this proceeding. The practical part continues these problems. Its first chapter deals with the definition of the bills for accounting and processing of application examples on accounting bills. Finally there is a chapter on the tax implications of the depository and non-depository bills of exchange. In the second main section are demonstrated specific examples of bill of exchange aplication in business relations. Also, there is indicated the process of exchange proceeding and the way of enforcement the exchange sum including the issue of application of objections.

Le principe dispositif et le procès civil / The principle of party disposition and the civil trial

Brus, Florence 26 March 2014 (has links)
Le principe dispositif est le principe directeur du procès civil qui consacre la maîtrise par les parties de leur litige. Da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus ; l’adage est classique. Tandis que l’office des parties serait d’apporter les faits, le juge devrait dire le droit. L’évolution de la procédure civile semble cependant traduire une remise en cause de cet équilibre ainsi qu’en témoignent le développement du principe de coopération et l’avènement du principe de juridiction. Pour autant, il est permis de considérer que ce n’est pas tant le principe dispositif qui est en cause que les analyses qui en ont été faites. Le litige est toujours la chose des parties, seulement la conceptualisation traditionnelle qui est attachée au principe ne permet plus de s’en convaincre. L’objet de l’étude est donc de procéder au renouvellement des analyses faites du principe dispositif afin de mettre en évidence que ce dernier peut prétendre, comme l’avait écrit Motulsky, à l’épithète de fondamental. Pour ce faire, il convient tout d’abord de procéder au renouvellement de l’analyse de sa fonction. Le principe dispositif n’est pas un principe de l’instance mais une garantie de la fonction juridictionnelle, qui consacre l’office des parties, non pas quant aux charges processuelles, mais quant aux demandes. Cette analyse amène alors à renouveler celle relative à sa nature. La qualification de principe directeur doit être abandonnée au profit de celle de droit fondamental, droit fondamental qui devrait faire l’objet d’une constitutionnalisation. L’étude permet ainsi de conclure que le fait ne s’oppose pas au droit, mais est source de droit. Derrière la maxime da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus, il faut entendre donne-moi le fait juridique, je te donnerai la norme juridictionnelle. / The principle of party disposition is the civil trial guiding principle which enshrines the power, for the parties, of having their own litigation under control. Da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus is a well-known adage. The judge should interpret the law while the parties’ role would be to bring the facts to him.However, the civil proceeding evolution seems to show a reconsideration of this balance, as reflected by the development of the principle of cooperation and the emergence of the principle of jurisdiction. Nevertheless, the main matter might not be the principle of party disposition but the analysis that were done. The parties are still exercising sole control over their own litigation but the classical conceptualization of the principle of party disposition is making some doubts appear. The purpose of the study consists in renewing all analysis on the principle of party disposition in order to highlight his “fundamental” character, as Motulsky wrote it. In order to achieve this, the first thing to do is renewing the analysis on its function. The principle of party disposition is not a principle of the trial but a guarantee for the jurisdictional function, which enshrines the role of the parties regarding requests, not procedural charges. This study leads to renew the analysis on the nature of the principle of party disposition. The guiding principle designation must be dropped out and replaced by the fundamental right one, which should be enshrined in the Constitution. The conclusion of the study may be that facts and law are not opposed; in the contrary, facts are a source of law. The Da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus adage must be understood as tell me what the legal fact is, I will tell you what the law states.

O processo administrativo tributário no Estado de São Paulo: um estudo sobre os litígios do ICMS no período de 2010 a 2014 / The tax administrative proceedings in the State os São Paulo: a study of the ICMS disputes in the period 2010 to 2014

João Tobias da Silva Pontes 05 December 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata dos conflitos entre a Fazenda Pública e os contribuintes relativos ao ICMS em São Paulo. O trabalho busca compreender e verificar se o processo administrativo tributário paulista foi suficiente, efetivo e útil para o controle de legalidade dos atos administrativos emanados a partir do surgimento de conflitos de ICMS no período de 2010 a 2014. A processualização no Direito Administrativo representa uma das formas do particular intervir na ação estatal, sobretudo naquelas em que o Estado interfere em sua esfera jurídica. Instalado o processo no âmbito administrativo, o Poder Público e o cidadão apresentarão seus argumentos, provas, razões e fundamentos para a decisão administrativa final. Em matéria tributária, tal instrumento de participação e de defesa de direitos tem ainda maior relevância, eis que o Estado, no uso de seu poder de império, e exercendo competência para instituir tributos conforme previsão constitucional, invade a esfera jurídica do particular na busca do que entende ser o montante devido de tributo, aplicando, eventualmente, uma penalidade pelo descumprimento de obrigações tributárias. O processo administrativo tributário cumpre, então, dois objetivos cruciais, quais sejam: i) o de propiciar a participação do particular na defesa de seus direitos face a um ato administrativo invasivo de sua esfera jurídica, e ii) permite que a Administração Pública exerça a autotutela sobre seus atos, pelo controle de legalidade a que se submete a edição do ato administrativo de lançamento tributário. No Estado de São Paulo, o ICMS é o tributo de maior relevância em termos de arrecadação para o Tesouro estadual; por conseguinte, os conflitos surgidos entre Fisco e contribuinte relativos a esse imposto têm impacto econômico relevante nas finanças públicas estaduais e no ambiente econômico onde as empresas paulistas desenvolvem suas atividades. O trabalho aborda os conflitos de ICMS no período de 2010 a 2014, período em que ocorreram mudanças estruturais com a passagem do processo convencional para o processo eletrônico. Com isso, o estudo visa avaliar a eficiência do novo desenho institucional do processo administrativo tributário paulista nesse período. A Administração Tributária do Estado de São Paulo tem em sua estrutura organizacional um complexo de órgãos de julgamento de lides tributárias. Dessa forma, o estudo descreve a estrutura e a composição dos órgãos de julgamento e sua forma de atuação nos processos administrativos tributários. O escopo do estudo abrange, inicialmente, o entendimento sobre princípios de direito que governam o tema, e, sucessivamente, a análise das consequências advindas do conflito entre Fisco e contribuinte, o estudo dos ritos procedimentais na fase litigiosa, a compreensão da organização dos órgãos de julgamento administrativos e a avaliação, eficiência e o desempenho desses órgãos no período em relevo. O trabalho se encerra com uma avaliação do sobreprincípio da segurança jurídica, à luz do processo administrativo tributário, com análise crítica sobre a efetividade e transparência na solução de conflitos tributários no Estado de São Paulo, ilustrada pela descrição de alguns casos concretos de julgados administrativos onde se confirma ou se infirma o atendimento aos princípios fundamentais que orientam a matéria. / This dissertation deals with the conflict between the Treasury and taxpayers for the ICMS in São Paulo. The work seeks to understand and verify that the São Paulo tax administrative process was sufficient, effective and useful for the control of legality of administrative acts emanating from the emergence of ICMS conflicts in the 2010-2014 period. The process of Administrative Law is one of the particular forms of intervening in state action, especially those in which the state interferes in his legal sphere. Installed the process at the administrative level, the Government and the citizens present their arguments, evidences, reasons and grounds for the final administrative decision. In tax matters, an instrument of participation and advocacy is even more relevant, the state, the use of its power of empire, and exercising the power to impose taxes as constitutional provision, invades the individual\'s legal sphere in search of it perceives as the amount due to tax and, where necessary, a penalty for noncompliance with tax obligations. The tax administrative process follows, then, two key objectives, namely: i) to encourage the participation of particular in defense of their rights against an invasive administrative act of their legal sphere, and ii) allows the Public Administration pursues control of legality about his acts, the legality control that submits the issue of the administrative act of tax assessment. In São Paulo, the ICMS is the most relevant in terms of tax revenues to the state treasury; therefore, conflicts arising between tax authorities and taxpayers for this tax have significant economic impact on the state\'s public finances and the economic environment in which the São Paulo companies develop their activities. The work deals with conflicts of ICMS in the period 2010 to 2014, during which structural changes had occurred with the passage of conventional process for the electronic process. Thus, the study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the new institutional design of the São Paulo tax administrative process that period. The Tax Administration of the State of São Paulo has in its organizational structure a complex of judgment tax litigations organs. Thus, the study describes the structure and composition of the trial bodies and the way it operates in the tax administrative proceedings. The study scope covers initially the understanding of principles of law governing the subject, and successively, the analysis of the consequences arising from the conflict between tax authorities and taxpayers, the study of procedural rites in litigious phase, understanding the organization of the bodies administrative judgment and evaluation, efficiency and performance of these agencies in the relief period. The work concludes with an assessment of principle of legal certainty, in the light of the tax administrative process, with critical analysis of the effectiveness and transparency in the tax dispute resolution in the State of São Paulo, illustrated by the description of some specific cases of administrative trial where it is confirmed or invalidate up the service to the fundamental principles that govern the matter.

Uplatňování pohledávek v insolvenčním řízení / Registration of claims in insolvency proceedings

Janoušek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
RAISING CLAIMS IN INSOLVENCY PROCEEDING - ENGLISH ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive summary of institutes of an insolvency law related to the application of claims as well as defining the rights and obligations of creditors related to this topic with a closer focus on risk and problematic facts appearing in practice. All the text is based on the insolvency law effective at the time of its creation and besides the academic literature also often uses related practice of the courts. The introductory part presents an insolvency law in its historical and also contemporary context. It is listing the material sources and their brief characteristics needed to simplify the understanding of the substance of an insolvency law. For the same reason the initial chapters deal with the basic principles and terminology of an insolvency law, namely an insolvency proceeding, a bankruptcy and closely characterize particular ways of solving a debtor's bankruptcy. Another part of this thesis focuses on the actual debts. The legal analysis of the term debt and its types that are applied during insolvency proceedings is being carried out and it involves also the list of debts excluded. On the other hand this part includes the theory of debts with no need to be applied, since those are registered into...

Územní řízení / Procedure of application for a planning permission

Třešňák, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Thesis title: Procedure of application for a planning permission This diploma thesis deals with the planning permission proceedings, which is a proceeding to render the planning permission that is one of all instruments of land-use planning. The aim of this thesis is to cover the planning permission proceedings and to outline problematic aspects that are relevant in legal regulations. Beside relevant legal regulations the author results from literature and jurisdiction above all of the Highest Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. In introduction defines basic terms and subsume the topic into legal context and covers the goals and aims of land-use planning, as well as individual conceptual and realization instruments. In second chapter describes individual types of planning permissions and cases, when they are needed and on the contrary, cases, when it is possible to place projects into land without these planning permissions. Third and the most comprehensive part of the thesis dedicates to the most important institutes of the planning proceedings and analysis actual legal regulation, focusing provisions that can be problematic to apply correctly. Especially deals with the positions of juristic persons as defined in Building act, ways of delivering and proceeding of discussion of civil...

La protection des sûretés réelles exclusives dans les procédures collectives en droit comparé franco-OHADA / The protection of real exclusive securities in the collective proceeding in French-OHADA comparative law.

Oyono, Marlène 21 September 2016 (has links)
L’entreprise, quelle que soit sa taille, sa forme ou son importance n’est jamais à l’abri des difficultés financières pouvant la conduire à l’ouverture d’une procédure collective. Cette situation n’est pas sans conséquence sur les acteurs de l’entreprise, et notamment, sur les créanciers, partenaires essentiels à l’exercice de l’activité de l’entreprise. Ainsi, pour se prémunir contre le risque d’insolvabilité du débiteur, les créanciers peuvent tenter de bénéficier des causes légitimes de préférences, appelées sûretés. Mais celles-ci forment un ensemble complexe au sein duquel on retrouve des sous-groupes. Il existe, en effet, en droit français et en droit OHADA, une diversité de sûretés aussi bien personnelles que réelles. D'une manière générale, il est aujourd'hui admis que, dans la catégorie des sûretés réelles, celles dites "exclusives", en l’occurrence celles qui sont fondées sur la rétention ou sur la propriété du bien objet de la garantie, parviennent à tirer à leur épingle de jeu, en cas d’ouverture d’une procédure collective. Il en résulte une véritable protection de ces sûretés. L’exclusivité va en effet leur permettre d’échapper aux règles découlant de l’ouverture d’une procédure collective. Par ailleurs, les créanciers munis de sûretés réelles exclusives vont pouvoir déroger à certaines règles traditionnelles de la discipline collective. Cependant, la protection dont bénéficient ces sûretés ne les place pas à l’abri des exigences des procédures collectives. Au contraire, l’effectivité de leur protection est largement subordonnée à leur existence dans ces procédures, d’une part, et, dans une certaine mesure, à la réalisation des objectifs du droit des procédures collectives, d’autre part. Ainsi, bien que protégées, les sûretés réelles exclusives ne sont pas au-dessus de la procédure collective. / A company, whatever it size, form or importance is never away from financial difficulties that could lead it to collective proceeding. This situation is not without any consequences on the company's players, especially, creditors, who are the main collaborators in the company's exercise. Thus, to protect themselves from the risk of insolvency of the debtor, they can try to get legitimate preferential consideration, called securities. But these one make a complicated ensemble in which we can find subgroups. In French law and OHADA law, there is, in fact, a variety of securities, as well personal securities as securities right. In general terms, it is allowed today, that, in the securities right group, those called "exclusives" - the one based on the retention or on the property of the good, subject of the guarantee - succeed to pull out in case a collective proceeding is opened. Resulting in an absolute protection of these securities. The exclusivity will allow them to avoid the rules following the opening of a collective proceeding. Besides, creditors armed with securities right will be able to break with some traditional regulation from collective discipline. Yet, the protection tied to these securities don't shielded them from the requirements of collectives proceedings. On the contrary, the validity of their protection is wildly subject to their being in these procedures, on one hand, and to the fulfillment of the goal of collective proceeding law, on the other hand. So, even though they are protected, the exclusive securities right are not above the collective procedure


LEANDRO HOLLERBACH FERREIRA 23 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo a cerca da vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário. Busca-se analisar a tensão entre o direito à liberdade provisória e a viabilidade da imposição do cerceamento da liberdade de locomoção em momento anterior à sentença penal condenatória irrecorrível, isto é, o propósito da pesquisa concentra-se na discussão em torno da validade da vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário em face do direito à liberdade provisória assegurado no art. 5º, inciso LXVI, da Carta Política/88. A pesquisa apresentará como interlocutor a Teoria do Garantismo Penal elaborada pelo professor italiano Luigi Ferrajoli que permeará o desenvolvimento de todo o trabalho. Para a compreensão do tema proposto, necessário se faz abordar, inicialmente, o instituto jurídico da prisão processual, buscando a legitimidade da restrição da liberdade de locomoção do acusado anteriormente à sentença penal condenatória definitiva em face do postulado constitucional da presunção de inocência, bem como, analisar as singularidades das diversas modalidades de prisão processual previstas no ordenamento jurídico. Em seguida, discorre-se sobre a liberdade provisória, partindo do Código de Processo Penal de 1941 – ainda em vigor –, passando, logo após, para as considerações sobre as alterações realizadas pela Lei 6.416/77, até se chegar à nova ordem constitucional instalada pela Carta Política/88. Por fim, examina-se a relação entre a vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário e o discurso de emergência no processo penal. Será abordada também a vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto na legislação infraconstitucional, especificamente nas Leis n.º 8.072/90 – Lei dos Crimes Hediondos –, n.º 10.826/03 – Estatuto do Desarmamento – e, n.º 11.343/06 – Lei anti-Drogas. / [en] The present work has for object the about the prohibition of free on parole in absolute for the ordinary legislator. One searchs to analyze the tension enters the right to the free on parole and the viability of the imposition of the method of clipping of the freedom of locomotion at previous moment to the unappealable condemnatory criminal sentence, that is, the intention of the research is concentrated in the quarrel around the validity of the prohibition of absolute the free on parole in for the ordinary legislator in face of the right the assured free on parole in art. 5º, item LXVI, Charter Politics/88. The research will present as interlocutor the Theory of the Criminal Garantismo elaborated by Italian professor Luigi Ferrajoli who will all permeate the development of all the work. For the understanding of the considered subject, necessary if it makes to approach, initially, the legal institute of the procedural arrest, searching the legitimacy of the restriction of the freedom of locomotion of the defendant previously to the definitive condemnatory criminal sentence in face of the constitutional postulate of the innocence swaggerer, as well as, to analyze the singularities of the diverse foreseen modalities of procedural arrest in the legal system. After that, it is discoursed on the free on parole, leaving of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1941 – still in vigor –, passing, then after, for the consideration on the alterations carried through for Law 6.416/77, until if arriving at the new constitutional order installed by the Charter Politics/88. Finally, it is examined relation enters the prohibition of absolute the free on parole in for the ordinary legislator and the discourse of emergency in criminal proceeding. The prohibition of the free on parole in absolute will be boarded also infra-constitutional legislation, specifically in the Laws n.º 8.072/90 – Law of the Hideous Crimes –, n.º 10.826/03 – The Disarmament Statute – and n.º 11.343/06 – Anti-Drug Law.

Debt-Equity-Swap – Anwendung im Insolvenzplanverfahren – Rechtliche und praktische Probleme sowie Bewältigung von Hürden

Obendorf, Martin 21 July 2021 (has links)
Die Arbeit behandelt den Debt-Equity-Swap im Insolvenzplanverfahren. Sie geht dabei besonders auf die rechtlichen und praktischen Hürden des Debt-Equity-Swaps im Insolvenzplanverfahren ein und deren mögliche Bewältigung. Aufgrund der mutmaßlichen geringen Praxisrelevanz wird die Motivation der am Insolvenzplan Beteiligten besprochen. Hierfür beschäftigt sich ein der Teil der Arbeit mit einer Umfrage unter Berater*innen und Insolenzverwalter*innen. Die Arbeit schließt mit Vorschlägen zur Bewältigung von Hürden und einer abschließenden Betrachtung.

On the effect of investment disputes on bilateral portfolio investment in emerging markets

Nauerth, Jannik A. 04 December 2023 (has links)
This paper investigates the effect of arbitral proceedings on bilateral portfolio equity investments in emerging markets. Investment disputes may deter foreign investors as they reveal a government’s poor behavior towards foreign investors. The analysis investigates the effects of the first initiation of arbitral proceedings, the first outcome in favor of the investor, and the first outcome in favor of the respondent state of arbitration proceedings. The database is an unbalanced panel of 55 home and 36 host countries from 2001 to 2018. Estimations do not reveal an unconditionally significant effect of arbitral proceedings on bilateral portfolio equity holdings. The impact becomes significant considering the interplay with bilateral investment treaties and political risk.

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