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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professionalism in nursing : a concept analysis / Sundira Devi Mottian

Mottian, Sundira Devi January 2014 (has links)
Nurses are the backbone of the health care system in South Africa and spend more time with patients than any other member of the health care team. They are required to behave in a professional manner at all times. Unfortunately, professionalism within the nursing profession appears to be deteriorating. Nursing students entering the profession are at risk of assimilating unprofessional behaviour from their colleagues and inevitably, unprofessional behaviour negatively affects service delivery and the quality of patient care. Nurse educators play a key role in facilitating professional socialisation in students to enable them to mould into the nursing profession as they integrate the fundamental norms, values and standards governing the nursing profession. Unfortunately the concept of professionalism is poorly defined and might interfere with this education and assessment of professional socialisation of nursing students. The aim of this study was to define professionalism within the nursing profession using a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design to obtain an in-depth understanding of the concept of professionalism. The concept of professionalism was analysed in-depth using the concept analysis method of Walker and Avant (2011), based on Wilson‟s work (1963). A clearer meaning of professionalism was obtained when the ordinary and professional meaning of the concept was examined by using a systematic way to search the literature. Qualitative content analysis resulted in the key attributes of the concept of professionalism being identified and extracted. Thematic analysis contributed to a further reduction of the data into categories of similar attributes, followed by quantitative content analysis where the data was classified in terms of frequency to identify meanings that are most often associated with the concept. Thereafter a connotative definition was formulated. The clarification of the meaning of professionalism was obtained by using model, contrary and borderline cases. The findings reveal many definitions on professionalism with overlapping defining characteristics, however when recognised attributes of professionalism were grouped together an exact definition of professionalism was not easy to obtain. The concept of professionalism was defined in the context of the nursing profession and the aim of the study was effectively achieved. The findings of this study provide the opportunity for further research, education and recommendations for nursing practice. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Att skära guld med kniv : En studie om hur bostadsmarknaden påverkat fastighetsmäklaryrkets professionaliseringsprocess

Gustafsson, Cornelia, Brückner, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This study intends to scrutinize how adjustments made in the housing market has affected the profession of estate agents. Our premise is based on that social facts can be interpreted by social facts and the aim is to understand the factors affecting the profession in today's society that are developed in interaction with societal factors. In order to fathom this phenomenon, we have chosen to study the profession of estate agents and how it has been affected by the housing market. The empirical material is based on real estate agents’ experience and is therefore collected through a qualitative method based on interviews. The study is interpreted by a professional theoretical perspective, where we have assumed the thesis that all professions can be professionalised. The theoretical conceptual apparatus consists of autonomy, social closure, legitimacy, authority and will be used to understand the professionalisation process, that is when and why professions arise. Despite the fact of the profession’s changes, it has not been enough for the profession to be professionalised in the classical term. It can be said that the housing market has affected the professionalisation process of profession of real estate brokerage, which means that social factors can influence the professionalisation process. What prevents the profession from change and development of their professional position is the lack of autonomy. Due to the runaway housing market, a regulator was established to combat irregular transactions, which lead to decreased autonomy. A stronger professional status would derive from an increased authonomy and the conclusion is therefore that as long as the profession is under external control, it will not be professionalised.

The relationship between scheduling type and conflict level in caregiving organization teams

Hildebrandt, Lina Maria January 2015 (has links)
Today flexibility is an important part of organizational work. This study investigated the relationship between level of flexibility in scheduling and conflict level in caregiving teams, while controlling for team cohesion, team trust, age, team size and how long they have been in the team. The study was conducted in two small towns in the southeast of Sweden in elderly care and handicap care organizations. The ages of participants varied from 16 to 65 years. Out of 109 participants who filled out questionnaires 61 worked with an adapted (flexible) schedule and 48 with the ordinary schedule. Results showed no significant difference between the scheduling types and the conflict level, even after controlling for the named variables. Overall, it was found that team trust and team cohesion were more important for conflict level than scheduling type. / Today flexibility is an important part of organizational work. This study investigated the relationship between level of flexibility in scheduling and conflict level in caregiving teams, while controlling for team cohesion, team trust, age, team size and how long they have been in the team. The study was conducted in two small towns in the southeast of Sweden in elderly care and handicap care organizations. The ages of participants varied from 16 to 65 years. Out of 109 participants who filled out questionnaires 61 worked with an adapted (flexible) schedule and 48 with the ordinary schedule. Results showed no significant difference between the scheduling types and the conflict level, even after controlling for the named variables. Overall, it was found that team trust and team cohesion were more important for conflict level than scheduling type.

Beteendevetare - Ett (o)möjligheternas begrepp : - en kartläggning och textanalys av tre olika aktörers beskrivning av beteendevetare ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv

Johansson, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Följande arbete avser att synliggöra den förvirring som undertecknad anser råda kring begreppet beteendevetare. Med den utgångspunkten har en kartläggning gjorts av vad högskolor, universitet, arbetsförmedling och fackförbund säger om beteendevetare i den information de har på sina respektive hemsidor. Informationen har sedan strukturerats upp med hjälp av metoder för textanalys och diskuteras slutligen utifrån olika professionsteoretiska perspektiv. Vi använder oss både av traditionella professionsteoretiska definitioner samt ett par nyare kompletterande teorier om professionstyper. Då vi inte funnit någon tidigare forskning om beteendevetare tittar vi på forskning om samhällsvetare och socionomer. Vi är inte ute efter att komma fram till en bestämd definition av begreppet beteendevetare utan av att reflektera över hur den används, vem som använder den samt vilka förväntningar som kan tänkas finnas på dem som kallar sig beteendevetare. Kartläggningen visar att det finns en rik variation i alternativ på arbetsmarknaden för beteendevetare. De har dock en ganska lång väg kvar mot en profession sett ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv.</p>

A study of the professional relationneral practitioners and specialists

Marshall, Martin Neil January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Specialpedagogens uppdrag i skolans komplexa praktik : en fallstudie

Byström, Annette January 2013 (has links)
I denna fallstudie av en specialpedagog belyses uppdraget att stödja lärande och utveckling. Detta uppdrag påverkar och påverkas av den relationella och komplexa värld som skolan är, där lärare befinner sig i ett fält av politiska beslut och styrningseffekter. Syfte med studien är att undersöka hur specialpedagogens uppdrag organiseras, med särskilt fokus på utveckling, och inom detta syfte undersöka hur specialpedagogiska frågor hanteras i skolans praktik. Metoden utgörs av intervjuer och deltagande observationer. Resultatet visar på ett mångfacetterat uppdrag, där specialpedagogens expertroll bygger på särskild kunskap, men där hennes förmåga att stödja lärare till ökade prestationer, är beroende av nära relationer och en specialpedagogik och pedagogik i förening. De hinder som uppstår tycks bero på styrningsmekanismer som leder till brist på tid för reflektion och nära samarbete, där specialpedagogiska frågor kan förstås och leda till åtgärder.

Personliga assistenters syn på sin yrkesroll

Malmgren Jäll, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
Personlig assistans kan anses som unikt i Sverige i sitt utförande och ges till personer med funktionsnedsättning. Huvuduppgiften för en assistent är att stödja individen till ett aktivt liv utefter dennes behov och vilja. KASAM tas upp som en viktig del då teorin utgår från att alla individer ska ha en meningsfull tillvaro. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personliga assistenter ser på sin yrkesroll idag. Sju kvinnor och en man intervjuades från samma organisation under 35 minuter vardera. Intervjuerna meningskoncentrerades sedan och ur analysen framkom fyra centrala teman som resultatet sedan baserades på: 1) motivation, roll och yrkets innebörd, 2) bemötande och förhållningssätt, 3) arbetets innehåll, samt 4) socialt stöd och trygghet. Yrkesrollen för en assistent handlar om: (1) känna sig behövd, (2) fungera som ett stöd, (3) inget genomtänkt arbetssätt finns, (4) rutinmässig vardag, (5) bristfälligt chefsstöd, (6) anställningstrygghet. Ingen samhörighet bland assistenterna inom organisationen finns.

Professionens påverkan på organisationer : En studie inom trav- och ridsporten / Profession’s impact on organizations : a study in trotting and equestrian

Olsson, Elin, Persson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Debatter som förts har visat på skillnader inom ridsporten och travsporten. Trots att det är två sporter som, enligt den institutionella teorin, borde vara lika och ha en likartad organisation har skillnader uppmärksammats. Organisationer präglas ofta av de som är ledande inom dessa och de som hör till professioner ofta tar sig an dessa ledande roller. Därför kan professionen vara en faktor som påverkar organisationer och som kan förklara skillnaderna som uppmärksammats inom ridsporten och travsporten. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur professionen kan påverka organisationer. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom både en kvalitativ del och en kvantitativ där data har samlats in från proffstränare inom travsporten och beridare och godkända tränare inom ridsporten. Utifrån teorin formulerades tre hypoteser som undersöktes genom bivariata tester. Resultat/slutsatser: Studiens resultat kunde varken förkasta eller bekräfta någon hypotes. Däremot kunde det visa att professionen, genom framförallt gemenskap och etik i många fall kan påverka organisationen och då främst dess mål och struktur. / Background: Debates have shown differences in trotting and riding. Although there are two sports that, according to the institutional theory, should be the same and have a similar organization has differences noted. Organizations are often characterized by those who are leaders in these and those belonging to the professions often take on these leadership roles. Therefore the profession as a factor affecting organizations and the like may explain the differences highlighted in equestrian sport and trotting. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine how the profession can affect organizations. Method: The study was conducted through both a qualitative part and a quantitative where data has been collected from professional trainers in trotting and riding master and certified trainer in equestrian sport. Based on the theory formulated three hypotheses were examined through bivariate tests. Conclusions: Results of the study could not reject or confirm any hypothesis. However, it could show that the profession, primarily through fellowship and ethics in many cases can affect the organization and particularly their aims and structure

Döda inte en sångfågel : Om folkbibliotekariers expertis och kompetenser kopplat till skrivarverksamhet / "Do not kill a songbird" : About public librarians expertise and competencies related to writing activities

Josefsson, Joel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to try to make the experiences and perceptions of librarians concerning their own expertise visible and through that visualise possible competences related to writing activities taking place in public libraries today. The research questions of this thesis are: How do public librarians experience working with writing activities in relation to their expertise as librarians? Which competencies do public librarians perceive as important regarding their labour with writing activities taking place at the library today? Which work related challenges do public librarians experience in relation to writing activities? To answer these questions I have chosen a qualitative perspective. My method consists of six semi-structured interviews with public librarians, who have diverse experiences related to writing activities. The theoretical basis of this study consist of Herlings operational definition of expertise as a concept and it's related cornerstones such as foremost competences. Herlings definition is set in an organizational research tradition and focuses mainly on human resources within that. The findings of this study suggests that public librarians experience a connection between their area of expertise and writing activities. And that their related competences are useful concerning how you talk about texts in a group context.The librarians also suggest that challenges might be to find functioning forms for the activity.

Constructions de l'intervention par des travailleuses sociales et infirmières en C.L.S.C. et possibles interdisciplinaires

Couturier, Yves January 2001 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.

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