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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh diplexeru na bázi koaxiálních rezonátorů / Design of diplexer based on coaxial resonators

Štěpánek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of coaxial cavity filters and synthesis of generic topology of these filters. Transfer function comes out the synthesis, which is based on low-pass prototype and similarity with real structure. The next aim of this thesis is to build the basic software for coaxial cavity filters synthesis from engaged characteristic parameters of the filter. This work also includes the analysis of coupling matrix synthesis based on transfer function, where we can use direct coupling or cross-coupling between resonators. The last point is focused on the diplexer filter based on specified parameters and obtained coupling matrix. Entire diplexer model is optimized using Tuning-Space Mapping method.

Využití technologie virtuální reality v analýze rizik a bezpečnosti výrobních strojů / Utilization of Virtual Reality Technology in Risk Analysis and Safety of Production Machines

Novotný, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis introduces a study of possibilities for utilization of virtual reality technology in risk analysis and safety of production machines. The main goal of the thesis is to analyse and examine possible means of integrating visualization and interaction techniques of virtual reality into the risk identification process in the early stage of the production machine life cycle. The proposed work provides a methodological approach to the theoretical implementation of these techniques in the definition of dangerous areas of a machine, identification of sources of possible risks and verification of applied measures built-in in the machine structure. A system approach is used for forming and optimizing the introduced methodological procedures. The solution includes the design of the methodology for effective transfer of 3D design data into immersion virtual reality domain. This enables overcoming existing barriers in exploitation of virtual reality technologies in industrial applications. The next section introduces a procedure of implementation of real tools and equipment in immersion virtual reality domain, including an option for detection of collisions between the real tools and virtual objects. Experimental tests confirm its capability of practical utilization. The impact of the final practical contribution is shown by a decrease in the number of accidents during assembly work, due to its appropriate planning and thanks to training of the personnel on a virtual prototype, carried out already before the manufacturing of the actual machine. The result of the presented doctoral thesis contributes to further qualitative improvement of techniques and methods for preventive increase of safety and reliability of developed machines, particularly of machining centres, which will help increase their competitiveness. The properties of the designed procedures are documented and verified on real industrial cases.

ALEBAS : une méthodologie de développement et d'analyse de sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes embarqués / ALEBAS : a development and safety analysis methodology of embedded systems

Godot, Jean 27 March 2018 (has links)
De nos jours, l'augmentation de la complexité des systèmes embarqués impose la prise en charge, dès les premiers prototypes et au niveau logiciel, d'exigences habituellement traitées plus tardivement voire même seulement lors du passage en série, comme notamment les contraintes de sûreté de fonctionnement. Nous proposons une méthodologie de développement de logiciels embarqués pouvant répondre aux besoins et contraintes de développement de ces logiciels dans la phase de prototypage. La flexibilité de la méthodologie garantit une meilleure gestion des évolutions récurrentes caractérisant les logiciels dans cette phase de prototypage. Aussi, grâce à sa structure bien adaptée, l'aspect automatisé de son intégration et de sa mise en place, notre méthodologie garantit une réduction significative des coûts du passage en série et de la mise en place de normes telles que l'ISO 26262 ou la DO-178. Pour illustrer les résultats que nous obtenons grâce à notre méthodologie et la chaîne d'outils associée, nous l'appliquons dans le cadre d'un projet industriel d'innovation qui consiste à la robotisation d'un véhicule prototype. Le cas d'étude se concentre sur la fonction "accélérateur" de ce prototype. / Nowadays, the increasing complexity of embedded systems requires the management, from the first prototypes and software level, of requirements usually handled later even only when passing in production, such as including dependability constraints. We propose a development methodology for embedded software that can meet the needs and constraints of developing this software in the prototyping phase. The flexibility of the methodology ensures better management of recurring changes characterizing the software in the prototyping phase. Also, due to its well-adapted structure, and automated aspect of its integration and implementation, our methodology ensures a significant cost reduction of serialization and implementation of norms such as ISO 26262 or DO-178. To illustrate the results, we apply our methodology and the associated toolchain to an innovative industrial project which consists to robotize a prototype car. The case study focuses on the accelerator function of the prototype.

3D Camera Selection for Obstacle Detection in a Warehouse Environment / Val av 3D-kamera för Obstacle Detection i en lagermiljö

Jarnemyr, Pontus, Markus, Gustafsson January 2020 (has links)
The increasing demand for online commerce has led to an increasing demand of autonomous vehicles in the logistics sector. The work in this thesis aims to improve the obstacle detection of autonomous forklifts by using 3D sensor technology. Three different products were compared based on a number of criteria. These criteria were provided by Toyota Material Handling, a manufacturer of autonomous forklifts. One of the products was chosen for developing a prototype. The prototype was used to determine if 3D camera technology could provide sufficient obstacle detection in a warehouse environment. The determination was based on the prototype's performance in a series of tests. The tests ranged from human to pallet detection, and were aimed to fulfill all criteria. The advantages and disadvantages of the chosen camera is presented. The conclusion is that the chosen 3D camera cannot provide sufficient obstacle detection due to certain environmental factors.

Influencing identity through objects in ‘constructed realities’ : The role of a ‘diegetic prototype’ in influencing a person's sense of identity in relation to nature

Shu, Mia January 2020 (has links)
Human-nature connection is recognized for its importance for our well-being, development of our environmental identity, and potentially leading to pro-environmental behaviour due to the support of an individual’s intrinsic values. However, the fostering of this connection is not supported and being implemented within society at large. This research set out to explore the causes of the weak relation to nature and identify potential design interventions to enable the recuperation of nature as part of our identity.  For this exploration, Speculative Design and Transition Design were chosen. In particular, Design Fiction as a method was adopted, not only it allowed us to speculate the future, but also materialise and explore the human-nature connection in ‘objects’. Transition Design was used due to its flexibility to explore interdisciplinary research and solutions, providing ground for the 'constructed reality’ and enabling the built-up of a roadmap towards this preferable future.  Drivers that caused this problem were identified, and it showed how they are closely intertwined and influenced by, or are a result of, each other. One of these is how control and illusion of control plays a role in our weak human-nature connection. Through qualitative fieldwork, some of the ‘characteristics of nature’ and factors that influence human-nature connection were mapped, and they were embodied into objects situated in a ‘constructed reality’. These material objects have taken the form of home products in a product catalogue (‘diegetic prototype’) as human-nature connection can potentially be fostered at home as well as in nature.  The response showed a potential in how a speculative ‘diegetic prototype’ can influence a person's sense of identity in relation to nature. Proving that the ‘diegetic prototype’ has an actual effect on the sense of identity would be impossible due to the complex nature of identity development as many different factors play a role. This research also provided a list of factors for designers to explore with regards to enhancing our human-nature connection through design. It has also shown the potential role of food and home in establishing human-nature connection, on which further research is needed.

Optimizing System Level Testing of Evolved Packet Gateway

Wang, Guojun January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis project is to improve industrial system testing efficiency. The thesis is mainly focused on the field of telecommunication. Testing is one of the most important steps before selling a product to customers and testing is also an important component of after sale maintenance. The work load for testers can be decreased and more projects could be carried out in parallel, if the testing efficiency can be improved. The thesis project is carried out within the Ericsson Product Development Unit (PDU) Packet Core System Test section. The goal is to improve the system testing efficiency of the Evolved Packet Gateway, as system testing has gradually become one of the bottle necks for the whole product release. Ericsson wants to accelerate its pace in releasing new products to the market and releasing new software to their customers. An initial investigation was made to get a clear view about how the complete system testing procedure is currently carried out and then, an analysis was made based on this information. Ideas were collected for a proposed new implementation and finally a prototype for the most useful ideas was developed and evaluated to show how the system testing efficiency can be improved. Finally, these ideas were proved to be valuable for Ericsson PDU Packet Core System Test section and two of them have been adopted and are already under developing. / Målet med detta examensarbete är att förbättra effektiviteten inom industriell systemtestning.  Avhandlingen är främst inriktad på området för telekommunikation. Testning är ett av de viktigaste stegen innan försäljning av en produkt till kunder och testning är också en viktig komponent under underhållsfasen. Genom att förbättra effektiviteten i testerna kan arbetsbelastningen för testare minskas och flera projekt genomföras parallellt. Examensarbetet har utförts inom Ericssons produktutvecklingsenhet (PDU) Packet Core, avdelning System Test. Avhandlingens mål är att effektivisera systemtestning av Evolved Packet Gateway (EPG), eftersom systemtest gradvis blivit flaskhalsen för hela produktens release. Ericsson vill påskynda takten som de släpper nya produkter på marknaden och ny mjukvara till sina kunder. En första undersökning gjordes för att få en tydlig bild av hur systemtest utförs för närvarande och därefter, gjordes en analys baserat på denna information.  Idéer samlades in för att föreslå en ny implementering och slutligen utvecklades en prototyp av en specifik idé och den harutvärderats för att visa hur effektiviteten hos systemtest kan förbättras. Slutligen, var dessa idéer visade sig vara värdefullt för Ericsson PDU Packet Core System Test avsnitt och två av dem har antagits och håller redan på att utveckla.

Utformning och implementation av en prototyp för mätning av färgkombinationers påverkan på lättlästheten

Larsson, Joakim, State, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
Tillgänglighet är ett begrepp som uppmärksammas allt mer idag på grund av insikt om värdet av att skapa en webbplats som är åtkomlig, läsbar samt fungerar för alla människor. Målet med studien var att skapa förutsättningar för att utföra framtida undersökningar och förbättringar inom tillgänglighet på webben. Kandidatexamensarbetet utfördes under våren 2015 som ett projekt i samarbete med företaget Funka där en prototyp skapades för att utvärdera färgkombinationers påverkan på lättlästheten. En genomgående litteraturstudie utfördes som berörde tidigare forskning där målet var att konstruktivt undersöka relevant material. För studien användes en kvalitativ metod för att beskriva utvecklingen av ett testverktyg bestående av en pappersbaserad prototyp, interaktiv prototyp och slutligen en delleverans av implementerat verktyg, där användbarhetstester av prototypen användes som underlag för utformningen. Det utvecklade testverktyget skulle uppfylla givna tillgänglighetskriterier och vara tillgängligt för alla oavsett funktionsförmåga eller användning av IT-hjälpmedel. Med hjälp av testverktyget var målet att företaget Funka skulle kunna utföra en kvantitativ studie genom att skicka ut testverktyget till sina kunder för insamling av data och analys. Resultatet av denna studie var en delleverans av ett testverktyg baserat på en interaktiv prototyp samt analys av kvalitativ data från användbarhetstester. Utifrån de tre dimensionerna ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och social hållbarhet förväntades denna studie bidra inom samtliga dimensioner. Dessutom ansågs den etiska målsättningen för arbetet val uppfylld då tidigare studier konstruktivt presenterades. Dessutom hade design utformats för att tillgodose så många som möjligt genom fokus på tillgänglighet genom hela processen. Därigenom har även studien bidragit till social delaktighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning då testverktyget främjar arbetet med att göra webben mer tillgänglig. / Accessibility is a concept which is receiving increasing attention today when one realize how valuable it is to create a website that is accessible and legible, and will work for all people. The aim of the study was to create the conditions for conducting future investigations and improvements in accessibility on the Web. The bachelor's thesis was completed in Spring 2015 as a project in cooperation with the company Funka where a prototype was created to evaluate the color combinations' impact on the legibility. A thorough literature study was performed involving previous research where the goal was to constructively examine the relevant material. For the study we used a qualitative method to describe the development of a testing tool consisting of a paper-based prototype, online prototype and nally a partial dellivery of an implemented tool. The test tool needed to meet the given accessibility requirements and be accessible to everyone regardless of disability or the use of IT tools. Based on the results from the online prototype and the analysis of the qualitative data from the completed usability testing, we created a partial delivery of the test tool as a basic work for the later development. The goal for the company Funka was to perform a quantitative study by sending out the test tool to its customers for data collection and analysis. The outcome of this study was a partial delivery of a test tool based on the interactive prototype and analysis of the qualitative data from usability testing. This study was expected to contribute in all three dimensions of sustainable development (ecological, economic and social). Based on the ethical objective of the work this was considered to be well-met where targets of the previous studies were constructively presented. In addition, the design focused on the accessibility requirements throughout the entire process. This study has also contributed in social participation for people with disabilities where the test tool encourages and endorses the making of a more accessible web.

Automating Interactions with Web Services : NFC based attendance software in Java

Johansson, Carl, Kavosi, Soren January 2015 (has links)
Today we use an obsolete way of handling information regarding which student and/or teacher is attending which class/lab/seminar, attendance is written down on a piece of paper and collected so that an administrator can manually enter this information to some data processing system. This method is far from optimal and demands a lot of time and resources from administrators, teachers, and students. Correct gathering of attendance is important since it is required for specific parts of some courses. We propose to automate the collection of this attendance data, thus enabling students and teachers to simply swipe their NFC-enabled KTH access card in order to enter their name on an attendance list. This will be achieved by creating an application that adds a student to an attendance list by reading information using a NFC/RFID reader and mapping the card’s UID to a KTHID (a locally unique identifier used within the university) using a database. The resulting attendance list should be formatted in such a fashion that it can easily be uploaded to systems such as KTH Social and Daisy. Ideally these systems will be extended so that instructors/teachers can use this attendance list to automatically create the appropriate entries in these systems to record the student’s participation in the indicated activity – in the process avoiding a lot of manual labor and improving the accuracy of the process. An additional problem is that there is currently no unified system that connects the KTH access card database (BRAVIDA) to the KTH LDAP database (which stores information about KTH students, faculty, and staff). This means that each student’s access card UID must manually be added to a database together with the student’s KTHID. However, once this database entry has been made, we can then map from a card number to a KTHID (or the reverse). The purpose behind and expected result of this thesis is a functional prototype of an application that creates an attendance list by reading data from the student or teacher’s access cards using a NFC reader. This will hopefully stimulate further digitalization in KTH and also encourage more courses to utilize such access card based attendance lists. The result should be less manual effort by students, faculty, and staff, as well as more accurate and timely filing of attendance information for courses. / I dagsläget använder vi en föråldrad metod för att hantera information kring vilken student och/eller instruktör som närvarar vid vilken föreläsning/laboration/seminarie, närvaron skrivs ner på en bit papper som samlas ihop och skickas till en administratör som sedan manuellt får mata in den här informationen i de olika databehandlingssystemen. Denna metod är långtifrån optimal och kräver en massa tid och resurser från administratörer, lärare och elever. Att den insamlade informationen är korrekt är viktig eftersom den är ett krav vid vissa kurser. Vårt förslag är att insamlingen av närvaroinformation automatiseras, genom att studenter och lärare enkelt kan dra sina KTH access kort för att mata in sitt namn på en närvarolista. Detta kommer att genomföras genom utvecklandet av en applikation som lägger till en student i närvarolistan genom att läsa av kort genom en NFC/RFID läsare och mappning av kortens UID till ett KTH användarnamn (användarnamnet är unikt inom KTH) med hjälp av en databas. Närvarolistan som genereras som ett resultat av programmets körning skall vara formaterad på ett sådant sätt att den enkelt kan laddas upp till system som KTH Social och Daisy. Idealt skall applikationen vidareutvecklas så att instruktörer/lärare kan använda närvarolistan till att automatiskt lägga till rätt post i de systemen för att lagra information om studentens närvaro vid en viss aktivitet - med mål att undvika mycket manuell inmatning samt öka noggrannheten kring processen. Ett ytterligare problem är att det i nuläget inte finns något system som kopplar KTH:s databas för accesskort (BRAVIDA) till KTH LDAP databasen (som lagrar information om KTH studenter, fakultet och personal). Detta betyder att varje användares accesskorts UID måste läggas till i en databas manuellt tillsammans med studentens KTH användarnamn. Emellertid är det så att när posten väl är inlagd i databasen, så kan vi mappa mellan accesskorts UID till KTHID(eller motsatsen). Detta examensarbete har resulterat i en fungerande prototyp av en applikation som skapar närvarolistor genom att läsa av data från studenter och lärares accesskort med hjälp av en NFC läsare. Detta kommer förhoppningsvis att stimulera ökad digitalisering inom KTH och dessutom motivera fler kursansvariga att använda accesskortsbaserade listor. Resultatet bör förhoppningsvis bli mindre manuellt arbete för studenter, fakultet och övrig personal samt mera precis och snabbare insamling av närvaroinformation.

From Set Top Box to Home Media Center

Fu, Yi, Li, Ruimin January 2014 (has links)
Although Set-top-Boxes(STBs) are widely deployed today to connect a media source to a display (traditionally a television set), the market is changing due to the introduction of Internet Protocol Television, Over-the-Top streaming devices, gaming console, home theater Personal Computer, smart TV, etc. There is an evolving concept of a Home Media Center (HMC). This HMC provides consumers with an integrated home media environment and experience. This thesis explores the transition from STBs to HMCs. The specific questions that this thesis project answers are: What will a future HMC look like? What will its functions be? What interfaces and protocols will it use? Who will make these HMCs?  How can STB vendors evolve to be HMC vendors or will they simply cease to exist?  This thesis project designed and evaluated a hypothetical HMC prototype based upon current technology trends and user expectations. This prototype was used with 68 volunteers to identify and prioritize the most important features that a HMC should provide. Based upon the most important of these features a conceptual HMC prototype is designed to define a HMC product roadmap for 1, 3, and 5 years. This roadmap is used to project the economic impact of HMCs on the current STB industry.  This economic analysis considers Sweden as the target market. This thesis could be used by current STB vendors to define their own company specific roadmaps to support their transition to the future HMC market. / Aven digitalboxar är spridda i dag för att ansluta en mediakälla till en bildskärm (traditionellt en TV) är marknaden förändras på grund av införandet av Internet Protocol Television, Over-the-Top streaming anordningar, spelkonsol, hem teater Personal Computer, smarta TV osv. Det finns en framväxande begreppet Home Media Center (HMC). Detta HMC ger konsumenterna ett integrerat hem mediemiljö och erfarenhet. Denna avhandling utforskar övergången från digitalboxar till HMC. De specifika frågor som detta examensarbete skall besvara är: Vad kommer en framtida HMC se ut? Hur kommer dess funktioner att bli? Vilka gränssnitt och protokoll kommer den att använda? Vem kommer att göra dessa HMC? Hur kan digitalboxar leverantörer utvecklas vara HMC säljare eller kommer de helt enkelt att upphöra att existera? Detta examensarbete designar och utvärderar en hypotetisk HMC prototyp baserad på nuvarande tekniktrender som användarnas förväntningar studie. Denna prototyp användes med 68 frivilliga att identifiera och prioritera de viktigaste funktionerna som en HMC bör ge. Baserat på de viktigaste av dessa funktioner en konceptuell HMC prototyp kommer att utformas för att definiera en HMC produkt färdplan för en, 3 och 5 år. Färdplanen kommer att användas för att projicera de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av HMC på den aktuella digitalboxar industrin. Denna ekonomiska analysen kommer att överväga Sverige som målgrupp. Denna avhandling kan användas av nuvarande digitalboxar leverantörer för att definiera sina egna företagsspecifika färdplaner för att stödja övergången till den framtida HMC marknaden.

Integration of Digital Twin Technology and Health Dialogues : An Interface Design to Contribute to Motivation for Healthy Habits / Integration av tekniken "Digital Tvilling" och hälsosamtal

Gyulai, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Around the world, people are becoming more sedentary and less physically active. These behaviors are two examples of habits causing lifestyle diseases and premature death. The Health Dialogue (Hälsosamtal) is a method used in Sweden today, which attempts to prevent people from being diagnosed with lifestyle caused diseases. Today, the Health Dialogue does not offer an opportunity to perform follow-up of lifestyle goals created during the Health Dialogue, which is an important missing piece of the method. Follow-up regarding goals can benefit from being combined with digital twin technology, since this type of technology can potentially prevent negative habits by providing personalized predictions of bodily functions. In this thesis, a design prototype was created, combining the Health Dialogue with digital twin technology as an attempt to increase motivation towards a healthier lifestyle. Three hypotheses were proposed and evaluated through a user test containing the created design prototype. The results of the evaluation showed some support for the hypotheses for some participants, but overall, not enough to show support for motivation while using the prototype. However, the design and evaluation method can help in further development of an application that might contribute to motivation of a healthier lifestyle in the future.

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