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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psicoterapia psicanalítica da fobia: o uso de imagens em um estudo de caso / Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of phobias: the use of images in a case study

Granado, Laura Carmilo 13 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de descrever o atendimento de uma paciente utilizando imagens relacionadas à sua fobia no contexto clínico. É uma proposta de um enquadre diferenciado em psicoterapia psicanalítica com o fundamento na teoria de objetos e fenômenos transicionais de Winnicott, a qual se refere a uma área para a qual contribuem tanto realidade interna, subjetiva, quanto externa, objetiva, constituindo a área do brincar. A teoria freudiana sobre a angústia é revisada desde o início, em que a fobia era considerada um sintoma o qual podia aparecer em diversas afecções psíquicas. A denominação histeria de angústia foi proposta por Freud em 1909, para descrever a entidade nosológica em que a fobia é a questão central e cujo mecanismo é semelhante ao da histeria. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir do método clínico com a apresentação do estudo aprofundado de um caso. A paciente, de 37 anos, buscou atendimento para aracnofobia. No psicodiagnóstico, foi aplicado o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias de Walter Trinca. Para a psicoterapia, realizada em 19 atendimentos, foram compostas, junto com a paciente, duas pastas, uma com fotos que lembram aranha e outra com fotos de aranhas e de teias. O caso foi compreendido como histeria de angústia, tendo ocorrido um rápido e intenso processo psicoterapêutico. Discute-se que o imagético instaurou uma linguagem onírica nas sessões, e o onírico, assim como o brincar, é campo de simbolização. As associações a partir das imagens foram eminentemente em torno da temática da aranha, sendo tais associações comparadas ao papel que as fantasias presentes no trabalho do sonho realizado pela consciência vígil têm com relação ao conteúdo latente do sonho. Discute-se que a transicionalidade propiciada pelo imagético permitiu um trabalho de figurabilidade e, ao mesmo tempo, teria permitido a constituição de um pensar por imagens, sendo as imagens associadas a palavras ao longo do processo. A paciente conseguiu uma transformação interna, uma recriação de si em que a pulsão sexual de morte (na concepção de Laplanche) foi transformada, a partir da função objetalizante (Green), em pulsão sexual de vida, com seus processos de integração, síntese e permitindo a constituição de unidades e vínculos. Pode-se considerar que houve cura, no sentido proposto por Herrmann. Conclui-se que o presente estudo de caso evidenciou a potencialidade do uso de imagens em favorecer a simbolização e as elaborações na psicoterapia psicanalítica da fobia. Novas investigações nessa área poderão responder quanto à questão das possibilidades de generalização desta experiência / This paper aims to describe the attendance of a patient by using images related to her phobia in the clinical context. It is a proposal for a differentiated framing in psychoanalytic psychotherapy based on the theory of objects and transitional phenomena by Winnicott, which refers to an area where realities, both internal subjective and external objective contribute and constitute the area of play. The Freudian theory about anguish is reviewed from the very beginning when the phobia was considered a symptom which could appear in diverse mental disorders. The term anguish hysteria was proposed by Freud in 1909 to describe the nosological entity in which the phobia is the central question and whose mechanism is similar to that of hysteria. This work was developed by using the clinical method and a presentation of a detailed case study. A 37-year-old female patient sought treatment for arachnophobia. In her psychodiagnosis, the Drawing-and-Story Procedure by Walter Trinca was applied. Her psychotherapy was conducted in 19 attendances, for which two folders were arranged with the help of the patient, one with photographs that reminded of spiders and another with pictures of real spiders and webs. The case was understood as anguish hysteria and treated in a rapid and intense psychotherapeutic process. It is discussed that the imagery established an oniric language in the sessions and the oniric context is a field of symbolization, just like the area of play. The associations made with the use of images were predominantly around the spider theme; such associations were compared to the role played by fantasies in the dreaming activity, which is carried out by the waking consciousness, in relation to the latent content of dreams. It is discussed that the transitionality provided by the imagery allowed an activity of figurability and at the same time it would have allowed a process of thinkingby images, having images associated with words all along the way. The patient achieved her inner transformation, a re-creation of herself in which her sexual pulsion of death (in Laplanche\'s conception) was transformed from an objectalizing function (Green) into a sexual pulsion of life, with its processes of integration and synthesis, enabling the constitution of units and links. It can be considered that healing did take place, as proposed by Herrmann. It is concluded that the presentcase study demonstrated the potentiality of using images to favor symbolizations and elaborations within the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of phobias. Further investigations in this area may respond to the question of possibilities towards generalizing the experience reported herein

Do recalque originário aos signos de percepção: contribuições de Silvia Bleichmar à psicanálise / From primal repression to perceptual signs: Silvia Bleichmars contributions to psychoanalysis

Moraes, Gisele Cristiane Senne de 12 July 2019 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são apresentadas duas contribuições originais de Silvia Bleichmar em relação a Laplanche: recalque originário e signos de percepção. Partindo das observações de Laplanche sobre a ideia freudiana que considera o inconsciente fundado pelo recalque originário, Silvia Bleichmar ampliou o conceito, produzindo importantes contribuições em comparação ao pensamento freudiano e laplancheano. A autora articulou o recalque originário com os destinos pulsionais anteriores ao recalque, tornando-o um conceito metapsicológico passível de ser observado clinicamente, sobretudo na clínica de crianças. O recalque originário, em Silvia Bleichmar, longe de ser um processo mítico em algum momento, aproxima-se da ideia freudiana de recalque propriamente dito. Para Bleichmar, tal como em Freud, o recalque originário extrai sua força inicial de contrainvestimentos. No entanto, a autora entende que estes contrainvestimentos seriam originados no outro, pela interdição ao autoerotismo infantil. Outra importante contribuição da autora para a psicanálise foi sua conceituação sobre signos de percepção, tradução para a expressão alemã Wahrnehmungszeichen (Wz), usada por Freud em seu modelo de aparelho psíquico apresentado na Carta 52 a Fliess. Laplanche questiona se o termo Zeichen deveria ser entendido como signos ou indícios, fazendo sua escolha pela palavra signos. Para este autor, os signos de percepção se equivalem às mensagens enigmáticas, portanto, seriam portadores de mensagens. Silvia Bleichmar entende que Zeichen seriam indícios, pegadas, marcas, vestígios, huellas (em espanhol), dando ênfase ao caráter indiciário dos signos de percepção. A autora partiu da concepção de Charles S. Peirce sobre signos indiciários para articular sua própria concepção de signos de percepção. Para a autora, estes seriam as primeiras inscrições pulsionais que podem permanecer no psiquismo como arcaico se não transcritas ou as inscrições advindas de traumatismos severos, a qualquer momento, que ficam igualmente sem possibilidade de transcrição no psiquismo. Assim, o arcaico seria formado pelos signos de percepção que permanecem sem transcrições enquanto o originário seria o conteúdo do inconsciente originariamente recalcado / Two original Silvia Bleichmars contributions to Laplanche are presented in this essay: the primal repression and the perceptual signs. Stemming from Laplanches observations on the Freudian conception that considers the unconscious founded by the primal repression, Silvia Bleichmar expanded the concept, producing important contributions in comparison to the Freudian and the Laplanchean lines of thought. The author connected the primal repression to the Freudian destinies of the drive (instinct) existing prior to repression, which made it a metapsychological concept subject to clinical observation, most of all in the work with children. In Silvia Bleichmars thinking, far from being a mythical process at some point, the primal repression is close to the Freudian idea of repression itself. To Bleichmar, as well as to Freud, the primal repression extracts its initial strength from anticathexes. Nevertheless, the author believes that these anticathexes stem from the other through the interdiction of child auto-erotism. Another important contribution of the author to psychoanalysis was her conceptualization of perceptual signs, which is a translation of the German expression Wahrnehmungszeichen (Wz), used by Freud in his model of psychic apparatus presented in the Letter 52 to Fliess. Laplanche questions if the term Zeichen should be understood as signs or indexes, preferring the word signs. For him, the perceptual signs are equivalent to the enigmatic messages, therefore they would be message carriers. Silvia Bleichmar believes that Zeichen are indexes, footprints, marks, vestiges, huellas (in Spanish), emphasizing the indexing character of the perceptual signs. Therefore, deriving from Charles S. Peirces conception of indexing signs, the author built her own conception of perceptual signs. For her, these would be the first drive inscriptions that may remain in the psyche as archaic if not transcript, as well as the inscriptions stemming from severe trauma, at any point, which equally remain without transcription in the psyche. Hence, the archaic would be composed by the perceptual signs that remain without transcriptions whereas the primal would be the content of the primally repressed unconscious


ANA CAROLINA VIANA SILVA 29 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho tem como objetivo investigar de que mode a questão da presença e do lugar dos pais na clínica psicanalítica com crianças está situada na campo teórico. Parte-se das formulações freudianas sobre a infância e o infantil, para em seguida, tratar-se da abertura do campo da psicanálise com crianças a partir da experiência do casi Hans publicado por Freud em 1909. Aborda-se o surgimento desta clínica, os debates entre Anna Freud e Melanie Klein, e desenvolvimentos posteriores com D. Winnicott, Françoise Dolto e Maud Mannoni. Finaliza-se com a discussão do problema da inserção dos pais no tratamento psicanalítico de crianças por meio da apresentação de ilustrações clínicas. / [en] The study aims to investigate how the problem of parents place and presence in the children psychoanalitic treatment lies in the theoretical field. It starts with the Freudian formulations about childhood and child, to then it discusses the opening of the field of psychoanalysis with children from the experience of Hans case published by Freud in 1909. It approaches the emergence of this treatment, the appearance of clinical discussions between Anna Freud and Melanie Klein, and further studies with D.Winnicott, Françoise Dolto and Maud Mannoni. It ends with a discussion about the problem of parents inclusion in the children psychoanalytic treatment through the presentation of clinical illustrations.

O que (não) se esquece? Uma leitura psicanalítica do ressentimento / What is (not) forgotten? A psychoanalytic interpretation of resentment

Bechara, Laura Carrasqueira 10 June 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo construir hipóteses teóricas e clínicas acerca do ressentimento, a partir de uma leitura psicanalítica. Observamos que, apesar da frequência com que o tema do ressentimento aparece em discussões clínicas na atualidade, o termo ainda parece marginalizado no arcabouço teórico de pesquisa em psicanálise, possivelmente porque não tem estatuto de noção nem de conceito dentro desse campo. Diante disso, perguntamos: de que maneira o ressentimento se apresenta na clínica psicanalítica? Quais operadores nos embasam quando nos deparamos com o ressentimento via narrativa ou no discurso de um sujeito na clínica? De que forma o estudo sobre o sujeito do inconsciente se articula ao ressentimento? Uma vez que nosso objeto de investigação não é parte da teoria psicanalítica, expomos de que maneira alguns dos principais pensadores e filósofos o abordam pela via do homem, da sociedade, da moral, da justiça e da vingança. Em seguida, situamos os conceitos que pesquisadores de nossa área elegem para situar o ressentimento enquanto fenômeno que interessa à psicanálise. A partir dessa revisão teórica, construímos nossa própria leitura psicanalítica. Um caso clínico disparador é apresentado de forma a fazer pulsar novos questionamentos, que remetem à teoria da constituição subjetiva, para, posteriormente, situar de que forma o ressentimento afeta o sujeito e qual sua relação com as operações lógicas do psiquismo. Apresentamos um trabalho interpretativo da obra Dom Casmurro, que permite eleger o protagonista como caso paradigmático do ressentido. Concluímos nossa hipótese com uma explanação, entre outras possíveis, do que pode um psicanalista diante do ressentimento. Levantou-se como resultado dessa pesquisa duas principais hipóteses: o ressentimento enquanto estratégia frente ao desejo do Outro e o ressentir como modalidade de gozo. Esperase que a proposta de leitura acerca do ressentimento, do ressentir e do ressentido possa contribuir para o reconhecimento dessa perspectiva e, assim, inspirar intervenções e descobertas sempre únicas no campo da clínica psicanalítica, em casos em que o ressentimento é marcante / The aim of this work is to propose theoretical and clinical hypotheses on resentment, based on a psychoanalytic reading. We note that despite the frequency with which the subject of resentment appears in clinical discussions today, the term seems to be relegated to the sidelines of the theoretical framework of research in psychoanalysis, possibly because it has no notion or concept status within this field. In view of this, we ask: in what way does resentment present itself in psychoanalytic clinics? Which operators support us when we come across resentment via narrative or in the discourse of a subject in the clinic? How does the study of the subject of the unconscious articulate to resentment? Since our object of inquiry is not part of psychoanalytic theory, we show how some of the leading philosophers and thinkers approach it via man, society, morality, justice, and revenge. Next, we locate the concepts chosen by researchers in our field with which to identify resentment as a phenomenon of interest to psychoanalysis. Based on this theoretical review, we have built our own psychoanalytic reading. A triggering clinical case is presented in order to bring about new questions which refer to the theory of the subjective constitution, and then to identify how resentment affects the subject and how it relates to the logical operations of the psyche. We present an interpretation of the novel Dom Casmurro, allowing us to designate the leading character as an emblematic case of someone who feels resentment. We conclude with an explanation one of several possible ones of what a psychoanalyst can do when faced with resentment. Two main hypotheses arose from this research: resentment as a strategy against the desire of the Other and resentment as a mode of jouissance. We hope the proposed reading of resentment, resenting and the one who resents may contribute to the recognition of this view and thus inspire unique interventions and discoveries in the field of psychoanalytic clinic, in cases where resentment is strongly present

I write therefore I am : rewriting the subject in "The yellow wallpaper" and The singing detective : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English at Massey University

Beatty, Bronwyn Unknown Date (has links)
Focusing on "The Yellow Wallpaper" (1892) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Singing Detective (1986) by Dennis Potter in dialogue with theories from Freud, Szasz, Foucault and Butler, my thesis considers the role of medicine in encouraging a patient toward a normative subjectivity. The protagonists of each text have become ill as a result of their inability to accept the social contradictions and lies upon which gendered subjectivity is reliant; the unnamed narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" comprehends femininity as servitude to male demands, while Marlow of The Singing Detective desires the power patriarchy offers him as a male, but his loss of belief and faith prevent his ascension to masculine status.Both the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Marlow resist the imposition of normative gender by practitioners of mainstream medicine. Therefore, a more complex and subtle method of treatment, the psychoanalysis developed by Freud, is employed in The Singing Detective, thereby encouraging the patient to identify illness and discontent as personal, not societal, responsibility.I commence the thesis with an overview of the unequal power relations presupposed and encouraged by medical discourse. Through a process of 'hystericisation' the patient is infantilised and made dependent upon medical care. Linguistic control is central to manipulating patient behaviour within the hospital, and correspondingly the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Marlow both seek a new subjectivity through their writing. Difficulties in appropriating language leads to internal incoherency for the protagonists, met by a split subjectivity - a defence mechanism which allows the protagonists to deviate from, at the same time as preserving, their 'good self'.The refusal of "The Yellow Wallpaper's" narrator to relinquish her defiant self and assume femininity is contained by patriarchy - embodied by her husband, John - as insanity. The strict limitation upon a nineteenth-century woman's expression prevents her from positively escaping her physician/husband's script leading to her mental demise. By contrast, Marlow successfully resocialises himself by modifying the hypermasculine persona he idealises, and is finally situated to confront and reform the social contradictions that precipitated his ill-health. However, subdued by having been led to identify discontent as a personal problem, Marlow is unlikely to challenge the power relations which have made his subjectivity possible. His capitulation to normalisation demonstrates a fundamental point linking the otherwise divergent theories of Freud and Foucault, that the creation of agency first requires the subject's subordination.

On the threshold of adulthood : Recurrent phenomena and developmental tasks during the period of young adulthood

Jacobsson, Gunnel January 2005 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the own narratives told by young adults in the age group 18 to 25 years old about strains in life, ideas about the background to these, and attitudes now and in an imagined future. The emerging recurrent phenomena form the basis for a deeper understanding of the developmental tasks of young adults. Gender variances and changes over time are focused upon. The investigation is based on three distinct theoretical perspectives: developmental psychology, social constructionism and personal epistemology. The methods used vary according to the focus in four separate studies: (1) The Interview study is based on the narratives of 23 informants. A qualitative analysis was carried out and central themes are presented at group level. (2) In the Questionnaire study, a bird’s eye view is taken. A quantitative analysis was performed on 611 respondents’ answers about their own attitudes and experienced background to strains. (3) In the Follow-up study, 21 informants from the Interview study were interviewed again after eighteen months. (4) The Case study scrutinizes in detail four informants’ narratives about strains and attitudes on three occasions, over a total of three years. The combination of three different theoretical and three different methodological perspectives was used to make recurrent phenomena more visible, enabling the formulation of developmental tasks during this period of life. The most prominent phenomenon concerning strains is to become someone in the world. This is interpreted as an individuation process, which is a specific developmental task. Depression-like conditions occur and are understood to be transitional expressions of developmental-related sorrow. A spectrum based on prominent attitudes is formulated: vegetative being – creative being – productive doing – warding-off doing. The spectrum includes both problem-solving and problem-distancing attitudes. Common for men and for women is a movement between the problem-distancing and the problem-solving attitudes. The attitudes differ between men and women. Over time, a greater range of problem-solving attitudes is used, and they become less gender-specific. The problem-distancing attitudes decrease, both within the group of women and the group of men, but are still as gender-specific. As time passes, the narratives about the background to strains and future attitudes gain an increased number of themes. These changes are interpreted as a maturity process within the age group. Most of the young adults convey a hopeful view of the future.

Liberating Oedipus? : psychoanalysis as critical theory /

Kovacevic, Filip. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2002. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 358-363). Also available on the Internet.

Liberating Oedipus? psychoanalysis as critical theory /

Kovacevic, Filip. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2002. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 358-363). Also available on the Internet.

The Politics of Proximity and Distance: The US-Mexico Border-as-Parallax-Object

De La Ossa, Jessica Lauren January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of affect and emotion in contemporary citizenship practices along the US-Mexico border. Drawing from mixed qualitative methods, this dissertation employs inter-subjective research practice to understand the entanglement between the state, objects, citizen, and non-citizen along the border. This study presents two interrelated findings: 1) state security objects "impress" and mediate citizen movements, and 2) a dual masculinity of offensive and defensive emerges around compassionate actions toward or distancing actions from migrants in need of aid or assistance. Drawing on Slavoj Žižek, this dissertation explores the border-as-parallax-object to reveal the ways that the border is inscribed beyond the material fence. In this way, this dissertation connects disparate literature within human geography concerning materiality and psychoanalytic theory. By psychoanalytically reading and coding research interviews, this dissertation also develops the concepts of the face-of-the-state and ambivalent citizenship to elucidate the impact of security objects on citizen practices. The findings build toward a new subfield in political geography: emotional border studies.

Beprotybė Sylvijos Plath ir Virginijos Woolf romanuose: psichoanalitinis aspektas / Madness in Novels by Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf: a Psychoanalytic Approach

Jazdauskas, Gintautas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbo objektas – beprotybė Syvlijos Plath ir Virginijos Woolf romanuose. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti romanus psichoanalitiniu aspektu ir charakterizuoti personažų beprotybę. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1) ištirti beprotybės sąvoką literatūroje; 2) išnagrinėti beprotybės sąvoką psichoanalitinėje teorijoje; 3) išnagrinėti romanus psichoanalitiniu aspektu ir charakterizuoti juose vaizduojamą beprotybę. Bakalauro darbo metodologiją sudaro: 1) beprotybės literatūroje bei psichoanalizėje teorinės medžiagos tyrimas; 2) psichoanalitinė kritika kaip pagrindinis analizės metodas ir psichoanalitinis beprotybės romanuose konceptualizavimas; 3) tarpdiscipliniškumas kaip psichoanalitinio diskurso bei teorijos naudojimo literatūroje pagrindas, kuriuo remiantis pritaikomas Julijos Thompson Klein „kryžminio-apvaisinimo“ metodas. Šiame darbe beprotybė yra nagrinėjama literatūriniu (teorijos) ir psichoanalitiniu aspektu pasitelkiant Jaqueso Lakano teorijas bei sąvokas. Psichoanalitinei analizei buvo pasirinkti Silvijos Plath „Stiklo gaubtas“ (1963) ir Virginijos Woolf „Ponia Dalolvei“ (1925) romanai. / Madness in novels by Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf is the object of the Bachelor Thesis. Sources of the research are S. Plath’s novel The Bell Jar and V. Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway. The aim of the present research is to carry out psychoanalytical research of the novels in order to characterize madness. In order to achieve the aim the following objectives have been set: 1) to investigate the concept of madness in fiction; 2) to explore the psychoanalytic approach theory of psychoanalysis and madness; 3) to perform a psychoanalytic research of the novels in relation to madness. The methodology applied in the present Thesis included: 1) theoretical analysis in order to research views on madness both form literary and psychoanalytical aspects; 2) psychoanalytical criticism as the main method of analysis and psychoanalytic conceptualization of madness; 3) interdiciplinarity that enabled incorporation of psychoanalytic theories into the analysis employing the Cross-Fertilization method presented by Julie Thompson Klein. In the Bachelor Thesis madness is investigated both from the literary (theory) standpoint and from the aspect of psychoanalysis by incorporating concepts and theories coined by Jaques Lacan. For practical analysis, S. Plath’s “The Bell Jar” (1963) and V. Woolf’s “Mrs Dalloway” (1925) were chosen. In the course of the research the scientific literature in relation to madness in fiction, psychoanalysis and madness in psychoanalysis of J. Lacan, were studied and... [to full text]

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