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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Positive acculturation context variables as predictors of acculturation outcomes in a mine in the Nort-West Province / Shahnaz Alli

Alli, Shahnaz January 2008 (has links)
This project analyses the acculturation process in a specific context, in order to predict the perceived work success and health (both psychological and physical) of mineworkers in a mine in the North-West Province.1 Success is evaluated in terms of meeting deadlines at work, reputation and respect at work, and training and development opportunities at work. Employees' success and health is considered from an acculturation perspective and thus viewed as a result of the acculturation process. This hypothesis was investigated by examining the affect of the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, which are translated into variables, on perceived work success and health (acculturation outcomes). A random convenience sample of participants from the mine under investigated was taken (n = 288 the majority of the participants are male, married, Black, and Afrikaans-speaking). English questionnaires using a cross-sectional survey design were administered to these participants. The questions were derived from adapted measuring scales and scales developed for the project, which follow a five-point Likert format ('strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree'). Four categories of instruments were used: those examining the mainstream domain (multiculturalism, tolerance of other cultures by the mainstream, multicultural practices, relationships with host culture members at work), individual intervening factors (individual integration acculturation strategy and perceived self-efficacy), acculturation outcomes (health and work success), and the ethnocultural domain (ethnic integration demands, ethnic solidarity and social support, relationship with co-ethnics, and ethnic vitality at work). The data was captured in a spreadsheet, quality controlled, and statistically analysed using multivariate analysis of variance, one-way analysis of variance, and T-tests in SAS, SPSS, and AMOS (regression using structural equation modelling). Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were examined. Effect sizes were used to determine the practical significance of the findings. Perceived self-efficacy is a statistically significant predictor of work success in terms of meeting deadlines. Multicultural practices, ethnic integration demands at work, relationship with co-ethnics individual integration acculturation strategy, and perceived self-efficacy statistically significant predictors of work success in terms of reputation and respect at work. Multicultural practices and ethnic solidarity and social support are statistically significant predictors of work success in terms of training and development opportunities at work. Relationships with host culture members at work, ethnic solidarity and social support, ethnic vitality at work, and individual integration acculturation strategy are statistically significant predictors of psychological health. Multiculturalism, multicultural practices, and tolerance of other cultures by the mainstream are statistically significant predictors of physical health. This project concludes that success and health can be considered from an acculturation perspective and these acculturation outcomes can be predicted based on the acculturation context and individual intervening factors. / Thesis (M.Com. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Positive acculturation context variables as predictors of acculturation outcomes in a mine in the Nort-West Province / Shahnaz Alli

Alli, Shahnaz January 2008 (has links)
This project analyses the acculturation process in a specific context, in order to predict the perceived work success and health (both psychological and physical) of mineworkers in a mine in the North-West Province.1 Success is evaluated in terms of meeting deadlines at work, reputation and respect at work, and training and development opportunities at work. Employees' success and health is considered from an acculturation perspective and thus viewed as a result of the acculturation process. This hypothesis was investigated by examining the affect of the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, which are translated into variables, on perceived work success and health (acculturation outcomes). A random convenience sample of participants from the mine under investigated was taken (n = 288 the majority of the participants are male, married, Black, and Afrikaans-speaking). English questionnaires using a cross-sectional survey design were administered to these participants. The questions were derived from adapted measuring scales and scales developed for the project, which follow a five-point Likert format ('strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree'). Four categories of instruments were used: those examining the mainstream domain (multiculturalism, tolerance of other cultures by the mainstream, multicultural practices, relationships with host culture members at work), individual intervening factors (individual integration acculturation strategy and perceived self-efficacy), acculturation outcomes (health and work success), and the ethnocultural domain (ethnic integration demands, ethnic solidarity and social support, relationship with co-ethnics, and ethnic vitality at work). The data was captured in a spreadsheet, quality controlled, and statistically analysed using multivariate analysis of variance, one-way analysis of variance, and T-tests in SAS, SPSS, and AMOS (regression using structural equation modelling). Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were examined. Effect sizes were used to determine the practical significance of the findings. Perceived self-efficacy is a statistically significant predictor of work success in terms of meeting deadlines. Multicultural practices, ethnic integration demands at work, relationship with co-ethnics individual integration acculturation strategy, and perceived self-efficacy statistically significant predictors of work success in terms of reputation and respect at work. Multicultural practices and ethnic solidarity and social support are statistically significant predictors of work success in terms of training and development opportunities at work. Relationships with host culture members at work, ethnic solidarity and social support, ethnic vitality at work, and individual integration acculturation strategy are statistically significant predictors of psychological health. Multiculturalism, multicultural practices, and tolerance of other cultures by the mainstream are statistically significant predictors of physical health. This project concludes that success and health can be considered from an acculturation perspective and these acculturation outcomes can be predicted based on the acculturation context and individual intervening factors. / Thesis (M.Com. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

The measurement invariance and measurement equivalence of the sources of work stress inventory (SWSI) across gender groups in South Africa

Davis, Samantha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / You will be needing the program SPSS in order to read the .spv files / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary goal of an organisation, in a capitalistic system, is the maximisation of profit. The task of the human resource function in organisations is to affect the work performance of working man to the advantage of the organisation and in a manner that adds value to the organisation. The management of employee wellbeing/psychological health is one of the human resource interventions with which the human resource function pursues this objective. It is imperative for organisations to be aware of, and sensitive to, negative factors in the workplace, such as occupational stress, that influence employees’ health and wellbeing and have a significant effect on job satisfaction and performance (Hamidi & Eivazi, 2010). Prevailing stress levels need to be monitored regularly if escalating stress levels are to be detected in time to prevent serious personal and organisational problems from developing. The Sources of Work Stress Inventory (SWSI) is an instrument developed in South Africa specifically for this purpose (De Bruin & Taylor, 2005). The inappropriate use of occupational stress assessments across genders can seriously jeopardize the extent to which occupational stress assessments, and the decisions based on them, achieve their intended objectives. In order to avoid making widespread generalisations and untested assumptions which will eventually do a disservice to the field of psychology, the absence of measurement bias (i.e. invariance and equivalence) should be demonstrated instead of simply assumed (Van de Vijver & Tanzer, 2004). Establishing the measurement invariance and equivalence of an instrument across groups should be a prerequisite to conducting substantive cross-group comparisons (Dunbar, Theron & Spangenberg, 2011). It is imperative to empirically ascertain whether the instruments that are used are free of cultural, language, gender, age and racial bias, not only because it is prohibited by the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, but also as it is in the interest of good workmanship. Bias is indicated as nuisance factors that threaten the validity of cross-group (cultural) comparisons (Van de Vijver & Leung, 1997). These nuisance factors could be due to construct bias, method bias and/or item bias. Due to the importance of the decisions made, it would seem essential that the information provided by test results apply equally across different reference groups. In this study the specific measurement invariance and equivalence sequence of tests set out by Dunbar et al. (2011) was used to answer a sequence of research questions that examine the extent to which the SWSI multi-group measurement model may be considered measurement invariant and equivalent or not, and to determine the source of variance if it existed (Vandenberg & Lance, 2000). Upon investigating the measurement model fit of the SWSI, the results indicated that support was found for the hypotheses that the measurement model fits the data of both gender samples independently. Furthermore, support was found for the configural and weak invariance model. However, due to not meeting the requirements for metric equivalence, partial measurement invariance and equivalence was explored. The SWSI multi-group measurement model met the requirements of partial complete invariance and partial full equivalence, and the non-invariant items were identified in the process. The implications of the results are discussed, limitations are indicated and areas for further research are highlighted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kerndoelwit van enige organisasie, veral in ‘n kapitalistiese stelsel, is om optimale wins te genereer. Die taak van die menslike hulpbronbestuurfunksie binne organisasies is om die werksverrigting van die werkende mens te beïnvloed tot voordeel van die organisasie en terselfdetyd waarde tot die organisasie toe te voeg. Die bestuur van ‘n werknemer se welstand / sielkundige gesondheid is een van die menslike hulpbron-iintervensies waarmee die menslike hulpbronfunksie hierdie doelwit nastreef. Dit is uiters belangrik vir organisasies om bewus te wees van, asook sensitief te wees vir, negatiewe faktore soos werkstres, wat werknemers se gesondheid en welsyn beïnvloed en wat 'n beduidende invloed op werkstevredenheid en prestasie het (Hamidi & Eivazi, 2010). Heersende stresvlakke moet gereeld gemonitor word om tydig stygende stresvlakke te bespeur ten einde ernstige persoonlike en organisasieverwante probleme te verhoed. Die Bronne van die Werkstres-inventaris (BWSI) is in Suid-Afrika spesifiek vir hierdie doel ontwikkel (De Bruin & Taylor, 2005). Die ontoepaslike gebruik van werkstresmetings oor geslagte kan egter die mate waartoe beroepstresmetings en die besluite wat daarop gebaseer word hul oogmerke bereik ernstig benadeel. Die afwesigheid van metingsydigheid (bv. invariansie en ekwivalensie) moet dus empiries gedemonstreer word, in stede daarvan dat die afwesigheid daarvan eenvoudig aanvaar word (Van de Vijver & Tanzer, 2004). Die afwesigheid van hierdie informasie kan lei tot wydverspreide veralgemenings en ongetoetsde aannames wat die Sielkunde professie ernstige skade kan berokken. Die meetings-invariansie en -ekwivalensie van 'n instrument oor groepe is 'n voorvereiste vir substantiewe kruis-groepvergelykings (Dunbar, Theron & Spangenberg, 2011). Dit is noodsaaklik om empiries te bepaal of die instrumente wat gebruik is vry is van kulturele-, taal, geslag-, ouderdom- en rasse-sydigheid, nie net omdat dit verbied word deur die Wet op Diensbillikheid 55 van 1998 nie, maar ook omdat dit in die belang van goeie vakmanskap is. Sydigheid is sistermatiese steurnisse wat die geldigheid van die kruis-groep (kulturele) vergelykings (Van de Vijver & Leung, 1997) bedreig. Hierdie steurnisse kan wees as gevolg van konstruk-, metode- en/of itemsydigheid. Gegewe die belangrikheid van die besluite wat geneem word gebaseer op die metings is dit noodsaaklik dat die inligting vergelykbaar oor die verskillende verwysingsgroepe is. Die studie het die stel metingsinvariansie en -ekwivalensie toetse wat deur Dunbar et al. (2011) gebruik om 'n reeks van navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Daar is ondersoek gestel na die mate waartoe die BWSI multi-groep metingsmodel as invariant of ekwivalent beskou kan word, en die bron van variansie te bepaal as dit sou bestaan (Vandenberg & Lance, 2000). In die ondersoek na die metingsmodel passing van die BWSI, is daar ondersteuning gevind is vir die hipoteses dat die metingsmodel beide van die geslagsteekproewe goed pas. Steun is ook gevind vir die konfigurale en swak invariansie modelle. Aangesien slegs beperkte steun vir metriese ekwivalensie gevind is, is ondersoek na die parsiële metriese invariansie en ekwivalensie ingestel. Die BWSI multi-groep metingsmodel het voldoen aan die vereistes van parsiële volledige invariansie en parsiële volle ekwivalensie, en die nie-invariante items is deur die proses geïdentifiseer. Die implikasies van die resultate word bespreek, beperkinge word aangedui en areas vir verdere navorsing word uitgelig.

Faktorer inom vården som har betydelse för det psykiska måendet hos syskon till cancersjuka barn - en litteraturöversikt

Laurén, Ida, Lundin, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Background: When a child in the family is treated for cancer, the invasive roles in the family changes and the focus is on the sick child. Siblings of children with cancer can experience feelings and thoughts that can be difficult to handle on their own.  Purpose: The purpose is to compile knowledge about which supportive and other factors in health care that affects the siblings psychological health after a brother or sisters cancer treatment.  Method: Literature review based on 10 original articles. The research was applied to the database PubMed and the articles had qualitative and quantitative methods.  Results: The results of this literature review can be divided into two categories; information and emotions, and seven subcategories; Cancer disease, involvement in the progression of the disease, before death, healthcare personnel, changes in the family, subjective experiences of having a sibling with cancer and lack of opportunity to talk about feelings and thoughts. The results show that the psychological health of siblings is adversely affected by inadequate information about cancer, disease progression and bodily changes before death. It also appears that the sibling's psychological health is adversely affected by lack of attention from parents and healthcare professionals. Factors that affects sibling's psychological health positively are the opportunity to express feelings and to have the feelings confirmed by parents or healthcare professionals.  Conclusion: This literature review shows that siblings to a brother or sister with cancer need to get information and talk about their feelings and thoughts. Lack of information and emotional support from parents and healthcare professionals can lead to a negative impact of the psychological health. As a nurse it's important to pay attention to the sibling´s needs for support to prevent psychological illness later in life.

Résistance du monde agricole : aspects psychosociaux du bien-être et du mal-être / Stamina of the agricultural world : psychosocial aspects of well-being and ill-being

Mabire, Charlotte 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les agriculteurs font partie d’une catégorie socioprofessionnelle qui exprime une certaine forme de malaise due à une multitude de pressions et de mutations de leur métier. Notre approche est focalisée sur les différences interindividuelles contribuant à l’adaptation et à la résistance dans un contexte particulièrement menaçant ou bien favorisant l’aggravation d’un état de souffrance psychologique. Dans ce but, nous nous centrons sur le concept de ressources, et notamment sur le modèle de Conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989), afin de comprendre quelles sont les ressources matérielles, énergétiques, personnelles et en termes de conditions sociales dont les gains sont les plus protecteurs et les pertes les plus délétères pour la santé des agriculteurs. Pour éprouver nos hypothèses, cette recherche repose sur une méthode de recueil quantitative et longitudinale en deux temps de mesure auprès d’une cohorte d’agriculteurs lorrains. Ainsi, la santé est évaluée en termes de bien-être (bonheur, vigueur, satisfaction de vie, santé perçue) et de mal-être (stress, épuisement professionnel, douleurs musculosquelettiques). Nos résultats, obtenus à l’aide de modèles structuraux (approche Partial Least Square Path Modeling), nous confirment la prépondérance des effets délétères des pertes de ressources sur la santé à T1. À l’inverse, et dans une plus faible mesure, les gains de ressources la protègent. Par ailleurs, le changement dans la santé à T2 est prédit uniquement par l’érosion des ressources. Nos résultats soulignent la nécessité de prévenir les pertes de ressources psychologiques et de conditions sociales, puis énergétiques pour préserver la santé des agriculteurs. / Farmers are part of a socio-professional category that expresses some form of unease due to multiple pressures and changes in their profession. Our approach focuses on interindividual differences contributing to adaptation and resistance, in a particularly threatening context, or favoring the worsening of a state of psychological suffering. To this end, we focus on the concept of resources and in particular on the Conservation of Resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989). This theory allows us to understand which are the material, energy, personal characteristics and conditions resources and among them, which gains are the most protective and which losses are the most destructive of the farmers' health.To test our hypotheses, this research is based on a two-stage quantitative and longitudinal measurement method for a cohort of Lorraine (France northeastern region) farmers. Thus, health is assessed in terms of well-being (happiness, vigor, life satisfaction, perceived health) and ill-being (stress, burnout, musculoskeletal pain). Our results obtained by using structural models (Partial Least Square Path Modeling) confirm the preponderance of the deleterious effects of resources’ losses on health at T1, conversely, and to a lesser extent, that the resources’ gains protect it. On the other hand, the change in health at T2 is predicted only by resource erosion. Our results underline the need to prevent the loss of personal and conditions resources and then energy to preserve farmers’ health.

Psykosocial ohälsa vid otrygga anställningar : En studie om arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar för den psykosociala hälsan hos bemanningsanställda / Psychosocial illness due to insecure employement : A study about the responsibilities of employers in creating a safe work enviornment regarding psychosocial health for employees within temporary work agencies

Leijman, Moa January 2018 (has links)
This essay is focusing on the connection between insecure employment within temporary agency work and the psychological health in young adults and immigrants. Groups who are overrepresented as employees at the agencies. The employers responsibility for a safe work environment have also been analysed regarding the psychological health for the employees within temporary work agencies. Two questions have been answered to be able to investigate this; how the employers responsibility for a good organizational and psychological work environment meets the special needs of employees within temporary work agencies and how the psychological health in young adults and immigrants is affected by insecure employment. In this essay I used the jurisprudence method with focus on the doctrinal method since the written material is the main source of material which I connected to the sources of law. I have used both international and national law together with literature, reports, articles and electronic sources to give the essay an extensive ground to stand on. Finally, I reach the conclusion that the employers’ responsibility for a well-functioning organizational and psychological work environment for employees within temporary work agencies are inadequate. The explanation is that the general design of the contracts to which the employers and the customer companies enter into, usually makes the employers absent from the workplace which limit their ability to implement proper work adjustments for the employees.  Neither can the employer control which type of work that is available which makes it hard for the agency to make sure the employee can evolve within the job. The mutual responsibilities between the temporary work agency and the client company risk to put the employee in danger since some responsibilities easily can be neglected by both parties. When it comes to what kind of factors that have a negative effect on the young adults and immigrant’s psychological health because of insecure work I found that the main factors were; high expectations, few social relations to other employees and to not be able to control their own work. The factor of an insecure future was also found to have a negative effect.

La qualité, l'innovation et la créativité du travail au sein des organisations : vers une politique globale de prévention de la souffrance psychique au travail / The quality, the innovation and the creativity of the work within organizations : towards an overall policy of prevention of occupational psychological health problems

Guidou, Nadège 27 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’intervention en prévention de la santé psychique au travail. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux difficultés liées au passage entre la connaissance et l’action : c’est après le diagnostic, lorsqu’il s’agit de transformer concrètement et durablement les situations de travail et l’organisation, que les plus grandes difficultés surviennent. Pour répondre à cette ambition, un important travail théorique est réalisé afin d’identifier dans la littérature puis d’analyser, des modèles d’intervention remarquables pour leur articulation entre un cadre théorique solide autour de la dynamique santé-travail (connaissance) et un cadre méthodologique d’intervention (action). Au-travers d’une revue narrative, nous proposons ainsi trois dimensions en mesure de théoriser le passage entre la connaissance et l’action, passage que nous appréhendons comme un processus social en tant que tel et non comme conséquence méthodologique. Ces trois dimensions, que sont l’objet d’intervention, le niveau d’implication et enfin le processus cognitif de prévention implanté auprès des acteurs sont ainsi au coeur de l’ensemble de notre travail. Forts de ce travail théorique et épistémologique, notre cadre méthodologique vise l’élaboration scientifique de ce processus en cherchant à en établir l’intelligibilité et à débuter le travail de prévisibilité afin que d’autres, plus tard, parviennent au niveau de la reproductibilité. Pour ce faire, trois études ancrées dans la pratique, au sein des services de santé au travail et donc au coeur du terrain, sont présentées. Elles étudient particulièrement les effets de différentes articulations entre objet d’intervention, niveau d’implication et processus cognitif de prévention. L’ensemble de cette démarche s’inscrivant dans le cadre de la recherche fondamentale de terrain, nous aboutissons à la proposition et l’expérimentation d’un nouveau modèle d’intervention permettant de dépasser les limites observées dans la littérature. Cette nouvelle approche se distingue certes par cette articulation spécifique mais également par une méthodologie innovante, inscrivant l’intervention au sein d’un processus d’innovation organisationnelle. Fondée sur l’implantation d’une zone proximale de développement, elle permet aux acteurs de développer des activités transitionnelles, les accompagnant ainsi dans les épreuves auxquelles tout dispositif de prévention expose. Finalement, ce travail nous amène, en plus d’ouvrir vers de nouvelles orientations scientifiques et pratiques, à questionner la posture de l’intervenant agissant en prévention de la santé psychique au travail et plus encore, à une interrogation sur le cadre fondant la pratique des psychologues du travail. / This research work deals with the intervention in prevention of occupational psychological health problems. It highlights the difficulties between knowing and doing: the biggest difficulties occur after diagnosis, when work situations and the organisation have to be substantially and permanently transformed. To reach this goal, a great deal of theoretical work has been carried out in order to identify in literature and analyse significant models of intervention for their coordination between a sound theoretical framework around the dynamics of occupational health (knowing) and a methodological framework of intervention (doing). We propose thus, through a literature review, three dimensions able to theorize the transition from knowledge to action, a transition which is understood as a social process as such and not as a methodological consequence. Those 3 dimensions, namely the object of the intervention, the level of involvement and the cognitive prevention process implemented with the actors, are at the heart of our work. Thanks to this theoretical and epistemological work, the designed methodological framework aims at developing scientifically this process, seeking its comprehensibility and the beginning of a work of predictability, and enabling reproducibility by other actors in the future. To that end, we present 3 studies, each firmly rooted in practice, within occupational health departments, and thus in the field. They study the effects of different linkages between the object of intervention, the level of involvement and the cognitive prevention process. The whole process fits into fundamental applied research and results in the proposal and the testing of a new model of prevention, which enables to go beyond the limits observed in literature. This new approach is characterised by this specific coordination and also by an innovative methodology that puts the intervention within a process of organisational innovation. Based on the implementation of a proximal zone of development, it allows the actors to develop transitional activities and is helpful in the difficulties they face in any prevention system. Eventually, this work opens new practical and scientific orientations, questions the stance of the occupational health professionals as well as the framework of practice of occupational psychologists.

The psychological health of teenage mothers from selected secondary schools in Seshego Township, Limpopo Province

Maleka, Hunadi, Lerato January 2020 (has links)
Thesis(M.A. (Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo / Early motherhood has been associated with negative biological and social outcomes in the developing world of the teenage mother and child. The study sought to explore the psychological health of teenage mothers from selected secondary schools in Seshego Township, Limpopo Province. Generally, the study makes use of a comparative design and 120 participants were selected for the study consisting of 60 teenage mothers and 60 teenage non-mothers. The psychological health of teenage mothers was compared to the psychological health of teenage non-mothers. The study made use of the 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) with only three demographic questions, which was given to both teenage mothers and teenage non–mothers. The results of the study show that there was no significant difference in the psychological health of teenage mothers and teenage non–mothers. Results also showed that there was no significant difference on the sub-scales of somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and depression. Results of teenage mothers were compared to one another, and this comparison also showed that there was no significant difference within this group. Also results on age, grade and family structure showed no significant difference between the two groups compared to one another. Given the literature that exists worldwide showing that teenage motherhood can have negative impacts on mothers, particularly social and economic, but also physical and psychological health, it is clear that further research in this area needs to be conducted.

Access to e-health in Swedish healthcare programs for psychological health problems / Tillgång till e-hälsa i svenska vårdprogram vid psykisk ohälsa

Khan, Sajid Ali January 2023 (has links)
Background: One of society's most pressing social challenges is the state of people's psychological health. Healthcare institutions have adopted e-health due to the noticeable rise in psychological health issues and growing societal reliance on digital technologies. Internet based Cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) is essential for those with psychological health issues. Since 2012, the Department of Swedish Municipalities and Regions (SKR) has coordinated the 1177 healthcare programme, a digitisation initiative. By 2025, the Swedish Government hopes to be a global leader in digitising social services and health care. This ehealth system must promote the welfare and good health, which are founded on the idea of equality between individuals. It must increase patient engagement and confidence while bridging the gap between patient needs and what the healthcare system can supply.  Aim: To describe the access to e-health within Swedish healthcare programs for psychological health problems.  Method: Summative qualitative content analysis of data from websites regarding access to e-health services or iCBT in the Swedish local authorities and regions through an inductive approach.  Findings: The results show that e-health services and resources are unequally distributed among local authorities and regions in Sweden.  Conclusion: Results of the study show that unequal e-health service and resource distribution might result in stigmatization and a decline in patient's willingness to seek care. / Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är en av de stora samhällsutmaningarna idag. Hälso- och sjukvården har implementerat e-hälsa på grund av den märkbara ökningen av psykiska hälsoproblem och samhällets växande beroende av digital teknik. Internet baserad kognitiv beteende terapi (iKBT) som levereras online är viktig för dem med psykiska hälsoproblem. Sedan 2012 har Sveriges kommuner och regioner (SKR) samordnat digital vårdprogram 1177. Svenska regeringen syftar till att vara världsledande inom digitalisering av socialtjänst och hälso- och sjukvård. Detta e-hälsosystem måste främja välfärden och den goda hälsan, som bygger på idén om jämlikhet mellan individer. Det måste öka patienternas engagemang och förtroende samtidigt som den måste överbrygga klyftan mellan patienternas behov och vad hälso- och sjukvården kan tillhandahålla. Syfte: Att beskriva tillgången till e-hälsa i svenska vårdprogram för psykisk ohälsa. Metod: Summativ kvalitativ innehållsanalys av data från webbplatser om tillgänglighet till e-hälsa tjänster eller iKBT i de svenska kommuner och regioner genom en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Resultaten visar att tillhandahållandet av e-hälsa tjänster och resurser är ojämnt fördelat mellan olika kommuner och regioner i Sverige. Konklusion: Studie visar att ojämn fördelning av e-hälsa tjänster och resurser kan orsaka stigmatisering och minskad motivation bland de patienter som tänker söka vård och hjälp.

Psychological Health in Companies. An investigation into the relationships between work characteristics, job roles and psychological health in companies.

Madine, George January 2009 (has links)
The research literature contains a significant amount of information on the psychological health of managers, however, relatively little has been written about the psychological health of workers. There has been a long held assumption that there is little difference in the psychological health of workers and managers. This study challenges that assumption and investigates differences in psychological health that appertain to job role and job characteristics determined by job role. This study tested two related hypotheses, firstly, that `managers have significantly better psychological health than workers¿; secondly, that `that better psychological health was largely due to the increased self esteem that comes from having a more socially desirable role¿. Initial analyses of the data indicated that hypothesis 1 was upheld, but when split by sex hypothesis 1 was only upheld for females and not males; similarly hypothesis 2 was only upheld for females. This result was attributed to the influence of two variables, the `attribution of blame¿ and `need for external validation¿, and the different moderator and mediator roles they play for males and females. The study contradicts the assertion that the psychological health of workers and managers is similar, if not the same, and uses the differences found to explain why research in this field has often produced conflicting results. Areas of potential future research are indicated.

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