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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skadestånd vid miljöskada : En komparativ studie över civilsamhällets möjligheter att utkräva miljöskadestånd i Kina och Sverige / Environmental Tort : A Comparative Study between China and Sweden

Finnved, Fannie January 2013 (has links)
Som världens snabbast växande ekonomi står Kina idag inför en rad utmaningar, framförallt att lyckas förena ekonomisk tillväxt med hållbar utveckling. Samtidigt som miljontals människor har lyfts ur extrem fattigdom genom Kinas offensiva tillväxtpolitik har också miljön utsatts för stora påfrestningar till följd av den explosionsartade industrialiseringen som påbörjades för drygt tre decennier sedan. Länge överskuggade ekonomisk tillväxt alla andra intressen. Först på senare år har politiken i Kina svängt; statsmakten har i allt större utsträckning insett miljöproblemens allvar och företagit en rad viktiga juridiska reformer, till exempel genom införandet av Tort Law (2010) och grupptaleinstrumentet environmental public interest litigation (EPIL). Ett sätt att angripa Kinas växande miljöproblem är att främja civilsamhällets möjligheter att föra talan i domstol: där myndigheter brister, kan civilsamhället gripa in och kompensera för bristande tillsyn. För att gå till botten med Kinas miljöproblem måste dock den offentligrättsliga kontrollen bli starkare, men sådana politiska beslut och institutionella förändringar sker sällan över en natt. Fram tills dess fyller därför civilsamhället en viktig roll. Uppsatsen övergripande syfte är således att utreda och komparera civilsamhällets möjligheter att utkräva miljöskadestånd i Kina och Sverige, samt presentera förslag de lege ferenda. Frågan är högaktuell och flera stora förändringar är att vänta på miljöskaderättens område i Kina inom kort.

Grupės ieškinys – viešojo ir privataus interesų gynimo priemonė / Group Action– Measure of Protection of Public and Private Interest

Gasiūnaitė, Daiva 25 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas grupės ieškinio teisinis institutas kaip priemonė ginti viešuosius ir privačius interesus. Pirmoje dalyje siekiama atskleisti teisinio intereso sąvoką, viešojo ir privataus interesų sampratas, bei analizuojame galimybes šiuos interesus apginti pasitelkus grupės ieškinio institutą. Antrojoje dalyje nagrinėjame klasikinio ir kontinentinio grupės ieškinio instituto pagrindinius požymius bei apžvelgiame grupės ieškinio instituto ypatumus Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame procese. Trečiojoje dalyje apžvelgiami pagrindiniai grupės ieškinio turinio reikalavimai, jo priėmimo sąlygos bei priimamo teismo sprendimo ypatumai. Magistro darbo tikslas pateikti mokslinį grupės ieškinio instituto vertinimą ginant pažeistus viešuosius ir privačius interesus. Daugelis užsienio šalių, savo įstatymuose įtvirtindamos grupės ieškinio institutą, visada jį lygina su Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose egzistuojančiu modeliu, todėl darbe daugiausia remsimės šios šalies civilinio proceso įstatymais. Nagrinėdami teisės literatūrą sutiksime teisės mokslininkų poziciją, kad grupės ieškiniai Europoje neegzistuoja, nes, anot jų, grupės ieškiniais vadintini tik tokie ieškiniai, kuriuose reikalavimus reiškia grupės nariai. Magistro darbe analizuosime šią nuomonę. Grupės ieškinio paplitimui Europos šalyse didžiausią įtaką padarė viešojo intereso bei kolektyvinių vartotojų interesų gynimo paieška. Todėl išsamiau panagrinėsime pačią teisinio intereso sąvoką, viešojo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Legal institute of group action, as a measure of protecting public and private interests, is tackled in this work. The first part includes the explanation of legal interest, the concepts of public and private interests, as well as the analysis of possibilities of protection of these interests, using the institute of group action. The second part explains the main features of classic and continental institute of group action, as well as the peculiarities of the institute of group action in the Lawsuit of the Republic of Lithuania. The third part comprises of the main content requirements to the group action, the conditions of its acceptation and the peculiarities of awarded judgment. The goal of this Master’s Thesis – to present scientific evaluation of the institute of group action, while protecting violated public and private interests. Various foreign countries consolidating the institute of group action in their Law, compare it to the model existing in the United States of America, therefore our thesis will mainly be based on the Lawsuit of the United States of America. While tackling the legal literature, we will meet the position of legal scientists, claiming the group action do not exist in Europe, as group actions may only be called the claims when the claims are represented by the group members. We will analyze this opinion in our Master’s Thesis. The search for protection of public interest and collective interests of the users had a major... [to full text]

Viešojo intereso gynimas Lietuvoje: sistema, būklė ir problematika / The defence of Public interest in Lithuania: system, state and topic

Salickas, Giedrius 11 February 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas viešojo intereso gynimas valstybiniame valdyme, sistema, būklė ir problematika Lietuvoje, aptariamos konkrečios problemos, kylančios iš tokių santykių, teisinės ir praktinės aktualijos. Darbo pradžioje analizuojama viešojo intereso sąvoka ir samprata, trumpai aptariama pati socialinių mokslų kategorija „interesas“ ir kaip ji suprantama teisės doktrinoje, interesų klasifikacija ir jos reikšmė. Toliau kalbama apie pačią viešojo intereso sąvoką, sąvokos interpretacijas ir projekcijas atskirose visuomeninių santykių srityse, teismų praktikoje bei teisės moksle. Analizuojama viešojo ir privataus intereso atskirtis ir šių interesų atribojimo kriterijai. Kitoje darbo dalyje analizuojama viešojo intereso gynimo sistema, t. y., subjektai, turintys įgalinimus ginti viešąjį interesą, jų kompetencija, teisės ir pareigos. Darbe aptariamas prokuratūros – kaip pagrindinės institucijos, atsakingos už viešojo intereso gynimą – dalyvavimas ginant viešąjį interesą valstybiniame valdyme tiek Lietuvoje, tiek ir lyginamuoju aspektu (pvz. Italijoje, Prancūzijoje, Ispanijoje, Belgijoje, Latvijoje ir kt. šalyse). Toliau darbe analizuojama valstybės ir savivaldybės institucijų bei kitų asmenų veikla ginant viešąjį interesą valstybiniame valdyme. Apžvelgiama mūsų darbui svarbi užsienio institucijų praktika šioje srityje, tokių kaip Skandinavijos šalyse veikiančios ombudsmenų ar kitų valstybinių institucijų veikla. Lietuvos mastu aptariama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Public interest is one of the most important things in democracy. In master thesis the situation of the defendant of Public interest in national ruling in Lithuania is analyzed, also about its system, about its conditions and problems in Lithuania. In the beginning of research, the system of the defendant of Public interest is analyzed. There is some dispute about the category of social science – “interest” – and how it understanding in doctrine of law, also the classification of interests. Further, we are taking about conceptions of Public interest, interpretations of notion in social relations and in judicial practice. Also, we are taking about the separations of those two interests: Private interest and Public interest. In the next part of master thesis, the system of defendant of Public interest is analyzed: subjects, its remit, its rights and duties. In the research are discussed about participation of public procurators in Lithuania and in others countries (like France, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Belgium etc.). Further, we are analyzing the remit of organs and institutions of government and municipalities in Lithuania and also in others countries, for examples, the functions of Ombudsmen in Sweden and in others countries. In the research we are taking about the basics problems in practice and in doctrine, also about legal norms. Comparative analysis of the Public interest in foreign states was submitted. In the next part of research the Public... [to full text]

Die toepassing van die sub judice-reël in die Afrikaanse dagblad Beeld / Carla Mouton

Mouton, Carla January 2007 (has links)
The sub judice rule is a media law practice that is currently often in the spotlight. Editors and journalists are constantly furiously speaking out against this rule that limits their freedom of expression in an attempt to assure the accused's fair and proper trial. Practitioners of the law, on the other side, say the sub judice rule is indispensable to the proper administration of justice. The rule, which much prevents the media from interfering with a pending case, causes confusion under journalists, as it is not consistently applied. Judges often warn the media against the violation of the rule during a high profile case, but those who do break the rule are not charged with contempt of the court. The aim of this study is to determine how Beeld, the Afrikaans daily newspaper, applies the sub judice rule in his reporting. The way in which this leading paper handles the rule is of importance to other journalists as well as the readers. The origin, development and function of the rule are also examined. It was established that Beeld did not contravene the sub judice rule as unceremoniously as a few other newspapers. Beelds violations of the rule were different experts' nuanced interpretations thereof. These violations is more based on the perception that the court's independence and worthiness must be upheld in the public eye than on the rule's actual function to guard against the interfering in the due course of a case. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007

Ar lobizmo įteisinimas yra suderinamas su konstitucijoje įtvirtintu principu, jog įstatymų leidėjai turi vadovautis valstybės interesais? / Is legitimation of lobbying compatible with the constitutional principle that legislators must act according to the state interests?

Senkus, Dovydas 14 June 2014 (has links)
Nors lobizmas Lietuvoje buvo įtvirtintas 2001 metais, priėmus Lietuvos Respublikos Lobistinės veiklos įstatymą, iki šiol lietuvių teisinėje literatūroje nebuvo skiriama daug dėmesio lobizmo kaip instituto suderinamumui su Konstitucijos 59 straipsnio 4 dalyje įtvirtintu principu, jog Seimo nariai savo darbe turi vadovautis valstybės interesu. Lobizmas dažniausiai yra nagrinėjamas politikos mokslų kontekste kaip grupių interesų perdavimo priemonė. Teisinėje literatūroje yra straipsnių analizuojančių Lobistinės veiklos įstatymą, jo veikimą ar neveikimą bei kitus lobizmo įtvirtinimo aspektus. Visgi lobizmo ir konstitucinio principo, jog Seimo nariai savo darbe turi vadovautis valstybės interesu suderinamumo problema kyla tada, kai interesų grupės, pasitelkdamos lobistus, siekia savo siaurų interesų, kurie prieštarauja valstybės interesui, patenkinimo. Taigi priėmus lobizmą įteisinančius įstatymus (leidus privačioms interesų grupėms tiesiogiai daryti įtaką leidžiamajai valdžiai) kyla reali grėsmė, kad bus pažeistas Konstitucijoje įtvirtintas principas, jog įstatymų leidėjai turi vadovautis valstybės, o ne privačiais interesais. Šis baigiamasis darbas ir yra skiriamas ištirti šių dviejų institutų suderinamumą, jų reglamentavimą ir interpretavimą, nurodyti ryškiausius probleminius aspektus ir pateikti samprotavimus, kurie galėtų būti pagalbine medžiaga kitiems, susidomėjusiems šios problemos sprendimu. Tyrimo objektas – Lobistinė veikla, kuria pagal galiojančius teisės aktus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While lobbying in Lithuania was legitimised in 2001, after passing the Law on Lobbying Activities, up until this day legal scholars in Lithuania have not made any researches about compatibility of lobbying with the constitutional principle that legislators must act according to the state interests. Lobbying is usually examined in the context of political science as a vehicle for transmission of group interests. In legal literature some scholars analyse functionality of the Law on Lobbying Activities, but other problems of lobbying are not being analysed. This problem of compatibility lobbying and constitutional principle that legislators must act according to the state interests arise when interest groups, through lobbyists, try to satisfy their own selfish needs which are against state interests. So because the Law on Lobbying Activities was passed (private groups were allowed to influence government representatives) there is a real danger that constitutional principle which obliges legislators to act according to the state interests, not according to the private interest will be breached. This thesis is intended to investigate the compatibility of these two institutes, their regulation and to show some of the most problematic aspects which arises while trying to compare these two institutes. The object of this thesis is lobbying activities, which are in accordance with existing legislation and intended to affect the legislative decisions, and its compatibility with the... [to full text]

Copyright at home: copyright and the phantom public /

Bannerman, Sara, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 148-155). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

Entre o discurso e a norma: uma análise sobre o procedimento legiferante em torno do Novo Código Florestal / Between discourse and norms: an analysis of the legislative procedure around the New Forest Code

Lelis, Davi Augusto Santana de 15 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:33:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 947782 bytes, checksum: cb04497c0ca2c855a59cf7c7b128418a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation is an analysis of the Brazilian legislative process, with a case study: the formation of the new forest code. For this study, there is a theoretical issues, such as the definition of public interest, based on fundamental rights, that must co-exist, the theory of communicative action of Habermas and his vision of law and democracy; to elucidate how the law should be formed in accordance with the concept of public interest adopted, and a documental and literature review about the legislative process, to identify the arguments used in the legal debate for the construction of the new forest code. In particular, we divide into two groups, on one hand the ruralistas, who initially proposed the change, on other hand the ambientalistas, who initially refute the new law,requiring the current code. At the end of the dissertation was possible to obtain a picture of the legislative process, replacing if the new code are capable of reflecting the public interest. / Nesta dissertação é feita uma análise do procedimento legislativo brasileiro, com estudo de caso sobre a formação do provável novo código florestal. Para o referido estudo foram abordadas questões teóricas julgadas imprescindíveis para a solução dos problemas propostos, como a definição de interesse público, fundada em direitos e garantias fundamentais que devem co-existir, teoria da ação comunicativa de Habermas e sua visão do Direito e Democracia, para elucidar como o direito deve ser formado em acordo com o conceito de interesse público adotado, e uma análise bibliográfica e documental do procedimento legislativo, para identificação dos argumentos utilizados no debate legal para a construção do novo código florestal. Em específico, no debate legiferante, foi adotada a medida de selecionar os envolvidos em dois grupos, de um lado os ruralistas, que a princípio propõem a mudança, de outro os ambientalistas, que a princípio refutam o novel projeto de lei, requerendo a manutenção do atual código. Ao final da dissertação foi possível auferir se o procedimento legislativo produzirá uma norma de direito ambiental capaz de refletir interesse público.

Interesse público e o poder da telenovela: merchandising social e repercussão do tráfico de pessoas em Salve Jorge

Alves, Denise Avancini January 2015 (has links)
Essa tese analisa o poder da telenovela ao dramatizar o tráfico de pessoas, um tema da esfera dos direitos humanos, portanto, de interesse público, que foi projetado na mídia durante a veiculação da novela Salve Jorge (exibida pela Rede Globo). A telenovela é geradora de visibilidade de temas sociais e a inclusão de tais temas nas tramas é reconhecida como merchandising social. O tráfico de pessoas, além de fazer parte da estória, circulou na pauta midiática brasileira no período entre 2013 e 2014 por intermédio de campanhas de sensibilização e de engajamento, tanto de cunho não governamental (Campanha do Coração Azul), como de caráter religioso, com o lançamento da Campanha da Fraternidade de 2014 pela Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), além de ter sido elemento central de políticas públicas com a cobertura do lançamento de planos de enfrentamento a esse crime no âmbito governamental. O estudo, assim, indaga como se efetiva a dramatização do Tráfico de Pessoas a partir de Salve Jorge, considerando a projeção de visibilidade e de debate do tema e seu papel na promoção da imagem da emissora. Para realizar esse percurso, utiliza-se como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental e a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD) de Fairclough (2001), que apresenta a tridimensionalidade analítica de texto, das práticas discursivas e das práticas sociais, preocupando-se com as relações de poder no discurso e a análise do contexto, promovendo reflexões sobre a realidade social produzida. A abordagem teórica da tese privilegia os conceitos relacionados à comunicação e ao interesse público, à biopolítica e ao poder da telenovela na perspectiva de autores como Esteves, Foucault, Gomes, Wolton, Machado, Buonanno, Martín- Barbero, Lopes, Souza, Weber, Hamburguer, Porto, entre outros. Sob a ótica tridimensional, as categorias de dramatização e de repercussão do tráfico de pessoas são analisadas, tendo como elementos observados os espaços de circulação da telenovela Salve Jorge, as ações do Estado via políticas públicas, as campanhas sociais e religiosas de sensibilização e a visibilidade midiática dessas dimensões. O Tráfico de Pessoas é reificado pela emissora, assumindo um caráter de interesse público sob a ótica de Arendt (2001). A evidência do corpo e de sua regulação inerente ao crime reforça a dimensão de intervenção do Estado com suas políticas de enfrentamento ao tráfico humano, discutidas na biopolítica. Porém, é na dramatização que a eficácia de visibilidade ao combate à escravidão moderna se estabelece, reforçando a estratégia de merchandising social, própria do melodrama. O que se percebe é que há uma evidência do poder da dramaturgia ao tratar temas de interesse público e, da mesma forma em que o entretenimento debate o tráfico de pessoas, ele gera seu esquecimento ao encerrar sua exibição, tornando-se mercadoria da própria trama. / This thesis analyzes the power of the soap opera to dramatize human trafficking: theme of sphere of human rights issues - therefore, by the public interest - which was designed in the media during the broadcasting of the “Salve Jorge” soap opera (by Rede Globo). The soap opera generates visibility of social issues and the inclusion of theses issues in the plot is recognized as social merchandising. Human trafficking, as well as part of the melodrama of the plot, circulated in the Brazilian media agenda in 2013 and 2014 through awareness campaigns and engagement. It had worked in the non-governmental nature (Blue Heart Campaign), in religious field (Fraternity Campaign by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil - 2014) and as central element of public policies with the media coverage of the launch of the containment plan for this crime in the government sphere. The study inquires how effetive is the dramatization of Human trafficking from Salve Jorge, considering the projection of visibility and the debate of theme and its role in the TV Globo's image promotion. This research used as methodology the bibliographical research, the documentary research and the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) from Fairclough (2001) which presents the three-dimensional analytical of text - discursive practices and social practices. Through this perspective, there is a worry with the power relations in the discourse and the analysis of the context, promoting reflections on the social reality produced. The theoretical approach of the thesis focuses on the concepts related to communications and public interest, biopolitics and the power of the soap opera in concepts of Esteves, Foucault, Gomes, Wolton, Machado, Buonanno, Martín-Barbero, Lopes, Souza, Weber, Hamburguer, Porto, among others. By the three-dimensional perspective, the categories of drama and impact of human trafficking are analyzed. The observed elements are the circulation areas of the soap opera Salve Jorge, the State's actions, through public policies, social and religious awareness campaigns and media visibility. Human trafficking is reified by the TV channel, assuming the public interest from the perspective of Arendt (2001). The notification of the "body" and regulation inherent on crime reinforce the State's intervention dimension with the coping policies to human trafficking, discussed in biopolitics. However, it is in the dramatization that the effectiveness of the fight against modern slavery is established, reinforcing the social merchandising strategy, typical of this melodrama. There is evidence of the power of drama to address issues of public interest. At the same time that entertainment gives visibility to human trafficking it also generate the oblivion of the theme when the soap opera's transmition ends and human trafficking issue becomes the plot's commodity.

Serving, not Steering: The Korean Experience of Government Distrust and Public Protest in the Foreign Policy Making Process of the U.S.-Korea Beef Agreement

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: In 2008, South Korea suffered a great loss of public trust in government. Since May 2, 2008, street protests against U.S. beef imports and the April 2008 beef agreement continued for more than 100 days. These public protests started with peaceful candlelight vigils but some of them turned violent in the end of May. According to a white paper on the protests published by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, for 106 days from May 2 until Aug. 15, there were 2,398 separate rallies drawing 932,000 people. Among them, 1,476 protesters were indicted for participating in illegal and violent protests. 100 police officers suffered serious injuries and 401 light ones. 88 civilians were seriously injured. The South Korean National Assembly had to remain idle for more than 80 days due to numerous political debates and the approval rating of President Myung-Bak Lee plummeted from 40 percent range to near 20 percent during the protest period. This Dissertation started from a question of why people were so angry against their government. The whole process of the U.S.-South Korea Beef negotiation was reviewed, focusing on whether or not Korean government and its negotiators tried to make a domestic agreement with people. For the purpose, this dissertation developed an integrated framework by the combination of the two level-game theory with the advocacy coalition framework. The framework was also used to investigate the effect of external factors outside the Korean policy-making system of the beef negotiation. The framework reviewed win-set changes of both countries, especially focusing on the change of Korean win-set size. Then, the whole process of the beef negotiation in the dissertation framework was interpreted in the aspect of the New Public Service. This interpretation gave the dissertation the theoretical importance, showing the way in which the interpretation contributed to the decision-making theory. Findings in the dissertation revealed that there was a deep disagreement between what Korean government wanted and what Korean people actually desired. Finally, this dissertation considered how public administrators could increase communication with their people in the Korean policy-making system. Janet and Robert Denhardt's shared values approach to the public interest and the decision-making process would be one answer. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Public Administration 2012

Interesse social e finalidade das sociedades de economia mista no direito brasileiro : a equação entre interesse público e lucratividade

Termignoni, Martha Giugno January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo estudar a convivência entre interesse público e lucratividade nas sociedades de economia mista, nas quais as motivações de interesse público que autorizam a sua criação e são representadas pelo Estado no papel de acionista controlador devem conviver com acionistas minoritários privados e com o fim lucrativo inerente às sociedades anônimas, previsto no artigo 2o, caput, da Lei no 6.404/76. Com tal intuito, a dissertação abordará a finalidade das companhias mistas traduzida na noção de “interesse social”. Um dos temas essenciais do Direito Societário, o interesse social pauta a conduta dos acionistas e dos administradores, servindo de parâmetro para a condução dos negócios sociais e para a solução de conflitos de interesses. Trata-se de uma pesquisa conduzida pelo método dedutivo, uma vez que se partirá analiticamente dos conceitos e teorias gerais para o problema particular proposto. Assim, a dissertação abordará a legislação aplicável às sociedades de economia mista, suas principais características e as mais relevantes teorias acerca do interesse social para depois centrar-se na discussão sobre o interesse das sociedades de economia mista. Após a análise dos principais aspectos do regime jurídico aplicável às companhias mistas e das correntes contratualistas e institucionalistas que estudam o interesse social, será possível demonstrar que a forte presença do Estado como empreendedor contribuiu para a adoção de uma concepção institucionalista da sociedade anônima no Direito brasileiro, a qual está de acordo com a busca de finalidades que não se resumem à lucratividade, considerando-se outros interesses além daqueles representados pelos acionistas. Com efeito, o institucionalismo integracionista parece ser a teoria mais próxima do interesse social das sociedades de economia mista, que não se adaptam ao modelo contratualista do interesse social, uma vez que a finalidade lucrativa precisa conviver com o interesse público que motiva a constituição destas entidades. Na abordagem da finalidade das sociedades de economia mista, será discutido o papel exercido pelo objeto daquelas companhias na busca pela lucratividade, expondo-se as teorias que afirmam que a intensidade com que serão perseguidos os lucros varia conforme o seu objeto seja a exploração de atividade econômica ou a prestação de serviços públicos. Finalmente, é possível concluir que os desafios impostos pela convivência entre lucratividade e interesse público acabam agravados pela falta de uma regulação clara e inequívoca das companhias mistas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / This dissertation discusses the convergence of public interest and corporate profits in mixed enterprises (sociedades de economia mista), in which the reasons of public interest that authorize their creation must be harmonized with private minority shareholders and the profitoriented objectives determined by article 2nd of Act No. 6.404/76. For such purposes, the dissertation analyzes the ultimate goals of mixed enterprises, which are related to the concept of “corporate objective”. Being one of the main subjects of Corporate Law, the corporate objective regulates the conducts of shareholders and managers, establishing a standard to guide the company’s businesses and to resolve conflicts of interests. The research follows deductive methodology, starting from general concepts and theories to reach the subject proposed herein. Therefore, this dissertation will present the legislation applicable to mixed enterprises, their main characteristics and the most relevant theories regarding the corporate objective, and later will focus on the central discussion about mixed enterprises’ corporate objectives. After analyzing the main aspects of the legal regime applicable to mixed enterprises and the contractual and institutional theories that explain the corporate objective, it will be possible to understand that the strong presence of the State as entrepreneur has contributed to an institutional approach of corporations in Brazilian law, which accommodates corporate objectives that are not strictly related to profitability, but considers other interests beyond those of the shareholders. Indeed, institutionalism seems to be better adapted to the corporate objectives of mixed enterprises, which ally profitability with the public interest. When discussing the corporate objective of mixed enterprises, the role of their activity shall be presented, since many authors argue that the intensity of profits depends on whether they explore economic activities or public services. Finally, it will be possible to conclude that the challenges imposed by the corporate objectives of mixed enterprises are greater due to the lack of a clear and certain regulation of those entities in Brazilian law.

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