Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic interest"" "subject:"bublic interest""
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Environmental rights afforded to residents affected by mining activities: a case study in Hondeklip BayMohomed, Farzana 30 November 2006 (has links)
Whilst the mining industry has stimulated the economic growth of South Africa, its activities have also impacted on the social and environmental well-being of the communities and ecosystems in which it operates. Environmental degradation often severely affects the livelihoods of people in rural areas, who are often impoverished. Hondeklip Bay, a small fishing community in the Northern Cape, has been affected by the mining activities of the adjacent Hondeklip Bay Mine. The purpose of this paper is to identify whether impoverished residents affected by the detrimental effects of mining activity have rights to enforce the protection of their environment. These environmental rights pertain to an environment that is safe and not harmful to one's health and well-being. Environmental obligations of the mines as illustrated in terms of applicable legislation, and legal recourse available to the residents affected by the infringement of their environmental rights are furthermore explored. / Jurisprudence / LL.M
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Revisibilidade das licenças ambientais / Revisibilty of environmental permitsThiago Serpa Erthal 26 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como escopo analisar e delimitar o conceito, espécies, requisitos e consequências da revisibilidade das licenças ambientais. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes e todos os demais operadores do direito se veem em situações que contrapõem a estabilidade das relações jurídicas e a confiança legítima do comportamento estatal à necessidade de proteger o meio ambiente equilibrado para as presentes e futuras gerações. A revisão de licenças ambientais ainda vigentes é exatamente um dos campos onde essa análise tem espaço. Seja em circunstâncias provisórias ou definitivas, seja advinda de uma nulidade anterior ou de um fato ulterior, em determinadas hipóteses a iminência de dano ambiental faz com que o poder público não possa esperar o término da vigência do ato autorizativo para agir. Ao longo do texto, fixam-se as premissas para examinar cinco espécies de revisão: suspensão, modificação, cassação, invalidação e revogação das licenças ambientais, todas orientadas por algumas ideias comuns, mas cada uma delas com suas especificidades. Apresentam-se, outrossim, alguns contrapontos ao cabimento dessas medidas, notadamente a garantia constitucional de proteção do direito adquirido, não como objeção indiscriminada à atuação estatal, mas como forma de limitação dessa nos estreitos contornos traçados pelos princípios envolvidos. Ao final, trata-se também das consequências que podem advir desse ato revisor, em especial no que tange ao eventual cabimento de indenização ao empreendedor por ele afetado. / This work has the objective to analyze and define the concept, species, requirements and consequences of revisibility environmental licenses. Too often, entrepreneurs, public administrators, judges and all other law enforcement officers find themselves in situations that contradict the stability of legal relations and the legitimate expectations of state behavior to the need to protect the balanced environment for present and future generations. A further review of existing environmental permits is one of the fields where this analysis has room. Whether in temporary or definitive circumstances, whether arising from an earlier invalidity or an ulterior fact, under certain circumstances the imminence of environmental damage means that the government can not expect the expiration date of the primitive act to take action. Throughout the text, the assumptions set up to examine five species for revision: suspension, modification, revocation, invalidation and revocation of environmental licenses, all guided by some common ideas, but each with its specificities. They appear, moreover, some counterpoints to the appropriateness of these reviews, notably the constitutional guarantee of protection granted, not as indiscriminate objection to state action, but by way of limitation in this narrow contours outlined by the principles involved. Finally, it is also about the consequences that this act reviewer, in particular with regard to the appropriateness of any compensation to the entrepreneur affected by it.
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Teoria da despesa p?blica: uma leitura ?tico-constitucional em busca do poss?vel da reservaSouza, Jos? Carlos Dantas Teixeira de 15 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Brazilian law passes through a crisis of effectiveness commonly attributed to the extravagance of fundamental rights and public shortage. However, public finances are not dogmatically structured to solve the conflicts around the limitations of public spending. There are ethical conditioning factors, like morality, proportionality and impartiality, however, these principles act separately, while the problem of public shortage is holistic. Also, the subjectivity of politics discretionary in the definition of public spending, which is supported in an indeterminate concept of public interest, needs material orientation about the destination of public funds, making it vulnerable to ideological manipulation, resulting in real process of catching rights. Not even the judicial activism (such as influx of constitutionalism) is shown legally appropriate. The Reserve of Possible, also presents basic ethical failure. Understanding the formation of public shortage is therefore essential for understanding the crisis of effectiveness of state responsibilities, given the significant expansion of the state duty of protection, which does not find legal technique of defense of the established interests. The premise of argument, then, part of the possibility of deducting minimal model ethical of desire to spend (public interest) according to objective parameters of the normative system. Public spending has always been treated disdainfully by the Brazilian doctrine, according to the legal character accessory assigned to the monetary cost. Nonetheless, it is the meeting point between economics and law, or is in the marrow of the problem of public shortage. Expensive Subjects to modernity, as the effectiveness of fundamental rights, pass necessarily an ethical legal system of public spending. From the ethical principles deducted from the planning, only the democratic principle guides the public spending through the approval of public spending in the complex budget process. In other words, there is an ethical distancing of economic reality in relation to state responsibilities. From the dogmatic belief of insufficiency, public spending is evaluated ethically, according to the foundations of modern constitutionalism, in search of possible of the financial reserve, certain that the ethics of public economy is a sine qua non condition for legal ethics. / O direito brasileiro passa por uma crise de efetividade comumente atribu?da ? extravag?ncia de direitos fundamentais e ? escassez p?blica. Mas as finan?as p?blicas n?o est?o dogmaticamente estruturadas para solucionar os conflitos em torno das limita??es do disp?ndio p?blico. H? condicionamentos ?ticos, como a moralidade, a proporcionalidade e a impessoalidade, contudo esses princ?pios atuam isoladamente enquanto o problema da escassez p?blica ? hol?stico. Al?m disso, o subjetivismo da discricionariedade pol?tica na defini??o do gasto p?blico, amparado que ? no indeterminado conceito de interesse p?blico, carece de orienta??o material quanto ? destina??o da verba p?blica, tornando-o vulner?vel a manipula??es ideol?gicas, do que resulta um verdadeiro processo de captura de direitos. Nem mesmo o ativismo judicial (como influxo do constitucionalismo) se mostra juridicamente adequado. A Reserva do Poss?vel, igualmente, apresenta falha ?tica elementar. Entender a forma??o da escassez p?blica ?, portanto, primordial para a compreens?o da crise de efetividade dos deveres estatais, haja vista a crescente expans?o do dever estatal de tutela, o qual n?o encontra t?cnica jur?dica de defesa dos interesses consagrados. A premissa argumentativa, ent?o, parte da possibilidade de dedu??o de modelo m?nimo ?tico da vontade de despender (interesse p?blico) segundo par?metros objetivos do sistema normativo. A despesa p?blica sempre foi tratada com desd?m pela doutrina brasileira em fun??o do car?ter legal acess?rio atribu?do ao custo monet?rio. Nada obstante, ? o ponto de encontro entre Economia e Direito, ou seja, est? na medula do problema da escassez p?blica. Assuntos caros ? modernidade, como a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais, passam necessariamente por um sistema ?tico-jur?dico do disp?ndio p?blico. Dos princ?pios ?ticos deduzidos do ordenamento, apenas o princ?pio democr?tico orienta o disp?ndio p?blico, atrav?s da aprova??o da despesa p?blica em complexo processo or?ament?rio. Ou seja, h? um distanciamento ?tico da realidade econ?mica em rela??o aos deveres estatais. A partir da cren?a de insufici?ncia dogm?tica, a despesa p?blica ? sabatinada eticamente, segundo os fundamentos do Constitucionalismo Moderno, em busca do poss?vel da reserva financeira, certo de que a ?tica da economia p?blica ? condi??o sine qua non para a ?tica jur?dica
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Revisibilidade das licenças ambientais / Revisibilty of environmental permitsThiago Serpa Erthal 26 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como escopo analisar e delimitar o conceito, espécies, requisitos e consequências da revisibilidade das licenças ambientais. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes e todos os demais operadores do direito se veem em situações que contrapõem a estabilidade das relações jurídicas e a confiança legítima do comportamento estatal à necessidade de proteger o meio ambiente equilibrado para as presentes e futuras gerações. A revisão de licenças ambientais ainda vigentes é exatamente um dos campos onde essa análise tem espaço. Seja em circunstâncias provisórias ou definitivas, seja advinda de uma nulidade anterior ou de um fato ulterior, em determinadas hipóteses a iminência de dano ambiental faz com que o poder público não possa esperar o término da vigência do ato autorizativo para agir. Ao longo do texto, fixam-se as premissas para examinar cinco espécies de revisão: suspensão, modificação, cassação, invalidação e revogação das licenças ambientais, todas orientadas por algumas ideias comuns, mas cada uma delas com suas especificidades. Apresentam-se, outrossim, alguns contrapontos ao cabimento dessas medidas, notadamente a garantia constitucional de proteção do direito adquirido, não como objeção indiscriminada à atuação estatal, mas como forma de limitação dessa nos estreitos contornos traçados pelos princípios envolvidos. Ao final, trata-se também das consequências que podem advir desse ato revisor, em especial no que tange ao eventual cabimento de indenização ao empreendedor por ele afetado. / This work has the objective to analyze and define the concept, species, requirements and consequences of revisibility environmental licenses. Too often, entrepreneurs, public administrators, judges and all other law enforcement officers find themselves in situations that contradict the stability of legal relations and the legitimate expectations of state behavior to the need to protect the balanced environment for present and future generations. A further review of existing environmental permits is one of the fields where this analysis has room. Whether in temporary or definitive circumstances, whether arising from an earlier invalidity or an ulterior fact, under certain circumstances the imminence of environmental damage means that the government can not expect the expiration date of the primitive act to take action. Throughout the text, the assumptions set up to examine five species for revision: suspension, modification, revocation, invalidation and revocation of environmental licenses, all guided by some common ideas, but each with its specificities. They appear, moreover, some counterpoints to the appropriateness of these reviews, notably the constitutional guarantee of protection granted, not as indiscriminate objection to state action, but by way of limitation in this narrow contours outlined by the principles involved. Finally, it is also about the consequences that this act reviewer, in particular with regard to the appropriateness of any compensation to the entrepreneur affected by it.
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Public interest versus competition considerations : a review of merger review guidelines in terms of Section 12 A of the Competition Act, 1998Magana, Kamogelo Sidwell 08 1900 (has links)
One of the recognised ways through which a firm may increase its market share or reorganise its presence in a market is through a merger. A merger occurs when independent firms combine their businesses. Section 12A of the Competition Act, 1998, provides two grounds in terms of which mergers must be evaluated by competition authorities. These are competition and public interest considerations. The Act is reticent on which, between the two considerations, should take precedence in the event that the two conflict. The anterior purpose of this study is therefore to provide an in-depth analysis on which consideration must take precedence in the event of conflict. On analysis, the majority of case law suggests that the competition considerations must take precedence. This observation is also buttressed by a significant amount of literature, which holds that in merger analysis, the public interests only play a secondary role to the competition inquiry. / Mercantile Law / LL.M. (Mercantile Law)
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Naplňování veřejného zájmu památkové péče v ČR / Fulfilment of the public interest in monument preservation in the Czech republicKrejzek, Igor January 2020 (has links)
My thesis is concerned with current problems involving fulfilment of the public interest in monument preservation in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the term "public interest" and its conceptual relationship in terms of the monument preservation is explored in the theoretical part of the thesis. Secondly, the current systems of monument preservation in the Czech Republic including the genesis of decision-making processes of municipal authorities under the current law are briefly described. This is followed by an explanation of the connection between the generally proclaimed, yet critically unexplored postulate of "two-track monument preservation". Despite clearly defined policies and competencies, the existing monument preservation decision-making systems and processes seems to be characterized by considerable confusion, and thus seem to bring about some process-based ambiguities and conflicts. The thesis not only aims to identify and analyse these ambiguities and conflicts but also strives to provide a conclusion that proposes some meaningful solutions. The benefits of the thesis for the Public and Social Policy field purposes lies in the identification and uncovering yet unexplored contextual pertinence in decision making activities within qualification works in monument preservation, as well as...
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Naplňování veřejného zájmu památkové péče v ČR / Fulfilment of the public interest in monument preservation in the Czech republicKrejzek, Igor January 2020 (has links)
My thesis is concerned with current problems involving fulfilment of the public interest in monument preservation in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the term "public interest" and its conceptual relationship in terms of the monument preservation is explored in the theoretical part of the thesis. Secondly, the current systems of monument preservation in the Czech Republic including the genesis of decision-making processes of municipal authorities under the current law are briefly described. This is followed by an explanation of the connection between the generally proclaimed, yet critically unexplored postulate of "two-track monument preservation". Despite clearly defined policies and competencies, the existing monument preservation decision-making systems and processes seems to be characterized by considerable confusion, and thus seem to bring about some process-based ambiguities and conflicts. The thesis not only aims to identify and analyse these ambiguities and conflicts but also strives to provide a conclusion that proposes some meaningful solutions. The benefits of the thesis for the Public and Social Policy field purposes lies in the identification and uncovering yet unexplored contextual pertinence in decision making activities within qualification works in monument preservation, as well as...
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Ochrana životního prostředí ve vybraných řízeních podle stavebního zákona / Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building ActŠimák, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building Act Unrestrained construction activity damages natural resources and diverse environmental components in irreversible or in difficult-to-repair ways, thereby further thwarting thriving or even surviving of the World population. In the Czech legal system, the regulatory measures of administrative bodies, along with the participation of the affected stakeholders, contribute to the environmental protection of the individual development project. This dissertation examines the methods, means, and tools of environmental protection within the framework of designated proceedings regulating the construction. Specifically, it analyzes the possibilities of implementing protective environmental measures within the construction-permitting procedures enshrined in the provisions of Sections 103 to 117 of the Building Act. Five construction-permitting regimes are examined separately: the building permit process; notification; public law contract; notification with certificate of the authorized inspector and projects requiring neither building permit nor notification. If followed lawfully, each of the regimes allows the prospect applicant to commence a relevant construction project. Permitting procedures are significantly influenced by...
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Aktéři v procesu transformace nemocnic na akciové společnosti na Slovensku (2010-2011) / Actors in the transformation process of hospitals into joint stock companies in the Slovak Republic (2010-2011)Baranková, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the transformation of hospitals into joint stock companies from 2010 to the end of 2011. It is primarily aimed at actors, their actions, positions, attitudes and interests in this process. Furthermore, it is concerned with the question of the public vs. private interests in terms of health protection, ensuring the availability and quality of healthcare. The transformation process of hospitals and the position of actors is explained by the combination of economic and public policy theory - neoliberalism, economic globalization, New Public Management and Advocacy Coalition Framework. We explain actions, attitudes and interests of actors in the transformation process of hospitals by using research methods such as an analysis of selected events in health care and research of actors' actions. These research methods are based on different methods of data collecting such as semi-structured and informal interviews, a questionnaire survey and the study of secondary sources. The main aim of this thesis is an analysis of the transformation process of hospitals into joint stock companies in context of selected events in health policy, with a focus on research of actors' actions, attitudes and interests in this process. Keywords hospitals, transformation, actors, joint stock company,...
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La dénonciation publique : étude du cadre juridique applicable aux professionnels de la santé au QuébecBarkany, Alexandra 03 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs professionnels de la santé ont dénoncé publiquement des situations problématiques affectant le système de santé et des services sociaux du Québec, notamment par le biais des réseaux sociaux et des médias traditionnels. Alors qu’ils contribuent à renforcer la transparence des organismes du réseau de la santé et à protéger les droits des usagers, ces lanceurs d’alerte se heurtent à une culture du silence et s’exposent, encore aujourd’hui, à des mesures de représailles. Ce mémoire cherche à clarifier le cadre juridique entourant les dénonciations publiques effectuées par les professionnels de la santé. La première partie examine la portée de la liberté d’expression dont jouissent ces professionnels. Cette liberté fondamentale, comme le droit du public d’être informé, n’est pas absolue. Son exercice doit être concilié avec d’autres droits et obligations, dont le droit à la réputation de l’employeur, le devoir de loyauté et les obligations déontologiques du professionnel, ainsi que les droits des patients. La deuxième partie s’intéresse à la protection juridique des dénonciateurs. Au fil des ans, le législateur a adopté plusieurs dispositions afin de faciliter la divulgation de certains actes répréhensibles. Celles-ci protègent principalement les personnes qui font des signalements à l’interne ou auprès d’une autorité compétente. Dans une perspective critique, ce mémoire souligne les insuffisances du droit québécois en matière de dénonciation publique et propose des avenues interprétatives et législatives visant à renforcer la protection des lanceurs d’alerte dans le secteur de la santé. / In recent years, several healthcare professionals have publicly denounced problematic situations affecting Quebec's health and social services system, notably via traditional and social media. Although they contribute to strengthening transparency in healthcare institutions and protecting the rights of users, these whistleblowers face a culture of silence and are still exposed to retaliation. This Master's thesis seeks to clarify the legal framework governing public disclosure made by healthcare professionals. The first part discusses the scope of the professionals' freedom of expression. This fundamental freedom, such as the public's right to be informed, is not absolute. Its exercise must be reconciled with other rights and obligations, including the employer's right to reputation, the duty of loyalty, ethical obligations, and the patients' rights. The second part focuses on legal protection for whistleblowers. The legislator has adopted over the years many provisions to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings. These provisions mainly protect whistleblowers who report internally or to a competent authority. Adopting a critical perspective, this thesis highlights the weaknesses of Quebec's legal framework on public disclosure and proposes interpretative and legislative pathways to reinforce the protection of whistleblowers in the healthcare sector.
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