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Europäisches SozialrechtSchlögl-Jettmar, Angelika January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Series: Working Papers / Institut für Sozialpolitik
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Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Technologien im betreubaren Wohnen" - Wissenschaftliche Evaluierung des Pilotprojektes "REAAL" im Hinblick auf sozialpolitische ZielsetzungenSchneider, Ulrike, Schober, Franziska, Harrach, Bettina January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Leistungen der NROs in der Armutsbekämpfung. Studie zur Bestandsaufnahme der Leistungen sozialer Dienste in der Vermeidung und Bekämpfung von Armut in Österreich.Dawid, Evelyn, Heitzmann, Karin January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Forschungsberichte / Institut für Sozialpolitik
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Wiener Studie zur informellen Pflege und Betreuung älterer Menschen 2008 (Vienna Informal Carer Study - VIC2008. Studiendesign und deskriptive ErgebnisseSchneider, Ulrike, Trukeschitz, Birgit, Mühlmann, Richard, Jung, Reinhard, Ponocny, Ivo, Katzlinger, Magdalena January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Molecular Genetics of Immunity in the Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata)Timothy Green Unknown Date (has links)
Mass mortalities of farmed Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata, have been observed in Australia since the 1970s and are attributed to the paramyxean protozoan parasite, Marteilia sydneyi (etiological agent of QX disease). This opportunistic parasite infects S. glomerata when the oyster’s immune system has been compromised due to one or more unknown transient environmental stressor. Management and prevention of the disease is seriously compromised as neither the risk factors for the disease, nor the complete life cycle of M. sydneyi are currently understood. The future of the rock oyster industry relies on the development of QX-resistant oysters. Selection of S. glomerata for resistance to QX disease over several generations has revealed that QX-resistance is heritable and likely to be controlled by multiple genes. The main focuses of this thesis was to improve our knowledge of the genes involved in immunity of S. glomerata to disease. The transcriptome response of hemocytes isolated from S. glomerata selected over four generations for resistance to QX disease (QXR4) was compared to non-selected control oysters (W-type) using suppression, subtractive hybridization (SSH) and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Our data supported that differences in gene expression due to selection was largely attributable to constitutive differences in transcriptional rate. The basal-expression of an extracellular superoxide dismutase (EcSOD) and small heat shock protein (sHsP) was 3.18- and 2.05-fold higher in QXR4 oysters, respectively (p < 0.5). The basal-expression of peroxiredoxin 6 (Prx6) and interferon inhibiting cytokine (IK) was 2.75- and 1.5-fold lower in QXR4 oysters, respectively (p < 0.5). Expression of EcSOD, Prx6 and IK was measured in S. glomerata in response to injection with a range of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to replicate microbial invasion as QX disease cannot be replicated in the laboratory due to the complex life cycle of M. sydneyi. The expression of IK was induced 2.2-fold in S. glomerata in response to injection with double stranded RNA when compared to control oysters (p < 0.05). However, changes in the expression of EcSOD and Prx6 could not be induced with any of the tested PAMPs (p > 0.5), suggesting the difference in basal-expression of these two genes between QXR4 and W-type oysters would be maintained during infection with M. sydneyi. It was concluded that QXR4 oysters would be able to generate the anti-parasitic compound, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) faster due to the elevated levels of EcSOD and that the H2O2 would reach higher concentrations due to the reduced levels of Prx6 to detoxify it. Attempts were made to understand why the basal expression of EcSOD and Prx6 is different between QXR4 and W-type oysters. Identification of DNA variants within the promoter regions of these genes would provide greater insight into the gene network(s) involved in disease resistance and possibly lead to identification of QX-resistant markers that can be applied to the Sydney rock oyster breeding program. The differential expression of EcSOD and Prx6 is likely to originate from either modifications in transcriptional rate or mRNA stability as the percentage of hemocytes that express these two genes was shown to be equal between QXR4 and W-type oysters using in-situ hybridization (p > 0.5). Attempts to amplify and assemble the full-length EcSOD gene from S. glomerata were unsuccessful. The full Prx6 gene was amplified and the frequency of polymorphisms that affected mRNA stability and transcriptional rate were determine between QX-resistant and –susceptible S. glomerata (N = 15). Notably, the frequency of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region (-240A>G) affected the binding of a heat shock factor. The genotypic frequency of -240G/G was 0.400 in resistant oysters compared to 0.067 in susceptible oysters (p = 0.059). Further validation of this SNP is now required using a larger data set. Monitoring survival and histological observations of S. glomerata over the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 QX disease risk period in the Pimpama River, SE Queensland provided further support to anecdotal evidence that mortality of S. glomerata occurs after heavy summer rainfall in SE Queensland. It is presumed that heavy rainfall causes the immune system of S. glomerata to become compromised, presumably by a reduction in salinity and/or estuarine acidification from a rising water table leading to leaching of acid sulfate soils. Laboratory trials revealed a drop in salinity from 35 ppt to 15 ppt affected immune gene expression and inhibition of the Prx6 gene could still be detected five days after oysters were returned to normal seawater. Acid sulfate soil leachate had no effect on the expression of immune genes or immunological parameters tested. This result provides further support to existing evidence that reduced salinity causes the immune system of S. glomerata to be compromised, possibly resulting in higher mortality of S. glomerata when subsequently challenged with M. sydneyi. Examination of S. glomerata during the QX disease risk period revealed oysters were often infected with other parasites. The microsporidian parasite, Steinhausia sp. was frequently observed infecting the gonad tissue of female S. glomerata in histological sections. This infection resulted in hemocytic infiltration and re-absorption of gonad tissue, possibly resulting in reduced growth rates, condition index and marketablity. The frequency of this parasite in oyster samples taken from Moreton Bay, SE Queensland, suggests this parasite could be an emerging problem for oyster farmers in SE Queensland. Differences in the bacterial community within the digestive gland of S. glomerata infected and un-infected with M. sydneyi was observed using non-culture techniques. Healthy oysters had a diverse bacterial community with 23 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs) identified. In contrast, S. glomerata infected with M. sydneyi had only one OTU present in the digestive gland, which was closely related to a Rickettsiales-like prokaryote (RLP) based on phylogenetic analysis of its 16S rDNA sequence. This RLP may be detrimental to its host during concurrent infection with M. sydneyi and warrants further investigation. Overall, this project demonstrated resistance of S. glomerata to M. sydneyi is likely to involve constitutive differences in gene expression. Identification of DNA variants within the promoter regions of differentially expressed genes may provide further insight into gene regulation within oysters and allow identification of DNA markers for selecting QX-resistant brood-stock. Results presented in this thesis support anecdotal evidence that S. glomerata are more susceptible to M. sydneyi following periods of high rainfall as a result of reduced salinity compromising the immune system of S. glomerata. Histological observation of S. glomerata over the QX-disease risk period revealed that oysters were often infected with a range of other parasites. The presence of these parasites may also compromise the immune system of S. glomerata during the QX-disease risk period. The implications of their presence must be factored in to future breeding and research programmes.
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Die Erholungsmöglichkeiten von informell pflegenden Erwerbstätigen. Befunde aus der Wiener Studie zur informellen Pflege und Betreuung älterer Menschen 2008 (VIC2008)Ponocny, Ivo, Panholzer, Sarah, Trukeschitz, Birgit, Schneider, Ulrike, Mühlmann, Richard January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Three Essays in Political EconomyRemigereau, Camille 12 December 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem sozioökonomischen Hintergrund einer Person und deren politischen sowie Bildungsentscheidungen. Im ersten Aufsatz zeige ich, dass Migranten durch ihr politisches Verhalten die politische Landschaft ihrer neuen Heimat verändern können. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Algeriens am 3. Juli 1962 flohen massenhaft französische Algerier nach Frankreich. Ich zeige, dass der Zustrom von Rückkehrern in einen Wahlkreis den Anteil der Stimmen für die rechtsextreme Partei kurz- und langfristig erhöhte. Zudem neigen die Kinder der Rückkehrer weniger zu linksgerichteten Ideologien und haben weniger tolerante Ansichten zur Einwanderung als Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, wie spezifische staatliche Hilfsprogramme die mittelfristigen Ergebnisse von Flüchtlingen beeinflussen, die als Kinder und junge Erwachsene migrierten. Unter den Flüchtlingen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, die zwischen 1946 und 1961 nach Westdeutschland flohen, waren nur als "politische Flüchtlinge" anerkannte Personen ab 1953 für zielgerichtete Hilfsleistungen berechtigt. Wir finden positive Effekte der Hilfsberechtigung auf Bildungsabschluss und Einkommen bei Flüchtlingen, die im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren migrierten. Bei männlichen Flüchtlingen, die im Alter von 1 bis 14 Jahren migrierten, erhöhte die Hilfsberechtigung die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Einschreibung in den akademischen Zweig der Sekundarschule. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht, wie die bedingte Berechtigung zur finanziellen Unterstützung das Bewerbungsverhalten der Studierenden beeinflusst, anhand von Daten der französischen nationalen Bewerbungsplattform. Männliche Studierende passten ihre Bewerbungen an, sobald sie förderberechtigt waren, und bevorzugten Elite-Studiengänge gegenüber öffentlichen Universitäten. Bedingt förderberechtigte Frauen hingegen behielten ihre Studiengangswahl bei. / This thesis delves into the relationship between an individual's socioeconomic background and political and educational decisions. In the first essay, I show that migrants can transform the political landscape of the areas they settle in through their political behavior. Algeria became independent on July 3, 1962. Fearing for their safety, the French Algerians of European descent fled the country massively and suddenly that same year. I find that the inflow of repatriates into an electoral district increased the district’s voting share for the far-right in the short and longer term. In addition, I find that the children of repatriates are less likely to lean towards left-wing political ideologies than the children of natives. This is linked with them holding less tolerant views on immigration than their counterparts without migration background. The second essay in this thesis exploits a unique historical setting to investigate how refugee-specific government aid affects the medium-term outcomes of refugees who migrate as children and young adults. Among German Democratic Republic (GDR) refugees who escaped to West Germany between 1946 and 1961, only the subgroup acknowledged as being 'political refugees' were eligible for refugee-targeted aid, and only after 1953. We find positive effects of aid eligibility on educational attainment and income among male and female refugees who migrated as young adults (aged 15 to 24). Among male refugees who migrated as children (aged 1 to 14), we find that aid eligibility at arrival leads to an increased likelihood of enrollment in the academic track of secondary school. The last chapter of this thesis explores how conditional aid eligibility impacts students' application behaviors using data from the French platform Admission Post Bac. Male students adjusted their applications upon aid eligibility, favoring elite programs over public universities. Conditionally aid-eligible females maintained their program choices.
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Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member CountriesHalla, Martin, Lackner, Mario, Scharler, Johann 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
We study the effect of the size of the welfare state on family outcomes in OECD member countries.
Exploiting exogenous variation in public social spending, due to varying degrees of political fractionalization (i.e. the number of relevant parties involved in the legislative process), we show that an expansion in the welfare state increases the fertility, marriage, and divorce rates with a quantitatively stronger effect on the marriage rate.
We conclude that the welfare state supports family formation. Nevertheless, we also find that the welfare state decouples marriage and fertility, and therefore, alters the organization of the family. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Kunniga kvinnor och mjuka män : en socialsemiotisk studie om vem som givs plats på tidningen QX omslag / Wise Women and Meek Men : A socio-semiotic study about who’s given space on the cover of QX-magazineBrask, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie söker finna svar på vem, i fråga om vilka könsgrupper, som givits plats på tidningen QX omslag, i första hand gällande textelementet, i andra hand gällande det visuella. Studien skapas i spåren av genusforskaren Yvonne Hirdmans teorier om att den mansdominerande roll som generellt finns i samhället och ger kvinnor en lägre social status inte är någonting som ligger oss i naturen utan skapas och återskapas, samt Embretsén och Palmbergs studie ”En enfärgad regnbåge” som presenterar en underrepresentation av kvinnor i tidningen QX. Materialet består av 36 omslag av tidningen QX hämtade under tre år mellan 2015 och 2017. Detta görs med grunden i den systemisk-funktionell grammatiken, diskursanalys samt en multimodal analys för att få del av både det ideationella betydelserna i texterna samt hur budskap presenteras visuellt. Resultatet visar på en jämn frekvens av könsfördelningen men en ojämlik konstruktion där QX vänder på stereotyper av kvinnligt och manligt, vilket grundar sig i en styrande manlig blick. / This study seeks to find answers to whom, in terms of which gender group, is given space on the QX magazine cover. Primarily with focus on text elements, secondarily the visual aspects. The study is created in the traces of gender researcher Yvonne Hirdman's theories concerning the male dominance that is generally found in society, and which gives women a lower social status. Hirdman points out that this inequality is being created and recreated, as well as Embretsén and Palmberg's study "A Monochrome Rainbow" presents an underrepresentation of women in QX magazine. The research material consists of 36 covers from the QX magazine, published between 2015 and 2017. The study is based on systemic-functional linguistics, discourse analysis and a multimodal analysis to cover both the ideational meanings of the texts as well as how messages are presented visually. The result shows an even frequency of gender distribution, but an uneven design in which QX turns on stereotypes of female and male, which is based on a ruling male point of view.
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A Capability Approach for the European UnionEiffe, Franz F. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this paper is to develop a new concept for the EU in order to define and measure poverty no longer on the basis of income1, but on so called capabilities to argue for a capability oriented social policy. The capability approach (CA) was originally developed by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen2 and can be interpreted as critique of the utilitarian tradition of standard economics. In Sen's view, mainstream economic analysis operates on a very narrow base and does not include central information about the human condition. The main points of Sen's critique shall be discussed by way of introduction in section one. In offering an alternative framework of economic evaluation, Sen is very much inspired by the work of Adam Smith (1723-1790) and tried to bring him back into the economic and social discussion. The connections between Smith and Sen and the main elements of the CA will be discussed in section two. (...) (author´s abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Institut für Sozialpolitik
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