Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quadrant"" "subject:"quadrants""
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A closed circuit electro-hydraulic actuator with energy recuperation capabilityQu, Shaoyang, Fassbender, David, Vacca, Andrea, Busquets, Enrique, Neumann, Uwe 23 June 2020 (has links)
The recent electrification trend in the off-road market has incentivized research towards the proposal of compact, cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions for hydraulic actuators. As a result, increased attention has been given to electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA) architectures. The paper offers a study performed on a novel closed-circuit EHA architecture with the goal to maximize the overall system efficiency while meeting or exceeding traditional off-road applications performance, thereby enabling further electrification of off-road applications. Both numerical and experimental approaches are utilized to validate the functionality of the proposed EHA circuital configuration in four quadrants. Moreover, the actuator functionality at both high and low velocities are considered, which has never been explored in the past due to the limitations on the hydraulic machine driving speed. The good match between the experimental data and the simulation results confirms the potential of the simulation model for sizing such EHA architecture for different actuator sizes, duty cycles, and performance levels.
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Повышение точности формообразующих перемещений при высокоскоростном точении : магистерская диссертация / Improving of accuracy of form-building movements in high-speed turningКучин, С. Г., Kuchin, S. G. January 2016 (has links)
Цель работы – разработка новых технических средств повышения точности формообразующих перемещении металлорежущих станков при высокоскоростном точении.
Проведен анализ погрешностей влияющих на точность формообразующих перемещений станка при высокоскоростном точении, анализ существующих способов компенсации погрешностей. На его основе разработаны устройство согласования формообразующих перемещений рабочих органов станков, устройство для компенсации износа направляющих и инструмента металлорежущего станка, устройство компенсации износа элементов металлорежущего станка. Данные устройства точнее существующих.
В ходе работы над магистерской диссертацией, был получен Патент РФ № 160852 «Устройство согласования формообразующих перемещений рабочих органов станков», приоритетная справка № 022052 по заявке на патент № 2016114038 «Устройство компенсации износа элементов металлорежущего станка». Принято участие во Всероссийской молодежной научно-практической конференции «Региональные программы и проекты в области интеллектуальной собственности глазами молодежи» в рамках IX Международного форума «Интеллектуальная собственность – XXI век», по результатам которой получен диплом проекта. Тезисы проекта опубликованы в каталоге проектов участников конференции. / The purpose of the work is the development of new technical ways to improve the accuracy of form-building movements of machine tools in high-speed turning.
The analysis of errors of form-building movements of machine influencing accuracy in high-speed turning, existing ways of errors compensation was carried out. The analysis was used in order to design device of coordination of form-building movements of machines working units, device of compensation of wear of guideways and tools of machine tool, device of compensation of wear of elements of machine tool. Developed solutions give more accurate results.
During the work on the master's thesis author received patent of RF № 160852 «Device of coordination of form-building movements of machines working units» and priority reference № 022052 according to patent application № 2016114038 «Device of compensation of wear of elements of machine tool». The work participated in the All-Russian youth scientific conference "Regional programs and projects in the field of intellectual property through the eyes of young people" within The International forum «Intellectual property – 21st century», by results of which diploma of the project is gained. Abstracts of the project are published in the conference digest.
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情報決策象限理論之建構與個案分析-孫子兵法情報概念的反思 / The Construction and Case Study of the Quadrangular Theory for Intelligence-Decision:Reflection on the Intelligence Thought of Sun Tzu.紀光陽, Chi,Kuang Yang Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文透過孫子兵法「情報」與「決策」的關係,架構出孫子的決策邏輯與位階性,再以此建構出情報決策「象限理論」,企圖系統性地解釋「情報」條件與決策者「認知」條件的複雜關係,並藉由第二次美伊戰爭的決策過程作為例證,說明導致決策錯誤的重要因素。並由「象限理論」中第一象限區域,及美伊戰爭決策缺失中,檢討並演繹出「國家安全決策新思維」,文中指出一個專業且中立的情報機關,除了要提升情報信息的客觀性外,更要避免、改變決策者先入為主的錯誤認知。經由本文所提出的「象限理論」、「決策方程式」、「個案分析」、「國家安全決策新思維」,將有助於瞭解並加速決策產出的質量與效能,進而有利於優質決策的產出。 / There is highly relationship between intelligence and decision-making. The correct and on time intelligence will make a good policy; but the wrong or slow intelligence will make a bad policy, on the contrary. The same intelligence for different individuals will result in different decision-making, which means decision-making has high relationship with intelligence and personal cognition.
For this reason, this article constructs The Quadrangular Theory of Intelligence and Decision-making based on The Art of Sun-tzu theory, to explain the complicated relation between intelligence and personal cognition, as well as to state the important factor which leads to the wrong decision-making in the Second Gulf War.
This article also point out an important concept: the professional and intelligence agencies will not only improve the objectively intelligence, but also will avoid policymaker's prejudiced cognition. The Quadrangular Theory of Intelligence and Decision-making will help to understand the whole situation and accelerate the high quality and high efficiency decision-making process.
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Flexibility in MLVR-VSC back-to-back linkTan, Jiak-San January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes the flexible voltage control of a multi-level-voltage-reinjection voltage source converter. The main purposes are to achieve reactive power generation flexibility when applied for HVdc transmission systems, reduce dynamic voltage balancing for direct series connected switches and an improvement of high power converter efficiency and reliability. Waveform shapes and the impact on ac harmonics caused by the modulation process are studied in detail. A configuration is proposed embracing concepts of multi level, soft-switching and harmonic cancellation. For the configuration, the firing sequence, waveform analysis, steady-state and dynamic performances and close-loop control strategies are presented. In order not to severely compromise the original advantages of the converter, the modulated waveforms are proposed based on the restrictions imposed mathematically by the harmonic cancellation concept and practically by the synthesis circuit complexity and high switching losses. The harmonic impact on the ac power system prompted by the modulation process is studied from idealistic and practical aspects. The circuit topology being proposed in this thesis is developed from a 12-pulse bridge and a converter used classically for inverting power from separated dc sources. Switching functions are deduced and current paths through the converter are analysed. Safe and steady-state operating regions of the converter are studied in phasor diagrams to facilitate the design of simple controllers for active power transfer and reactive power generations. An investigation into the application of this topology to the back-to-back VSC HVdc interconnection is preformed via EMTDC simulations.
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Σχεδίαση αναλογικών ολοκληρωμένων φίλτρων χαμηλής τάσης τροφοδοσίας στο πεδίο του υπερβολικού ημιτόνουΚασίμης, Χρυσόστομος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή εστίασε το ενδιαφέρον της στην διερεύνηση των αναλογικών ολοκληρωμένων φίλτρων της κατηγορίας ELIN εξωτερικά γραμμικά, εσωτερικά μη-γραμμικά. Συγκεκριμένα μελετήθηκαν και σχεδιάστηκαν, νέες δομές φίλτρων συμπίεσης-αποσυμπίεσης του προς επεξεργασία σήματος στο πεδίο του υπερβολικού ημιτόνου χαμηλής τάσης τροφοδοσίας.
Η γοργή ανάπτυξη της μικροηλεκτρονικής στην υλοποίηση συστημάτων υψηλής αξιοπιστίας και απόδοσης μικρού βάρους και όγκου όπως φορητών ηλεκτρονικών πολυμέσων, επικοινωνιών, βιοϊατρικών συσκευών, ωθεί στην σχεδίαση των ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων που τα απαρτίζουν με μειωμένη κατανάλωση ισχύος και κατ’ επέκταση χαμηλής τάσης τροφοδοσίας.
Σ’ ένα ολοκληρωμένο κύκλωμα η ενσωμάτωση αναλογικών και ψηφιακών κυκλωμάτων σε περιβάλλον χαμηλής τάσης τροφοδοσίας, ώστε το κόστος των διατάξεων να διατηρείται χαμηλό, επηρεάζει άμεσα την απόδοση του αναλογικού τμήματος, προτάσσοντας την ανάγκη για νέες αρχιτεκτονικές σχεδίασης του.
Οι διατάξεις των αναλογικών φίλτρων αποτελούν συχνά δομικό στοιχείο των ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων και η διερεύνηση τους για την επίτευξη μεγάλης δυναμικής περιοχής, ηλεκτρονική ρύθμισης της απόκρισης συχνότητας και ταυτόχρονα χαμηλής κατανάλωσης ισχύος, έχει απασχολήσει αρκετά το ενδιαφέρον της ερευνητικής κοινότητας.
Προτείνεται αρχικά η συστηματική σχεδίαση φίλτρων υψηλής τάξης στο πεδίο του υπερβολικού ημιτόνου, αποσκοπώντας στη βελτίωση της διαδικασίας υλοποίησης τους, με χρήση ήδη υπαρχουσών μη-γραμμικών διαγωγών υπερβολικού ημιτόνου, συνημίτονου. Η συμπίεση-αποσυμπίεση του προς επεξεργασία σήματος επιτυγχάνεται με την κατάλληλη τοποθέτηση συμπληρωματικών τελεστών ενώ ταυτόχρονα διατηρείται γραμμική η συνολική συμπεριφορά των διατάξεων. Με γνώμονα την εφαρμογή τους σε βιοϊατρικές συσκευές, εξομοιώνεται με δύο διαφορετικούς τρόπους φίλτρο 3ης τάξης leapfrog με συχνότητα αποκοπής 10Hz και τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν συγκρίνονται με αντίστοιχο γραμμικής συμπεριφοράς.
Στην συνέχεια, υλοποιείται η σχεδίαση BiCMOS φίλτρων οποιασδήποτε τάξης, δομημένα από μη-γραμμικούς διαγωγούς υπερβολικού ημιτόνου με δυνατότητα λειτουργίας σε υψηλές συχνότητες και σε χαμηλή τάση τροφοδοσίας. Επιλέγονται οι μέθοδοι του γραμμικού μετασχηματισμού, λειτουργικής και τοπολογικής εξομοίωσης ενός πρωτότυπου ελλειπτικού βαθυπερατού 3ης τάξης με συχνότητα αποκοπής 0.5 kHz και κυμάτωση στην ζώνη διέλευσης 0.5dB. Ακολουθεί ανάλυση και σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων που προκύπτουν στο περιβάλλον Analog Virtuoso της Cadence Software, της τεχνολογίας AMS CMOS S35 0.35μm, μεταξύ των φίλτρων στο πεδίο του υπερβολικού ημιτόνου καθώς και με αντίστοιχες διατάξεις στο πεδίο του λογαρίθμου τάξης-ΑΒ και (OTA)-C στο γραμμικό χώρο.
Προτείνεται ακόμη, η BiCMOS σχεδίαση γενικευμένων φίλτρων 2ης τάξης απλής εισόδου-πολλαπλών εξόδων και πολλαπλής εισόδου-απλής εξόδου, με δυνατότητα λειτουργίας σε περιβάλλον χαμηλής τάσης τροφοδοσίας, ηλεκτρονικής ρύθμισης της συχνότητας αποκοπής ω0 του συντελεστή ποιότητας Q και της ορθογώνιας μεταβολής μεταξύ των. Από την εξομοίωση τους πρόκυψε ότι είναι ενεργειακά αποδοτικότερη η υλοποίηση τους συγκρινόμενα με αντίστοιχα στο πεδίο του λογαρίθμου.
Τέλος, στα πλαίσια υλοποίησης βιοϊατρικών εφαρμογών προτείνεται η σχεδίαση ενός μη-γραμμικού τελεστή ενέργειας στο πεδίο του υπερβολικού ημιτόνου για την ανίχνευση αιχμών δραστηριότητας σε νευρωνικά δίκτυα με τάση τροφοδοσίας 0.5V. Ο μη-γραμμικός διαγωγός υπερβολικού ημιτόνου, του οποίου ο διαγραμμικός βρόγχος αποτελείται από (pMOS) τρανζίστορ δομεί τους διαφοριστές και πολλαπλασιαστές τεσσάρων τεταρτημορίων τάξης-ΑΒ που απαρτίζουν την διάταξη. Εξομοιώνεται, κάνοντας χρήση CMOS τρανζίστορ της τεχνολογίας TSMC 130 nm, στο περιβάλλον Analog Virtuoso της Cadence Software και συγκρινόμενος με ήδη υπάρχουσες διατάξεις, παρουσιάζει την μικρότερη κατανάλωση ισχύος. / This present Ph.D dissertation is focused its interest on the design of low voltage analog integrated circuits. Companding (compressing-expanding) systems are Externally Linear, Internally Non-linear (ELIN) processors with potential for low-voltage operation capability. In this direction novel topologies of companding filters in the Sinh-Domain are introduced.
Τhe radical technological developments of microelectronics in the systems implementation with high reliability and performance, such as portable electronic devices for multimedia, communications and biomedical systems, demand the design of integrated circuits with reduced power consumption and thus low voltage supply. Integration of analog and digital circuits of systems-on-chip – (SoC) in order to be kept the low cost, directly affects the performance of the analog section, pointing forward the need for novel architectural design.
One of the basic building blocks for circuit design is analog filters and their investigation in order to achieved large dynamic range, electronic tuning capability of their frequency characteristics which has gained a significant research effort toward these goals.
At first, a new systematic method for designing Sinh-Domain filters is introduced. The proposed method offers the benefits of facilitating the design procedure of high-order Sinh-Domain filters using already introduced building blocks and of the absence of any restriction concerning the type and/or the order of the realized filter function. This is achieved by employing an appropriate set of complementary operators, in order to transpose the conventional functional block diagram representation of each linear operation to the corresponding one into the Sinh-Domain.
In order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed systematic method, 3rd order leapfrog low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency at 10Hz which is typical for biomedical applications, has been realized following two alternative approaches and, also, a comparison has been performed among them and a conventional linear filter where the most important performance factors have been taken into account.
Continuing, novel BiCMOS sinh-domain filter topologies, derived according to operational emulation, component substitution techniques and Linear Transformation of the corresponding 3rd-order passive prototype filters, with a cut-off frequency at 0.5 kHz and pass-band ripple 0.5dB, is proposed. This has been achieved by utilizing BiCMOS nonlinear ransconductor cells into the sinh domain. An attractive benefit of the proposed filter topologies is their capability for operating in high frequencies and a low-voltage environment.
The performance of a leapfrog sinh-domain filter has been compared, using the Analog Design Environment of the Cadence software using AMS CMOS S35 0.35μm, with those of the corresponding log-domain and operational ransconductance amplifier (OTA)-C filters.
Furthermore, the design of a family of Sinh-Domain universal biquad filters are introduced offering the benefits of low-voltage operation and, simultaneously, power efficient realizations in comparison with the corresponding already proposed biquads. Also, they have the capability for orthogonal adjustment between the resonance frequency and Q factor of the filter and these parameters could be also electronically adjusted through appropriate dc currents. Thus, they could be considered as attractive blocks for realizing high-performance analog signal processing systems.
Finally, a Sinh-Domain topology for realizing the Non Linear Energy Operator (NEO) is introduced. For this purpose, a novel Sinh-Domain differentiator is proposed which offers the benefits of ultra low-voltage operation capability and electronic tuning of the realized time-constant. The whole system is also constructed from a four-quadrant current multiplier, realized by employing appropriately configured non-linear transconductors. Considering a single power supply voltage of 0.5V, the behavior of the proposed Sinh-Domain NEO realization has been simulated using the Analog Design Environment of the Cadence software using TSMC 130 nm design hit.
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Validation of individual consciousness in strong artificial intelligence : an African theological contributionForster, Dion Angus 30 June 2006 (has links)
The notion of identity has always been central to the human person's understanding of self. The question "who am I?" is fundamental to human being. Answers to this question have come from a wide range of academic disciplines. Philosophers, theologians, scientists, sociologists and anthropologists have all sought to offer some insight.
The question of individual identity has traditionally been answered from two broad perspectives. The objectivist approach has sought to answer the question through empirical observation - you are a mammal, you are a homo-sapien, you are male, you are African etc. The subjectivist approach has sought to answer the question through phenomenological exploration - I understand myself to be sentient, I remember my past, I feel love etc.
A recent development in the field of computer science has however shown a shortcoming in both of these approaches. Ray Kurzweil, a theorist in strong artificial intelligence, suggests the possibility of an interesting identity crisis. He suggests that if a machine could be programmed and built to accurately and effectively emulate a person's conscious experience of being `self' it could lead to a crisis of identity. In an instance where the machine and the person it is emulating cannot be either objectively distinguished (i.e., both display the same characteristics of the person in question), or subjectively distinguish themselves (i.e., both believe themselves to be the `person in question' since both have an experience of being that person. This experience could be based on memory, emotion, understanding and other subjective realities) how is the true identity of the individual validated? What approach can be employed in order to distinguish which of the two truly is the `person in question' and which is the `emulation of that person'?
This research investigates this problem and presents a suggested solution to it. The research begins with an investigation of the claims of strong artificial intelligence and discusses Ray Kurzweil's hypothetical identity crisis. It also discusses various approaches to consciousness and identity, showing both their value and shortfall within the scope of this identity conundrum. In laying the groundwork for the solution offered in this thesis, the integrative theory of Ken Wilber is presented as a model that draws on the strengths of the objectivist and subjectivist approaches to consciousness, yet also emphasises the need for an approach which is not only based on individual data (i.e., the objectivist - you are, or subjectivist - I am). Rather, it requires an intersubjective knowing of self in relation to others.
The outcome of this research project is an African Theological approach to self-validating consciousness in strong artificial intelligence. This takes the form of an African Theology of relational ontology. The contribution falls within the ambit of Christian anthropology and Trinitarian theology - stressing the Christian belief that true identity is both shaped by, and discovered in, relationship with others. The clearest expression of this reality is to be found in the African saying Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (A person is a person through other persons). / Systematic Theology / D. Th.
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Validation of individual consciousness in strong artificial intelligence : an African theological contributionForster, Dion Angus 30 June 2006 (has links)
The notion of identity has always been central to the human person's understanding of self. The question "who am I?" is fundamental to human being. Answers to this question have come from a wide range of academic disciplines. Philosophers, theologians, scientists, sociologists and anthropologists have all sought to offer some insight.
The question of individual identity has traditionally been answered from two broad perspectives. The objectivist approach has sought to answer the question through empirical observation - you are a mammal, you are a homo-sapien, you are male, you are African etc. The subjectivist approach has sought to answer the question through phenomenological exploration - I understand myself to be sentient, I remember my past, I feel love etc.
A recent development in the field of computer science has however shown a shortcoming in both of these approaches. Ray Kurzweil, a theorist in strong artificial intelligence, suggests the possibility of an interesting identity crisis. He suggests that if a machine could be programmed and built to accurately and effectively emulate a person's conscious experience of being `self' it could lead to a crisis of identity. In an instance where the machine and the person it is emulating cannot be either objectively distinguished (i.e., both display the same characteristics of the person in question), or subjectively distinguish themselves (i.e., both believe themselves to be the `person in question' since both have an experience of being that person. This experience could be based on memory, emotion, understanding and other subjective realities) how is the true identity of the individual validated? What approach can be employed in order to distinguish which of the two truly is the `person in question' and which is the `emulation of that person'?
This research investigates this problem and presents a suggested solution to it. The research begins with an investigation of the claims of strong artificial intelligence and discusses Ray Kurzweil's hypothetical identity crisis. It also discusses various approaches to consciousness and identity, showing both their value and shortfall within the scope of this identity conundrum. In laying the groundwork for the solution offered in this thesis, the integrative theory of Ken Wilber is presented as a model that draws on the strengths of the objectivist and subjectivist approaches to consciousness, yet also emphasises the need for an approach which is not only based on individual data (i.e., the objectivist - you are, or subjectivist - I am). Rather, it requires an intersubjective knowing of self in relation to others.
The outcome of this research project is an African Theological approach to self-validating consciousness in strong artificial intelligence. This takes the form of an African Theology of relational ontology. The contribution falls within the ambit of Christian anthropology and Trinitarian theology - stressing the Christian belief that true identity is both shaped by, and discovered in, relationship with others. The clearest expression of this reality is to be found in the African saying Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (A person is a person through other persons). / Systematic Theology / D. Th.
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