Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative content 2analysis"" "subject:"cualitative content 3analysis""
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Mediální výchova a digitální gramotnost nevidomých středoškoláků / Media education and digital literacy of blind high school studentsFraiová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The paper addresses issues of media education in blind high-school students, especially in the topical context of digital media. The theoretical part devotes to problems of education of visually impaired persons. Next, concern the subsumption of media education as a cross- sectional subject into Czech primary and high-schools education. This part is also concerned with specific digital media and extensive opportunities of its utilization for visually impaired persons. In the experimental part of the paper, discrete components of digital literacy of sightless high-school students are analysed. The method of focused (semi-structured) interviews was selected. Interviews were executed with ten visually impaired high-school students and subsequently analysed with the help of qualitative content analysis. The aim of the paper is to give a notice on dependence of blind people to digital media and its specifics and, in this conjunction, emphasise the importance of media education.
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Mediální obraz Dopravního podniku hl. m. Prahy / The current media coverage of the prague public transport companyŘehková, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Media Coverage of Prague Public Transport Company" intends to describe the media image of the company in selected Czech dailies Metro, MF Dnes, Právo and Pražský deník during the years 2011 and 2012. A total of 680 articles were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively systematically describing their content during the period mentioned. The theoretical part introduces the reader to a broader context and serves as a platform anchoring the practical part. At first this part introduces the chosen methodology and then the results and interpretation. The quantitative content analysis explores how often and how much the topic appears in print media, its timing during the given period, and deals with researching of mainly published topics mentioned in press and their relationships in connection to Prague Public Transport Company. The thesis also focuses on the types of articles (hard news and soft news) and also examines which actors appeared in the selected newspapers. The next part deals with the linguistic interpretation of individual statements about Prague Public Transport Company, therefore, in what areas is the subject of analysis evaluated positively or negatively, on the basis of the attributes of language resources and comparison. The obtained data evaluation leads me...
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Föräldrars upplevelser och erfarenheter av barns rädslor i samband med sjukhusförlagda procedurer : En intervjustudieParents´ experiences of children´s fears during hospital procedures - an interview study / Parents´ experiences of children´s fears during hospital procedures- : An interview studyWineblad, Hanna, Lundgren, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Background: Hospital-procedures can be perceived as intimidating by children. There are situations in pediatric care where the childrens' care can be compromised if they are afraid and therefore not treated.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to highlight the parents' experiences of childrens' fear of hospital procedures and how the fears could have been relieved.Design: Descriptive interview study.Method: The study's design was qualitative where data was collected using eleven interviews. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Participants were caregivers to children aged six to twelve years, who were hospitalized. Twelve parents participated in the study. Data collection took place in February to March in 2017.Results: The results of the study are presented on the basis of two categories with eight subcategories: Cause of fear including four subcategories: experiencing pain, the feeling of being disadvantaged, hospital stay and medical procedures. Factors causing security including four subcategories: family presence, preparedness and participation, cared for by child-qualified staff and staff continuity.Conclusion: The study shows that hospitalized children experience fear due to varied causes. The cause for hospitalization is not always the reason for their fears. Child-focused care is required where healthcare staff ask for the child's perspective. Through child-focused nursing, dialogue is conducted with the child allowing expressions of what causes fear. Based on that information the healthcare staff and the child can address the unpleasant experiences and try to reduce the fear. / Bakgrund: Procedurer kan upplevas som skrämmande av barn. Det finns situationer inom pediatrisk vård där barnets vård kan äventyras om de är rädda och de av den anledningen inte får sin behandling.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa föräldrars upplevelser och erfarenheter av barns rädslor i samband med sjukhusförlagda procedurer samt hur rädslorna hade kunnat lindras.Design: Deskriptiv intervjustudie.Metod: Studiens design var kvalitativ där data samlades in med hjälp av elva intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Deltagarna var vårdnadshavare som hade barn inlagda på sjukhus i åldern sex till tolv år. Totalt deltog tolv föräldrar i studien. Data samlades in under februari-mars månad, år 2017.Resultat: Studiens resultat presenteras utifrån två kategorier med åtta underkategorier: Orsak till rädsla innefattande fyra underkategorier: upplevelsen av smärta, känslan av att vara i underläge, sjukhusvistelse samt medicinska procedurer. Trygghetsskapande faktorer innefattande fyra underkategorier: närhet till familjen, förberedelse och delaktighet, vård av barn kompetent personal samt personalkontinuitet.Slutsats: Studien visar att barn som befinner sig på sjukhus upplever rädsla av varierande orsaker. Inläggningsorsaken är inte alltid grunden till deras rädslor. Det krävs ett barnfokuserat omhändertagande där vårdpersonalen efterfrågar barnets perspektiv. I den barnfokuserad omvårdnad förs en dialog med barnen där de själva får berätta vad som gör dem rädda. Utifrån den informationen kan vårdpersonalen tillsammans med barnet ta sig an obehagliga upplevelser och försöka reducera rädslan.
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I brist på ett gemensamt språk : Att som sjuksköterska kommunicera amningsstöd över språkbarriär – en kvalitativ enkätstudie / The absence of a common language : Nurses’ experiences of communicating breastfeeding support across languagebarriers - a qualitative questionnaire studyMerrill, Sofia, Örnberg, Karolina January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation vid amningsstöd till icke svensktalande mödrar. Bakgrund: Amningsstöd är en viktig faktor för att långvarig amning av spädbarn ska fungera. Fungerande kommunikation krävs för att nå ett lyckat resultat av amningsstödet. Den ökade populationen av immigranter i Sverige utmanar hälso- och sjukvården att säkerställa en fungerande kommunikation för god vård. Design: En kvalitativ enkätstudie har genomförts med en deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats. Metod: Under februari 2017 deltog 15 sjuksköterskor från fem barnavårdscentraler (BVC) i norra Sverige i studien genom att besvara kvalitativa enkäter med öppna frågor. Den insamlade datan analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av att kommunicera amningsstöd vid språkbarriär samlades i två domäner: 'Sjuksköterskors upplevda kommunikativa möjligheter vid amningsstöd till icke svensktalande mödrar' och 'Sjuksköterskors upplevda kommunikativa begränsningar vid amningsstöd till icke svensktalande mödrar'. I den första domänen redovisades upplevelser av språkets samt kommunikationens betydelse, vilka tillgångar och verktyg sjuksköterskan har för att underlätta kommunikationen och vad som anses viktigt att beakta vid kommunikation om amningsstöd. I den andra domänen lyftes upplevelser av vilka hinder som fanns för god kommunikation vid språkbarriärer, vilken negativ påverkan brist på styrkor och resurser upplevdes ha samt vilka negativa följder moderns anhöriga upplevdes kunna ha på kommunikationen. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns för fungerande kommunikation vid amningsstöd tydliggör befintliga resurser och förbättringsområden.
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Mediální stereotypizace a nálepkování zdravotně postižených v českých médiích a jejich dopad na publikum / Media stereotypization and labeling of people with a disability in Czech media and its impact on the audienceBrhláčová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
1 Error! Unknown document property name. Abstract The presented master thesis deals with the topic of stereotypical presentations of disabled people in Czech newspapers and with its impact on the audience. This topic build on previous findings regarding repetitive stereotypical images and frames of disabled which were not only studied on newspapers. Simultaneously with those reoccurring frames and images we can also find positive of negative labels which are used in connection with disabled in newspapers. The work examines whether these phenomena occur also in Czech online and printed news. Using qualitative content analysis phenomena mentioned above were searched in randomly selected one hundred news. Requirement for choosing articles to selection was that the articles content need to be whole about handicapped people. Precisely, based on previous literature the text were analyzed and it was searched for narrative frames or models, stereotypical frames and labels that could be presented in texts. The purpose of this analysis was not only to demonstrate that those frames or labels are present in Czech newspaper articles but also make an attempt to fins new stereotypical frames or labels that those texts may contain. The second part of the analysis is to verify whether the public perceives these...
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Seriál Život je ples očima seniorů: recepční analýza zobrazených témat / Senior's view on the seraial Life is a ball: reception analysis of captured topicsHöschlová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on reception analysis of Czech TV series "Život je ples". It is a family TV series produced by Česká televize. Its central topic are lives of clients of a retirement home, their families and employees of the facility, who are taking care of them. The analysis of reception is mainly devoted to how elderly, the social group which this TV show is about, perceived the series. The theoretical part introduces three approaches of audience research, the most emphasis is put on sociocultural research, which refused the power of text and admitted, that media texts are open to several possible interpretations in dependence on particular social context of every recipient and other conventions. From this approach arose reception research, which this thesis also introduces. It also describes problems of lives of the elderly and therefore puts forth a theoretical basis for subsequent analysis. The final point deals with construction of identity based on media fiction. In the empirical part the thesis focuses on several selected topics, which came from qualitative content analysis of individual episodes of the series. It is about dreams and education, family ties, relationships of elderly and specifics of a life in retirement home. This thesis through the method of focus groups...
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Utsatta kvinnor och otursdrabbade män? : Porträttering av våldsbrottsoffer i svensk media / Vulnerable women and unfortunate men?Ekskog Winther, Anna, Henriksson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera hur våldsbrottsoffer porträtteras inom svensk textbaserad media och att studera eventuella genusskillnader för dessa beskrivningar. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 24 tidningsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Expressen. Analysen och kodningen tog sitt stöd i Butlers teori om genus och Christies teori om det ideala offret. Vi fann flera likheter och skillnader mellan de kvinnliga- respektive manliga offren. Största likheten var porträtteringen av offren som värdiga och legitima offer, trots att ingen av de 24 fallen egentligen föll under den mest stereotypa bilden av ett brottsoffer. Den skillnad vi fann mest intressant var männens uppnådda legitimitet och värdighet trots att flertalet påvisade en viss tvivelaktig livsstil. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to study how Swedish text- based media constructed their portrayal of victims suffering from criminal violence and also to see if there were any gender differences in these portrayals. The study was made by using a qualitative content analysis based on 24 newspaper articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis and coding took support from Butler’s gender- theory and Christie’s “ideal type victim”- theory. The analysis resulted in multiple similarities and differences between the female- and male victims. The greatest similarity was the portrayal of the victims as legitimate, although none of the 24 cases fell under the most stereotypical portrait of a crime- victim. The most interesting difference in the results was that the men’s obtained legitimate and dignity despite several showed some kind of doubtful lifestyle.
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Pojetí mediální výchovy v učebnicích a výukových materiálech pro 1. stupeň ZŠ / Media Education in Textbooks and Teaching Materials for Primary SchoolPokrupová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The central theme of the diploma thesis is incorporation of media education at the first stage of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly defines the basic concepts related to media education, offers an insight into historcal background and gradual integration of media education into the Czech educational system and, last but not least, introduces current state of this cross-curricular topic at Czech schools. The practical part is devoted to a research survey aimed at finding out which didactic topics of media education are mostly reflected in educational materials intended for the first stage of primary school and at the same time at ascertaining how the pupils are mostly involved in media education in terms of task assignments contained in teaching materials. The results of the research show that the most frequently reflected topics of media education that appear in educational materials are advertising, its regulation and influence and characteristics and function of traditional media. In case of the method of pupils involvement in media education, the research findings show that pupils are mostly called upon to receptive activities. To obtain the results of the research survey, qualitative content analysis of selected teaching materials was used.
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Pojetí mediální výchovy v učebnicích a výukových materiálech pro 1. stupeň ZŠ / Media Education in Textbooks and Teaching Materials for Primary SchoolPokrupová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The central theme of the diploma thesis is incorporation of media education at the first stage of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly defines the basic concepts related to media education, offers an insight into historcal background and gradual integration of media education into the Czech educational system and, last but not least, introduces current state of this cross-curricular topic at Czech schools. The practical part is devoted to a research survey aimed at finding out which didactic topics of media education are mostly reflected in educational materials intended for the first stage of primary school and at the same time at ascertaining how the pupils are mostly involved in media education in terms of task assignments contained in teaching materials. The results of the research show that the most frequently reflected topics of media education that appear in educational materials are advertising, its regulation and influence and characteristics and function of traditional media. In case of the method of pupils involvement in media education, the research findings show that pupils are mostly called upon to receptive activities. To obtain the results of the research survey, qualitative content analysis of selected teaching materials was used.
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DISA-metoden : En undersökning om gruppledarnas bedömningar av genomförandet och av metodens framtidsutsikterSandberg, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Twice as many women as men suffer from mental ill-health. The negative trend of mental problems among teenagers continues. In certain places in Sweden, 40 per cent of the teenage girls have outspoken symptoms of depression. This is why it is important to observe mental ill-health in a public health perspective.</p><p> </p><p>One effect evaluation of the DISA method (Depression In Swedish Adolescents) drew the conclusion that this universal depression preventive method is well working. The DISA method includes cognitive behavioural techniques that change negative pattern of thinking, give practice of communication, strategies of problem solution plus exercises to strengthen the social network. The purpose, in current investigation, was to let the group leaders’ estimations of the carrying through and of future prospects of the method be the basis of the method development as the method can be more effective. Six persons, who recently had became group leaders of DISA in Västmanland, were selected as interviewees by structured selection. Qualitative interviews were completed. A manifest qualitative content analysis carried through on the transcriptions.</p><p> </p><p>Generally speaking, the interest of the method is great and there are bright prospects, according to the result of investigation. The basic education of DISA could however be experienced as heavy and intensive with a negative focus. The structured method material has an advanced language and a stereotyped gender perspective that influence the group meetings, which takes a lot of work and time. The supervision facilitates for the group leaders, as they through supervision will learn from each other’s experiences. A conclusion is that good anchorage of the method facilitates for the group leaders during implementation where the group meetings are carried through.</p> / <p>Dubbelt så många kvinnor som män lider av psykisk ohälsa. Den negativa trenden av psykiska besvär bland tonåringar fortsätter. På vissa ställen i Sverige har 40 procent av tonårsflickorna uttalade depressionssymptom. Därför är det viktigt att uppmärksamma psykisk ohälsa ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv.</p><p> </p><p>En effektutvärdering av DISA-metoden (Depression In Swedish Adolescents) drog slutsatsen att denna universella depressionsförebyggande metod är välfungerande. DISA-metoden innefattar kognitiva beteendetekniker som förändrar negativa tankemönster, ger kommunikationsträning, problemlösningsstrategier samt övningar till att stärka det sociala nätverket. Syftet, i aktuell undersökning, var att låta gruppledarnas bedömningar av genomförandet och av metodens framtidsutsikter utgöra grund för metodutvecklingen, då metoden kan bli mer verkningsfull. Sex nyblivna DISA-gruppledare i Västmanland valdes ut som intervjupersoner genom strategiskt urval. Kvalitativa intervjuer fullbordades och manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes på transkriberingarna.</p><p> </p><p>Intresset för metoden är generellt sett stort och framtidsutsikterna är goda, enligt undersökningsresultatet. Grundutbildningen i DISA kan emellertid upplevas som tung och intensiv med negativt fokus. Det strukturerade metodmaterialet har ett avancerat språk och stereotypt genusperspektiv, vilket inverkar på gruppträffarna som kräver mycket arbete och tid. Handledningen underlättar för gruppledarna, då de under handledningen kan lära av varandras erfarenheter. En slutsats är att god förankring av metoden underlättar för DISA-gruppledarna under implementeringen där gruppträffarna genomförs.</p>
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