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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anorganische Kolloide im Wasser der Elbe

Opel, Karsten, Hüttig, Gudrun, Zänker, Harald January 2004 (has links)
Das Wasser der Elbe auf der Höhe von Dresden enthält anorganische Kolloidpartikel, deren Partikelgrößenverteilung nahezu den gesamten kolloidalen Definitionsbereich (1 nm bis 1 µm) überstreicht und die vor allem aus sekundär ausgeschiedener amorpher Kieselsäure sowie aus Oxyhydroxiden des Fe, Al und Mn bestehen. Als wichtigstes Schwermetall führen sie Zn. Ihre Konzentration liegt unter 5×10-1 mg/l, um etwa Faktor 30 unter der Konzentration der Schwebstoffe des Elbwassers (Partikel >1 µm). Wegen ihrer hohen spezifischen Oberfläche sind die Kolloidpartikel als potentielle Träger für Schadstoffe trotz dieser geringeren Massekonzentration nicht gegenüber den Schwebstoffen zu vernachlässigen. Die in der Elbe gemessene Partikelgrößenverteilung ähnelt derjenigen, die zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt im Rhein gefunden worden war. Auch die chemische Zusammensetzung der Kolloidpartikel in der Elbe ist der der Partikel des Rheins ähnlich. Die Konzentration der Kolloidpartikel in der Elbe war aber um Faktor 5 bis 10 höher als im Rhein. Grund für letzteres ist wahrscheinlich der höhere Gehalt des Elbwassers an gelöstem Kohlenstoff (DOC). Im "Bulk" eines Flusses sind kolloidgetragene Schadstoffe - anders als schwebstoffgetragene - vermutlich fast genauso mobil wie echt gelöste. Unterschiede zwischen den Transportgeschwindigkeiten der kolloidgetragenen und der echt gelösten Spurenstoffe treten in bestimmten Situationen auf, in denen das Wasser den "Bulk" eines Flusses verlässt (Sickerbereich unter dem Fluss, Ästuar). Es werden Schlussfolgerungen über die Rolle von Kolloidpartikeln im Ökosystem eines Flusses gezogen und noch bestehende Forschungsdesiderate benannt.

Ultrastrukturuntersuchungen der Segmentalorgane, der Spermien und der Brutpflegestrukturen der Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta)

Kuper, Michael 13 February 2002 (has links)
Die Polychaetenfamilie Syllidae ist mit über 600 Arten das größte Taxon innerhalb der Phyllodocida. Die Syllidae werden traditionell in vier Unterfamilien eingeteilt: Autolytinae, Exogoninae, Eusyllinae und Syllinae. Obwohl diese Einteilung umstritten ist, hat sie bis heute ihre Gültigkeit. Als die zum Grundmuster der Syllidae gehörigen Segmentalorgane werden Metanephridien angesehen. Neuere Untersuchungen konnten jedoch auch stark reduzierte Metanephridien und Protonephridien als Segmentalorgane in diesem Polychaetentaxon nachweisen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die Segmentalorgane der Syllidae ultrastrukturell untersucht, um Hinweise auf die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der vier Unterfamilien zu erhalten, und um eine sekundäre Entstehung von Protonephridien aus Metanephriden innerhalb der Syllidae nachzuweisen. Für weitere Rückschlüsse auf die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb der Syllidae wurden neben den Segmentalorganen auch Spermien und Brutpflegestrukturen ultrastrukturell bearbeitet. Die Untersuchungen wurden weiterhin für eine Bewertung der systematischen Stellung innerhalb der Phyllodocida genutzt. Insgesamt wurden 21 Segmentalorgane von 18 Taxa der Syllidae und einer Sphaerodoriden-Art untersucht. Spermien und Spermiogenesestadien von fünf Sylliden und die Eianheftungsstrukturen von 11 Syllidentaxa wurden bearbeitet. Mit den in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Daten konnte die sekundäre Entstehung von Protonephridien nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurden wichtige Hinweise für die Verwandtschaftverhältnisse der vier Subtaxa innerhalb der Syllidae geliefert und erstmalig die dorsalen Anheftungsstrukturen brutpflegender Exogoninae detailliert untersucht.

Evaluation of Ce Addition by Different Wire inLiquid 316 Stainless Steel

Juneblad Målar, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
It is well known that REMs are strong oxide and sulphide formers that can easily form large clusters which have harmful effect on the casting process as well as the quality of the final steel product. By adding these elements right before casting, the number of narrow transfer parts are eliminated (compared to if added in ladle) Also, the REM inclusions has less time to sinter together to form large clusters, preventing clogging. The general idea behind this alloying method in the continuous casting machine is to feed a wire of FeSiRE powder blend, coated with a metal strip, into the melt in the chilled Cu mold (CC mold) Adding REMs to the steel, in particular Ce, can increase the resistance to oxidation at high temperatures by improving the properties of the chromia layer. This is of big interest for SANDVIK as it can improve their corrosion resistant grades and may also, in the future, enable alloying in with other volatile elements such as Zr. This master thesis has the objective to find out the dissolution time of the wire, coated with three different metal strips; Steel, Cu and Al. The experiments were performed with steel grade 316L, provided by SMT, in a 2kg melt in a lab scaled induction furnace at 1500oC, 1510oC and 1530oC. The operations were performed both with and without FeSiRE powder inside. The results obtained with powder inside at 1500oC showed that the Al wire experienced the shortest dissolution time ( 0,5 to 1s) followed by Cu (≤10s) and Steel (18 to 20s). In addition to this, sampling procedures was implemented ( 1, 1, 3, 5 10 and 29mins after wire addition) in a depth of 40mm for each wire. Here, the yield of Ce 1 minute after wire addition was highest for the Steel wire (41.9%) followed by Cu wire (25%) and Al wire (<14.8%). From samples taken 1 and 5mins after wire addition in the Al wire experiment, inclusions were extracted and collected on a film filter after electrolytic extraction and filtration. The film filter was observed in SEM. The morphology and compositions were analysed and compared. It was found that Ce and La was present as Ce La oxy sulfides both individually and on Al Mg O clusters.

Optimization of Rare Earth Metals (REM) addition in high temperature stainless steel grade 253MA.

Rangavittal, Bharath Vasudev January 2019 (has links)
The focus of this thesis work is to optimize rare earth metal (REM) addition in Therma 253MA, an austenitic stainless-steel grade in order to get a good trade-off between oxidation resistance property and the amount of big REM inclusions formed. Big REM inclusions are detrimental to material properties and REM is required to be dissolved in the matrix for improving the oxidation resistance. REM optimization can also lead to economical savings for Outokumpu. The distribution of REM between matrix and inclusion is affected by factors such as REM addition, initial oxygen and sulphur contents and time to casting of the melt. The re-oxidation of melt in the tundish also affects the REM distribution. Hence, the effect of these factors on the inclusion characteristics is investigated by analysing samples with different REM additions, using light optical microscope (LOM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). LOM analysis focussed on stringer inclusion characteristics. SEM+EDS analysis is done using automated "INCA Feature" software with focus on overall inclusion characteristics. Oxidation and creep tests are also performed to study the effect of different REM additions on oxidation and creep behaviour. The results from inclusion analysis show that increasing REM addition and time to casting has a bad effect on stringer and overall inclusion characteristics. The re-oxidation in the tundish influences the inclusion formation, but does not affect the stringer characteristics. The resistance to oxidation of the samples is also compared and is observed to increase within increasing REM addition. Finally, this works suggests an optimal REM addition for Therma 253MA to get a good balance between oxidation resistance and amount of big inclusions. / Fokus för detta avhandlingsarbete är att optimera tillsats av sällsynt jordartsmetall (REM) i Therma 253MA, en austenitisk rostfritt stålkvalitet för att få en bra avvägning mellan oxidationsbeständighetsegenskap och mängden stora REM-inneslutningar som bildas. Stora REM-inneslutningar är skadliga för materialegenskaperna och REM måste lösas i matrisen för att förbättra oxidationsbeständigheten. REM-optimering kan också leda till ekonomiska besparingar för Outokumpu. Fördelningen av REM mellan matris och inkludering påverkas av faktorer såsom REM-tillsats, initialt syre- och svavelinnehåll och tid till gjutning av smältan. Re-oxidation av smälta i tunden påverkar också REM-fördelningen. Följaktligen undersöks effekten av dessa faktorer på inkluderingsegenskaperna genom att analysera prover med olika REM-tillsatser, med användning av ljusoptiskt mikroskop (LOM) och avsökning av elektronmikroskop (SEM). LOM-analys fokuserade på stringer-inkluderingsegenskaper. SEM + EDS-analys görs med hjälp av automatiserad "INCA Feature" -programvara med fokus på övergripande inkluderingsegenskaper. Oxidations- och krypningstest utförs också för att studera effekten av olika REM-tillsatser på oxidation och krypbeteende. Resultaten från inkluderingsanalys visar att ökande REM-tillsats och tid till gjutning har en dålig effekt på stringer och totala inkluderingsegenskaper. Återoxidationen i tunden påverkar inkluderingsbildningen, men påverkar inte stringeregenskaperna. Motståndet mot oxidation av proverna jämförs också och observeras öka inom ökande REM-tillsats. Slutligen föreslår detta ett optimalt REM-tillägg för Therma 253MA för att få en bra balans mellan oxidationsmotstånd och mängd stora inneslutningar.


Tian, Nan 20 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Specifying the Generic: A Theoretical Unpacking of Rem Koolhaas’s ‘Generic City’

Puri, Siddharth 02 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

L'aléa dans le contrat d'assurance / Hazard in the insurance contract

Demont, Bruno 22 October 2012 (has links)
L’aléa, véritable « cœur » du contrat d’assurance, ne finit pas de susciter les interrogations lorsqu’il s’agit de préciser plus techniquement son rôle, tout comme sa raison d’être. En première ligne se situe naturellement le débat relatif à la qualification des formes contemporaines d’assurance vie : ce dernier, haut lieu de controverse doctrinale depuis des années, ne s’est toujours pas apaisé malgré l’impressionnant nombre d’études consacrées au sujet. En parallèle, le thème de l’aléa dans les contrats fait également l’objet d’un vif regain d’intérêt, s’invitant dans les colloques et les ouvrages les plus récents. Plus que jamais, les notions de contrat d’assurance et de contrat aléatoire se retrouvent donc au cœur de la polémique. Et cette dernière peut aller bon train, tant le débat reste enfermé dans cette idée courante qu’un contrat est un acte nécessairement créateur d’obligations. Ainsi, l’on s’attache bien souvent à mettre en évidence le déséquilibre des obligations des parties (caractéristique des contrats aléatoires) avant de s’interroger sur son existence dans le contrat d’assurance. Mais cette approche obligationnelle de la structure contractuelle est-elle véritablement pertinente ? Ne devrait-on pas, au contraire, concevoir plus largement les effets de l’acte juridique, et consacrer juridiquement une idée somme toute assez commune dans le langage courant des praticiens : celle d’un transfert de risque ? A l’approche obligationnelle classique, exclusivement focalisée sur l’analyse des prestations des parties (paiement de la prime par le souscripteur ; règlement du sinistre voire couverture du risque par l’assureur), se substituerait ainsi une approche réelle, davantage axée sur le transfert de risque opéré entre les parties. Cette approche réelle, à bien des égards séduisante par rapport à l’approche obligationnelle, permettrait ainsi de porter – entre autres – un regard différent sur la problématique inhérente aux formes contemporaines d’assurance vie. / Hazard is well known for being at the heart of the insurance contract. Nonetheless, it does not stop raising questions about its precise role and raison d’être. Firstly, the debate deals with the qualification of contemporary forms of life insurance; Mecca of doctrinal controversy for years, it still remains topical in spite of the impressive number of studies. Meanwhile, contingency is of intense interest in civil contract law, as well as subject to recent seminars and latest books. More than ever, the notions of insurance contract and of aleatory contract appear as being the “core” issues of a controversy which keeps going well, because the debate may be limited by the idea that a contract is necessarily an act that creates obligations. Thus, the imbalance between the parties’ obligations - characteristic of aleatory contracts – is often highlighted before questioning its existence in the insurance contract. However, it may be wondered as whether to know if such an “obligational” approach of the contract is truly relevant. On the contrary, shouldn’t we consider the effects of the contract through a wider point of view, in order to admit – legally – a quite common idea in everyday language: the transfer of risk? Unlike the obligational approach which is solely focused on the performances of both parties (premium paid by the taker; compensation paid out of the claim or even risk covered by the insurer), that “real” approach would be more focused on the risk that is transferred between the contracting parties. Such a real approach, which seems to be highly more attractive than the obligational one, would offer - among others - a different perspective within the debate that is inherent to the contemporary forms of life insurance.

La responsabilité du fiduciaire - Essai de théorie générale / Liability of the french trustee

Berger-Tarare, Célia 29 November 2013 (has links)
La fiducie est à la fois un concept ancien et un outil moderne protéiforme, capable de remplir les fonctions les plus diverses. Introduite en 2007 en droit français, la fiducie prend de l’ampleur et il devient nécessaire de s’intéresser à une problématique essentielle : la responsabilité du fiduciaire. La fiducia romaine comme le trust anglo-saxon ont montré que l’efficacité de sa mise en œuvre était primordiale pour assurer le succès de l’institution. Pourtant, les textes relatifs à la fiducie sont largement incomplets, tant en ce qui concerne le mécanisme lui-même, que la responsabilité de son principal acteur, le fiduciaire. A cet égard, l’article 2026 du Code civil donne pour toute indication que « le fiduciaire est responsable, sur son patrimoine propre, des fautes qu'il commet dans l'exercice de sa mission ». Ambigüe et discutable, cette disposition ne révèle pas tout son sens à première lecture. L’analyse historique, comparative et exégétique des textes permet de comprendre le mécanisme de la fiducie. Un régime cohérent de responsabilité du fiduciaire – à la fois propriétaire et obligé, à la tête d’un patrimoine d’affectation – peut alors être dégagé, qui réalise l’équilibre entre les différents intérêts en présence, tout en assurant la protection du constituant et du bénéficiaire. / The trust is both an ancient concept and a modern instrument which can fulfill the most diverse functions. Introduced in France in 2007, the French fiducie is growing and it has become necessary to focus on a key issue : the liability of the French trustee. Roman fiducia and the Anglo-Saxon trust have shown that the efficiency of its implementation was crucial to the success of the institution. Yet, the rules regarding the fiducie mechanism and the liability of its main actor are largely incomplete. In this regard, Article 2026 of the French Civil code only indicates that “the trustee is responsible, on his own property, for breaches of the trust committed during the performance of its mission”. Ambiguous and debatable, this provision does not reveal its meaning at first reading. An historical, comparative and exegetical analysis entitles the reader to understand the mechanism of the French fiducie. A coherent structure of the liability of the French trustee – both owner of a separate patrimony and debtor to the settlor and the beneficiary – can be drawn, which results in a balanced system between the different interests in consideration, while ensuring the protection of the settlor and the beneficiary.

Intervenções urbanas contemporâneas: o caso da área da Luz no centro de São Paulo / Urban contemporary interventions: the case of the area of Luz in the centre of Sao Paulo

Moreira, Carolina Margarido 19 November 2008 (has links)
Tendo como tema geral de pesquisa propostas e intervenções urbanas contemporâneas, o trabalho pretende discutir a natureza e distinções existentes entre os discursos, as propostas e ações, particularmente no campo cultural, formuladas e executadas na área da Estação da Luz da cidade de São Paulo pelos governos Marta Suplicy - 2001/2004 - e José Serra [e hoje seu substituto Gilberto Kassab], articuladas com as propostas do governo estadual, retrocedendo quando necessário ao entendimento das ações realizadas a partir das gestões de Luiza Erondina - 1989/1992 - no governo municipal e no primeiro governo de Mario Covas no Estado - 1995/1998 [e seu sucedâneo]. Desta forma, no contexto das mudanças econômicas ocorridas nos últimos 25/30 anos, que conheceram no plano urbano a noções de cidades globais, objetivou-se investigar criticamente o processo pelo qual a cultura e os equipamentos culturais têm adquirido um papel cada vez mais central nas práticas das chamadas políticas urbanas, valendo-se de ações que por vezes apresentam-se de forma antagônica, ao viés político dos governos, e por outro, não, em que pese o mesmo viés político. Isto salientou a necessidade de investigar as finalidades do Estado, nos seus vários níveis, e de seus parceiros preferenciais, nas intervenções dos espaços urbanos centrais da cidade contemporânea, num período em que estas ações surgem enquadradas por uma discussão internacional sobre o papel das cidades na economia contemporânea e o lugar do urbanismo e do planejamento urbano [estratégicos] nas políticas públicas. Enfim, a pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo as intervenções urbanas contemporâneas: o caso da área da Luz, no centro de São Paulo. A intenção foi, ao longo da pesquisa, pontuar os princípios que conduziram [até o momento] tais práticas, suas diretrizes e, principalmente, a forma com que o conjunto de relações sociais, econômicas, políticas e culturais transforma e modela os ambientes urbanos e o imaginário dos habitantes. Desta forma, o estudo das intervenções no centro histórico de São Paulo reconhece uma política de conjunto, mas parte da escolha e avaliação das ações propostas e efetivadas na área da Luz e antiga Cracolândia, um dos principais alvos do programa de requalificação urbana da prefeitura de São Paulo e, por isso, atualmente denominado Pólo Luz - Santa Ifigênia. Esta concentra uma série de questões presentes no que poderia ser definido como uma agenda de problemas e ações a ela associadas, mormente a revitalização das chamadas áreas degradadas, a partir da implementação de propostas e equipamentos culturais, que integram ou se espelham em modelos de políticas urbanas internacionais. Constituindo a pauta não só de arquitetos e urbanistas, mas também de várias outras áreas de conhecimento geografia, sociologia, economia, as discussões sobre a cidade requereram um razoável embasamento teórico, sendo a clareza dos conceitos envolvidos uma das metas estabelecidas a princípio. Motivou especialmente a percepção de que as noções de planejamento estratégico, competitividade entre as cidades, globalização e cidades globais saturaram o debate urbano contemporâneo e que a [s] ideologia [s] urbana [s] por interessa diversos acabava [m] por criar uma questionável impressão de coesão de conceitos que deveria ser posto à prova. Entre outros, George Simmel, Manfredo Tafuri, Fredic Jameson e Rem Koolhaas foram importantes aportes. / Having as a general subject of inquiry proposals and urban contemporary interventions, this dissertation intends to discuss and analyze the nature and existent distinctions between the speeches, the proposals and actions, particularly in the cultural field, formulated and executed in the area of Estação Luz in the city of São Paulo by the governments Marta Suplicy - 2001/2004 - and José Serra [and his current substitutive Gilberto Kassab], articulated with the proposals of the state government, retreating when necessarily to the understanding of the actions carried out from the managements of Luiza Erondina - 1989/1992 - in the municipal government and of the first government of Mario Covas in the state of São Paulo - 1995/1998 [and his substitutive]. In this way, in the context of the economical changes that took place in the last 25/30 years, that knew in the urban plan the notion of global cities, the goal was to investigate critically the process for which the culture and the cultural equipments have been acquiring a more and more central role in the practices of the socalled urban politics, using actions that for times show up in the antagonistic form, in function of the political slant of the governments, and for other, not, in what it weighs the same political slant. This pointed out the necessity to investigate the finality of the state, in its several levels, and of its main partners, in the interventions on the central urban spaces of the contemporary city, in a period in what these actions appear fitted by an international discussion about the role of the cities in the contemporary economy and the place of urbanism and of the [strategic] urban planning in the public politics. Finally, this inquiry has as objective of study the urban contemporary interventions: the case of the area of Luz in the centre of Sao Paulo. The intention along the inquiry was to punctuate the principles that conducted [until now] such practices, its directives and, mainly, the form with which the set of social, economical, political and cultural relations transforms and models the urban environments and the imaginary of its inhabitants. In this way, the study of the interventions in the historical centre of São Paulo recognizes a politics of set, but it breaks from the choice and evaluation of the actions proposed and brought into effect in the area of Luz and former Cracolândia, one of the main targets of the urban redesign programs of the city hall of São Paulo and, therefore, at present so-called Pólo Luz - Santa Efigênia. This area concentrates a series of present questions in what it might be defined as an agenda of problems and actions to them associated, chiefly the revitalization of the called degraded areas, from the implementation of proposals and cultural equipments, which they integrate or which mirror in models of international urban politics. Constituting the list not only of the architects and town planners, but also of several other areas of knowledge - geography, sociology, economy -, the discussions about the city demanded a reasonable theoretical foundation, being to clarity of the wrapped concepts one of the marks established on the beggining of this inquiry. It caused specially the perception of which the notions of strategic planning, competitiveness between the cities, globalization and global cities saturated the urban contemporary debate and that the urban[e] ideology[ies] marked by different interests ended for creating a questionable impression of cohesion of concepts that should be put to the test. Georg Simmel, Manfredo Tafuri, Fredric Jameson and Rem Koolhaas are important and essentials bases of this work.

DeNoPa Kassel: Die prospektive Langzeit-Follow-up-Studie zu Biomarkern und nicht-motorischen Symptomen bei Morbus Parkinson - Pilotstudie baseline / DeNoPa Kassel: The prospective long-term follow-up study on biomarkers and non-motor symptoms for Parkinson's disease - pilot study baseline

Werner, Stefanie 11 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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