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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La ritualisation dans la trajectoire du mourir : l'action rituelle funéraire : enquête sur la crémation France-Québec / Ritualization in death, dying, mourning trajectory : funeral ritual action

Labescat, Gil 14 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat propose de comprendre la spécificité rituelle des pratiques funéraires au début du XXIe siècle. Les analyses rituelles classiques (interactionnistes et structuro-fonctionnalistes) nous ont conduit à nous intéresser au processus rituel plutôt qu’au rituel lui-même et à cheminer par l’entremise d’une approche de l’action rituelle, plutôt que par celle des fonctions ou des symboles. Pour restreindre la part de réalité sociale étudiée, nous avons considéré que, parmi les différentes transformations funéraires, le phénomène de la crémation était une porte d’entrée pour comprendre cette spécificité. Cette thèse poursuit un double objectif :1) Le premier objectif est descriptif. Dans la trajectoire du mourir, à partir d’une perspective relationnelle, nous avons exploré le processus funéraire, notamment celui ayant pour perspective la crémation comme mode de transformation du corps, en le décomposant comme une chaîne opératoire du mourir. Nos données sont recueillies par la méthode de la participation observante de pratiques au sein du milieu funéraire. L’exemplarité du phénomène crématiste, en tant que pratique réunissant les attributs de l’évolution récente funéraire à partir des années 1980, a dirigé notre sélection vers un échantillon diversifié dans deux contextes socioculturels (France et Québec) et deux agglomérations (Strasbourg et Montréal) où le taux de crémation est historiquement élevé. 2) Le second objectif consiste à comprendre la spécificité de la ritualisation funéraire à partir de ces données, en s’intéressant à l’action rituelle en train de se faire dans le processus funéraire, c’est-à-dire expliquer la mise en forme et en acte de relations sociales. Par-delà une lecture socioanthropologique de l’organisation des relations contextuelles de ritualisation, une lecture psychosociologique des actions rituelles complète l’interprétation. Notre compréhension de la spécificité du processus rituel funéraire fait apparaître la complexité relationnelle de cette pratique sociale : d’une part, en tant qu’actions interagies par et dans des relations interindividuelles, faisant appel à des ressources réflexives (habilitantes) et permettant la réduction de l’état de dissonance provoqué par la mort; d’autre part, en tant qu’actions enserrées par et dans les règles des systèmes sociaux. La mise à jour de la prépondérance de ces caractéristiques relationnelles dans la ritualisation funéraire actuelle a pour vocation de comprendre à la fois la diversification des pratiques funéraires et leur normalisation. / This doctoral thesis aims to understand the specific ritual burial practices in the early twenty-first century. The classic ritual analyses (structural-functionalist and interactionist) led us to focus on the ritual process rather than on the ritual itself, so we adopted a ritual action perspective. To reduce the focus on the social reality studied, we posit that among the various transformations of funerals, the phenomenon of cremation is a gateway to understand this specificity. This thesis has two objectives: 1) The first is descriptive. In the path of dying, from a relational understanding, we explored the funeral process, notably the cremation, as a mode of body transformation as an operational chain of dying. Our data was collected through the method of observing participation in funeral practices. The phenomenon of cremation, as a practice combining the attributes of the recent funeral evolution from the 1980s, led to our selection of a diverse sample in two sociocultural contexts (France and Quebec) and two cities (Strasbourg and Montreal) where the cremation rate is historically high. 2) The second objective is to understand the burial ritual from this data, focusing on the ritual surrounding the funeral process, while explaining the setting, form and act of social relations. In addition to a socio-anthropological reading of the organisation of the contextual relations behind ritual, a psychosocial reading completes the interpretation of the ritual actions. Our comprehension of funerary rituals shows the complexity of this social practice. In one hand as actions, through interpersonal relations, appeal to reflexive resources (enabling) and allow the reduction of dissonant state caused by death. On the other hand, as actions surrounding the rules of the social system. This new data on the preponderance of these relational features within the current funeral rituals, aims to understand both the diversification of funeral practices and their standardisation.

The Ritual Construction of Fetal Personhood : A Voyage through the Gendering of the Unborn in Peruvian Baby Showers

Byström, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to analyse how gender is ‘done’, represented and reproduced in a Peruvian baby shower ritual. The study is situated geographically in the urban Andean setting of Cusco, and theoretically, in a feminist framework combining an ethnomethodological ‘doing gender’ perspective, anchored in social interactions, with a linguistic performativity approach, as formulated by Judith Butler. In the latter, gender is understood as performed through discursive practices of iterability. The ethnographic material, collected from two baby showers and additional interviews, demonstrate several ways and sites in which gender is done and performed in the Cusqeanean baby shower. This occurs, for instance, by the means of gendered gifts, decorations and performances of gender-crossing and hyperbolised displays of masculinity, femininity and sexuality.             Furthermore, to help make sense of the notions of prenatal gender, as well as the strictly gendered cultural norms for invitation cards, decoration and gift-making, which made me unknowingly brake conventions when bringing gender-neutral wooden toys to a Peruvian baby shower, I draw on theorisation of fetal personhood. Adapting van Gennep’s (2004[1909]) concept, I propose that the baby shower could be conceptualised as a rite of passage, in which the unborn transcends from the state of fetus to a gendered baby. The acts of naming and attributing gender in the baby shower ritual, I argue, are requisites for incorporating the child into the society, as family members and, ultimately, as human beings. The baby shower can, thus, be regarded a crucial site for the ‘social birth’ of the Cusqueanean baby.

Entre politique et thérapeutique : usages du rituel de la tente à sudation dans le cadre de la revitalisation culturelle amérindienne au Québec

Desaulniers Turgeon, Sébastien 09 1900 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 1980, le phénomène de revitalisation culturelle amérindienne observé à l’échelle continentale s’est enraciné au Québec. Ce phénomène panindien, qui se définit entre autres par un mouvement de guérison dit communautaire – c’est- à-dire qui s’organise à l’intérieur-même des communautés (par opposition à ce qui vient de l’extérieur) – est caractérisé par la prise en charge des problèmes sociaux rencontrés par les populations amérindiennes. Par l’analyse du rite de la tente à sudation, une pratique emblématique de la spiritualité panindienne et du mouvement de guérison, ce mémoire explore la dualité des stratégies de relation d’aide qui y sont déployées. Pour ce faire, l’expérience en milieu carcéral et en communauté d’aînés et d’intervenants autochtones a été prise à témoin. L’enquête de terrain révèle ainsi qu’en parallèle avec la fonction de mobilisation sociale et politique associée à la revitalisation culturelle amérindienne, on assiste à une instrumentation du rituel à des fins psychothérapeutiques. Tout en s’inscrivant dans la structure cosmologique commune à plusieurs traditions orales algonquiennes, cet usage particulier de la symbolique du rituel met à jour une vision plus clinique, plus individualisée et plus dépolitisée de la guérison autochtone habituellement revendiqué dans le discours panindien. / Since the end of the 1980’s, the Native cultural revitalization observed in North America has taken hold in Québec. This panindian phenomenon has defined itself through the aboriginal healing movement. In turn, this healing movement has been addressing the numerous social problems encountered by the Native populations both inside and outside of their communities. While connecting these events, this thesis explores, through the study of the sweat lodge ceremony, the duality of the counseling strategies deployed both in the panindian spirituality and the aboriginal healing movement. In this regard, the counseling experience of elders and professionals in prison and in the community reveals that besides the social and political functions usually associated with aboriginal healing, we can observe a psychotherapeutic instrumentation of the sweat lodge ritual. While capturing the cosmological structure of many Algonquian oral traditions, this particular use of the sweat lodge symbolism shows a more clinical, more individualized and more apolitical vision of aboriginal healing than the one that is usually described in the panindian discourse.

Pèlerinage organisé en Israël pour jeunes Juifs montréalais : un exemple de rite de passage contemporain

Geoffrion, Karine January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

L'engagement social en question : le développement identitaire et ses implications actuelles

Malenfant, François January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Rito e arquitetura / Rite and architecture

Minozzi, Celso Lomonte 24 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa focaliza a relação entre rito e arquitetura considerando o rito como o fluxo semiológico e está embasada em estudos de semiologia e semiótica aplicadas à arquitetura e às teorias da linguagem. O conceito de rito semiológico está desenvolvido a partir das transformações dos elementos significantes tanto em aspectos diacrônicos quanto em aspectos sincrônicos, determinando as noções de fluxo e mutação. A arquitetura é compreendida como uma relação entre duas formas: a forma de expressão e a de conteúdo, conceitos retirados dos estudos de linguagem. Associa-se a este fato ser também entendida como um produto cultural, pertencente a um determinado diagrama histórico, principalmente o contemporâneo e suas alterações diagramáticas. As bases teóricas partem das leituras de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Ferdinand de Saussure e Louis Trolle Hjelmslev e das comparações possíveis com textos sobre arquitetura e projetos. Os fundamentos da história da arquitetura são trabalhados no decorrer do texto conforme os autores, pela cronologia das idéias e não das publicações. A pesquisa procura demonstrar uma arquitetura em movimento através do conceito de rito, sua pertinência na história da arquitetura como uma forma de linguagem. Averigua, também, a pertinência deste conceito quanto a quatro categorias estabelecidas como base para a arquitetura, sendo estas: significação, poética, materialidade e técnica, e por elas, se verifica a relação entre rito e arquitetura. / This research focuses the relationship between rite and architecture considering the rite as a semiological flow and it is based on semiology studies and semiotics applied to the architecture and the theories of the language. The concept of semiological rite is developed starting from the transformations of the significant elements as much in diachronic aspects as in synchronous aspects, determining the flow and mutation notions. The architecture is understood as a relationship among two forms: the expression and content, extracted concepts of the language studies. It associates to this fact to also be understood as a cultural product, belonging to a certain historical diagram, mainly the contemporary and its diagrammatic alterations. The theoretical bases leave from Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Ferdinand de Saussure and Louis Trolle Hjelmslev readings and from the possible comparisons with texts on architecture and projects. The foundations of the history of the architecture are worked on elapsing of the text according to the authors, from the chronology of the ideas and not from the publications one. This research search to demonstrate an architecture in movement through the rite concept, its pertinence in the history of the architecture as a language form. It discovers, also, the pertinence of this concept as four established categories as a base for the architecture, being these: significance, poetic, materiality and technique, and for them, the relationship is verified between rite and architecture.

Kubana Njila Diá Angola, travessias do ator-sacrário por entre as divindades angolanas

Cristiane Madeira Motta 18 September 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa que tem como eixo a relação entre o rito e o mito: A corporeidade existente nesta interseção e sua relação com o teatro. A partir da aquisição do conhecimento, do estudo e da prática das danças ritualísticas e da mitologia das divindades (minkisi), enquanto figuras arquetípicas do Camdomblé Angolano surge uma corporeidade para ser explorada pelo ator/performer na e para cena. Esta investigação se insere na Antropologia da Performance, valendo-se dos estudos de Schechner e Turner sobre a restauração do comportamento, por meio da transmissão, manipulação e transformação do rito e do mito em processo artístico e também na Antropologia da Corporeidade com a abordagem de Thomas Csordas sobre o corpo que é o sujeito da cultura e não apensas objeto desta. Da experiência dos corpos-fictícios surgidos das divindades emerge o Ator-Sacrário, como receptáculo desta cultura. A pesquisa foi realizada na prática com um grupo de atores amadores e profissionais, de modo consciente e sem transe religioso, onde se tem o registro do desenvolvimento de potências eficientes na e para improvisação a partir desta corporeidade adquirida. / This is a reserch that has as its axis the relationship between the rite and mith: the existent embodiment in this intersection and its relationship with the theater. From the acquisition of knowledge, study and practice of ritualistic dances and mythology of deities (minkisi) as archetipal figures from Candomble of Angola arises embodiment to be exploited by actor/performer in and for scene. This research is inserted into Anthropology of Performance, drawing upon studies by Schechner na Turner on the restoration of behavior through the transmission, manipulation and transformation of the rite and mith in the artistic process and also in Anthropology of Embodiment with Thomas Csorda´s approach on the body which is the subject of the culture and not only the object of this culture. From the experience of bodies-fictitious arisen from deities emerges the Actor-Sacrarium, as a receptacle of this culture. The research was carried out in practice with a group of Professional and amateur actors, in a conscious way and without religious trance, in which it was obtained the development Record of efficient potencies in and for improvising from this acquired embodiment.

Kubana Njila Diá Angola, travessias do ator-sacrário por entre as divindades angolanas

Motta, Cristiane Madeira 18 September 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa que tem como eixo a relação entre o rito e o mito: A corporeidade existente nesta interseção e sua relação com o teatro. A partir da aquisição do conhecimento, do estudo e da prática das danças ritualísticas e da mitologia das divindades (minkisi), enquanto figuras arquetípicas do Camdomblé Angolano surge uma corporeidade para ser explorada pelo ator/performer na e para cena. Esta investigação se insere na Antropologia da Performance, valendo-se dos estudos de Schechner e Turner sobre a restauração do comportamento, por meio da transmissão, manipulação e transformação do rito e do mito em processo artístico e também na Antropologia da Corporeidade com a abordagem de Thomas Csordas sobre o corpo que é o sujeito da cultura e não apensas objeto desta. Da experiência dos corpos-fictícios surgidos das divindades emerge o Ator-Sacrário, como receptáculo desta cultura. A pesquisa foi realizada na prática com um grupo de atores amadores e profissionais, de modo consciente e sem transe religioso, onde se tem o registro do desenvolvimento de potências eficientes na e para improvisação a partir desta corporeidade adquirida. / This is a reserch that has as its axis the relationship between the rite and mith: the existent embodiment in this intersection and its relationship with the theater. From the acquisition of knowledge, study and practice of ritualistic dances and mythology of deities (minkisi) as archetipal figures from Candomble of Angola arises embodiment to be exploited by actor/performer in and for scene. This research is inserted into Anthropology of Performance, drawing upon studies by Schechner na Turner on the restoration of behavior through the transmission, manipulation and transformation of the rite and mith in the artistic process and also in Anthropology of Embodiment with Thomas Csorda´s approach on the body which is the subject of the culture and not only the object of this culture. From the experience of bodies-fictitious arisen from deities emerges the Actor-Sacrarium, as a receptacle of this culture. The research was carried out in practice with a group of Professional and amateur actors, in a conscious way and without religious trance, in which it was obtained the development Record of efficient potencies in and for improvising from this acquired embodiment.

Women of the Fäbod : An Ethnological Study of the Swedish Fäbod Culture at the Turn of the 20th Century

Gray, Stina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning of womanhood in relation to the Swedish fäbod culture at the turn of the 20th century. The study is based upon a questionnaire from 1928 and the material is collected from the archives at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm and the Institute for Language and Folklore in Uppsala. Drawing upon gender and ritual theories, the study intends to gain an understanding for what it meant to be a woman of the fäbod by examining how fäbod herdswomen were culturally shaped and initiated into women both in relation to their place in the fäbod community of herdswomen, but also in respect to the wider community and society of which they were a part of.  The main conclusion of the study is that the journey into the fäbod woods can be seen as a rite of passage where adolescent girls going to the fäbod for the first time were initiated into the fäbod community of herdswomen. Womanhood is a cultural phenomenon in which women are culturally shaped and initiated into women not only by the codes, conceptions and values of the society at large, but also by the stories, customs and traditions of their local communities. The fäbod herdswomen were born into the gender power structures of a patriarchal society that sought to shape them into promising wives, and they were also women of the fäbod, initiated into the fäbod communitas, a form of female counterculture with its very own musical language, customs and traditions, and with its very own definitions of womanhood.

A dinâmica simbólico-ritual da iniciação a vida cristã: um estudo a partir do RICA e a sua aplicação na catequese infantil / The ritual symbolic dynamics of initiation the christian life: a study from the RICA and its implementation in child catechesis

Paro, Thiago Aparecido Faccini 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-25T11:54:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago Aparecido Faccini Paro.pdf: 1657489 bytes, checksum: c62424fe31ba2329d429912e10ebdb37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T11:54:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago Aparecido Faccini Paro.pdf: 1657489 bytes, checksum: c62424fe31ba2329d429912e10ebdb37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The ain of this study, reflection of methods and practices in the initiation process the Christian life of our communities, showing that not only an oral transmission of the faith. Its to have faith is experienced by the senses and celebrated conscious, and it is through experience and understanding of the ritual. We conduct a historical Christian Initiation in the early church, identifying the anthropological, cultural and theological foundations for a “Initiation” containing rituals and symbols. Since the Second Vatican Council had decreed the restoration of the catechumenate of adults lived in stages. The Rite of Christian Initiation (RICA), which rises from there, it becomes a valuable instrument of inspiration that must be recognized and valued by the communities. Rescued understanding of the initiation process of the early Church and the deeper understanding of the structure and dynamics celebratory ritual RICA, uniting catechesis and liturgy, comes a proposed application of the RICA child catechesis. The proposal is provocative and to achieve your goals you must uninstall routine and methodology as used today by many catechists who have not kept yearning manifested the Church as a whole experiences and documents. Are small actions, in the long run, will form a new assembly celebrant: active participants in and aware of what this celebrating / O presente trabalho teve, como objetivo, refletir sobre os métodos e práticas adotadas no processo de iniciação à vida cristã de nossas comunidades, mostrando que não basta apenas uma transmissão oral da fé. É preciso fazer com que a fé seja experimentada pelos sentidos e celebrada de maneira consciente, e isso se dá através da vivência e compreensão de toda ação ritual. Neste sentido, buscou-se fazer um resgate histórico da Iniciação Cristã da Igreja primitiva, identificando os fundamentos antropológicos, culturais e teológicos para uma “Iniciação” permeada por ritos e símbolos. Já o Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II havia decretado a restauração do catecumenato dos adultos vividos em etapas. O Ritual de Iniciação Cristã (RICA), que nasce a partir daí, torna-se um valioso instrumento de inspiração que deve ser reconhecido e valorizado pelas comunidades. Resgatando o entendimento do processo iniciático da Igreja primitiva e a e compreensão mais profunda da estrutura e dinâmica ritual celebrativa do RICA, unindo catequese e liturgia, surge uma proposta de aplicação do RICA a catequese infantil. A proposta é provocativa e para atingir seus objetivos deverá desinstalar a metodologia rotineira e tão utilizada ainda hoje por muitos catequistas que não têm acompanhado o anseio da Igreja manifestado em seu conjunto de experiências e documentos. São pequenas ações, que em longo prazo, poderão formar uma nova assembleia celebrante: ativa, participante e consciente do que esta celebrando

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