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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluierung von AJAX-basierten frameworks für das Web 2.0

Langer, André. Anders, Jörg. January 2007 (has links)
Chemnitz, Techn. Univ., Studienarb., 2007.

Estudo preliminar sobre o impacto da estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua em tarefa de multiplicação

Picinini, Rita dos Santos de Carvalho 27 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita dos Santos de Carvalho Picinini.pdf: 1897105 bytes, checksum: 40db215aab8bca0781df1d15de88b3d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-27 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / Different mathematical skills have been investigated over time and, with the advance of neuroimaging techniques, such as PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance), central components of arithmetical processing have been identified in the parietal and the pre-frontal cortices. Besides the advances of the neuroimaging techniques, other techniques such as non-invasive brain modulation have also been studied such as the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and the transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) in the involvement of cognitive functions in the area of calculation. This study aimed at investigating the impact of anodal TDCS applied over the left dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex (LDLPFC), right parietal cortex (RPC), left parietal cortex (LPC) while the subject was performing multiplication operations. Fifteen healthy volunteers, students of psychology, aged between 18 and 30 years old, have held subtests of the WAIS III and the multiplication task. The results showed that the anodal TDCS over the RPC improved the performance of men regarding the number of rightness. The influence of TDCS on volunteers who had worse performance took place not on complex tasks, but simple arithmetical ones. Besides, the influence of TDCS on volunteers who had better performance was in complex tasks, not simple ones. These results show that the effects of the TDCS on a certain function depend on the baseline values of each volunteer. The other stimulation conditions over the LDLPFC and LPC did not show any significant results. The TDCS can bring a beneficial effect in calculation tasks, depending on the intensity, polarity, time and location of stimulation, resulting in the increased or diminished cortex excitability. / Diferentes habilidades matemáticas vêm sendo investigadas ao longo dos tempos e, com o avanço das técnicas de neuroimagem, como PET (Tomografia por emissão de Pósitrons) e fMRI (ressonância magnética funcional) componentes centrais no processamento aritmético vêm sendo identificados em córtex parietal e pré-frontal. Além do avanço das técnicas de neuroimagem, outras técnicas como de modulação cerebral não-invasiva também vêm sendo estudadas, como Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana (EMT) e a Estimulação Transcraniana por Corrente Contínua (ETCC) no envolvimento das funções cognitivas com a área de cálculo. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto da ETCC anódica quando aplicada no Córtex Pré-Frontal Dorsolateral (CPFDLE), Córtex Parietal Direito (CPD), Córtex Parietal Esquerdo (CPE) no desempenho em operações de multiplicação. Quinze voluntários saudáveis, estudantes de psicologia, com faixa etária entre 18 e 30 anos, realizaram subtestes do WAIS III e a tarefa de multiplicação. Os resultados desse estudo mostraram que a ETCC anódica aplicada no CPD melhorou o desempenho dos homens em relação ao número de acertos. A influência da ETCC em participantes com pior desempenho em Aritmética se deu em tarefa simples de multiplicação, mas não complexa, ao passo que a influência da ETCC em participantes com melhor desempenho em Aritmética se deu em tarefa complexa de multiplicação, mas não em simples. Tais resultados sinalizam que os efeitos da estimulação em uma determinada função dependem dos valores de linha de base de cada participante As outras condições de estimulações, CPFDLE e CPE não resultaram em efeitos significativos. A ETCC pode produzir um efeito benéfico em tarefas de cálculo, dependendo da intensidade, polaridade, tempo e localização da estimulação, podendo resultar em aumento ou diminuição na excitabilidade do córtex.

Evaluierung von AJAX-basierten frameworks für das Web 2.0

Langer, André 20 April 2007 (has links)
„Remote Scripting“-Anwendungen erleben seit einigen Jahren einen regelrechten Anfrageboom. Während aus usability-Sicht bisher eine strikte Unterscheidung zwischen Desktop-Anwendungen und Webapplikationen herrschte, finden sich seit einiger Zeit zunehmend Angebote im World Wide Web, die diese strikte Trennung verwischen lassen. Interaktive Nutzerdialoge, nebenläufige Prozessabarbeitung und visuelle Unterstützungsmittel wie Drag & Drop- Effekte halten auf Webseiten Einzug, die dem Nutzer bisher nur aus eigenständigen Softwareprodukten in einer spezifischen Betriebssystemumgebung bekannt waren. Viele dieser neuen Anwendungs- und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten im weltweiten Datennetz werden inzwischen unter dem Oberbegriff Web 2.0 zusammengefasst. Für den Nutzer bringt dieser neue Entwicklungstrend viele Vorteile: Ansprechende, intuitive Nutzerführungen ohne die Notwendigkeit, eine ganze Internetseite bei jedem Interaktionsschritt neu zu laden und ohne bemerkbaren zeitlichen Overhead. Was für den Nutzer Erleichterung bringen soll, bedeutet häufig für einen Programmierer zunächst Mehraufwand. Eine Technik zur Realisierung solcher so genannten Rich Internet Applications, die sich in den letzten beiden Jahren immer mehr in den Vordergrund gedrängt hat, wird unter der Bezeichnung AJAX zusammengefasst. Einen einheitlichen Standard gibt es dabei nicht, sodass fast täglich neue AJAX-basierte frameworks veröffentlicht werden, die dem Programmierer (wenigstens einen Teil der) Komplexität der Programmflusssteuerung abnehmen sollen. Aufgabe der Studienarbeit soll es daher sein, das inzwischen unüberschaubar gewordene Angebot an AJAX frameworks zu systematisieren und einen Überblick über Vor- und Nachteile ausgewählter Programmbibliotheken zu geben. Dafür ist ein Kriterienkatalog zu erarbeiten, der eine Bewertung der verschiedenen frameworks nach unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten ermöglicht. Besonderer Schwerpunkt ist dabei auf Kriterien aus Programmierersicht (Sprachunabhängigkeit, Overhead, Implementierungsmöglichkeiten,…) und Anwendersicht (Plattformanforderungen, Einarbeitungszeit, Ergebnisqualität, …) zu legen. Auf den Kriterienkatalog ist anschließend eine Auswahl an bereits existierenden, frei verfügbaren AJAX frameworks anzuwenden, die als zukünftig relevant eingeschätzt werden. Die Ergebnisse sind abschließend in einer Gesamtübersicht zu präsentieren, die eine objektive Empfehlung für Nutzer darstellen soll, die vor der Wahl stehen, welche AJAX Programmbibliothek sie zukünftig einsetzen sollten.

Informační systém realitní kanceláře / Information System for Estate Agency

Dudík, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with the requirements analysis of the online content management system of real estate agency. The aim of the work is to suggest and implement this system. The emphasis is mainly on the possibility of data synchronization with Czech real estate servers. On the basis of the appreciation of several different methods used for the data exchange there are illustrated their benefits and disadvantages. Ascertained matter will be used for the proposal of the method of synchronization among real estate systems. System is built by using PHP 5 and MySQL, XML, XSLT, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML-RPC technologies.

Spektroskopie und Polarimetrie kleinskaliger magnetischer Strukturen der Sonnenoberfläche mit Methoden der Bildrekonstruktion / Spectroscopy and polarimetry of small-scale magnetic structures on the solar surface with image restoration techniques

Koschinsky, Markus 03 May 2001 (has links)
No description available.


Huebner, Uwe 09 August 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer Informatik) der TU Chemnitz. Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨


09 August 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer Informatik) der TU Chemnitz. Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit / Webanwendungen unter Verwendung des Google Web Toolkits

von Wenckstern, Michael 04 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project. / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit

von Wenckstern, Michael 05 June 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources

Kleinskalige Magnetfelder der Sonne und ihr Einfluß auf Chromosphäre, Übergangszone und Korona / Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields and their Influence upon Chromosphere, Transition Region and Corona

Wilken, Volker 28 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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