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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of neural correlates of attention in mice with spectro-spatio-temporal approaches / En studie om neurala korrelater av uppmärksamhet hos möss med spektro-spatio-temporala tillvägagångssätt

Ortiz, Cantin January 2018 (has links)
While signatures of attention can be observed in widespread areas within and outside of cortex, the control of attention is thought to be regulated by higher cognitive brain areas, such as the prefrontal cortex. In their recent study on mice Kim et al. could show that successful allocation of attention is characterized by increased spiking of a specific type of inhibitory interneurons, the parvalbumin neurons, and higher oscillatory activity in the gamma band in the local prefrontal network. It was recently demonstrated that encoding of working memory in prefrontal areas is linked to bursts of gamma oscillations, a discontinuous network process characterized by short periods of intense power in the gamma band. The relationship between attention and working memory is unclear, and it is possible that these two cognitive processes share encoding principles. To address this gap, the electrophysiological data collected in the Carlén Lab have been analyzed with advanced spatio-temporal approaches. In particular, we have analyzed bursting gamma activity in medial prefrontal cortex during attentional processing and investigated the similarities to gamma bursting observed during working memory. Gamma-band bursts during attention were reliably detected with several methods. We have characterized several features of the bursts, including the occurrence, duration and amplitude. The neuronal firing rates during and outside of bursts have also been computed. We investigated the correlation between different criteria characterizing the gamma burst and successful vs failed allocation of attention. Control data were generated to discuss the obtained results. The aim of the study was to explore the hypothesis that the medial prefrontal cortex encodes attention trough gamma bursts, which could reveal some similarities and differences in coding of central cognitive processes. No clear difference was found in the characterization between successful and failed allocation of attention. In addition, results were very similar in control set and original data. No underlying mechanism could be identified from this analysis. Therefore, as the bursts occurring in the gamma band in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were not discriminative with respect to the different tested conditions, they do not seem to encode information related to attention. / Även fast flera olika hjärnområdens aktivitet kan korreleras med uppmärksamhet, anses kontrollen av uppmärksamhet regleras av högre kognitiva hjärnområden, såsom främre hjärnbarken. I en nyligen publicerad artikel studerade Kim et al. hjärnaktiviteten hos möss och kunde visa att en framgångsrik uppmärksamhet kännetecknas av en ökad aktivitet av en specifik typ av inhiberande nervceller, parvalbumin celler, och högre oscillerande aktivitet i gammafrekvens i främre hjärnbarkens lokala nätverk. Det har nyligen visats att kodning av arbetsminne i främre hjärnbarken är kopplat till utbrott av gamma-oscillationer, en diskontinuerlig nätverksprocess som kännetecknas av korta perioder av intensiva oscillationer av det lokala nätverket i gammafrekvens . Relationen mellan uppmärksamhet och arbetsminne är oklar, och det är möjligt att dessa två kognitiva processer delar kodningsprinciper. För att minska detta gap av kunskap har den elektrofysiologiska datan som samlats in i Carlén Lab analyserats med avancerade spatio-temporala tillvägagångssätt. I synnerhet har vi analyserat utbrott i gammaaktivitet i främre hjärnbarken under uppmärksamhet och undersökt likheterna med gamma- utbrott observerade under arbetsminne. Gamma-bandutbrott under uppmärksamhet påvisades på ett tillförlitligt sätt med flera metoder. Vi har karaktäriserat flera funktioner hos utbrotten, inklusive förekomsten, varaktigheten och amplituden. De enskilda cellernas aktivitet undersöktes även under och utanför utprotten av gamma-oscillationer. Vi undersökte sambandet mellan de olika kriterier som karakteriserar gamma-utbrott under framgångsrik mot misslyckad allokering av uppmärksamhet. Kontrolldata genererades för att diskutera de erhållna resultaten. Syftet med studien var att utforska hypotesen att den främre hjärnbarken kodar uppmärksamhet genom gamma-utbrott, vilket kan avslöja vissa likheter och skillnader i kodning av centrala kognitiva processer. Ingen klar skillnad hittades i karaktäriseringen mellan framgångsrik och misslyckad allokering av uppmärksamhet. Dessutom var resultaten mycket likartade i kontrolluppsättningen och den ursprungliga datan. Ingen underliggande mekanism kunde identifieras ur denna analys. Eftersom de utbrott som uppstod i gamma-bandet i främre hjärnbarken inte var unika med hänsyn till de olika testade förhållandena, tycks de därför inte koda information relaterad till uppmärksamhet.

Vérification de la pléiotropie en randomisation mendélienne : évaluation méthodologique et application à l'estimation de l'effet causal de l'adiposité sur la pression artérielle

Mbutiwi, Fiston Ikwa Ndol 07 1900 (has links)
Introduction La randomisation mendélienne (RM) est une approche de plus en plus populaire dans les études observationnelles qui utilise des variants génétiques (habituellement des polymorphismes mononucléotidiques ou single-nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) associés à une exposition (hypothèse 1 ou pertinence) comme instruments pour estimer l’effet causal de cette exposition sur une issue, en assumant l’absence de confusion entre l’instrument et l’issue (hypothèse 2 ou indépendance) et l’absence d’un effet de l’instrument sur l’issue en dehors de l’exposition (hypothèse 3 ou restriction d’exclusion). Cependant, la validité des résultats de la RM est menacée par la pléiotropie, phénomène biologique par lequel un SNP affecte distinctement l’exposition et l’issue, qui est l’une des principales causes de violation de la restriction d’exclusion. Cette thèse examine certains défis méthodologiques pratiques de la RM relatifs à la vérification de la restriction d’exclusion et à la validité des résultats à travers trois principaux objectifs : 1) cartographier comment les chercheurs en RM préviennent, détectent et/ou contrôlent, et discutent des violations potentielles de la restriction d'exclusion dues notamment à la pléiotropie ; 2) évaluer la performance de la méthode basée sur la confusion positive, qui compare les estimés ponctuels de l’effet de l’exposition sur l’issue obtenus par la RM et par la régression conventionnelle, dans la détection des instruments invalides dans plusieurs contextes pratiques d’études de RM ; et 3) examiner l’impact des méthodes courantes de gestion de la médication antihypertensive dans les études de RM modélisant la pression artérielle (PA) sur l'estimation de l’effet causal et la détection des violations potentielles de la restriction d'exclusion. Méthodes Pour l’objectif 1, une revue de littérature de 128 études de RM ayant utilisé au moins un SNP sur le gène FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) comme instrument de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) a été réalisée. La façon dont les auteurs préviennent, évaluent ou contrôlent, et discutent des violations potentielles de la restriction d’exclusion dues notamment à la pléiotropie a été examinée. Pour l’objectif 2, une étude de simulation statistique considérant des contextes d’études de RM utilisant comme instrument un SNP ou un score de risque génétique (genetic risk score, GRS), une issue continue ou binaire, dans des scénarios évaluant l’impact de la taille de l’échantillon et du type de pléiotropie (indirect ou direct), a été réalisée. La performance de la méthode basée sur la confusion positive a été définie comme le pourcentage de jeux de données simulés dans lesquels la méthode détectait des instruments invalides. Pour l’objectif 3, une étude de RM de l’association entre l’IMC et la PA systolique (PAS) a été réalisée. Les méthodes de gestion de la médication antihypertensive examinées étaient : (i) pas de correction, (ii) inclure la médication dans les modèles comme une covariable d’ajustement, (iii) exclure de l’analyse les sujets traités aux antihypertenseurs, (iv) ajouter une valeur constante de 15 mm Hg aux valeurs mesurées de la PAS chez les sujets traités aux antihypertenseurs, et (v) utiliser comme issue un indicateur binaire de l'hypertension. Résultats Il existe une pléthore de méthodes utilisées dans les études de RM dont certaines peuvent être sous-optimales à prévenir, détecter ou contrôler le biais dû à l’inclusion des SNPs pléiotropiques. Les simulations statistiques montrent qu’en RM utilisant un SNP comme instrument, la méthode basée sur la confusion positive est performante à détecter l’invalidité de l’instrument lorsque la pléiotropie est directe plutôt qu’indirecte, indépendamment de l’issue, mais la performance de la méthode s’améliore avec l’augmentation de taille de l’échantillon. En revanche, la méthode est moins performante à détecter l’invalidité lorsque l’instrument est un GRS, mais sa performance augmente avec la proportion des SNPs invalides inclus dans le GRS. Enfin, les estimations de la RM varient énormément selon la stratégie de gestion de la médication antihypertensive choisie, contrairement à la détection des violations de la restriction d’exclusion qui n’en est pas affectée. Conclusion Cette thèse met de l’avant certaines difficultés méthodologiques dans les applications de la RM et l’importance de la triangulation de plusieurs méthodes dans la vérification des hypothèses de RM. Le champ de la RM est en plein essor, et des nouvelles méthodes sont souvent proposées. Il devient important non seulement de les évaluer, mais aussi d’en détailler l’utilisation et les hypothèses sous-jacentes pour une utilisation optimale en complément aux méthodes existantes. / Introduction Mendelian randomization (MR) is an increasingly popular technique in observational studies that uses genetic variants (usually single-nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) associated with an exposure (Assumption 1 or relevance) as instruments to estimate the causal effect of that exposure on an outcome, assuming no confounding between the instrument and the outcome (Assumption 2 or independence) and no effect of the instrument on the outcome outside of its association with the exposure (Assumption 3 or exclusion restriction). However, the validity of the MR results is challenged by pleiotropy, the biological phenomenon whereby a SNP distinctly affects the exposure and the outcome, which is one of the leading causes of violation of the exclusion restriction assumption. This thesis examines some practical MR methodological challenges related to the assessment of the exclusion restriction and the validity of MR results through three main objectives: 1) to examine how MR researchers prevent, detect, and/or control for, and discuss potential violations of the exclusion restriction due especially to pleiotropy; 2) to evaluate the performance of the leveraging positive confounding (LPC) method that compares the MR and the conventional point estimates in detecting invalid instruments in several practical MR settings; and 3) to examine the impact of commonly used methods of accounting for antihypertensive medication in MR studies modeling blood pressure (BP) on the estimation of the causal effect and the detection of potential violations of the exclusion restriction. Methods For Objective 1, a literature review of 128 MR studies that used at least one SNP in the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene as an instrument for body mass index (BMI) was conducted to examined how the authors prevent, detect, or control, and discuss potential violations of the exclusion restriction, especially due to pleiotropy. For Objective 2, a simulation study considering MR analyse settings using single SNP or genetic risk score (GRS) as an instrument, continuous or binary outcome, in scenarios evaluating the impact of sample size and type of pleiotropy (indirect vs. direct) was performed. The performance of the LPC method was assessed as the percentage of simulated datasets in which the LPC method detected invalid instruments. For Objective 3, an MR study of the association between BMI and systolic BP (SBP) was performed. The methods for accounting for antihypertensive medication examined were: (i) no adjustment, (ii) include medication in the models as an adjustment covariate, (iii) exclude from the analysis subjects treated with antihypertensive medication, (iv) add a constant value of 15 mm Hg to the measured values of SBP in subjects using antihypertensive medication, and (v) use as outcome a binary indicator of hypertension. Results There exists a plethora of methods used in MR studies, some of which may be suboptimal for preventing, detecting, or controlling for bias due to the inclusion of pleiotropic SNPs. Statistical simulations show that in MR using single SNP as an instrument, the LPC method performs better at detecting invalidity of the instrument when the pleiotropy is direct than indirect, regardless of the outcome, although the performance of the method improves with increasing sample size. In contrast, the method performs less well in detecting invalidity when the instrument is a GRS, but its performance increases with the proportion of invalid SNPs included in the GRS. Finally, MR estimates change greatly depending on the chosen strategy of accounting for antihypertensive medication in contrast to the detection of exclusion restriction violations which is not impacted. Conclusion This present thesis highlights some of the methodological challenges in MR applications and the importance of triangulating multiple methods when assessing the MR assumptions. The MR field is booming, and new methods are often proposed. Therefore, it is important to evaluate these methods as well as to detail their application and underlying assumptions for optimal use as a complement to existing methods.

Bayesian Off-policy Sim-to-Real Transfer for Antenna Tilt Optimization

Larsson Forsberg, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Choosing the correct angle of electrical tilt in a radio base station is essential when optimizing for coverage and capacity. A reinforcement learning agent can be trained to make this choice. If the training of the agent in the real world is restricted or even impossible, alternative methods can be used. Training in simulation combined with an approximation of the real world is one option that comes with a set of challenges associated with the reality gap. In this thesis, a method based on Bayesian optimization is implemented to tune the environment in which domain randomization is performed to improve the quality of the simulation training. The results show that using Bayesian optimization to find a good subset of parameters works even when access to the real world is constrained. Two off- policy estimators based on inverse propensity scoring and direct method evaluation in combination with an offline dataset of previously collected cell traces were tested. The method manages to find an isolated subspace of the whole domain that optimizes the randomization while still giving good performance in the target domain. / Rätt val av elektrisk antennvinkel för en radiobasstation är avgörande när täckning och kapacitetsoptimering (eng. coverage and capacity optimization) görs för en förstärkningsinlärningsagent. Om träning av agenten i verkligheten är besvärlig eller till och med omöjlig att genomföra kan olika alternativa metoder användas. Simuleringsträning kombinerad med en skattningsmodell av verkligheten är ett alternativ som har olika utmaningar kopplade till klyftan mellan simulering och verkligheten (eng. reality gap). I denna avhandling implementeras en lösning baserad på Bayesiansk Optimering med syftet att anpassa miljön som domänrandomisering sker i för att förbättra kvaliteten på simuleringsträningen. Resultatet visar att Bayesiansk Optimering kan användas för att hitta ett urval av fungerande parametrar även när tillgången till den faktiska verkligheten är begränsad. Två skattningsmodeller baserade på invers propensitetsviktning och direktmetodutvärdering i kombination med ett tidigare insamlat dataset av nätverksdata testades. Den tillämpade metoden lyckas hitta ett isolerat delrum av parameterrymden som optimerar randomiseringen samtidigt som prestationen i verkligheten hålls på en god nivå.

Singular Mean-Field Control and Games and Control Randomisation with Applications to Reinforcement Learning

Denkert, Robert 28 January 2025 (has links)
Diese Dissertation behandelt zwei Hauptthemen: Mean-Field-Kontrollprobleme (MFC)/-Spiele (MFG) mit mehrdimensionalen singulären Kontrollen sowie den Kontrollrandomisierungsansatz und dessen Anwendungen im Reinforcement Learning. Das erste Kapitel führt MFC-Probleme mit singulären Kontrollen ein, bei denen die Kosten von Zustand, Kontrolle und deren gemeinsamer Verteilung abhängen. Mittels Two-Layer-Parametrisierungen stellen wir die Zielfunktion über stetige Funktionen von Parametrisierung dar, leiten ein dynamisches Programmierungsprinzip (DPP) her und charakterisieren die Wertfunktion als minimale Supersolution einer quasi-variationellen Ungleichung im Wasserstein-Raum. Im zweiten Kapitel betrachten wir MFGs, bei denen Einfluss und Kosten der singulären Kontrolle vom Zustand und der Kontrolle abhängen. Wir führen MFGs von Parametrisierungen ein und zeigen, dass die Zielfunktion auf der Menge der Parametrisierungen stetig ist. Wir beweisen die Existenz von Nash-Gleichgewichten sowohl im MFG der Parametrisierungen als auch im MFG mit singulären Kontrollen. Das dritte Kapitel behandelt MFC-Probleme mit gemeinsamem Rauschen mittels des Kontrollrandomisierungsansatzes, bei dem wir den Kontrollprozess durch einen Poisson-Punktprozess ersetzen und stattdessen dessen Intensität kontrollieren. Nach Reformulierung zulässiger Kontrollen als L0-wertige Prozesse, nur angepasst an das gemeinsame Rauschen, konstruieren wir ein äquivalentes randomisiertes Kontrollproblem und stellen die Wertfunktion mittels einer Rückwärts-Stochastischen-Differentialgleichung (BSDE) dar und leiten ein DPP her. Das vierte Kapitel entwickelt ein Policy-Gradient-Framework für Continuous-Time Reinforcement Learning, basierend auf dem Zusammenhang zwischen stochastischen Kontrollproblemen und randomisierten Problemen. Wir leiten eine Policy-Gradient-Darstellung mit Intensität-Policies her und entwickeln Actor-Critic-Algorithmen, veranschaulicht anhand von Optimal-Switching-Problemen im Energiesektor. / This thesis explores two main areas: mean-field control (MFC)/games (MFG) with multi-dimensional singular controls and the control randomisation approach together with its applications to reinforcement learning. The first chapter introduces MFC problems with singular controls and costs depending on the state, control, and their joint law. Using novel two-layer parametrisations, we rewrite rewards in terms of continuous functions of parametrisation of the control process, derive a dynamic programming principle (DPP) and characterise the value function as the minimal supersolution to a quasi-variational inequality in the Wasserstein space. The second chapter extends this framework to MFGs where both the impact and costs of singular controls depend on the state and control. We introduce a novel class of MFGs with a broader set of admissible controls, called MFGs of parametrisations, prove that the reward functional is continuous on the set of parametrisations and establish the existence of Nash equilibria in both the MFG of parametrisations and the underlying MFG with singular controls. The third chapter addresses MFC problems with common noise using the control randomisation technique, replacing the control process with a Poisson point process, controlling its intensity instead. By reformulating admissible controls as L0-valued processes adapted only to the common noise, we construct an equivalent randomised control problem and represent the value function via a backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) with constrained jumps and derive a randomised DPP. The fourth chapter develops a policy gradient framework for continuous-time reinforcement learning based on the connection between stochastic control and randomised problems. We derive a new policy gradient representation featuring parametrised intensity policies and develop tailored actor-critic algorithms, demonstrated via numerical case studies of optimal switching problems in the energy sector.

Insulin Resistance : Causes, biomarkers and consequences

Nowak, Christoph January 2017 (has links)
The worldwide increasing number of persons affected by largely preventable diseases like diabetes demands better prevention and treatment. Insulin is required for effective utilisation of circulating nutrients. Impaired responsiveness to insulin (insulin resistance, IR) is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and independently raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. The pathophysiology of IR is incompletely understood. High-throughput measurement of large numbers of circulating biomarkers may provide new insights beyond established risk factors. The aims of this thesis were to (i) use proteomics, metabolomics and genomics methods in large community samples to identify biomarkers of IR; (ii) assess biomarkers for risk prediction and insights into aetiology and consequences of IR; and (iii) use Mendelian randomisation analysis to assess causality. In Study I, analysis of 80 circulating proteins in 70-to-77-year-old Swedes identified cathepsin D as a biomarker for IR and highlighted a tentative causal effect of IR on raised plasma tissue plasminogen activator levels. In Study II, nontargeted fasting plasma metabolomics was used to discover 52 metabolites associated with glycaemic traits in non-diabetic 70-year-old men. Replication in independent samples of several thousand persons provided evidence for a causal effect of IR on reduced plasma oleic acid and palmitoleic acid levels. In Study III, nontargeted metabolomics in plasma samples obtained at three time points during an oral glucose challenge in 70-year-old men identified associations between a physiologic measure of IR and concentration changes in medium-chain acylcarnitines, monounsaturated fatty acids, bile acids and lysophosphatidylethanolamines. Study IV provided evidence in two large longitudinal cohorts for causal effects of type 2 diabetes and impaired insulin secretion on raised coronary artery disease risk. In conclusion, the Studies in this thesis provide new insights into the pathophysiology and adverse health consequences of IR and illustrate the value of combining traditional epidemiologic designs with recent molecular techniques and bioinformatics methods. The results provide limited evidence for the role of circulating proteins and small molecules in IR and require replication in separate studies and validation in experimental designs.

Genetics and molecular epidemiology of metabolic syndrome-related traits:focus on metabolic profiling of lipid-lowering therapies and fatty liver, and the role of genetic factors in inflammatory load

Sliz, E. (Eeva) 14 May 2019 (has links)
Abstract Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of metabolic abnormalities predisposing to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), type 2 diabetes, and increased mortality. Due to the high prevalence and severe co-morbidities, metabolic syndrome constitutes a major burden for both public health and the global economy. Improved understanding of the detailed molecular mechanisms could provide novel strategies for the treatment and preferably prevention of the metabolic syndrome-related health issues. Recent advancements in ‘omics’ technologies have facilitated the development of novel tools to examine the links between genetic variation and human health. The new techniques allow determination of millions of genotypes or quantification of hundreds of metabolic measures from a single blood sample. In this thesis, genomics and metabolomics approaches are coupled to improve our understanding of the metabolic syndrome-related health issues. More precisely, my projects evaluate the metabolic effects of two lipid-lowering therapies and non-alcoholic fatty liver, as well as assess genetic determinants of chronic inflammation. The present results indicate generally consistent metabolic effects of statins and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) genetic inhibition. The subtle discrepancies observed could potentially contribute to differences in the efficacy to lower CVD risk between statins and PCSK9 inhibitors. The dissimilar metabolic effects of the four genetic variants that increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) highlight the heterogeneity of the molecular mechanisms involved in NAFLD pathogenesis. The results further suggest that fatty liver by itself might not promote unfavourable metabolic aberrations associated with fatty liver on a population level. The newly identified loci associating with inflammatory phenotypes elucidate the genetic mechanisms contributing to the inflammatory load. In particular, the present results suggest the important role of the locus determining the ABO blood types in the regulation of the soluble adhesion molecule levels. To conclude, this thesis successfully complements the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in metabolic syndrome-related traits and provides examples of how to couple omics technologies in the study of complex traits or in the evaluation of drug effects. / Tiivistelmä Metabolinen oireyhtymä on tila, jossa useiden aineenvaihdunnallisten riskitekijöiden kasautuminen suurentaa riskiä sairastua tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin sekä lisää kokonaiskuolleisuutta. Vakavista liitännäissairauksista ja suuresta esiintyvyydestä johtuen metabolinen oireyhtymä kuormittaa merkittävästi sekä terveydenhuoltoa että kansantaloutta. Jotta metabolisen oireyhtymän hoitoon ja ennaltaehkäisyyn voitaisiin kehittää uusia keinoja, on tärkeää ymmärtää paremmin oireyhtymän syntyyn vaikuttavat täsmälliset molekyylimekanismit. Niin sanottujen ’omiikka-tekniikoiden’ viimeaikainen kehitys tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia tutkia geenimuutosten vaikutuksia terveyteen. Uusien tekniikoiden avulla voidaan määrittää miljoonia genotyyppejä tai satoja aineenvaihdunnan merkkiaineita yhdestä verinäytteestä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä yhdistetään genomiikan ja metabolomiikan menetelmiä metaboliseen oireyhtymään liittyvien terveysongelmien tutkimiseksi. Väitöskirjani osatöissä arvioin kahden lipidilääkkeen sekä ei-alkoholiperäisen rasvamaksan aineenvaihdunnallisia vaikutuksia sekä pyrin tunnistamaan krooniseen tulehdukseen vaikuttavia geneettisiä tekijöitä. Tulosten mukaan statiinien ja PCSK9:n (engl. proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) geneettisen eston aineenvaihduntavaikutukset ovat hyvin samankaltaiset. Kuitenkin havaitut pienet poikkeavuudet tietyissä merkkiaineissa voivat vaikuttaa eroavaisuuksiin siinä, kuinka tehokkaasti lääkeaineet alentavat sydäntautiriskiä. Suuret erot rasvamaksan riskiä lisäävien geenimuutosten vaikutuksissa aineenvaihduntaan korostavat rasvamaksaan liittyvien molekyylimekanismien monimuotoisuutta. Tulosten perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että rasvan kertyminen maksaan ei luultavasti itsessään aiheuta suuria muutoksia verenkierron aineenvaihduntatuotteiden pitoisuuksiin. Tulehdusmerkkiaineisiin assosioituvat uudet geenialueet täydentävät tulehduksen molekyylimekanismeihin liittyvää tietoa. Tulokset korostavat ABO-veriryhmän määräävän geenin vaikutusta liukoisten adheesiomolekyylien pitoisuuksiin. Kaiken kaikkiaan väitöskirjan osatyöt tuovat uutta tietoa metaboliseen oireyhtymään liittyvien terveysongelmien molekyylimekanismeihin. Projektit havainnollistavat, miten omiikka-tekniikoita voidaan hyödyntää monitekijäisten fenotyyppien tutkimuksessa sekä lääkeaineiden aineenvaihduntavaikutusten arvioinnissa.

Wi-Fi tracking : Fingerprinting attacks and counter-measures / Traçage Wi-Fi : Attaques par prise d'empreinte et contre-mesures

Matte, Célestin 07 December 2017 (has links)
Le récent développement des appareils portatifs possédant une interface Wi-Fi (smartphones, tablettes et « wearables ») s'accompagne d'une menace sur la vie privée de leurs utilisateurs, et sur la société toute entière. Ces appareils émettent en continu des signaux pouvant être capturés par un attaquant passif, à l'aide de matériel peu coûteux et de connaissances basiques. Ces signaux contiennent un identifiant unique appelé l'adresse MAC. Pour faire face à cette menace, les acteurs du secteur déploient actuellement une contre-mesure sur les appareils récents: le changement aléatoire de l'adresse MAC. Malheureusement, nous montrons que cette mesure, dans son état actuel, n'est pas suffisante pour empêcher le traçage des appareils. Pour cela, nous introduisons plusieurs attaques basées sur le contenu et la répartition temporelle des signaux. En complément, nous étudions les implémentations du changement aléatoire de l'adresse MAC sur des appareils récents, et trouvons un certain nombre de manquements limitant l'efficacité de ces implémentations à prévenir le traçage. En parallèle, nous effectuons deux études de terrain. La première s'attaque au développement des acteurs exploitant les problèmes cités plus haut afin d'installer des systèmes de traçage basés sur le Wi-Fi. Nous listons certaines de ces installations et examinons plusieurs aspects de ces systèmes : leur régulation, les implications en terme de vie privée, les questions de consentement et leur acceptation par le public. La seconde étude concerne la progression du changement aléatoire d'adresse MAC dans la population des appareils. Finalement, nous présentons deux outils : le premier est un système de traçage expérimental développé pour effectuer des tests et sensibiliser le public aux problèmes de vie privée liés à de tels systèmes. Le second estime l'unicité d'un appareil en se basant sur le contenu des signaux qu'il émet, même si leur identifiant est modifié. / The recent spread of everyday-carried Wi-Fi-enabled devices (smartphones, tablets and wearable devices) comes with a privacy threat to their owner, and to society as a whole. These devices continuously emit signals which can be captured by a passive attacker using cheap hardware and basic knowledge. These signals contain a unique identifier, called the MAC address. To mitigate the threat, device vendors are currently deploying a countermeasure on new devices: MAC address randomization. Unfortunately, we show that this mitigation, in its current state, is insufficient to prevent tracking. To do so, we introduce several attacks, based on the content and the timing of emitted signals. In complement, we study implementations of MAC address randomization in some recent devices, and find a number of shortcomings limiting the efficiency of these implementations at preventing device tracking. At the same time, we perform two real-world studies. The first one considers the development of actors exploiting this issue to install Wi-Fi tracking systems. We list some real-world installations and discuss their various aspects, including regulation, privacy implications, consent and public acceptance. The second one deals with the spread of MAC address randomization in the devices population. Finally, we present two tools: an experimental Wi-Fi tracking system for testing and public awareness raising purpose, and a tool estimating the uniqueness of a device based on the content of its emitted signals even if the identifier is randomized.

Solving dense linear systems on accelerated multicore architectures / Résoudre des systèmes linéaires denses sur des architectures composées de processeurs multicœurs et d’accélerateurs

Rémy, Adrien 08 July 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de doctorat, nous étudions des algorithmes et des implémentations pour accélérer la résolution de systèmes linéaires denses en utilisant des architectures composées de processeurs multicœurs et d'accélérateurs. Nous nous concentrons sur des méthodes basées sur la factorisation LU. Le développement de notre code s'est fait dans le contexte de la bibliothèque MAGMA. Tout d'abord nous étudions différents solveurs CPU/GPU hybrides basés sur la factorisation LU. Ceux-ci visent à réduire le surcoût de communication dû au pivotage. Le premier est basé sur une stratégie de pivotage dite "communication avoiding" (CALU) alors que le deuxième utilise un préconditionnement aléatoire du système original pour éviter de pivoter (RBT). Nous montrons que ces deux méthodes surpassent le solveur utilisant la factorisation LU avec pivotage partiel quand elles sont utilisées sur des architectures hybrides multicœurs/GPUs. Ensuite nous développons des solveurs utilisant des techniques de randomisation appliquées sur des architectures hybrides utilisant des GPU Nvidia ou des coprocesseurs Intel Xeon Phi. Avec cette méthode, nous pouvons éviter l'important surcoût du pivotage tout en restant stable numériquement dans la plupart des cas. L'architecture hautement parallèle de ces accélérateurs nous permet d'effectuer la randomisation de notre système linéaire à un coût de calcul très faible par rapport à la durée de la factorisation. Finalement, nous étudions l'impact d'accès mémoire non uniformes (NUMA) sur la résolution de systèmes linéaires denses en utilisant un algorithme de factorisation LU. En particulier, nous illustrons comment un placement approprié des processus légers et des données sur une architecture NUMA peut améliorer les performances pour la factorisation du panel et accélérer de manière conséquente la factorisation LU globale. Nous montrons comment ces placements peuvent améliorer les performances quand ils sont appliqués à des solveurs hybrides multicœurs/GPU. / In this PhD thesis, we study algorithms and implementations to accelerate the solution of dense linear systems by using hybrid architectures with multicore processors and accelerators. We focus on methods based on the LU factorization and our code development takes place in the context of the MAGMA library. We study different hybrid CPU/GPU solvers based on the LU factorization which aim at reducing the communication overhead due to pivoting. The first one is based on a communication avoiding strategy of pivoting (CALU) while the second uses a random preconditioning of the original system to avoid pivoting (RBT). We show that both of these methods outperform the solver using LU factorization with partial pivoting when implemented on hybrid multicore/GPUs architectures. We also present new solvers based on randomization for hybrid architectures for Nvidia GPU or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. With this method, we can avoid the high cost of pivoting while remaining numerically stable in most cases. The highly parallel architecture of these accelerators allow us to perform the randomization of our linear system at a very low computational cost compared to the time of the factorization. Finally we investigate the impact of non-uniform memory accesses (NUMA) on the solution of dense general linear systems using an LU factorization algorithm. In particular we illustrate how an appropriate placement of the threads and data on a NUMA architecture can improve the performance of the panel factorization and consequently accelerate the global LU factorization. We show how these placements can improve the performance when applied to hybrid multicore/GPU solvers.

Three essays in matching mechanism design

Nesterov, Alexander 26 September 2016 (has links)
In diese Dissertation, betrachte ich das Problem der Aufteilung der unteilbaren Objekte unter Agenten, ihren Vorlieben entsprechend, und die Transfers fehlen. In Kapitel 1 studiere ich den Kompromiss zwischen Fairness und Effizienz in der Klasse der strategy-proof Aufteilungsmechanismen. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass für die strategy-proof Mechanismen folgende Effizienz- und Fairness-Kriterien nicht miteinander vereinbar sind: (1) Ex-post-Effizienz und Neidfreiheit, (2) Ordnung-Effizienz und schwache Neidfreiheit und (3) Ordnung-Effizienz und gleiche-Teilung-untere-Grenze. In Kapitel 2 ist der Fokus auf zwei Darstellungen einer Zuteilung: als probabilistische Zuordnung und als Lotterie über deterministische Zuordnungen. Um die Gestaltung der praktischen Lotterie-Mechanismen zu erleichtern schlagen wir neue Werkzeuge für den Erhalt der stochastischen Verbesserungen bei Lotterien vor. Als Anwendungen schlagen wir Lotterie Mechanismen, die die weit verbreiteten Random serial dictatorship Mechanismus verbessern, und eine Lotterie-Darstellung seiner Konkurrent, die Probabilistic serial Mechanismus, vor. In Kapitel 3 schlage ich einen neuen Mechanismus vor, der Schüler an Grundschulen zuweist: Adaptive Acceptance (AA). AA sammelt von Neumann-Morgenstern Präferenzen von Studenten über Schulen und implementiert die Zuordnung unter Verwendung eines iterativen Verfahrens, das ähnlich der vorherrschenden Immediate Acceptance (IA) ist. AA verfügt über eine starke Kombination von Anreize und Effizienzeigenschaften im Vergleich zu IA und sein Rivale, Deferred Acceptance (DA). / I consider the problem of allocating indivisible objects among agents according to their preferences when transfers are absent. In Chapter 1, I study the tradeoff between fairness and efficiency in the class of strategy-proof allocation mechanisms. The main finding is that for strategy-proof mechanisms the following efficiency and fairness criteria are mutually incompatible: (1) Ex-post efficiency and envy-freeness, (2) ordinal efficiency and weak envy-freeness and (3) ordinal efficiency and equal division lower bound. In Chapter 2, the focus is on two representations of an allocation when randomization is used: as a probabilistic assignment and as a lottery over deterministic assignments. To help facilitate the design of practical lottery mechanisms, we provide new tools for obtaining stochastic improvements in lotteries. As applications, we propose lottery mechanisms that improve upon the widely-used random serial dictatorship mechanism, and a lottery representation of its competitor, the probabilistic serial mechanism. In Chapter 3, I propose a new mechanism to assign students to primary schools: the Adaptive Acceptance rule (AA). AA collects von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities of students over schools and implements the assignment using an iterative procedure similar to the prevalent Immediate Acceptance rule (IA). AA enjoys a strong combination of incentive and efficiency properties compared to IA and its rival, the Deferred Acceptance rule (DA). In case of strict priorities, AA implements the student-optimal stable matching in dominant strategies, which dominates each equilibrium outcome of IA. In case of no priorities, AA is ex-post efficient while some equilibrium outcomes of IA are not; also, AA causes loss of ex-ante efficiency less often than DA. If, in addition, students have common ordinal preferences, AA is approximately strategy-proof and ex-ante dominates DA.

Joint Source-Channel Coding Reliability Function for Single and Multi-Terminal Communication Systems

Zhong, Yangfan 15 May 2008 (has links)
Traditionally, source coding (data compression) and channel coding (error protection) are performed separately and sequentially, resulting in what we call a tandem (separate) coding system. In practical implementations, however, tandem coding might involve a large delay and a high coding/decoding complexity, since one needs to remove the redundancy in the source coding part and then insert certain redundancy in the channel coding part. On the other hand, joint source-channel coding (JSCC), which coordinates source and channel coding or combines them into a single step, may offer substantial improvements over the tandem coding approach. This thesis deals with the fundamental Shannon-theoretic limits for a variety of communication systems via JSCC. More specifically, we investigate the reliability function (which is the largest rate at which the coding probability of error vanishes exponentially with increasing blocklength) for JSCC for the following discrete-time communication systems: (i) discrete memoryless systems; (ii) discrete memoryless systems with perfect channel feedback; (iii) discrete memoryless systems with source side information; (iv) discrete systems with Markovian memory; (v) continuous-valued (particularly Gaussian) memoryless systems; (vi) discrete asymmetric 2-user source-channel systems. For the above systems, we establish upper and lower bounds for the JSCC reliability function and we analytically compute these bounds. The conditions for which the upper and lower bounds coincide are also provided. We show that the conditions are satisfied for a large class of source-channel systems, and hence exactly determine the reliability function. We next provide a systematic comparison between the JSCC reliability function and the tandem coding reliability function (the reliability function resulting from separate source and channel coding). We show that the JSCC reliability function is substantially larger than the tandem coding reliability function for most cases. In particular, the JSCC reliability function is close to twice as large as the tandem coding reliability function for many source-channel pairs. This exponent gain provides a theoretical underpinning and justification for JSCC design as opposed to the widely used tandem coding method, since JSCC will yield a faster exponential rate of decay for the system error probability and thus provides substantial reductions in complexity and coding/decoding delay for real-world communication systems. / Thesis (Ph.D, Mathematics & Statistics) -- Queen's University, 2008-05-13 22:31:56.425

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