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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Humanitära Interventioner : Dess moral, legalitet, och praktik

Uddén, Markus January 2007 (has links)
Humanitär intervention är ett begrepp inom internationella relationer som väcker många känslor och frågor. Trots att idén om att använda våld för att stoppa brott mot de mänskli-ga rättigheter kan verka attraktivt från ett moraliskt perspektiv, vilket man i århundraden har gjort, har denna praktik varit synnerligen oregelbunden. Detta i hög grad beroende på den ambivalens som finns inför de internationella normer som skall reglera staters använ-dande av militärt våld. Synen på humanitära interventioner har ändrats i överensstämmelse med de förändringar som skett inom det internationella systemet. Dessa ändringar har, till viss del, medfört en förändrad syn på de normer som legitimerar användandet av våld inom det internationella samfundet. Humanitära interventioner som begrepp och praktik innehåller många dilemman i vår tid. Detta eftersom det berör traditionella normer av suveränitet och ickeintervention, som är de främsta byggstenarna för det moderna internationella systemet, tillika del av Förenta Na-tionernas (FN) stadgar. Stater är i dag förbjudna att använda militärt våld som ett instru-ment i deras utrikespolitik, förutom i fall av självförsvar eller i kollektiva säkerhetsåtgärder, beslutade av FN:s säkerhetsråd. Det handlar även om att det finns traditionella normer som förbjuder intervention i andra staters interna angelägenheter. Dessutom ska allt militärt våld auktorernas av säkerhetsrådet, som har till uppgift att upprätthålla internationell fred och säkerhet. Med detta perspektiv för ögonen, är användandet av våld för att genomdriva internationella humanitära normer, mycket begränsad enligt internationell lag. Detta har i många situatio-ner skapat ett svart hål när det kommer till att stoppa allvarliga förbrytelser mot de mänsk-liga rättigheter, genom internationellt ingripande. Ovanstående har lett till att man börjat diskutera och ifrågasätta traditionella principer som har varit ledande för det internationella samarbetet, vilket i sin tur skulle kunna öppna vägen för vissa interventioner med humani-tära syften. Denna diskussion handlar om suveränitet, internationella lag och det handlar om moraliska ställningstaganden. Realismen har under lång tid varit den ledande skolan i internationella relationer och därmed lagt grunden för hur man ska tolka internationella konflikter, krigs-föring och interventioner. På senare tid har Realismen utmanats av andra teoretiska skolor och ställningstaganden som ifrågasätter Realismens förmåga att förklara händelser på den internationella arenan. Genom att jämföra Realismens ståndpunkter, gentemot humanitära interventioner, med Utilitarismen och den Kosmopolitiska skolan, har uppsatsen kunnat presentera olika bilder av den problematik som humanitära interventioner idag står inför och därmed måste för-hålla sig till. Igenom att granska konflikten i Rwanda 1994 och Kosovo 1999 har problema-tiken runt humanitära interventioner ytterligare kunnat belysas och diskuteras. Detta har skett genom en kvalitativ textanalys. Nyckelord: Humanitär Intervention, Suveränitet, Icke-intervention, Internationell lag, Rea-lism, Kosmopolitanism, Utilitarism, Moral / Humanitarian intervention is a concept within international relations that provoke many diverse feelings and questions. Although the idée too use force in the name of ending crimes against human rights may seem attractive from a moral perspective, its practise has been highly irregular. This is much due to the norms that regulate states use of military force. The view on humanitarian interventions has changed in unity with the changes that have appeared within the international system. These changes have, to some extent, brought on a transformation in how we look upon the norms that regulate the use of force within the international community. Humanitarian intervention is also a concept and practises that creates many dilemmas in our time. This because it touches and concerns traditional norms of sovereignty and non-intervention, that is not only fundamental building stones for the modern international system, but also a immense part of the structure of the United Nations (UN). States today, are forbidden to use military force as an integrated part of their foreign policy, except in cases of self-defence or collective security measures authorised by the UN Security Council. It is also about customary norms, which declare that states should not interfere in other states internal affaires. In the company of the above stated, the use of force to implement humanitarian norms is fairly limited according to international law. This has repeatedly created a gap when it comes to stop serious violations against human rights through international interference. The above stated has led to an intense discussion concerning how traditional principals may have to chance in ways that better can guide international cooperation’s in these matters. This discussion may in turn lead to an opening for some sort of interventions with humanitarian purposes. This discussion, furthermore, concerns sovereignty, international law, and it is about morality. Realism has for a long period of time been the leading school in international relations and has laid the ground for how we should interpret international conflicts, war and intervention. Recently, this school has been forced too respond to opposition from some other theoretical schools; questioning Realisms ability to explain activities on the international arena. By comparing Realism opinion toward humanitarian interventions, with the Utilitarian and Cosmopolitan school, this thesis has been able to present different pictures describe the complexity of humanitarian interventions. Through analyse of the conflicts taking place in Rwanda 1994 and in Kosovo 1999, the issue of humanitarian intervention has been further scrutinised and discussed. This has been done through a qualitative text analyse. Keywords: Humanitarian Intervention, Sovereignty, Non-intervention, International law, Realism, Cosmopolitanism, Utilitarianism, Morality

Le discernement en droit pénal / Discernment in criminal law

Petipermon, Frédérick 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le discernement est traditionnellement rattaché à l’étude de l’élément moral de l’infraction.Sous l’empire du Code pénal de 1810, des fondements de droit naturel sont à l’oeuvre, si bien que le discernement fut défini par emprunt au droit canon comme une aptitude à distinguer le bien du mal. Mais cette acception ne révèle pas la teneur originelle du critère du libre-arbitre :il correspondait à la connaissance de la loi divine dont le droit séculier n’était que le reflet.L’analyse du droit positif laïcisé invite à découvrir l’existence d’une présomption de connaissance de la loi toujours aussi impérative que dans les systèmes de pénalité antiques.Le discernement peut alors être défini comme une conscience réflexive : la connaissance des droits et devoirs reconnus à chaque personne, au sein de statuts juridiques que la prolifération des normes contribue à préciser. Aussi, la culpabilité n’est pas une connaissance de l’illicéité d’un résultat ; elle procède de l’ignorance des prescriptions légales chez celui qui est présumé en connaître l’existence. En procédure pénale, cette présomption devient protectrice des droits du mis en cause. Aucun acte coercitif ne peut être exercé à son encontre s’il n’a été avisé du statut dont il relève. Cette information assure ainsi la finalité rétributive de la peine chez celui qui n’ignore pas les raisons de sa condamnation. En tout état de cause, la soumission des individus au droit pénal est le seul objectif poursuivi en la matière, ce qui nécessite parfois la présence de victimes au procès pénal, à la seule fin de préserver leur foi en son impérativité. / Discernment is traditionally attached to the study of the « moral element » of the offense. Under the influence of the Penal Code of 1810, the foundations of natural law are at work, so that the discernment was defined by canon law as the ability to distinguish good from evil. But this understanding does not reveal the content of the original criterion of free will: it used to correspond to the knowledge of the divine law which secular law was only the reflection. The analysis of positive law secularized invites you to discover the existence of a presumption of knowledge of the law as imperative as it was in the systems of ancient penalty. Discernment can then be defined as a reflexive consciousness: the awareness of rights and obligations identified to each person within legal statutes that the proliferation of standards helps to clarify. Also, guilt is not a knowledge of the wrongfulness of an outcome; it proceeds fromignorance of the legal requirements in the person who is presumed to know of its existence. In criminal proceedings, this presumption becomes protective of the rights of the suspect. No coercive act can be exercised against him if he has not been notified of the status to which he belongs. This information ensures the retributive purpose of punishment, for the one who can’t ignore the reasons for his conviction. In any event, the submission of individuals to the established rules is the only objective of the criminal law, which might imply that it accepts the presence of victims in criminal proceedings, for the sole purpose of preserving their faith in his imperativity.

The interpretation and application of dolus eventualis in South African criminal law

Awa, Linus Tambu 11 1900 (has links)
An accused cannot be held criminally liable by a court until he is considered to be culpable, a process which entails establishing criminal capacity and intention (dolus) or negligence (culpa). Determining a perpetrator’s necessary intent in the form of dolus eventualis has proved to be a predicament in South African jurisprudence. This type of intent occurs when a person does not aim to cause the unlawful act, however, he subjectively foresees the likelihood that in pursuing with his conduct, the unlawful result will possibly happen, and he reconciles himself to this possibility. The problem with this form of intention, especially where the death of another is caused recklessly, is, amongst others, reservations as to whether the perpetrator’s foresight was of a real, reasonable or a remote possibility. This research examines the imperatives and rationale for preceding and current interpretations and applications of dolus eventualis and associate concepts in South African as well as in selected foreign legal frameworks in order to provide a comprehensive perspective on the subject. In this regard, the study challenges conflicting judgments on the application of dolus eventualis in domestic courts, especially as regards homicide- and putative private defence cases, amongst others. It is evidenced that in case law concerning dolus eventualis, legal rules were not properly articulated when determining this type of criminal intent. In this investigation, the legislative framework applicable to dolus eventualis under international law is also critically evaluated with the aim of facilitating the comprehension of this element in South African law. As the concept of dolus eventualis is an indispensable concept in South African criminal law, recommendations are proposed on the application and interpretation of dolus eventualis suitable to the South African landscape, which includes possible law reform. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. D. (Criminal and Procedural Law)

The social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in the Gauteng Province

Rahim, Haseena 01 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at examining the social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) on various stakeholders in Johannesburg. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect the Rea Vaya has had on users and non-users of the Rea Vaya system. The findings of this study suggest that the Rea Vaya is beneficial in that it provides an option in modes of transport for commuters, particularly for people who were historically disadvantaged and were not permitted to reside in the city during the apartheid era. BRT systems are designed to provide a safe, reliable and accessible public transport system. The Rea Vaya system is aimed at providing better public transport, reducing congestion, on public roads, improving the roads and creating jobs. The findings have shown that the Rea Vaya has not been successful in meeting all its aims. The Rea Vaya has not managed to provide an accessible transport system thus far. Traffic in the inner city has not been reduced as a modal shift has not yet occurred. Since the inception of the Rea Vaya system there has been resistance from the Taxi Industry. Despite negotiations and attempts made by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg to include the Taxi Industry in the Rea Vaya system, by making them shareholders of the system, the findings presented affirms that there is still resentment and resistance from the Taxi Industry towards the Rea Vaya system. The loss of revenue since the introduction of the Rea Vaya has caused a challenge for Taxi owners. Not only is it alleged that the Rea Vaya has affected the Taxi Industry, but the Rea Vaya infrastructure has caused a number of problems for private car users in the City. Private car users are inconvenienced by the designated bus lanes and lack of road signage in the city. These conclusions affirm that the Rea Vaya is not beneficial to all stakeholders in the City of Johannesburg. The experiences and opinions of users and non-users suggest that the system has a number of deficiencies. However some users of the system have benefited socially and economically. For some of the users the Rea Vaya has created a few opportunities; however the poor customer service from bus drivers and station staff was seen as a setback. Transit Orientated development in Johannesburg has not yet taken off. The government’s attempts to create mixed land use through the implementation of corridors of freedom are in its infant stages. Businesses across the Rea Vaya station found the Rea Vaya to have both positive and negative effects on their businesses. Some businesses found that the development of stations have added aesthetic value, however due to the frequency of Rea Vaya buses at stations, commuters would not wait for long periods of time and this resulted in fewer customers for businesses across the Rea Vaya station. The Rea Vaya system has provided a safe and reliable transport system in Johannesburg. However, the system is in its infant stages and has a number of deficiencies as presented in the findings of this study. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)

The social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in the Gauteng Province

Rahim, Haseena 01 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at examining the social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) on various stakeholders in Johannesburg. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect the Rea Vaya has had on users and non-users of the Rea Vaya system. The findings of this study suggest that the Rea Vaya is beneficial in that it provides an option in modes of transport for commuters, particularly for people who were historically disadvantaged and were not permitted to reside in the city during the apartheid era. BRT systems are designed to provide a safe, reliable and accessible public transport system. The Rea Vaya system is aimed at providing better public transport, reducing congestion, on public roads, improving the roads and creating jobs. The findings have shown that the Rea Vaya has not been successful in meeting all its aims. The Rea Vaya has not managed to provide an accessible transport system thus far. Traffic in the inner city has not been reduced as a modal shift has not yet occurred. Since the inception of the Rea Vaya system there has been resistance from the Taxi Industry. Despite negotiations and attempts made by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg to include the Taxi Industry in the Rea Vaya system, by making them shareholders of the system, the findings presented affirms that there is still resentment and resistance from the Taxi Industry towards the Rea Vaya system. The loss of revenue since the introduction of the Rea Vaya has caused a challenge for Taxi owners. Not only is it alleged that the Rea Vaya has affected the Taxi Industry, but the Rea Vaya infrastructure has caused a number of problems for private car users in the City. Private car users are inconvenienced by the designated bus lanes and lack of road signage in the city. These conclusions affirm that the Rea Vaya is not beneficial to all stakeholders in the City of Johannesburg. The experiences and opinions of users and non-users suggest that the system has a number of deficiencies. However some users of the system have benefited socially and economically. For some of the users the Rea Vaya has created a few opportunities; however the poor customer service from bus drivers and station staff was seen as a setback. Transit Orientated development in Johannesburg has not yet taken off. The government’s attempts to create mixed land use through the implementation of corridors of freedom are in its infant stages. Businesses across the Rea Vaya station found the Rea Vaya to have both positive and negative effects on their businesses. Some businesses found that the development of stations have added aesthetic value, however due to the frequency of Rea Vaya buses at stations, commuters would not wait for long periods of time and this resulted in fewer customers for businesses across the Rea Vaya station. The Rea Vaya system has provided a safe and reliable transport system in Johannesburg. However, the system is in its infant stages and has a number of deficiencies as presented in the findings of this study. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)

A Critical discussion of Section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1 of 1988

De Chermont, Charles Roblou Louis 11 1900 (has links)
A brief analysis of South African Law relating to intoxication as a defence prior to 1988 is given. This is followed by an in-depth discussion and evaluation of the statutory crime created by section 1 (1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1 of 1988. Various points of criticism against the wording of section 1 (1) as well as the problems with regard to its application in practice are set out. In conclusion a draft for a new, more effective wording for section 1 (1) is given / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

具整合性與互通性會計與決策管理系統之資訊模式建立--以某全球化營運之高科技公司個案研究 / An Integral and Interoperable Information Model Design of Accounting and Decision Management System--A Global High-Tech Corp Case Study

石太基, Shih, Tai-chi Unknown Date (has links)
傳統會計與決策管理系統受限於現行財務會計報導的架構,並未儲存與財務無關,或不能以金額衡量的資訊,無法對非財務性決策提供有效的幫助。而資訊語意的差異更使得傳統會計與決策管理系統不易與企業內其他資訊系統互通,造成系統整合上的困擾,歷來不斷有學者探討會計與決策管理系統資訊模式建立之方法,以增進會計與決策管理系統資訊模式的有用性。 本研究提出會計與決策管理系統資訊模式建立之框架與方法,強調會計與決策管理系統之建構,應與企業策略發展整體考量,同時導入REA model整合企業整體資訊模式與財會專業資訊模式,並採用UML作為系統發展流程之塑模工具,編製系統發展有關文件,以利後續選擇解決方案的映對程序,確認解決方案符合使用者需求,及增進會計與決策管理系統在企業內的整合性與互通性。 / Traditional accounting and decision management information system cannot support non-financial decision making, because there is only stored financial information without non-financial information due to the current financial accounting reporting structure. The information semantic differences block interoperability between accounting and decision management information system within the organization. And it also has caused the challenge of enterprise information integration. Researchers strive to find viable information modeling process or method to help accounting and decision management information system to be constructed. This thesis presents accounting and decision management information system information modeling framework and process. The framework stresses the construction of accounting and decision management information system must connect with enterprise vision and strategy. It also adopts and expands REA model to integrate accounting information model and enterprise information model at information modeling process. UML is a high-level modeling tool to develop system processes. The goal is to provide a standard method to develop system blueprints beyond tool-specific system solutions and to apply UML modeling documents to map different system solutions and make sure the solution fit with user requirements, and improve the integration and interoperability for accounting and decision management information system design and development.

Coer??o e Coes?o Territorial na Gest?o Metropolitana Contempor?nea / Coercion and Territorial Cohesion in Contemporary Metropolitan Management / Coercion and Territorial Cohesion in Contemporary Metropolitan Management

Castro, Henrique Rezende 08 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-03-24T17:26:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HENRIQUE REZENDE DE CASTRO.pdf: 3998674 bytes, checksum: 512f0552445e945597fd7f2a5cfde508 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T17:26:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HENRIQUE REZENDE DE CASTRO.pdf: 3998674 bytes, checksum: 512f0552445e945597fd7f2a5cfde508 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Metropolitan territories constitute, in the world urban system, fundamental support for the capitalist mode of production and accumulation. Metropolitan management, whose main agent is the State, appears as an important tool to exercise control over the land use planning of such territories, since the state political institutions - government and public administration - would operate under permanent pressure of the interests of capital. Based on this premise, it is assumed that a highly coercive management model would prevail in the sense of centralizing decision by the state apparatus and imposing an agenda of public policies that would favor the production and appropriation of the territory by economic agents. In order to make possible a classification of the existing types of metropolitan management, an analysis instrument was created based on a referential frame with the different types according to the characteristics of the political process of the management. Two case studies were then selected for application of the proposed methodology: the management of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, in Portugal, and the metropolitan regions of the state of S?o Paulo, both chosen for the particularities they present in different contexts and for the possibility of comparing the types found. Based on these cases, the aim was to demonstrate the tendency to prevail the coercive model in the contemporary metropolitan management, to the detriment of a territorial cohesion model, which would operate towards a more democratic management, with an agenda based on the reduction of socioeconomic inequalities, which are expressed more severely in the metropolitan territories. / Os territ?rios metropolitanos constituem, no sistema urbano mundial, suporte fundamental para o modo de produ??o e de acumula??o capitalista. A gest?o metropolitana, cujo principal agente ? o Estado, surge como importante ferramenta para exercer o controle sobre o ordenamento de tais territ?rios, uma vez que as institui??es pol?ticas estatais ? governo e administra??o p?blica ? operariam sob permanente press?o dos interesses do capital. Com base nessa premissa, sup?e-se que prevaleceria atualmente um modelo de gest?o marcadamente coercitivo, no sentido da centraliza??o decis?ria pelo aparelho estatal e na imposi??o de uma agenda de pol?ticas p?blicas que favoreceriam prioritariamente a produ??o e a apropria??o do territ?rio pelos agentes econ?micos. De modo a viabilizar uma classifica??o dos tipos existentes de gest?o metropolitana, criou-se um instrumento de an?lise baseado em um quadro referencial com os diferentes tipos segundo as caracter?sticas do processo pol?tico da gest?o. Foram ent?o selecionados dois estudos de caso para aplica??o da metodologia proposta: a gest?o da ?rea Metropolitana de Lisboa, em Portugal, e das regi?es metropolitanas do estado de S?o Paulo, ambos escolhidos pelas particularidades que apresentam em contextos diferentes e pela possibilidade de compara??o dos tipos de gest?o encontrados. Com base nesses casos, procurou-se ent?o demonstrar a tend?ncia de prevalecer o modelo coercitivo na gest?o metropolitana contempor?nea, em detrimento de um modelo de coes?o territorial, que operaria no sentido de uma gest?o mais democr?tica, com uma agenda pautada pela diminui??o das desigualdades socioecon?micas, que se expressam com maior gravidade nos territ?rios metropolitanos.

Regulariza??o fundi?ria em ?reas de prote??o permanente (APP s) : conflitos das gest?es urban?stica e ambiental

Minnicelli, Jo?o Luiz Portolan Galv?o 26 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Luiz Portolan Galvao Minnicelli.pdf: 2771943 bytes, checksum: a3fe7d2be80e26e4ac8ca144f6714918 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-26 / Master?s research with the scope of looking into the origin and the motivation of conflicts that arise between urban planners and environmentalists when the objective is to regulate and legalize situations of dwellings in irregular settlements that have already been established, being those dwellings located in Areas of Permanent Protection (APPs). These are environmental locations that are especially protected. This normatization is carried out by means of land legalization , the beginnings and evolution of which are hereby also researched. Cases of land legalization of inhabited areas located in APPs of Campinas have also been studied; said legalizations have been sponsored by the local municipal government. The objective of the study was verifying the conditions under which said legalizations were conceived, effected and then evaluated. / Pesquisa de Mestrado destinada a averiguar a g?nese e a motiva??o dos conflitos que surgem entre urbanistas e ambientalistas nos casos em que se pretende regular e regularizar situa??es de moradia em assentamentos irregulares j? consolidados, quando tais moradias se situam em ?reas de Prote??o Permanente (APP?s) que s?o espa?os ambientais especialmente protegidos. A regulariza??o se d? por meio do instrumento da regulariza??o fundi?ria cujas origem e evolu??o tamb?m aqui se pesquisa. Estudam-se igualmente os casos de regulariza??o fundi?ria de ?reas de moradia situadas em ?rea de APP em Campinas promovidas pela municipalidade local para se averiguar a forma como tais regulariza??es foram concebidas, realizadas e posteriormente avaliadas.

Estabelecimento de pastagens de tifton 85 sob doses de aduba??o nitrogenada. / Establishment of pastures of tifton 85 under levels of nitrogen fertilization.

Galzerano, Leandro 05 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:59:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Leandro Galzerano.pdf: 1398173 bytes, checksum: 3b9bc8540a1e5f744b54fffefe6a7828 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-05 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work was carried out in order to obtain subsidies under the definition of strategies for nitrogen fertilization of pastures of tifton 85, based on monitoring the dynamics changes in the structure of swards. The underlying assumption was that the application of increasing levels of N is a powerful tool for that purpose. The experiment was developed over a Planosol of occurrence in the experimental field of the Universidade Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro, city of Serop?dica, Brazil, during the establishment of the pasture, between the months of October, 2006 to January 2007. Treatments consisted of four levels of N (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N-urea. ha-1), in single application, in plots of 4 x 4 m, arranged in blocks fully randomized, with four repetitions. Together with nitrogen fertilization, the plots received 80 kg P.ha-1 and 150 kg K.ha-1, and Ca as calcareo (1.0 tn.ha-1). The variables were: frequency of occurrence of plants; height of the canopy, leaf growth and leaf area index (LAI), the interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the production and partition of dry matter. The results showed that the frequency of occurrence, height and interception of PAR varied according to a standard logistic, whose parameters have been modified to a greater or lesser degree, by the levels of N added. Similarly, at the 87 days after planting, the LAI and the total dry matter produced, but not its partition between leaves and stems, responded to changes in N mineral available in the soil. It was concluded that the application of increasing levels of Nurea, during the establishment of grass tifton 85 was an efficient experimental strategy for the induction of quantitative changes during the development time of swards structure. / O presente trabalho foi realizado com o prop?sito de definir estrat?gias de aduba??o nitrogenada em pastagens de tifton 85, baseadas no monitoramento de mudan?as din?micas na estrutura dos doss?is forrageiros. O experimento foi desenvolvido numa ?rea de Planossolo no campo experimental da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, munic?pio de Serop?dica, RJ, durante a fase de estabelecimento da pastagem, entre os meses de outubro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro n?veis de N (0; 50; 100 e 150 kg N-ur?ia.ha-1), em aplica??o ?nica, dispostos em parcelas de 4 x 4 m, arranjadas em blocos inteiramente casualizados, com quatro repeti??es. Em conjunto com a aduba??o nitrogenada, as parcelas receberam 80 kg P.ha-1 e 150 kg K.ha-1. O solo foi corrigido com 1,0 tn.ha-1 de calc?reo. As vari?veis estudadas foram: freq??ncia de ocorr?ncia de plantas; altura do dossel, crescimento foliar e ?ndice de ?rea foliar (IAF), intercepta??o de radia??o fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) e produ??o e parti??o da mat?ria seca. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a freq??ncia de ocorr?ncia; altura e a intercepta??o de RFA variaram temporalmente de acordo com um padr?o log?stico, cujos par?metros foram modificados, em maior ou menor grau, pelos n?veis de N adicionados. De forma similar, aos 87 dias p?s- plantio, o IAF e a mat?ria seca total produzida, mas n?o a sua parti??o entre folhas e colmos, responderam ?s varia??es do N mineral dispon?vel no solo. Foi conclu?do que a aplica??o de n?veis crescentes de Nur?ia, durante a fase de estabelecimento do capim tifton 85 foi uma estrat?gia experimental eficiente para a indu??o de varia??es quantitativas durante o desenvolvimento temporal da estrutura dos doss?is.

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