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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into factors relating to the reading habits of Indian secondary school pupils in the Phoenix area

Raghunandan, Urmilla 02 1900 (has links)
This research is concerned with an investigation into the factors relating to the reading habits of Indian secondary school pupils in the Phoenix area. It is important to acknowledge that among our youth there are both avid and reluctant readers during and after the period of formal education. It is the group of reluctant readers that has to be lured by the magic of reading. There is a remarkable variation in the reading habits of pupils from the same school. A self-designed questionnaire was administered to 544 boys and girls from standards 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The descriptive data available were then analysed and interpreted. The study revealed that the amount of time spent on reading and the number of books read (which together determined reading habits) by pupils was influenced by such factors as home, school, social environment, socioeconomic status, the influence of other media and the personal aspect / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Elevers läsvanor : En kvalitativ studie av fyra fordonselevers läsvanor / Pupils’ Reading Habits: A Qualitative Study on the Reading Habits of Four Pupils in the Motor Vehicle Program

Gustafsson, Frans January 2016 (has links)
The following study was conducted at an upper secondary school in Sweden and attempts to explore the question of what influences male pupils’ reading habits. Many quantitative international studies, including PISA, PIRLS and IEA Reading Literacy, have sought to answer this question, but only partially succeeded due to the limitations of their methods. Therefore, this study seeks to explore this question in more depth using qualitative methods, including interviews and classroom observations, but also minor tests. Two facts which the previously mentioned international studies have found is that boys and particularly immigrant boys tend to have worse reading results than their counterparts. It is therefore the aim of this study to study four male students in upper secondary school; of which two are native Swedes and the other two are unaccompanied refugee children; one from Afghanistan and the other from Morocco. The findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, necessity was found to be the single most important factor for the reading habits of these four pupils; especially the two refugees. Both refugees learnt to read under harsh circumstances in madrassas in their respective home countries. Moreover, the Moroccan pupil learnt to speak and read Spanish fluently during his seven years as a homeless child. Furthermore, in the absence of necessity, interest was found to be decisive in determining the pupils’ reading habits. In addition to this, the study theorizes that an interest in reading generally arises before the ability to read and not vice versa. However, teachers can in fact affect their pupils’ reading habits even in upper secondary school.

農漁會家政推廣人員使用圖書館資源之研究 / A study of library resources using on the home economics extension agent

柯文仁, Ke, Wen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國致力於改善公共圖書館的資源與環境,希望能夠提供更好的服務給讀者,且提升公共圖書館的使用率,但從一些圖書館使用者的相關統計獲知,農業背景使用圖書館的比例皆不達百分之一。另外對於許多政策上的變革,增添農業推廣發展的難度,其中農業推廣人員,也因自認專業知識的不足,無法完善服務農民多變的需求,產生工作上的許多壓力。 基於以上的原因,且在農業推廣的體系中,家政推廣的內容較貼近於一般民眾,所以本研究針對家政推廣人員進行探討,瞭解其資訊需求,以及圖書館要如何提供良好的服務與館藏,吸引並協助家政推廣人員為主要的目的。 問卷調查的對象,以我國農會與漁會的家政推廣人員為主,分作資訊需求、閱讀習慣以及圖書館使用狀況三方面,根據問卷調查結果,發現到家政推廣人員,多基於工作上的需求,透過網際網路獲取所需資訊,所需的資訊內容也多與工作相關;最多家政推廣人員選擇閱讀的地點,是自家與工作的場所,閱讀資料的來源多是農漁會機構所提供,另外在每週閱讀的平均時數以及每年夠書金額,都高於我國國民平均。分析有使用圖書館習慣的家政推廣人員,大部分是平均每週去圖書館一次、一個月平均借書量為1-5本,鄉鎮圖書館是最多人使用的,使用圖書館的主要目是借還圖書,而一般圖書也是最多人使用的館藏,對於圖書館的最滿意的地方是地點設立的便利性,最不滿意的是圖書館的檢索系統。 依據問卷所得結果,提出鄉鎮圖書館改進的項目,以提升家政推廣人員的圖書館使用率,例如:改善開閉館時間、根據家政人員的推廣活動提供適當館藏、加強宣導圖書館服務項目、舉辦兒童教育與醫療保健相關的推廣活動、改善圖書館的檢索系統、與家政推廣人員合辦社區活動。並且建議我國能夠設立農業專門圖書館以及博物館、農業資訊服務中心應彙整網路資源以及農業推廣充電站可導入知識管理的技術,藉以提昇我國農業推廣的發展。 / In recent years, Taiwan government makes efforts to improve public libraries, and hopes to provide better services and environment to the readers for promoting library usage, but a number of library users studies showed that the users with agriculture background did not reach to 1%. Many policy changes make developments of agricultural extensions harder. Even some agricultural extension staffs feel lacking of professional knowledge to serve farmers, and that results in their pressure at agricultural extension work. Based on the above reasons, and the Home Economics’ services are closer to the general public’s life, so this study aimed at Home Economics Extension agents to explore and understand their information needs, and find out how to provide good library services and collections, in order to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents. The questionnaires survey aimed at the home economics extension agents in the framers’ association and fishers’ association. It includes three parts: information needs, reading habits and library usage. According to survey findings, the home economics extension agents would like to obtain the required information about working via the internet, most Home Economics workers prefer reading at home or the offices, and the most sources are from the farmers’ associations or fishers’ associations. Home economics extension agents’ average reading hours per week and spending on buying books every year are above the average of Taiwan populace. Analysis of the home economics extension agents with the habit of using libraries demonstrates that most of them go to the library once per week, every month borrow 1 to 5 books from the library, and primarily use the township libraries. They go to the libraries for the circulations as mainly goal, and feel most satisfied with the location of the library, and most dissatisfied with the library's OPAC system. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the township libraries could improve the following to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents: regulating the open hour, according to agents’ needs to provide adequate collections, enforcing marketing the services, conducting extension activities about education and health, improving the OPAC system, and organizing community activities with home economics extension agents. The study makes final suggestions to enhance the promotion of Taiwan's agricultural development as follows: establish the agricultural libraries and museums, agriculture science information center shall collect network resources about agriculture, and use knowledge management technology to manage agricultural resources in Council of Agriculture.

Die Leseförderung in Spanien

Castronovo, Calogero 10 September 2009 (has links)
Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ist in Spanien eine Leseförderungsoffensive gestartet worden, deren primäres Ziel es ist, die großen Schwächen der Lesegewohnheiten in der spanischen Bevölkerung zu beheben, und somit allen Bürgern den Zugang zur Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die historischen Hintergründe für die heutigen Defizite erläutert und eine Reihe von aktuellen Studien zum Leseverhalten der Spanier analysiert. Eine Untersuchung über das Verlagswesen und dessen Auswirkung auf die Lesehaltung der Gesellschaft, sowie eine genaue Darstellung des im Jahre 2007 erlassenen Gesetzes zur Buch-, Lektüre- und Bibliothekspolitik dienen dazu, einen Rahmen für die unternommenen Schritte zu bilden. In dem zweiten Teil richtet sich der Fokus auf die seit Beginn des Jahrhunderts gestarteten Maßnahmen zur Leseförderung, darunter, als integrativer Mittelpunkt den Leseförderungsplan der zentralen Regierung und weiter die Projekte der Landesregierungen und der Kommunen, sowie Aktionen die zum größten Teil auf private Initiative zurückgehen. Die öffentliche Präsentation des vom Bundeskulturministerium entwickelten, ersten, nationalen Leseförderungsplanes im Jahr 2001 markierte den Anfang für einen Wandelprozess in der Lesekultur des Landes. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation wird, angesichts der basalen Funktion der Bibliotheken als Zentren der Leseanimation, auf die Entwicklung des spanischen Bibliotheksystems in den letzten drei Dekaden und insbesondere der Öffentlichen und der Schulbibliotheken eingegangen. / At the beginning of the 21st century the Spanish government launched the most important reading promotion campaign in the history of the country. The objective campaign, that still continues, is to correct the important deficiencies of the reading habits of the Spaniards and to guarantee the access to the information and knowledge society for every citizen. In the first part of the thesis, the author describes the historical reasons for the present reading deficiencies in the population. He also analyzes the most important studies about the reading habits in Spain. An investigation about the situation of the publishing world and its effects on the reading culture, and an account oft the law on Books, Reading and Libraries from 2007 helped to create the context in which the new efforts to improve the reading competence are taking place. In the second part of the work the author analyzes the most representative projects of reading promotion, that have been started from the central, but also from regional and municipal administrations, as well as from private initiators. The most important among these projects is the National Reading Promotion Plan. It was developed from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and has the function of an integration and reference point for all the local reading promotion actions in the country. The public presentation of this Plan in 2001 represented the beginning of a deep transformation process of the reading culture of the nation. As the libraries have always been indispensable centres for reading promotion, the last part of the thesis describes the development of the Spanish librarian system in the three last decades focusing special interest on the school and public libraries. I

Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) / The Development of Creative Reading of Texts with a Different Type in Native Language Teaching

Terteli Telek Marta 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) tretira metode i procese kojima se razvija čitanje sa razumevanjem (čitalačka pismenost). Ukazuje na to da su preduslov za razumevanje teksta razvijena tehnika čitanja, leksički fond, razumevanje sintagme i rečenice, izvođenje zaključaka, razuđenost teksta, prepoznavanje strukture teksta, unutra&scaron;nja slika (mentalna mapa) tipa teksta, u pisanom tekstu poznavanje vizuelnog upravljanja (forma teksta) i jezičkog upravljanja, retorike, uvažavanje vizuelnog konteksta (slike i ilustracije, tumačenje uzajamno komplementarnih tekstova i slika), prepoznavanje stila (stilskog registra), veći kapacitet radne memorije, monitoring okvirnog znanja (poznavanje sveta), procesa razumevanja itd. U radu se prikazuju oblici ispoljavanja deficita pri razumevanju teksta, a obja&scaron;njavaju se i uzroci.<br />Autorka analizira strategije razvijanja čitalačke pismenosti sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova počev od beletristike (bajki i poezije), preko naučno-popularne literature (udžbenika) do adekvatnog tumačenja multimedijalnih, pa i digitalnih tekstova. Usput spominje kreativno-produktivne vežbe, ilustruje njihovu ulogu, značaj u stvaranju značenja, prikazuje mehanizam za postizanje efekata kod vežbi kreativnog pisanja i bavi se metodikom vaspitavanja čitalaca.<br />U doktorskoj disertaciji, nakon razmatranja teoretsko-metodolo&scaron;ke osnove čitanja sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova, sledi prezentacija rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza sa matematičko-statističkom obradom podataka. U istraživanju je kori&scaron;ćen test za razumevanje teksta koji nije formalan (standardni), odnosno upitnik o čitalačkim navikama. Uzorak obuhvata 800 učenika: iz naselja u kojima Mađari žive u homogenim sredinama, u rasejanju, odnosno u izolovanim manjim zajednicama.<br />Tokom istraživanja autorka je ispitivala u kojoj meri jezička sredina učenika (Mađari u homogenim naseljima, u rasejanju ili izolovanim zajednicama) utiče na nivo razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, kao i da li postoji statistički značajna povezanost (pozitivna korelacija) između socijalno-kulturne sredine učenika i nivoa razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta. Istraživanje obuhvata i aspekat postojanja statistički značajne razlike među polovima &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja i da li ima razlike u procentima re&scaron;enih zadataka vezanih za razne tipove tekstova, odnosno u kojoj meri učinak u razumevanju teksta zavisi od tipa teksta. Tokom kvalitativne analize dobija se odgovor i na to, kako su mediji promenili tradicionalnu strukturu kori&scaron;ćenja slobodnog vremena, odnosno kako se menja profil čitanja po žanrovima i struktura traženog &scaron;tiva.<br />Koristeći metode deskriptivne, istorijske, statističke i teorijske analize doktorska disertacija daje uvid u nivo razvoja učenika 4. razreda osnovne &scaron;kole ‒ na teritorijama gde Mađari žive homogeno, u rasejanju ili u izolovanim zajednicama ‒ &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, odnosno čitalačkih navika. Disertacija može poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja, dajući podlogu za komparativne analize.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation entitled K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (English translation: The development of creative reading of texts with a different type in native language teaching) examines the methods, procedures enhancing text comprehending reading. It sheds light on the fact that the condition of text comprehending is the developed reading technique, the vocabulary, syntagm- and sentence understanding, drawing the conclusions, the articulateness of the text, the recognition of text structure, the inner picture of the text type (its mental map), the visual control (the text form) and the lingual control in the written text, the knowledge of the rhetoric, taking into consideration (the interpretation of a text and figure being complementary with each other) the visual context (figures and illustrations), identification of the style (the style register), bigger work memory capacity, the knowledge framework (world knowledge), monitoring the understanding process, etc. Furthermore, it presents the forms of manifestation of the text comprehending deficits, and brings the reasons to light.<br />By analysing the development strategies of comprehending reading of texts with a different type, the author starts from the literary texts (from the tale and the poem), through the educational (course book) texts gets to the adequate interpretation of the multimedia and digital texts. Meanwhile flashes the creative-productive practices by illustrating their role, significance in meaning creation, presents the mode of action of the creative writing practices, and touches upon the methodology of educating for reading.<br />In the doctoral dissertation, the theoretical-methodological establishment of the comprehending reading of different type of texts is followed by the presentation of the results of the empirical research, respectively the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the statistical data. The research was not carried out with the examination of a random sample, it is not a formal (not standard) text comprehending test, and it is based on the questionnaire surveying the reading habits. 800 students belong to the sample: the students living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), students living in a diaspora environment, and students from scattered areas.<br />In the course of her research the author examines whether the students&#39; lingual environment (living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population, in a diaspora environment, and on scattered areas) influences the development level of text comprehending ability, furthermore whether statistically there exists considerable connection (positive correlation) between the students&#39; sociocultural background and the development level of text comprehending ability. The research also extends to whether, as regard the genders, there can be observed statistically considerable difference regarding the level of creative reading ability, and whether the resolution proportions of the tasks being attached to different type of texts show a difference, namely to what extend does text comprehending performance depend on the text type. In the course of the qualitative analysis we have also got an answer of how did the media modify the traditional structure of free time spending, and how did the aspect of reading change regarding the read genres, the reading structure.<br />By the descriptive, historical, statistical and theoretical analysis, the doctoral dissertation draws a picture ‒ on the areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), the diaspora environment, and on scattered areas ‒ with regard to the primary school fourth grade students, on the development level of text comprehending ability, and maps the reading habits as well. The dissertation may serve as the basis of additional researches, providing the basis for comparative analyses.</p>

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