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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Om du gillar att läsa måste du läsa den här” : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie kring #booktoks påverkan på elevers läsvanor och läsmotivation / ”If you like to read you have to read this” : A quantitative and qualitative study regarding the effect #booktok has on pupils’ reading habits and reading motivation

Björk, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftar att fördjupa kunskaperna kring #booktoks påverkan på högstadieelevers läsvanor och läsmotivation och hur detta kan beaktas i svenskundervisningen för att främja läsning. Tidigare forskning har både belyst betydelsen av rekommendationer från både lärare och kamrater för att öka elevers läsmotivation (McBreen & Savage, 2021; De Naeghel m.fl., 2014) samt hur den digitala samtiden kan öppna dörrar för att ungdomar kan diskutera och rekommendera böcker från alla världens håll (Li & Wu, 2017). Att digitaliseringen kan ha en påverkan på elevers läsuppfattningar och läsupplevelser har även utforskats (Bronwen, 2021). Den här studien utgår från både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod för att undersöka hur utbrett #booktoks eventuella påverkan är samt förståelse för vad som motiverar eleverna till att bli påverkade. Resultaten visade att ju oftare eleverna konsumerar eller använder #booktok desto mer benägna är dem att ändra sina läsvanor gällande omfattning, testa nya genrer och språk då primärt motivationsbehoven för autonomi och tillhörighet uppfylldes. Svenskundervisningsimplikationer är att komplettera det #booktok lyckas med utifrån motivationsbehoven för att bredda förutsättningarna för en livslång läslust. / The study aims to deepen the knowledge regarding the effect of #booktok on adolescents’ reading habits and reading motivation and how this could be considered in the education of Swedish to benefit reading. Previous studies have both illuminated the benefits of book recommendations from teachers and friends to increase the pupils’ reading motivation (McBreen & Savage, 2021; De Naeghel m.fl., 2014) as well as how the digital era is able to provide opportunities for adolescents to discuss and recommend books (Li & Wu, 2017). The possibility that digitalization may have the ability to affect pupils’ reading perception and reading experience has also been studied (Bronwen, 2021). The present study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the spread of the effect #booktok has on reading and an understanding of what motivates the pupils to be affected by #booktok. The results showed that the more the pupils consumed or used #booktok they were more likely to change their reading habits regarding reading amount, testing new genres and languages since primarily the motivational needs for autonomy and relatedness could be fulfilled. The implication for the education of Swedish is to complement the success #booktok has, regarding motivational needs, to widen the possibilities and chances for a lifelong love of reading.

"Va’ ska man göra då’rå, om man inte kan läsa? Då blir’e svårt!" : En studie om motivationsfaktorer, läslust och tankar kring läsning hos elever i årskurs 3

Stål, Emmy, Trusell, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker motivationsfaktorer och tankar kring skönlitterär läsning hos ett urval av elever i årskurs 3, studien syftar även till att kartlägga elevernas läsvanor. 11 elever deltog i studien och har under semistrukturerade intervjuer svarat på frågor kring läsvanor, om de har några böcker i sin hemmiljö, hur de tar del av skönlitteratur i vardagen och vad de anser kännetecknar en bra bok. Studiens resultat placeras in i en sociokulturell teoriram med huvudsaklig grund i begreppen proximal utvecklingszon och scaffolding. Resultatet visar att det primärt är yttre motivationsfaktorer, såsom beslut från lärare och vårdnadshavare, som motiverar elever till läsning. Studien visar även att det kan finnas ett visst samband mellan elevers läslust och hur många böcker en elev exponeras för, samt om de har läsande förebilder. Vidare visar resultatet att läsläxor kan ha en positiv inverkan på elevers läsvanor i hemmiljön. Resultatet står i linje med tidigare undersökningar gjorda i högre årskurser och internationell forskning. En ansats har gjorts för att hitta liknande studier gjorda i de yngre årskurserna utan närmare resultat. Detta tyder på att ämnet är till synes outforskat i Sverige och Norden. / This study investigates motivational factors and thoughts about fiction reading in a selection of students in year 3, the study also aims to map the students' reading habits. 11 students participated in the study and during semi-structured interviews answered questions about reading habits, whether they have any books in their home environment, how they partake of fiction in everyday life and what they consider to be the characteristics of a good book. The study's results are placed in a sociocultural theoretical framework with a main basis in the concepts of proximal zone of development and scaffolding. The results show that it is primarily external motivational factors, such as decisions by teachers and guardians, that motivate students to read. The study also shows that there can be a certain connection between students' desire to read and how many books a student is exposed to, as well as whether they have reading role models. Furthermore, the results show that fiction reading as homework can have a positive impact on students' reading habits in the home environment. The result is in line with previous surveys carried out in higher grades and international research. An attempt has been made to find similar studies done in the younger grades without any results. This indicates that the subject is apparently unexplored in Sweden and the Nordic countries.

Att bygga läsning-om byggelevers förhållningssätt till läsning i svenskämnet på gymnasiet

Bardenstam, Malin January 2012 (has links)
This licentitate thesis is a study of Upper-Secondary School stu-dents’ approach towards reading fiction in the school subject of Swedish from a socio-cultural perspective. Furthermore, the social context and its importance for the students’ reading situation has been mapped. The students participating in the study are all first-graders and boys, studying the Construction Programme. The empirical material consists primarily of oral statements made by the students concerning their perception of how to read fiction in school. Using the construct of Pierre Bourdieu and with the reception model of Kathleen McCormick as a point of departure, the repertoirs of the students are described and analyzed. This study shows that the students bring different representa-tions of their group belonging, which effect their approach to rea-ding fiction. It also shows that the students’ idea of what a reader is and their own reading ability create their approach to reading. Ad-ditionally, the students have problems to see the actual purpose of reading fiction in a school situation. The results of the study show that in order to read fiction success-fully in a classroom situation, the school has to discuss and chal-lenge the students’ views of group belonging. Furthermore the school must improve when it comes to illustrating the more precise purpose and meaning of reading fiction in the school subject of Swedish. The study shows that because of the students’ different approa-ches to reading fiction, they tend to do two types of reading, one in-dividual and one for the school . In the latter, the students are incli-ned to limit their reading potential. And this is the real challenge for the subject of Swedish, but also ultimately the school, to challenge the students to use their full reading potential. Finally, the results of the study is discussed in relation to the new curriculum of the subject of Swedish, as it is presented in the sylla-bus ”Gy 11”. ”Gy 11” has been implemented since the autumn of 2011. Additionally, the consequences of the decreased number of hours for the subject of Swedish is considered. There are, however, stil good possibilities for the Swedish school to enable the students to reach their full reading potential in a class-room sitution.

”Jag brukar läsa undertexter om jag inte hör vad de säger” : En studie om barns läsvanor på fritiden i det digitaliserade samhället / "I usually read subtitles if I can't hear what they say" : A study about childrens' leisure reading in the digitalised society

Kreku, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka yngre barns fritidsläsning med målet att generera kunskap kring vilken kontakt yngre generationer har med skriftspråket idag. Tesen som denna studie utgår ifrån är att skolan behöver ökade insikter i elevers läsvanor eftersom det finns oroväckande trender som visar på att barn generellt läser allt mindre på grund av digitaliseringen. I studien har det undersökts vilka typer av texter 10-åriga svenska elever läser på sin fritid, både via skärm och utan skärm, samt vilka språk som är vanligast förekommande i deras läsning. En förklarande-sekventiell design har gjorts för denna studie där respondenterna inledningsvis förde dagbok under fem dagar. Dagböckerna kompletterades med efterföljande interjuver för varje respondent. Resultatet visar att elever har en daglig kontakt med skriftspråket då de läser en mängd olika typer av texter i sin vardag. De vanligaste språken som förekommer i elevernas läsning är svenska och engelska. Utöver den traditionella läsningen som består av tryckta texter, i synnerhet skönlitterära, kan denna studie visa på att det även finns en annan läskultur som skolan behöver förhålla sig till. / The purpose of this study is to investigate younger children's leisure reading with the aim of generating knowledge about the contact younger generations have with the written language today. The theory from which this study is based is that schools need increased insights into students’ reading habits, partly because there are worrying trends that show that children are in general reading less and less due to digitalisation. This study investigates what types of texts 10-year-old Swedish students read in their spare time, both with and without screens, as well as which languages ​​are most common in their reading. An explanatory-sequential design was created for this study where the respondents initially kept a diary for five days. The diaries were supplemented with subsequent interviews for each respondent. The results show that the students have daily contact with the written language as they read a variety of different types of texts in their everyday life. The most common languages ​​used in children's reading are Swedish and English. Besides the traditional reading culture of printed texts, especially fiction, this study will show that another reading culture has emerged that schools need to address.

Don't judge a book by its cover – Using E-books in higher education

Juneby, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om användningen av E-böcker inom högre utbildning vid Malmö Högskola. Syftet är att undersöka studenters attityder när det gäller användningen av E-böcker jämfört med den tryckta motsvarigheten vid akademiska studier. Studien granskar studenternas preferenser vidanvändningen av E-böcker jämfört med tryckta böcker, samt hur dessa media påverkar studenternas läsvanor. Genom att klargöra i vilka situationer E-böcker eller tryckta böcker har mest fördelar, så kan studenterna göra välgrundade val om vilket medium som de har störst nytta av. En nätbaserad enkät och inspelade intervjuer utgjorde metoderna för insamlingen av data, som sedan jämfördes med tidigare publicerade relevanta studier. Det visade sig att studenterna föredrog tryckta böcker för sina studier, och dessa böcker används fortfarande i första hand vid läsning och analys av längre textavsnitt. Däremot befanns E-böcker vara bäst när man skriver forskningsrapporter. Detta betyder att båda dessa media även framgent har en given plats inom denhögre utbildningen. / This thesis is about the use of E-books in higher education, specifically at Malmö University. The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes students have towards the use of E-books for scholarly purposes in higher education versus their printed counterparts. This study looks at student preferences in the use of E-books compared to printed books, along with the effects these media have on students reading habits. By discovering in which situations E-books or printed books are most beneficial, students can make informed decisions about which medium will benefit them the most. An online survey and recorded interviews were used as methods for collecting data, whichwas then compared to previously published studies related to this subject. Students were found to prefer the printed book for studying purposes, and it still remains as the main source for reading and analyzing longer passages of text. E-books, on the other hand, were found to be most advantageous when preparing research reports. This means that both media still have their place inhigher education, which is likely to continue in the foreseeable future.

"Inte en egen liten ö" : Ett arrangemangsteoretiskt perspektiv på skolbibliotekets roll för elevers läsvanor

Haglund, Valda January 2022 (has links)
Problemställning och syfte: Undersökningen rör vilken roll skolbiblioteket spelar för elevers läsvanor och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att bidra till elevers medborgerliga bildning. Syftet är att skapa förståelse för skolbibliotekets verksamhet, som institution inom det svenska skolsystemet, och dess roll för bildning genom utveckling och etablering av gymnasieelevers läsvanor. Metod och teori: Studien är en fallstudie där datamaterialet samlats in via kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Natasha Gerolamis teori om biblioteket som ett arrangemang utgör den teoretiska grunden i denna studie där begrepp är hämtade från Gilles Deleuze och Félix Guattaris posthumanistiska teori. Material och resultat: Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med en lärare och två skolbibliotekarier framkom det att skolbiblioteket spelar en viktig roll för elevernas kunskapsutveckling men också för en mängd alternativa roller. I det läsfrämjande utvecklingsarbetet framkom det att samarbete och samverkan mellan olika aktörer är centralt. Slutsatser: I den analys av skolbibliotekets roll för elevers läsvanor som genomförts framträder det spänningsfält som verkar råda mellan att betrakta skolbiblioteket som en målstyrd institution i förhållande till att betrakta det som ett arrangemang. När skolbiblioteket som i denna studie betraktas som ett institutionellt arrangemang framträder bilden av en skapande och produktiv plats, en plats för ’blivande’, som därmed belyser dess sociala roll. Från denna utgångpunkt syns också en omsorgsroll som även inbegriper omsorg om elevernas medborgerliga bildning, och att utvecklingsarbete kan förstås som inriktat mot skapande, och inte primärt mot ekonomi och effektivitet gentemot uppsatta mål. / Problem and purpose: The study concern what role the school library play for students reading habits, and which conditions are required to contribute to students' civic education. The purpose is to create an understanding of the school library's activities, as an institution within the Swedish school system, and its role for education through the development and establishment of high school students' reading habits. Method and theory: The study is a case study where the data material was collected via qualitative semistructured interviews. Natasha Gerolami's theory of the library as an arrangement forms the theoretical basis of this study where concepts are taken from Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's posthumanist theory. Materials and results: Through qualitative semi-structured interviews with a teacher and two school librarians, it is shown that the school library plays an important role for students' knowledge development but also for a number of alternative roles. In the reading promotion developmental work, it emerged that cooperation and collaboration between different actors is important. Conclusions: In the analysis of the school library's role in students' reading habits that has been carried out, a tension emerges between considering the school library as a goal-oriented institution in relation to considering it as an assemblage. When the school library, which in this study is regarded as an institutional arrangement, the image of a creative and productive place emerges, a place for ‘becoming’, which thus highlights its social role. From this point of view, there is also a caring role that also includes care for the students' civic ‘bildung’, and that development work can be understood as focused on creation, and not primarily on finances and efficiency towards pre-defined goals.

An investigation into factors relating to the reading habits of Indian secondary school pupils in the Phoenix area

Raghunandan, Urmilla 02 1900 (has links)
This research is concerned with an investigation into the factors relating to the reading habits of Indian secondary school pupils in the Phoenix area. It is important to acknowledge that among our youth there are both avid and reluctant readers during and after the period of formal education. It is the group of reluctant readers that has to be lured by the magic of reading. There is a remarkable variation in the reading habits of pupils from the same school. A self-designed questionnaire was administered to 544 boys and girls from standards 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The descriptive data available were then analysed and interpreted. The study revealed that the amount of time spent on reading and the number of books read (which together determined reading habits) by pupils was influenced by such factors as home, school, social environment, socioeconomic status, the influence of other media and the personal aspect / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Från vildmark till grön ängel : Receptionsanalyser av läsning i åttonde klass / From Wilderness to Green Angel : Reception Analyses of Reading in the 8th Grade

Schmidl, Helen January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is Swedish upper secondary pupils’ reception of novels read as part of their literature instruction. The main purpose is to study and compare the reading of female pupils with that of male pupils and to analyze to what extent attention is paid to their private reading experiences in the literary teaching. What strategies do the students use to interpret and discuss fiction? And what is the relationship between their private reading habits and the way fiction is studied at school? Consequently, the subject field of this qualitative study concerns not only teenagers’ private reading habits, but also gender related issues, school adjusted reading routines and didactic matters. Reading at school differs in many ways from the pupils’ private reading habits, but there are also differences regarding the students’ attitudes towards reading as such. There proved to be certain diversities between the reading habits of boys and girls. The boys read in general less than the girls, and many boys were interested in reading adventurous and exciting stories. The girls were more into reading realistic novels, and to them it was important that they could identify with the characters. Many pupils responded personally to their reading. Instead of reflecting on the meaning of a text and comparing it to other texts or phenomena of the surrounding world, their reception confined itself to categories like “boring” or “exciting”. Merely a few students included a more profound literary analysis in their responses. An important aim of literature instruction must be to broaden the pupils’ literary repertoires and to make them improve their reading skills. This study shows that to achieve these improvements the students must feel involved, which means that literature instruction must be adapted to the literary cultures of both boys and girls.

Reading Interests and Activity of Older Adults and Their Sense of Life Satisfaction

Grubb, Elizabeth Ann 05 1900 (has links)
This study addresses the problem of reading among older adults and the relation of such reading to their sense of life satisfaction. The study also considers the relation between reading interests and activity of older adults and the availability to them of library materials and services.

大學生英文網路閱讀習慣及觀感之探索性研究 / An Exploratory Investigation on Undergraduates' Habits and Perceptions of Reading English on the Internet

洪珮菱, Hung, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的發展,人們的閱讀習慣和閱讀行為一直不斷的進化與改變。過去的研究指出在這數位化的年代,更多的網路閱讀習慣的研究需要再進一步的進行與更新,以便英語教育者更加了解英文學習者如何使用網路幫助他們的英語學習。本研究欲探討大學生如何運用網路幫助他們的英語學習,此研究主要探索大學生英文網路閱讀的習慣以及他們對於英文網路閱讀的觀感。此外,此研究更進一步探討大一學生和大四學生在英文網路閱讀及觀感上是否有差異。 本研究採取質性研究,以北台灣兩所大學為例,參加本研究的學生一共有四十九位學生,分別有二十五位大四英文系學生以及二十四位大一英文系學生。資料收集主要採用焦點團體訪談的方式,以半結構式的方談方式採訪了十八組學生。學生的訪談資料收集後,將訪談內容轉為逐字稿以進行內容分析。 本研究主要發現,學生上網閱讀英文的主要目的是完成學校作業。學生喜歡在網路上閱讀和課業有關的文章、比較聳動以及容易記住、輕鬆的文章主題(例如:休閒活動和藝術)。學生也喜歡在網路上挑選比較簡短、比較具有信賴度和權威性的文章閱讀。根據網路上各種英語學習資源以及學生所提供的資料來分類,本文中整理出學生經常使用的英文學習網站,以供參考。此外,在網路上閱讀英文時,學生比較有動機閱讀有多媒體呈現的文章內容。當在網路閱讀英文時,遇到閱讀理解有問題,學生通常利用線上網路字典或是網路即時翻譯的功能,以幫助他們對文章的理解。 學生提出在網路閱讀英文有些缺點,包含缺乏靈活性、容易分心和迷失方向、提供過多的資訊、缺乏人體工學的考量。此外,學生也提出網路閱讀的優點。學生認為在網路閱讀可以讓他們省時、省錢的得到資訊、得到快速更新的資訊以及其他人的觀點、得到不同形式的資訊、與他人溝通、製作自己的閱讀檔案、增進英文學習、同時處理很多事務。學生也提出一些建議給有意願使用網路教學的的老師,以便老師能夠了解他們的真正的需求與困難。例如,他們希望老師能夠推薦他們有用的網站、教導他們網路搜尋技巧、並且能夠將網路的使用真正的融入課堂中。 本研究也發現大一學生和大四學生在網路閱讀習慣及觀感最主要的相異之處在於大四學生比大一學生習慣將英文融入他們的日常生活中,以便他們透過網路來增加學習英文環境的機會。此外,大四學生比較能夠有技巧性地運用網路資源,以解決他們在網路閱讀上遇到的問題。相反地,大一學生仍然需要老師教導他們一些技巧來解決在網路上閱讀所遇到的問題,以及教導他們如何分辨可信賴和不可信賴的網站。 希望本研究的發現可以讓教育者瞭解大學生如何使用網路來幫助他們的英語學習,以及網路的使用如何影響他們的閱讀習慣。文末進一步提出相關建議,作為教育學者們教學上的參考。 / With the advancement of the Internet, people’s reading habits and behaviors have been evolving and reshaped. Previous studies indicated that more research on reading habits in this digital age is necessary to be further investigated and updated to eke out EFL educators’ understanding of EFL learners’ uses of the Internet to facilitate their English learning. This study attempts to explore how undergraduate students use the Internet to facilitate their English learning by delving into their habits and perceptions of reading English on the Internet and whether there is any difference between undergraduate freshmen and seniors. The present study adopted a qualitative research method. The participants are forty-nine EFL English major undergraduates with twenty-five seniors and twenty-four freshmen from two universities in northern Taiwan. The major way to collect data is focus group interviews, which are semi-structured interviews with eighteen focus interview groups of the participating students. The interview data were transcribed in verbatim and analyzed in accordance with content analysis method. The major findings of the habits of reading English online revealed that the participants basically held positive attitude towards and grew into the habit of reading English on the Internet. They read English online for the purpose of doing schoolwork and they preferred reading contents related to their courses, with light topics such as leisure and art, with sensational and catchy topics, in short length, or with more reliability and authority. The English learning websites that the participants usually went to were also provided for pedagogical references. Moreover, the participants were much more motivated to read English online when the reading contents were accompanied with multimedia. Upon facing reading comprehension problems, they usually turned to online dictionaries or online instant translators to improve their understanding of the contents they were reading on the Internet. The students’ perceptions of disadvantages of reading online included inflexibility, distraction and disorientation, oversupply of information, and lack of ergonomic concerns. Apart from the disadvantages of reading English on the Internet, the participants put forth a number of valuable merits of reading online, including time and cost saving in gaining information, gaining rapidly-updated information, others’ perspective, accessing information in divers forms, interacting with others, making documents, benefiting English learning, and multitasking. As for the suggestions made to the teachers intending to integrate the Internet use into classes, the participants hoped that teachers could recommend them useful websites, teach them search skills, and infuse the Internet into the classroom setting. The major findings of the differences between the seniors and the freshmen were that the seniors were more accustomed to incorporating English language into their daily lives in order to increase more chances to immerse themselves in English learning environments through the Internet than the freshmen. In addition, the seniors were more resourceful in using the Internet to help themselves with problems they met while reading online. Contrarily, the freshmen still needed teachers’ training on how to solve their reading comprehension with more methods and on how to distinguish reliable websites from incredible ones. Finally, it is expected that the findings of this study can provide educators with more understanding about how undergraduates utilize the Internet to facilitate their English learning and how their reading habits are influenced by the widespread use of the Internet. Besides, a number of pedagogical implications and instructional suggestions are presented at the end of this thesis for educators’ teaching references.

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