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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CO S TÍM? Rekonverze průmyslového areálu, Brno - Obřany / WHAT TO DO? Conversion of industrial premises, Brno - Obřany

Pospíšilová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
Urbanism In the proposal, I tried the maximum value of existing urban values ??and their emphasis. It is also about making the most of already constructed buildings. I try to revitalize, or. perform their reconversion. Given that the area is in such close contact with nature, I see no reason for there not to try to adequately build up the island. Recently here I am building nine houses, which I concentrated in a structure that shapes its scale and linked to the surrounding buildings polovesnickou, yet is clearly modern. His height makes a "base" significant building mills. The area I was trying to understand what is already the best buildings, the traditional division of space into public spaces and squares, streets and private courtyards. And then the public buildings - solitary - in this case I am referring to the former mill. These classic elements I was trying to recover its proposal and its new structure they build. My next goal was to increase the permeability of the site so that it no longer perceived as complex, but as part of the city. So I connected the shore at ST. John of Nepomuk pedestrian bridge to the island. Spinning or school of architecture Also in the reconstruction of former mills, I thought so - and maximize value to emphasize the already existing buildings and try to understand their logic. On it, then follow a similar mentality when it denies the old new, but nor irrational nezbožšťuje. Boarding school, I allowed the two opposing sides - first from a bridge, and from the square on the island. From the bridge, I tried to maintain access to the laundry room as a bridge, because it is still building separate from the Bridge and it is still clear that he stands on the island. In bridge, I extend the sidewalk at the expense of the road. I realized that the spinning staircase located outside their volume and even the fact that I tried to respond - I have a new escape staircase is also located outside the mill. To do school "with one heart" as I have already described in the essay, I cut through the spinning in the middle of the floor (without the girders and ribs) and I created Respirium with which all space optically interconnected. The beauty of the existing structure will stand out best in the area of ??integrity. But as for teaching and teachers are even separate rooms, I decided to preserve as much unity in the ground - that is accessible to the public, and then on the fourth floor, which in itself is beautiful and will inspire students here who will form his studio work. There is a facility serving the public - library, exhibition details. On the second floor, then follow the stairs in respirium hall with cloakroom, conference room, administration, classrooms and offices. On the third floor, only the classrooms and offices, pattern shop and computer lab. The top floor of the studios are split only low walls and toilets and kitchens in addition to repeating in each floor there are even showers.

CO S TÍM? Rekonverze průmyslového areálu, Brno - Obřany / WHAT TO DO? Conversion of industrial premises, Brno - Obřany

Novotný, Vlastimil January 2011 (has links)
The proposal is based on respect for the original industrial buildings of the former textile plant in close contact with village character of the surrounding buildings. Self solution is to demolish some buildings (did not comply with building or town planning) and building new. The proposal is to create a few concourses (embankment, square, park), which serve for the students and for the residents Obřan. Disclosure of the island is allowed through the southern waterfront of the mill race. It is defined by a new building, which is partly built on the ground plan of the former weaving mill. The waterfront of the mill race stretches, across passage of the former mill and connects to the local bike path. With the embankment communicate two squares. They were created by the elimination some buildings. In the eastern part of the island is a park designed for rest and relaxation. It is oriented to the weir. All traffic and operation of the buildings in areal is controlled from the exist Mlýnské nábřeží street. On the island is limited entry due to supply. The solution also includes underground parking.

Nové polyfunkční využití výrobního objektu Vlněny v Brně / New Multifunctional Use of Manufacturing Facility of Former Vlněna Factory in Brno

Závorka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the project is reconversion design of the chosen group of objects in former textile factory Vlnena into polůyfunctional house; and also to strenghten the genius loci of this site. Main theme of the work will be finding new functional use, as well as appropriate service and disposition solution of the polyfunctional object. This area was used by industry for more than 150 years. Before establishing the two of the most concerns, there were plenty of small manufactures. The overal stagnation of the textile industry in Brno has resulted in moral and technical degradation and its transformation into the „brownfield“.

Theory and practice of «special support» between system and individual

Serio, Alessandro January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to analyse how teachers perceive and deal withdiversity, where they put the limit between «normality» and «otherness», how theyrelate to the documentation proceeding from public institutions.Using an ethnographic methodology based on participant observation and semistructuredinterviews, I shall apply Pierre Bourdieu's theories about social reproductionand distinction to a high school in Skåne, with the purpose of better understanding thedifference between change and reconversion in dealing with «otherness» in the form of«learning disabilities».This study aims at better understanding how «otherness», «diversity», and «plurality»are categorized, hierarchically organized, considered as «distortions», «defects»,«syndromes» to be cured, when instead they could actually constitute means toovercome the ancestral «fear of the other», the rejection of «complexity» and to fill theperceived gap between theory and practice, between the «school of diversity andplurality» and the school of «kunskapsmål», «performance», «driven-ness», bothpresent in the current Läroplan (LPF-94) and likely to be found in the new one.Finally, this analysis tries to point at the necessity to question the unquestionable. Thatis, to question the values that are considered to be established for good and foreverybody, understanding them as historical products, not as philosophical a priori. Farfrom being historical invariables, those values and principles are the result of actualpolitical fights, even of revolutions, and of debates occurred for centuries or evenmillennia. School has been focusing on having them internalised and naturalised,instead of developing adequate instruments to let them be critically understood,reflected upon, talked about, and of course experienced in their many contexts.The study's main result lies in individuating the structural and individual factors thatallow the teachers to deal with «otherness» and «diversity» as a problem instead as aresource, underlining the symbolic violence implicit in the process of naturalisation ofvalues and principles.

Athlètes marocaines de haut niveau : émergence, visibilité, effacement : 1956-2016 / High-Level Moroccan Female Athletes : Emergence, Visibilty, Disappearance. History of the Present Time : 1956-2016

Elfaqir, Fatima 28 September 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse est consacrée, sur la base d'une approche historique, aux Sports dans le Maroc contemporain. Elle traite plus particulièrement de l'évolution de l'athlétisme féminin. Son cadre chronologique se situe entre 1956, date d'accession du pays à l'indépendance et 2016 (Jeux Olympiques de Rio). Au nombre des problématiques autour desquelles elle s'article figurent en particulier les conditions générales prévalant dans le pays, notamment celles des femmes, de leur présence dans la sphère publique (dans l'accession que lui donne Habermas), et les difficultés auxquelles elles sont confrontées du fait, entre autres, de préjugés et de stéréotypes culturels et sociaux. De manière plus spécifique, sont également examinées les principales phases de l'évolution de cet athlétisme, les modalités de sa pratique effective (tels les entraînements et les compétitions), les encouragements prodigués notamment par l'Etat en la matière et ayant facilité l'émergence d'athlètes féminines, le palmarès obtenu par une élite à divers niveaux, et comment certaines d'entre elles perçoivent rétrospectivement leurs parcours sportifs. Les récits et les témoignages oraux de 21 athlètes représentent précisément une part substantielle du matériau sur lequel se fonde cette thèse. Ils ont permis de compenser quelque peu la quasi-absence de documents d'archives officielles et celle d'études académiques traitant de l'histoire du sport au Maroc. En raison de leur dimension personnelle et subjective, ces témoignages et la mémoire qui les véhicule demeurent problématiques à maints égards. D'autant que l'auteure de cette étude, en sus de sa condition de femme, est elle-même une ancienne athlète et a fait partie du staff de l'Institut National d'Athlétisme. L'étude, qui se veut une contribution à l'histoire du Temps Présent, s'est cependant efforcée, en dépit de tous ces obstacles, d'analyser et d'évaluer l'évolution de l'athlétisme féminin au Maroc, avec ses performances et ses phases de régression ou d'effacement, depuis ses débuts jusqu'à aujourd'hui / This study deals with Sports in contemporary Morocco on the grounds of a historical standpoint. It focalises more particularly upon the gender dimension of Athletics during the period starting in 1956 (independence of Morocco) and ending in 2016 (Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games). Some major issues are addressed in this respect. This is the case of the general conditions prevailing in the country as regards women’s rights, their presence in the public sphere (as defined by Habermas) and the difficulties they have to face because of cultural and social prejudice and stereotypes. Along with these conditions, the study analyses the main stages, modalities (trainings) and “incentives” that have paved the way for the emergence of female athletes, the achievements of an elite at various levels, and how some them retrospectively perceive their sporting trajectories.Narratives and oral testimonies of twenty-one selected athletes have in fact provided a large part of the row materiel relied upon in this thesis. The use of this sort of data helps compensating, up to a certain extent, the lack of substantial official archives and specific academic studies dealing with sport’s history in Morocco. However, because of their personal and subjective dimension, testimonies and memory remain problematic in many respects Additional complications are due to the particular “statute” of the author of this thesis - having been herself an athlete and member of the National Athletic Training Institute.Despite these obstacles, the study, which the author would like to consider as a contribution to the historiography dealing with Morocco’s recent past and “immediate history”, tried nevertheless to analyse and assess the various stages that Athletics, performed by girls and women in this country, went through, with its ups and downs, from its early beginning to nowadays

Mythe personnel et processus de biographisation dans la reconversion professionnelle : du héros au 'quidam', le cas particulier des militaires / Personal myth and biographical process in the professional reconversion : from hero to quidam, the particular case of the military

Solti, Richard 01 April 2019 (has links)
La reconversion professionnelle pose d’une manière originale la question du processus de biographisation et de définition de soi. Dans ce cadre, notre recherche vise à comprendre la manière dont les individus s’adaptent pour faire face au bouleversement potentiel de repères antérieurement construits. La théorie du mythe personnel, issue des travaux nord-américains de psychologie du développement et, peu connue en France, offre un cadre heuristique pour étudier les ressources psychosociales dont disposent les individus pour y faire face. Cette thèse, inscrite dans une perspective anthropologique et herméneutique de la recherche biographique en éducation, s’intéresse donc aux modalités de subjectivation du parcours de reconversion professionnelle en interrogeant les liens entre narration et biographisation de l'histoire de vie. Elle est soutenue par un corpus théorique multiréférentiel et interdisciplinaire qui cherche à faire dialoguer la recherche en éducation avec certains apports de la psychologie du développement, de la psychanalyse et des Sciences sociales, afin d'accéder au processus de construction de l’expérience du sujet. / Professional reconversion poses the question of the process of biographisation and definition of self in an original way. In this context, our research seeks to understand how individuals cope with this landmark change that was hence constructed. The theory of personal myth, prominent in North American studies in developmental psychology though hardly known in France, offers a heuristic framework to study the psychosocial resources that individuals dispose of to face these changes. This thesis, inscribed in an anthropological and hermeneutical perspective of the biographical research in education, is thus interested in the modalities of subjectivation of the course of professional reconversion by questioning the links between narration and biography of the life story. It is supported by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical corpus that seeks to create a dialogue with educational research with some contributions from developmental psychology, psychoanalysis and social sciences, to access the process of constructing the subject's experience.

Pèlerinage organisé en Israël pour jeunes Juifs montréalais : un exemple de rite de passage contemporain

Geoffrion, Karine January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Les impacts des expositions internationales et universelles sur les dynamiques métropolitaines des villes de la péninsule ibérique : Séville, Lisbonne et Saragosse

Castet, Jean-Bernard 22 November 2011 (has links)
Plus que d’autres types de grands évènements, les expositions internationales et universelles contribuent à changer le visage des villes organisatrices. Résolument comparative, cette analyse se propose de travailler sur trois expositions ayant eu lieu ces dernières décennies dans la péninsule ibérique. Les exemples de Séville, Lisbonne et Saragosse, villes de taille comparable et de contraintes similaires permettent de mieux évaluer les impacts de cette catégorie de grand évènement à la fois aux échelles métropolitaine, régionale et nationale. Au-delà de cet apport, l’objectif est également de dégager des éléments permettant d’analyser les bénéfices et les limites de ce type de grand évènement atour de quatre principaux items : l’impact urbain, l’impact économique, l’impact en termes d’image et l’impact sur les acteurs. Cette thèse vise à comprendre ce que ces expositions récentes ont apporté à ces villes, à la fois sur le court et le long terme, en analysant successivement les temps de la projection, de la réalisation et de la reconversion des sites d’exposition Ce travail démontre ainsi que les expositions, au-delà des réflexions postulant pour leur déclin progressif et inexorable, sont en fait de véritables accélérateurs du développement urbain et du processus de métropolisation. Mieux préparées et utilisées, elles pourraient donc être appelées aujourd’hui plus qu’hier encore à transformer les villes, notamment pour leur permettre de se mettre en cohérence avec les critères d’un développement métropolitain plus durable. / More than other major events, universal and international exhibitions contribute to revamp host cities. Associated to a comparative method, this analysis intends to study the three exhibitions which took place those ultimate decades in the Iberian peninsula. The examples of Sevilla, Lisbon and Saragossa, comparable towns with similar issues allow to evaluate the impacts of this kind of major events considering the metropolitan, regional and national scales. Beyond this contribution, the goal is to underline the elements that allow to analyse the benefits and the limits of that type of major events given four principal elements: urban impact, economical impact, representative impact and social impact. This thesis aims at understanding the exhibition’s contribution to those towns, on a medium and a long term, considering the time of projection, realization and reconversion of exhibitions spots.This work also demonstrates that exhibitions, beyond the assumption of a progressive and inexorable decline, are real boosters for urban development and metropolisation process. Better prepared and used, exhibitions could be involved now more than ever in cities’ transformation, particularly to respect the criteria of a more sustainable metropolitan development.

Pèlerinage organisé en Israël pour jeunes Juifs montréalais : un exemple de rite de passage contemporain

Geoffrion, Karine January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Etude du désarmement dans le contexte de recomposition du paysage international / Disarming study in the field of rebuilding up the international scene

Ngabo, Ndjaha 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le désarmement est l’un des axes stratégiques primordiaux de la politique internationale. Il se pose, de manière récurrente, la sempiternelle question de son rapport à la paix, à la sécurité internationale et au développement. Car, le désarmement est, indubitablement, un maillon essentiel de la chaîne indispensable pour bâtir un monde débarrassé de menaces et de risques consécutifs à une militarisation à outrance. Son sucés ou son échec est lié à la configuration du monde. C’est une question de volonté politique dont les États sont les acteurs majeurs. La mutation du contexte international relance la problématique du désarmement. Car, le désarmement vise à éliminer les armes dont l’accumulation constitue une source de tension internationale. Il concerne la réduction du format des armées, la contraction des dépenses militaires et le contrôle du transfert de la technologie militaire. Il permet de libérer à des fins pacifiques des ressources nécessaires à d’autres secteurs de l’économie. L’histoire du désarmement révèle des pratiques, parfois, unilatérales et coercitives. La mise en œuvre du désarmement n’est possible que lorsque, se manifeste une volonté dédiée à sa concrétisation. Il existe un lien entre les dépenses consacrées aux armements et le développement économique et social. Cependant, la diminution de l’influence incommensurable des complexes militaro-industriels, la reconversion des industries de défense conditionnent aussi le désarmement. La coopération multilatérale et la mutualisation des moyens restent des possibilités de garanties pour un désarmement efficient et efficace. / Disarm is one of the main strategics axis of the international politics. It happened, in a recurring way, the sempiternal question of his report to peace, international security and the development. Because disarming, is undoubtedly, an essential link of the chains to build a world without threats and consecutive risks with excess of militarization. Its success or its failure is linked to the configuration of the world. It is a question of political good-will which states are the major actors. The change of the international context boost the problems of disarming. Because, disarming aims to eliminate the weapons which accumulation constitutes a source of international tensions. It relates to the reduction of the format of armed, the contraction of the soldiers expenditure and the control of the military technology transfer. It permits to release peaceful purposes necessary resources to other sectors of the economy. The history of disarming raises the practices, sometimes, links and coercive. The implementation of disarming is not possible when, appears a dedicated will in its concretization. There is a bond between the expenditure devoted to the arms, the economic and social development. However, the reduction in the incommensurable influence of the military-industrial complexes, the reconversion of industries of expenditure condition also disarming. The multilateral co-operation and the mutualism of the means remain the possibilities of the guarantees for an efficient and effective disarming.

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