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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestes, contes, théâtre : une approche multimodale de l'anglais pour des élèves débutants à l'école primaire / Gesture, fairy tales, theatre : a multimodal approach to english for beginning students in primary school

Potapushkina-Delfosse, Marie 15 September 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche participative vise à élaborer et à tester un dispositif d’enseignement-apprentissage expérientiel de la langue anglaise, basé sur le principe de narration gestuée, destiné à des élèves débutants à l’école primaire. L’élément central de cette étude ancrée dans l’épistémologie de la reliance est la conception du geste, issue de l’anthropologie linguistique de Jousse, mise en pratique par Lecoq dans le domaine de la pédagogie théâtrale, concrétisée par la théorie des schémas-images de Johnson en linguistique cognitive, et confirmée expérimentalement par les récentes découvertes en neurosciences. Si le geste constitue la facette instrumentale du dispositif, le conte traditionnel en est l’appui thématique. Ce choix a été inspiré par la communauté des caractéristiques propres à la structure narrative du conte et à la motricité humaine (bilatéralisme joussien), au conte et à la conscience mythologique des enfants âgés de 6-8 ans (Egan, psychologie du développement).Le dispositif a été testé dans une classe de CE1 durant une année scolaire. L’analyse des productions d’élèves et des entretiens permet d’évaluer l’impact de la pédagogie expérimentée sur la qualité phonologique et lexicale de la langue, les stratégies de mémorisation ainsi que les stratégies de créativité/initiative linguistique et gestuelle mise en œuvre par les élèves. L’analyse met en lumière également le rôle de l’émotion et de l’interaction dans les apprentissages. / This participatory study on teaching languages in primary school aims to develop and test an experiential approach to English teaching and learning for beginners, based on the principle of gestural narration.This interdisciplinary research focuses on the concept of gesture as described by the linguistic anthropologist Marcel Jousse, put into practice by the theatre instructor Jacques Lecoq, embodied by Mark Johnson’s theory of image schemata in cognitive linguistics and confirmed by recent discoveries in neuroscience.In this teaching approach, gesture is the instrument, while traditional fairy tales provide the subject matter. Fairy tales were chosen because their narrative structure shares some of the characteristics of human motor behaviour (Jousse’s bilateralism) and because they are adapted to the mythic understanding of the world by children aged 6-8 (Egan, educational psychology).This approach was tested in a CE1 class (second year of primary school) during an entire school year. An analysis of student work and interviews assesses the impact of this experimental teaching approach on phonological and lexical language quality, on memorizing strategies, on pupils’ linguistic and gestural creativity/initiative, and evaluates the role of emotion and interaction in their learning.

Kommunal revision : Den outforskade relationen mellan förtroendevalda och externa revisorer / The municipal audit system : The unexplored relationship between political appointed and external auditors

Engdahl, Ebba, van der Bilt, Jacqueline January 2018 (has links)
Inom den kommunala revisionen samarbetar förtroendevalda och externa revisorer för att tillsammans genomföra en granskning av kommunens räkenskaper och förvaltning. Kommunfullmäktige utser politiskt utvalda förtroendevalda revisorer och de ska enligt kommunallagen biträdas av externa revisorer för att kunna fullgöra sitt uppdrag utifrån god revisionssed. Majoriteten av kommunerna i Skåne väljer att upphandla en extern revisionsbyrå på marknaden, där PwC, KPMG samt EY tillhörande the Big 4 konkurrerar om att bli upphandlade. Relationen mellan de externa och förtroendevalda revisorerna är outforskad och syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka relationen mellan de förtroendevalda revisorerna och de externa revisorerna, och vidare granska hur samarbetet fungerar och för vem revisionen skapar värde.   Tre kommuner i Skåne har medverkat i uppsatsen där tre förtroendevalda samt fyra externa revisorer från kommunernas upphandlade revisionsbyrå intervjuats. Utifrån studiens empiriska material har tre aspekter av relationen identifierats: relationens uppkomst, relationens utformning samt relationens slutliga framställning. Relationen uppstår efter en upphandlingsprocess där relationens utformning bland annat influeras av de fem elementen reliance, competence, independence, earlier work performancesamt trust. De förtroendevalda revisorerna måste uppleva en tillit till det arbete som de externa revisorerna utför eftersom de externa framställer underlag, rapporter och revisionsberättelsen åt de förtroendevaldas vägnar. Competence, independence, earlier work performancehar en inverkan på graden av upplevd relianceoch trustär ett element som är av stor vikt för ett effektivt samarbete och revisionskvalitén. Relationens slutliga framställning är en revisionsberättelse som är tänkt att bidra som underlag till kommunfullmäktige och skapa värde för allmänheten. / The municipal audit system in Sweden consists of political appointed and external auditors that together audit the municipality's accounts and management. The municipal council elects politically appointed auditors, which are assisted by external auditors in order to fulfill their assignment according to the Swedish municipal law. The majority of the municipalities acquire external auditors from PwC, KPMG or EY. The relationship between the political and the external auditors is unexplored and the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between the political and the external auditors, and examine how the cooperation works and to whom the audit system creates value for.  Three political auditors and four external auditors from three municipalities were interviewed. Based on the empirical material, three aspects of the relationship have been identified: the origin of the relation, the relationship's configuration and the relationship's final output. The relationship begins when the municipality selects an external audit firm. The relationship's configuration is influenced by five elements: reliance, competence, independence, earlier work performance and trust. The political auditors experience a high level of confidence in the work made by the external auditors, as the external auditors construct the audit reports on behalf of the political auditors. Competence, independence and earlier work performance have an impact on the extent of reliance and trust is of great importance for an effective collaboration. The output of the relationship is an audit report that is intended to be of value for both the council and the public.

Změna kvality života žen s diagnostikovaným karcinomem prsu / The change in quality of life with women diagnosed breast cancer

HOLANOVÁ, Gabriela January 2008 (has links)
Professional treatises and articles in commercial media having breast carcinoma in the heading characterize it mostly as an epidemiologically serious phenomenon. This fact cannot be doubted regarding to occurrence of this carcinoma disorder of women (in minimal cases of men). At present the patients become co-coordinators of the treatment in far bigger rate than they used to. Studies and practical experience in this context show that only quantitative aspects of life like the length are not the determined ones for the patient, but more and more patients prefer quality of the survival. Traditional medicine under the pressure of such findings tends to modify treatment procedures in relation with keeping certain quality of life of oncological patients. That is the reason why traditional medicine in the objectives of psychooncology specialization maps the rate of such level, searches preferences of the patients in context of type of the carcinoma, the stage of the disease, individual emotional attitudes etc. Psychooncology becomes an equal partner to radiology, surgery, pathology, oncology and psychology itself in terms of help patients. The possibility to provide psychooncological investigation in the centre of diagnosis and treatment of breast carcinoma of women Mamografie Nemocnice Písek a.s. and to process the data by the form of diploma work seemed purposeful in this case. In the theoretical part initial conditions of breast carcinoma by traditional medicine were defined {--} diagnosis, cure and consecutive treatment. Common emotional maps while facing cancer diagnosis were defined. Methods of determination quality of life of patients in historical and contemporary trends were mentioned. The selected methodology was described by the form of partially anonymous questionnaires and investigative file of 128 women was characterized. The aim of this work was to search the women with diagnosis of breast carcinoma and development of their partnerships, relationships in extended family, inter - personal relationships at work and to compare quantifiable parameters with the time before setting the diagnosis. Mapping somatic (tiredness, pain, insomnia, digestive problems) and psychosomatic factors determining quality of life of sick women was the major axis of searching and investigation. These aims were applied to defined hypotheses which dealt with goals mentioned in the context of contemporary state of comprehension to help people with oncological diagnosis: breast carcinoma is not only serious somatic problem but also psychosocial issue although psychooncology is not the specialization systematically incorporated into the complex oncological solution of patients at the moment. Dates result in the fact that the factors which contribute most to the quality of life concerning to somatic influences are negatively felt tiredness followed by pain afterwards. The dominant psychical influences include depression, anxiety and insomnia. In psychosocial sphere social support is unambiguously dominantly important for quality of life and according to the literature it can contribute even to the length of survival. Following the data, lucid absence of psychooncological help in early stages after detected disorder and during contingent recovery seemed insufficient. The diploma work was not purposeless. There was a deep interest and support of all medical staff of the mammography centre. If we succeed to include psychooncological intervention into a set of conditions asserted in the horizon of treatment of breast cancer, then the data will daily contribute to help of sick women. By generalization it is possible to outline the way in understanding the complex treatment and solving further oncological diagnoses and procedures.

A motivação das decisões judiciais civis em um estado de direito: necessária proteção da segurança jurídica / Reasoned judgments in the rule of law: realizing legal certainty

Rodrigo Ramina de Lucca 16 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do papel desempenhado pelo dever de motivação das decisões judiciais na realização do Estado de Direito e, consequentemente, dos princípios da segurança jurídica e do devido processo legal. Partindo de uma concepção fina do Estado de Direito, busca-se demonstrar, inclusive mediante dados históricos, que a motivação das decisões judiciais é fundamental ao controle da atividade jurisdicional, reduzindo o arbítrio e o subjetivismo a que todo exercício de poder está sujeito. Para que a motivação possa desempenhar tal função, deve ser dotada de algumas características essenciais, que incluem: racionalidade, estrutura lógico-argumentativa e natureza declaratória e retrospectiva; cada uma delas estudada especificamente. Em relação à promoção da segurança jurídica, explica-se que apenas decisões motivadas são aptas a gerar precedentes judiciais, cuja observância é fundamental para se proporcionar estabilidade e previsibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, defende-se que as razões dadas pelos órgãos judiciais para a tomada de decisões geram expectativas legítimas no jurisdicionado que devem ser tuteladas. / This essay faces the role performed by obligatory reasoned judgments in the Rule of Law and its consequences to legal certainty and due process of law. Accepting a thin theory of the Rule of Law, the author intends to show, through the appointment of historical facts, that giving reasons for judgments is essential to control the jurisdictional activity and restrict the arbitrary power. Giving reasons, however, shall only attend its expected role if some exigencies are fulfilled, including: rationality, logical-argumentative structure and declaratory and retrospective nature of the reasons given. The author also explains that judgments may not be precedents if they are not reasoned; and following precedents is essential to assure legal certainty. Besides that, it is sustained that reasoned judgments generate legitimate expectations to the citizens that should be protected.

A Comparison of the Perceptions of Future Adult Functioning of Adolescents with Spina Bifida, Their Parents, and Adolescents without an Identified Disability

Cain, Hal M. (Hal Martin) 12 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted to investigate factors associated with the perceived future self-efficacy in adolescents with spina bifida. Thirteen adolescents with spina bifida and their parents were surveyed. Seventeen adolescents without an identified disability and their parents were also surveyed. The Questionnaire of Future Adult Activities (QFAA) and the Health Attribution Test (HAT) were administered. Parent responses were compared to those of adolescents and adolescent responses were compared between groups. There was no overall correlation between parent and adolescent responses. Differences were found between responses of adolescents with spina bifida and adolescents without an identified disability. Limited correlations were found between the QFAA and the HAT.

The impact of a development centre approach on poverty alleviation in Region A of the City of Johannesburg

Koagetse, Motlapele Sylvia 17 January 2012 (has links)
One of the most important issues facing the South African democracy is that of breaking the grip of poverty on a substantial portion of its citizens. In South Africa, Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) play a major role in the development of assistance for the poor and in reducing poverty. As an NPO, the Greater Midrand Development Centre (GMDC) has played an important role in supporting and encouraging the development aspirations of Region A of the City of Johannesburg community in the areas of Agricultural projects, bakery, poultry and paper making. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the Development Centre Approach (DCA) on poverty alleviation in the Region A of the City of Johannesburg community and to make recommendations on policy priorities and challenges that will fast track developmental social service delivery within a Development Centre Approach. The study focused on the GMDC poverty alleviation projects in five selected areas. The study followed a qualitative research approach. Data was collected by means of one-on-one interviews and focus groups by means of semi-structured interview schedules. The participants of the focus groups involved both those beneficiaries who were still attending the GMDC poverty alleviation projects, and those who have exited the development centre poverty alleviation projects. The one-on-one interviews involved five project leaders, members of the board, staff members, and officials from the Department of Social Development. The findings indicated that the GMDC has played a crucial role in terms of poverty alleviation of the beneficiaries. From the study it was concluded that the poverty alleviation projects of the GMDC appear to be alleviating the poverty of the beneficiaries by addressing some of their basic needs to a certain extent by improving a livelihood, but nonetheless still not reducing their poverty levels. The study recommends the development of a clear exit strategy which is understood and supported by beneficiaries. The exit strategy should include factors and elements which will promote sustainability, such as business and entrepreneurial skills; knowledge on equipment; material; a marketing strategy; and a strategy or guidelines on networking, including donors and financing institutions. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Zookie: A program on self protection for pre-school age children

Young, Sharon Y. 01 January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Úloha ošetřujících při mobilizaci nepohyblivých pacientů a možnosti rehabilitačního ošetřovatelství / The role of nursing staff in mobilizing immobile patiens and ways of nursing physiotherapy

Nedělková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The present master thesis titled "The role of nursing staff in mobilisation of immobile patients and possibilities of physiotherapy" is focused on the quality of providing movement support on the Ist clinical department ofinternal medicine in the local hospital of the town of Most. The thesis is divided into two parts-theoretical and empirical one. In the theoretical part I focus on the role od physiotherapy from the point of view of providing the high-quality integrated nursing care. In this part of thesis I introduce the issues of patients' needs, movement support as an improvement of patient's quality of life and legislative competences of nursing staff related to physiotherapeutical care and self-reliance training based on the respective bibliographical sources. Further I also focus on the consequenses of immobility and the aspects of life quality, which is very intensively linked to patient's movement compentences.Final chapter of the theoretical part describes the principles of kistestetics and its implementation in movement support. The empirical part is formed of a research and its results interpretation.There I introduce the methodology of qualitative research and further I describe the proper reasearch itself , which was carried out among registered nurses on the I st clinical department...

Microcredits and the empowerment of Muslim female entrepreneurs : A comparative study on conventional microcredits and Islamic microcredits in empowering Muslim female entrepreneurs in Tanzania.

Khalif, Yahye, Cabdirisaaq, Liiban January 2019 (has links)
Previous research has emphasized the importance of promoting female entrepreneurship in developing countries. Women often lack assets, financial history and are disadvantaged in acquiring wage-employment. In Tanzania, female entrepreneurs face these constraints when seeking resources for entrepreneurial purposes. Provision of microcredits has thereby been highlighted to empower women. Impact assessments of women accessing microcredits has its focus on evaluating a change in the decision-making of women. Our study focusses on combining factors affecting female entrepreneurship and achievements. Scarce literature has covered the possible empowerment of Muslim female entrepreneurs caused by microcredits in the world and in the context of Tanzania. Many Muslims do not engage in interest-based transactions. Instead, they use the products of Islamic microfinance institutions, who refrain from using interest-based credits. Our study, therefore, aims to explore the possible empowerment of Muslim female entrepreneurs, comparing female entrepreneurs who use microcredits provided by conventional microfinance institutions (MFIs) and Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs). Our study points out in line with previous research that microcredits empower Muslim female entrepreneurs in Tanzania. The study highlights that Muslim female entrepreneurs in Tanzania prefer non-interest-based microcredits over interest-based microcredits, as they are in accordance with their faith.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Elevers upplevelser av sin studiesituation på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program

Rais, Ing-Marie, Blomqvist, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Den här studien vill synliggöra elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och deras situation på yrkes­förberedande gymnasieprogram. Studien är baserad på kvalitativa halvstruktu­rerade intervjuer med kvinnliga elever som studerar vid yrkesförberedande gymnasieprogram. Resultatet belyser det stöd och bemötande som eleverna upplever från skola, familj och kamra­ter. Ett tydligt re­sultat i denna studie är brist på information från lärare till elever om tillgängliga kompenserande hjälpmedel. I slutsatsen presenteras förslag på utvecklingsprojekt mellan be­rörda parter i skolan för att förbättra måluppfyllelsen för elever i behov av särskilt stöd.

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