Spelling suggestions: "subject:"renovation"" "subject:"enovation""
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Využití financování ze zdrojů EU pro výstavbu, rekonstrukce a vybavení škol v Jihočeském kraji / The use of funding from EU resources for construction, renovation and equipment of schools in South BohemiaPŘIBYL, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The subject of my Master´s Thesis is Use of funding from EU resources for construction, renovation and equipment of schools in South Bohemia. The thesis consists of two parts a theoretical and practical one. The theoretical part contains a description of basic terms concerning Structural Funds and Operational Programmes (OP) that schools gain financial means through. Special attention is paid to OP Living environment, OP Education and competitiveness and to Regional Operational Programme South-west, too. The theoretical part includes a procedure from planning, over realization and monitoring to checking of the project applying for support of funds of the European Union. The practical part is focused on use of theoretical knowledge in practice and on analysis of present state of using grants by schools in the South-bohemian district. A factual example how a school applies for financial support and what requirements must be submitted and met by an applicant is given at the end of the practical part. Results of this Master´s thesis can help to comprehend problems concerned and to simplify for schools administration connected with applying for European grants.
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O mercado imobili?rio e a reinven??o da Ribeira, Natal - RN: verticalizar para renovar?Nascimento, Ingrid Graziele Reis do 18 April 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The real estate dynamic originates new spatial forms, which can determine new uses and
new places. We tried to analyze this work, the spatial transformations in the Ribeira district, Natal /
RN, due to the advancement of the housing market that is gradually transforming the landscape with
the introduction of new types of housing, especially by verticalization. The verticalization of the
neighborhood occurs almost at once, changing the local landscape. Notwithstanding this process,
given the rapid growth of Natal in the last two decades and the strategic location of the neighborhood,
it is pertinent to note that, if not the process of vertical integration, perhaps the neighborhood had
been at the mercy of other urban interventions and other approach the real estate market. The
research used as instruments interviews with actors who work in the property market in the town and
representatives of organizations that have implemented major legislation in the area, the Instituto de
Patrim?nio Hist?rico e Art?stico Nacional (IPHAN) and the Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo
(SEMURB) as well as photographs on the area, in order to verify this new configuration that has been
consolidated in the district. To support the theoretical discussion, there was a documentary and
bibliographical research. In this way, the object of study of this search sees the uniqueness of urban
renewal in the district of Ribeira and its relationship with the historic preservation laws and incentives
for residential occupation in the neighborhood, especially regarding the vertical building / A din?mica imobili?ria origina novas formas espaciais, que podem determinar os novos
usos dos lugares. Buscou-se analisar, nesse trabalho, as transforma??es espaciais no bairro da
Ribeira, Natal/RN, devido ao avan?o do mercado imobili?rio que vem transformando
gradativamente a paisagem com a inser??o de novas tipologias de moradias, principalmente as
verticais. A verticaliza??o do bairro favorecida por uma legisla??o, n?o apenas permissiva, mas
indutiva ocorre quase que de uma s? vez, alterando sobremaneira a paisagem local. N?o obstante
esse processo, dado o r?pido crescimento da cidade de Natal nas ?ltimas duas d?cadas e a
localiza??o estrat?gica do bairro, ? pertinente observar que, se n?o fosse o processo de
verticaliza??o, talvez o bairro tivesse ficado ? merc? de outras interven??es urban?sticas e de outro
tipo de abordagem do mercado imobili?rio. A pesquisa utilizou como procedimentos metodol?gicos
entrevistas com atores do mercado imobili?rio que atuam na localidade e com representantes dos
?rg?os que implementaram as principais legisla??es na ?rea: o Instituto de Patrim?nio Hist?rico e
Arquitet?nico Nacional (IPHAN) e a Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo (SEMURB), al?m de
registros fotogr?ficos no local, com o intuito de verificar essa nova configura??o que vem se
consolidando no bairro. Para respaldar a discuss?o te?rica, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica e
documental. De tal modo, que o objeto deste estudo dessa disserta??o vislumbra as singularidades
da renova??o urbana no bairro da Ribeira e sua articula??o com as legisla??es de preserva??o
hist?rica e est?mulos ? ocupa??o residencial no bairro, principalmente no tocante as resid?ncias
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Itinerário de uma transformação paisagística urbana. O Parque Terceiro Milênio e a estrutura ecológica urbana na cidade de Bogotá DC - Colombia / A journey of transforming urban landscape. Third Millennium Park and the ecological and urban structure in Bogota DC - ColombiaNelson Domingo Dueñas Pinto 14 October 2009 (has links)
A partir do ano 2000 cunhou-se no discurso do Ordenamento Territorial de Bogotá D.C. o conceito de Estrutura Ecológica, o qual foi interpretado como uma categoria fundamental no ordenamento espacial do território, com uma função específica: manter e conduzir a biodiversidade e os processos ecológicos essenciais do território. Os parques urbanos de grande escala que até antes desse ano eram visualizados como peças isoladas na superfície urbana, destinadas à recreação dos cidadãos incorporaram-se como um sistema essencial no ordenamento do território por meio deste conceito de Estrutura Ecológica; em consequência, a noção de parque urbano de grande escala ou metropolitano adquiriu um compromisso ambiental, que até os dias de hoje não tinha sido plenamente reconhecido. Neste contexto enquadra-se o Parque Metropolitano Terceiro Milênio, o qual foi concebido como uma obra de renovação urbana no setor de maior deterioramento físico, social e ambiental do centro da cidade, e foi estabelecido sobre o curso e ponto de confluência dos rios San Francisco e San Agustín, corpos de água de grande importância desde a fundação da cidade. Devido ao propósito com o qual foi concebido o projeto e a sua estratégica localização como parte integrante da Estrutura Ecológica de Bogotá, o Parque Terceiro Milênio foi uma grande oportunidade de contribuir para o melhoramento das condições do ecossistema da cidade, a recuperação do sistema hídrico natural, a renaturalização da rede de Corredores Ecológicos e a transformação da paisagem do centro de Bogotá. A simultaneidade de propósitos que convergiram na concepção, formulação e materialização deste Parque é exatamente o ponto de partida que motivou a pesquisa presente nesta dissertação. O Parque Terceiro Milênio reúne condições que o tornam uma oportunidade para a reflexão sobre os vínculos e as possíveis contradições que existem entre o discurso ambiental representado no conceito de Estrutura Ecológica e a formulação e materialização de um projeto concreto. É assim que a metodologia privilegia: uma análise do ideário presente nos documentos de formulação do projeto, para o qual se desenvolve uma leitura crítica do conceito de Estrutura Ecológica; uma avaliação em perspectiva histórica e em diferentes escalas, da forma como a cidade ocupou seu território; um exame dos estudos e desenhos dos três projetos que configuraram o ideário do Parque e sua relação com a Estrutura Ecológica; e uma análise integral da relação entre o parque e sua bacia hidrográfica. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa permitiu estabelecer, entre outros aspectos, a existência de uma fratura entre o discurso ambiental e o projeto executado, sendo pertinente à academia e à administração distrital lançarem um olhar mais amplo qualitativa e quantitativa sobre o sistema hídrico da cidade e, finalmente, sendo necessário implementar novas metodologias e elementos de análise que ressarçam as deficiências que se apresentaram na formulação e construção de projetos urbanos pertencentes à estrutura ecológica, como foi o caso do Parque Terceiro Milênio. / Since 2000 the concept of Ecologic Structure has been incorporated as part of the territorial reorganization of Bogota D.C., and is being interpreted as a fundamental category in the spatial reorganization of the territory, with a specific function: sustain and drive the biodiversity and the territorys essential ecological processes. The large scale urban parks which until that year were visualized as separated pieces in the urban landscape providing recreation to inhabitants- were incorporated as an essential system in the territorys order thru the concept of Ecological Structure; as such, the metropolitan urban park or large scale park acquired an environmental compromise that until then was not recognized. Under this context, the Third Millennium Metropolitan Park (2000-2005) was conceived as a piece of urban renovation in the area of the city presenting the most physical, social and environmental detriment in the downtown core and it was located where the rivers San Francisco and San Agustín meet. It should be noted that these two Rivers have been water bodies of great importance since the foundation of the city. Given the purpose of the project and its strategic location as an integral part of the Ecological Structure of Bogota, the Third Millennium Park was visualized as a great opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the citys ecosystem, the recovery of the natural hydrological system, the re-naturalization of the network of ecological corridors and the transformation of the downtowns landscape. The way of these diverse purposes came together during the conception, proposal and implementation of this park is precisely the starting point for this investigation. The Third Millennium Park meets the conditions that turn it into an opportunity to reflect about the linkages and potential contradictions that exist between the environmental speech represented by the concept of ecological structure- and the proposal and implementation of a concrete project. This is how the methodology benefits an analysis of the thoughts and ideas contained in the proposal documents of the project. For this reason the following actions are being conducted: a critical analysis of the Ecological Structure concept; an evaluation of how the city occupied its territory from a historical and scale perspective; research of the designs and studies of the three projects that conformed the conceptualization of the park and its relationship with the Ecological Structure; and a thorough analysis of the relationship between the park and the watershed. This research established among other aspects that there is a disconnect between the environmental speech and the implemented project, that it is pertinent that the scholars and the municipal administration perform a more comprehensive analysis quantitative and qualitative- about the hydrological system of the city, and lastly, that it is necessary implementing new methodologies and analysis elements to correct the deficiencies that were found in the proposal and construction of urban projects belonging to the ecological structure, as it was the case with the Third Millennium Park.
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Apropriação do espaço urbano e as políticas de intervenção urbana e habitacional no centro de São Paulo / Appropriation of urban space and intervention policies and urban house in downtown São PauloPaulo Emilio Buarque Ferreira 16 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa desenvolver uma reflexão crítica a respeito das formas de apropriação atuais e desejáveis nos moldes de um uso democrático e socialmente justo dos espaços públicos na área central de São Paulo, dentro do contexto de re-apropriação da área por diferentes atores sociais. / This dissertation develops a critical reflection of the claims and uses by many social actors of public spaces in downtown Sao Paulo. It analyses current and potential approaches, following values of democracy and social justice.
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O patrimônio da cidade: arquitetura e ambiente urbano nos inventários de São Paulo da década de 1970 / The city heritage: architecture and urban surrounding in the inventories of the city of São Paulo in the decade of 1970´s.Paula Rodrigues de Andrade 30 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo a investigação dos trabalhos de inventário do patrimônio da cidade de São Paulo, realizados entre os anos de 1974 e 1978, que tinham o objetivo de identificar imóveis a serem preservados na Área Central e na Zona Leste da cidade. Procurou-se compreender estes trabalhos como parte integrante das novas abor-dagens no campo da preservação do patrimônio que estavam em gestação na capital paulista, tanto no que diz respei-to aos conceitos quanto às metodologias neles adotados. Os trabalhos de inventário, assim como, as ações efetivas para a preservação de imóveis são compreendidos como parte de uma nova sensibilidade em relação ao patrimônio da cidade, então em rápido processo de transformação em decorrência das demolições advindas da verticalização ou da implantação de grandes obras viárias e de infra-estrutura, como a implantação do metrô. Procura-se estabelecer os nexos entre esses estudos e as práticas de planejamento urbano e de regulamentação do uso do solo realizados no período. Foram investigados os critérios e conceitos defendidos pelos agentes dos inventários focalizados, procuran-do-se detectar as referências e os diálogos intelectuais mantidos com as experiências nacionais e internacionais, crité-rios considerados decisivos na formação dos novos discursos e métodos empreendidos, especialmente àqueles que contribuíram à construção, entendimento e afirmação do conceito de \"patrimônio ambiental urbano\", utilizado pelos agentes preservacionistas a partir desse período. / This work has as its goal to analyse the inventory works of the heritage of the city of São Paulo, performed between 1974 and 1978, which had as objective to identify real estates to be preserved in the Downtown and East areas of the city. While reviewing these works, it was persued to comprehend them as a fundamental part of the new ap-proaches in the field of heritage preservation in development in the São Paulo state capital, concearning either the concepts and the methodologies adopted in them. The inventories, as well as the effective actions for the preserva-tion of the selected properties, are taken as part of a new sensitivity towards the city patrimony, so far in a quick transformation process due to demolishings caused by verticalization or by the implantation of great road construc-tions or of infrastructure, like subway stations. The focus is to establish the logical aspects between these studies and the practices of urban planning and the regulation of the use of the ground performed in this period. The criteria and concepts defended by the focused inventory agents were studied, trying to detect the references and dialogues kept with national and international experiences, intellectual dialogues considered decisive in the formation of new criteria, speeches and undertaken methods, specially those that contributed to the construction and stating of the concept of \"urban environmental heritage\", used by preservational agents from this period on.
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L’accueil de la coupe du Monde 2014 et des JO 2016 et les impacts de la « révolution des transports » sur la justice socio-spatiale à Rio de Janeiro : tout changer pour que rien ne change ? / The hosting of 2014 football World Cup and 2016 Olympic games and the impacts of the « transport revolution » on socio-spatial justice in Rio de Janeiro : everything changes so that nothing changes?Legroux, Jean 30 May 2016 (has links)
L’accueil de la coupe du Monde 2014 et des JO 2016 à Rio de Janeiro représente la consécration d’une stratégie de construction de ville attractive qui se base sur l’organisation de méga-événements, un contexte économique favorable et une entente conjoncturelle entre les différents niveaux de gouvernement brésiliens. Cette politique néolibérale de fabrique et de gouvernance de l’espace urbain – impliquant une nouvelle reconfiguration des coalitions d’acteurs historiquement présents dans le circuit de l’accumulation urbain – se fonde sur la rénovation de la ville de Rio dans le but de l’insérer dans la compétition internationale des villes, mais aussi pour échapper, sur le plan national, à sa trajectoire de décadence sur fond de crise économique et politique (qui débuta dans les années 1970-1980). Dans les discours officiels, les transformations urbaines à l’œuvre répondent aux besoins de la « ville olympique » tout en provoquant des impacts positifs pour les habitants de la ville (et par conséquent pour ceux de la région métropolitaine). Dans ce contexte, les investissements en infrastructures de mobilité sont les plus importants, en termes de montants investis et d’impacts sur l’espace urbain, amenant les pouvoirs publics à parler d’une « révolution des transports » capable de résoudre la crise de la mobilité qui aggrave les processus de ségrégation et d’exclusion urbaine. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer, à travers une analyse multi-scalaire, c’est-à-dire les échelles métropolitaine, municipale et intra-municipales), les impacts différenciés des projets de transport sur la justice socio-spatiale à Rio de Janeiro. Outre une mise en perspective des différents projets et composantes de la « révolution des transports » et de leurs effets sur les dynamiques urbaines, il s’agit d’appliquer différents critères de justice à l’analyse géographique pour proposer une évaluation complexe des impacts des projets de transport, qu’ils portent sur la satisfaction de la demande en termes de capacité et de qualité, ou sur des externalités dépassant ceux de la mobilité (expropriations d’habitants, spéculation immobilière, etc.). La méthodologie qualitative (observation de terrain et entretiens semi-directifs) combinée à cette grille de lecture multicritère de la justice permet de d’appréhender les effets à différentes échelles, de repérer les divers groupes d’acteurs en conflit dans ce contexte de ville attractive et d’identifier quels sont les gagnants et les perdants de cette stratégie urbaine. Finalement, les impacts de la « révolution des transports » provoquent des changements qui n’impliquent pas de rupture réelle, ni avec le modèle routier de mobilité ni avec les logiques de ségrégation de la ville néolibérale. Tout changer pour que rien ne change ? / Rio de Janeiro’s hosting of the World Cup 2014 and the Olympics Games 2016, is the consecration of the "attractive city" strategy, which is based on the triplet organization of mega-events, dynamic economic context and circumstantial alignment between the three levels of Government. This neoliberal policy and governance related to the construction of the urban space implies a reconfiguration of coalitions of historical actors present in the circuit of urban accumulation. Rio’s urban renewal aims to link this city to the global circuit of cities competition, but also to evade from its path of economic and political decay, which began in the 1980s. In official statements, the ongoing urban transformations meet the requirements of the "Olympic city" and generate positive impacts for local and metropolitan inhabitants. In this context, investments in mobility infrastructure are the most meaningful, both in financial and impacts on urban space terms. This leads the government rhetoric of a "transport revolution", able to solve the urban mobility city crisis, clearly attached to processes of urban segregation and exclusion. The object of this thesis is to evaluate, through a multiscale analysis, which includes metropolitan, municipal and intra-urban dimensions, the various impacts of transportation projects on social and spatial justice in Rio de Janeiro. Then, based on justice theories applied to Geography, a multicriteria analytic model of justice is constructed, to assess the impact of transportation projects on terms of demand satisfaction and the effects on other processes such as expropriations and land speculation. The qualitative methodology (semi-structured interviews and field observation), along with the multicriteria framework of justice, allowed the identification of the various groups of conflicting actors in the constitution of the "attractive city" and, among them, those who "win" and those who "lose". The results indicate that the impact of the "transport revolution" in Rio de Janeiro, for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, causes shifts that tear down neither the Brazilian road mobility model, nor the neoliberal’s city segregation rationale. Change everything in order to nothing change?
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Energy Efficient Renovation Strategies for Swedish and Other European Residential and Office BuildingsGustafsson, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
The high energy use in the European building stock is attributable to the large share of old buildings with poor energy performance. Energy renovation of buildings is therefore vital in the work towards energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact in the EU. Yet, the strategies and energy system implications of this work have not been made clear, and the rate of building renovation is currently very low. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the economic and environmental aspects of energy renovation strategies, with two main objectives: Renovation of Swedish district heated multi-family houses, including life-cycle cost and environmental analysis and impact on the local energy system; Renovation of European residential and office buildings, including life-cycle cost and environmental analysis and influence of climatic conditions. Buildings typical for the respective regions and the period of construction 1945-1970 were simulated, in order to determine the feasibility and energy saving potential of energy renovation measures in European climates. A variety of systems for heating, cooling and ventilation were studied, as well as solar energy systems, with focus on heat pumps, district heating, low-temperature heating systems and air heat recovery. Compared to normal building renovation, energy renovation can often reduce the life-cycle costs and environmental impact. In renovation of typical European office buildings, as well as Southern European multi-family houses, more ambitious renovation levels can also be more profitable. Exhaust air heat pumps can be cost-effective complements in district heated multi-family houses, while ventilation with heat recovery is more expensive but also more likely to reduce the primary energy use. From a system perspective, simple exhaust ventilation can reduce the primary energy use in the district-heating plant as much as an exhaust air heat pump, due to the lower electricity use. / Byggnadssektorn står för omkring 40 % av den totala energianvändningen i EU. Den höga energianvändningen i Europeiska byggnader kan till stor del tillskrivas den stora andelen gamla byggnader med dålig energiprestanda. Energirenovering av byggnader, eller energieffektivisering genom renovering, kan därför anses utgöra en central del i arbetet mot EU:s klimat- och energimål för år 2030. Trots detta är det ännu inte helt klarlagt vilka strategier som ska tillämpas för att uppnå detta och hur det påverkar energisystemet, och i nuläget är renoveringstakten fortfarande väldigt låg. Målet med denna avhandling är att undersöka ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter av strategier för energirenovering, såväl byggnadsskalsåtgärder som aktiva system, för typiska bostads- och kontorsbyggnader i Sverige och i andra Europeiska regioner. Mer specifikt har arbetet följande två inriktningar: Renovering av svenska, fjärrvärmevärmda flerfamiljshus, inklusive livscykelkostnadsanalys och livscykelmiljöanalys samt påverkan på det lokala energisystemet; Renovering av Europeiska bostads- och kontorsbyggnader, inklusive livscykelkostnadsanalys och livscykelmiljöanalys samt påverkan av klimatförutsättningar. Byggnader typiska för respektive region och byggnadsperioden 1945-1970 modellerades och användes i simuleringar för att fastställa den övergripande möjligheten och energibesparingspotentialen för olika renoveringsåtgärder i Europeiska klimat. En rad system för värme, kyla och ventilation studeras, samt solenergisystem, med fokus på värmepumpar, fjärrvärme, lågtemperaturvärmesystem och värmeåtervinning ur frånluft. Jämfört med renovering av byggnader utan energieffektiviseringsåtgärder kan energirenovering i många fall minska såväl livscykelkostnaden som miljöpåverkan. Vid renovering av typiska Europeiska kontorsbyggnader lönar det sig mer att renovera ner till ett uppvärmningsbehov på 25 kWh/(m²∙år) än 45 kWh/(m²∙år), då den minskade kostnaden för köpt energi väger upp den ökade kostnaden för isolering. För flerfamiljshus i södra Europa kan mer ambitiösa mål gällande värmebehov också vara lönsamma, medan en mer måttlig nivå är lämplig för småhus. Solvärme- eller solelsystem kan användas för att minska byggnaders miljöpåverkan. Utan subventioner eller inmatningstariff för överskottsel kan det bli svårt att få lönsamhet i dessa system för kontorsbyggnader i Nord- och Centraleuropa samt för småhus. För flerfamiljshus kan solenergisystem dock sänka den totala livscykelkostnaden, såväl i södra som i norra Europa. Värmeåtervinning och lågtemperaturvärmesystem visade sig båda ha större inverkan i kallare klimat. Lågtemperaturvärmesystem förbättrar värmefaktorn för värmepumpar, i synnerhet när uppvärmningsbehovet är stort i förhållande till varmvattenbehovet. Vid renovering av byggnader med vattenburna radiatorer kan konvertering till tilluftsradiatorer sänka framledningstemperaturen i värmesystemet. I svenska flerfamiljshus kan frånluftsvärmepump vara ett kostnadseffektivt komplement till fjärrvärme, medan från- och tilluftsventilation med värmeåtervinning är dyrare men mer sannolikt att ge en minskad primärenergianvändning. I ett systemperspektiv kan frånluftsventilation utan värmeåtervinning minska primärenergianvändningen i fjärrvärmeverket lika mycket som en frånluftsvärmepump, tack vare den lägre elanvändningen. / iNSPiRe
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Energieffektivisering med fukthänsyn av ytterväggar på plankhus / Energy efficiency with moisture consideration of wooden walls on massive wooden housePersson, Simon, Krantz, Edwin January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Villas built before 1960 represent around 45% of the dwelling in Sweden. Since the average U-value in their walls is around 0,5 W/m2K, there is a great concern to improve these values. The Swedish government's goal is to reduce energy intensity in the country by 2020 by 20 % from 2008’s values. The aim of this study is to reach phase renovation proposals taking into account energy and moisture on houses consisting of standing shelves. With this, the authors wish to contribute and encourage renovation of existing villas, which in turn can lead to reduced energy consumption. Method: This work is based on a case study of a 1940’s wooden house located in Skillingaryd. Measurements and parameters have been taken in order to calculate the house's specific energy usage in the BV2 analysis program. Document analyses and interviews have been used to get a deeper knowledge of existing conditions, and to suggest ways to utilise the material that the market offers nowadays. This should serve the purpose of creating as energy-efficient phase resolution as possible. Result: The study shows that an outer wall of a massive wooden house should keep a U-value of 0,15 W/m2K to meet the specific energy consumption of 90 kWh/m2 and year, when the other house is additional insulated. The study presents two refurbishment proposals supported by interviewed experts in the insulation and consulting industry. The first option leaves large parts of the old facade untouched, adding new insulation layers of the desired thickness. The second option advises to tear away all old panels into the shelf frame, thus re-building with new materials. Both proposals address the issue of how the facade should be refurbished in order to make it moisture proof. They mostly solve the problem by refurbishing it outwards and by eventually placing a vapor barrier for a maximum of one third in of the insulation. This vapor barrier may or may not be a watershed according to the experts. Some think it is unnecessary when the plank is considered sufficiently diffusion-proof; some believe that it will help to identify where a possible condensation might occur in the wall. Consequences: The study shows that by means of additional insulation, BBR 24 recommended values can be achieved for an exterior wall while keeping the façade moisture proof. One strength the study shows that the two reported renovation proposals achieve the same end result, although the interference on the facade varies in size. Therefore the authors of the above study recommend to tear down the old facade and build a new control wall with a finishing facade disc. This is when you face a vapor barrier on the façade with a vapor barrier that is laid on the old baselayer of the roof. Then a new roof construction could be built up with roof beams, shavings and roof tiles. As a result, a windy, yet proportional, construction can be created. Restrictions: The study assumes that the entire house would be refurbished in order for the specific energy use to be possible. Furthermore, the work is based of a shelf shelter located at a particular geographical site. Due to this, the study also offers suggestions on wooden facades only. Keyword: Plank body, Phase renovation, Specific energy use, diffusion, convection, U-value, air density.
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Les incidences de la qualification juridique des travaux de rénovation sur la détermination du régime applicable en droit de la responsabilité contractuelle et en droit de la vente d'immeubles à rénover / Pas de titreAppaix, Sophie 10 December 2010 (has links)
La rénovation immobilière est un phénomène économique important, présent dans notre quotidien et nécessaire à la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine. Le Code Civil ne reconnaît pas son existence alors que, dans le domaine de la construction d’immeubles neufs, il prévoit des règles spécifiques en matière de responsabilité contractuelle du constructeur et de vente d’immeubles à construire. Pour combler ce vide juridique, la jurisprudence assimile les travaux de rénovation à des travaux de construction dès lors qu’ils sont « importants ». Notre étude a pour objectif de préciser les critères de qualification des travaux de rénovation qui déterminent les régimes juridiques qui leur sont applicables en matière de responsabilité contractuelle et de vente d’immeubles à rénover. Ces critères demeurant imprécis et incertains, il est nécessaire de clarifier les règles qui régissent la responsabilité contractuelle du constructeur et d’adapter les règles de la vente d’immeubles à rénover aux réalités économiques. / Renovation of existing buildings is an important economic activity in our society, and a necessary one for the preservation of our heritage. While the Civil Code lays out specific rules governing contractual liability of the constructor (builder or contractor) and the sale of new buildings to be constructed, it does not recognize the legal existence of renovators. To account for this legal void, the jurisprudence assimilates renovation with construction if the former is considered “significant”. The objective of our study is to specify the qualifying criteria which define renovation and determine the applicable legal framework in terms of contractual liability of the renovator and the sale of buildings to be renovated by the seller. These criteria are still imprecise and unclear and it is necessary to clarify the rules which govern contractual liability of the renovator and to adapt the rules of the sale of buildings to be renovated by the seller to the economic realities of today.
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Controllingová studie / The Controlling StudyHerda, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this Diploma´s Thesis is to make a model for calculation of water and sewer rates for the company Vodovody a kanalizace Náchod, a.s. when sticking to the set criteria both from the side of VaK Náchod, a.s. and law regulations. Based on the theoretical part an analysis of customer sensitivity to the price changes using the data for last 20 years follows. Findings from the first two parts are used in risk analysis in next part. The created model calculates the water and sewer rates based on the information from the company accounting system in the way to generate sufficient financial resources to fulfill the renovation plan of infrastructural property plant and equipment and to transfer given amount to the company funds. In addition, the model monitors whether the legal condition of maximal allowable increase of profit per m3 is met. In the customer sensitivity to the price changes part the price elasticity of demand for water and sewer rates is calculated based on the data from 1995 to 2015. The assumption of inelastic demand is confirmed. Risk analysis part is deals with potential risk regarding the demand and prices. Potential impacts for the most significant risk are quantified. The analysis uses knowledge gained in the first two parts. It was confirmed that potential risks are exiting but do not have any significant impact on the going concern of VaK Náchod, a.s. The created model has been already used for the calculation of prices for the year 2017. Customer sensitivity analysis to the price changes and link to the potential risks is an additional information for VaK Náchod, a.s. which validates that nowadays, there are no significant threats which could affect the demand and water and sewer rates significantly.
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