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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbarhetsutmaningar vid renovering av flerbostadshus : Klimatberäkning av tre renoveringsprojekt och analys av socialt ansvar i bostadssektorn / Sustainability Challenges in the Renovation of Multi-Family Buildings : Climate Calculation of Three Renovation Projects and Analysis of Social Responsibility in the Housing Sector

Häger, Linnea, Holmqvist, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Samhällsplanerare står inför utmaningar när det kommer till att förse en växande befolkning med bostäder, och samtidigt värna om att staden ska utvecklas i en hållbar riktning. Renoveringar av det befintliga bostadsbeståndet utgör en del av klimatpåverkan som kommer från bygg- och fastighetssektorn, följaktligen är det nödvändigt att minska klimatpåverkan från renoveringar samtidigt som hyresgästernas tillgång till bostäder inte får påverkas negativt. Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda skärningspunkter mellan ekologisk och social hållbarhet vid renoveringar av flerbostadshus med upplåtelseform hyresrätt. Genom att studera klimatpåverkan från tre renoveringsprojekt i en svensk kontext identifierar vi vad som har stor klimatpåverkan och när det finns möjlighet att ta vid klimatbesparande åtgärder. Uppsatsen innehåller klimatberäkningar som utgår från Boverkets beräkningssätt för klimatdeklaration och beaktar klimatpåverkan från produktskedet, transport och byggspill från byggnader. Med utgångspunkt från ett teoretiskt ramverk för att mäta social hållbarhet, har vi även genomfört en intervjustudie för att ta reda på hur ett antal utvalda bostadsbolag arbetar med social hållbarhet vid renoveringsprojekt. Vidare studerar vi vilka effekter en lag om klimatdeklaration för större renoveringar kan leda till och hur det kan främja utvecklingen av mer hållbara renoveringar. Resultat och diskussion lyfter det faktum att varje projekt är unikt och att klimatpåverkan från renoveringsprojekt beror på materialval och mängder av material som köpts in i samband med renoveringen. Påverkan från produktsskedet är störst och det är därmed i ett tidigt skede som utredning av klimatbesparande renoveringsstrategier gör störst skillnad. På samma sätt är det i det tidiga skedet viktigt att ta reda på hur renoveringen kan komma att påverka hyresgästens möjlighet att bo kvar efter en renovering samt dess möjlighet till ett fungerande vardagsliv under renoveringen. / Urban planners face challenges in providing housing for a growing population while ensuring that the city develops in a sustainable way. Renovations of the existing housing stock constitute a part of the climate impact coming from the construction and property sector, thus it is necessary to reduce the climate impact of renovations while ensuring that tenants' access to housing is not negatively affected. This thesis aims to investigate the intersections between ecological and social sustainability in renovations of multi-family housing with rental apartments. By studying the climate impact of three renovation projects in a Swedish context, we identify what has a large climate impact and when there is an opportunity to take climate-saving measures. The thesis contains climate calculations based on the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's calculation method for climate declarations and considers the climate impact of the product phase, transport, and construction waste from buildings. Based on a theoretical framework for measuring social sustainability, we have also conducted an interview study to find out how a number of selected housing companies work with social sustainability in renovation projects. Furthermore, we study what effects a law on climate declaration for major renovations can lead to and how it can promote the development of more sustainable renovations. Results and discussion highlight the fact that each project is unique, and that the climate impact of renovation projects depends on the choice of materials and the amount of materials purchased in connection with the renovation. The impact of the product phase is the greatest and it is therefore at an early stage that the investigation of climate-saving renovation strategies makes the greatest difference. Similarly, it is important in the early stages to find out how the renovation may affect the tenant's ability to remain in the home after the renovation and their ability to function in everyday life during the renovation.

Obnova areálu Tasovického mlýna / Renewal of the Mill Grounds In Tasovice

Stýblo, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The proposal focuses on phasing scenario and identify how to treat the monument intact, but she fully exploit the current way. These phases are hierarchically established, without continuing into the next stage. Because the mill building to respond flexibly to the specific needs of communities. The concept is based on the gradual additive laminate and function. Layering and arise solely the premises, but also the interconnections, which between them generate more interaction. Each material has its own particular character and its own hierarchy towards other functional masses.

Retrofitting a Single-family Home with Increased Use of Renewable Energy

Ma, Chenwen January 2017 (has links)
Buildings account for up to 40% of the total energy use in the world. Directives from the European Union have pointed out the significance of increasing the energy efficiency in buildings. New regulation in countries like Sweden has established that new buildings should fulfil regulations of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), providing the opportunity for renewable energy technologies to achieve these goals. In this paper, the retrofitting potential of renewable energy technologies for a single-family home in Sweden was investigated.The present work studied the characteristics of several renewable energy technologies and their applications for a single-family home in Sweden, including biomass, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pump, and small-scale wind turbine. Three renewable energy technologies (solar thermal, heat pump and small-scale wind turbine) and one renovation method (window) were selected to investigate. The analysis was made of the current energy use and the potential energy (and cost) savings from each retrofitting of these facilities by means of simulation models using IDA ICE software. The study results show that the proposed renewable energy technologies are technically feasible and economically viable as a source of alternative renewable energy in order to produce clean energy and reduce electricity bills for an electric-heated single-family home located in Sweden. Moreover, the combined retrofitting scheme consist of solar thermal system and window renovation was also proposed and explored. As a result the energy performance of the single-family home would satisfy the nearly-zero energy building requirements and thermal comfort could be maintained at an acceptable level.

Kalkylanalys av stambyten : En jämförelse av stambytesprojekt för att belysa viktiga parametrar vid initial kalkylering / Calculation analysis of pipe replacement projects : A comparison of pipe replacment projects to illustrate important parameters of initial calculation

Lainio, Nellie, Östanbäck, Christian January 2018 (has links)
Sweden’s real estate portfolio has a major renovation requirement. A large part of the renovations that need to be carried out are pipe replacement projects. These are major projects and not all housing associations are aware of the extent financial consequences it brings. Therefore, planning in the economy throughout the project are important. This thesis aims at seeing what affects a production estimate to differ from the actual final cost.ÅF infrastructure division thought that their calculations of the estimated cost for production too often differs to the actual final cost. At a first meeting with ÅF, it appeared that there has been discussion and thought for solutions to the problem for some time. The thesis is based on 3 issues that will provide answers on how to make a better production estimate.In order to answer the questions, project managers have been interviewed and literature has been studied. The assigned reference objects have been analyzed and compared in tables. This thesis has resulted in the insight of that the project managers at ÅF are relatively good at estimating the original cost of what the contractor produces for the pipe replacement projects. After the analysis, recommendations have been presented that can be developed and implemented in the ÅF approach to calculate their estimated cost of production even better. By calculating the costs that are not included in the original cost for the contractors in a more methodical manner, based on experience, the production cost can be optimized.The work has been going on for a limited time with delimitations and a selection of projects. The results presented in the report should be applied with caution and awareness about the differences in the projects.

Using Virtual Reality to Produce 3-D Graphical Simulation of the Construction and Use of Dougong in Chinese Architecture Emphasizing the Song and Qing Dynasties

Hao, Shilun 18 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.


SINGERMAN, HEATHER DIANE 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

A methodology to assess impacts of energy efficient renovation : a Swedish case study

Ramirez Villegas, Ricardo January 2017 (has links)
The European Union aims to reduce energy use and CO2-emissions by 40 % by the year 2030. The building sector has been identified as having a great potential to reduce emission of CO2 by increasing its energy efficiency. Also, there is a growing concern of the buildings environmental performance, that lead to the development of building environmental assessment tools. However, different types of energy sources and confusing environmental impacts affect the decision making when renovating for improved energy efficiency. This study develops and tests a methodology to help decision-makers when considering major renovation of their building stock when connected to adistrict heating system. The proposed methodology is applied and used to investigate how different renovation scenarios affects the building environmental impacts in terms of CO2 emissions and identify and discuss future improvements of the methodology. The novelty of the method is the expanded system boundaries that include both the distribution and production of district heating and the energy use at a building level. In this way it is possible to compare and weight measures made both at the energy system level and the building level. This work has limited its approach to energy use in buildings, but it is important to bring the life cycle thinking to the methodology. During the choice of the renovation methods it was noticed that the environmental impact of the production of some components in order to reduce the energy use of a building are not insignificant. Even if all the renovation measures considered in this case study are feasible, it is important to determine in which order they are desirable or achievable from an economic point of view. Uncertainty in the future development of energy, and limited economic resources can play an important role in the possibility of energy efficient renovation. / Den Europeiska Unionen har som målsättning att minska energianvändning och utsläpp av växthusgaser med 40 % till året 2030 jämfört med 1990. Byggnader har identifierats som ett område med stor potential för utsläppsminskningar om de energieffektiviseras. Användningen av olika energislag och olika sätt att värdera miljöpåverkan påverkar beslutsfattandet i samband med energieffektivisering. I studien utvecklas och testas en metodik som kan hjälpa beslutsfattare vid renovering med energieffektivisering inom fjärrvärmeområdet. Först utvecklades en översiktlig metodik vilken inkluderar både byggnadsenergisimulering och energisystemsimulering. Sen implementerades metodiken genom olika renoveringsscenarier och utsläppen av växthusgaser analyserades. Metodiken visar att det finns en möjlighet att utveckla ett verktyg som kan hjälpa beslutsfattare när energibesparingsstrategier ska implementeras vilka kan bli positiva för både byggnader och fjärrvärmesystemet. / REESBE

Observations of a Window Frame : About the Importance of a Forgotten Detail

Nilsson, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Due to the geographical location, the amount of daylight in Sweden varies greatly during the year - the lack of light is part of our everyday life. Regardless of the season, the sun’s position gives a light that seems to fall from the side, it kind of drags itself in through the windows. As a result, it is easily influenced by the surroundings. All the edges, corners and profiles that stand in the way create an endless variety of shades. Given these conditions, it is a good reason to devote time to the detailing of all the parts of a window. In this master’s project, I am directing my gaze towards the window frame and more specifically towards the framework’s profiling. By observing the shape and the color language of different profiles, the perceived contrast between light and shades is noticed and interpreted into new. Based on the qualities of the Nordic light, this project hopes to clarify and show with concrete examples why decision-making around the window frame is crucial for how we perceive the incident light. Relatively small differences in profiling create a large effect in contrasts, I find, and consequently, a more complex window profile enhances the character of the window and the incident light. This project is about looking at something specific, to observe and to explain what already is there.

Klimaneutraler Gebäudebestand durch Pauschalmiete?: Erfahrungen bei solarer Eigenversorgung inklusive Speicher

Gäbler, Andreas, Fleischmann, Undine, Storch, Thomas, Fieback, Tobias M. 28 April 2023 (has links)
Der 2. Präsenz- Workshop des Forschungsprojektes „EVERSOL-MFH“ fand diesmal unter besonderen Voraussetzungen bei der eG Wohnen 1902 in Cottbus statt. In direkter Nachbarschaft zu den im Projekt untersuchten Sonnenhäusern kamen ca. 50 Teilnehmer aus Forschung, Wohnungswirtschaft und Planungsbüros mit gebührendem Abstand zusammen. Zusätzlich konnten an zwei Tagen jeweils weitere fast 20 Interessierte der Onlineübertragung aller Vorträge folgen und sich so auch an den anschließenden Diskussionen über den Chat beteiligen. Diese besondere Herausforderung gelang nach anfänglichen Startschwierigkeiten und wird für folgende Workshops als interessante Zusatzoption geplant. Dank vieler Gastbeiträge wurde insgesamt eine reiche Vortragsvielfalt rund um den Themenschwerpunkt “Bauen der Zukunft“ vorgestellt: • Mietmodelle und rechtliche Hürden • Neue Geschäftsfelder für die Wohnungswirtschaft • Mieterbefragungen mit Blick auf zukünftige Herausforderungen • Vorstellung von Messdaten und Nutzereinfluss bei Pauschalmiete • Sinnvolle Energieversorgungssysteme für das Mehrfamilienhaus, Status quo bei der Solarthermie und Praxisbeispielen • Alternative Sanierungsstrategien und PV-Fassaden mit Eigennutzung Im vorliegenden Tagungsband sind freigegebene Vorträge sowie einzelne Inhalte des Workshops noch einmal tiefergehend dargestellt. Weitere Informationen zum Workshop sowie zum EVERSOL-Projekt sind auf der Projekthomepage unter https://eversol.iwtt.tu-freiberg.de/workshop-2020.html zu finden.:Liste der Herausgeber .......................................................................................... 5 Danksagung ......................................................................................................... 7 Zusammenfassung ............................................................................................... 9 1. Mit Low Tech zu High Savings – warum reduzierte Gebäudetechnik mit autarkem Energiekonzept im Wohnungsbau die Zukunft ist ............................................... 10 2. Pauschalmieten in der WoWi – ein ökonomisches Anreizmodell? ................... 12 3. Energiekennwerte und Nutzereinfluss zweier teilautarker Mehrfamilienhäuser über 1 ½ Jahre Monitoring .................................................................................. 16 4. Neue Geschäftsfelder für die Wohnungswirtschaft- Möglichkeiten und Chancen am Projektbeispiel Winner .................................................................................. 26 5. Wärmepumpe & PV = sinnvolle Energieversorgung im Mehrfamilienhaus? .... 30 6. Energiesprong – Serielles Sanieren von Mehrfamilienhäusern....................... 42 7. Ergebnisse der Mieterbefragungen der Sonnenhäuser vor dem Hintergrund zukünftiger Smart-Home Gebäude ..................................................................... 46 8. Status quo Solarthermie – Ertragskontrolle und neueste Entwicklungen ....... 52 9. WINNER – Projekt .......................................................................................... 60 10. Solarenergie auf Wohnungsebene – heute die Stadt von morgen bauen ... 64 Fazit und Ausblick Eversol Workshop ................................................................ 66

Consistent European Guidlines for internal insulation of Building Stock and Heritage: Façade Renovation and Interior Insulation

Ruisinger, Ulrich, Sonntag, Heike, Conrad, Christian, De Mets, Timo, Vanhellemont, Yves, Schöner, Tobias, Zirkelbach, Daniel 17 October 2024 (has links)
The consumption of heating energy in existing buildings represents a large share of total national energy consumption and therefore contributes significantly to the production of climate-damaging CO2. In order to stop climate change and make a substantial contribution to climate protection, heating energy consumption must therefore be reduced urgently. The most effective way to do this is to maintain and renovate uninsulated buildings. Thermal insulation is and remains one of the most important measures for reducing energy demand in buildings. Interior insulation has become increasingly important in recent years. This is due to the fact that a considerable part of the building stock, which can easily be insulated from the outside, has already been renovated. On the other hand, the proportion of remaining buildings where, for various reasons, only interior insulation is possible or even more advantageous, is becoming larger and larger. The surface area of the exterior walls accounts for a large proportion of the total building and thus of the potential for energy optimisation. In order to achieve optimal renovation success, the presented concept is developed on the basis of the existing condition of the building.:1 Introduction 1 2 Planning phases 2 3 Façade renovation concept 5 Monument status 5 Documentation of the condition of the façade 5 General measures on the existing structure 6 Notes on driving rain / splash water protection 10 Measures for plaster facades 15 Measures for exposed masonry 16 4 Development of an insulation concept 19 Determination of desired insulation standard 19 Selection of possible insulation systems 20 Overview of the most important evaluation criteria 28 Hygrothermal behaviour of typical insulation systems 28 5 Dimensioning and verification 29 Verification free / deemed to satisfy interior insulations according to DIN 4108-3 30 Simplified verification for internal insulation 30 Extension of the simplified verification – classification of vapour permeable, capillary-active insulation systems 31 Verification by hygrothermal simulation 34 Simulation tables for typical applications / approvals by manufactures 36 6 Dimensioning / execution of connection details 37 General dimensioning recommendations 37 Typical connection details 39 Selection criteria for the detailed design 40 Constructive tips for interior insulation measures 43 Hygrothermal simulation of connection details 46 7 Literature 47 A Appendix 49 Description of waterproofing systems 49 Insulation systems investigated for hygrothermal behaviour (from EnEffID) 53 Preparation of a simplified verification according to WTA guideline 6-4 57 Boundary conditions for the simplified verification for the classification of vapour permeable, capillary-active insulation materials 58 Evaluation of the classification of vapour permeable, capillary-active insulation materials 59 Characteristic values, boundary conditions and evaluation criteria for hygrothermal simulations 60 Application example for a one-dimensional hygrothermal design 63 Application examples for the hygrothermal design of connection details 67 Typical connection details 74 Flowchart Facade renovation concept 101 Flowchart Insulation concept 102

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