Spelling suggestions: "subject:"renovation"" "subject:"enovation""
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Evaluation du risque de non atteinte de la performance énergétique après rénovation : biais cognitifs, asymétries d'information et incitations optimales / Risk assessment of not achieving energy performance after renovation : cognitive biases, information asymmetries and optimal incentivesMartin-Bonnel de Longchamp, Lucie 17 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à rendre le marché de la rénovation énergétique durable et autonome. L’objectif est de contribuer à quantifier le risque de non atteinte de la performance énergétique après rénovation. Tout d’abord, nous analysons les facteurs psychologiques des ménages à prendre en compte pour améliorer les modèles de prédictions de consommation d’énergie. Via le programme Je rénove BBC, nous mettons en évidence quatre biais cognitifs impactant l’écart de la consommation d’énergie réelle et prédite. Puis, nous étudions les structures de contrats les plus appropriés pour améliorer le déroulement des chantiers, incitant les artisans à mieux travailler. D’une part, nous déterminons des contrats pour un Agent devant effectuer deux tâches et sous-estimant l’impact de l’une d’entre elles sur la performance du bâtiment. D’autre part, nous testons des incitations individuelles et collectives sur la capacité de plusieurs artisans à se coordonner selon leur formation initiale (DORéMI, …). / This thesis aims at contributing to make the energy renovation market long-lasting and self-sustaining. To achieve this, our objective is to quantify the risk of not achieving energy performance after renovation. First, we analyze households’ psychological factors that should be considered to improve energy consumption prediction models. Drawing on the Je rénove BBC program, we highlight four cognitive biases that negatively impact the difference between actual and predicted energy consumption. We then study the most appropriate contract structures improving the flow and quality of renovation projects, encouraging craftsmen to work better. On one hand, we determine optimal contracts for an Agent who has to perform two tasks and underestimates the impact of one of them on the building's performance. On the other hand, we test individual-based and group-based incentives on the ability of several real Agents (craftsmen) to coordinate, according to their initial training (DORéMI, …).
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Boendealternativ vid renovering av hyresrätter : En jämförelse mellan boendealternativ för hyresgäster vid renovering av hyresrätter i flerbostadshusEricsson, Nikki January 2020 (has links)
In 1965–1974 a million households were built in Sweden as a part of a project called ”the Million program”. Now, approximately 50 years later when the service life of several components in the buildings has run out, Sweden is facing a major need of renovating these households. Due to the fact that construction increased during that time, the need for renovation will also increase now fifty years later. The question then is how to solve the housing issue for tenants when their apartments are to undergo an extensive renovation as well as how the choice of housing options affects the involved parties, such as developer, contractor and tenant. The purpose with this degree project was to map and compile the housing alternatives available to tenants during a comprehensive renovation of rental housing. At the same time, it was compared what impact on the developer, contractor and tenant the chosen housing alternatives have, based on time, economy and socially. In order to arrive at the results of the work, a fact-based literature study, a case study that followed a real renovation project and several interviews with people in the industry were conducted. The result of this degree projekt is that there are two main housing options for the tenants during a extensive renovation wich are either remain living in their apartments or evacuate their apartments. And the main conclusion is that depending wich housing option the developer chose for the project, the impact on the project and the involved parties varies. Whichever option is chosen, it is a crucial issue.
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Life cycle assessment comparison of CIPP lining and traditional pipe replacement / En jämförande livscykelanalys av CIPP-lining och traditionellt stambyteBerglund, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
During the so-called “Miljonprogrammet”, over a million homes were built in Stockholm. As the buildings mature, parts of the buildings reach their technical life times and it is time to renovate them. At a time when the environmental impact of humans is a hot topic, it is appropriate to take the environment into account when deciding upon which restoration method to use. The sewage pipes are one of the important building parts in need of repair. This can be achieved by for example traditional pipe replacement or Cure-In-Place-Pipes (CIPP-lining).The goal of this study is to investigate and compare the environmental impact of traditional pipe replacement versus the use of the relining method CIPP lining by conducting a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA). The methods differ in the way that traditional pipe replacement demolishes the outer layers of the bathrooms and remove the old pipes to replace with new and restore the surface layers while CIPP-lining renovates the pipes from the inside with the use of a flexible liner.The purpose of the study has been to clarify the differences in environmental impacts of the different methods in a clear and easily understood way and thereby also simplify the decision-making process of property owners in need of renovation.With aid of the guidelines in ISO standards 14040 and 14044 a correct methodology has been used to ensure that the level of this work will be as high as possible. In combination with the software SimaPro specifically developed to handle the creation of various forms of life cycle assessments and the ISO standards a complex system been analyzed in detail.The results of the study show that CIPP-lining generally cause less environmental impacts than the traditional pipe replacement method. The analysis of 14 selected impact categories show that CIPP lining is preferable in 13 categories and that the traditional pipe replacement is preferable in 1 category. The sensitivity analysis show that the results change drastically depending on how much of the materials and energy used to demolish and reconstruct the outer layers of the bathroom one chooses to allocate to the new sewer pipes.The results show that the CIPP-lining results are dependent on the consumables and the liner assembly processes while the energy usage of the production process does not have a large impact on the results. For the traditional pipe replacement the results show that the consumable process is clearly the biggest impact while the piping production inflicts the least impact on the result.
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Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Assessmentof a Single-family house Energy Renovation : Case study Växjö, SwedenAbou Ghadir, Mohammed, Aghaei, Zahra January 2022 (has links)
Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the temperature of the Earth by burning fossilfuels, destroying forests, and raising livestock. This adds massive amounts of greenhouse gases(GHG) to those already present in the atmosphere, amplifying the greenhouse effect andcontributing to global warming. The building sector accounts for a significant amount ofgreenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonizing the building industry can result in significant emissionreductions in the future years. Sweden's energy and climate goals have been updated, and some ofthem include reducing GHG emissions in the building sector, increasing energy efficiency, andmaking electricity production 100 percent renewable. In Sweden, energy renovations in singlefamily houses (SFHs) have the potential to reduce GHG emissions and improve energy efficiency,but the rate of energy renovations remains low because of financial, social, and behavioral barriers.This thesis aims to use LCA and LCC methodologies to assess energy renovations on SFH inVäxjö by combining various combinations of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) to reduce energyuse. The energy performance and eight different renovation scenarios using different EEMs havebeen evaluated for the selected single-family building. To evaluate building renovation measures,we developed a method based on life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) thatincorporates building information modeling (BIM). Five different renovation measures werecombined in eight scenarios in this research, including different thicknesses of thermal insulationfor walls and roofs, triple-glazed windows, and doors with different U-values, air-source heatpumps, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, and solar photovoltaic. The present cost valuesof renovation measures over 50 years for LCC calculation were calculated. The global warmingpotential (GWP) of each renovation measure was estimated over 50 years using One-click LCA.According to the findings of this thesis project, scenarios 1 and 8 had the lowest and highestreductions in primary energy number, respectively. Scenarios 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the most costeffective in comparison to other scenarios. All scenarios resulted in a reduction in GWP impactfrom an LCA perspective in which scenario 7 resulted in the highest reduction in GWP impact.
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Nöjda kontorshyresgäster under ombyggnadsprocessen : En beskrivning och analys av hur fastighetsbolag kan påverka de störningar som uppstår vid ombyggnad med kvarsittande hyresgäst / Satisfied office tenants during the renovation process : A description and analysis of how the property company can manage disturbances during a renovationOlejnik, Victoria, Nilsson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
En av de större utmaningarna med ombyggnadsprojekt är de fall när det i byggnaden finns kvarboende eller andra brukare under tiden. En ombyggnad innehåller i regel både bygg- och rivningsarbeten som ofta medför störningar för människor som vistas i eller intill fastigheten. Samtliga störningar är påverkningsbara och kan vid god projektering och produktion minskas. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att ge konkreta förslag på hur ett fastighetsbolag kan arbeta för att öka hyresgästens kvalitetsupplevelse under en ombyggnad som sker i eller intill hyresgästens lokal. Detta har gjorts genom att identifiera vanliga störningar, genom att påvisa hur hyresgästen har påverkats av dessa störningar och genom att undersöka hur tidigare uppkomna störningar har hanterats. I samråd med fastighetsbolaget Vasakronan har tre ombyggnadsprojekt valts. På respektive ombyggnadsprojekt har kontorshyresgäster, intern projektledare och extern projektledare intervjuats. Även observationer i form av platsbesök och litteraturstudier har genomförts. Studien har resulterat i förbättringsförslag till fastighetsbolaget. Ett av de viktigaste resultaten som studien visar är att ett fastighetsbolag genom tydlig information via olika informationskanaler och genom att säkra att de överenskomna tiderna för störande arbeten efterföljs, kan öka hyresgästens kvalitetsupplevelse vid en ombyggnad. / One of the more difficult challenges with refurbishment projects is when the building is to be kept in use by tenants throughout the time of renovation. A refurbishment project usually contains both construction and demolition activities, of which both often leads to disturbances. In order to minimize these disturbances during the time of refurbishment, and doing so without affecting the production negatively, planning is of key importance. Every disturbance is manageable, and can through good execution of planning and production be minimized. The goal of this study has been to provide the property company with concrete proposals on how to increase tenants quality experience during the time of renovation. This has been achieved by identifying the most common disturbances, how these disturbances have been affecting the tenants and finally how these disturbances have been handled in the past. In consultation with the property company Vasakronan three refurbishment projects of office buildings has been selected for analysis. In addition to interviews that have been carried out with tenants and project managers on each of the three projects, site visits and literature studies have also been performed. The study shows that a property company through the efficient use of communication through various information channels, in conjunction with enforcing that the time periods for production activities classified as sources of disturbances is followed, in fact can increase the level of experienced quality of their tenant during a refurbishment project.
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Stambyten och dess koppling till val av inre underhåll- En analys av kostnadsfördelningen vid stamrenovering hoshyresbostadsfastigheter / Big restorations and their connection to inner renovation-An analysis of cost allocation between lessor and lessee inresidential propertiesOlsén, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Idag tillämpas den s.k. bruksvärdeshyran som har sin grund i att lägenhetens standard avgör hyran. Företagets produktionskostnader ska ej tas i beaktande vid ett bruksvärdessystem. Det medför både för- och nackdelar för hyresgästen. Om företagets kostnader överstiger värderingen av de standardhöjande åtgärderna kan detta inte åläggas hyresgästerna samtidigt som hyresgästerna ej ålägger en hyresrabatt när åtgärderna kan avses avbetalad. De standardhöjande åtgärderna i samband med upprustningar av dagens bostadsbestånd är inte kopplade till någon kostnad. Den nya hyran framförhandlas av Hyresgästföreningen och fastighetsägaren och hyran bedöms utifrån den nya standarden enligt upprustningsperiod och läge utifrån normerande medelhyror, enligt studier av Hyresgästföreningens egen rapport gällande hyresstrukturen i Stockholm samt enskilda avtal. Utifrån diskuterade modeller och förslag i rapport och debatt, behandlar författaren tre av dessa genom jämförbara exempel. Med utgångspunkt i en grundmodell som förenklat förklarar hyressättningen idag vid renovering presenteras tre alternativa modeller; ROTavdrag för hyresrätten, successiva extrahöjningar vid ökade byggkostnader samt samrådskrav med hyresgästerna inför renoveringen. Två av modellerna beräknas utifrån en mer kostnadsbaserad hyressättning för standarduppehållande åtgärder inklusive badrumsrenovering, vilken kan implementeras i hyressättningssystemet i kombination med den tredje modellen som avser samrådskrav med hyresgästerna inför en upprustning. Författaren har under rapportens skrivande upptäckt att det hyresskydd som sägs finnas idag är starkt begränsat. Författaren anser efter rapportens skrivande att dagens hyressättningssystem är inkonsekvent med en återhållsam årlig hyresjustering vilket gör att fastighetsägarens enda möjlighet till en ökad omsättning står i proportion till ombyggnad (eller försäljning), varvid dessa har möjlighet att utnyttjas. / Ever since the 1940s Sweden has had rent control for their residential properties. The rent is not to be decided by the market but by a so called use value system. This means that rent should be determined by the standard and modernity of the apartment. The system comes with both benefits as well as disadvantages. A use value system should not take regards to a real estate companies funding meaning that if the cost in the end is higher than predicted the tenant will not be affected. On the other hand the tenant cannot claim a lower rent when the renovation is repaid. Value-adding renovations are therefore not connected to any cost. The rent is instead decided by negotiations between a local union of tenants and the landlord. The rent should be decided due to the standard of the apartment and the property, as well as the location and communications. The rent and the rent control, especially in Stockholm are frequently discussed in media and politics. This rapport presents three suggestions for a more reliable rent system that have been up for discussion; renovation discount for housing properties, periodic rent increase due to higher production costs and requirements for consultation with tenants due to inner renovations. The first two models can be implemented in today’s system together with the third model. The protection of the tenants’ rights is highly restricted when it comes to big restorations. The authors conclusion is that the rent system today is inconsistent with a restrained yearly rent adjustment, which makes a big inner restoration the landlords only option to an increased profit. Therefore can these renovations be used in purpose to increase rent
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Approaches to energy efficiency in China’s large-scale public buildingYu, Wenhe January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, the energy shortage has become a barrier to social development as there is a shortage of resources, especially non-renewable resources. In order to improve the current situation of human settlement for future generations, a series of environmental protection activities and rational utilizations of natural resources have been carried out at a global level on the theme of "Sustainable Development". Along with the quantitative growth of Chinese public buildings, especially the Large-Scale Public Buildings, the levels of energy consumption are rising and this phenomenon has been seen as a key point of energy management from a national view. This paper discusses the realities of energy consumption and the energy-saving policies of public buildings in the world’s major developed countries, and sums up the current condition of Chinese energy consumption in relation to public buildings. With regard to these factors, this paper tries to find approaches for solving the existing problems in each construction section. Less developed construction technology in China leads to a waste of materials and labor force. There is a lack of professional personnel to handle the operational management and a lack of consideration for energy efficiency in the designing process. There is not a suitable framework for compiling statistics and data on energy consumption. There are still many management problems such as inadequate policy standards in operability or implementation, unclear positioning in governmental management, ineffective incentive or punitive mechanisms, and a defective state system which results directly in an undeveloped service system for energy efficiency. Based on all of the problems listed above, this paper suggests solutions in four areas, namely Policy, Energy Statistics, Management and Education, in order to give academic support for the overhaul of Large-Scale Public Buildings towards greater energy efficiency in China.
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Approaches to energy efficiency in China’s large-scale public buildingWenhe, Yu January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, the energy shortage has become a barrier to social development as there is a shortage of resources, especially non-renewable resources. In order to improve the current situation of human settlement for future generations, a series of environmental protection activities and rational utilizations of natural resources have been carried out at a global level on the theme of "Sustainable Development". Along with the quantitative growth of Chinese public buildings, especially the Large-Scale Public Buildings, the levels of energy consumption are rising and this phenomenon has been seen as a key point of energy management from a national view. This paper discusses the realities of energy consumption and the energy-saving policies of public buildings in the world’s major developed countries, and sums up the current condition of Chinese energy consumption in relation to public buildings. With regard to these factors, this paper tries to find approaches for solving the existing problems in each construction section. Less developed construction technology in China leads to a waste of materials and labor force. There is a lack of professional personnel to handle the operational management and a lack of consideration for energy efficiency in the designing process. There is not a suitable framework for compiling statistics and data on energy consumption. There are still many management problems such as inadequate policy standards in operability or implementation, unclear positioning in governmental management, ineffective incentive or punitive mechanisms, and a defective state system which results directly in an undeveloped service system for energy efficiency. Based on all of the problems listed above, this paper suggests solutions in four areas, namely Policy, Energy Statistics, Management and Education, in order to give academic support for the overhaul of Large-Scale Public Buildings towards greater energy efficiency in China. / www.ima.kth.se
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Artificiell intelligens som beslutsfattande medel vid ROT-arbeten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie för kartläggning av beslutfattningsprocessen / Artificial Intelligence as a Decision-Making Tool in Renovation Projects : A Qualitative Interview Study for Mapping the Decision-Making ProcessAhmadi, Mostafa, Chamoun, Afram January 2021 (has links)
The construction industry stands for a third of the total carbon dioxide emissions globally , this includes the building process as well as the usage of the buildings. This in combination with the need for renovating older buildings in Sweden can lead to additional stress on the environment. This project aims to map out the decision-making process for property owners and consultants when working with renovation projects. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic areas that hinder efficient decision-making and sustainability efforts. With the problem areas mapped out, different solutions containing artificial intelligence will be explored and discussed. Ethical implications with the implementation of artificial intelligence will also be discussed in this study. In this qualitative study, a set of steps were taken to answer the research questions. Firstly, a literature review was conducted to explore existing research. Secondly, semi-structured interviews were held to gather empirical data. Lastly, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed with thematic analysis, to identify problematic areas in the renovation projects. The research strategy applied for this study is abductive. Due to the existing pandemic, the usage of software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have been used to conduct the interviews. The results show that the factors hindering the decision-making process were regulations & laws, economy & sustainability, lack of recycling, and lack of documentation. These were areas that both the consultants and property owners described as bottlenecks in the decision- making process. Artificial intelligence solutions were discussed for the problem areas regulations & laws and economy & sustainability because there is statistical data that could be used for training an artificial intelligence, unlike the other two problem areas that have to be dealt with manually due to the neglect of workers. The artificial intelligence solutions presented in this study can be considered ethical due to their assisting purpose. Although this research provides ideas for the implementation of artificial intelligence they are very brief and theoretical, further development and exploration are needed to implement the solutions.
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Jemnice - historický vývoj města a jeho památková ochrana v současnosti / Founding and Development of the Town of Jemnice; the Town's Cultural Heritage ProtectionIndrová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Founding and Development of the Town of Jemnice; the Town's Cultural Heritage Protection PhDr. Martina Indrová THESIS ABSTRACT Jemnice, a smaller town with approximately five thousand inhabitants, lies near the border encountering of three historic lands - Bohemia, Moravia and Austria. Similar to places of this sort, this fact influenced strongly its appearance and the life within the town walls. We are poorly informed about the foundation of this town. In recent years, Jemnice however attracted the attention of experts; so the new fragments can be added to the mosaic of the town history. There were more reasons why Jemnice stayed away from the main interest of researchers. The most influencing circumstance appeared after World War II, when, for its location near the Austrian frontier, Jemnice found itself at the edge of a new border area. That fact of the matter substantially limited and delayed the town forwarding. The source basis for the history of Jemnice demands very careful and critical attitude. The so called Boček forgeries influenced expert opinions on the beginnings of the town for a long time. In 1832, the town suffered fire damage that destroyed not only many architectural monuments, but also most of old municipal books and documents. Perhaps this event made Antonín Boček to manufacture some...
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