Spelling suggestions: "subject:"resort"" "subject:"mesort""
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Развитие экстремальных зимних видов спорта в Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / Developing of winter extreme sports in Sverdlovsk regionGulin, V. G., Гулин, В. Г. January 2014 (has links)
The Thesis is devoted to problems of developing of extreme storts in Sverdlovsk region. Author presents comparative analysis of mountain-skiing centers in region, notes their basic characteristics and prospect for development. The Thesis presents the results of marketing research conducted among athletes and people who like active ski rest. / Работа посвящена вопросам развития зимних экстремальных видов спорта в Свердловской области. Автор представляет сравнительный анализ горно-лыжных центров региона, отмечает их основные характеристики и перспективы развития. В работе представлены результаты маркетингового исследования, проведённого среди спортсменов и любителей активного горнолыжного отдыха.
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L’approche théorique des communs : une nouvelle grille d’analyse des interventions collectives environnementales visant la protection des lacs habités dans la région des LaurentidesLisso-Gougeon, Olivier 07 1900 (has links)
Plus de trente ans après l’adoption de la Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables (abrogée par le Régime transitoire le 1er mars 2022), les impacts de l’occupation humaine sur les rives et le littoral demeurent un enjeu d’actualité. Même si la littérature québécoise souligne les limites inhérentes aux interventions municipales et l’opinion des experts en sciences naturelles, en droit ou en planification du territoire, le point de vue des résidents riverains est peu documenté. Dans ce mémoire, nous voulons explorer ce sujet à travers le cadre théorique des communs. Le mémoire vise à approfondir nos connaissances du point de vue des riverains et des autres intervenants qui participent aux interventions collectives environnementales visant à protéger les lacs habités de la région administrative des Laurentides. Nous tenterons donc de répondre à la question : comment repenser la protection des rives et du littoral des lacs habités en milieu de villégiature? Les résultats des entretiens semi-dirigés permettent d’expliquer 3 types de solutions : 1) que l’intervention collective environnementale constitue une piste de solution crédible en matière de protection des rives et du littoral; 2) que les impacts de l’occupation humaine sur les rives et le littoral des lacs habités en milieu de villégiature peuvent être pensés comme un problème de ressources collectives; 3) que les initiatives citoyennes et associatives ne se traduisent pas nécessairement par l’émergence de communs. Notre réflexion prospective permet de dire que les municipalités locales et les associations de lacs sont complémentaires à plus d’un titre et constituent un partenariat « public-commun ». Ces deux organisations sont de nature à accroître le nombre et l’étendue des interventions collectives visant directement ou indirectement la protection des rives et du littoral des lacs habités en milieu de villégiature. / More than thirty years after the adoption of the Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains Environmental Quality Act (repealed by the transitional regime on March 1, 2022), the impacts of human occupation on lakeshores and littoral zones remain a topical issue. Even if the Quebec literature emphasizes the inherent limits of municipal interventions and the opinion of experts in the natural sciences, law or urban planning, the point of view of the shoreline residents is poorly documented. In this thesis, we explore this topic through the theoretical framework of the commons. The thesis aims to deepen our knowledge from the point of view of shoreline residents and other stakeholders who participate in collective environmental interventions aimed at protecting the inhabited lakes of the administrative region of the Laurentians. We will therefore try to answer the question: how to rethink the protection of the lakeshores and littoral zones of inhabited lakes in resort areas? The results of the semi-directed interviews make it possible to explain 3 types of solutions: 1) that collective environmental intervention constitutes a credible solution for the protection of lakeshores and littoral zones; 2) that the impacts of human occupation on the lakeshores and littoral zones of inhabited lakes in resort areas can be thought of as a problem of collective resources; 3) that citizen and associative initiatives do not necessarily result in the emergence of commons. Our forward thinking allows us to say that local municipalities and lake associations are complementary in more ways than one and constitute a “public-common” partnership. These two organizations are likely to increase the number and extent of collective interventions aimed directly or indirectly at protecting the lakeshores and littoral zones of inhabited lakes in resort areas.
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Friends of the State Courts: Organized Interests and State Courts of Last ResortPerkins, Jared David 12 1900 (has links)
Why do interest groups participate in state courts of last resort by filing amicus curiae briefs? Are they influential when they do? This dissertation examines these questions using an original survey of organized interests that routinely participate in state supreme courts, as well as data on all amicus curiae briefs and majority opinions in over 14,000 cases decided in all fifty-two state supreme courts for a four year period. I argue that interest groups turn to state judiciaries to achieve the dual goals of influencing policy and organizational maintenance, as amicus briefs can help organized interests achieve both outcomes. Furthermore, I contend that amicus briefs are influential in shaping judicial policy-making through the provision of legally persuasive arguments. The results suggest that interest groups do file amicus briefs to both lobby for their preferred policies and to support their organization's long-term viability. Additionally, the results indicate that organized interests also participate in counteractive lobbying in state courts of last resort by filing amicus briefs to ensure their side is represented and to dull the effect of oppositional amici. The findings also demonstrate support for the influence of amicus briefs on judicial policy-making on state high courts, as amicus briefs can influence the ideological direction of the court's majority opinions. Overall, this research extends our understanding of interest group lobbing in the judiciary and in state policy venues, and provides insight into judicial politics and policy-making on state courts of last resort.
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Golf Resort / Golf ResortŠebesta, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
The proposed golf resort is situated near the village of Nevcehle in the sloping terrain. It is a brick building of concrete blocks with contact thermal insulation and with concrete floor structure. The building has two floors. House is based on plain concrete foundations. Roof is made up of metal plate-connected timber truss with metal roofing.
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The desirability of consistency in constitutional interpretationDzingwa, Sithembiso Osborne 29 May 2012 (has links)
Globally, the justice system has set up courts to respond to complaints of a criminal and civil nature. Courts also respond to complaints which require swift relief by way of shortened procedures, in the form of motion proceedings. In all these complaints, courts have to respond in a manner that leaves litigants with a feeling of satisfaction that justice has been done.
To the end of ensuring that there is legal certainty, justice systems in all jurisdictions have established a hierarchy of courts, with lower courts being bound by the decisions of higher courts in their jurisdiction. There has been no problem in the application of this principle called stare decisis, or judicial precedent, in disputes of law. However, in disputes of constitutional interpretation, courts have demonstrated a marked shift from observing the rule of judicial precedent. The disregard for this rule manifests itself particularly in the adjudication of cases surrounded by controversy. It is argued herein that constitutional interpretation is no different from legal interpretation, in that the rule of judicial precedent which characterises court decisions in legal disputes, should characterise court decisions in constitutional interpretation disputes. The Constitutional Court of South Africa itself, though it is the highest arbiter in constitutional matters, is bound by its own previous decisions, unless its previous decisions have become manifestly wrong.
Three constitutional rights are analysed. The right to life in its three manifestations, namely, the right to life of the unborn child, the right to life of the convicted criminal not to be hanged, and the right of the terminally ill to continue living by receiving medical care at state expense. The other two rights are the right to privacy, and the right to culture.
The right to privacy is the right that has been claimed in political controversies. In isolated instances, specifically mentioned herein, the Constitutional Assembly and the drafters of the Constitution have also contributed to the resultant inconsistency in constitutional interpretation. This is especially so with regard to the right to practise one‘s culture. / Constitutional, International & Indigenous Law / LL.D.
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La fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort face à l'évolution des banques centrales : persistance ou déliquescence / The lender of last resort function and the evolution of central banks : persistence or demiseNjaboum, Ngabia William-Carles 20 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une analyse historique évolutionniste de la fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort à travers les mutations du cadre institutionnel et opérationnel des Banques Centrales. L’enjeu de ce travail de recherche est de se pencher sur les origines de l’apparition de cette théorie d'un point de vue historique comme outil d’analyse des problématiques de gestion des crises modernes. Il convient de démontrer que le dévoiement de la doctrine du PDR entraîne une incompatibilité avec le cadre institutionnel de la politique monétaire de la Banque Centrale. Ainsi, les interventions « non conventionnelles » des Banques Centrales confirment qu’il est nécessaire de sortir du cadre institutionnel censé assurer une gestion efficiente de la politique monétaire. Par conséquent, ce cadre institutionnel qui garantit notamment l’indépendance de la Banque Centrale parait inadéquat à la nouvelle pratique du prêteur en dernier ressort. L’étude historique de cette fonction permet de mettre en perspective l’évolution du rôle de prêteur en dernier ressort en tant qu’outil de prédation monétaire pour les gouvernements. En définitive, les évolutions divergentes du cadre institutionnel et opérationnel de la Banque Centrale constituent l’un des principaux signes d’une déliquescence du système bancaire centralisé (Central Banking). L’exercice de la fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort par la BCE au sein de la zone euro représente un cadre d’analyse pertinent afin d’étudier les difficultés de cette fonction dans la gouvernance d'une zone économique hétérogène et politiquement inaboutie. / This paper offers an historical analysis of the evolution of lenders of last resort (LOLR) through the institutional and operational mutations of Central Banks framework. The aim of this research is to examine the origins of the appearance of this theory from a historical perspective. It should demonstrate that the perversion of the doctrine of LOLR causes incompatibility with the institutional framework of the Central Bank’s monetary policy. Thus, the "unconventional" interventions of central banks confirm the need to exit the institutional framework meant to ensure the efficient management of monetary policy. Therefore, this institutional framework which guarantees the independence of the Central Bank seems inadequate in the context of the new practice of the lender of last resort. Ultimately, diverging trends of the institutional and operational framework of the Central Bank is a major sign of demise of Central Banking. Last resort lending by the ECB in the euro zone provides a useful analytical framework to study the difficulties of the function of LOLR in the governance of a heterogeneous and politically unfulfilled economic zone.
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Urbanisme et architecture balnéaire de la Côte de Jade : 1820-1975 / Town planning and sea-side architecture of the Coast of Jade : 1820-1975Aoustin, Agathe 14 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis sa fréquentation par les premiers curistes étrangers en 1820 jusqu’à l’édification du pont de Saint-Nazaire et de la Route Bleue en 1975, le paysage de la Côte de Jade a connu de profondes mutations. Terre inculte et délaissée à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, cette partie du littoral atlantique devient, dès les premières années du XIXe siècle, la destination privilégiée de baigneurs étrangers attirés par les bienfaits des eaux ferrugineuses et des bains de mer. Le charme pittoresque de ce paysage caractérisé par l’alternance de côtes escarpées et de longues étendues de sable fin sous un couvert de pins maritimes invite à l’évasion et au dépaysement. D’abord réservées à l’exigence d’une clientèle aristocratique et bourgeoise, les stations deviennent au milieu du XXe siècle le rendez-vous d’un tourisme de masse et la silhouette de la côte est profondément modifiée. Ces villes de bord de mer sont le reflet des grandes mutations de la société et répondent à des contraintes fonctionnelles, morphologiques et idéologiques liées à leur implantation géographique et à leur époque. L’habitat balnéaire, représentatif des goûts de son propriétaire et de l’enthousiasme croissant des maîtres d’œuvre pour cette nouvelle architecture saisonnière, consacrée au repos et aux loisirs, est conditionné par la présence de la mer puis du soleil. Malgré la diffusion de modèles de construction dans les catalogues d’architecture, la liberté d’interprétation de ces programmes crée une importante diversité stylistique, spécifique à l’architecture balnéaire. / Between the time that it was first frequented by foreign visitors taking the waters for their health in 1820 and the building of Saint Nazaire’s bridge and the Blue Road in 1975, the landscape of the Jade Coast has undergone significant changes. On virgin coastline that had been left undeveloped at the end of the 18th century, this part of the Atlantic coast became a favourite destination for foreign bathers in the early years of the 19th century, attracted by the benefits of chalybeate spring waters and the chance to bathe in the sea. The picturesque charm of this varied landscape, with its steep coast mixed with long sandy beaches and pine trees, was an invitation to enjoy an escape and a change of scenery. Having been initially devoted to the demands of an aristocratic and middle class clientele, seaside resorts became, in the middle of the twentieth century, the meeting place for large numbers of tourists and consequently the form of the coastline has been modified substantially. These seaside resorts reflect the profound changes to our society, and as well as being constrained by function, morphology and ideology, they are responses to their geographical location and to their date. Seaside housing reflects the taste of owners and a growing enthusiasm among developers for this new seasonal architecture dedicated to relaxation and leisure, architecture conditioned by the presence of the sea and the sun. Despite the spread of building models through architectural catalogues, the variety of interpretation of these models creates a broad stylistic diversity, which is specific to seaside resort architecture.
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Empirical studies in money, credit and banking : the Swedish credit market in transition under the silver and gold standards 1834-1913Ögren, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The empirical results reached in this thesis contradict the traditional theoretical view of money as being exogenously introduced into an economy as a medium of exchange intended to reduce the transactions costs associated with barter. Instead money was endogenously created in the form of credit. Thus, the long run neutrality of money also is called into question. The varying quality of different kinds of money reflects the demand for them. If legal tender was of higher quality than private promissary notes, it was because the former were in greater demand. Concisely put, the market determines the value, and therefore the quality, of various kinds of money. The principal problem addressed in this thesis is how, during the expansive nineteenth century, it was possible to satisfy the ever growing need for credit and means of payment without sacrificing the fixed exchange rate. Particular attention is paid to the private note issuing banks, the so called Enskilda banks, that dominated the Swedish banking system throughout the nineteenth century. In addition to their note issuing, the Enskilda banks were characterized by unlimited owner liability. An examination of the ongoing political process from a rational choice perspective, indicates that initially the concept of note issuing Enskilda banks enjoyed wide spread support. They were considered to be a reasonable response to the problem of establishing a commercial banking system in an illiquid economy. The distribution of political and economic power in favor of the Crown and the Nobility included their control over the issuance of bank charters. The monopolistic policy they followed in this regard, however, resulted in growing hostility towards these. As a result, starting in the middle 1860's, a more liberal attitude towards the establishment of banks began to prevail. By the end of the nineteenth century, various political interest were able to engineer the revocation of the Enskilda banks’ note issuing rights. The special characteristics of the Enskilda banks, the right to issue bank notes and the unlimited liability of their owners, have caused them to be perceived as outdated, at least once Joint Stock banks were introduced. In contrast to the Enskilda banks, these were unable to issue notes but instead provided their owners with limited liability. The thesis demonstrates that, given the initial illiquidity of the Swedish economy, the Enskilda banks actually were the more efficient alternative. Indeed, the note issuing privileges of the Enskilda banks became one of the principal factors behind the development of liquid domestic capital markets. An empirical study that includes the most basic constraints faced by the nineteenth century Swedish economy, the demands of the specie standard and the general shortages of reliable means of payment and of credit, reveals that the Enskilda bank system can not, strictly speaking, be considered an example of free banking. Instead of holding specie reserves, the Enskilda banks backed their notes with central bank (Riksbank) notes. This was not because the public preferred Enskilda bank to Riksbank notes. Rather it was the result of a monetary adverse selection process; Gresham’s Law. Previously utilized, lower quality, means of payment were replaced by Enskilda bank notes. By accepting some of the discount costs, the Enskilda banks made their notes circulate at par with Riksbank notes. Thus a domestic specie exchange system was created. The note issuance of the Enskilda banks paved the way for the deposit based commercial banking system that followed, and it was essential for the monetization of the economy that occurred during the late 1860's. The long run expansion of the money supply was unrelated to growth in Riksbank reserves, specie holdings or the monetary base. Other countries operating under the specie standard also experienced monetary growth, indicating that the specie standard actually was a system of credit. Money supply, as measured in terms of Riksbank and Enskilda bank notes held by the public, eventually reflected the level of output (GDP). VAR-tests indicated that annual changes in the level of Riksbank reserves preceded changes in the money supply which, in turn, preceded changes in the level of prices, thus supporting the price quantity theory. These results are summarized in a regression model that estimates domestic price movements as a function of current changes in international prices and GDP and of lagged changes in domestic prices and the money supply. The final chapter is an empirical analysis of the support provided to the Swedish banking system during the most severe financial crises of the nineteenth century. Maintaining the specie standard was over riding goal of the Riksbank. In times of crises, this concern prevented the Bank from supporting the banking system in accord with the classical lender of last resort recipe; to inject liquidity and briefly suspend convertibility. The thesis argues that in a transitional economy, such as that of nineteenth century Sweden, the fixed exchange rate makes it impossible in times of crisis to support the banks at all costs. Doing so might well convert a banking crisis into a currency crisis. Indeed, this is exactly what has happened in various countries on several occasions during the late twentieth century. Instead the appropriate procedure for acting as lender of last resort in a transitional economy is to initially support the banks, but only as long as central bank reserves are not exhausted. Should the seriousness of the crisis make this insufficient, the authorities should then proceed to import high powered money as a way of supplementing their reserves. The possibility that such action will be needed makes it particularly important that the country’s public finances be kept in good order. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2003. Sammanfattning på engelska</p>
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Hisendes locals i turisme: tres assaigsRigall i Torrent, Ricard 19 December 2003 (has links)
Aquesta tesi utilitza l'anàlisi econòmica per a estudiar les hisendes locals, especialment els aspectes relacionats amb la provisió i finançament dels béns i serveis públics locals. Les hisendes locals, tant a Catalunya com a la resta d'Espanya, pateixen diversos problemes. Dos són especialment rellevants per a aquesta tesi. El primer és la reduïda dimensió dels municipis, l'altre la seva insuficient dotació financera. A la tesi es tracten aquestes dues qüestions en cinc capítols. Primer s'introdueix la problemàtica, exposant-ne els antecedents, la situació actual i la metodologia per al seu anàlisi. A continuació s'aborda la relació entre la grandària dels municipis i la seva capacitat per a proveir béns i serveis públics. De manera recurrent es produeixen debats sobre els problemes que pateixen els municipis petits. El problema més evident d'aquests municipis és el dèficit de serveis públics. Es sol argumentar que els municipis petits pateixen aquests dèficits en la provisió de serveis públics a causa de la manca d'un nombre crític d'habitants. Normalment es presenta la consolidació municipal com a solució a aquest problema. En aquest treball analitzem les diferents vessants de la qüestió dels dèficits de serveis municipals.Es continua analitzant com influeix sobre el sector privat la incapacitat per part dels municipis de prestar la quantitat i/o qualitat correcta de béns i serveis públics. Sembla clar que l'atractiu d'un hotel per als seus clients depèn tant dels serveis que ofereix com de l'entorn en què es troba. Com s'ha dit sovint "un hotel de quatre estrelles necessita un entorn de quatre estrelles". Aquests atributs que configuren l'entorn són complementaris a l'oferta privada dels serveis hotelers i són essencials a l'hora de definir les opcions de comercialització, ja que sembla raonable que diferències en les dotacions de serveis públics, capital natural i imatge de la localitat generaran diferències en els preus d'hotels que altrament són idèntics. A la següent etapa s'estudia la situació financera a la qual s'enfronten els municipis a l'hora de proveir els béns i serveis públics, especialment en el cas de les localitats amb forta implantació de l'activitat turística. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és doble. Primer, realitzar una anàlisi i un diagnòstic del finançament als municipis turístics i, segon, discutir diferents vies de millora. En una primera part s'exposa el marc que cal tenir en compte a l'hora de considerar les qüestions de provisió de serveis públics i els consegüents aspectes pressupostaris. Després es presenta un model estilitzat de provisió de béns públics i d'estructura pressupostària que explicita, amb la intenció de portar a terme l'anàlisi economètrica, les interrelacions rellevants entre provisió de serveis públics, ingressos fiscals i despeses. Tot seguit es presenten les dades que han de servir per a una anàlisi empírica que té dues vessants. Primer, estudiar si realment els municipis amb un fort pes de l'activitat turística presenten diferències en l'àmbit pressupostari i, segon, concretar quantificar en què consisteixen i de què depenen les diferències. El sisè apartat tracta la complementarietat entre béns i serveis públics des d'un marc normatiu, posant de manifest els aspectes que ha de tenir en compte un municipi turístic en les qüestions de provisió i finançament dels béns públics i que fan que tingui un comportament diferent d'un municipi no turístic. El penúltim apartat del treball inclou la discussió i l'avaluació d'algunes propostes correctores dels problemes detectats a l'anàlisi estadística i economètrica. El treball conclou amb un resum de les principals conclusions.La tesi conclou amb una discussió dels resultats obtinguts. / This thesis employs economic analysis to study local public finance, especially the aspects related to the provision and financing of local public goods.The second chapter analyses the deficit in the provision of public services in small municipalities. I begin with a theoretical setting where there are several municipalities each inhabited by a representative individual who must choose the quantity of public services given their prices. I develop an empirical analysis which focuses in testing our model and quantify the effects. With these results I question the common reasoning that, in order to suppress the deficit in the provision of services, municipality consolidation is unavoidable.The third chapter identifies and isolates the attributes which explain the variability of hotel supply prices. I proceed in two steps. First, I develop a "traditional" model of hedonic prices in a competitive market. Second, the paper builds a model of hotel price setting to estimate supply and demand functions. The main results are, first, to quantify the importance the effect of the tourism town in hotel prices and, second, to have the implicit prices for different hotel attributes.The fourth chapter deals with the claim that municipalities in tourism regions suffer from an endemic financial disequilibrium: quite high expenses (related with a de facto population which exceeds by far the de iure population) and inadequate revenues, which often depend on the de iure population. This might result either in higher deficit and borrowing figures or in lower provision of public goods. The latter would be particularly worrying for the quality of the tourism product, given the local government's essential role in tourism policy. This chapter models the decision of public good provision with the purpose of contrasting the existence of financial disequilibrium in tourism municipalities, as well as of explaining its origin. The evidence I present is conclusive, but not completely in favor of the thesis sustained by tourism municipalities: although it exists in general and strongly a financial deficit, the position of small tourism municipalities is quite different.The thesis ends with a summary of the main results.
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Timesharing v cestovním ruchu / TimeshareSIMLEROVÁ, Irena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the question of Timeshare. Solves the system as such, but also deals with the strengths and weaknesses. Timeshare represents as a global operational system, its management and support organizations. Explains how timeshare works from the perspective of the timeshare owners the right views from the business.
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