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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur småföretag stärker sin konkurrenskraft : En kvalitativ studie på bygg- och anläggningsbranschen / How small businesses strengthen their competitiveness : A qualitative study on the construction industry

Groening, Johan, Johansson, Linn January 2016 (has links)
Småföretag utgör den ekonomiska motorn som påverkar nationers utveckling. Därför bör de kontinuerligt stödjas för att fortsatt kunna främja länders utveckling. 99 % av alla bygg- och anläggningsföretag är idag småföretag och på grund av branschens höga konjunkturkänslighet, låga inträdeshinder och hårda konkurrens löper de stor risk att misslyckas. Detta medför en efterfrågan på strategisk forskning som kan appliceras på deras speciella karaktärsdrag; flexibilitet och småskalighet. Strategisk forskning har genom historien haft olika fokus vid förklarandet av företags konkurrenskraft. Idag riktas forskningen mot ett internt perspektiv där den resursbaserade teorin är den mest använda. Då den externa miljön är i ständig förändring och kunders preferenser är volatila skapar inte det externa perspektivet en säker grund för att förstå företags konkurrenskraft.   Syftet med studien är att ur ett internt och externt perspektiv öka förståelsen kring hur konkurrenskraft kan stärkas för småföretag inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Detta genom att identifiera centrala resurser samt studera hur dessa förnyas, tillämpas och utvecklas. För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ studie genomförts där den primära datainsamlingen utgjordes av fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Två undersökningsföretag valdes ut efter ett strategiskt urval. Kriterierna var att företagen skulle klassificeras som småföretag och vara marknadsledande.  Utifrån studien kan det fastslås att det inte var tillräckligt att enbart analysera den resursbaserade teorin för att förstå hur småföretag inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen stärker sin konkurrenskraft. Undersökningsföretagen belyste vikten av deras externa relationer med kunderna. Kundrelationerna hade en direkt koppling till företagens konkurrenskraft i form av avtal och rykte. Att endast analysera det interna perspektivet hade resulterat i en bristfällig analys av dessa resursers påverkan på konkurrenskraften. Således adderades det relationella synsättet efter analys av empirin. Utifrån dessa två perspektiv kunde det konstateras att små bygg- och anläggningsföretag stärker sin konkurrenskraft genom att skapa inbäddade relationer med kunder och anställda samtidigt som heterogena resurser måste förnyas, tillämpas och utvecklas. Genom detta kan konkurrensfördelar skapas. / Small businesses constitute the economic engine which affects nations’ development. That is why they continuously need support to further encourage the development of countries. 99 % of all the construction companies are today small businesses and due to the industry’s high sensitivity to economic fluctuation, low entry barriers and intense competition there is a high business failure rate. This leads to a demand of strategic research that can be applied on their special characteristics, flexibility and small scaled. Strategic research has throughout the history had a different focus in explaining businesses competitiveness. Today, research is more directed towards an internal perspective whereas the resource-based theory is the most used. As the external environment is constantly changing and customers’ preferences are volatile the external perspective cannot form a secure foundation to use in the understanding of business competitiveness.  The purpose of this study is from a resource-based view increase the understanding of how competitiveness in small businesses in the construction industry can be strengthened. This by identifying key resources and study how these are renewed, applied and developed. To answer the purpose of the study, a qualitative study has been used whereas the primary data collection consists of five semi-structured interviews. Two businesses where chosen by a purposive sampling. The criteria’s where that the businesses would be classified as small businesses and be leaders of the market.  Based on the study it can be established that it is not sufficient to only analyze the resourcebased theory in order to understand how small businesses in the construction industry strengthen their competitiveness. The research businesses highlighted the importance of their external customer relations. The customer relationships had a direct connection to the businesses competitiveness in terms of contracts and reputation. Only analyzing the internal perspective would have resulted in an inadequate analyze of these resources impact on competitiveness. Thus, the relational view was added to the study after analyze of the gathered data. Through these two perspectives it was noted that small construction businesses competitiveness strengthens through embedded relationships with their customers and employees while at the same time renewing, applying and developing heterogenic resources. Through this, a competitive advantage can be created.

Upplärning av visstidsanställda - Butikschefers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie inom detaljhandeln / Introductory training of temporary employees – Store managers perspective : A qualitative study in the retail sector

Claesson, Ebba, Bergstrand, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Idag eftersträvar företag kostnadsminskning genom flexibilitet, vilket har medfört att efterfrågan på visstidsanställda inom detaljhandeln har ökat markant. Trots den ökade efterfrågan är det inte ovanligt att visstidsanställda inte får någon upplärning alls och företag riskerar lägre produktivitet till följd av lägre kompetens. Utifrån den resursbaserade teorin är det viktigt att de visstidsanställda bidrar med värde genom acceptabel produktivitet, vilket innebär hur mycket företag förväntar sig av sina anställda. Det krävs inte minst eftersom yrket butiksbiträde anses vara komplext. På grund av komplexiteten och den ökade andelen visstidsanställda är det därför centralt att bevara och utveckla visstidsanställdas kompetens genom en god upplärning för att de ska uppnå acceptabel produktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur företag inom detaljhandeln arbetar med upplärning av visstidsanställda. Studien avser att undersöka hur företag kan bemöta den föränderliga marknaden genom att förstå hur upplärning av visstidsanställda kan utformas för att de ska uppnå acceptabel produktivitet. Metod: Studien har antagit en kvalitativ metod för att uppnå studien syfte. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med olika butikschefer, vilket har bidragit med deras syn på visstidsanställdas upplärning i praktiken. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att visstidsanställdas upplärning varierar beroende på vilken butik det gäller, men att det finns vissa aspekter som är generella. På grund av att butiker är unika och att individuella skillnader påverkar finns inget konkret arbetssätt för hur upplärningen blir mest effektiv. Trots det har studien klargjort för att skriftliga, muntliga och digitala verktyg är av central betydelse för upplärningen och borde kombineras för att generera värde. Hur kombinationen ser ut beror däremot på hur företaget arbetar och vad som förväntas av de visstidsanställda, alltså den acceptabla produktiviteten. Det har även visat sig att företag vanligtvis inte förväntar sig lika mycket vad gäller produktivitet hos de visstidsanställda som de tillsvidareanställda och att upplärningen därför varierar. Av resultatet framgår även att en värdefull aspekt av upplärningsarbetet är att låta nyanställda implementera teoretiska kunskaper i praktiken. Därmed krävs både teoretisk och praktisk upplärning. / Background and problem: As of today, companies are aiming to reduce costs through flexibility, which in turn has led to a significant increase of the demand for temporary employees within the retail sector. Despite this increased demand it is not uncommon for temporary employees to not receive introductory training, thus companies risk lowering productivity as a result of lower competence levels. According to the resource based theory it is essential that temporary employees contribute valuably through acceptable productivity, which exhibits how much companies expect from their employees. This is however partly necessary since the position of a sales assistant is regarded as a complex profession. Due to the complexity and the increasing portion of temporary employees in the workfield, it is essential to preserve and develop competence achieved through sufficient introductory training to attain acceptable productivity. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to acquire a deeper understanding of how companies in the retail sector conduct introductory training of temporary employees. The study aims to examine how companies potentially can manage the ever changing market through understanding how introductory training of temporary employees can be designed to obtain acceptable productivity. Method: The study has adopted a qualitative method for achieving its purpose. Eight semistructured interviews have been conducted with multiple store managers with the purpose of compiling views and experiences of introductory training in practice. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate that introductory training of temporary employees varies depending on the store in which one operates. Certain aspects appear to be prevalent, however since each store is unique and has individual variables in effect there is no palpable way of streamlining introductory training. Consequently, the study has confirmed that written, oral and digital tools are imperative for introductory training and should be combined to be of value. This combination design is dependent on how a specific company works and what is expected of the temporary employees, that is, the acceptable productivity. It has also been found that companies frequently do not expect as much in terms of productivity from temporary employees as opposed to permanent employees, seeing this introductory training can vary. The result confirms valuable aspects of introductory training involves allowing new employees implement theoretical knowledge in practice. Therefore is both theoretical and practical training required.

Determinantes do investimento externo direto em terras nos países em desenvolvimento / Determinats of land foreign direct investment in developing countries

Pongeluppe, Leandro Simões 31 July 2013 (has links)
Desde o final dos anos 2000, impulsionado pelo boom dos preços das commodities, o movimento de aquisição de terras por estrangeiros tem se acentuado nos países em desenvolvimento. Este estudo pretende responder quais são os condicionantes que determinam os Investimentos Externos Diretos (IED) em terras em alguns países e não em outros. Em termos teóricos, a abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI) argumenta que as instituições são importantes para as estratégias dos agentes econômicos e para o seu desempenho (NORTH, 1990). Já a Teoria Baseada em Recursos (TBR) afirma que os recursos são determinantes para a criação de rendas econômicas, por seu pontencial de gerarem vantagens competitivas (BARNEY, CLARK, 2007). Tendo em vista essas abordagens, esse estudo tem como hipótese que o ambiente institucional e a presença de recursos estratégicos influenciam o nível de Investimento Externo Direto em aquisição de terras nos países em desenvolvimento. Utilizando-se de análise estatística qualitativa comparativa e quantitativa verifica-se a relação entre o nível de IED aplicado nos países receptores, tendo em vista os seguintes condicionantes: direito de propriedade; nível de corrupção; liberdade de investimento; disponibilidade de terra agricultutável; e produtividade da terra. Para tanto, foram usados dados secundários de organizações internacionais, tais como: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Banco Mundial; Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento (UNCTAD); Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) e Heritage Foundation - Wall Street Journal. Realizou-se também estudos mais aprofundados em dois países - Moçambique e Brasil - que vêm sendo escolhidos pelos investidores externos. Por fim, concluiu-se que o padrão de investimento nos países em desenvolvimento leva em conta, fundamentalmente, a garantia de direitos de propriedade e a diminuição da disponibilidade de terras nas localidades alvo de aplicações, mostrando que tanto a literatura institucional quanto a de recursos são relevantes na decisão de investimento, porém algumas de suas dimensões são mais importantes que outras. / Since the late 2000s, driven by boom of commodity prices, the movement of land acquisition by foreigners has been growing in developing countries. This study aims to answer what are the conditions that determine foreigndirect investment (FDI) in land in some countries and not in others. In theoretical terms, the approach of New Institutional Economics (NIE) argue that institutions are important to strategies of economic agents and their performance (NORTH, 1990). Resource-Based Theory (RBT) states that the resources are crucial to the creation of rents, by its pontencial of generating competitive advantages (BARNEY, CLARK, 2007). Given these approaches, this study has been hypothesized that the institutional environment and the presence of strategic resources influence the level of Foreign Direct Investment on land acquisition in developing countries. Using statistical qualitative comparison analysis and quantitative will be checked the relationship between the applied level of FDI in host countries, taking into consideration the following factors: property rights; level of corruption; investment freedom; avaiability of soil for agriculture use; and land pproductivity. Thus, we used secondary data from international organizations such as: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Organization for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) and Heritage Foundation - Wall Street Journal. We also conducted further studies in two countries - Mozambique and Brazil - which has been choosed by foreign investors. Finnaly, it was concluded that the pattern of investment in developing countries, takes into account primarily the security of property rights and the decrease availability of land in the targeted locations of aplications , showing that both the institutional literature, as resources literature are relevant in the investment decision, but some of its dimensions are more important than others.

Growth Capital Strategies for Defense Industry Women-Owned Small Businesses

Butler, Karen Renee 01 January 2017 (has links)
Access to growth capital, a critical factor for growing a successful, sustainable business, is a challenge for women-owned small businesses. Following the resource based theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore what capital growth strategies 6 small women-owned business leaders in the defense industry in Dayton, Ohio used to ensure business sustainability beyond the initial start-up period of 1 year. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and company documents. Methodological triangulation, member checking, reflexivity, and an audit trail were used to strengthen credibility and trustworthiness. Based on thematic analysis of the data, emergent themes included growth strategies, risk, and cultivate relationships. Participants pursued low-cost slow-growth strategies to remain viable in a highly competitive marketplace; mitigated risk by aligning business decisions with their strategic plans and diversifying their business and customer base; and cultivated relationships with government agencies, customers, partners, and employees to obtain capital to sustain and grow their businesses. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide women-owned small business leaders with strategies to obtain growth capital necessary for sustainability, contributing to economic growth of businesses, employees, employees' families, and communities.

L'impact des connaissances en technologie d'information des dirigeants sur le succès du système d'information des PME : une étude empirique au Vietnam

Le Duc, Thuy 08 February 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs recherches ont étudié les facteurs de succès du SI dans le contexte des PME. Mais, les dirigeants ont du mal à utiliser ces résultats à cause du nombre important de facteurs et de résultats souvent contradictoires de leurs impacts sur l’organisation. Dans le cadre de la théorie des ressources et du modèle d’acceptation de la technologie et, en tenant compte du contexte spécifique des PME, nous construisons un modèle théorique du succès du SI en nous appuyant sur le facteur des connaissances en TI des dirigeants. Ce modèle est testé empiriquement sur un échantillon de 123 PME, qui sont recensées par une enquête par questionnaire réalisée à Hanoi et ses alentours. Le résultat nous montre que la connaissance stratégique en TI, l’accès à la connaissance en TI et la connaissance en management des TI ont des impacts positifs sur le succès du SI des PME. Plus précisément, la connaissance stratégique en TI a des impacts directs sur le succès du SI, tandis que la norme subjective et la facilité d’utilisation perçue transmettent totalement l’impact de la connaissance en management des TI et de l’accès à la connaissance en TI. / Several studies have investigated the success factors of IS in the context of SMEs. But managers are struggling to use these results because of the large number of factors and of contradictory results of their impact on the organization. In the framework of resource-based theory and technology acceptance model, and taking into account the specific context of SMEs, we construct a theoretical model of IS success by building on the IT knowledge factor of managers. This model is empirically tested on a sample of 123 SMEs, which are identified by a survey conducted in Hanoi and its surroundings. The result shows that the strategic IT knowledge, access to IT knowledge and management of IT knowledge have a positive impact on IS success of SMEs. More specifically, the strategic IT knowledge has a direct impact on the IS success, while subjective norm and perceived ease of use totally convey the impact of IT knowledge management and access to IT knowledge.

台灣電腦系統廠之轉型策略–以智慧型手機為例 / Turnaround strategies of Taiwanese PC companies:A transformation to smartphone

楊娟娟, Yang, Chuan Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國內系統領導廠商轉型為主要研究議題。使用個案研究法,探討其跨入智慧型手機產業之可行性。藉由文獻探討及產業領域知識(domain knowledge)等資訊來源,降低人為主觀偏見,選擇客觀的研究變項定義,發展研究架構,並進行個案公司訪談,彙整分析轉型策略及成功關鍵因素,期為企業進行轉型之參考依據。由研究結果顯示,影響台灣電腦系統廠轉型的關鍵因素,綜述如下:(一)企業轉型之購併策略,若忽略組織文化磨合期,反增加學習成本;(二)企業轉型之品牌策略鴻溝,其解決之道在於「創新」與「品質」;(三)企業轉型之採購策略制定,應配合企業整體目標,並視為企業競爭力之發展重點;(四)企業轉型之目標設定,為跨足新領域時,不能冀望過去成功模式可全然複製於新產業價值鏈,否則將影響決策擬定及業務執行之方向;(五)企業轉型之資源配置,應審思運用於企業核心能力之培育,並配合政府產業政策,以取得更多輔助資源,降低企業資源投入成本及創造利潤之壓力。 關鍵字:智慧型手機、企業轉型、產業價值鏈、資源基礎理論 / In this study, we apply the method of “case study” for the transformation of computer companies into smart phone industry in Taiwan. Using literature review and domain knowledge to reduce the individual bias, the study variables are defined, and the research framework is also proposed. Through interviewing with those companies, the strategy of transformation and critical success factor are analyzed in order to provide the references of business transformation in the future. As the result of study, the critical success factors are concluded as following:(1) It will increase the cost of learning curve if to ignore the integration between organizations during the transformation and merger. (2) “Innovation” and “quality” are the critical strength to fix chasm for brand strategy in the turnaround. (3) To formulate the strategy of procurement, it should be tied in corporation goal and regard it as the core competence. (4) A corporation abandons itself to former successful model during transformation into new industry, which will affect the frame of strategic direction and its business execution. (5) For the placement of organizational resource for turnaround, corporation should deeply consider for the cultivation of core competence in corporation. Besides, to obtain more assistant resource inputs from government to reduce the organizational pressure of return of investment. Keywords: Smartphone, Corporation Transformation, Turnaround and resource-based Theory.


Li, Yu-hsin 26 June 2009 (has links)
The object of this study is to examine the relationships between the use of management control system (MCS) and organization capability in different contingency. This study will adopt the management characteristic of three management control tools which were budget control, project management, and performance management to classify the use of management control system of bank. More specifically, the study is to know whether the diagnostic and interactive use of management control system cause the effect on market orientation, innovativeness, and organization learning and then leading to strategic choice. The research findings are (1) The interactive use of management control system of bank has significant better organization capability and performance. (2) The diagnostic use of management control system of bank has bad organization capability and performance. (3) The structure oriented hybrid use of management control system has lower organization capability and performance than the interactive use. (4) The more fit between contingency factors and management control system, the better organization capability and performance.

La théorie des ressources et l'évaluation du système d'information : le cas des outils de surveillance des médias sociaux (Social Media Monitoring) / Resource-based theory and evaluation of information system : the case of social media monitoring

Soleman, Ramzi 12 April 2018 (has links)
Récemment les données issues de médias sociaux, dites les Big Social Data (BSD) retiennent de plus en plus l’attention des chercheurs et des professionnels, notamment après l’apparition des outils de surveillance des médias sociaux (Social Media Monitoring – SMM), permettant de traiter ces BSD. Les promesses associées au SMM concernent l’amélioration des processus de prise de décision, voire la transformation de processus métiers des entreprises. Malgré des investissements de plus en plus importants, l’usage efficace de ces outils dans les entreprises est très variable. Dans cette recherche, nous souhaiterions comprendre comment et pour quelles finalités le outils SMM sont utilisés ?. Pour l’évaluation de ces outils, nous nous appuyons sur la théorie des ressources. Afin de mettre œuvre de cette recherche, nous avons eu recours à une approche par méthodes mixtes. Cette approche consiste en étude qualitative qui a servi au développement et à l’enrichissement d’une seconde étude quantitative. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la combinaison de ressources SMM (qualité d’outil, ressources humaines…) et de ressources complémentaires permet de constituer des capacités SMM (mesure, interactive, utilisation processus) conduisant à la performance du SMM. Le soutien de l’organisation et, plus spécifiquement le rôle des managers, dans l’activation des ressources et des capacités SMM est conforme au récent approfondissement du management des ressources. En revanche, nous avons détecté que des ambiguïtés demeurent concernant le RBT. Pour cela, nous proposerons de lever ces ambigüités en ayant recours à la théorie étendue des ressources. Finalement, nous présentons les apports, les limites et les perspectives de notre recherche. / Recently, social media data, called Big Social Data (BSD), attract more and more attention from researchers and professionals, particularly after the emergence of Social Media Monitoring (SMM) tools, used to process BSD. The promises associated with the SMM concern the improvement of decision-making processes, or even the transformation of business processes. Despite increasing investments, the effective use of these tools in companies is very variable. In this research, we would like to understand how and for what purposes the SMM tools are used?. For the evaluation of these tools, we build upon the Resource-Based Theory (RBT). In order to implement this research, we used a mixed method approach. This approach consists of a qualitative study that was used to develop and enrich a second quantitative study. The obtained results show that the combination of SMM resources (quality of SMM tool, human resources…) and complementary resources makes it possible to build SMM capabilities (measurement, process, interaction…) leading to performance. Moreover, the support of the organization, and more specifically the role of managers, in the activation of SMM resources and capabilities is consistent with the recent advancements of resource management. However, we detected some ambiguities concerning the RBT. To deal with these ambiguities, we propose to resort to the extended theory of resource. Finally, we present the contributions, the limits and the perspectives of our research.

Determinantes do investimento externo direto em terras nos países em desenvolvimento / Determinats of land foreign direct investment in developing countries

Leandro Simões Pongeluppe 31 July 2013 (has links)
Desde o final dos anos 2000, impulsionado pelo boom dos preços das commodities, o movimento de aquisição de terras por estrangeiros tem se acentuado nos países em desenvolvimento. Este estudo pretende responder quais são os condicionantes que determinam os Investimentos Externos Diretos (IED) em terras em alguns países e não em outros. Em termos teóricos, a abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI) argumenta que as instituições são importantes para as estratégias dos agentes econômicos e para o seu desempenho (NORTH, 1990). Já a Teoria Baseada em Recursos (TBR) afirma que os recursos são determinantes para a criação de rendas econômicas, por seu pontencial de gerarem vantagens competitivas (BARNEY, CLARK, 2007). Tendo em vista essas abordagens, esse estudo tem como hipótese que o ambiente institucional e a presença de recursos estratégicos influenciam o nível de Investimento Externo Direto em aquisição de terras nos países em desenvolvimento. Utilizando-se de análise estatística qualitativa comparativa e quantitativa verifica-se a relação entre o nível de IED aplicado nos países receptores, tendo em vista os seguintes condicionantes: direito de propriedade; nível de corrupção; liberdade de investimento; disponibilidade de terra agricultutável; e produtividade da terra. Para tanto, foram usados dados secundários de organizações internacionais, tais como: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Banco Mundial; Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento (UNCTAD); Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) e Heritage Foundation - Wall Street Journal. Realizou-se também estudos mais aprofundados em dois países - Moçambique e Brasil - que vêm sendo escolhidos pelos investidores externos. Por fim, concluiu-se que o padrão de investimento nos países em desenvolvimento leva em conta, fundamentalmente, a garantia de direitos de propriedade e a diminuição da disponibilidade de terras nas localidades alvo de aplicações, mostrando que tanto a literatura institucional quanto a de recursos são relevantes na decisão de investimento, porém algumas de suas dimensões são mais importantes que outras. / Since the late 2000s, driven by boom of commodity prices, the movement of land acquisition by foreigners has been growing in developing countries. This study aims to answer what are the conditions that determine foreigndirect investment (FDI) in land in some countries and not in others. In theoretical terms, the approach of New Institutional Economics (NIE) argue that institutions are important to strategies of economic agents and their performance (NORTH, 1990). Resource-Based Theory (RBT) states that the resources are crucial to the creation of rents, by its pontencial of generating competitive advantages (BARNEY, CLARK, 2007). Given these approaches, this study has been hypothesized that the institutional environment and the presence of strategic resources influence the level of Foreign Direct Investment on land acquisition in developing countries. Using statistical qualitative comparison analysis and quantitative will be checked the relationship between the applied level of FDI in host countries, taking into consideration the following factors: property rights; level of corruption; investment freedom; avaiability of soil for agriculture use; and land pproductivity. Thus, we used secondary data from international organizations such as: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Organization for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) and Heritage Foundation - Wall Street Journal. We also conducted further studies in two countries - Mozambique and Brazil - which has been choosed by foreign investors. Finnaly, it was concluded that the pattern of investment in developing countries, takes into account primarily the security of property rights and the decrease availability of land in the targeted locations of aplications , showing that both the institutional literature, as resources literature are relevant in the investment decision, but some of its dimensions are more important than others.

Achieving and Maintaining IS/IT Alignment in Organizations

Zhyganov, Volodymyr January 2013 (has links)
The alignment between IS/IT and business is one of the ways to achieve a significant competitive advantage for any organization. It is more important nowadays since any organization can buy any technology in the open market, so technologies themselves don’t give a significant competitive advantage.  Although the concept of the alignment has two decades of the history, it still has a lot of controversial issues and knowledge gaps such as uncertain understanding of the essence of the concept, the complexity of practical implementation and not paying attention to the social dimension of the alignment, i.e. the importance of mutual understanding and collaboration of IT and business executives. The current research aims to investigate the concept of alignment and finds out how an organization can achieve and maintain the IS/IT alignment. Also, this study explores the importance of the social dimension in the alignment concept, clarifies the essence of the IS/IT alignment and investigates how some theoretical concepts can really work in practice. There are many evidences in information systems management literature which describe that strategic alignment is necessary for profit organizations but there are very few which mention that strategic alignment is also important in non-profit academic institutions. During our current research we investigate how this concept works in Linnaeus University and how important it is to achieve and maintain an alignment in any university. In order to achieve the goal of the current research, the relevant information systems management literature was reviewed from a new perspective – a resource-based theory and a unified framework was proposed as a base for the further practical investigation. This research is based on a qualitative approach. By using a qualitative approach, we won’t miss anything important and can determine the maximum number of respondents' opinions. The primary data was collected by conducting private semi-structured interviews. The respondents are employees of a big nonprofit organization with the implemented business strategy, IT department and several information systems in use – Linnaeus University. The data were presented and analyzed according to the research questions and presented framework. The current study demonstrates the concept more clearly and tries to reassess the structure of IS/IT alignment. This research provides «a fresh look» at the concept of IS/IT alignment.

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