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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de nouveaux plans d'expériences uniformes adaptés à la simulation numérique en grande dimension

Santiago, Jenny 04 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une méthodologie pour des études en simulation numérique en grande dimension. Elle se décline en différentes étapes : construction de plan d'expériences approprié, analyse de sensibilité et modélisation par surface de réponse. Les plans d'expériences adaptés à la simulation numérique sont les "Space Filling Designs", qui visent à répartir uniformément les points dans l'espace des variables d'entrée. Nous proposons l'algorithme WSP pour construire ces plans, rapidement, avec de bons critères d'uniformité, même en grande dimension. Ces travaux proposent la construction d'un plan polyvalent, qui sera utilisé pour les différentes étapes de l'étude : de l'analyse de sensibilité aux surfaces de réponse. L'analyse de sensibilité sera réalisée avec une approche innovante sur les points de ce plan, pour détecter le sous-ensemble de variables d'entrée réellement influentes. Basée sur le principe de la méthode de Morris, cette approche permet de hiérarchiser les variables d'entrée selon leurs effets. Le plan initial est ensuite "replié" dans le sous-espace des variables d'entrée les plus influentes, ce qui nécessite au préalable une étude pour vérifier l'uniformité de la répartition des points dans l'espace réduit et ainsi détecter d'éventuels amas et/ou lacunes. Ainsi, après réparation, ce plan est utilisé pour l'étape ultime : étude de surfaces de réponse. Nous avons alors choisi d'utiliser l'approche des Support Vector Regression, indépendante de la dimension et rapide dans sa mise en place. Obtenant des résultats comparables à l'approche classique (Krigeage), cette technique semble prometteuse pour étudier des phénomènes complexes en grande dimension. / This thesis proposes a methodology of study in numeric simulation for high dimensions. There are several steps in this methodology : setting up an experimental design, performing sensitivity analysis, then using response surface for modelling. In numeric simulation, we use a Space Filling Design that scatters the points in the entire domain. The construction of an experimental design in high dimensions must be efficient, with good uniformity properties. Moreover, this construction must be fast. We propose using the WSP algorithm to construct such an experimental design. This design is then used in all steps of the methodology, making it a versatile design, from sensitivity analysis to modelling. A sensitivity analysis allows identifying the influent factors. Adapting the Morris method principle, this approach classifies the inputs into three groups according to their effects. Then, the experimental design is folded over in the subspace of the influent inputs. This action can modify the uniformity properties of the experimental design by creating possible gaps and clusters. So, it is necessary to repair it by removing clusters and filling gaps. We propose a step-by-step approach to offer suitable repairing for each experimental design. Then, the repaired design is used for the final step: modelling from the response surface. We consider a Support Vector Machines method because dimension does not affect the construction. Easy to construct and with good results, similar to the results obtained by Kriging, the Support Vector Regression method is an alternative method for the study of complex phenomena in high dimensions.

Avaliação da produção de etanol em temperaturas elevadas por uma linhagem de S. cerevisiae. / Evaluation of ethanol production at high temperatures by a strain of S. cerevisiae.

Souza, Crisla Serra 24 April 2009 (has links)
A metodologia de superfície de resposta foi utilizada para otimizar as condições e obter maiores produção de etanol e viabilidade para a linhagem de S. cerevisiae 63M em processo descontínuo, resultando nas condições: 200 g.L-1 de sacarose, 40 g.L-1 de inóculo a 30 °C. Diferentes tipos de processos foram comparados e o processo que apresentou maiores viabilidade, produtividade e rendimento foi o descontínuo alimentado por pulsos de volumes decrescentes de sacarose a 30 °C. A redução da concentração de sacarose foi uma estratégia que permitiu aumentar a temperatura até 37 °C sem perdas em viabilidades. Uma linhagem utilizada nas destilarias brasileiras foi comparada com a linhagem 63M em temperaturas elevadas e observou-se que a 63M produziu maior produtividade e rendimento. Oito ciclos sucessivos de fermentação com reutilização de células da linhagem 63M foram realizados em meio sintético em processo descontínuo alimentado por pulsos de sacarose a 37 °C e uma perda gradual de viabilidade foi observada, mas o etanol final permaneceu constante nos oitos ciclos. / Surface response methodology was used to optimize the conditions and to obtain higher ethanol production and viability to strain 63M of S. cerevisiae in batch culture, resulting in the conditions: 200 g.L-1 sucrose, 40 g.L-1 inoculum at 30 °C. Different types of processes were compared and the process that presented higher viability, productivity and yield was pulse fed-batch using five decreasing pulses of sucrose at 30 °C. The reduction of the sucrose concentration was a strategy that allowed increasing the temperature up to 37 °C without losses in viabilities. An industrial strain used in Brazilian distilleries was compared with strain 63M at high temperatures and it was observed that strain 63M produced higher productivity and yield. Eight successive cycles of fermentation with reuse of cells of strain 63M were carried out in synthetic medium in fed-batch process using sucrose pulses at 37 °C and a gradual loss of viability was observed, but the final ethanol was kept constant in the eight fermentation cycles.

Compostos fenólicos de resíduos agroindustriais: identificação, propriedades biológicas e aplicação em matriz alimentar de base lipídica / Phenolic compounds of agroindustrial residues: identification, biological properties and application in lipid-based food matrix

Melo, Priscilla Siqueira 06 April 2016 (has links)
A geração de resíduos sólidos pelas atividades agroindustriais tem criado a demanda por um reaproveitamento tecnológico desses materiais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial bioativo e tecnológico de resíduos agroindustriais, como fontes naturais de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante. Foram analisados resíduos agroindustriais vinícolas, de indústrias produtoras de polpas congeladas de frutas (açaí, cajá, cupuaçu e graviola) e provenientes do beneficiamento de café e de laranja. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo para a determinação das condições ótimas de extração, empregando planejamento experimental multivariado com delineamento composto central rotacional, cujos resultados foram avaliados empregando a técnica de superfície de resposta. Na sequência, foram feitos a triagem dos resíduos, baseada na atividade antioxidante, e a caracterização fenólica dos extratos hidroalcoólicos obtidos dos resíduos agroindustriais. De acordo com os resultados de atividade antioxidante, engaço de uva da variedade Chenin Blanc (EC) e semente de açaí (SA) foram os resíduos selecionados, os quais seguiram para as etapas de concentração e fracionamento bioguiado de sua(s) molécula(s) bioativa(s), as quais foram posteriormente identificadas por UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Extratos brutos e concentrados foram avaliados in vitro quanto à capacidade de desativação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (radicais peroxila, ânion superóxido e ácido hipocloroso) e então, aplicados em óleo de soja, emulsão e suspensão de lipossomos, a fim de se avaliar a efetividade desses extratos como antioxidante natural em matrizes lipídicas. Concentrações intermediárias de etanol (40-60%) e alta temperatura (96°C), exceto para semente de açaí (25°C), foram as condições ótimas para a extração de antioxidantes dos resíduos agroindustriais. Epicatequina, ácido gálico, catequina e procianidina B1 foram os compostos de maior ocorrência, quando avaliados pela técnica de HPLC-DAD. O EC apresentou a maior atividade antioxidante global e SA a maior atividade entre os resíduos de polpas de frutas, laranja e café. A concentração dos extratos brutos de EC e SA, pela resina Amberlite XAD®-2, produziu aumento significativo da atividade antioxidante. Além disso, extratos brutos e concentrados apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa e anti-inflamatória. Os extratos concentrados foram fracionados por meio de Sephadex LH-20, a partir da qual foi possível identificar quatro frações de maior bioatividade para o EC e três para o SA. Procianidina B1, catequina, epicatequina e resveratrol foram identificados no extrato concentrado e frações de EC. Dezoito procianidinas poliméricas, catequina, epicatequina foram os principais compostos identificados em SA, por meio de UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol também foi encontrado em SA pela primeira vez. Quando avaliados em óleo de soja, EC e SA demonstraram atividade pro-oxidante. Contudo, elevada atividade antioxidante foi verificada quando essas amostras foram aplicadas em sistemas lipídicos coloidais, pois retardaram o consumo de oxigênio em uma emulsão óleo/água e o período de indução na produção de dienos conjugados em uma suspensão de lipossomos. Portanto, os resíduos agroindustriais EC e SA possuem potencial tecnológico de reaproveitamento industrial podendo ser considerados possíveis matérias-primas para a obtenção de extratos ricos em antioxidantes ou pela extração de antioxidantes naturais de uso pelas indústrias farmacêutica e/ou de alimentos. / The solid waste generation by agroindustrial activities have created the demand for a technology reuse of these materials. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioactive and technological potential of agroindustrial residues as sources of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Agroindustrial residues from wineries, from industries producing frozen fruit pulps (acai, caja, cupuaçu and soursop) and from the processing of coffee and orange, were analyzed. Initially, a study using a multivariate experimental planning with central composite rotatable design was performed, whose results were evaluated by response surface technique. After, it was made the screening based on the antioxidant activity and the phenolic characterization of hydroalcoholic extracts of optimized agroindustrial residues. According to the results obtained for the antioxidant activity the residues grape stem from the variety Chenin Blanc (EC) and açaí seed (SA) were selected and followed to the steps of concentration and bioguided fractionation of their(s) molecule(s) bioactive(s), which were subsequently identified by UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Crude and concentrated extracts were evaluated in vitro for the deactivation capability of reactive oxygen species (peroxyl radicals, superoxide and hypochlorous acid) and then applied to soybean oil, emulsion and liposome suspension in order to evaluate the effectiveness these extracts as natural antioxidant in lipid matrices. Intermediate concentrations of ethanol (40-60%) and high temperature (96 °C), except for acai seed (25 °C) were the optimal conditions for the extraction of antioxidants from agroindustrial residues. Epicatechin, gallic acid, catechin and procyanidin B1 compounds were the most frequent molecules, when assessed by HPLC-DAD. The EC had the highest overall antioxidant activity and SA the greatest activity between residues of fruit pulp, orange and coffee. Concentration of the crude extracts of EC and SA, by Amberlite XAD®-2 resin, produced a significant increase in antioxidant activity. Furthermore, crude and concentrated extracts showed antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity. The concentrated extracts were fractionated by Sephadex LH-20, from which it was possible to identify four fractions of greater bioactivity for the EC and three for SA. Procyanidin B1, catechin, epicatechin and resveratrol were identified in the concentrated extract and EC fractions. Eighteen polymeric procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin were the major compounds identified in SA by UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol has also been found for the first time in SA. When evaluated in soybean oil, EC and SA demonstrated pro-oxidant activity. However, high antioxidant activity was observed when these samples were evaluated on lipid colloidal systems, for delayed oxygen consumption in an emulsion oil/water and the induction period in the production of conjugated dienes in a liposome suspension. Therefore, the agroindustrial residues EC and SA have technological potential for industrial reuse and, thus, can be considered as raw material for obtaining antioxidant-rich extracts or by extraction of natural antioxidants useful for pharmaceutical and/or food industries.

Estudo da viabilidade técnica do uso do resíduo de óleo de xisto como óleo extensor em ligantes asfalto-borracha / Study of the technical viability of using shale-oil residue as extender oil in asphalt-rubber binders

Faxina, Adalberto Leandro 15 December 2006 (has links)
Ligante asfáltico e borracha moída de pneus são materiais, na maioria das vezes, de difícil compatibilização, exigindo a adição de produtos químicos que facilitem a dispersão e a incorporação da borracha, como, por exemplo, os óleos extensores. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar a hipótese de que o resíduo de óleo de xisto, por se tratar de um óleo aromático, presta-se bem como óleo extensor de borracha, permitindo, inclusive, a adição de teores de borracha maiores que os normalmente incorporados aos ligantes asfálticos na ausência de óleos extensores. A tentativa de verificação de tais hipóteses foi efetuada por meio de uma programação laboratorial dividida em duas etapas. A primeira englobou uma investigação sobre o efeito da borracha moída e do resíduo de óleo de xisto sobre características físicas de 27 ligantes asfálticos, a fim de modelar diversas propriedades reológicas desses materiais, tendo como variáveis previsoras as porcentagens de componentes e as variáveis de processo. Na segunda etapa, foram estudados 8 ligantes asfálticos, a fim de obter dados para a validação dos modelos definidos na primeira etapa e também para a modelagem de propriedades não contempladas na primeira fase. Em ambas as fases, o planejamento dos experimentos foi efetuado empregando a técnica estatística de experimentos com misturas. A caracterização física dos ligantes asfálticos foi efetuada por meio de ensaios tradicionais (ponto de amolecimento, penetração e resiliência) e da especificação Superpave (viscosidade aparente, balanço de massa, cisalhamento dinâmico e fluência na flexão), em ligantes virgens e submetidos às práticas de envelhecimento a curto e longo prazos indicadas pela especificação Superpave (RTFOT e PAV). Ensaios de estabilidade à estocagem também foram realizados. Há evidências de que o resíduo de óleo de xisto pode ser empregado como óleo extensor em ligantes asfalto borracha, porém a seleção das concentrações adequadas dos componentes (asfalto, borracha e resíduo de óleo de xisto) depende do monitoramento de propriedades reológicas nas temperaturas de ocorrência dos principais defeitos do pavimento na região de implantação da rodovia. / Asphalt binder and crumb rubber from discarded tires are materials that, most of time, are not compatible, requiring the addition of chemical products to facilitate the dispersion and incorporation of rubber particles as, for example, the extender oils. This research aims at evaluating the hypothesis that the shale-oil residue, once it is an aromatic oil, may be used as an extender oil for asphalt-rubber binders, allowing the incorporation of crumb-rubber proportions even higher than those usually added to asphalt binders without extender oils. The effort to verify these hypotheses was made by means of a laboratorial program divided in two steps. In the first step an investigation was carried out to assess the effects of crumb rubber and shale-oil residue on physical characteristics of twenty seven asphalt binders, in order to model rheological properties of these materials, using the component proportions and the process variables as predictor variables. In the second step, eight asphalt binders were studied, to obtain data to validate the original models and to model some properties that were not monitored in the first step. In both steps, the experiment was designed using the statistical technique of experiments with mixtures. The physical characterization of the asphalt binders was performed using traditional tests (softening point, penetration and resilience) and those of Superpave specification (apparent viscosity, mass loss, dynamic shear and flexural creep), with materials in three conditions: virgin, short-term aged (RTFOT) and long-term aged (PAV). Storage stability tests were also performed. There are evidences that the shale-oil residue can be used as an extender oil in asphalt-rubber binders, but the selection of the adequate concentrations of the components (asphalt, rubber and oil) depends on the measurement of rheological properties in the temperatures at which the main pavements distresses occurs in the place the road will be constructed.

Taxa de resfriamento na soldagem: um novo entendimento. / Cooling rate in the welding: a new understanding.

Cruz Neto, Rubelmar Maia de Azevedo 12 June 2018 (has links)
Desde meados do século XX, métodos analíticos, numéricos e experimentais foram utilizados para quantificar a eficiência térmica na soldagem a arco, isto é, a razão entre a energia do arco elétrico e a energia que é entregue ao material durante a soldagem. Conhecendo-se a eficiência térmica, as dimensões da chapa e as propriedades térmicas do metal de base, torna-se possível prever as taxas e tempos de resfriamento a partir de modelo analíticos. Consequentemente, permitindo a previsão das transformações de fase, garantindo que os valores das propriedades da junta soldada se enquadrem dentro de um intervalo desejado. Os modelos de previsão de taxa de resfriamento derivados a partir dos modelos analíticos de Rosenthal são validos apenas no regime quase estacionário. Todavia, estes modelos costumam ser utilizados com pouco critério, mesmo em situações em que este regime não é alcançado. Portanto, para o desenvolvimento de modelos mais precisos e acurados para previsões das taxas de resfriamento, torna-se necessário entender como os termos do balanço de energia se desenvolvem durante a soldagem, até atingir o regime quase estacionário. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um entendimento mais abrangente dos fatores que impactam nos valores de taxas de resfriamento em juntas soldadas. Realizaram-se ensaios de calorimetria com nitrogênio líquido para diferentes tempos de soldagem, como também, foram coletados ciclos térmicos em diferentes posições ao longo do cordão, buscando entender como as variações no balanço de energia, ao longo da soldagem, impactam no material. A partir da Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta, foram obtidos os modelos empíricos da energia entregue ao material e da eficiência térmica do arco. Um novo entendimento acerca do balanço de energia na soldagem foi alcançado, servindo de base para o desenvolvimento e validação de um modelo preditivo de taxa de resfriamento, válido para diferentes condições de fluxo de energia no material. / Since the early 20th century, numerical and experimental methods have been used to quantify the thermal arc efficiency in welding, i.e., the ratio between the electric arc energy and the energy delivered to the material during welding. Knowing the thermal arc efficiency, the sample dimensions and the thermal properties of the base metal, it is possible to predict the cooling rates by analytical models. Consequently, allowing the prediction of phase transformations in the material, ensuring that values of welded joint properties are within a desired range. Cooling rate prediction models derived from Rosenthal\'s analytical models are valid only in quasi-stationary state. However, these models are used with little criterion, even in situations where this state is not achieved. Therefore, to development of more accurate and precise models for the prediction of cooling rate it become necessary to understand the evolution of the energy balance during the welding until the quasi-stationary state was reached. This work aims to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect the cooling rate in welded joints. Calorimetry tests with liquid nitrogen were carried out for different welding times, and thermal cycles were collected at different positions along the weld bead, to understand how the variations in the energy balance during the welding affect the material. From the Response Surface Methodology, the empirical models of delivered energy and the thermal arc efficiency were obtained. A new understanding about the energy balance in the welding was found, that was used for the development and validation of a predictive model of cooling rate, valid for different condition of energy flow in the material.


Benvenutti, Laís 02 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-04-10T19:08:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Laís Benvenutti.pdf: 1732667 bytes, checksum: 0cbf85a73624f6269213298d5973c50f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T19:08:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Laís Benvenutti.pdf: 1732667 bytes, checksum: 0cbf85a73624f6269213298d5973c50f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A maçã apresenta alta concentração de compostos fenólicos, distribuídos em diferentes classes as quais apresentam capacidade antioxidante. Além disso, conferem efeito positivo na formação do sabor, cor e aroma em bebidas derivadas da fruta. No entanto, durante o processamento, parte da composição fenólica fica retida no bagaço, principal subproduto da agroindústria da maçã. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo a otimização da extração de compostos fenólicos presentes no bagaço da maçã utilizando solvente de grau alimentício, visando sua aplicação em sidras a fim de melhorar as características tecnológicas, nutricionais e sensoriais do produto final. Nos ensaios de extração foram avaliados os efeitos da concentração de solvente (etanol), temperatura e razão sólido/líquido sobre o rendimento e atividade antioxidante dos extratos, utilizando o método de superfície de resposta (MSR). Além disso, foi estudada a cinética da extração, bem como a estabilidade do extrato. A análise de regressão linear múltipla acoplada ao MSR sugeriu que a extração seja efetuada utilizando etanol 60%, a 50 °C, na razão sólido/líquido de 1:20 (m/v). Por meio de um modelo cinético de primeira ordem foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo e da temperatura sobre a concentração de equilíbrio da extração, a qual foi atingida aproximadamente aos 50 minutos, independente da temperatura, com teores de 1852,77; 1728,35 e 1265,29 mg CAT/kg para as temperaturas de 50, 35 e 20 °C, respectivamente. A partir desses resultados, a energia de ativação necessária para que ocorra a transferência do soluto foi 9,01 kJ/mol. Em geral, os flavonoides apresentaram boa estabilidade durante período de 90 dias, sendo sugerido armazenamento ou aplicação sob temperatura de 10 °C em pH de aproximadamente 3,5. O extrato obtido nas melhores condições foi adicionado ao mosto antes do inóculo de levedura e a fermentação foi monitorada por meio do estudo cinético. Os mostos e pontos da fermentação (1, 4, 7, 11 e 15 dias) foram avaliados quanto aos fenóis individuais, açúcares e etanol em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Além disso, foi avaliada a composição fenólica total, flavonoides totais, flavanóis, flavonóis e atividade antioxidante, bem como, o teor de acidez total titulável, pH e cor. Os produtos finais foram analisados sensorialmente quanto à intensidade de cor, acidez, adstringência e amargor por meio de uma escala estruturada, e quanto à qualidade do odor em escala hedônica de aceitação. A adição do extrato aumentou cerca 40% a concentração de flavonoides totais, apresentando glicosídeos de quercetina, compostos presentes apenas no epicarpo da maçã, os quais foram um dos compostos relacionados com o aumento da atividade antioxidante na sidra com adição de extrato. A adição do extrato também resultou em maior intensidade de cor e percepção do amargor e adstringência. Apesar das alterações na composição fenólica, a adição do extrato não prejudicou a qualidade do odor do produto final. Portanto, o extrato fenólico obtido com etanol em condições otimizadas foi capaz de reincorporar parte dos compostos bioativos retidos no bagaço, aumentando a capacidade antioxidante e alterando características sensoriais responsáveis pela aceitabilidade da bebida. / Apple has high amounts of phenolic compounds, distributed in different classes which show antioxidant capacity. In addition, the phenolic compounds contribute to flavor, color and aroma in apple beverages. However, most of the phenolic compounds, especially the flavonoids, are retained in the apple pomace, during processing. In this way, this work aimed to optimize the flavonoids extraction from apple pomace using food grade solvent, and to apply the extracts in ciders in order to improve the technological, nutritional and sensorial characteristics of the final product. In the extraction experiments, the effects of solvent concentration (ethanol), temperature and solid/liquid ratio on process yield and antioxidant activity of the extracts were evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM). In addition, the extraction kinetics as well as the stability of the extract were studied. The multiple linear regression analysis coupled to RSM suggested that the extraction be performed using ethanol 60% at 50 °C and with solute-solvent ratio of 1:20 (w/v). The effects of time and temperature on the equilibrium concentration of the extraction were evaluated, which was reached at approximately 50 minutes with contents of 1852.77; 1728.35 and 1265.29 mg CAT/kg for the temperatures of 50, 35 and 20 ° C, respectively. The activation energy required for solute transfer to occur was determined, 9.01 kJ mol-1. In general, the flavonoids showed good stability during the period of 90 days, being suggested its storage or application under a temperature of 10 °C and pH about 3.5. The extract obtained under the best conditions was added to the must prior to addition of the yeast inoculum and the fermentation was monitored by kinetic study. The musts and ciders (1, 4, 7, 11 and 15 days) were evaluated as to the individual phenols and sugar and ethanol contents were quantified in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In addition, the total phenolic composition, total flavonoids, flavanols, flavonols and antioxidant activity, as well as total titratable acidity, pH and color were evaluated. The final products were sensorially analyzed for color intensity, acidity, astringency and bitterness by means of a structured scale. The odor quality was evaluated in a hedonic scale of acceptance. The addition of the extract increased about 40% in the total flavonoid content. Quercetin glycosides, compounds present only in the apple epicarp, were found, being one of the compounds associated for the increase in antioxidant activity. The cider with the extract addition showed higher intensity of color and perception of the bitterness and astringency. Despite the changes in phenolic composition, the addition of the extract did not affect the odor quality of the final product. Therefore, the phenolic extract obtained with ethanol under optimized conditions was able to reincorporate bioactive compounds retained in the pomace, increasing the antioxidant capacity and changing sensorial characteristics responsible for the acceptability of the beverage.

Propagation de la variabilité de la morphologie humaine sur le débit d'absorption spécifique en dosimétrie numérique. / Propagation of the variability of the human morphology on the Specific Absorption Rate in numerical dosimetry

El Habachi, Aimad Abdeslam 31 January 2011 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions l’exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques l’échelle d’une population. Cette étude est réalisée pour une exposition à une onde plane orientée frontalement sur des modèles anatomiques du corps humains (fantômes) avec une puissance incidente de 1W/m2 et une fréquence de 2.1 GHz. Pour ce faire, l’idée est de construire un modèle du WBSAR (Whole Body averaged Specific Absorption Rate) en fonction de lamorphologie. Les facteurs morphologiques influençant le WBSAR ont été identifiés à l’aide des fantômes existant dont le nombre se limite à 18 et des modèles de régressions. Cette analyse préliminaire montre que les facteurs morphologiques externes (taille, poids ...) seuls ne suffisent pas pour construire un tel modèle, mais l’introduction des facteurs morphologiques internes (muscles, graisse ...) est nécessaire. L’absence de données statistiques sur les facteurs morphologiques internes de populations nous a conduits à intégrer des connaissances apriori sur ces facteursafin d’étudier l’exposition d’une population donnée. Des lois paramétriques usuelles et des mélanges de gaussiennes sont utilisés pour modéliser ces facteurs internes afin d’étudier leur influence sur le quantile du WBSAR à 95 %.L’utilisation des fantômes homogènes où le fantôme homogène est obtenu en remplaçant tous les tissus internes par un unique tissu équivalent. Ces fantômes homogènes permettent de s’affranchir de l’influence de la morphologie interne dans un modèle du WBSAR et facilitent également leur déformation par une technique de morphing. Ainsi nous avons pu enrichir la base de fantômes existant. Pour donner une estimation du quantile du WBSAR à 95 %, nous avons mis en place un plan d’expériences séquentiel qui repose sur un modèle paramétrique du WBSAR et l’inférence bayésienne et qui permet de raffiner la région à 95 %. Cette approche nous a permis de trouver le quantile à 95 % pour une population et un exemple de fantôme correspondant. Cependant, cette approche ne permet pas d’obtenir une estimation de toute la distribution du WBSAR. Afin d’obtenir une estimation de toute cette distribution, nous avons construit une surface de réponse en utilisant les polynômes de chaos. Dans l’objectif d’obtenirdes résultats cohérents nous avons effectué un changement de variables permettant de traduire les connaissances physiques dans cette surface de réponse. / In this report, a study of the exposure to electromagnetic waves at the level of population is proposed. This study is conducted in the case of a plane wave oriented frontally on anatomical models (phantoms) with an incident power of 1W/m2 and at the frequency of 2.1 GHz. For this purpose, the idea is to build a surrogate model of the WBSAR (Whole Body averaged Specific Absorption Rate) as a function of morphology. An identificationof morphological factor is performed using the limited number of phantoms (18phantoms)and different regressions. This analysis shows that to use only external morphological factors (height, weight ...) is not sufficient to build such surrogate model and that internal morphological factors (muscles, fat ...) are also important. The absence of statistical data on internal morphology conducts us to introduce some prior knowledge on these internal factors to study the exposure for a given population. Some parametric laws and Gaussian mixture are used to study their influence on the quantile of the WBSAR at 95 The lack of data on internal morphology led us to consider homogeneous phantoms instead of the heterogeneous one. In homogeneous phantoms, all the internal tissues are substituted by an equivalent tissue. These homogeneous phantoms allow us to overcome the influence of internal morphology for a WBSAR model and to use a morphing technique to increase the database of phantoms. To give an estimation of the WBSAR quantile at 95 %, a sequential experiment design is used. This approach is based on a parametric model and Bayesian inference. This experiment design allows us to estimate the quantile at 95 for a given population and an example of one corresponding phantom. Nevertheless, this approach does not allow one to estimate the whole distribution of the WBSAR for a given population. To give an estimate of this distribution a surface of response is established using polynomial chaos. This approach gives incoherent results with the physical phenomenon. To obtain coherent results, physical knowledge is introduced by variables changing in this responsesurface.

Contribution aux traitements des incertitudes : application à la métrologie des nanoparticules en phase aérosol. / Contribution to the treatment of uncertainties. : Application to the metrology of nanoparticles under aerosol-phase.

Coquelin, Loïc 04 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de fournir aux utilisateurs de SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) une méthodologie pour calculer les incertitudes associées à l’estimation de la granulométrie en nombre des aérosols. Le résultat de mesure est le comptage des particules de l’aérosol en fonction du temps. Estimer la granulométrie en nombre de l’aérosol à partir des mesures CNC revient à considérer un problème inverse sous incertitudes.Une revue des modèles existants est présentée dans le premier chapitre. Le modèle physique retenu fait consensus dans le domaine d’application.Dans le deuxième chapitre, un critère pour l’estimation de la granulométrie en nombre qui couple les techniques de régularisation et de la décomposition sur une base d’ondelettes est décrit.La nouveauté des travaux présentés réside dans l’estimation de granulométries présentant à la fois des variations lentes et des variations rapides. L’approche multi-échelle que nous proposons pour la définition du nouveau critère de régularisation permet d’ajuster les poids de la régularisation sur chaque échelle du signal. La méthode est alors comparée avec la régularisation classique. Les résultats montrent que les estimations proposées par la nouvelle méthode sont meilleures (au sens du MSE) que les estimations classiques.Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse traite de la propagation de l’incertitude à travers le modèle d’inversiondes données. C’est une première dans le domaine d’application car aucune incertitude n’est associée actuellement au résultat de mesure. Contrairement à l’approche classique qui utilise un modèle fixe pour l’inversion en faisant porter l’incertitude sur les entrées, nous proposons d’utiliser un modèle d’inversion aléatoire (tirage Monte-Carlo) afin d’intégrer les erreurs de modèle. Une estimation moyenne de la granulométrie en nombre de l’aérosol et une incertitude associée sous forme d’une région de confiance à 95 % est finalement présentée sur quelques mesures réelles. / This thesis aims to provide SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) users with a methodology to compute the uncertainties associated with the estimation of aerosol size distributions. Recovering aerosol size distribution yields to consider an inverse problem under uncertainty.The first chapter of his thesis presents a review of physical models and it shows that competitive theories exist to model the physic.A new criterion that couples regularization techniques and decomposition on a wavelet basis is described in chapter 2 to perform the estimation of the size distribution.Main improvement of this work is brought when size distributions to be estimated show both broad and sharp profiles. The multi-scale approach helps to adjust the weights of the regularization on each scale of the signal. The method is then tested against common regularization and shows better estimates (in terms of the mean square error).Last chapter of this thesis deals with the propagation of the uncertainty through the data inversion process.Results from SMPS measurements are not given with any uncertainty at this time so providing end-users with an uncertainty is already a real improvement. Common approach is to consider a fixed physical model and to model the inputs (particle count) as random. We choose to consider both the physical model as well as the inputs as random to account for the model error. The result is expressed as a mean estimate of the size distribution with a 95% coverage region. The all methodology is finally tested on real measurements.

Optimisation de l'usinage par le procédé d'électroérosion à fil des alliages de titane et des matériaux composites à base de titane appliqués à l'aéronautique / Optimization of machining by wire electric discharge machining process of the titanium alloys and titanium based composites applied to the aeronautics

Ezeddini, Sonia 17 December 2018 (has links)
L’usinage par électroérosion est un procédé d’enlèvement de matière par fusion, vaporisation et érosion, réservé aux matériaux conducteurs et semi-conducteurs.Il peut être utilisé pour usiner les métaux et alliages, les aciers trempés, les alliages céramiques, les carbures métalliques, certaines céramiques et même des matériaux plus durs tels que le diamant polycristallin. La pièce ainsi chauffée voit ses caractéristiques mécaniques chuter et modifier, ce qui augmente son usinabilité. Les travaux réalisés ont porté sur l'influence de l'usinage par électroérosion à fil sur; l'intégrité de surface, l'usinabilité, la productivité et la précision de procédé, de plusieurs matériaux, tels que, le titane pur, l'alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4V, le composite intermétallique à base Ti-Al, le composite Ti17 et le composite Ti6242.En usinage par électro-érosion à fil, et plus précisément en finition, le procédé est caractérisé par un débit de matière, une largeur de kerf, un durcissement superficiel, une zone affectée thermiquement et un état de surface variant en fonction de plusieurs paramètres tels que, le courant de décharge, le temps d’impulsion, la tension d’amorçage, la vitesse de coupe, la pression d'injection de lubrifiant et la tension de fil.Toutefois, il s’agit d’une étude d’optimisation et de modélisation empirique des conditions de coupe des matériaux composites à base métallique et des alliages de titane, afin de maitriser et d'améliorer l'intégrité de surface usinée, d'augmenter la productivité et de perfectionner la précision du procédé. Par la suite, atteindre les exigences de la qualité et de la sûreté de fonctionnement des pièces aéronautiques.Dans cette étude, on a utilisé des méthodes de type Plan d'expériences, méthode de Taguchi et la Méthodologie des surfaces de réponses pour le calage et le contrôle des paramètres de l’usinage par électroérosion à fil, et ses conditions opératoires. / EDM machining is a process for the removal of material by melting, spraying and erosion, which is reserved for conductive and semiconductor materials.It can be used for machining metals and alloys, hardened steels, ceramic alloys, metal carbides, some ceramics and even harder materials such as polycrystalline diamond. The heated part has its mechanical characteristics drop, which increases its machinability. The work carried out focused on the influence of WEDM machining on surface integrity, machinability, productivity and process precision, of several materials: pure titanium, Ti6Al4V alloy, composite intermetallicTi-Al based, Ti17 composite and Ti6242 composite.In ripping, and more precisely in finishing, the process is characterized by a flow of material,kerf width, surface hardening, heat affected zone and surface condition varying with discharge current, pulse time and voltage, cutting speed, lubricant injection pressure and wire tension.In fact, the machining conditions of metal-based composite materials and titanium alloys have been modeled and optimized to improve machined surface integrity, increase productivity, and improve process accuracy. Subsequently, meet the quality and safety requirements of aeronautical parts.Methods such as Experimental Design, Taguchi and Surface of Response were used for calibration and process control parameters and operating conditions.

Compostos fenólicos de resíduos agroindustriais: identificação, propriedades biológicas e aplicação em matriz alimentar de base lipídica / Phenolic compounds of agroindustrial residues: identification, biological properties and application in lipid-based food matrix

Priscilla Siqueira Melo 06 April 2016 (has links)
A geração de resíduos sólidos pelas atividades agroindustriais tem criado a demanda por um reaproveitamento tecnológico desses materiais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial bioativo e tecnológico de resíduos agroindustriais, como fontes naturais de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante. Foram analisados resíduos agroindustriais vinícolas, de indústrias produtoras de polpas congeladas de frutas (açaí, cajá, cupuaçu e graviola) e provenientes do beneficiamento de café e de laranja. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo para a determinação das condições ótimas de extração, empregando planejamento experimental multivariado com delineamento composto central rotacional, cujos resultados foram avaliados empregando a técnica de superfície de resposta. Na sequência, foram feitos a triagem dos resíduos, baseada na atividade antioxidante, e a caracterização fenólica dos extratos hidroalcoólicos obtidos dos resíduos agroindustriais. De acordo com os resultados de atividade antioxidante, engaço de uva da variedade Chenin Blanc (EC) e semente de açaí (SA) foram os resíduos selecionados, os quais seguiram para as etapas de concentração e fracionamento bioguiado de sua(s) molécula(s) bioativa(s), as quais foram posteriormente identificadas por UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Extratos brutos e concentrados foram avaliados in vitro quanto à capacidade de desativação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (radicais peroxila, ânion superóxido e ácido hipocloroso) e então, aplicados em óleo de soja, emulsão e suspensão de lipossomos, a fim de se avaliar a efetividade desses extratos como antioxidante natural em matrizes lipídicas. Concentrações intermediárias de etanol (40-60%) e alta temperatura (96°C), exceto para semente de açaí (25°C), foram as condições ótimas para a extração de antioxidantes dos resíduos agroindustriais. Epicatequina, ácido gálico, catequina e procianidina B1 foram os compostos de maior ocorrência, quando avaliados pela técnica de HPLC-DAD. O EC apresentou a maior atividade antioxidante global e SA a maior atividade entre os resíduos de polpas de frutas, laranja e café. A concentração dos extratos brutos de EC e SA, pela resina Amberlite XAD®-2, produziu aumento significativo da atividade antioxidante. Além disso, extratos brutos e concentrados apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa e anti-inflamatória. Os extratos concentrados foram fracionados por meio de Sephadex LH-20, a partir da qual foi possível identificar quatro frações de maior bioatividade para o EC e três para o SA. Procianidina B1, catequina, epicatequina e resveratrol foram identificados no extrato concentrado e frações de EC. Dezoito procianidinas poliméricas, catequina, epicatequina foram os principais compostos identificados em SA, por meio de UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol também foi encontrado em SA pela primeira vez. Quando avaliados em óleo de soja, EC e SA demonstraram atividade pro-oxidante. Contudo, elevada atividade antioxidante foi verificada quando essas amostras foram aplicadas em sistemas lipídicos coloidais, pois retardaram o consumo de oxigênio em uma emulsão óleo/água e o período de indução na produção de dienos conjugados em uma suspensão de lipossomos. Portanto, os resíduos agroindustriais EC e SA possuem potencial tecnológico de reaproveitamento industrial podendo ser considerados possíveis matérias-primas para a obtenção de extratos ricos em antioxidantes ou pela extração de antioxidantes naturais de uso pelas indústrias farmacêutica e/ou de alimentos. / The solid waste generation by agroindustrial activities have created the demand for a technology reuse of these materials. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioactive and technological potential of agroindustrial residues as sources of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Agroindustrial residues from wineries, from industries producing frozen fruit pulps (acai, caja, cupuaçu and soursop) and from the processing of coffee and orange, were analyzed. Initially, a study using a multivariate experimental planning with central composite rotatable design was performed, whose results were evaluated by response surface technique. After, it was made the screening based on the antioxidant activity and the phenolic characterization of hydroalcoholic extracts of optimized agroindustrial residues. According to the results obtained for the antioxidant activity the residues grape stem from the variety Chenin Blanc (EC) and açaí seed (SA) were selected and followed to the steps of concentration and bioguided fractionation of their(s) molecule(s) bioactive(s), which were subsequently identified by UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Crude and concentrated extracts were evaluated in vitro for the deactivation capability of reactive oxygen species (peroxyl radicals, superoxide and hypochlorous acid) and then applied to soybean oil, emulsion and liposome suspension in order to evaluate the effectiveness these extracts as natural antioxidant in lipid matrices. Intermediate concentrations of ethanol (40-60%) and high temperature (96 °C), except for acai seed (25 °C) were the optimal conditions for the extraction of antioxidants from agroindustrial residues. Epicatechin, gallic acid, catechin and procyanidin B1 compounds were the most frequent molecules, when assessed by HPLC-DAD. The EC had the highest overall antioxidant activity and SA the greatest activity between residues of fruit pulp, orange and coffee. Concentration of the crude extracts of EC and SA, by Amberlite XAD®-2 resin, produced a significant increase in antioxidant activity. Furthermore, crude and concentrated extracts showed antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity. The concentrated extracts were fractionated by Sephadex LH-20, from which it was possible to identify four fractions of greater bioactivity for the EC and three for SA. Procyanidin B1, catechin, epicatechin and resveratrol were identified in the concentrated extract and EC fractions. Eighteen polymeric procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin were the major compounds identified in SA by UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol has also been found for the first time in SA. When evaluated in soybean oil, EC and SA demonstrated pro-oxidant activity. However, high antioxidant activity was observed when these samples were evaluated on lipid colloidal systems, for delayed oxygen consumption in an emulsion oil/water and the induction period in the production of conjugated dienes in a liposome suspension. Therefore, the agroindustrial residues EC and SA have technological potential for industrial reuse and, thus, can be considered as raw material for obtaining antioxidant-rich extracts or by extraction of natural antioxidants useful for pharmaceutical and/or food industries.

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