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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prospects for continued use and production of Swedish biogas in relation to current market transformations in public transport / Utsikter för fortsatt användning och produktion av svensk biogas i förhållande till pågående marknadsförändringar inom kollektivtrafiken

Hagstroem, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Biogas is largely utilised as vehicle fuel in public bus transport in Sweden today. This study investigates opportunities and barriers for continued domestic use and production of biogas, in relation to the ongoing electrification of public bus transport. The analysis is based on interviews with actors in public transport and the biogas sector, experts on biogas systems, and representatives for alternative user segments. Three regions were chosen as case-studies for investigations of prospects in public transport, i.e. Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne, though alternative uses were studied from a national perspective. In addition to public transport, considered uses include road transport, sea transport, industries, and electricity and heat production. The study identifies a broad agreement among stakeholders that renewable resources should be implemented where they provide most benefits from a system perspective. Therefore, electric public buses are valued in urban environments, while biogas solutions are found suitable for regional routes. Biogas is further viewed as environmentally beneficial in all user segments except continuous electricity and heat production, where it largely would replace renewable rather than fossil sources. Regarding costs and competitiveness, probable future uses are identified within light and heavy-duty road transport, and in consumer-oriented industries, i.e. the food industry. Economic support in policy instruments is further considered essential for continuous development of the Swedish biogas sector, though current influential instruments, e.g. the tax exemption, are described as short-term and unpredictable. The willingness to pay for the collected societal benefits of biogas further decrease in transitions from public to private consumers, and as biogas solutions simultaneously are linked with limited or uncertain competitiveness in these sectors, risks prevail that such transitions could imply stagnations and declines in biogas use and production, given today’s situation. / Idag används biogas till stor del som drivmedel för bussar inom kollektivtrafik i Sverige. Denna studie undersöker möjligheter och hinder för en fortsatt nationell användning och produktion av biogas, i samband med att bussar inom kollektivtrafiken nu elektrifieras. Analysen är baserad på intervjuer med aktörer inom kollektivtrafiken och biogassektorn, sakkunniga inom biogas, och alternativa användare av biogas. Tre regioner, Stockholm, Västra Götaland och Skåne, valdes som fallstudier för analys av möjligheter för fortsatt användning inom kollektivtrafiken. Alternativa användningar studerades istället ur ett nationellt perspektiv, och inkluderade vägtransporter, sjöfart, industri och el- och värmeproduktion. Studien visar att det råder enighet mellan intervjupersoner att förnybara resurser över lag ska användas där de medför störst samhällsnytta sett till samhället i stort. Inom kollektivtrafiken beskrivs elbussar därför som fördelaktiga i stadsmiljöer, medan biogas ses som lämpligt i regional trafik. Biogas framställs dessutom som miljömässigt fördelaktigt i alla alternativa användningsområden utom kontinuerlig el- och värmeproduktion, eftersom då främst förnybara och inte fossila resurser ersätts. Med hänsyn till kostnader och konkurrenskraft ses lätta och tunga transporter tillsammans med kundnära industrier, t.ex. livsmedelsindustrin, som troliga framtida användningsområden för biogas. Ekonomiskt stöd från styrmedel bedöms vara nödvändigt för en fortsatt utveckling av biogassektorn i Sverige, även om dagens styrmedel, t.ex. skattebefrielsen, beskrivs som kortsiktiga och oförutsägbara. Betalningsviljan för biogasens samlade samhällsnyttor minskar också vid en övergång från offentliga till privata kunder. Eftersom biogas därtill har en begränsad eller osäker konkurrenskraft jämtemot andra alternativ i de privata segmenten, identifierar denna studie risker för stagnation eller nedgång i användning och produktion av biogas vid en eventuell utfasning från den offentliga sektorn, givet dagens situation.

A construção de um sistema de Armazenamento de Dados no âmbito do sistema GIST98/EUROBUS

João Pedro Carvalho Leal Mendes Moreira January 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho descreve-se o desenvolvimento do Módulo Quadro de Indicadores Operacionais (Módulo QIO) como um sistema de Armazenamento de Dados. Este módulo tem por objectivo disponibilizar informação de planeamento e controlo aos agentes de decisão de empresas de transportes colectivos rodoviários de passageiros. Faz parte integrante do sistema GIST98/EUROBUS - um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para a área do planeamento. Começam-se por definir os conceitos fundamentais sobre sistemas de Armazenamento de Dados e apresentar métodos adequados para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de sistemas. De seguida apresenta-se o caso de estudo (a construção do Módulo QIO no âmbito do sistema GIST98/EUROBUS), descreve-se o método de desenvolvimento a utilizar na construção do Módulo QIO e, por último, descreve?se a aplicação do método. O trabalho apresentado foi realizado em colaboração com cinco empresas que utilizam ou vão utilizar num futuro próximo o sistema GIST98/EUROBUS. Estas empresas operam diariamente com cerca de 6000 viaturas correspondendo a mais de metade do mercado de transportes colectivos rodoviários de passageiros em Portugal, incluindo Madeira e Açores. / This work describes the development of the Performance Indicators Board Module (PIB Module) as a Data Warehousing system. This module aims to give planning and control information to support the decision making process at mass transit companies. It is part of the GIST98/EUROBUS system - a Decision Support System to the planning area. Firstly are defined the main concepts about Data Warehousing systems and presented methods to develop this kind of systems. Next is presented the study case (the PIB Module construction as a module of the GIST98/EUROBUS system), described the development method to use on the study case and, finally, it is described the method application. This work was done with the support of five companies that are using or will use soon the GIST98/EUROBUS system. Those companies operate daily about 6000 vehicles, corresponding to more than half of the road public transport market in Portugal, including Madeira and Azores.


[pt] O transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos é a principal atividade econômica geradora de acidentes ambientais no Brasil. No modal rodoviário, durante o carregamento, o deslocamento e a descarga há combinações de fatores adversos à operação prescritas em normas que representam riscos de incidentes e acidentes que, a cada ano, aumentam suas estatísticas nas estradas brasileiras. Esta pesquisa identificou pontos de controle aplicados nos locais de partida, onde ocorrem os carregamentos, operados por condutores de veículos que transportam etanol com vistas à prevenção de acidentes durante o transporte da carga. A partir da revisão de leis, decretos e normas, e considerando o percurso entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, o transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi estudado sob o ponto de vista da teoria de prevenção de acidentes de Haddon e modelos de acidentes do Abiquim, programa Olho Vivo nas Estradas. Por meio de entrevistas com funcionários de distribuidoras de combustíveis, a pesquisa identificou práticas correntes utilizadas por motoristas de caminhões para a checagem das condições gerais dos veículos nos pontos de partida com vistas ao atendimento de normas, legislações e procedimentos de segurança das empresas. Os motoristas revelaram que os acidentes ocorridos nas estradas ou até mesmo nas áreas urbanas não ocorrem por falhas de inspeção no ponto de partida, mas sim devido a imprudência de outros condutores que não respeitam as leis de trânsito. / [en] Since 2015, resulting from industrial expansion and driven by exports and cargo distribution and storage logistics in Brazil, road transport has grown significantly. Among the products that had increased volumes are chemicals that, by their nature, present risks when handled and transported. This increase in demand for cargo transportation was higher in road transport when compared to other modes of transport, such as waterway and rail. The Fig. 1 presents the configuration of the different modal of dangerous cargo transportation in 2015.

Analýza činnosti dopravního operátora / An analysis of a transport operator´s job description

HOUZIMOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
An analysis of a transport operator´s job description My degree work is centred on the problems of a transport operator´s job in a forwarding agency. The introduction provides an explanation of a term of "dispatch service" and explains why logistics is so important in transport. Then there is a description of the transport development after 1990 and the changes transport had to undergo in the time of globalization. The main part of the work deals with the operator´s working procedure from an offer to a demand, an order and other actions to the final realization. A model example is given to represent an actual transporting process. The work also states conditions under which transport is executed, for example payment terms and terms of delivery. Next chapters outline the way of calculation, give a detailed description of collecting service (which is implemented within the bounds of CS Expres system) and of storing problems including the introduction of bar codes in stores and possibilities of logistic service extension. The conclusion is focused on the firm developing strategy.

Quantification of Potential Ecological Impacts of Road Transport

Friedrich, Jan 16 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Le transport routier énergiquement durable : état des lieux, modélisation et aide à la décision publique en Tunisie / Sustainable energy development in road transport sector : stock-take, modeling and in the public decision-making process in Tunisia

Ben Abdallah, Khaled 22 January 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel d'urgence environnementale, la consommation de carburant dans le secteur du transport routier, vu son impact négatif sur l'environnement et son rôle socioéconomique, doit évoluer dans une logique de durabilité. Nous initions notre travail de thèse par une approche comparative de 90 pays quant à leur intensité énergétique et leur intensité de CO2 dans le transport routier durant la période 1980-2010. En calculant le coefficient de Theil, nos résultats empiriques mettent en évidence l'existence d'une disparité spatiale et temporelle. En 2010, la Tunisie occupe le 48ème rang et le 38ème rang, respectivement en terme d'efficiences énergétique et environnementale. Elle a une performance énergétique moyenne tout en occupant le 34ème rang selon l'indice général de performance énergétique. Dans une deuxième partie, nous adoptions la démarche de modélisation conceptuelle dont l'objectif est la construction des indicateurs du transport routier énergétique durable. La définition d'un tel indicateur économique est confronté au problème de mesure de la valeur ajoutée réelle de ce secteur du transport. Par l'intermédiaire de l'approche de filtre de Kalman, nous pouvons conclure que la valeur ajoutée de transport informel est d'environ 61% de total de valeur ajoutée de secteur de transport durant la période 1980-2010 en Tunisie. Enfin, nous procédons à une modélisation économétrique des interactions entre les indicateurs de transport routier énergétiquement durable en Tunisie. L'étude de la dynamique des relations causales entre la consommation du carburant dans le transport routier, les émissions de CO2 dus au secteur de transport, la valeur ajoutée réelle de secteur du transport, le prix moyen du carburant, la longueur de l'infrastructure routière et le taux de motorisation se base sur la technique de cointégration de Johansen et le modèle de la Courbe Environnementale de Kuznets (CEK). Les résultats empiriques confirment, d'une part, l'hypothèse de neutralité entre la consommation de carburant et la valeur ajoutée réelle de secteur de transport et, d'autre part, l'hypothèse de CEK stipulant une relation en U-inversée entre les émissions de CO2 et la croissance économique du secteur du transport. Aussi, nous mettons en exergue une relation de causalité unidirectionnelle au sens de Granger allant de prix de carburant vers la consommation du carburant à court terme. Dans ce sens, en utilisant la technique de décomposition de prix, les résultats infirment l'hypothèse d'asymétrie de l'effet de prix sur la consommation de carburant. Avec la prise en compte de facteur technologique, nous estimons l'effet de rebond à l'ordre de 18% à court terme et 51% à long terme. En termes d'implications politiques, ce travail de thèse montre l'importance d'adopter des politiques publiques transversales où la question énergétique du transport routier est résolue en adéquation avec l'offre infrastructurel, la politique de prix de carburant, le droit à la mobilité individuelle et la protection de l'environnement. Une combinaison optimale entre divers instruments fiscal, économique et de régulation parait la meilleure stratégie pour atteindre un tel objectif. Le rôle de la gouvernance énergétique est central pour concevoir et opérationnaliser toute politique de transport routier énergétiquement durable. / As global concern about climate increases, road transport energy consumption, given its impact on the environment and its socio-economic role, must evolve to sustainability logic. First, the present work provides an international comparison of the energy intensity and the CO2 intensity in road transport for a group of 90 countries oer the period 1980-2010. Through the calculated Theil coefficient, our empirical findings highlight the existence of spatial and temporal disparities between coustries. In 2010, Tunisia occupies the 48th and the 38th rank respectively in terms of energy and environmental efficiency.Based on a general index of energy performance in the road transport sector, it is deemed to have a medium energy performance by occupying the 34th rank. Secondly, through the adoption of conceptual modeling approach, several indicators for sustainable energy development in road transport sector are constructed. To measure the real transport value added, we used filter Kalman approach. We denote that the informal transport value added is about 61% during the period 1980-2010.Finally, this thesis studies causal mechanisms between indicators for sustainable energy development related to energy consumption from Tunisian road transport sector. The investigation is made using the Johansen cointegration technique and the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) approach. It examines the nexus between real transport value added , road transport-related energy consumption, road infrastructure, fuel price, rate of motorization and CO2 emissions from Tunisian transport sector during the same period. Empirical results support the hypothesis of neutrality between energy and income for Tunisian road transport sector, and the hypothesis of an inverted U-shaped EKC for transport CO2 emissions. Also, there is a unidirectional Granger causality running from fuel price to road transport-related energy consumption with no feedback in the short run. In this sense, using price decomposition technique, we refute asymmetric fuel price effect hypothesis. By the introducing of the technological factor, the rebound effect is about 18% in the short run and 51% in the long run. The study shows the importance if enhancing a number of policies for the road transport system through the joint improvement of the fuel price policy, of the road infrastructure policy and of the road vehicles policy. The optimal combination of fiscal, economic and regulatory instruments is the main strategy to achieve these objectives. The energetic governance is necessary in order to maintain sustainable energy road transport.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje společnosti GREEN SPEDITION s.r.o. / Business Development Plan for GREEN SPEDITION s.r.o.

Gryč, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work is to evaluate the current situation of Green Spedition s.r.o. and to formulate the business plan for further development. The theoretical basis forms the basis for further exploration. The current state has been assessed by using strategic and financial analysis methods and other indicators used to manage the company. The results are the basis for the formulation of recommendations to ensure the future development of the company.

Strategie rozvoje podniku / Strategy of Business Development

Nováková, Libuše January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at business plan of further development of the company XY, s.r.o. The theoretical basis for the work include basic concepts related to the focusing on the main idea of the company´s development plan. The analysis section deals with the evaluation of the current problém and includes the identification of key factors in the wider context of the environment, the summary of which is then followed by a suitable strategy for the implementation of future development. In this part, analyzes of External and internal factors are used. The proposals are based on a performer SWOT analysis. This section lists appropriate measures to eliminate risks in the field.

Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Floating Car Data zur Verkehrsflussoptimierung: Schaffung erweiterter und verbesserter Datengrundlagen für das operative Straßenverkehrsmanagement und die Verkehrsplanung

Körner, Matthias January 2011 (has links)
Floating Car Data (FCD) besitzen eine sehr breite Palette an Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, die aber teilweise noch keine massenhafte Verbreitung gefunden haben, auch wenn das Innovationspotenzial als sehr hoch eingeschätzt wird. Dies begründet sich in erster Linie durch die meist relativ großen Erfassungsintervalle bei der derzeitigen FCD-Erfassung. In Dresden ist ein Taxi-FCD-System in Betrieb, welches sich durch eine sehr hohe Detektionsdichte auszeichnet. Die Fahrzeugpositionen werden mindestens alle 5 Sekunden aufgezeichnet. Damit bestehen ausgezeichnete Möglichkeiten, mögliche Mehrwerte zu prüfen und Prototypen zu etablieren. Getestet wurde u. a. die Generierung von Straßennetzabbildern. Im Dauerbetrieb befindet sich die FCD-basierte Verkehrslageermittlung.

A comparison of road and rail transport for the benefit of the independent timber growers of Natal Cooperative Timbers

Bepat, Merisha 02 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the brokered transport costs of road and rail transport for the independent timber growers of NCT Forestry Co-operative Limited in Kwa-Zulu-Natal. Reliability, flexibility, visibility, rates and total transport time were evaluated for each mode of transport. The impact of the carbon emissions was also considered and the option of performance based standard vehicles investigated. During the period 2000 to 2003, rail was the dominant mode of transport. However from 2004 onwards, due to the diminishing service levels and the high tariff structures of rail transport, road became the preferred mode of transport. The results of the survey conducted for the purposes of this study showed that although road transport outperformed rail transport, rail transport scored significantly higher than road transport as a cost-effective mode of transportation. Rail transport was shown to be a far less carbon intensive mode of transport than road transport, while there were substantial cost savings and benefits from performance based standard vehicles. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Logistics)

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