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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Lek eller allvar? En roligare behandling : Bordsrollspel som behandlingsmetod och social färdighetsträning / Playing games seriously? A more enjoyable intervention : Tabletop role-playing games as an intervention and social skills training.

Sterckx, Joel, Repo, Kristian January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur bordsrollspel kan användas i en behandlingskontext. För att studera detta har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie av verksamma utövares medverkan i podcaster och panelsamtal uppladdade på Youtube där de berättar om metoden. Resultatet visar att bordsrollspel används i två, delvis överlappande, syften: social färdighetsträning och behandling av psykisk ohälsa. Bordsrollspel beskrivs som en social aktivitet med många inneboende positiva följder för spelaren, exempelvis ökad samarbetsförmåga, perspektivtagande och känsloreglering. När aktiviteten leds av en tränad behandlare kan spelet användas för att nå uttalade terapeutiska mål. Detta ställer emellertid stora krav på spelledaren som behöver ha god kännedom om både behandling och spelet. Behandlingen riktar sig främst till ungdomar med svårigheter med socialt samspel, men den har också potential att användas med vuxna klienter. För att diskutera materialet har ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv använts. / This study examines how tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) can be used as an intervention. We have conducted a qualitative study of practitioners' participation in podcasts and panel discussions published on Youtube where they talk about TTRPGs as an intervention. The results demonstrate how TTRPGs are utilized with two, partially overlapping purposes: social skills training and treatment for mental health conditions. TTRPGs are described as a social activity with a number of inherent benefits for the player, such as increased collaboration skills, perspective-taking and emotional regulation. Whilst being led by a trained professional the game can be used as a tool to reach defined therapeutic goals. This, however, requires the game master to be well-versed in both the role of therapist as well as game master. The intervention studied is primarily used with adolescents struggling with social interactions, but also has potential to be used with adult clients. To discuss the results a symbolic interactionist perspective has been used.

The Layered Frames of Performed Tabletop: Actual-Play Podcasts and the Laminations of Media

Decicio, Brendan 01 December 2020 (has links)
Despite their sudden growth in popularity, the role-playing actual-play podcasts have either been ignored or grouped with the genre of audio drama in prior scholarly works. Examination using frame analysis shows, however, that these podcasts are distinct in their engagement of the audience on multiple, simultaneous levels; levels which correspond with well-known media genres such as Documentary, Fiction, and Game Play. Each frame has its own layer of identities, conduct, and avenue for appealing to audiences just as these genres have their own distinct appeals. Through the combinations of these frames, familiar tropes and techniques such as Short-Form Improv and Campbell's monomyth are broadened and challenged, and identities become entangled in this post-modern medium. Delineating the features of these frames and exploring their interactions and interconnectivity not only helps to distinguish the actual-play podcast as its own distinct podcast genre, but also highlights the potential for using such frames or frame analysis in other media forms.

MousePunk - Care & Justice

Drakemyr, Hugo, Wiktorén, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
MousePunk är en undersökning som strävar efter att inkludera de två observerbara lek- och spelstilarna i digitala spel, som tydligt skiljer olika personer åt och projektet visar att spelstilarna är beteendemönster som finns omnämnt i moraletiken. Redan hos barn är dessa beteende observerbara i deras sätt att leka. De två olika stilarna är Justice och Care och i jämförelse med andra spel i den valda spelgenren som främst bejakar Justice ger en inkludering av båda spelstilarna en ökad möjlighet för narrativ och spelmekanik. Eftersom de två beteendemönstren dessutom är observerbart uppdelade mellan cis-män och cis-kvinnor är det även inkluderande att balansera dessa spelstilar i ett spel. Därför har projektet behandlat och utrett hur ett CRPG kan se ut om det balanserat bejakar båda beteendestrukterna oavsett genus. Genom att kombinera nyckelprinciper i Justice och Care och destillera ner beteendestrukturerna till drivkrafter hos den enskilda individen har projektet sammanställt en gestaltning som balanserar spelstilarna med varandra. / MousePunk is a study that strives to include the two observable play styles in digital games: Justice and care. It shows that the playing styles are behavioural patterns that are mentioned in morality (this statement is still hanging-needs more substantion). Even in children, these behaviours are observable in their way of playing. In comparison with other games in the chosen game genre that mainly affirm Justice, the inclusion of both game styles provides an increased opportunity for narrative and game mechanics. In addition, since the two patterns of behavior are observably divided between cis-men and cis-women, it is also inclusive to balance these playing styles in a game. Therefore, the project has dealt with and investigated how a computer role playing game (CRPG) can look like if it equally affirms both behavioural structures regardless of gender. By combining key principles in Justice and Care and distilling them down to the driving forces of the individual, the project has put together a design that balances the playing styles with each other.

Context-Aware Procedural Content Generation with Player Modelling in Mobile Action Role Playing Game

Gustafsson, Andreas, Vallett, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
This paper aimed to discover how player satisfaction is affected by context-aware elements based on physical, real-world factors in an action role-playing game. The possibility of utilizing player modelling to counteract the reduction in player empowerment in a game heavily influenced by external factors was also explored. This was accomplished by creating an ARPG heavily integrated with various weather, and daytime, context data obtained from web-based APIs. Followed by conducting qualitative tests with help of eleven participants during a time period of a week. The evaluated results were presented in a manner of relevance for both context-driven applications as a whole, and for further exploration within game developments utilization of state of the art technology.

A Comparison of Standardized Patients with Role Play for Teaching Therapeutic Communication

Lupiani, Christine January 2023 (has links)
Background: The experience of stress and anxiety in nursing students can reach a high level because of fear of making an error or causing fatal harm to a patient. Unmitigated stress and anxiety can hinder learning and the performance of psychomotor skills in the clinical setting, eventually affecting patient care.Aim: This study aimed to examine anxiety, stress, self-efficacy for nursing clinical skills, and self-efficacy for therapeutic communication in undergraduate nursing students who were randomized to either an intervention with a standardized patient or the comparison group who participated in role play. Method: An experimental study with randomization was conducted with prelicensure nursing students (N = 87) recruited from associate and bachelor’s degree nursing programs in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Clinical Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES), and Self-Efficacy in Therapeutic Communication (SETC). Data collection occurred at preintervention, postintervention, and at follow-up, approximately 2 weeks after the intervention. Results: The first report describes the development of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Communication Scale (SETC) developed by the principal investigator and used in this study. Exploratory factor analyses with a Varimax rotation of the 15 items yielded two factors accounting for 51.3% of the variance. Two subscales were formed by summing the items loading above .4 on each factor. The first subscale was Communication Techniques, which included 9 items and had a Cronbach’s alpha of .91 The second subscale was Intuitive Practices with 6 items and a Cronbach’s alpha of .79. The correlation between the two subscales was r = .67 (p < .001). Test-retest reliability for the scale from pre- to posttest was .68, pre- to follow-up was .41, and posttest to follow-up was .68. In the second report, Pearson’s r was used to determine that state anxiety, trait anxiety, and stress were highly correlated with each other, with a range of correlations, r = .53 to .91, p < .001. Inverse contemporaneous correlations were found for trait anxiety and for stress with self-efficacy for clinical skills at all time points, whereas state anxiety was inversely related to self-efficacy for clinical skills at posttest and follow-up. Inverse correlations for self-efficacy for therapeutic communication were statistically significant with state anxiety, trait anxiety, and stress, but only at posttest. In the third report, mixed Analysis of Variances (ANOVAs) determined that there was a statistically significant interaction between time and group on state anxiety scores, F(2, 170) = 3.551, p = .031, η2 = .040. Simple main effects analyses showed that the intervention and comparison group means did not differ at any of the three testing times. Paired samples t tests indicated that the scores on anxiety in the intervention group did not show any statistically significant change over time, whereas anxiety in the comparison group was significantly higher at follow-up than at any other time. Mixed ANOVAs showed no interaction between time and groups for self-efficacy for clinical skills or for self-efficacy for therapeutic communication. Results indicated that the intervention and comparison group means on self-efficacy for clinical skills and self-efficacy for therapeutic communication improved over time. Both intervention and comparison groups reported increased self-efficacy in clinical skills and therapeutic communication at follow-up data collection. In addition, two separate mixed ANOVAs were performed to determine if stress had a moderating effect on the intervention. Students in the high stress group (PSS greater than 18), did not experience a change in anxiety over time, while the comparison group of participants with low stress (scores less than or equal to 18), had significant changes in anxiety from pretest to follow-up and posttest to follow-up, while the intervention group did not. Conclusion: Stress and anxiety can have detrimental effects on nursing students’ self-efficacy for clinical skills and self-efficacy for therapeutic communication. Prioritizing and mitigating the effects of stress and anxiety to improve self-efficacy in nursing students is one way of preparing nursing students for competency-based education, as outlined in the American Association of Colleges of Nurses, The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. Throughout the Domains of The Essentials, therapeutic communication is found in 13 competencies, indicating that this once considered soft skill, is a critical skill required for safe patient care. Teaching methods that include interactions with standardized patients and managing difficult conversations can be helpful for the nursing student to experience in pre-clinical preparation. Keywords: Anxiety, self-efficacy, standardized patients, therapeutic communication, clinical nursing skills

Digitaliseringens Påverkan på Rollspelsupplevelsen

Nguyen, Duc Thang, Jonsson, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Hur populära rollspel är har ökat kraftigt under en tid då digitaliseringen av rollspel är mycket vanligare än någonsin tidigare. Fler spelare upplever rollspel på ett sätt de inte var originellt utvecklade för. Detta digitala medium kan påverka deras upplevelse av rollspel kraftigt, och i sin tur ändra hur spelare upplever de sociala aspekterna av rollspel. Studiens mål är att undersöka vad för sorts påverkan digitalisering har på den sociala upplevelsen av att spela rollspel, på grund av att mer spelare påverkas av digitalisering än någonsin tidigare, vilket i sin tur påverkas av den generellt ökande populariteten av rollspel. Akademisk litteratur när det gäller spelupplevelser inom detta område är också väldigt få, så studien siktar på att motverka detta också. Frågeställningen som utvecklades från studiens problem var “Vad är deltagarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av de sociala aspekterna av digitala rollspel?”. En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes med en litteraturundersökning angående generella tankar kring digitalisering och att spela online, tagna från onlineforum Detta följdes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio rollspelare, som sedan analyserades via en tematisk analys. Det första steget för att besvara frågeställningen var att ta reda på mer information kring vilka delar av onlinespel som ansågs vara mer viktiga av spelarna, vilket i sin tur innebär att intervjun kan bli bättre strukturerad för att samla in mer relevant information. Detta gjordes genom litteraturundersökningen. Genomföringen av intervjun var det andra steget, vilket siktade på att samla så mycket information som möjligt angående spelarnas tankar, känslor, upplevelser och liknande när det kom till digital rollspelning. Det tredje steget var att genomföra de tematiska analyserna på anteckningar om intervjuerna, och tre teman skapades: Det Praktiska med att Spela Online, Rollspelning och Spelvärlden. De följande slutsatserna kunde dras från studien: Digital rollspelning har mycket att ge när det kommer till tillgänglighet, då spelare fann det mycket enklare att komma in i spelet, förbereda sessioner samt att organisera tider för när man faktiskt spelar tillsammans när en session kördes online. Trots detta sa spelare även att själva spelupplevelsen, speciellt när det kom till socialisering eller inlevelse, försämrades online jämfört med att spela på plats. Baserat på dessa slutsatser, så kan det sägas att digitaliseringen av rollspel har mycket att ge när det kommer till social tillgänglighet, men generellt försämrar den sociala upplevelsen jämfört med att spela på plats. En generell positiv eller negativ slutsats kan ej dras från detta, då det är upp till vad spelarna värderar mer inom sina rollspelsupplevelser som bestämmer vare sig digitalisering är en bra eller dålig sak för rollspel. / The popularity of roleplaying games has dramatically increased during a time when digitalisation of the medium is more common than ever before. More and more players are experiencing roleplaying games in a way that they were not originally designed for. This digital medium could affect their experience of the game significantly, and impact how players experience the social aspects of roleplaying games. This study aims to research what form of impact digitalisation has on the social experience of roleplaying games, due to more and more players being affected by digitalisation than ever before, thanks to the overall growing popularity of the hobby. Academic literature on experiences of play within this field is also sparse, so the study aims to expand that as well. The research question developed from this study’s problem was “What were the participant's experiences of the social aspects of digital roleplaying games”. A qualitative case study was conducted through a literature overview regarding general thoughts about digitalisation and online play, taken from online forum posts. This was followed by a semistructured interview with 10 Tabletop Roleplaying-Game (TTRPG) players, which was later analysed via thematic analysis. The first step to answer the research question was to find out more information about what aspects regarding online play people regarded to be more important and significant, in order to better structure the interview to obtain more relevant information. This was done via the literature overview. Conducting an interview was the second step, which aimed to collect as much information about the players' thoughts, feelings, and experiences surrounding digital roleplaying. The third and final step was conducting a thematic analysis of the interview notes, in which three main themes were created: The Convenience of Playing Online, The Role-Playing experience, and the Game World. The following conclusions were drawn from the study: Digital roleplaying has a lot to offer when it comes to accessibility and organisation, as players found it drastically easier to get into the game, prepare sessions, as well as organise times for when to play together when conducting a session online. However, players also stated that the actual experience of play, especially when it came to socialising and immersing themselves, was much worse when playing digitally compared to in person. Based on these conclusions, it can be stated that the digitalisation of roleplaying games has a lot to offer when it comes to social accessibility, but it does dampen the overall social experience compared to an in-person play session. Overall, generally positive or negative conclusions can’t be drawn, and it is up to what players value more in their roleplaying experiences that determine whether digitised play is a good or a bad thing.

Avatar Customization Across Worlds and Time

Burridge, Sean 30 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of an Educational Role-Playing Game for the Acquisition of Ohio Fourth-Grade Mathematics Standards

Stevens, Mark Allen 05 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Effectiveness of Peer-mediated Social Skills Instruction on Indicators of Psychopathology in African American Youth

Florkey, Laura Elizabeth 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Behrle, Sarah H. 18 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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