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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redazioni e varianti del poema Uljalaevščina di Il’ja Sel’vinskij / REDAZIONI E VARIANTI DEL POEMA “ULJALAEVŠČINA” DI IL’JA SEL’VINSKIJ / Textual variations of the poem Uljalaevščina by Ilya Selvinsky

KRASNIKOVA, ANNA 15 April 2019 (has links)
La tesi ricostruisce la complessa vicenda della scrittura e pubblicazione del celebre poema Uljalaevščina di Il’ja Sel’vinskij. La stesura dell’opera, le sue riscritture e pubblicazioni non sono mai state oggetto di indagine, perciò il lavoro della dott.ssa Krasnikova, basato su fonti sia d’archivio sia a stampa, costituisce il primo studio sistematico della storia del poema che analizza tutte le fonti pubblicate e d’archivio conosciute attualmente (la maggior parte delle quali non è mai stata studiata prima) e utilizza sia i metodi tradizionali della critica del testo sia gli strumenti digitali. Con il suo lavoro di ricerca la dott.ssa Krasnikova ha individuato e stabilito tutte le versioni del testo del poema, e anche gli altri materiali che possono far luce sulla storia del poema; successivamente, ha descritto e analizzato le versioni, definito il tipo e il grado delle differenze tra le varianti, cercando di capire i motivi dei mutamenti. Tra i risultati della ricerca spiccano la creazione dell’elenco di tutte le versioni del poema e dei suoi frammenti (38 testi in totale) e la costruzione di un corpus digitale delle versioni di Uljalaevščina. / The thesis reconstructs the complex story of the creation and publication of the famous Uljalaevščina, a poem by Ilya Selvinsky. The issue has never been studied, so the work of Anna Krasnikova, based on archival and published sources, constitutes the first systematic study of the history of the poem. The author analyzes all the published and archival sources currently known (most of which have never been studied before) and uses traditional methods of text criticism and digital tools. The author has identified and established all the versions of the text of the poem, as well as other materials that can be useful for the reconstruction of the history of the poem; she has described and analyzed all he versions, defined the type and degree of differences between the variants, trying to understand the reasons for the changes. Among the research results are the creation of a list of all the versions of the poem and its fragments (38 texts in total) and the construction of a digital corpus of the versions of Uljalaevščina.

Ensaios de Anna Akhmátova sobre Aleksandr Púchkin: diálogo entre escriores / Ensaios de Anna Akhmátova sobre Aleksandr Púchkin: diálogo entre escritores Anna Akhmatovas essays on Pushkin: dialogue between writers

Oliveira, Deise de 15 September 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um estudo e a tradução direta dos ensaios escritos por Anna Akhmátova sobre a vida e a obra do escritor Alexander Púchkin. Tomar-se-á como bibliografia fundamental, portanto, o volume 6 da C (Coleção Completa) da autora. Tais ensaios têm o objetivo de preencher uma lacuna presente tanto nos estudos futuros sobre a poética de Anna Akhmátova quanto de Aleksandr Púchkin. Para tanto, a análise da obra também será contemplada, bem como o aprofundamento da vida e obra dos escritores à luz dos recursos teóricos e interpretativos oferecidos por Mikhail Bakhtin, Dominique Combe e Luiz Costa Lima. / This work proposes a study and translation of the essas written by Anna Akhmatova about Pushkins life and work. The Akhmatovas volume 6 of the C (Complete Works) will become the main bibliography. These essays have the objective to fill the void of future works not only about Anna Akhmatovas poetics but also Pushkins. For this purpose, a work analysis will be considered, as well as the deepening of the writers life and work in the light of theoretical and interpretative resources offered by Mikhail Bakhtin, Dominique Combe e Luiz Costa Lima.

Polifonia e emoções: um estudo sobre a construção da subjetividade em Crime e castigo de Dostoiévski / Polyphony and Emotions: a study on the construction of the subjectivity in Dostoevsky\'s Crime and Punishment

Priscila Nascimento Marques 06 May 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste num esforço de aproximação entre literatura e psicologia que procurou manter a integridade de ambas as pontas do diálogo. O objetivo foi estudar o romance Crime e castigo de Dostoiévski, com foco na análise do protagonista, Rodion Raskólnikov. Para uma satisfatória compreensão da construção da subjetividade deste personagem fez-se necessário visualizá-lo em suas relações intersubjetivas. Assim, a análise foi estruturada em capítulos, cada qual destacando o diálogo entre duas \"vozes\", a do protagonista e a de outra personagem para que fossem explicitadas as contradições e implicações deste diálogo no processo de autoconsciência de Raskólnikov. Foram analisadas as relações do protagonista com Marmieládov, Razumíkhin, Lújin, Porfíri, Svidrigálov e Sônia. Além disso, foram tecidas considerações acerca do epílogo, considerando suas particularidades formais e funcionais em relação ao restante do romance. A entrada da psicologia está na tentativa de reconstituição do efeito estético do romance a partir da estruturação poética do texto, de modo que o protagonista seja considerado em sua ficcionalidade, e não como paciente da clínica psicológica, conforme os pressupostos teóricometodológicos da psicologia da arte de Vigotski. Para compreensão da organização formal do texto lançou-se mão da teoria polifônica de Bakhtin, bem como de outros autores da eslavística, mais ou menos congruentes a essa visão. Por fim, são apresentadas, em anexo, traduções de cinco textos da eslavística norte-americana e inglesa, todos precedidos por uma nota introdutória sobre os textos e seus autores. / This dissertation consists of an effort of bringing together literature and psychology, which tries to keep the integrity of both areas. The objective was to study Dostoevsky\'s novel Crime and Punishment, with an analysis of its main character, Rodion Raskolnikov. For a satisfying understanding of the construction of this character\'s subjectivity it was necessary to visualize him in his intersubjective relations. Thus, the analysis was structured in chapters, in which we underlined the dialogue between two \"voices\", the protagonist\'s and another character\'s, so that we could explicit the contradictions and implications of this dialogue in the selfconscience process of Raskolnikov. The relations of the protagonist with Marmeladov, Razumikhin, Luzhin, Porfiri, Svidrigailov and Sonia were analyzed. Besides, some notes were taken on the epilogue, considering its formal and functional particularities. The psychological goal rests in the attempt of reconstituting the novel\'s aesthetic effect through the understanding of its poetic structure, so that the protagonist is considered in his fictiousness and not as a patient in the psychological office, according to the theoretical-methodological presuppositions of Vygotsky\'s psychology of art. For an understanding of the formal organization of the text, we resorted to Bakhtin\'s polyphonic theory, as well as to other slavistic authors more or less congruent to this view. Finally, Portuguese translations of five texts from the American and British slavistics were presented and preceded by an introductory note on the texts and its authors.

\'O contemporâneo\': a vertente jornalística de Púchkin na primeira metade do século XIX / The Contemporary: Pushkin´s journalistic activity at the first half of the nineteenth century

Vitorino, Fabrício Yuri de Souza 26 March 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar ao leitor as traduções, feitas pela primeira vez para a língua portuguesa diretamente dos originais, em russo, de textos selecionados de Aleksander Serguêievitch Púchkin, publicados em sua revista literária \"O Contemporâneo\", durante a década de 1830. Além disso, o trabalho traça um panorama histórico prévio ao surgimento do periódico, bem como uma análise do momento histórico de sua fundação - rico em jornais e revistas literárias - e o legado deixado por \"O Contemporâneo\", dando subsídios para o entendimento das razões históricas e pessoais para sua realização. / This work aims to present the translations of selected essays and articles, for the very first time straight from the originals in russian directly to portuguese, published by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin on his literary magazine \"The Contemporary\" during the 1830 decade. Besides that this research traces an historical overview of the preceding decades, as well as analysis of the specific moment of publication of \"The Contemporary\", rich in literary and magazine newspapers. There is also a drilldown of its legacy, providing the reader with subsides to the fully understanding of Pushkin´s personal and literary motivations.

As cartilhas e os livros de leitura de Lev N. Tolstói / The primers and the reading books of Lev N. Tolstói

Rabello, Belkis 05 October 2009 (has links)
A vasta obra de Lev Nikoláievitch Tolstói inclui um intenso trabalho pedagógico. A partir do final da década de 1850, e até o fim de sua vida, Tolstói dedicou-se também a escrever duas cartilhas e quatro livros de leitura, todos empregados na alfabetização do povo russo, durante décadas, não apenas na Escola de Iásnaia Poliana, mas igualmente em várias escolas daquele país. Além de apresentar a tradução do Terceiro Livro de Leitura e de expor algumas das soluções encontradas durante o processo de tradução da referida obra, esta Dissertação procura mostrar a importância desta fase literária de Lev N. Tolstói, ainda pouco conhecida do leitor brasileiro e, em meu entender, essencial para uma melhor compreensão da literatura que ele produziu no período que a crítica literária em geral chamou de crise que acometeu o escritor. Optei por acrescentar a tradução da correspondência mantida entre Lev N. Tolstói e Mahatma K. Gandhi porque entendo estar nela, tratada de maneira mais explícita do que em outros textos, a questão da não-violência, essencial, por sua vez, à compreensão da produção literária que inclui sua obra pedagógica. / Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoys vast creative work includes an intense pedagogic activity. From 1858 to 1875 Tolstoy wrote two ABCs and four books of reading for the alphabetization of the Russian people, not only for the pupils of the school of Yasnaya Polyana, but equally for many other schools around the country. Beyond presenting the translation of the Third Book of Reading and exposing some solutions found out during the translation process, this dissertation aims to show how important was this phase in Lev Tolstoys literary life. Although not much known in Brazil, this phase, in our understanding, is essential for a better comprehension of the literary period the critics use to call the crisis time in Tolstoys life. We add a translation of the letters exchanged between Tolstoy and Gandhi dealing with the non-violence question, an essential one to understand the Tolstoyan literary creative work.

Vissariôn G. Belínski: uma apresentação / Vissarion G. Belinsky: a presentation

Esteves, Renata 15 July 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta aspectos centrais da trajetória do crítico literário russo Vissariôn G. Belínski (1811-1848). Na primeira parte, discorre-se sobre Devaneios Literários (1834), sua resenha crítica de estreia, situando-a na cena literária russa de então, para articulá-la com dois textos posteriores, escritos em situação cultural diversa da que vigia na juventude do crítico. Na segunda parte, apresenta-se a tradução justamente desses dois textos da fase final de Belínski, Revisão da literatura russa de 1846 e a célebre Carta (1847) ao escritor Nicolai V. Gógol (1809-1852). / This thesis presents some central aspects in the intelectual developtment of Russian literary critic V. G. Belínski (1811-1848). The first part dwells on the Literary Reveries (1834), Belínskis first major critical writing, both in the context of contemporary Russian literary life and in relation to two of Belínskis maturest critical works, written in his final years, the Revision of Russian Literature in the Year 1846 and the famous Letter to Gogol (1847). The second part brings a complete translation of both texts and a brief commentary.

Themes of Self-Laceration Towards a Modicum of Control in Nineteenth Century Russia as Expressed by Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov

Ball, Jonathan 01 May 2015 (has links)
The majority of the academic discourse surrounding Dostoevsky and his epic, The Brothers Karamazov, has been directed toward the philosophic and religious implications of his characters. Largely overlooked, however, is the theme of laceration. In the greater scope of laceration stands the topic of self-laceration. Self-laceration refers to the practice of causing harm to the self in a premeditated and specifically emotionally destructive fashion. The cause of this experience is varied and expressed in as many ways as there are individuals. The struggle in the Russian psyche between viewing the world as fatalistic or as more of an existential experience finds resolution through self-laceration. By consciously choosing actions that will lead to an abject state, the characters take fate into their own hands. This thesis will explore the themes of self-laceration in a number of characters’ narratives and demonstrate that by utilizing emotional self-destruction they find a modicum of control.

Pushkin for President: Russian Literary Cults in the Transition from Communism

Pinkham, Sophie Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation examines commemoration of Russian poet Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin from the late Soviet period to the present, as a study of the nature and function of literary commemoration in a time of social, political, and economic instability. Since its inception in the late nineteenth century, the Pushkin cult has been Russia’s largest-scale government-sanctioned literary cult, showing remarkable endurance through the transitions from imperial to Soviet rule and then from Soviet to capitalist rule. In the post-Soviet context, Pushkin-related commemoration and the resulting debates address a key question in Russian culture: can old literary “heroes” continue to play a central role in national identity in a society that no longer grants central political importance to literature? If they do retain a broader political and social significance, how are they used to navigate nostalgia, on one hand, and a sense of cultural exhaustion, on the other? Scrutiny of the Pushkin myth today demonstrates how postmodernism and irony have been turned to the re-stabilization of an authoritative discourse about identity, which nonetheless continuously provokes parody and satire. I also examine the recently formed “cult” of Sergei Dovlatov (1941-1990), a late Soviet prose writer who was unable to publish his work at home and immigrated to the US, under government pressure, in 1979. Pushkin is central to Russia’s image of Dovlatov, who spent time working as a tour guide at the Pushkin estate museum in Pskov oblast in the 1970s and wrote a satirical novel about the experience, which I analyze alongside real-life accounts of the estate museum. Dovlatov achieved huge posthumous popularity in Russia almost immediately after his death, and is now the object of a distinctively post-Soviet literary cult, which I discuss in relation to the evolving Pushkin cult. In this way, I illuminate the peculiarities of Russian writer cults during a period when the social status of literature declined dramatically. I conclude that the Dovlatov cult serves as a vehicle for a carefully circumscribed variety of Soviet nostalgia, one that admits the many failings of the Soviet Union while also recalling many of its aspects with fondness and regret. As with Pushkin, the Dovlatov cult is used to create the impression of reconciliation among discordant political epochs and ideologies. My study of the Pushkin and Dovlatov cults is organized around two types of literary commemoration, both of which have deep roots in European culture: the jubilee, or anniversary celebration, and the literary house museum. I begin with a detailed study of the almost-forgotten 1999 Pushkin jubilee, the first large-scale post-Soviet Pushkin celebration. My analysis of the jubilee and the reactions it provoked from the press and the intelligentsia shows that while the jubilee was widely derided, it unintentionally united diverse factions of the press and intelligentsia, who banded together to defend Pushkin against exploitation by Russia’s new political elite. However, many writers also saw the jubilee as a confirmation that the possibilities of Russian literature had been exhausted: I explore some literary responses to this fear in my second chapter. I then move to Pushkin house museums, showing how they express different aspects of the Pushkin myth and Russian “national idea.” I show how the recently founded Dovlatov House museum, like the Dovlatov cult more broadly, parodies the Pushkin cult while also reinforcing many of the basic practices and purposes of Pushkin worship.

Metaistorija Bulata Okudžavy : Obraz dokumenta v romane Putešestvie diletantov

Ouvarova, Svetlana January 2009 (has links)
This study examines Okudzhava’s depiction of the process of documentalization of the past as a defining feature of the novel Puteshestvie diletantov, giving reason to consider it a form of metahistory, or an artistic statement on the subject of historical knowledge. The image of the document plays a central role in the novel Puteshestvie diletantov. Through it, Okudzhava depicts the process of knowing and (re)creating the past, as well as the process of its deformation, supplementation and modification. In the form of a document, the past finds existence in time and space, finds its author and addressee, and becomes submerged in a constantly changing context. Okudzhava does not contest the truth of the past, but rather problematizes it, immersing the reader in its real element – the narrative one, permeated by the creative will of the individual. Within this element, two juxtaposed narrative streams stand out clearly: the fictional and the documentary, each shaping the picture of the past in different ways. By thematicizing the issue of documents as evidence, Okudzhava at the same time thematicizes the influence of narrativity on the process of our recreation of past events, as well as on the course of these same events. The act of compiling a document and the act of narration appear in the novel as the driving force of the action and are treated by the author of Puteshestvie diletantov as a fully fledged manifestation of human will in History. In this way, the metafictionality of the novel (its thematicization and problematization of various narrative forms) becomes the key to its metahistoricality (the thematicization and problematization of knowledge of the past, the composition of History), inasmuch as History itself is represented here in the form of a narrative stream.

Beyond the noise of time : readings of Marina Tsvetaeva’s memories of childhood

Grelz, Karin January 2004 (has links)
Although quite a few researchers have pointed to the significance of the childhood theme in Tsvetaeva’s work, no systematic analysis of her work has been done from this perspective. Nor have her childhood reminiscences been treated as a thematically consistent whole, but have rather been read as instances of the poet’s prose in general. The present study examines Marina Tsvetaeva’s memories of childhood in the context of her work and in the context of the cultural and political reality to which these reminiscences refer and in which they were written—i.e., Russia around the turn of the century and the Russian émigré world of 1930–1937. In the introductory investigation of the presence of the childhood theme in Tsvetaeva’s oeuvre, it is found that idealization of the naive, innocent state is a relatively constant feature and that the childhood memories can be read as a culmination of this set of motives. It is also stated that Tsvetaeva’s continuous striving in her poetry away from the world, out of time, is an integral part of the childhood thematics. This tendency is traced, in connection with the childhood theme, to the influence of writers of the late Russian Symbolist movement as well as to Boris Pasternak and Rainer Maria Rilke—all with roots in literary Romanticism. Childhood is moreover found to be something of a key theme that reveals fundamental differences in the relation to memory and language among the authors of Russian modernism. In Tsvetaeva' s case it is shown that her childhood memories contain the romantic essence of her aesthetics. The study also touches upon the symbolic and allegorical dimension of the texts—Tsvetaeva’s “otherspeak” in her prose. It is shown that the central scenes of these texts can be read as illustrations of an artistic and linguistic experience. In this regard the author’s narrative of childhood also appears to have been a suitable medium for articulating controversial aesthetic statements and taking a stand for an historical past and literary tradition that at the time seemed doomed to oblivion.

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