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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enfrentamento do bullying na escola: o Teatro do Oprimido como estratégia de intervenção / Facing bullying in school: the Theater of the Oppressed as intervention strategy

Alencastro, Lidiane Cristina da Silva 12 April 2018 (has links)
Bullying escolar é definido como comportamentos negativos e/ou agressivos de intimidação que são realizados intencionalmente e repetidamente, marcado pelo desequilíbrio de poder entre vítimas e agressores. Sem motivação aparente, o fenômeno pode se manifestar nas formas física, verbal e/ou psicológica, implicando diretamente o desenvolvimento dos estudantes devido aos seus efeitos negativos e a suas altas taxas de ocorrência. Ele é caracterizado, ainda, como grave problema de Saúde Pública. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção educativa na ocorrência do bullying entre adolescentes escolares de Cuiabá-MT, por meio de oficinas de dramatização baseadas na metodologia do Teatro do Oprimido. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, em que oficinas foram realizadas com um grupo (grupo- intervenção) e se estabeleceu um grupo-comparação. Participaram do estudo adolescentes que estudavam no 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas de Cuiabá-MT, selecionados a partir de resultados de pesquisa anterior. Em uma escola ocorreu a intervenção e na outra se constituiu o grupo-comparação. Os dois grupos foram avaliados três vezes para obter os seguintes índices: 1) base de referência antes da intervenção, 2) medida de primeiro efeito ao final da intervenção (pós-intervenção), e 3) medida após seis meses do fim da intervenção (follow up), totalizando um acompanhamento total de oito meses. Na intervenção, os adolescentes vivenciaram jogos grupais, propostos e criados por Augusto Boal e participaram da organização e apresentação de uma encenação de Teatro Fórum. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e a Escala de Agressão e Vitimização entre Pares. Para análise dos dados foi realizado teste de qui-quadrado para as variáveis sociodemográficas, teste t para comparação entre os grupos-intervenção e comparação, frequência e porcentagem para descrever as variáveis entre os tempos e foi considerado nível de significância de 5% (p>0,05). Os resultados apontaram que, logo após a intervenção, a vitimização física direta reduziu significativamente. No seguimento (follow up), essa redução foi identificada na agressão e vitimização físicas diretas. Destaca-se, também, que a escola-comparação apresentou aumento significativo do bullying, em todas suas formas de manifestação, no momento do follow up. No que diz respeito à forma de manifestação da agressão física direta, a intervenção foi mais eficaz na redução significativa do ato de xingar e provocar colegas, enquanto a vitimização física direta de ser xingado por colegas, na fase pós-intervenção, e de ser provocado por colegas, apenas revelou eficácia no período de seguimento (follow up). O presente estudo se apresenta como a primeira intervenção antibullying pautada em oficinas de dramatização, com a técnica do Teatro do Oprimido, no cenário nacional. Desse modo, na pesquisa em tela, pôde-se confirmar a tese de que adolescentes estudantes do Ensino Médio que participaram de uma intervenção educativa de dramatização, com base no Teatro do Oprimido, apresentaram melhor enfrentamento do bullying, com resultados positivos na redução de sua ocorrência / School bullying is defined as negative and / or aggressive behaviors of bullying that are carried out intentionally and repeatedly, marked by the imbalance of power between victims and aggressors. Without apparent motivation, the phenomenon can manifest itself in physical, verbal and / or psychological forms, directly implying student development due to its negative effects and high occurrence rates. It is also characterized as a serious public health problem. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the effects of an educational intervention on the occurrence of bullying among school adolescents in Cuiabá-MT, through drama workshops based on the methodology of the Theater of the Oppressed. It is a quasi-experimental study, in which workshops were carried out with a group (intervention group) and a comparison group was established. The study included adolescents who studied in the 1st Year of High School of two public schools in Cuiabá-MT, selected from previous research results. In one school the intervention occurred and in the other the comparison group was constituted. The two groups were evaluated three times to obtain the following indices: 1) baseline before intervention, 2) first-effect measure at the end of the intervention (postintervention), and 3) measured after six months of the end of intervention ( follow up), totaling a total of eight months. In the intervention, the adolescents experienced group games, proposed and created by Augusto Boal and participated in the organization and presentation of a Theater Forum staging. In the data collection, a sociodemographic characterization questionnaire and the Aggression and Victimization Scale among Peers were used. The chi-square test was used for sociodemographic variables, t-test for comparison between intervention groups and comparison, frequency and percentage to describe the variables between the times, and a significance level of 5% (p> 0.05). The results showed that, shortly after the intervention, direct physical victimization reduced significantly. In follow-up, this reduction was identified in direct physical aggression and victimization. It is also worth noting that school-comparison showed a significant increase in bullying, in all its forms of manifestation, at the time of follow up. Regarding the form of manifestation of direct physical aggression, the intervention was more effective in reducing significantly the act of cursing and provoking colleagues, while the direct physical victimization of being cursed by colleagues in the postintervention phase and of being provoked by colleagues, only showed efficacy in the follow-up period. The present study is presented as the first antibullying intervention based on drama workshops, with the technique of the Theater of the Oppressed, in the national scenario. Thus, in the screen survey, it was possible to confirm the thesis that adolescents of high school students who participated in an educational intervention of dramatization, based on the Theater of the Oppressed, presented a better confrontation of bullying, with positive results in the reduction of their occurrence

Self-Perceived Coordinated School Health Coordinator Leadership Styles and Practices

Ledbetter, Heather R 01 December 2016 (has links)
School-aged children’s health needs have changed over the last several decades to the present day population of many overweight and obese children with health complications (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2015). Tennessee has implemented the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) model for Coordinated School Health (CSH) in all public schools. Leading each school district’s program is a CSH Coordinator. The role of CSH Coordinators is to provide leadership to district and school administrators while effectively and efficiently implementing the CSH program (Wechsler, 2012). The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the self-perceived leadership styles and practices of Tennessee CSH Coordinators. The focus of many public health initiatives in America is childhood health. Research conducted by the CDC has shown that school health interventions have been effective in improving physical activity, comprehensive health education, and nutrition. Good health is essential for academic success (McKenzie & Richmond, 1998). CSH Coordinators are the leaders of health for school systems (Wechsler, 2012). How these individuals implement the CDC model for CSH varies based on leadership style and practices. Many studies exist on the topic of CSH but few consider the people leading the program (Strickland, 2012). By obtaining information regarding the leadership style of current CSH Coordinators, this research provides insight into best practices and continuing education for current and future leaders. The study population consisted of all 137 Tennessee CSH Coordinators. Seventy (51.1%) CSH Coordinators participated in the demographic, best practices, and Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Appendix A). Findings indicated that all of the CSH Coordinators self-reported leadership style was transformational. There were no significant differences reported between the degree to which CSH Coordinator identified as transformational leaders compared by years of experience, gender, school district size, education level, and number of best practices implemented.

Mokyklų sveikatos pruiežiūros darbuotojų bei mokinių tėvų piožiūrio į sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose įvertinimas / Evaluation of the school health care reform by school health care providers and parents of students

Abromavičienė, Simona 13 July 2007 (has links)
Mokykloje susikerta visuomenės ir asmens sveikatos priežiūros sferoms priskiriamos veiklos sritys. Neaišku, ar dabartinis mokyklos visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistas yra pasirengęs įgyvendinti šiuos uždavinius. Neįvertinta, kokią nuomonę apie šią sistemą turi mokinių tėvai. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų bei mokinių tėvų požiūrį į mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose. 2. Palyginti Šiaulių miesto ir rajono sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose. 3. Įvertinti mokinių tėvų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose. Metodika: 2006 m. atlikta Šiaulių miesto ir rajono mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros specialisčių anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Apklaustos 56 Šiaulių miesto ir rajono mokyklose dirbančios sveikatos priežiūros specialistės. Vertinant mokinių tėvų požiūrį į mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą atlikta trijų Šiaulių miesto vidurinių mokyklų 4, 8, 11 klasių mokinių tėvų anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Anketų grįžtamumas buvo 81,7 proc. (343 iš 420 anketų). Respondentų anketiniai duomenys buvo analizuojami naudojant kompiuterinį SPSS 10.03 versijos statistinį paketą. Rezultatai: Beveik pusė (41,1 proc.) mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros specialisčių mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformai mokyklose pritarė, 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School is the place where responsibilities of individual and public health care activities overlap. It is not clear, however, if public health specialists at schools are ready to take all required responsibilities. The opinion of student parents about this system has not been evaluated either. Goal: to evaluate the attitude of school health care providers and student parents towards health care reform at schools. Tasks: 1. To evaluate the attitude of school health care providers towards the ongoing health care reform at schools. 2. To compare the attitudes of school health care specialists in the city and district of Siauliai towards the ongoing student health care reform at schools. 3. To evaluate the attitude of student parents towards the ongoing student health care reform at schools. Methods: an anonymous survey of school health care specialists was carried out in the city of Siauliai and its’ district in the year 2006. 56 health care specialists working at Siauliai city and district schools were questioned. For evaluation of parents’ attitude towards health care reform, parents of 4th, 8th and 11th year students were anonymously questioned at three secondary schools in the city of Siauliai. The response rate among parents was 81.7% (343 out of 420 ). Version 10.03 of SPSS statistical software package was used to analyze the collected survey data. Results: nearly a half (41.1%) of school health care specialists agreed with the reform, 21.4% opposed it against, 37... [to full text]

An analysis of health inspection as a component of school health service, in Kwazulu-Natal.

Memela, Daphne Thembile. January 2000 (has links)
Introduction In 1996 there were 1,847,440 pupils in 4007 primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) who were targeted for school Health Inspection (HI). In the same year there were only 95 school health teams who were visiting schools for HI. The School Health Service (SHS) had been running on a racial basis since the Apartheid era of government, and needed to be reviewed in order to measure its effectiveness and to make it relevant to the new government and its new health policies. Purpose To review HI as a key component of School Health Services (SHS) and make recommendations to improve it's impact on the health of the school child and on health promotion in schools. Objectives To describe the structure, process, output and outcome of HI in KZN; to measure the impact of HI on the health of school children; and to calculate the SHS consultation cost and compare it with other primary health care services. Methodology A cross sectional study involving 21 schools covered by the SHS and 5 schools not covered by SHS was undertaken. The study area was KZN and the sample area was Indlovu region. All health authorities and racial groups participated in the study. Results A total of 212 children and 129 parents were interviewed. Of the children interviewed, 156 pupils (73.5%) had been involved in HI and 56 (26%) had not. The average nurse/pupil ratio was 1:49301. HI coverage was 62%. Of the 156 pupils examined, 108 were referred and 53% of them went for treatment. 93 % of parents interviewed gave a positive comment on HI and 24.8 % of them did not know their children's problems before they were informed by the SHN. Std. 5 pupils interviewed before and after HI were compared and it was found that 57% from the after-HI group went for treatment for their health problems compared to 53% before HI. Subjective feelings improved from 15% pain before HI to 0% after HI. Conclusion HI had a positive influence on encouraging pupils to seek recommended treatment and this is likely to improve their health. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, vykdančių moksleivių sveikatos priežiūrą Kauno mieste, kompetencijos vertinimas / Competence self-assessment of school health care specialists in Kaunas

Mingailienė, Rūta 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate competence of school health care specialists in Kaunas. Objectives: 1. to evaluate professional competence; 2. to evaluate personal and social competence; 3. to determine the factors related to competence evaluation. Methods: The object of the research – competence of school health care specialists. Three levels of competence – professional, personal and social – are evaluated. Methods – 1. review of scientific literature; 2. juridical paper analysis; 3. questionnaire survey; 4. statistical data analysis (Spearman correlation coefficient, t – test, descriptive statistics. Results: The analysis of professional knowledge self-assessment of separate functions showed that 10 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of knowledge of all 17 functions was 67,9±8,8 points out of 85 points possible. The analysis of professional skills self-assessment showed that skills of 9 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of professional skills was 64,6±10,2 points out of 85 points possible. The evaluation of personal competence showed that respondents gave 4 points and over to 3 personal features out of 8 features possible. Total evaluation of personal competence was 31,7±4,3 points out of 40 points possible. The analysis of social competence evaluation showed that 2 out of 5 social features were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of social competence reached 19,5±2,7... [to full text]

Mokyklos visuomenės sveikatos specialisto veiklos vertinimas mokinių požiūriu / Assessment of activities of school health care specialists from schoolchildren‘ point of view

Vaicekavičiūtė, Jūratė 03 August 2007 (has links)
Uždaviniai : 1. įvertinti mokinių sveikatą ir jų naudojimąsi sveikatinimo paslaugomis; 2. nustatyti mokinių žinias apie sveikatą, gyvenseną ir žalingus įpročius; 3. nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius mokyklos sveikatos specialisto veiklos vertinimą; 4. palyginti nuomones apie VSS veiklą tarp mieste ir rajone gyvenančių mokinių bei tarp mokinių, lankančių vidurines mokyklas ir gimnazijas. Metodika. Tyrimo objektas – mokyklos sveikatos specialisto veiklos vertinimas. Tiriamos VSS veiklos sąsajos su mokinių sveikatos vertinimu ir sveikatos raštingumu. Atlikta anoniminė anketinė apklausa ir lyginamoji statistinė analizė naudojant SPSS programą (12.0 versiją). Apklausoje dalyvavo 406 8-tų ir 11-tų klasių mokiniai iš Kauno miesto ir rajono gimnazijų bei bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų. Atsako dažnis – 95,7 proc. Rezultatai. Mokiniai mokyklos VSS veiklą vertino patenkinamai. Paaugliai nurodė, jog pagrindinis, gautos sveikatinimo informacijos šaltinis yra gydytojas, antrasis – artimieji, tik 4 proc. nurodė VSS. Trečdalis paauglių sveikatos žinių negauna per jokias pamokas. 42,6 proc. dėl traumos apsilankiusiųjų specialisto darbą vertino gerai. Dauguma apsilankiusių iš jo negavo pakankamai informacijos. 59,9 proc. nurodė, jog VSS veikla nepakito. Blogiausiai įvertintos dvi VSS veiklos sritys – medicininės pagalbos, patarimų sveikatos klausimais teikimas bei jų suprantamumas, geriausiai – prevencinių priemonių įgyvendinimas. Dauguma buvo nepatenkinti VSS darbo laiku. Svarbiausia veikla... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goals: 1. to evaluate schoolchildren’ health status and ability to seek for medical help. 2. to evaluate schoolchildren’ knowledge of health, lifestyle and bad habits. 3. to evaluate assessment of school health care specialists influencing factors. 4. to compare students opinion about SHCS activity between urban and rural, comprehensive school and gymnasium. Methodology. The object of research – activities of school health care specialists (SHCS) from schoolchildren’ point of view. Researching SHCS activities coherence with schoolchildren knowledge of health and own health status. Methods – questionnaire survey and statistical data analysis using statistical package SPSS 12.0. 406 students studying in 8th and 11th grades from various gymnasiums and schools of Kaunas (urban and rural areas) were questioned. The feedback – 95.7%. Results. The schoolchildren evaluated the activities of a SHCS as satisfactory. A half of teenagers the main source of health information noted doctor and family members. Only 4 % marked SHCS. The third children don’t get any health information during their lessons. 42.6 % children, visited SHCS with trauma, described his work as fine. The majority of visitors had insufficiency in health information from SHCS. 59.9 % noted that SHCS work hasn’t changed. The worst evaluations have medical help, advices rendering and its transparency, the best – promoting preventive implements. Respondents wished SHCS to be on full time. As the main SHCS activity... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis mokykloje ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialisto darbo modelio tobulinimas / The need of health care services at schools and development of model for public health care specialist

Lapėnienė, Jolita 03 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas Jurbarko rajono mokyklose mokytojų ir visuomenės sveikatos specialistų požiūriu. Uždaviniai.1.Įvertinti mokytojų požiūrį į moksleivių sveikatą ir teikiamas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas mokykloje. 2. Įvertinti mokyklų visuomenės sveikatos specialistų nuomonę apie sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų organizavimo problemas. 3. Palyginti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų organizavimą Jurbarko rajono miesto ir kaimo vietovių bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. Metodika. Jurbarko rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose atlikta anketinė mokytojų apklausa. Išdalinta 600 anketų. Anketas grąžino 360 respondentų (60,0 proc.). Buvo vertinamas mokytojų požiūris į sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikį mokykloje ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialisto veiklą. Visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonės tyrimui panaudotas kokybinis tikslinių grupių apklausos metodas. Kiekybinio tyrimo duomenys apdoroti panaudojant specializuotą duomenų tvarkymo ir statistinės analizės paketą SPSS 16.0. Rezultatai. 70,2 proc. miesto ir 47,0 proc. kaimo mokytojų mokinių sveikatą vertino patenkinamai. Atitinkamai 78,1 ir 56,9 proc. mokytojų mano, kad mokinių sveikata blogėja. Tik šiek tiek visuomenės sveikatos specialisto funkcijas žino 55,3 proc. miesto ir 65,3 proc. kaimo mokytojų. 9,0 proc. mokytojų nežino specialisto funkcijų. 42,6 proc. kaimo mokytojų vertina sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų prieinamumą mokykloje kaip nepakankamą. 89,0 proc.mokytojų visas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to conduct survey among teachers and medical staff of school health services and to evaluate provision of health care services in public schools of Jurbarkas district. Objectives: 1. To evaluate the attitudes of teachers on provision of health care services in schools. 2. To evaluate the opinion of schools’ public health specialists about the problems of provision of health care services at schools. 3. To compare the health care services organization between the general education schools in urban and rural areas in the Jurbarkas district. Methods. Questionnaire survey of teachers was conducted in the general schools of Jurbarkas district. 600 questionnaires were distributed. 360 respondents filled in and returned questionnaires (response rate - 60.0%). Teachers’ opinions on health care needs in school and public functions of health care specialist of school was evaluated by conducting questionnaire survey. Also qualitative research method – focus group discussion - was applied in order to get deeper insight into the issues of provision of health cares services at school. The quantitative survey data was processed through a specialized data management and statistical analysis package SPSS-16.0. Results. 70.2% urban and 47.0% rural teachers assessed the students' health satisfactory. Respectively, 78.1% and 56.9% teachers believe that students' health is deteriorating. 60.0% of teachers indicated pupils’ health care as an important problem. Only some... [to full text]

The School as a Setting to Promote Student Health

Saab, HANA 06 October 2009 (has links)
The Health Promoting School (HPS) is s a model that advances both the health and learning needs of students. Yet there is a lack of consensus on student indicators that reflect a HPS or a coherent understanding of what a HPS represents amongst various stakeholders. The goal of this research was to establish indicators of student health and wellbeing associated with policies and practices in schools, and to further our understanding of health promoting schools. The research proceeded in three phases. The first phase established a relationship between student health and academic achievement. The second phase examined the associations amongst student health and wellbeing and student and school-level factors. The third phase involved case studies of two schools in Ontario to examine the organisational and structural elements associated with achieving a HPS, and the mechanisms by which these elements support student health and wellbeing. The association between students’ self-rated health and their academic achievement found in the first phase provides a platform for advancing the health promoting school agenda in Canada at the research and policy levels. Subsequent findings established an association between the environment and disciplinary climate in schools, and the school’s academic and socioeconomic standing to student health and wellbeing outcomes. These findings also suggest overlapping effects of schools and neighbourhoods on students’ health and wellbeing, implying that school health promoting efforts will be more successful when partnered with efforts within neighbourhoods and communities. Finally, the case studies suggest that embracing a HPS philosophy that addresses students’ emotional and physical wellbeing may help support students’ overall learning. Findings, presented in an implementation model of a HPS, emphasise key action areas that need to be addressed when implementing HPS initiatives and enhancing the capability of the education system to improve the health and learning of students. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2009-10-05 13:45:06.342

Nivåreglerad iKBT via elevhälsan - går det? / Stepped Care iCBT Through School Health - Does it Work?

Arvidsson, Martin, Persson, Bob January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Skolehelsetjenestens arbeid med kosthold og fysisk aktivitet for å forebygge overvekt hos barn og unge / Promoting health and preventing overweight among children and adolescents : the school health service’s approach to diet and physical activities.

Gram, Kristine January 2010 (has links)
Overvekt er et voksende folkehelseproblem blant barn og unge. Andelen overvektige barn utgjør mellom 15-20% av barnepopulasjonen i de nordiske landene. Fysisk aktivitet og kosthold er viktige innsatsområder for å snu denne trenden. Skolehelsetjenesten har en unik mulighet til å arbeide med dette inn i skolen. Mangel på tid og tilgjengelighet har vist seg å være den viktigste barrieren for å samarbeide med skolene om helsefremmende aktiviteter. Hensikten med dette studiet har vært å undersøke hvordan helsesøster i skolehelsetjenesten i Oslo opplever sin rolle, sine muligheter og begrensninger for å forebygge overvekt gjennom å fremme fysisk aktivitet og et sunt kosthold for barn og unge. Studien bygger på teori om helsefremmende arbeid, empowerment, salutogenese og samarbeid. Det er gjennomført kvalitative intervju med ni skolehelsesøstere i ulike bydeler i Oslo kommune. Materialet er analysert ved hjelp av Graneheims innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at opplevelsen av egen rolle samsvarte med opplevelsen av problemet på egen skole, og at dette hang sammen med sosiodemografiske faktorer. Det var ulik praksis på om dette arbeidet ble prioritert i de ulike bydelene. En årsplan med felles mål og innsatsområder var viktig for å sette disse tiltakene på dagsorden for den enkelte helsesøster. Mangel på tid var den viktigste årsaken til at dette arbeidet ble prioritert bort til fordel for andre oppgaver som er bedre spesifisert i ”Anbefalt program for skolehelsetjenesten 5-20 år”. Tverrfaglighet, spesielt med fysioterapeut fremsto som viktig fordi det å kunne dele på oppgaver ut fra kompetanse styrket kvaliteten i arbeidet, og fordi man hadde mulighet til å fordele oppgaver og derfor fikk tid til mer. Et godt samarbeid med skolens ledelse og forankring i skolen blant annet ved god tilgjengelighet av helsetjenesten og felles årsplanlegging var nødvendig for å kunne jobbe med tiltak på systemnivå. Vekt ble opplevd som et sensitivt tema, og flere av informantene i denne undersøkelsen hadde vanskelig med å finne en innfallsvinkel for de overvektige elevene. Nye nasjonale retningslinjer for vekt og høyde kan eliminere dette problemet i tillegg til å sikre viktige epidemiologiske data. / Since overweight currently affects 15-20% of all children in Nordic countries, overweight represents a growing public health problem among children and adolescents. Physical activity and healthy diet are important target areas for reversing this developing trend. Although school health services are uniquely positioned to address overweight within the school environment, time and availability present important barriers between schools and school health services. The purpose of this study was to explore how school health nurses in the Oslo area experience their roles, possibilities and limitations in preventing overweight by encouraging physical activity and healthy diet in children and adolescents. The present study is based on theories about health promotion, empowerment, salutogenesis and cooperation.We conducted qualitative interviews with nine school health nurses in different districts in the Oslo area and analyzed their response using the Graneheim method of content analysis. The results show that personal experience correlated with the level of the problem at the corresponding school. Both factors also related to socio-demographical factors. All participants viewed weight as a sensitive issue, and several encountered difficulty in identifying an approach toward overweight pupils. Different districts placed different priorities on preventing overweight. A year-plan that includes mutual goals and target areas figures importantly in adding these issues to the agenda of individual school health nurses. Lack of time was the foremost reason for sacrificing this work for other tasks specified in the “Recommended Program for School Health Services 5-20 yrs”. Since sharing tasks from different competencies strengthens work quality and since the opportunity to distribute tasks gives the individual more time, an interdisciplinary cooperation is particularly important with physiotherapists. We determined that adequate cooperation with the among school management and school based activities, among others with sufficient availability of health services and a coordinated year-planning, was necessary for shaping action-programs at a system level. Focus on weight and height was perceived as a sensitive topic and more informants in this study had difficulties finding an appropriate approach to overweight pupils. New national guidelines for weight / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-97-9</p>

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